HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED_ES16_Geotech Addendum Report_ROW Improvements_220526 Kirkland | Tacoma | Mount Vernon 425-827-7701 | www.aesgeo.com May 18, 2022 Project No. 20180398E002 Renton School District No. 403 7812 South 124th Street Seattle, Washington 98178 Attention: Traci Brewer-Rogstad Subject: Geotechnical Recommendations Addendum Report Right-of-Way Improvements Renton School District Elementary School #16 1075 Duvall Avenue NE Renton, Washington References: Updated Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Report Renton School District Elementary School #16 1075 Duvall Avenue NE Renton, Washington Dated December 22, 2020 New Elementary No. 16 Renton School District No. 403 Volumes I, II, III - Permit Resubmittal 90% CD Prepared by Hutteball+Oremus Architecture Dated December 3, 2021 Dear Ms. Brewer-Rogstad: As requested, this report presents an addendum to our previous geotechnical report to provide recommendations for the proposed off-site, right-of-way, and frontage improvements at the Elementary No. 16 project in Renton, Washington (Figure 1). This work represents a continuation of our participation on the project, which has included completion of subsurface explorations, preparation of geotechnical engineering reports, consultation throughout the design process, and geotechnical construction observations of work completed to date. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The site includes 15 former residential parcels that were combined, and two City of Renton Rights-of-Way parcels totaling 12.77 acres in total area. The parcels were previously developed Renton School District Elementary School #16 Geotechnical Recommendations Addendum Report Renton, Washington Right-of-Way Improvements May 18, 2022 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JG/ld - 20180398E002-006 Page 2 with homes and mature landscaping. Initial site demolition has been completed with only subsurface utilities remaining onsite. The project includes constructing a new two-story elementary school with a parking lot, bus loop, grass playfield, hard-surfaced play area, and associated landscaping, hardscapes, and underground utilities. Extensive off-site, right-of-way, and frontage improvements are proposed. Based on the above-referenced 90% CD project plans provided by Hutteball+Oremus Architecture, we understand that the frontage and off-site improvements associated with the project will include: • Connecting the asphalt-paved bus loop to Duvall Avenue NE from STA 18+00 to STA 21+40 and from STA 26+28 to STA 26+88. • Concrete curb and sidewalk along the west shoulder of Duvall Avenue NE from NE 12th Street to NE 10th Street (approximately 1,250 lineal feet). • 14 luminaires along the Duvall Avenue NE project frontage. • Mast arm traffic signal poles, sign poles, and pedestrian pedestals on each corner of the intersection of Duvall Avenue NE and NE 10th Street (10 total new foundations). • Three new flashing beacon sign poles: NE corner of NE 10th Street and Chelan PL NE, SW corner of NE 10th Street and Bremerton CT NE, and the west shoulder of Duvall Avenue NE at STA 26+10. • Driveway repairs and improvements to the neighboring Jehovah’s Witnesses property. The purpose of our study is to provide additional subsurface exploration data and geotechnical engineering recommendations for use in design of the improvements in the bulleted list above. Our study included a review of selected available geologic literature, advancing 10 additional hollow-stem auger and vacuum explorations, and performing geologic studies to assess the type, thickness, distribution, and physical properties of the subsurface sediments and shallow groundwater. Geotechnical engineering studies were completed to formulate recommendations for support of the off-site improvements in the bulleted list above. This report should act as an addendum to our above-cited geotechnical report and summarizes our fieldwork and offers recommendations based on our present understanding of the project. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Our field study included drilling six hollow-stem auger exploration borings (EB’s) and excavating four vacuum-truck assisted borings (VB’s) to obtain subsurface information about the site. Exploration work was completed under a City of Renton right-of-way work permit. The various types of sediments, as well as the depths where characteristics of the sediments changed, are indicated on the exploration logs presented in Appendix A. Hollow-stem auger borings completed Renton School District Elementary School #16 Geotechnical Recommendations Addendum Report Renton, Washington Right-of-Way Improvements May 18, 2022 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JG/ld - 20180398E002-006 Page 3 for this supplementary study were numbered consecutively with borings previously completed onsite for the above-referenced geotechnical engineering study. The depths indicated on the logs where conditions changed may represent gradational variations between sediment types in the field. The explorations were approximately located in the field relative to known site features. The approximate locations of all of our on-site and off-site explorations are shown on Figure 2. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based, in part, on the subsurface conditions encountered in our explorations. The locations, depths, and number of explorations were selected within site and budgetary constraints. It should be noted that subsurface conditions differing from those depicted on the logs in Appendix A may be present at the site due to the random nature of deposition and the alteration of topography by past grading and/or filling. The nature and extent of any variations beyond the field exploration may not become fully evident until construction. If variations are observed at that time, it may be necessary to re-evaluate specific recommendations in this report and make appropriate changes. Exploration Borings Six supplementary exploration borings were completed using a limited-access, rubber-track-mounted, hollow-stem auger drilling rig under subcontract to AESI. During the drilling process samples were generally obtained at 