HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_Single Family Building Permit_220112_V2PROJECT INFORMATIONPROPERTY ADDRESS : 439 RENTON AVE SPARCEL NUMBER : 722140-0166LOT AREA : 15,000 SFE HOUSE AREA : 1,860 SFATTACHED GARAGE: 520 SFADDITION AREA600 SFPROPOSED GARAGE AREA 600 SFZONING : R8RENTON CO-OP COAL COS AC TRS # 1 LOT 1 RENTONSHORT PLAT #190-78 REC AF #7808151015 SD SP DAFLOT 8 LESS S 45 FTPLAT BLOCK:PLAT LOT: 8OWNERS :RICK MILLERSARAH GILBERTOWNER EMAIL : RICK MILLER@GMAIL.COMPROJECT DESCRIPTIONPLAN LEGENDMILLER-GILBERT RENOVATION :FULL INTERIOR RENOVATION OFEXISTING RESIDENCE. NEW DECKS,ENLARGED GARAGE, TWO LEVELADDITION ON NORTH IN LOCATIONOF EXISTING GARAGEAREA OF RENOVATIONLOT COVERAGE/ ZONINGLOT : 15,000SF50% ALLOWED (7,500)SEE DIAGRAM ON A0.3HEIGHT LIMIT : 2 STORY LIMIT, 24'TOP PLATE2 SIGNIFICANT TREES PER 5,000 SFPROPERTY LINESETBACKSHEET INDEXA0.0 SITE PLAN / PROJECT INFORMATIONA0.1 BUILDING CODEA0.2 AS BUILT DRAWINGSA0.3 AS BUILT DRAWINGSA0.4 PRESCRIPTIVE ENERGY PATH, WSECA1.1 LEVEL 1&2 PLANSA1.2 ROOF PLANA2.1 BUILDING SECTIONA3.1 BUILDING ELEVATIONS/STAIR SECTIONA3.2 BUILDING ELEVATIONSA4.1 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESA4.2 ASSEMBLIESS1 STRUCTURAL NOTES AND DETAILSS2 STRUCTURAL DETAILS/ PLANSS3 STRUCTURAL PLANSRMC 2019, IBC 2019, WSEC 2021CODE REFERENCESPERMIT NUMBERSTBDFRONT YARD SETBACKREAR YARD SETBACKSIDE YARD SETBACKMAX BUILDING HEIGHT 30', 35' W/GABLEOFF-STREET PARKING SPACES : 1 MINCODE NOTES FOR S8 PROPERTYAREA OF ADDITION10' CONTOURRENTON AVE S CONCRETE 4" CURB CONCRETE SIDEWALKENTRYFRONT YARDREAR YARDSIDE YARDSIDE YARD210220230240250260270COAL MINE HAZARD150'100'20'20'5'5'EXISTING DRIVEWAYEXISTINGCONCRETEWALKWAYEXISTING HOUSE1,425 SFPROPOSED ADDITION600 SFEXISTING DRIVE1,150 SFEXISTING WALKWAY85 SFTOTAL PROPOSED 3,260 SF3,260 / 15,00022%EXISTING IMPERVIOUS 2,660 SF2,660/ 15,00018%ALLOWED7,500 SFLOT COVERAGE IMPERVIOUS AMOUNTS (SF)EROSION CONTROLFILTER FENCESTOCKPILESTOCKPILESTOCKPILEEXISTING CONCRETE DRIVE TO BEUSED AS CONSTRUCTION VEHICLEINGRESS AND EGRESSNOTE: EXISTINGSIDEWALK TO BEUPDATED TO REFLECTCURRENT STANDARDSPER DETAILS ONSHEET A6.1CHERRYTREE8" DIA.TEMPORARY FENCETO BE CONSTRUCTEDTO PROTECT EXISTINGTREE2'EAVESNOT TOEXCEED2'-0" INTOSETBACKPRIOR TO DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES, THEAPPLICANT SHALL ERECT AND MAINTAINSIX-FOOT (6') HIGH CHAIN LINK TEMPORARYCONSTRUCTION FENCING AROUND THE DRIPLINES OF ALL RETAINED TREES OR AT ADISTANCE SURROUNDING THE TREE EQUALTO ONE AND ONE-QUARTER FEET (1.25') FOREVERY ONE INCH (1") OF TRUNK CALIPER,WHICHEVER IS GREATER, OR ALONG THEPERIMETER OF A TREE PROTECTION TRACT.PLACARDS SHALL BE PLACED ON FENCINGEVERY FIFTY FEET (50') INDICATING THEWORDS, “NO TRESPASSING – PROTECTEDTREES,” OR ON EACH SIDE OF THE FENCINGIF LESS THAN FIFTY FEET (50'). SITE ACCESSTO INDIVIDUALLY PROTECTED TREES ORGROUPS OF TREES SHALL BE FENCED ANDSIGNED. INDIVIDUAL TREES SHALL BEFENCED ON FOUR (4) SIDES. IN ADDITION,THE APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDESUPERVISION WHENEVER EQUIPMENT ORTRUCKS ARE MOVING NEAR TREES.EXISTINGHOUSE1,425SFDRIVE1,150 SFWALKWAY85SFADDED AREA600 SFPARCELAREA15,000 SF1SITE PLANSCALE: 1" = 10'MILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.22A0.0SITE/INFO2SITE AREASSCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" RESIDENTIAL CODE NOTESR302 FIRE-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION6. Dwelling / garage fire separation - The garage shall be separated as required by Table R302.6. Openings ingarage walls shall comply with Section R302.5. This provision does not apply to garage walls that areperpendicular to the adjacent dwelling unit wall.7. Under-stair protection - Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls, under-stair surface and anysoffits protected on the enclosed side with 1⁄2-inch (12.7 mm) gypsum board.11. Fire blocking - In combustible construction, fire-blocking shall be provided to cut off all concealed draftopenings (both vertical and horizontal) and to form an effective fire barrier between stories, and between a topstory and the roof space. Fire-blocking shall be provided in wood-frame construction in the following locations:1. In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces and parallel rows of studs orstaggered studs, as follows:2. Vertically at the ceiling and floor levels.3. Horizontally at intervals not exceeding 10 feet (3048 mm).4. At all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, dropceilings and cove ceilings.5. In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run. Enclosed spaces understairs shall comply with Section R302.7.6. At openings around vents, pipes, ducts, cables and wires at ceiling and floor level, with an approvedmaterial to resist the free passage of flame and products of combustion. The material filling this annularspace shall not be required to meet the ASTM E 136 requirements.7. For the fire blocking of chimneys and fireplaces, see Section R1003.19.8. Fire blocking of cornices of atwo-family