HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx11_Trip_Generation_and_Traffic_Impact_Fee_EstimateTrip Generation and Traffic Impact Fee Estimate Blue Origin R&D – Renton, WA TENW March 23, 2022 Page 1 MEMORANDUM DATE:March 23, 2022 TO:Clark Close City of Renton FROM:Spenser Haynie TENW SUBJECT:Trip Generation and Traffic Impact Fee Estimate Blue Origin R&D – Renton, WA (PRE21-000328) TENW Project #2022-089 This memorandum documents the trip generation estimate and independent transportation impact fee estimate completed for the proposed Blue Origin R&D project in Renton, WA. Project Description The proposed Blue Origin R&D project site is located at 1415 Maple Ave SW in Renton, WA as shown in the Attachment A vicinity map. The existing use on the site includes a 37,218 square foot (SF) warehouse facility. The proposed Blue Origin R&D project would convert the existing warehouse building to a research and development (R&D) facility including the construction of an additional 7,430 SF mezzanine for a total future building area of 44,648 SF with the proposed project. Based on discussions with Blue Origin, this site is expected to include a maximum of 20 employees that are permanently assigned to the facility. Blue Origin has indicated that there will be a number of current Blue Origin employees that may visit the facility from time to time, but their permanent workstations are at the Landmark office tower just south of the site across SW 16th Street where they commute to, park, and spend the vast majority of their time. A site plan is included in Attachment B. Trip Generation Trip generation for the proposed and existing uses were determined using methodology included in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition for Land Use Codes (LUC) 760 (Research and Development Center) and LUC 150 (Warehouse). It should be noted that due to the specific operation of the Blue Origin R&D facility, the employee density at this specific site is anticipated to be significantly lower than the average R&D site documented in ITE (0.45 employees per 1,000 SF (20 employees/44,648 SF) for this site versus an average of 2.84 employees per 1,000 SF (492 employees/173,000 SF) in the ITE database). Current employees with permanent workstations at the Landmark office tower are not included as they will be walking to/from the site and will not generate new vehicular trips to the road network. Therefore, the trip generation estimates for the proposed Blue Origin R&D use was based on the number of employees permanently assigned to the R&D facility. The resulting net new weekday daily, AM, and PM peak hour trips (including credit for removal of the existing warehouse use) are summarized in Table 1. A detailed trip generation estimate is included in Attachment C. EXHIBIT 11 RECEIVED Clark Close 05/31/2022 PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C50F956-C05E-4AB3-B622-213397BAE02B Trip Generation and Traffic Impact Fee Estimate Blue Origin R&D – Renton, WA TENW March 23, 2022 Page 2 Table 1 Trip Generation Summary Net New Trips Generated Time Period In Out Total Weekday Daily -15 -15 -30 Weekday AM Peak Hour -9 -4 -13 Weekday PM Peak Hour -7 -10 -17 As shown in Table 1, the proposed project is estimated to result in a net reduction in vehicle trips during the weekday daily, AM, and PM peak hours when accounting for removal of the existing warehouse use. Proposed Independent Transportation Impact Fee Calculation Based on comments received from the City of Renton during the pre-application meeting, the proposed R&D use is not currently identified as a use on the City’s current fee schedule. Therefore, the Applicant is proposing to provide an independent transportation impact fee study as permitted by the City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-1-190 (H). Based on the City’s methodology, an independent transportation impact fee rate was calculated and used for the proposed Blue Origin R&D use (LUC 760). The independent transportation impact fee calculation for the proposed Blue Origin R&D use was calculated consistent with the methodology documented in the City of Renton Rate Study for Impact Fees for Transportation (dated July 5, 2016) and includes the following factors: Vehicle Trip Ends = 0.38 (Based on LUC 760, per employee) Average Vehicle Occupancy (AVO) = 1.353 (City standard) Mode share of trips in vehicles = 74.2% (City standard) Percent of Person Trips