2.5 to 5-foot-depth intervals. The borings were continuously observed and logged by a geologist from our firm. The exploration logs presented in Appendix A are based on the field logs, drilling action, and inspection of the samples secured. During drilling, disturbed but representative samples were obtained using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) procedure in accordance with ASTM International (ASTM) D-1586. This test and sampling method consists of driving a standard, 2-inch, outside-diameter, split-barrel sampler a distance of 18 inches into the soil with a 140-pound hammer free-falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows for each 6-inch interval is recorded and the number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is known as the Standard Penetration Resistance (“N”) or blow count. If a total of 50 is recorded within one 6-inch interval, the blow count is recorded as the number of blows for the corresponding inches of penetration. The resistance, or N-value, provides a measure of the relative density of granular soils or the relative consistency of cohesive soils; these values are plotted on the attached exploration boring logs. The samples obtained from the split-barrel sampler were classified in the field by a geologist from our firm and representative portions placed in watertight containers. The samples were then transported to our laboratory for further visual classification, as described below. Vacuum Assisted Borings Four vacuum assisted borings were completed by a vacuum truck using dry suction and a high- pressure air knife. During excavation, AESI acquired representative samples using a Renton School District Elementary School #16 Geotechnical Recommendations Addendum Report Renton, Washington Right-of-Way Improvements May 18, 2022 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JG/ld - 20180398E002-006 Page 4 hand-operated, 4-inch-diameter soil auger and other hand tools. As excavation progressed, AESI conducted Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests to estimate the relative density of soils encountered. Each vacuum-assisted boring was excavated between 7 and 7.5 feet below existing grade. Samples collected with the hand auger were classified in the field by a geologist from our firm, and representative portions were placed in watertight containers. The samples were then transported to our laboratory for further visual classification, as described below. Previous Explorations by AESI AESI previously conducted subsurface explorations on the project site for the above-referenced geotechnical report. Previously completed explorations included borings distributed throughout the project site that encountered subsurface conditions similar to those described below. The locations of subsurface exploration borings for our previous phases of work are displayed on Figure 2 and interpretive exploration logs are included as Appendix A. AESI also completed five direct-push Geoprobe explorations associated with soils with potential hydrocarbon odor that were unexpectedly encountered during geotechnical drilling. Geoprobe exploration data were not relied on to formulate conclusions and recommendations contained in this report. Copies of the Geoprobe exploration logs are available on request but are not included in Appendix A. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Stratigraphy The subsurface explorations summary that follows is limited to supplementary explorations completed offsite in support of frontage and off-site improvements. Subsurface conditions in the off-site improvement areas were inferred from the field explorations accomplished for this study and previous studies, visual reconnaissance of the site, and review of selected applicable geologic literature. As shown on the exploration logs, the overall stratigraphic sequence observed in our explorations included topsoil and fill underlain by glacially derived sediments. The following section presents more detailed subsurface information on the sediment types encountered at the site. Grass/Topsoil A surficial layer of grass and/or organic-rich topsoil was encountered at all supplementary explorations completed offsite for this addendum. Topsoil was observed to be approximately Renton School District Elementary School #16 Geotechnical Recommendations Addendum Report Renton, Washington Right-of-Way Improvements May 18, 2022 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JG/ld - 20180398E002-006 Page 5 8 inches thick in all the supplementary explorations except VB-2 where it was observed to be approximately 1 foot thick. Topsoil is not considered suitable for foundation support. Fill Explorations EB-23, EB-24, EB-26, and vacuum boring VB-3 encountered fill of variable thickness and composition. Where encountered, observed fill depths ranged from 5 to 7.5 feet. Vashon Recessional Outwash Underlying the topsoil at exploration boring EB-25, our exploration encountered medium dense, stratified, orangish brown, fine to medium sand, with some gravel and some silt. We interpret these sediments to be representative of Vashon recessional outwash. Vashon recessional outwash was deposited from meltwater streams extending from a retreating glacial ice sheet near the end of the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation, approximately 12,500 to 15,000 years ago. Recessional outwash is suitable for structural loads when prepared as recommended in this report. Vashon Lodgement Till Underlying the topsoil, fill, or recessional outwash, all explorations encountered dense to very dense, unsorted, brownish gray to gray, silty fine sand, with some gravel. We interpret these sediments as representative of Vashon lodgement till. The Vashon lodgement till was deposited directly from basal, debris-laden glacial ice during the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation, approximately 12,500 to 15,000 years ago. The high relative density characteristic of the Vashon lodgement till is due to its consolidation by the massive weight of the glacial ice from which it was deposited. Lodgement till is suitable for support of structural loads when prepared as recommended in this report. Regional Geologic Mapping Review