dwelling is required at the line of dwelling unit separation.R303 LIGHT, VENTILATION AND HEATING1. Habitable rooms - All habitable rooms shall have an aggregate glazing area of not less than 8 percent of thefloor area of such rooms. Natural ventilation shall be through windows, doors, louvers or other approved openingsto the outdoor air. Such openings shall be provided with ready access or shall otherwise be readily controllable bythe building occupants. The minimum open area to the outdoors shall be 4 percent of the floor area beingventilated.Exceptions: 1. The glazed areas need not be operable where the opening is not required by Section R310 and an approved mechanical ventilation system capable of producing 0.35 air change per hour in theroom is installed or a whole-house mechanical ventilation system is installed capable of supplying outdoorventilation air of 15 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (78 L/s) per occupant computed on the basis of two occupants for the first bedroom and one occupant for each additional bedroom.2. The glazed areas need not be installed in rooms where Exception 1 above is satisfied and artificiallight is provided capable of producing an average illumination of 6 foot candles (65 lux) over the area of theroom at a height of 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor level.3. Use of sunroom additions and patio covers, as defined in Section R202, shall be permitted for natural ventilation if in excess of 40 percent of the exterior sunroom walls are open, or are enclosed only byinsect screening.2. Bathrooms - Bathrooms, water closet compartments and other similar rooms shall be provided with aggregate glazing area in windows of not less than 3 square feet (0.3 m2), one-half of which must be operable.Exception: The glazed areas shall not be required where artificial light and a mechanical ventilation systemare provided. The minimum ventilation rates shall be 50 cubic feet per minute (24 L/s) for intermittent ventilation or 20 cubic feet per minute (10 L/s) for continuous ventilation. Ventilation air from the space shallbe exhausted directly to the outside.7. Stairway illumination - All interior and exterior stairways shall be provided with a means to illuminate the stairs, including the landings and treads. Interior stairways shall be provided with an artificial light source located in the immediate vicinity of each landing of the stairway.4. Required glazed openings - Required glazed openings shall open directly onto a street or public alley, or ayard or court located on the same lot as the building.Exceptions: 1. Required glazed openings may face into a roofed porch where the porch abuts a street, yard or court and the longer side of the porch is at least 65 percent unobstructed and the ceiling height is not less than 7 feet (2134 mm). 2. Eave projections shall not be considered as obstructing the clear open space of a yard or court. 3. Required glazed openings may face into the area under a deck, balcony, bay or floor cantileverprovided a clear vertical space at least 36 inches (914 mm) in height is provided.5.When the winterdesign temperature in Table R301.2(1) is below 60°F (16°C), every dwelling unit shall be providedwith heating facilities capable of maintaining a minimum room temperature of 68°F (20°C) at a point 3feet (914 mm) above the floor and 2 feet (610 mm) from exterior walls in all habitable rooms at thedesign temperature. The installation of one or more portable space heaters shall not be used to achieve compliance with this section.R307 TOILET, BATH AND SHOWER SPACES1. Space required - Fixtures shall be spaced in accordance with Figure R307.1, and in accordance with therequirements of Section P2705.1. Bathtub and shower floors and walls above bathtubs with installed showerheads and in shower compartments shall be finished with a non-absorbent surface. Such wall surfaces shallextend to a height of not less than 6 feet (1829 mm) above the floor.R310 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS1. Emergency escape and rescue required - Basements, habitable attics and every sleeping room shall have atleast one operable emergency escape and rescue opening. Where basements contain one or more sleepingrooms, emergency egress and rescue openings shall be required in each sleeping room. Where emergencyescape and rescue openings are provided they shall have a sill height of not more than 44 inches (1118 mm)above the floor. Where a door opening having a threshold below the adjacent ground elevation serves as anemergency escape and rescue opening and is provided with a bulkhead enclosure, the bulkhead enclosure shallcomply with Section R310.3. The net clear opening dimensions required by this section shall be obtained by thenormal operation of the emergency escape and rescue opening from the inside. Emergency escape and rescueopenings with a finished sill height below the adjacent ground elevation shall be provided with a window well inaccordance with Section R310.2. Emergency escape