HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_TIR_Tran_190506_v1.pdfTechnical Information Report Drainage Report 16654 113th Ave SE Renton, Washington 98055 King County P/N 0088000930 April 15, 2019 prepared for: Sang Tran 16654 113th Ave SE Renton, Washington 98055 (206) 680-5568 prepared by: Migizi Group, Inc. PO Box 44840 Tacoma, Washington 98448 (253) 537-9400 MGI Project P1239-T18 Technical Information Report Drainage Report 16654 113th Ave SE Renton, Washington 98055 P/N 0088000930 April 15, 2019 P1239-T18 Prepared For: Sang Tran 16654 113th Ave SE Renton, Washington 98055 206-680-5568 Prepared By: Migizi Group, Inc. PO Box 44840 Tacoma, WA 98448 253-537-9400 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION/PROJECT REVIEW .................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 1 .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Proposed Conditions ......................................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Conditions and Requirements Summary ....................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 3 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Offsite Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 3 SECTION 4 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis Design ......................................................................... 3 Existing Site Hydrology .................................................................................................................................... 4 Water Quality System ....................................................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 5 .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Conveyance System Analysis and Design ..................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 6 .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Special Reports ................................................................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 7 .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Other Permits ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 SECTION 8 .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 CSWPPP Analysis and Design ......................................................................................................................... 6 SECTION 9 .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Bond Quantities ................................................................................................................................................. 6 SECTION 10 ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Operation and Maintenance Manual .............................................................................................................. 6 List of Figures Figure 1: TIR Worksheet Figure 2: Topographic and Location Map Figure 3: Basin Map Figure 4: Soils Map APPENDICES APPENDIX A - Hydrology/Flow and WQ Drainage Design APPENDIX B - Special Reports APPENDIX C - Maintenance Manual and Summary APPENDIX D - Bond Estimate APPENDIX E - References APPENDIX F - Grading and Drainage Plan APPENDIX G - Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill Plan Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 Technical Information Report – Drainage Report P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. Page 2 of 6 INTRODUCTION/PROJECT OVERVIEW This report is intended to meet the stormwater requirements of King County for the Tran Short Plat dividing one lot with a home and detached garage into three separate lots with frontage improvements. The subject property is located at 16654 113th Ave SE in Renton in King County, Washington as shown on the attached Topographic and Location Map, Figure 2. The Parcel Number is 0088000930. The Technical Information Report Worksheet is attached as Figure 1 of this report. Legal Description: THE WEST 140.07 FEET OF TRACT 3, BLOCK 11, AKER'S FARM NO. 9, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 42 OF PLATS, PAGE 15, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 50.0 FEET AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 6726885; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. SECTION 1 Existing Conditions The project site is an approximately 0.5 acre rectangular shaped parcel. The property has an existing home, shed, and detached garage with mowed lawn and several small trees. There is a 12 foot sewer easement on the southern boundary and a small easement on the west boundary for a Quest facility. The lot slopes to the south at 5 to 10 percent. Migizi Group, Inc. has previously prepared a Geotechnical Engineering Report for this project dated January 24, 2019. The site is in the Soos Creek drainage basin and Duwamish-Green River watershed as shown on the attached Figure 3. The site soils are mapped as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam on 8 to 15 percent slopes, as shown on the attached Figure 4. Proposed Conditions Plans call for the existing structures to be demolished and frontage improvements including sidewalks, driveway entrances, and utilities for each new lot. Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 Technical Information Report – Drainage Report P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. Page 3 of 6 Existing Impervious Areas (to be removed) On-Site sf acres % Driveway 1,079 0.025 5.00% Detached Garage 685 0.016 3.17% Home 1,148 0.026 5.31% Sidewalks 235 0.005 1.09% Shed 100 0.002 0.46% Total 3,247 0.075 15.03% Off-Site Sidewalk 1,097 0.025 Driveway Entrance 405 0.009 Total 1,502 0.034 Proposed Impervious Areas Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk 2,172 0.050 Driveway Entrances 699 0.016 Total 2,871 0.066 Site 21,600 0.496 10 ft Property Dedication 1,279 0.029 Based on the total new and replaced impervious surfaces of approximately 2,871 sf, Minimum Requirements #1 through #8 and all 5 special requirements apply to this project based on the potential that the combined possible impervious area that may be added to the lot after it is platted will be approximately 10,334 sf. Each new lot shall mitigate runoff from that lot onsite at the time of construction utilizing dispersion. Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 Technical Information Report – Drainage Report P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. Page 4 of 6 SECTION 2 Conditions and Requirements Summary Groundwater is shallow on site and was encountered at approximately 18 inches below existing grades. Heavy mottling was also observed in the soils indicating poor drainage of onsite soils. SECTION 3 Offsite Analysis During our offsite analysis, we found no potential problems. Our analysis included the following: • Capacity Problems: We propose to fully disperse all stormwater runoff on site for each lot at the time of construction. Offsite improvements will flow to the city storm system as it currently does. No capacity problems exist due to the large amount of open space. • Flooding: The site does not have a history of flooding and is mapped outside of the 100 yr flood plain. • Upland Erosion/Landslide Hazards: The site is relatively level with a low erosion risk. • Channel Erosion/Outfall Location: None noted. • Violations of surface quality water standards: None noted. • No drainage systems were noted nearby other than roadside ditches. No known capacity or other problems exist at this time. • There are no stream inlets or outlets in the project area. • No groundwater was encountered during our explorations. In our opinion, the development will not affect groundwater levels in the area. SECTION 4 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis Design Planned improvements are shown below: Proposed Impervious Areas Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk 2,172 0.050 Driveway Entrances 699 0.016 Total 2,871 0.066 Site 21,600 0.496 10 ft Property Dedication 1,279 0.029 Existing Site Hydrology Site hydrology currently sheet flows to the south on the majority of the parcel. The surface water currently sheet flows across the property or infiltrates into the ground. Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 Technical Information Report – Drainage Report P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. Page 5 of 6 We propose limited or full dispersion on site based on the proposed buildings at the time of construction permitting for each lot. Dispersion details are shown on the attached plans to assist builders at that time. Each lot was run with preexisting conditions of forest with Type C soils and the mitigated was run with the expected amount of impervious area dispersed and the appropriate vegetative cover. Expected increases in the 100-yr storm event can be considered de minimus. Each lot will increase the expected flows during the 100 yr storm event by less than 0.1 cfs. The difference in the 100 yr storm event on each lot totals less than 0.1 cfs for the entire plat and can be considered de minimus. The calculations can be found in the appendix of this report. Mitigated 100 yr storm event flows (cfs) Predeveloped 100 yr storm event flows (cfs) Difference (cfs) Lot 1 0.037568 0.01207 0.025498 Lot 2 0.06431 0.0204 0.04391 Lot3 0.037221 0.01207 0.025151 Total 0.094559 The proposed sidewalks and driveway entrances will flow as they currently do to the City storm system. Water Quality System The project site is located in a basic water quality area. The amount of pollution generating impervious surface (PGIS) is below the threshold of 5,000 sf. In our opinion, the site does not pose a water quality issue. SECTION 5 Conveyance System Analysis and Design We propose an 18 inch ductile iron pipe sloped at 5.7 percent to replace the existing 18 inch ductile iron pipe and ditch system along the frontage of 113th Ave SW. We propose no piping along the frontage of SE 168th St. SECTION 6 Special Reports A Geotechnical Engineering Report was previously prepared for this project dated January 24, 2019 by Migizi Group, Inc. Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 Technical Information Report – Drainage Report P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. Page 6 of 6 SECTION 7 Other Permits No special permits are required to our knowledge at this time other than a right-of-way permit. SECTION 8 CSWPPP Analysis and Design A CSWPPP has been prepared for this project and can be found in Appendix H of this report. SECTION 9 Bond Quantities A bond estimate can be found in Appendix E of this report. The total estimated bond amount is 90,823.70 SECTION 10 Operation and Maintenance Manual An operation and maintenance manual has been prepared for this project and can be found in Appendix C of this report. A King County maintenance covenant can be found in Appendix D. APPROXIMATE SITE LOCATION P.O. Box 44840 Tacoma, WA 98448 Location Job Number Figure DateTitle 16654 113th Ave SE Renton, Washington 98055 Topographic and Location Map 2 04/15/19 P1239-T18 APPENDIX A HYDROLOGY/FLOW AND WQ DRAINAGE DESIGN APPENDIX B SPECIAL REPORTS Geotechnical Engineering Report dated January 24, 2019 is incorporated by reference APPENDIX C MAINTENANCE MANUAL AND SUMMARY C-1 APPENDIX C MAINTENANCE MANUAL AND SUMMARY POLUTION SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM What are pollution source controls and why are they needed? Pollution source controls are actions taken by a person to reduce the amount of pollution reaching the surface and groundwater. Controls are also called “best management practices” (BMPs). For this site, we recommend that the owners prevent any oils or grease from entering the system. It is also recommended that any oil spills or other chemical spills be cleaned up immediately and any contaminated water should be prevented from entering the dispersion system to the extent practical. By preventing any pollutants from entering the system, they will be protecting the environment and the drinking water supply. Most pollution sources in residential areas are from vehicles. It is recommended that regular maintenance be performed on any vehicles that will be kept on site to prevent any unnecessary fluid leaks. The best means of prevention is to not let the pollutants enter the system at all. C-2 Stormwater Maintenance Manual 16654 113th Ave SE Renton, Washington 98055 P/N 0088000930 April 15, 2019 P1239-T18 Prepared For: Sang Tran 16654 113th Ave SE Renton, Washington 98055 206-680-5568 Prepared By: Migizi Group, Inc. PO Box 44840 Tacoma, WA 98448 253-537-9400 C-3 Manual Purpose: The purpose of this manual and the enclosed inspection sheets is to provide a maintenance plan to ensure the continued proper operation of all stormwater facilities associated with your property. Lack of maintenance could lead to local flooding, water damage, and costly repairs or replacements of these or other infrastructure. Project Description: The stormwater system that serves this site was designed to accommodate runoff from single family home impervious areas. Stormwater System Description: The stormwater system consists of the following items that are labeled on the enclosed site drawing with the following symbols: Catch Basins Dispersion Trench Landscaping Maintenance Intervals: Minimum twice per year or after each large rain event (April and September are recommended). Project Construction Information: Installation Contractor: Name: Address: Phone: Date of Construction: Average annual cost estimate of maintenance: $100/yr APPENDIX D BOND ESTIMATE APPENDIX E REFERENCES F-1 APPENDIX E REFERENCES • 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual • King County Website • King County Assessor Website • King County IMAP APPENDIX F GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN APPENDIX G CSWPPP Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 CSWPPP P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. Element 1: Marking Clearing Limits The clearing limits for this project shall be flagged as shown on Sheet 1 of the TESC Plan (attached). The clearing limits shall be marked with flagging or silt fencing. The area to be cleared is approximately 21,600 sf. Element 2: Establish Construction Access Construction vehicle access will be limited to one route, the construction entrance/existing gravel driveway. If sediment is tracked off site, the public roads shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day, or more frequently should conditions require it. Element 3: Control Flow Rates The flow rates from this property will not be significantly increased due to the construction of this project. The site soils have a low to moderate runoff potential due to shallow restrictive layer and being relatively level. Temporary ditches may be constructed if runoff occurs. Element 4: Install Sediment Controls The following Best Management Practices (BMPs) are specified for this project: • Temporary and Permanent Seeding, BMP C120 Element 5: Stabilize Soils All exposed soils will be stabilized according to the following schedule: • October 1 through April 30: No soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than 2 days. • May 1 