HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx18_Advisory_NotesDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 2 LUA22-000135 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal p rocess for the land use action. Planning: (Contact: Clark Close, 425-430-7289, cclose@rentonwa.gov) 1. Commercial and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 2. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 3. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, “NO TRESPASSING – Protected Trees” or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protec ted trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 4. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Development Engineering: (Contact: Michael Sippo, 425-430- 7298, msippo@rentonwa.gov) 1. See Attached Development Engineering Memo dated June 16, 2022. Fire Authority: (Contact: Corey Thomas, 425-276-9582, cthomas@rentonrfa.org) 1. Environmental Impact Comments: a. Fire impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of $0.26 per square foot of the new office area modular additions. No change of use fees apply. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. 2. Fire Code Comments: a. The fire flow is unchanged from the existing building. b. Fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems shall be updated and/or maintained. Separate plans and permits are required to be submitted to the fire department for review and permitting for all systems. c. The existing fire sprinkler system is of moderate protection only as the metal fabrication facility was of low fire hazard. For your information, it will meet requirements for vehicle maintenance and repair requirements and office spaces. It will not be able to protect piled storage/storage racking over 12-feet high or high hazards such as vehicle tire storage or other large quantities of hazardous materials. Upgrades would need to take place to store these types of higher hazard commodities. EXHIBIT 18 DocuSign Envelope ID: E5547EDD-1825-4B24-9DC9-B3EFAE58C2CD ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Page 2 of 2 LUA22-000185 d. The change of use will trigger fire alarm upgrades throughout the entire facility to meet current city ordinances. Again, the existing facility fire alarm system is of minor coverage and shall require substantial upgrades to meet the proposed new use. e. Fire department apparatus access roadways and existing on-site fire lanes are adequate as they exist and shall be maintained. f. All areas shall be compliant with hazardous material storage per the fire code. An approved hazardous material inventory statement shall be completed and reviewed prior to any building permit issuance. Use of fire department form or equivalent shall be submitted. This can be submitted ahead of the building permit submittal to help shorten plan review time frame if desired. Separate plans and permits required for flammable/combustible liquid tanks and piping installations. g. The proposal to temporarily store portable buildings inside the existing building is not allowed by the fire code. The only way this would be allowed is if the applicant provided fire sprinklers inside the temporary buildings while being stored and it is doubtful they would want to go to this expense for temporary storing portable buildings inside the main building. h. We have no objection to storing the temporary buildings outside in the yard/parking lot if they do not block any of the existing fire hydrants. Technical Services: (Contact: Amanda Askren, 425-430-7369, aaskren@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments at this time. Community Services: (Contact: Erica Schmitz, 425-430-6614, eschmitz@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments at this time. Police: (Contact: Cyndie Morris, 425-430-7521, cmorris@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments at this time. Building: (Contact: Rob Shuey, 425-430-7290, rshuey@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments at this time. DocuSign Envelope ID: E5547EDD-1825-4B24-9DC9-B3EFAE58C2CD DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 16, 2022 June 20, 2011 TO: Clark Close, Principal Planner FROM: Michael Sippo, Civil Engineer III SUBJECT: King County Solid Waste (KCSW) Interim Vehicle Maintenance Facility 201 SW 34th St LUA22-000185 I have completed a preliminary review for the above-referenced proposal located at parcel 125380-0211 (201 SW 34th St) and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is approximately 5.63 acres in size and consists of one parcel that contains an existing warehouse building with an associated parking lot, modular buildings, fire lanes, stormwater facilities, landscaping. The site is located at 201 SW 34th St (APN 125380-0211) and is zoned Heavy Industrial (HI). Vehicular access to the site is provided via SW 34th St and a private access driveway from the neighboring parcel to the southwest that connects to Lind Ave SW. A total of 84 surface parking spaces are provided for the existing warehouse use. According to City of Renton (COR) Maps, the site contains high seismic hazard area. The property is bordered to the north by SW 34th St, to the south, east and west by warehouse and office buildings and train tracks. WATER Water service is provided by the City of Renton • The project is within the