HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX04_Conceptual_landscape_plan_and_tree_retention_planSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS30'30'15'15'LOT A7,762.4SFLOT B7,547.2SFTEMP ORAR Y CHA IN LI NK FE NCE 18055APRIL 15, 2021ph 206.890.82914715 142nd Pl. SW #B,Edmonds, WA 98026NE 1/4 NE 1/4 SEC. 5, T 23N, R 05E, W.M.ABERDEEN AVE 2-LOT SHORT PLAT10/4/2021RGGNAFURSEFORPIANOELTSGESINEREDE E AT D S NT AWFO.SAHII NR E E NOTR46937NOTEDDAFTREE RETENTIONPLANC6.0DAFDAFORANGE BARRIER FENCESILT FENCEEX. TREES TO REMAINDRIP LINEREMOVE EXISTING TREES/SHRUBSNSURVEY LEGEND:Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRTREE NOTE:ALL TREES ARE HEALTHY AND WILL REMAIN ON PROPERTY.ALL TREES WILL BE PROTECTED WITH A 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE,SEE TESC PLAN ON SHEET C2.0TREE PROTECTION BARRIERSSHALL CONSIST OF A TEMPORARYFOUR-FOOT HIGH (MINIMUM)CHAIN LINK FENCE OR A LINE OFORANGE COLORED 2"X4" STAKESPLACED NO MORE THAN TEN FEETAPART CONNECTED BY HIGHLYVISIBLE SURVEYOR'S RIBBON, ANDSIGNS READING "TREE SAVEAREA."EXHIBIT 4DocuSign Envelope ID: 161A4F20-D494-466C-B2E0-C93C3D6DC51E SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS30'30'15'15'LOT A7,762.4SFLOT B7,547.2SF18055APRIL 15, 2021ph 206.890.82914715 142nd Pl. SW #B,Edmonds, WA 98026NE 1/4 NE 1/4 SEC. 5, T 23N, R 05E, W.M.ABERDEEN AVE 2-LOT SHORT PLAT10/4/2021RGGNAFURSEFORPIANOELTSGESINEREDE E AT D S NT AWFO.SAHII NR E E NOTR46937NOTEDDAFLANDSCAPE PLANC7.0DAFDAFNKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRPLANT SCHEDULE:TREESBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEQTYACER PALMATUM / JAPANESE MAPLEMAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA / LITTLE GEM2" CAL. MINWELLFORMED42" CAL.MIN WELLFORMED4HYDROSEED FOR TYPICAL LAWN AREASSUNMARK NATIVE ECOTURF - OR EQUIV.Sunmark Seeds www.sunmarkseeds.comBotanical Name Common Name% by WeightFestuca rubraNative Red Fescue45%Bouteloua gracilisBlue Grama25%Buchate dactyloides Buffalograss20%Koeleria macranthaPrairie Junegrass7%Trifolium fragiferumStrawberry Clover3%1 lbs per 1,000 sf or 43.67 lbs per acreSTREET TREE, TYPMAGNOLIA TREE, TYPHYDROSEED, TYP30'30'32'5'30'GAULTHERIA SHALLON / SALAL1 GAL.@ 3 FT1,051SF30'RHODODENDRON MACROPHYLLUM /PACIFIC RHODODENDRON2 GAL.24" HT MIN8POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA /BUSH CINQUIFOIL2 GAL.24"HT MIN22ACER TRUNCATUM / PURPLEBLOW MAPLE2" CAL.MIN WELLFORMED220'10'MAPLE TREE, TYPEXHIBIT 4DocuSign Envelope ID: 161A4F20-D494-466C-B2E0-C93C3D6DC51E NKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR18055APRIL 15, 2021ph 206.890.82914715 142nd Pl. SW #B,Edmonds, WA 98026NE 1/4 NE 1/4 SEC. 5, T 23N, R 05E, W.M.ABERDEEN AVE 2-LOT SHORT PLAT10/4/2021RGGNAFURSEFORPIANOELTSGESINEREDE E AT D S NT AWFO.SAHII NR E E NOTR46937NOTEDDAFLANDSCAPE NOTESAND DETAILC7.1DAFDAFGENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES1.Contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits from the appropriate agency prior tocommencing work. Contractor shall contact Line Locators (811) a min. of 48 hours prior to any diggingor trenching. If there are any discrepancies with existing lines and landscaping, it is the contractor'sresponsibility to contact the landscape architect and request a site visit to address the conflicts.Contractor shall comply and conform to any and all local and state codes for work, schedules and anyother project related requirements.2.Contractor shall coordinate directly with the landscape architect for all landscape related issues,concerns, inspections and approvals. Contractor shall provide the landscape architect with a writtenrequest for a site visit to address any related items.3.Scope of work shall include any and all specified and unspecified but related incidental work to achievethe design indicated on the landscape plans. All labor, materials, subcontractors, equipment, andrelated incidental items shall be supplied and installed to achieve a complete project, unless directedotherwise by the general contractor or landscape architect.4.Contractor to verify all sub grades are set below required amendments to insure the finished grade willmatch what is intended by civil or drainage design. All sub grades and finished or final grades shall begraded to drain to the designed drainage system with positive drainage away from all structures.5.Grade Preparation:Slopes used for grass plantings or turf shall be less than 3:1 or 33 percent. Otherwise plantings shouldnot require mechanized mowing equipment.Soil Preparation:a. Where soils are compacted, planting beds should be deep tilled to a depth of at least 12 inches.Soils shall be enhanced through the addition of the following materials: bark and forestry by-products,organic matter such as composted yard waste, organics and other amendments as needed through asoils test. Where Pit Planting, see planting detail for planting ring sizes and depths. Scarify the edgesof planting pits to encourage root expansion.b. On project sites where topsoil is limited or nonexistent, a minimum depth of 6 (six) inches of sandyloam