and rescue openings shall open directly into a public way, orto a yard or court that opens to a public way.Exception: Basements used only to house mechanical equipment and not exceeding total floor area of200 square feet (18.58 m2).1.1 Minimum opening area - All emergency escape and rescue openings shall have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square feet (0.530 m2).Exception: Grade floor openings shall have a minimum net clear opening of 5 square feet (0.465 m2).1.2 Minimum opening height - The minimum net clear opening height shall be 24 inches (610 mm).1.3 Minimum opening width - The minimum net clear opening width shall be 20 inches (508 mm).1.4 Operational constraints - Emergency escape and rescue openings shall be operational from the inside of theroom without the use of keys, tools or special knowledge.R311 MEANS OF EGRESS1. Means of egress - All dwellings shall be provided with a means of egress as provided in this section. Themeans of egress shall provide a continuous and unobstructed path of vertical and horizontal egress travel from allportions of the dwelling to the exterior of the dwelling at the required egress door without requiring travel through agarage.2. Egress door - At least one egress door shall be provided for each dwelling unit. The egress door shall beside-hinged, and shall provide a minimum clear width of 32 inches (813 mm) when measured between the face ofthe door and the stop, with the door open 90 degrees (1.57 rad). The minimum clear height of the door openingshall not be less than 78 inches (1981 mm) in height measured from the top of the threshold to the bottom of thestop. Other doors shall not be required to comply with these minimum dimensions. Egress doors shall be readilyoperable from inside the dwelling without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort.3. Floors and landings ant exterior doors - There shall be a landing or floor on each side of each exterior door.The width of each landing shall not be less than the door served. Every landing shall have a minimum dimensionof 36 inches (914 mm) measured in the direction of travel. Exterior landings shall be permitted to have a slope notto exceed 1/4 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2-percent).Exception: Exterior balconies less than 60 square feet (5.6 m2) and only accessible from a door arepermitted to have a landing less than 36 inches (914 mm) measured in the direction of travel.3.1 Floor elevations at required egress doors - Landings or floors at the required egress door shall not be more than 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) lower than the top of the threshold.Exception: The exterior landing or floor shall not be more than 7 3/4 inches (196 mm) below the top ofthe threshold provided the door does not swing over the landing or floor.6. Hallways - The minimum width of a hallway shall be not less than 3 feet (914 mm).R311.7 STAIRWAYS1. Width - Stairways shall not be less than 36 inches (914 mm) in clear width at all points above the permittedhandrail height and below the required headroom height. Handrails shall not project more than 4.5 inches (114mm) on either side of the stairway and the minimum clear width of the stairway at and below the handrail height,including treads and landings, shall not be less than 31 1/2 inches (787 mm) where a handrail is installed on oneside and 27 inches (698 mm) where handrails are provided on both sides.Exception: The width of spiral stairways shall be in accordance with Section R311. minimumheadroom in all parts of the stairway shall not be less than 6 feet 8 inches (2032 mm) measured verticallyfrom the sloped line adjoining the tread nosing or from the floor surface of the landing or platform on thatportion of the stairway.2. Headroom – Minimum headroom in all parts of the stairway shall not be less than 6 fee 8 inches (2032mm)measured vertically from the sloped line adjoining the tread nosing or from the floor surface of the landing orplatform on that portion of the stairway.Exception: Where the nosing of treads at the side of a flight extend under the edge of a floor openingthrough which the stair passes, the floor opening shall be allowed to project horizontally into the requiredheadroom a maximum of 4 3/4 inches (121 mm).3. Vertical rise – A flight of stairs shall not have a vertical rise larger than 12 feet (3658 mm) between floor levels or landings.4. Walkline - The walk line across winder treads shall be concentric to the curved direction of travel through theturn and located 12 inches (305 mm) from the side where the winders are narrower. The 12-inch (305 mm)dimension shall be measured from the widest point of the clear stair width at the walking surface of the winder. Ifwinders are adjacent within the flight, the point of the widest clear stair width of the adjacent winders shall be used.5. Stair treads and risers - Stair treads and risers shall meet the requirements of this section. For the purposes ofthis section all dimensions and dimensioned surfaces