We reviewed a regional geologic map (J.C. Yount, J.P. Minard, and G.R. Dembroff, 1993, Geologic Map of Surficial Deposits in the Seattle 30’ by 60’ Quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 93-233, scale 1:100,000). The referenced map indicates that the site is expected to be underlain at shallow depths by Vashon lodgement till. Our on-site explorations and interpretations are generally consistent with the conditions depicted on the referenced published map. Hydrology Groundwater was encountered at shallow depths at the time of exploration in each of the supplementary explorations except VB-1. We interpret this shallow perched groundwater as “interflow” present within existing fill, recessional outwash, and the upper, weathered Renton School District Elementary School #16 Geotechnical Recommendations Addendum Report Renton, Washington Right-of-Way Improvements May 18, 2022 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JG/ld - 20180398E002-006 Page 6 lodgement till sediments. Interflow occurs when surface water infiltrates down through relatively permeable soils such as the fill and recessional outwash sediments and becomes trapped or “perched” atop a comparatively very low-permeability barrier such as silty unweathered lodgement till. This perched water may travel laterally above less-permeable strata. The explorations for this study occurred in early April when the interflow network is commonly saturated. The duration and quantity of perched seepage will largely depend on the soil grain-size distribution, topography, seasonal precipitation, on- and off-site land usage, and other factors. Seepage quantities will likely be higher in low-lying areas with thicker fill or recessional outwash overlying lodgement till, such as near EB-24 and EB-25. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Our explorations indicate that, from a geotechnical engineering standpoint, the proposed off-site, right-of-way, and frontage improvements are feasible if the recommendations in our previous geotechnical report and in this addendum are implemented. The above-referenced geotechnical report provides recommendations for site preparation, grading, types of suitable foundations and floors, allowable foundation soil bearing pressure, anticipated foundation and floor settlement, drainage considerations, and infiltration feasibility. We recommend that these recommendations be used in design and construction of the proposed bus loop pavement connection to Duvall Avenue NE and sidewalks and curbs along the Duvall Avenue NE frontage. We recommend the proposed mast arm signal poles, luminaires, and smaller structures such as pedestrian push buttons and strobes along Duvall Avenue NE be supported by drilled shaft foundations with sufficient embedment depth to provide the necessary lateral resistance at each pole site. Frontage improvement elements, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Plan references, and geotechnical design parameters are summarized below. Mast Arm Signal Pole Foundation Recommendations The soils observed at the proposed mast arm signal pole locations varied and included loose to medium dense fill, and dense to very dense lodgement till. The estimated standard penetration resistance at these locations varied as well. We recommend using the following allowable lateral bearing pressures, based on Table 17.2 of the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual and estimated SPT N-Values. The Recommended Allowable Lateral Bearing Pressure values presented below should be used together with Standard Plan J-26.10-03 to determine foundation diameters and depths for mast arm signal poles: Renton School District Elementary School #16 Geotechnical Recommendations Addendum Report Renton, Washington Right-of-Way Improvements May 18, 2022 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JG/ld - 20180398E002-006 Page 7 Recommended Lateral Bearing Capacity Mast Arm Signal Poles Duvall Avenue NE and NE 10th Street Intersection Intersection Corner AESI Exploration Recommended Allowable Lateral Bearing Pressure (psf)* NW VB-1 2,500 NE VB-4 2,500 SE VB-3 1,000 SW VB-2 2,500 * Washington State Department of Transportation Geotechnical Design Manual, Table 17.2 psf = pounds per square foot Luminaire and Accessory Structure Foundation Recommendations The soils observed along the Duvall Avenue NE frontage varied and included loose fill, medium dense recessional outwash, and dense to very dense lodgement till. The estimated standard penetration resistance at these locations varied. We recommend using the following allowable lateral bearing pressures for the noted locations, based on Table 17.2 of the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual and estimated SPT N-Values. Foundations for luminaires should be designed and constructed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plan J-28.30-03. Foundations for smaller accessory poles should be designed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plan J-21.10-04: Recommended Lateral Bearing Capacity Arterial Luminaire Foundations Duvall Avenue NE Frontage Approximate Station AESI Exploration Recommended Allowable Lateral Bearing Pressure (psf)* 26+50 EB-21 2,500 24+75 EB-22 2,500 23+00 EB-23 1,000 21+25 EB-24 1,000 19+75 EB-25 1,000 18+25 EB-26 1,000 * Washington State Department of Transportation Geotechnical Design Manual, Table 17.2 psf = pounds per square foot CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS The contractor should be prepared to address groundwater seepage encountered during construction of foundation for mast arm poles, luminaires, and accessory frontage improvement structures. Temporary casing, pumped sumps, and the use of tremie methods to place concrete may be required. The need for control of groundwater seepage will vary depending on season and weather conditions at the time of construction. Renton School District Elementary School #16 Geotechnical Recommendations Addendum Report Renton, Washington Right-of-Way Improvements May 18, 2022 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JG/ld - 20180398E002-006 Page 8 We also recommend that AESI be allowed to observe installation of foundations for frontage improvement items