City of Renton’s water service area in the Valley 196 Pressure Zone. There is an existing 12” looped water line around the existing building (see drawing #W-228501). • Below is a summary of the existing fire hydrants in the vicinity of the site. Please refer to the Fire Authority for fire hydrant requirements: a. Two south of the building within the parking lot of the facility. b. One northwest of the building in SW 34th St. c. One northeast of the building in SW 34th St. • There is an existing 3” domestic water service and meter serving the existing building and outbuildings with two reduced pressure backflow assemblies (RPBA) for backflow prevention. • There is an existing 2” irrigation service and meter serving the site. DocuSign Envelope ID: E5547EDD-1825-4B24-9DC9-B3EFAE58C2CD KC Solid Waste Interim Maintenance Facility LUA22-000185 Page 2 of 5 June 16, 2022 • There is an existing 6” fire water service serving the existing building with a double check detector assembly (DCDA) for backflow prevention. SEWER Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton • There is an existing 8” private sewer main within a 12” protective ductile iron casing flowing north to south and underneath the primary shop building. Reference COR Project File WWP2700704 for record drawings. • South of the building, there are two existing 6” side sewer connections into a private sewer manhole that is located beneath one of the portable buildings. SURFACE WATER The existing site contains a private storm drainage system. • The existing site is primarily flat with no wetlands, steep slopes and only a seism ic hazard area. • The existing private storm drainage system consists of 4 stormwater ponds/swales and associated parking lot drainage conveyance system that is privately owned and maintained. The existing system outfalls to the southwest via conveyance pipe that connects to the public storm system in Lind Ave SW. TRANSPORTATION • SW 34th St is classified as a Collector Street with an existing right-of-way (ROW) width of 80’ as measured using the King County Assessor’s Map. The existing street section contains four (4) approximately 11’ wide travel lanes (2 west-bound and 2 east-bound) with curb, gutter, planter and 5’ sidewalks on both sides of the street. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. The project is not proposing any new additions or tenant improvements as related to water demand. a. Renton Regional Fire Authority notes that fire flow is unchanged from the existing building and that a building permit will be required due to the change in use that requires additional sprinkler upgrades and an approved Fire Safety and Evacuation Plan. b. Per City records, the existing irrigation service has had no consumption since 2015. If the existing irrigation service will not be reused, the applicant can have the meter removed or locked off. c. If the existing irrigation service will be used, it shall be equipped with a double check valve assembly (DCVA) downstream of the meter for backflow prevention. The DCVA shall be installed in accordance with COR Std. Plan 340.8. d. If the existing water services will be reused and no additional water services are added, no water system development charges are applicable. SEWER 1. The project is proposing to use the existing warehouse in a manner consistent with the existing use that will not increase the sewer demand. DocuSign Envelope ID: E5547EDD-1825-4B24-9DC9-B3EFAE58C2CD KC Solid Waste Interim Maintenance Facility LUA22-000185 Page 3 of 5 June 16, 2022 a. The project is proposing a new approximate 2,000 square-foot refuse, recycling and external storage area. Runoff from the refuse and recycling area will be required to be connected to the sewer system via a new side sewer connection routed through an approved oil/water separator. b. If floor drains are present in the building, or required by the building official, due to the proposed vehicle maintenance, they will be required to drain through an oil/water separator outside the building footprint, within the side sewer. No connections are to be made to the storm system and any connections to the sewer will be required to be upgraded if an oil/water separator system is not already present. c. If the existing sewer service will be reused, no sewer system development charges are applicable. If the domestic water meter size is required to be increased as a result of the project, applicable SDC fees would be applicable. Credit would be provided for the existing meter size. SURFACE WATER 1. The project is proposing to use the existing warehouse in a manner consistent with the existing use that will not result in any new impervious surface area. a. Replaced impervious surface area is limited to any code required ADA upgrades, and construction of a new 2,000 square-foot refuse, recycling and storage area over existing impervious surface. A stormwater permit with a written drainage assessment is required in conjunction with the building permit application. b. No storm drainage improvements are required as no new and/or replaced impervious surface is proposed, however, if during building permit review it is determined that outside site and parking/lot improvements are required, the project may become subject to further stormwater review. c. Tenant improvements, installation of the new