HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-278, KC-16-284 & KC-16-290 - 5-day break - Subgrade Slabs @ East Lanes - 05-18-1615.) Monroe Avenue NE, Bldg. 1), Renton, WA 98056-4199 L9 Phone: (206) 296-7709 ConCtutu Compiu„;on Te,t Report Ring Gvunty 1-.,A: (2015) 296-u1 /9 Concrete compression Test Report Prcijc,,t: City of Renton - Logan Ave N. Concrete Placed By: Highmark Concrete Concrete Supplier: Miles Plant Cuuatiun: Sumner - 202 Project Number: 1126896 Placement Inspector: Shawn Shirey Tests and Cylinders 6y: Casey wagner Mix Dcsiyn Number: 0442A Plaucmcnt Lu,,ation: Roadway Base Lift Slab @ South Bound Logan Ave in East Lane -1 of 3 Concrete Use: Roadway Base Slab Strength Specification: 4000psi at 28 days Slump: 4 l/z`- Air Content: 4.5-/o Design w/(c+p) u.43 Date Cylinders Gast: 5/18/16 Unit Weiyht: 144.5pcf Temperature: /1°F Actual W/(t;+N) 0.43 Time Cylinders Gast: 7:41 Ayyreyatc 5vurL;e(s): Coarse: B-329, Fine: B-329 Fracture Type Age at Testing (Day,) Lab Number Date Received Date of Test Cylinder Dimensions Total Load (Lbs) Unit Load (psi) Unit Load (MPa) Len to Diameter Dameter Area Type 5 2 KC -16-277 5/19/16 5/20/16 8.01 in 4.01 in 4.01 in 12.63inz 39,720 3150 21.7 1 ype2 5 KC -16-z/8 wibO6 5/L3/16 8.01 in 4.00In 4.ulin 12.60in, bu,b4i-i Oulu 2/.6 / RC;--t6-2/V 5/1J/16 5/25/16 28 KC -16-280 5/19/16 6/15/16 28 KC -16-281 5/19/16 6/15/16 RC-16-z8z Ristury ur Inaiviaual cwmpressive Strength Tests Fur Tflis Prvjcut arta Mix iu Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Sid. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-02.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31M, C138, C143, C172, C231, and C1064. Material Approved for Distriftion oy: meets fails tv meet NUerials Engineer above spedflcatiuns. Tested and Submitted By: CW szszv15 Data Initial Data Form Feld Concrete Test Report Revised: 8/21/08 Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Running Average Individual Strength Test individual strength 1 est 1 e0t of the Three Most heaent Inaividnal Strength Tests Date of Test 6/15/2016 Cylinder Siren th Average Strength Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Sid. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-02.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31M, C138, C143, C172, C231, and C1064. Material Approved for Distriftion oy: meets fails tv meet NUerials Engineer above spedflcatiuns. Tested and Submitted By: CW szszv15 Data Initial Data Form Feld Concrete Test Report Revised: 8/21/08 VV) Moluae Avritae NL, 61dg. U, rlcuttlu, WA 98UJ5-4199 L -M Pnri,r: (LUb) _q6- / /UJ concrete compression Test Report Kii Fax: (206) 296-01 /9 concrete compression Test Report Pruject: City of Renton - Cogan Ave N. uu� iurutu PlacCa By: Hishmark concrete Concrete Supplier: Miles Project I9umDur: 1126896 Placement Inspcctur: Snawn 5nirey Tests and Cylinders by: Casey Wagner Plant Location: Pacific - 203 Mix Desiyn Num5er: 0442A Placement Luuatiun: Roadway Base lift SlaB (9 Soutfii tsound Cogan Ave in East Cane & tsus Pad - 2 of 3 Lunurute Use: Roadway Basu SlaS & Bus Pad 5trt;nytM SNctoiTit;cttluii: 4uuupsi at Zai gays Slump: 41/211 Air Content: 5.2% Design w/(cep) 0.43 Datu Cylinaers Cast: 5/18/16 Unit Weight: 143.apCT Temperature: tz"F Actual w/(c+p) u.4z Time Cylinders Cast: a:uu Aggregate boarce(s): Coarse: n-3zu, Fine: E-3zu ASTM C39: Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens Fracture