included in this report to confirm that subsurface conditions encountered at the time of construction are consistent with our observations during the design phase. CLOSURE We have enjoyed working with you on this study and are confident that these recommendations will aid in the successful completion of your project. If you should have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. Kirkland, Washington ______________________________ Joshua S. P. Greer, L.G. Senior Staff Geologist ______________________________ Bruce W. Guenzler, L.E.G. Kurt D. Merriman, P.E. Senior Associate Geologist Senior Principal Engineer Attachments: Figure 1: Vicinity Map Figure 2: Site and Exploration Plan Appendix A: Exploration Logs DATA SOURCES / REFERENCES: USGS: 7.5' SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, ESRI/I-CUBED/NGS 2013 KING CO: STREETS, CITY LIMITS, PARCELS, PARKS 3/20 LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE VICINITY MAP RENTON SD ELEMENTARY NO. 16 RENTON, WASHINGTON 20180398E002 11/20 1 KING COUNTY KING COUNTY KING COUNTY NEWCASTLE RENTON McKnight Middle School Sierra Heights Elementary School Highlands Elementary School Renton Technical College Honey Dew Elementary School Maplewood Heights Elementary School Hazen High School Apollo Elementary School May Valley Park Maplewood Park Maplewood Park May CreekParkMay Creek Park May Creek Park Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park 0 2000 Feet PROJ NO. NOTE: BLACK AND WHITE REPRODUCTION OF THIS COLORORIGINAL MAY REDUCE ITSEFFECTIVENESS AND LEAD TOINCORRECT INTERPRETATION DATE:FIGURE:\\kirkfile2\gis\GIS_Projects\aaY2018\180398 Renton SD Chelan Av\mxd\20180398E002 F1 VM_RSD_Chelan.aprx | 20180398E002 F1 VM_RSD_Chelan | 11/9/2020 11:19¥ ¥ ¥ ¬« ¬«900 !(Duvall Ave NENE 12th St DuvallPlNEChelan Ave NEKing County SITE King County!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!!!!!!((((((NE 10th StDuvall Ave NE NE 12th StAnacort e s A v e N E Duvall Pl NE EB-1 EB-2 EB-3 EB-4 EB-5 EB-6 EB-7 EB-8 EB-9 EB-10 EB-11 EB-12 EB-13 EB-14 EB-15 EB-16 EB-17 EB-18 EB-19 EB-20 GP3 GP2 GP4 GP5 VB-1VB-2 VB-3 VB-4 EB-21EB-22EB-23EB-24EB-25EB-26 EagleView Technologies, Inc.±BLACK AND WHITE REPRODUCTION OF THIS COLOR ORIGINAL MAY REDUCE ITSEFFECTIVENESS AND LEAD TO INCORRECT INTERPRETATION \\kirkfile2\GIS\GIS_Projects\aaY2018\180398 Renton SD Chelan Av\mxd\E002\0522\20180398E002 F2 ES_RSDES16.aprx | 20180398E002 F2 ES_RSDES16 | 5/18/2022 10:39 AMPROJ NO.DATE:FIGURE: 0 150 FEET DATA SOURCES / REFERENCES: KING CO: STREETS, PARCELS, 9/21 AERIAL PICTOMETRY INT. 2021 LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE 20180398E002 5/22 2 EXISTING SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN RENTON SD ELEMENTARY NO. 16 RENTON, WASHINGTON LEGEND SITE VACUUM ASSISTED BORING, 2022 !(EXPLORATION BORING, 2022 GEOPROBE, 2021 !(EXPLORATION BORING, 2020 !(EXPLORATION BORING, 2019 !(EXPLORATION BORING, 2018 GP1 APPENDIX A Exploration Logs Grass / Topsoil Vashon Lodgement Till Moist, gray with some oxidation, very silty, gravelly, fine to medium SAND;unsorted (SM). Becomes gray. No recovery due to rock. S-1 S-2 S-3 142850 3550/3" 50/1" Bottom of exploration boring at 12.6 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 5 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~426 5 10 15 20 EB-1 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"CJK DV2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 8/22/18,8/22/18 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill / Mini Track Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202278 5050/3" 5050/1" Grass / Topsoil Vashon Lodgement Till Moist, oxidized gray, very silty, gravelly, fine to medium SAND; unsorted(SM). Becomes gray. Becomes very moist. S-1 S-2 S-3 194240 2250/6" 382938 Bottom of exploration boring at 14 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 5 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~422 5 10 15 20 EB-2 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"CJK DV2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 8/22/18,8/22/18 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill / Mini Track Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202282 5050/6" 67 Grass / Topsoil Fill Slightly moist to dry, brown to dark brown, very silty, fine SAND, tracegravel, trace charcoal and other organics (SM). Moist, grayish brown, silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel (SM). Vashon Lodgement Till Driller notes hard drilling at 7 feet. Moist, gray, very silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel; unsorted (SM). Moist, oxidized gray, very silty, fine SAND, trace gravel; unsorted (SM). S-1 S-2 S-3 435 50/6" 202640 Bottom of exploration boring at 14 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 5 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~414 5 10 15 20 EB-3 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"CJK DV2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 8/22/18,8/22/18 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill / Mini Track Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202288 5050/6" 66 Grass / Topsoil Fill Moist, oxidized gray, very silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel, tracecharcoal (SM). Vashon Lodgement Till Driller notes hard drilling at 7 feet. Moist, gray, very silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel; unsorted (SM). As above. S-1 S-2 S-3 8914 131517 222226 Bottom of exploration boring at 14 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 5 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~429 5 10 15 20 EB-4 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"CJK DV2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 8/22/18,8/22/18 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill / Mini Track Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20222323 3232 4848 Grass / Topsoil Vashon Lodgement Till Slightly moist, oxidized gray, very silty, fine SAND, some gravel; unsorted(SM). Becomes moist to very moist, gray. Becomes moist. S-1 S-2 S-3 161920 131717 182533 Bottom of exploration boring at 14 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 5 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~434 5 10 15 