shall be exclusive of carpets, rugs or runners.5.1 Risers - The maximum riser height shall be 7 3/4 inches (196 mm). The riser shall be measured verticallybetween leading edges of the adjacent treads. The greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not exceedthe smallest by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm). Risers shall be vertical or sloped from the underside of the nosing ofthe tread above at an angle not more than 30 degrees (0.51 rad) from the vertical. Open risers are permittedprovided that the opening between treads does not permit the passage of a 4-inch-diameter (102 mm) sphere.Exception: The opening between adjacent treads is not limited on stairs with a total rise of 30 inches orless5.2 Treads - .The minimum tread depth shall be 10 inches (254 mm). The tread depth shall be measured horizontally between the vertical planes of the foremost projection of adjacent treads and at a right angle to thetread's leading edge. The greatest tread depth within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).5.2.1 Winder treads - Consistently shaped winders at the walk line shall be allowed within the same flight of stairsas rectangular treads and do not have to be within 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) of the rectangular tread depth. Winder treadsshall have a minimum tread depth of 10 inches (254 mm) measured between the vertical planes of the foremostprojection of adjacent treads at the intersections with the walk line. Winder treads shall have a minimum treaddepth of 6 inches (152mm) at any point within the clear width of the stair. Within any flight of stairs, the largestwinder tread depth at the walk line shall not exceed the smallest winder tread by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).5.3 Nosings - The radius of curvature at the nosing shall be no greater than 9/16 inch (14 mm). A nosing not lessthan 3/4 inch (19 mm) but not more than 1 1/4 inches (32 mm) shall be provided on stairways with solid risers. Thegreatest nosing projection shall not exceed the smallest nosing projection by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) betweentwo stories, including the nosing at the level of floors and landings. Beveling of nosing shall not exceed 1/2 inch(12.7 mm).Exceptions: A nosing is not required where the tread depth is a minimum of 11 inches (279 mm).5.4 Exterior wood/plastic composite stair treads - Wood/plastic composite stair treads shall comply with theprovisions of Section R317.4.6. Landings for stairways - There shall be a floor or landing at the top and bottom of each stairway. A flight ofstairs shall not have a vertical rise larger than 12 feet (3658 mm) between floor levels or landings. The width ofeach landing shall not be less than the width of the stairway served. Every landing shall have a minimumdimension of 36 inches (914 mm) measured in the direction of travel.Exception: A floor or landing is not required at the top of an interior flight of stairs, including stairs in anenclosed garage, provided a door does not swing over the stairs.7. Stairway walking surface - The walking surface of treads and landings of stairways shall be sloped no steeperthan one unit vertical in 48 inches horizontal (2-percent slope).8. Handrails - Handrails shall be provided on at least one side of each continuous run of treads or flight with fouror more risers.8.1 Height - Handrail height, measured vertically from the sloped plane adjoining the tread nosing, or finish surfaceof ramp slope, shall be not less than 34 inches (864 mm) and not more than 38 inches (965 mm).Exceptions: 1. The use of a volute, turnout or starting easing shall be allowed over the lowest tread. 2. When handrail fittings or bends are used to provide continuous transition between flights, thetransition from handrail to guardrail, or used at the start of a flight, the handrail height at the fittings or bends shallbe permitted to exceed the maximum height.8.2 Continuity - Handrails for stairways shall be continuous for the full length of the flight, from a point directlyabove the top riser of the flight to a point directly above the lowest riser of the flight. Handrail ends shall bereturned or shall terminate in newel posts or safety terminals. Handrails adjacent to a wall shall have a space ofnot less than 1 1/2 inch (38 mm) between the wall and the handrails.Exceptions: 1. Handrails shall be permitted to be interrupted by a newel post at the turn. 2. The use of a volute, turnout, starting easing or starting newel shall be allowed over the lowest tread.8.3 Grip-size - All required handrails shall be of one of the following types or provide equivalent graspability.1. Type I. Handrails with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of at least 1 1/4 inches (32mm) and not greater than 2 inches (51 mm). If the handrail is not circular, it shall have a perimeter dimension of at least 4 inches (102 mm) and not greater than 6 1/4 inches (160 mm) with a maximum crosssection of dimension of 2 1/4 