portables, and construction of the refuse, recycling and storage area will need to follow source control and temporary erosion and sediment control best management practices. TRANSPORTATION 1. The project is proposing to use the existing warehouse in a manner consistent with the existing use that will not result in any additional trips. a. The project Traffic Scoping Memorandum by KPG PSOMAS dated 4/1/2022 submitted with the land-use application notes: “This analysis documents the proposed change of use and function for the KCSWD interim maintenance facility. Activities of the proposed project will occur within the existing building footprint and a new 1,440 square foot temporary office space building. The analysis finds that the project is not anticipated to generate significant traffic impacts to area roadways and intersections. The ITE Trip Generation analysis indicates that there will be 51 fewer daily trips and small increases of 3 net new AM peak hour and 3 net new PM peak hour trips wi th the proposed project. Based on the review of the RMC requirements, the proposed project is categorially exempt from SEPA review. Therefore, the project does not require a TIA and it is not subject to transportation concurrency requirements. The project is expected to be required to pay City Transportation Impact Fees. No other mitigation is required.” b. The site is accessed from the north via SW 34th Street and the south via private parking lot and drive aisle connection. Both existing accesses will be required to remain DocuSign Envelope ID: E5547EDD-1825-4B24-9DC9-B3EFAE58C2CD KC Solid Waste Interim Maintenance Facility LUA22-000185 Page 4 of 5 June 16, 2022 unblocked and any gates have keys provided to the Renton Regional Fire Authority that maintains the circulation pattern for parking and fire vehicles around the building. c. An accessible route of travel (ART) is required from the public right-of-way to the existing building meeting current Americans with Disabilities Act’s (ADA) requirements. There is not currently an identified route from the public sidewalks in the right-of-way to the building entrances. The applicant shall demonstrate that there exists a route that meets current ADA requirements or if determined deficient, construct or modify improvements as necessary. d. The site currently contains 2 ADA parking stalls the office building and is proposing 2 additional stalls within another portion of the parking areas. An ADA compliant accessible route of travel is required from each parking stall to accessible entrances on the building(s). The applicant shall demonstrate during the building permit application that the current and proposed stalls and routes meet current ADA requirements and if determined deficient, construct or modify improvements as necessary. e. In the event of future additions or modifications to the parking lot and/or vegetated areas, additional review of fire circulation requirements by Renton Regional Fire Authority and site utility and transportation requirements by City of Renton Public Works and Development review staff will be required. f. As this project is proposing an interior remodel and no new construction or additions valued at over $175,000 to the site outside the primary buildings, no street frontage improvements or right of way dedication are required, however, if during building permit review it is determined that additional outside site and parking/lot improvements are required, the project may become subject to further transportation review and/or frontage improvements. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. Adequate separation between utilities as well as other features shall be provided in accordance with code requirements: a. 7-ft minimum horizontal and 1-ft vertical separation between storm and other utilities is required with the exception of water lines which require 10-ft horizontal and 1.5-ft vertical. b. The stormwater line should be minimum 5 feet away from any other structure or wall or building. c. Trench of any utility should not be in the zone of influence of the retaining wall or of the building. 2. All civil construction permits for utility and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall confirm to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. Please visit the Development Engineering Forms page for the most up-to-date plan submittal requirements: http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=42473 3. A landscaping plan and tree retention shall be included with the civil plan submittal. Each plan shall be on separate sheets. 4. Additional Building Permit Applications will be required for the following: a. Any retaining walls that exceed 4 feet in height, as defined by RMC 4-4-040. b. Detention vaults for storm water flow control. c. Demo of any existing structures on the project site(s). DocuSign Envelope ID: E5547EDD-1825-4B24-9DC9-B3EFAE58C2CD KC Solid Waste Interim Maintenance Facility LUA22-000185 Page 5 of 5 June 16, 2022 5. Fees quoted in this document reflect the fees applicable in the year 2022 only and will be assessed based on the fee that is current at the time of the permit application or issuance, as applicable to the permit type. Please visit www.rentonwa.gov for the current development fee schedule. DocuSign Envelope ID: E5547EDD-1825-4B24-9DC9-B3EFAE58C2CD