in Vehicles in Renton = 83.3% (City standard) Percent New Trips = 90% (R&D use assumed to be consistent with other office uses) 2022 Cost per PM peak hour trip end = $7,145.85 per person trip (City standard) Table 2 Blue Origin R&D Transportation Impact Fee Rate A B C D E F =A X B / C X D X E G H = F X G / 1000 Vehicle Trip Ends AVO Percent Vehicle Mode Share Percent New Trips Percent of Person Trips in Vehicles (Renton) Vehicle New Person Trip Ends Cost per Trip End (2022) Impact Fee Rate 0.38 1.353 74.2%90%83.3%0.52 $7,145.85 $3,715.84 per employee As shown in Table 2, an impact fee rate for the proposed Blue Origin R&D use of $3,715.84 per employee was determined. Table 3 summarizes the resulting independent transportation impact fee for the proposed Blue Origin R&D use. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C50F956-C05E-4AB3-B622-213397BAE02B Trip Generation and Traffic Impact Fee Estimate Blue Origin R&D – Renton, WA TENW March 23, 2022 Page 3 Table 3 Proposed Use Transportation Impact Fee A B C = A X B Impact Fee Rate (per employee) Proposed Blue Origin R&D Employee Count Proposed Independent Transportation Impact Fee $3,715.84 20 $74,316.80 As shown in Table 3, the proposed independent transportation impact fee for the Blue Origin R&D project is $74,316.80; note that this calculation does not include credit for the existing warehouse, which is addressed in the next section. Net Transportation Impact Fee The resulting net transportation impact fee is calculated by applying the existing transportation impact fee credit toward the independent transportation impact fee for the proposed Blue Origin R&D project. Based on comments received from the City of Renton during the pre-application meeting, the building is currently being used as a warehouse which has a transportation impact fee rate of $2.57 per SF based on the City’s current fee schedule. The transportation impact fee credit for the existing use is $95,650.26 (37,218 SF x $2.57). The resulting net transportation impact fee results in a negative number (-$21,333.46 calculated as $74,316.80 – $95,650.26). Therefore, a transportation impact fee is not expected to be required for the proposed project. Next Steps Since the project is estimated to generate less than 20 net new weekday AM or PM peak hour project trips, please confirm that a traffic impact analysis (TIA) will not be required for the project. Please also confirm the proposed independent transportation impact fee study is acceptable. If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this memo, please contact me at (206) 390-7253 or spenser@tenw.com. cc: Ryan Lundberg – Blue Origin CJ Castillo – Blue Origin Cecil Goodson – Blue Origin Chris Forster, PE – TENW Attachments DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C50F956-C05E-4AB3-B622-213397BAE02B Trip Generation and Traffic Impact Fee Estimate Blue Origin R&D – Renton, WA Vicinity Map DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C50F956-C05E-4AB3-B622-213397BAE02B Trip Generation and Traffic Impact Fee Estimate Blue Origin R&D – Renton, WA Preliminary Site Plan DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C50F956-C05E-4AB3-B622-213397BAE02B Trip Generation and Traffic Impact Fee Estimate Blue Origin R&D – Renton, WA ATTACHMENT C Trip Generation Calculations DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C50F956-C05E-4AB3-B622-213397BAE02B Land Use Size / Units ITE LUC 2 Trip Rate 1 Enter Exit Enter Exit Total DAILY Proposed Uses: Research and Development Center 20 Employees 760 3.37 50%50%34 33 67 Existing Uses: Warehouse 37,218 GFA 150 T = 1.58(X) + 38.29 50%50%-49 -48 -97 Net New Daily Trips = -15 -15 -30 AM PEAK HOUR Proposed Uses: Research and Development Center 20 Employees 760 Ln(T) = 0.82Ln(X) + 0.25 85%15%13 2 15 Existing Uses: Warehouse 37,218 GFA 150 T = 0.12(X) + 23.62 77%23%-22 -6 -28 Net New AM Peak Hour Trips = -9 -4 -13 PM PEAK HOUR Proposed Uses: Research and Development Center 20 Employees 760 Ln(T) = 0.83Ln(X) + 0.14 12%88%2 12 14 Existing Uses: Warehouse 37,218 GFA 150 T = 0.12(X) + 26.48 28%72%-9 -22 -31 Net New PM Peak Hour Trips = -7 -10 -17 Notes: 1 GFA = Gross Floor Area. 2 Based on Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021. Blue Origin R&D (Renton) Weekday Trip Generation Estimate Directional Split 1 Vehicle Trip Generation 3/23/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C50F956-C05E-4AB3-B622-213397BAE02B