inches (57 mm). Edges shall have a minimum radius of 0.01 inch (0.25 mm).2.Type II. Handrails with a perimeter greater than 6 1/4 inches (160 mm) shall have a graspable finger recess area on both sides of the profile. The finger recess shall begin within a distance of 3/4 inch (19 mm)measured vertically from the tallest portion of the profile and achieve a depth of at least 5/16 inch (8 mm)within 7/8 inch (22 mm) below the widest portion of the profile. This required depth shall continue for at least3/8 inch (10 mm) to a level that is not less than 1 3/4 inches (45 mm) below the tallest portion of the profile.The minimum width of the handrail above the recess shall be 1 1/4 inches (32 mm) to a maximum of 2 3/4inches (70 mm). Edges shall have a minimum radius of 0.01 inch (0.25 mm).8.4 Exterior wood/plastic composite handrails – Wood/plastic composite handrails shall comply with theprovisions of Section R507.3.9. Illumination – All stairs shall be provided with illumination in accordance with comply with Section R303.6.R312 GUARDS AND WINDOW FALL PROTECTION1. Guards - Guards shall be provided in accordance with Sections R312.1.1 through R312. Where required - Guards shall be located along open-sided walking surfaces, including stairs, ramps andlandings, that are located more than 30 inches (762 mm) measured vertically to the floor or grade below at anypoint within 36 inches (914 mm) horizontally to the edge of the open side. Insect screening shall not be consideredas a guard.1. 2 Height - Required guards at open-sided walking surfaces, including stairs, porches, balconies or landings,shall be not less than 36 inches (914 mm) high measured vertically above the adjacent walking surface, adjacentfixed seating or the line connecting the leading edges of the treads.Exceptions: 1. Guards on the open sides of stairs shall have a height not less than 34 inches (864mm) measured vertically from a line connecting the leading edges of the treads. 2. Where the top of the guard also serves as a handrail on the open sides of stairs, thetop of the guard shall not be not less than 34 inches (864 mm) and not more than 38inches (965 mm) measured vertically from a line connecting the leading edges of thetreads.1. 3 Opening limitations - Required guards shall not have openings from the walking surface to the required guardheight which allow passage of a sphere 4 inches (102 mm) in diameter.Exceptions: 1. The triangular openings at the open side of a stair, formed by the riser, tread andbottom rail of a guard, shall not allow passage of a sphere 6 inches (153 mm) indiameter. 2. Guards on the open sides of stairs shall not have openings which allow passage of asphere 4 3/8 inches (111 mm) in diameter.R314 SMOKE ALARMS1. Smoke detection and notification - All smoke alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL 217 and installed inaccordance with the provisions of this code and the household fire warning equipment provisions of NFPA 72.2. Smoke detection systems - Household fire alarm systems installed in accordance with NFPA 72 that includesmoke alarms, or a combination of smoke detector and audible notification device installed as required by thissection for smoke alarms, shall be permitted. The household fire alarm system shall provide the same level ofsmoke detection and alarm as required by this section for smoke alarms. Where a household fire warning systemis installed using a combination of smoke detector and audible notification device(s), it shall become a permanentfixture of the occupancy and owned by the homeowner. The system shall be monitored by an approvedsupervising station and be maintained in accordance with NFPA 72.Exception: Where smoke alarms are provided meeting the requirements of Section R314.4.3. Location - Smoke alarms shall be installed in the following locations:1. In each sleeping room.2. Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms.3. On each additional story of the dwelling, including basements and habitable attics but not includingcrawl spaces and uninhabitable attics. In dwellings or dwelling units with split levels and without anintervening door between the adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the upper level shall sufficefor the adjacent lower level provided that the lower level is less than one full story below the upperlevel.3.1 Alterations, repairs and additions - When alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit occur, or when oneor more sleeping rooms are added or created in existing dwellings, the individual dwelling unit shall be equippedwith smoke alarms located as required for new dwellings.Exceptions: 1. Work involving the exterior surfaces of dwellings, such as the replacement of roofing or siding, or the addition or replacement of windows or doors, or the addition of a porch or deck, are exemptfrom the requirements of this section.2. Installation, alteration or repairs of plumbing or mechanical systems are exempt from the requirements of this section.4. Power source - Smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring when such wiring isserved from a commercial source, and when primary power is interrupted, shall receive power from a battery.Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than those required for overcurrent protection.Smoke alarms shall be interconnected.Exceptions: 1. Smoke alarms shall be permitted to be battery operated when installed in buildings withoutcommercial power 2. Interconnection and hard-wiring of smoke alarms in existing areas shall not be required where the alterations or repairs do not result in the removal of interior wall or ceiling finishes exposing the structure,unless there is an attic, crawl space or basement available which could provide access for hard wiring andinterconnection without the removal of interior finishes.R315 CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS1. Carbon monoxide alarms - For new construction, an approved carbon monoxide alarm shall be installedoutside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms in dwelling units within whichfuel-fired appliances are installed and in dwelling units that have attached garages.2. Carbon monoxide detection systems - Carbon monoxide detection systems that include carbon monoxidedetectors and audible notification appliances, installed and maintained in accordance with this section for carbonmonoxide alarms and NFPA 720, shall be permitted. The carbon monoxide detectors shall be listed as complyingwith UL 2075. Where a household carbon monoxide detection system is installed, it shall become a permanentfixture of the occupancy, owned by the homeowner and shall be monitored by an approved supervising station.Exception: Where carbon monoxide alarms are installed meeting the requirements of Section R315.1, compliance 315.2 is not required.3. Where required in existing dwellings - Where work requiring a permit occurs in existing dwellings that haveattached garages or in existing dwellings within which fuel-fired appliances exist, carbon monoxide alarms shall beprovided in accordance with Section R315.1.3.4. Alarm requirements - Single station carbon monoxide alarms shall be listed as complying with UL 2034 andshall be installed in accordance with this code and the manufacturer's installation instructions.R317 PROTECTION OF WOOD AND WOOD BASED PRODUCTS AGAINST DECAY1. Location required - Protection of wood and wood based products from decay shall be provided in the followinglocations by the use of naturally durable wood or wood that is preservative-treated in accordance withAWPA U1 for the species, product, preservative and end use. Preservatives shall be listed in Section 4 ofAWPA U1.1. Wood joists or the bottom of a wood structural floor when closer than 18 inches (457 mm) or wood girderswhen closer than 12 inches (305 mm) to the exposed ground in crawl spaces or unexcavated area locatedwithin the periphery of the building foundation.2. All wood framing members that rest on concrete or masonry exterior foundation walls and are less than 8inches (203 mm) from the exposed ground.3. Sills and sleepers on a concrete or masonry slab that is in direct contact with the ground unlessseparated from such slab by an impervious moisture barrier.4. The ends of wood girders entering exterior masonry or concrete walls having clearances of less than 1/2inch (12.7 mm) on tops, sides and ends.5. Wood siding, sheathing and wall framing on the exterior of a building having a clearance of less than 6inches (152 mm) from the ground or less than 2 inches (51 mm) measured vertically from concrete steps, porch slabs, patio slabs, and similar horizontal surfaces exposed to the weather.6. Wood structural members supporting moisture-permeable floors or roofs that are exposed to the weather,such as concrete or masonry slabs, unless separated from such floors or roofs by an impervious moisturebarrier.7. Wood furring strips or other wood framing members attached directly to the interior of exterior masonrywalls or concrete walls below grade except where an approved vapor retarder is applied between the walland the furring strips or framing members.2. Field treatment - Field-cut ends, notches and drilled holes of preservative-treated wood shall be treated in thefield in accordance with AWPA M4.3. Ground contact - All wood in contact with the ground, embedded in concrete in direct contact with the groundor embedded in concrete exposed to the weather that supports permanent structures intended for humanoccupancy shall be approved pressure-preservative-treated wood suitable for ground contact use, exceptuntreated wood may be used where entirely below groundwater level or continuously submerged in fresh water.R702 INTERIOR COVERING7. Vapor retarders - Class 1 or II vapor retarders are required for interior side of frame walls for Zone 4.Exceptions: 1. Basement walls 2. Below grade portion of any exterior wall. 3. Construction where moisture or freezing will not damage the materials.7.1 Class III vapor retarders - Class III vapor retarders shall be