topsoil should be tilled into the soil to a depth of 12 inches through all planting areas withcompacted soils.c. For all newly planted areas, three cubic yards of composted organic matter per 1,000 square feet oflandscape area should be added to a depth of four inches to the top of the soil and Tilled in.d. Seeded areas shall be fine graded and rolled. New Soil depths in lawn areas shall be 4 Inches.6.Mulching of Newly Planted or Replanted Areas.a. Mulches must be applied to the following depths: a minimum 3 (three) inches over bare soil.b. Mulches must include organic materials, such as wood chips and shredded bark.c.Nonporous materials, such as plastic sheeting, shall not be used in any area of the landscapebecause of down-slope erosion and potential soil contamination from herbicide washing.d. Mulch should be applied regularly to and maintained in all planting areas to assist soils in retainingmoisture, reducing weed growth, and minimizing erosion.7.Contractor shall field layout all plant material and contact the landscape architect for a site visit toapprove the layout. Any field modifications shall be done by the landscape architect prior to planting.8.Contractor shall immediately notify the landscape architect of any poor drainage condition in landscapeNo standing water shall be permitted in any landscape areas - either on the surface or below thetopsoil. The landscape architect shall coordinate the drainage solution with the general contractor andcivil engineer. Once the concerns have been remedied planting shall commence.9.All groundcover to be planted in a triangular spacing formation, equal in all directions to the centers ofthe groundcovers in distances indicated in the legend. Contractor shall verify all quantities ofgroundcovers by area calculations and spacing requirements.10.Landscaping is to be per plan. Plant substitutions due to availability or otherwise will be allowed onlywith landscape architect, owner and agency approval. Any substitutions will be with material of similarsize, growth characteristics, and quality.11.All trees must be staked as necessary so as to maintain material in a healthy, vigorous growingcondition.12.Landscaping shall be installed in a professional workmanlike manner that is consistent and acceptedthroughout the industry. All landscape and irrigation work shall be performed by experienced personsfamiliar with scope of project.13.All landscape material and labor is to be guaranteed for a period of one full year from the time ofcompletion.14.When planting 'Balled and Burlapped' product, remove all burlap, string & wire from any B&B plantmaterial, cut and remove jute strings. Gently place in tact Rootbal into planting pit. If rootball breaks oris not solid - the plant is unacceptable and shall be replaced.15.Street trees shall have caliper size of at least 1 1/2" measure per American Association ofNurserymen Standards.16.Street trees shall be high branching with canopy that starts at least 6' above finish grade.17.All plant I.D. tags are to remain on the plant material until final inspection has been completed. Onceapproved all plant I.D. tags shall be removed and discarded appropriately.18.Trees shall be cared for in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)standard practices for trees, shrubs and other woody plant maintenance (ANSI 300) in order to allowthem to reach there mature height and form.19.Pruning of street trees shall be performed per the ANSI 300 standards so as to maintain the naturalform of the tree, encourage vigorous growth to a mature spread and height, and avoid weakening thetree to create a hazard. Street trees shall not be topped pollarded, or otherwise pruned in a mannercontrary to these goals, unless there is no practicable alternative that would preserve essential utilityservices.20.Plant material selected is drought tolerant or native species. The project proponent shall beresponsible for maintaining and watering all plant material throughout the first growing season andin times of drought. Temporary irrigation shall be provided via TREE GATOR BAGS attached toeach tree. A temporary method for watering the planting areas shall consist of minimally a hose bibaccess to the area and drip hoses on a battery operated hose bib timer. For planting warrantiesfrom contractor to be ensured, contractor shall be responsible for watering the plant material andkeeping the mulch ring weed free for the first growing season as part of the contract.It is recommended to install the landscaping in the Spring (February - April) or Fall (October -December)whendormant but before hard freeze.TEMPORARY IRRIGATIONThe project proponent shall ensure that a minimum of one (1) inch of water is supplied each week tothe restoration area between May 1 and October 15 for a least the first two years following initial planting.The calculated amount of required water shall include both natural rainfall and temporary irrigation.Street trees may be substituted with approved City of Renton Street tree list.EXHIBIT 4DocuSign Envelope ID: 161A4F20-D494-466C-B2E0-C93C3D6DC51E