through September 30: No soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than 7 days. BMPs used to stabilize soils shall be: C120: Temporary and Permanent Seeding All soils exposed shall be seeded by October 1 and reseeded if disturbed during the wet months. Temporary erosion control seed mix shall consist of: 40% Chewing or annual blue grass 50% Perennial Rye 5% Redtop or colonial bent grass 5% White Dutch clover Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 CSWPPP P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. Permanent Seeding shall consist of: % weight % Purity % Germination Perennial rye blend 30 98 90 (lolium perenne) Chewing and Red fescue blend 70 98 90 (festuca rubra var. commutate or festuca rubra) All disturbed soils must be amended and re-vegetated. C140: Dust Control In the event that dust control is needed, irrigation shall be used to wet soils and prevent wind blown transport of soils. Element 6: Protect Slopes There are no steep slopes in the project area. Element 7: Protect Drain Inlets All grated catch basins within 500 feet of the site shall be protected with a catch basin insert. Element 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets No channels or outlets exist in the project area or near it. Element 9: Control Pollutants Onsite fueling of equipment will not be permitted on this project. Maintenance and repair of equipment or vehicles will not be permitted on this project. Element 10: Control Dewatering Dewatering is not anticipated on this project. Element 11: Maintain BMPs All BMPs will be inspected, maintained, and repaired to assure their continued performance. The inspection schedule, maintenance, and repairs shall be conducted in accordance with industry standards and/or manufacturer’s recommendations. All sediment control BMPs shall be inspected weekly or after a runoff producing event during the dry season and daily during the wet season. All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs will be removed within 30 days after final stabilization. Sang Tran, phone number 206-680-5568, shall be responsible for the maintenance and inspection of all BMPs or a suitable representative of his choosing. Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 CSWPPP P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. Element 12: Manage the Project The clearing and grading will occur only as necessary to permit the construction activities, i.e., construction phasing. A Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, Casey Lowe, P.E., C.P.E.S.C., (cell: 253-229-8320), will be on call at all times. Sang Tran, phone number 206-680-5568, shall be responsible for the maintenance and inspection of all BMPs or a suitable representative of his choosing. Element 13: Protect LID BMPs All vegetated areas shall be protected from compaction or amended prior to final approval to allow for the vegetated flow paths to function properly. Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 CSWPPP P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. ESC MAINTENANCE REPORT Performed By: Date: Project Name: Clearing Limits Damage OK Problem Visible OK Problem Intrusions OK Problem Other OK Problem Mulch Rills/Gullies OK Problem Thickness OK Problem Other OK Problem Nets/Blankets Rills/Gullies OK Problem Ground Contact OK Problem Other OK Problem Plastic Tears/Gaps OK Problem Other OK Problem Seeding Percent Cover OK Problem Rills/Gullies OK Problem Mulch OK Problem Other OK Problem Sodding Grass Health OK Problem Rills/Gullies OK Problem Other OK Problem Silt Fence Damage OK Problem Sediment Build-up OK Problem Concentrated Flow OK Problem Other OK Problem Brush Barrier Damage OK Problem Sediment Build-up OK Problem Concentrated Flow OK Problem Other OK Problem Vegetated Strip Damage OK Problem Sediment Build-up OK Problem Concentrated Flow OK Problem Other OK Problem Construction Entrance Dimensions OK Problem Sediment Tracking OK Problem Vehicle Avoidance OK Problem Other OK Problem Tran – 16654 113th Ave SE, Renton, WA April 15, 2019 CSWPPP P1239-T18 Migizi Group, Inc. Construction Road Stable Driving Surf OK Problem Vehicle Avoidance OK Problem Other OK Problem Sediment Trap/Pond Sed. Accumulation OK Problem Overtopping OK Problem Inlet/Outlet Erosion OK Problem Other OK Problem Catch Basin Protection Sed. Accumulation OK Problem Damage OK Problem Clogged Filter OK Problem Other OK Problem Interceptor Dike/Swale Damage OK Problem Sed. Accumulation OK Problem Overtopping OK Problem Other OK Problem Pipe Slope Drain Damage OK Problem Inlet/Outlet OK Problem Secure Fittings OK Problem Other OK Problem Ditches Damage OK Problem Sed. Accumulation OK Problem Overtopping OK Problem Other OK Problem Outlet Protection Scour OK Problem Other OK Problem Level Spreader Damage OK Problem Concentrated Flow OK Problem Rills/Gullies OK Problem Sed. Accumulation OK Problem Other OK Problem Miscellaneous Wet Season Stockpile OK Problem Other OK Problem Comments: Actions Taken: Problems Unresolved: Recommended Construction Sequence