20 EB-5 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"CJK DV2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 8/22/18,8/22/18 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill / Mini Track Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20223939 3434 58 Grass / Topsoil Vashon Lodgement Till Moist to very moist, gray with some oxidation, very silty, fine to mediumSAND, some gravel; unsorted (SM). Contains trace to some coarse sand (SM). S-1 S-2 71012 2350/4" Bottom of exploration boring at 10.8 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 5 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~435 5 10 15 20 EB-6 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"CJK DV2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 8/22/18,8/22/18 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill / Mini Track Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20222222 5050/4" Grass / Topsoil Vashon Lodgement Till Moist, gray, silty, gravelly, fine to medium SAND; unsorted (SM). As above. S-1 S-2 193432 101931 Bottom of exploration boring at 11.5 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 5 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~433 5 10 15 20 EB-7 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"CJK DV2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 8/22/18,8/22/18 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill / Mini Track Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202266 3364 Grass / Topsoil Vashon Lodgement Till Moist, gray, very silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel; unsorted (SM). Poor recovery due to gravel. S-1 S-2 50/4" 50/1" Bottom of exploration boring at 10.1 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 5 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~414 5 10 15 20 EB-8 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"CJK DV2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 8/22/18,8/22/18 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill / Mini Track Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20225050/4" 5050/1" Sod / Topsoil - ~4 inches Vashon Lodgement TillMoist, orangish brown, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel; frequent organics(charcoal/rootlets) (SM). Moist, orangish gray to brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel;unsorted; diamict-like appearance; occasional organics (rootlets) (SM). Moist, brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel; rare organics; gravelsare subrounded, some broken; unsorted; diamict-like appearance (SM). Driller notes hard drilling. Moist, gray, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel; gravels are fine and subrounded;unsorted; diamict-like appearance (SM). S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 232 121822 141828 50/6" Bottom of exploration boring at 10.5 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~436 5 10 15 20 EB-9 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS ALG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 9/27/19,9/27/19 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Boretec / Rubber-Track Volvo EC55C HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202255 4040 4646 5050/6" Sod / Topsoil - 4 inches Fill / DuffMoist, orangish gray, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel; occasional organics(charcoal/rootlets); unsorted (SM). Vashon Recessional Outwash Slightly moist, brownish gray, fine SAND, some silt, trace gravel;occasional organics (charcoal/roots) (SP-SM). Vashon Lodgement Till Slightly moist, brownish gray, fine SAND, some silt, trace gravel; rareorganics (rootlets); unsorted (SP-SM). Hard drilling/rig chatter at 9 feet. Moist, brownish gray, fine to medium SAND, some silt to silty, trace gravel;weakly stratified zones of silty sand, unsorted, diamict-like and mediumsand, some silt (SM/SP-SM). Hard drilling/rig chatter at 12 feet. Moist to very moist, fine to medium SAND, some silt to silty, trace gravel;gravels are subrounded; faintly gradationally stratified (SP-SM/SM). S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 456 2310 4050/6" 192050/5" 50/5" Bottom of exploration boring at 15.4 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~431 5 10 15 20 EB-10 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS ALG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 9/27/19,9/27/19 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Boretec / Rubber-Track Volvo EC55C HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20221111 1313 90 5050/5" 5050/5" Sod / Topsoil - 4 inches Forest DuffMoist, orangish brown, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel; frequent organics(charcoal/rootlets) (SM). Vashon Recessional Outwash Moist, brownish gray with bands of iron oxide staining, fine to mediumSAND, some silt, trace gravel; rare organics (roots); gradationally stratified(SP-SM). As above; gradationally stratified (SP-SM). Vashon Lodgement Till Hard drilling/rig chatter at 7 feet. Moist, gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel, some medium to coarse sand;unsorted; diamict-like appearance (SM). Hard drilling/rig chatter at 13 feet. As above; gravels are fine to coarse, broken, and weathered; unsorted;diamict-like appearance (SM). S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 221 5810 9910 2850/6" 4050/5" Bottom of exploration boring at 15.9 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~409 5 10 15 20 EB-11 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS ALG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 9/27/19,9/27/19 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Boretec / Rubber-Track Volvo EC55C HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202233 1818 1919 78 5050/5" Fill Moist, light brown to dark brown, silty, fine SAND, some gravel; abundantorganics (rootlets/wood debris); poor recovery (SM). Vashon Lodgement Till Slightly moist to moist, brownish gray with mottled iron oxide staining, silty,fine SAND, some gravel; gravels are fine to coarse, weathered, andbroken; unsorted; diamict-like appearance (SM). As above; less iron oxide mottling; some coarse sand; broken gravelsthroughout (SM). Hard drilling/rig chatter at 7 feet. Slightly