permitted where any one of the conditions in table702.7.1 is met.TABLE R702.7.1 CLASS III VAPOR RETARDERSCLIMATEZONE CLASS III VAPOR RETARDERS PERMITTED FORMarine 4 Vented cladding over OSB Vented cladding over plywood Vented cladding over fiberboard Vented cladding over gypsum Insulated sheathing with R-value > 2.5 over 2 x 4 wall Insulated sheathing with R-value > 3.75 over 2 x 6 wall7.2 Material vapor retarder class - Material vapor retarder class shall be base on the manufacturer's certifiedtesting or testing assembly.The following shall be deemed to meet the class specified:Class 1: Sheet polyethylene, un-perforated aluminum foil.Class II: Kraft-faced fiberglass batts.Class III: Latex or enamel paint.4. Minimum clear air spaces and vented openings for vented cladding – For purposes of this section ventedcladding shall include the following minimum clear air spaces. Other openings with the equivalent vent area shallbe permitted.1. Vinyl lap or horizontal aluminum siding applied over a weather resistive barrier as specified in Table R703.4.2. Brick veneer with a clear airspace as specified in in Section R703. Other approved vented claddings.R703 EXTERIOR COVERING8. Flashing - Approved corrosion-resistant flashing shall be applied shingle-fashion in such a manner to prevententry of water into the wall cavity or penetration of water to the building structural framing components. Selfadhered membranes used as flashing shall comply with AAMA 771. The flashing shall extend to the surface of theexterior wall finish. Approved corrosion-resistant flashings shall be installed at all of the following locations:1. Exterior window and door openings. Flashing at exterior window and door openings shall extend to thesurface of the exterior wall finish or to the water -resistive barrier for subsequent drainage.2. At the intersection of chimneys or other masonry construction with frame or stucco walls, with projectinglips on both sides under stucco copings.3. Under and at the ends of masonry, wood or metal copings and sills.4. Continuously above all projecting wood trim.5. Where exterior porches, deck or stairs attach to a wall or floor assembly of wood-frame construction.6. At wall and roof intersections.7. At built-in gutters.R1004 FACTORY-BUILT FIREPLACES1. General - Factory built fireplaces shall be listed and labeled and shall be installed in accordance with theconditions of the listing. Factory-built fireplaces shall be tested in accordance with UL 127.2.Hearth extensions - Hearth extensions of approved factory-built fireplaces shall be installed in accordance withthe listing of the fireplace. The hearth extension shall be readily distinguishable from the surrounding floor area.3.Decorative shrouds - Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the termination of chimneys for factory-builtfireplaces except where the shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the specific factory-built fireplace systemand installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.R1005 FACTORY-BUILT CHIMNEYS1. Listing - Factory-built chimneys shall be listed and labeled and shall be installed and terminated in accordancewith the manufacturer's installation instructions.2. Decorative shrouds - Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the termination of factory-built chimneysexcept where the shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the specific factory-built chimney system and installedin accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.3. Solid-fuel appliances - Factory-built chimneys installed in dwelling units with solid-fuel-burning appliances shallcomply with the Type HT requirements of UL 103 and shall be marked "Type HT and Residential Type andBuilding Heating Appliance Chimney”.Exception: Chimneys for use with open combustion chamber fireplaces shall comply with the requirements of UL 103 and shall be marked "Residential Type and Building Heating ApplianceChimney".4. Factory-built fireplaces - Chimneys for use with factory-built fireplaces shall comply with the requirements ofUL 127.5. Support - Where factory-built chimneys are supported by structural members, such as joists and rafters, thosemembers shall be designed to support the additional load.R1006 EXTERIOR AIR SUPPLY1. Exterior air - Factory-built or masonry fireplaces covered in this chapter shall be equipped with an exterior airsupply to assure proper fuel combustion unless the room is mechanically ventilated and controlled so that theindoor pressure is neutral or positive.1.1 Factory-built fireplaces - Exterior combustion air ducts for factory-built fireplaces shall be a listed component ofthe fireplace and shall be installed according to the fireplace manufacturer's instructions.M1501 EXHAUST SYSTEMS1. Outdoor discharge - The air removed by every mechanical exhaust system shall be discharged to theoutdoors in accordance with Section M1506.2. Air shall not be exhausted into an attic, soffit, ridge vent or crawlspace.Exception: Whole-house ventilation-type