rPe Age aT Tte5tiny �Days� CaD Morn5ur Date Received Date or I eSt Cylinder Dimenoiano I offal Coad t[Ds) Unit Coad (psi) unit load (IGIPa) Length Diameter Diameter x Area I ypez Z KC -16-z83 5hy/16 5/20/16 5.00in 4.01 in 4.0-t in 1z.63inz 36,8zu 2920 zu.1 Type 2 1 5 KC -16-284 5/19/16 5/23/16 1 8.01 in 4.00in 4.01 in 12.60in2 1 46,980 3730 25.7 7 KC -16-285 5/19/16 5/25/16 28 KC-16-zoti 5/ly/16 6/15/16 Z8 KC -16-z8/ 5/1y/16 6/15/16 KC -16-288 History of Individual Compressive Strength Tests For This Project and Mix ID arrra 5: He—Terence: vv SOO - p CI its wm„ _- _ 43. — la 0-54. Material Approves Tor Distribution B,: meets fails to meet r ngmee above specifications. esTes ans Subm tted B. - Form. ieid Concret port Revised: o/2 oift second Most Recent f=irst Most Recent Current Indivi'aual Strength Running Average Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of the I Mree Most Recent Individual Strength Tests Date OT I eat 6/15/2016 linder 5tren tFi Avera a Strength arrra 5: He—Terence: vv SOO - p CI its wm„ _- _ 43. — la 0-54. Material Approves Tor Distribution B,: meets fails to meet r ngmee above specifications. esTes ans Subm tted B. - Form. ieid Concret port Revised: o/2 oift 155 Monroe Avenue NE, Bldg. D. RMILOU, WA )8156-41)) ka 1,11mic: (ZU6) 'J6-77U`l Uoncrete Uorntwession Test Rel.)ort Kir County Rtn: (3U6) L96-11 /9 cu�icrutu cumuruaalui� Test RGuurt Pruject: City of Renton - Logan Ave N. Pruject Num5er: 1126896 uunurutc Plauva By: Highmark concrete Plauumunt InsNcutur: Sfiiewn Shirey Conw,rcty SuNplicr: Miles Tvsts ana Cylin acs 6y: Casey waunwr Plant Location: Pacific - 203 Mix Design Dumber: 0442A Placement Lucatiun: Roadway Base Lift Slab (31 South Bound Logan Ave in East Lane - 3 of 3 uun(;rete use: Roadway ease SIO Strenyth Spe(;iti(;atiun: 4uuupsi at 28 clays Sl-ump: 41/211 Air uuntunt: 4.7% uusiyn w7(c+N) 0.43 Date cylinaurs Vast: 5/18/16 Unit Weight: 144.7pct Temperature: 73-F Actual w/(cep) 0.4-1 Time Cylinders Cast: 10:17 Aggregate Source(s): t;warcie: 9-3zu, Fine: 9-3zu IV./ ASTM C39: Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cvlindrical Concreie Specimens Fracture I ype Age a1 Tesliny (Days) Cab Dumber Date Reeeiveq Date of I est Cylinder Dimensions Total Load (r -D,) Unit Load (psi) Unit Load (IDIPa) Length Diameter Diameter(x) Area I ype Z Z Ri✓-16-28y 5/1 y/16 5/ZU/16 /.Yuin 4.00in 4.u1 in 1 Z.Suinz 36.UZ1 2560 IV./ Type 2 1 5 KC -16-290 5/19/16 5/23/16 1 8.03in 4.0 t in 4.01 in 1 z.63in= 1 41.1 /u 3/30 Z5.1 7 KC -16-291 5/19/16 5/25/16 z8 KC-16-z9z 5/19/16 6/15/16 28 1 KL;-16-Zy3 5/1 y/16 6//15/1(1 KC -1 o-294 History of Individual Compressive Sirengih Tests For This Projeci and Mix ID RemarrCs: Reterence: WSDO I Std. Specitications 6-Oz.3(4) & 6-02.3(5). 1=1 - C 1064. meets Material fails to meet apove specifications. A7prove0 'or i esw0 ana Dis buton n, Submitted B, M t.:na ngmeer D.,:e 7orm :.e,UConcrete iwt eport nevisen: tvz I ue Sewna 171s1 rce;.ent First Moot Recent Current maiviaaal StrenyiM Running Average Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of Me I Firse Moot Recent Individual Strength Tests Date of I est 6/15/2016 ,Cylinder Strength Avera a Stren to RemarrCs: Reterence: WSDO I Std. Specitications 6-Oz.3(4) & 6-02.3(5). 1=1 - C 1064. meets Material fails to meet apove specifications. A7prove0 'or i esw0 ana Dis buton n, Submitted B, M t.:na ngmeer D.,:e 7orm :.e,UConcrete iwt eport nevisen: tvz I ue