HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-342 -7 day break Sidewalk - 06-02-16PO Winne Avenae NE, twig. U, KeiJoi1_ WA 98UJ6-4199 LIM Plmix: (ZUb)dJb-//UJ Conurei Compre„wir Tezit Repv, f King County RIA: (LUb) GYb-U 1 /J Concreze Compression Test Report PrujC,;t: city of Renton - Lugan Ave 19. Project Naml5er: Concrete Placed By: Highmark Concrete Placement Inspcutur: Concrete Supplier: Miles Tests and Cylinders by: Plant Luuatiun: Pacitic - 203 Plix Design Lumber: Placement Lu,,atiui : Sidewalk Concrete Use: Sidewalk StrEinyth Spcc;irivatiun: 4uuupSi Slump: 5 Air Content: 5.1 Design w/(cTp) 0.43 Date Cylindurs Vast: unit Weiyht: 144.ipcf I emperatare: tu'F Actual w/(C+p) u.4u Time Cylinders Cast: Ayyrcyatc Suame(s): Coarse: B-329, Fine: B-329 1126896 Shawn Shirey Maser Bruwn 0442A at 28 Clays 6/2/16 AS -I M c39: Test Metftod for Com6ressive 5trenatH of Cvlindrical Concrete Snecimens 10:00 Fracture yP Type Age at Testing (Dayb) Lab Number Date Received Date or Test Cylinder Dlmensluns i otal Coad (COS) Unit Load (psi) Unit Load (I0Ira) I -an th Diameter Diameter (,%) Area Type 2 7 KC -16-342 6/3/16 6/9/16 8.02in 4.00in 4.011 - 1z.6uinz 4z,r4u 33au z3.4 z8 KC -16-343 6/3/16 6/30/16 es KC -16-344 6/3/16 6/3u/16 KC -16-345 Histury ut Individual Gumpressive strength Tests For This Project and Mix ID Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Running Average Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of the I rtree Dost Date of Test 6/3u/zulti Recent Individual _ __ . _ I I I Strength Tests Remark ta. SpecIlicallons 5-02.3(21) & 15-027 (5). ). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31M, C13n, C143- C1 iz. Cz31= ana i✓1u64. Material meets fails to meet above specifications. Approved for Tesiea anri D'suibalion By: suamineo ay Materials Engineer Date n Form Field Concrete Test Report Revisev; l2 „ua