moist, brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel; section (~2inches thick) of broken gravel (SM). Hard drilling at 11.5 feet. Rig chatter at 12.5 feet. Moist, brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel; broken gravelthroughout; unsorted; diamict like (SM). S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 345 132940 222948 4050/4" 50/3" Bottom of exploration boring at 15.3 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~425 5 10 15 20 EB-12 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS ALG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 9/27/19,9/27/19 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Boretec / Rubber-Track Volvo EC55C HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202299 69 77 5050/4" 5050/3" Fill Moist, orangish brown to dark brown, silty, fine to medium SAND, somegravel; frequent organics (charcoal/rootlets) (SM). Upper 6 inches: very moist, brown to grayish brown, silty, fine to mediumSAND, some gravel (SM). Vashon Lodgement Till Lower 6 inches: moist, brownish gray with bands of iron oxide staining,silty, fine SAND, trace to some gravel; unsorted; diamict-like (SM), Upper 6 inches: as above (SM). Lower 6 inches: becomes moist, gray to greenish gray, silty, fine SAND,some gravel; gravels are fine to coarse, weathered, and broken (SM). Upper 4 inches: as above; moderate to strong organic/petrochemical odor(SM).Moist, brownish gray with mottled iron oxide staining, silty, medium SAND,some gravel, some purple gravel (rhyolite?); unsorted; diamict-like (SM). Hard drilling/rig chatter at 12.5 feet. Moist, brownish gray, silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel; unsorted;diamict-like appearance; gravels are subrounded, some broken, andweathered (SM). Upper 6 in: moist, brownish gray, interbedded silty, fine SAND (SM) andmedium SAND, trace silt (SP). At 20.5 ft: Vashon Lodgement Till / Vashon Advance Outwash ? - Lower6 in: moist to very moist, brownish gray, fine to medium SAND, some silt,trace gravel (SP-SM); moderately bedded with occasional interbeds (~1/2inch thick) of silty fine sand (SM). S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 321 2915 81116 101516 50/6" 4050/5" Bottom of exploration boring at 20.9 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~424 5 10 15 20 EB-13 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS ALG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 9/27/19,9/27/19 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Boretec / Rubber-Track Volvo EC55C HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202233 2424 2727 3131 5050/6" 5050/5" Sod / Topsoil - 4 inches FillMoist, orangish brown, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel; frequent organics(charcoal/rootlets) (SM). Vashon Lodgement Till Slightly moist, brownish gray with mottled iron oxide staining, silty, fineSAND, some gravel; massive; unsorted; gravels are fine to coarse, broken,and weathered (SM). Hard drilling at 4 feet. Moist, brownish gray with mottled iron oxide staining, silty, fine SAND,some gravel; unsorted; diamict-like; gravels are broken and weathered(SM). Slightly moist to moist, brownish gray, silty, fine to medium SAND, somegravel; gravels are broken and weathered; section (~2 inches thick) ofbroken gravel; less silt and moisture with depth (SM).Hard drilling/rig chatter at 11 feet. Moist, brownish gray, silty, fine to medium SAND, trace to some gravel;gravels are broken throughout; unsorted; diamict-like appearance (SM). Hard drilling/rig chatter at 16 feet. Upper 5 inches: moist, brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel;unsorted; diamict-like (SM). At 20.4 ft: Vashon Advance Outwash / Vashon Lodgement Till ? -Becomes moist to very moist, brownish gray, interbedded, silty, fine SAND(SM) and fine to medium SAND, some silt (SP-SM); moderatelybedded in layers (~1/2 inch thick); higher moisture in less silty interbeds. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 322 102022 91523 4050/4" 50/6" 171340 Bottom of exploration boring at 21.5 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~421 5 10 15 20 EB-14 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS ALG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 9/27/19,9/27/19 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Boretec / Rubber-Track Volvo EC55C HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202244 4242 3838 5050/4" 5050/6" 53 Topsoil - 6 inchesMoist, dark brown, sandy, SILT; frequent rootlets/organics (ML). FillLower 6 inches: moist, orangish brown with moderate oxidation, mostly fineto medium SAND, some silt; occasional mica, charcoal, and rootlets;discontinuous lens of dark brown, sandy, silt (SP-ML). Upper 6 inches: as above; becomes heavily oxidized; silty; moderate fineorganics/rootlets (SM).Lower 12 inches: moist, grayish brown with slight to moderate oxidationstaining, silty, fine SAND, some gravel; one broken gravel in sampler;unsorted (SM). Moist to very moist, brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel; scatteredclasts of brown, sandy, silt with moderate oxidation; unsorted (SM-ML). Vashon Lodgement TillIncreased drilling difficulty at 6.5 feet. Moist, brownish gray with slight oxidation, silty, fine to medium SAND,some gravel; becomes very moist within sandier zones; unsorted (SM). As above; moist. As above. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 344 41513 568 34150/3" 274750/5" 151732 Bottom of exploration boring at 16.5 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~433 5 10 15 20 EB-15 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS CRC2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 10/6/20,10/6/20 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Advance Drill Tech / D50 Mobile Track Rig Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202288 2828 1414 5050/3" 5050/5" 4949 Topsoil - 12 inchesMoist to very moist, dark brown,sandy, SILT; frequent fine organic debris,roots, and rootlets (ML). Vashon Lodgement TillLower 12 inches: moist, brown with moderate oxidation, silty, fine SAND,trace gravel; occasional rootlets (SM).Grinding and increased drilling difficulty at 2 feet.Moist, grayish brown with slight oxidation, silty, fine to medium SAND,some gravel to gravelly; contains sandier zones; unsorted (SM). As above; becomes brownish gray; lack of sandier zones; blowcounts areslightly overstated (SM).Bouncing on rock at 5 feet. Moist, brownish gray, silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel; unsorted(SM). As above. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 4514 51018 154135 4150/5" 50/6" Bottom of exploration boring at 10.5 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~428 5 10 15 20 EB-16 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS CRC2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 10/6/20,10/6/20 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Advance Drill Tech / D50 Mobile Track Rig Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20221919 2828 76 5050/5" 5050/6" Topsoil - 6 inches Vashon Lodgement TillLower 6 inches: moist, brown with moderate to heavy oxidation, silty, fineto medium SAND, trace gravel; moderate rootlets/charcoal (SM).Drilling difficulty and grinding increases at 1.5 feet. Moist, grayish brown with slight to moderate oxidation, silty, fine to mediumSAND, trace gravel; unsorted (SM). Drilling difficulty increases. Moist, brownish gray with slight oxidation, silty, fine to medium SAND,some gravel; unsorted; broken gravel within sampler; blowcounts areslightly overstated (SM). As above. As above; poor recovery; bouncing on rock; blowcounts overstated. As above; broken gravel within sampler; blowcounts slightly overstated. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 345 101817 113848 223234 50/3" 503636 Bottom of exploration boring at 16.5 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~428 5 10 15 20 EB-17 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS CRC2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 10/6/20,10/6/20 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Advance Drill Tech / D50 Mobile Track Rig Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202299 2525 86 66 5050/3" 72 Topsoil - 6 inches FillLower 6 inches: moist, brown with slight oxidation, silty, fine SAND;occasional rootlets/charcoal (SM). Upper 6 inches: as above (SM). Vashon Lodgement TillLower 12 inches: moist, grayish brown, silty, fine to medium SAND, tracegravel; occasional rootlets; unsorted (SM). Drilling difficulty increases at 4.5 feet. Moist, brownish gray with slight oxidation, silty, fine to medium SAND,some gravel; broken gravel within sampler; unsorted (SM). As above; lack of slight oxidation (SM). As above; pounding on rock; blowcounts overstated. As above; contains sandier zones; ranges to very moist within sandierzones. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 345 111336 192131 124450/5" 4350/5" 1550/5" Bottom of exploration boring at 16 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~431 5 10 15 20 EB-18 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS CRC2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 10/6/20,10/6/20 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Advance Drill Tech / D50 Mobile Track Rig Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202299 4949 52 5050/5" 5050/5" 5050/5" Topsoil - 2 inches FillLower 10 inches: moist, brown, silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel;moderate rootlets/fine organic debris/charcoal; chaotic structure (SM). As above; poor recovery/brick debris (SM). Upper 6 inches: as above. Vashon Lodgement TillLower 12 inches: moist, grayish light brown with slight oxidation, silty, fineto medium SAND, some gravel; broken gravel within sampler; unsorted(SM). Moist, brownish gray, silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel; brokengravel within sampler; unsorted (SM). As above. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 358 4410 31850/6" 172850/6" 3650/6" Bottom of exploration boring at 11 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~430 5 10 15 20 EB-19 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS CRC2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 10/6/20,10/6/20 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Advance Drill Tech / D50 Mobile Track Rig Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20221313 1414 5050/6" 5050/6" 5050/6" Topsoil - 2 inches FillLower 10 inches: moist, brown to dark brown with moderate oxidation, silty,fine to medium SAND; moderate roots, rootlets, and charcoal; chaoticstructure (SM). Vashon Lodgement Till Moist, grayish brown with moderate oxidation staining, silty, fine SAND;unsorted (SM). Increased drilling difficulty. Moist, grayish brown with slight oxidation, silty, fine to medium SAND,some gravel; unsorted (SM). Moist, brownish gray, silty, fine to medium SAND, some gravel; unsorted(SM). No recovery; bouncing on rock. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 222 5119 81118 484150/6" 50/3" Bottom of exploration boring at 10.5 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 8 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~434 5 10 15 20 EB-20 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS CRC2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 10/6/20,10/6/20 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Advance Drill Tech / D50 Mobile Track Rig Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202244 2020 2929 5050/6" 5050/3" Grass / Topsoil - 8 inches Vashon Lodgement Till Very moist at top to moist at tip, gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel;unsorted (SM). As above; moist. As above. S-1 S-2 S-3 243850/3" 3050/4" 50/3" Bottom of exploration boring at 8 feetGroundwater encountered 0 to 3 feet.0 to 2.5 feet excavated using Vac-Truck. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~425 5 10 15 20 EB-21 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/4/22,4/4/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill Partners / Mini Bobcat HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20225050/3" 5050/4" 5050/3" Grass / Topsoil - 8 inches Vashon Lodgement Till Very moist to moist at tip, brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel;unsorted (SM). As above. As above; poor recovery; driller notes sampling on gravel. S-1 S-2 S-3 21718 61116 50/4" Bottom of exploration boring at 15.3 feetGroundwater encountered 2 to 5 feet.0 to 5 feet excavated using Vac-Truck. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~429 5 10 15 20 EB-22 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/4/22,4/4/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill Partners / Mini Bobcat HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20223535 2727 5050/4" Topsoil - 8 inches Fill Saturated due to seepage from above. Wet, gray to brown, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel (SM). Vashon Lodgement TillIncrease in drilling action. Moist, gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel; unsorted (SM). S-1 S-2 122 202750/3" Bottom of exploration boring at 11.3 feetGroundwater encountered 1 to 6.5 feet.0 to 5 feet excavated using Vac-Truck. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~433 5 10 15 20 EB-23 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/4/22,4/4/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill Partners / Mini Bobcat HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 202244 5050/3" Topsoil - 8 inches Fill Loose to medium dense, very moist, brown, silty, gravelly, fine SAND,trace organics (SM). Wet, brown, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel, trace organics (SM). Slow drilling, high drill action. Vashon Lodgement Till Moist, gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel; unsorted (SM). S-1 S-2 S-3 456 3450/5" Bottom of exploration boring at 11 feetGroundwater encountered 5 to7.5 feet.0 to 5 feet excavated using Vac-Truck. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~435 5 10 15 20 EB-24 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/4/22,4/4/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill Partners / Mini Bobcat HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20221111 5050/5" Topsoil - 8 inches Vashon Recessional Outwash Medium dense, moist, orangish brown, SAND, some gravel, some silt;stratified (SP-SM). Slow drill progress. Upper 6 inches: as above; wet. Vashon Lodgement TillMoist, brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel; unsorted (SM). As above. Becomes gray. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 3250/6" 3150/4" 50/6" Bottom of exploration boring at 13 feetGroundwater encountered 2 to 7.5 feet.0 to 5 feet excavated using Vac-Truck. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~436 5 10 15 20 EB-25 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/4/22,4/4/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill Partners / Mini Bobcat HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20225050/6" 5050/4" 5050/6" Grass / Topsoil - 8 inches Fill Loose, moist, brown, silty, fine SAND, trace gravel, trace organics (SM). Conduit PVC pipe (4-inch diameter) in eastern sidewall. High drill action at 5 feet. Vashon Lodgement Till Moist, brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel; unsorted (SM). As above. As above. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 172424 172645 334948 Bottom of exploration boring at 15.5 feetGroundwater encountered 1 to 5 feet.0 to 5 feet excavated using Vac-Truck. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~438 5 10 15 20 EB-26 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/4/22,4/4/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"Geologic Drill Partners / Mini Bobcat HSA Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 20224848 71 97 Topsoil - 8 inches Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense, moist, brownish gray, fine SAND, some silt to silty, tracegravel; unsorted (SM). Becomes dense to very dense; excavates in clasts. S-1 S-2 S-3 Bottom of exploration boring at 7.5 feetNo groundwater encountered. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~437 5 VB-1 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/5/22,4/5/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"APS / Vacuum Truck Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 2022 Topsoil Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense to dense, moist, gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel;unsorted (SM). Difficult air knife excavation. S-1 S-2 Bottom of exploration boring at 7 feetDiscontinuous slight groundwater seepage 1 to 4 feet. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~438 5 VB-2 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/5/22,4/5/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"APS / Vacuum Truck Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 2022 Topsoil - 8 inches Fill Medium dense, moist to wet, brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel(SM). Trace rootlets and cobbles at 5.5 feet. Vashon Lodgement TillBecomes dense to very dense, moist, gray, silty, fine SAND, some gravel;unsorted (SM). Difficult air knife. S-1 S-2 S-3 Bottom of exploration boring at 7.5 feetGroundwater seepage encountered 2.5 to 5.5 feet. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~437 5 VB-3 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/5/22,4/5/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"APS / Vacuum Truck Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 2022 Grass / Topsoil - 8 inches Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense, very moist, mottled brownish gray, silty, fine SAND, tracegravel; occasional intact till clasts and rootlets (SM). Becomes dense to very dense and moist; difficult air knife. Trace cobbles. S-1 S-2 Bottom of exploration boring at 7 feetGroundwater seepage encountered 2 to 4 feet. Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Grab SampleSymbol 6 inches 40 Datum Hammer Weight/Drop Sampler Type (ST): ~437 5 VB-4 Ring Sample No RecoveryGraphic 10 Other TestsHole Diameter (in) DESCRIPTION Driller/Equipment Blows/6"JHS JG2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M)Water LevelProject Name Water Level ()Approved by: 30 Blows/Foot SamplesDepth (ft)S T Exploration Number20180398E002 4/5/22,4/5/22 Logged by: Shelby Tube Sample 140# / 30"APS / Vacuum Truck Exploration Boring Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Renton School District Elementary School No. 16 M - Moisture Project Number 20 Renton, WA Date Start/Finish CompletionLocation Sheet1 of 1 NAVD 88 WellAESIBOR 20180398E002.GPJ May 11, 2022