attic fans that discharge into the attic space of dwelling unitshaving private attics shall be permitted.M1502 CLOTHES DRYER EXHAUST1. General - Clothes dryers shall be exhausted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.2. Independent exhaust systems - Dryer exhaust systems shall be independent of all other systems and shallconvey the moisture to the outdoors.Exception: This section shall not apply to listed and labeled condensing (ductless) clothes dryers.3. Duct termination - Exhaust ducts shall terminate on the outside of the building. Exhaust duct terminations shallbe in accordance with the dryer manufacturer’s installation instructions. If the manufacturer’s instructions do notspecify a termination location, the exhaust duct shall terminate not less than 3 feet (914 mm) in any direction fromopenings into buildings. Exhaust duct terminations shall be equipped with a backdraft damper. Screens shall notbe installed at the duct termination.4. Dryer exhaust ducts - Dryer exhaust ducts shall conform to the requirements of Sections M1502.4.1 throughM1502. Material and size - Exhaust ducts shall have a smooth interior finish and be constructed of metal having aminimum thickness of 0.0157 inches (0.3950 mm) (No. 28 gage). The duct shall be 4 inches (102 mm) nominal indiameter.4.2 Duct installation - Exhaust ducts shall be supported at intervals not to exceed 12 feet (3658 mm) and shall besecured in place. The insert end of the duct shall extend into the adjoining duct or fitting in the direction of airflow.Exhaust duct joints shall be sealed in accordance with Section M1601.4.1 and shall be mechanically fastened.Ducts shall not be joined with screws or similar fasteners that protrude more than 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) into the insideof the duct.4.3 Transition duct - Transition ducts used to connect the dryer to the exhaust duct system shall be a single lengththat is listed and labeled in accordance with UL 2158A. Transition ducts shall be a maximum of 8 feet (2438 mm)in length. Transition ducts shall not be concealed within construction.4.4 Duct length - The maximum allowable exhaust duct length shall be determined by one of the methodsspecified in Section M1502.4.4.1 or M1502. Specified length - The maximum length of the exhaust duct shall be 35 feet (10 668 mm) from the connectionto the transition duct from the dryer to the outlet terminal. Where fittings are used, the maximum length of theexhaust duct shall be reduced in accordance with Table M1502.4.4.1. The maximum length of the exhaust ductdoes not include the transition duct.by the dryer manufacturer’s installation instructions. The code official shall be provided with a copy of theinstallation instructions for the make and model of the dryer at the concealment inspection. In the absence of fittingequivalent length calculations from the clothes dryer manufacturer, Table M1502.4.4.1 shall be used.4.5 Length identification - Where the exhaust duct is concealed within the building construction, the equivalentlength of the exhaust duct shall be identified on a permanent label or tag. The label or tag shall be located within 6feet (1829 mm) of the exhaust duct connection.4.6 Exhaust duct required - Where space for a clothes dryer is provided, an exhaust duct system shall be installed.Where the clothes dryer is not installed at the time of occupancy the exhaust duct shall be capped or plugged inthe space in which it originates and identified and marked "future use.”Exception: Where a listed condensing clothes dryer is installed prior to occupancy of the structure.5. Protection required - Protective shield plates shall be placed where nails or screws from finish or other workare likely to penetrate the clothes dryer exhaust duct. Shield plates shall be placed on the finished face of allframing members where there is less than 11/4 inches (32 mm) between the duct and the finished face of theframing member. Protective shield plates shall be constructed of steel, shall have a minimum thickness of0.062-inch (1.6 mm) and shall extend a minimum of 2 inches (51 mm) above sole plates and below top plates.M1503 RANGE HOODS1. General - Range hoods shall discharge to the outdoors through a single-wall duct. The duct serving the hoodshall have a smooth interior surface, shall be air tight, shall be equipped with a back-draft damper, and shall beindependent of all other exhaust systems. Ducts serving range hoods shall not terminate in an attic or crawl spaceor areas inside the building.Exception: Where installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions, and wheremechanical or natural ventilation is otherwise provided, listed and labeled ductless range hoods shall not berequired to discharge to the outdoors.2. Duct material - Single-wall ducts serving range hoods shall be constructed of galvanized steel, stainless steelor copper.Exception: Ducts for domestic kitchen cooking appliances equipped with down-draft exhaust systemsshall be permitted to be constructed of schedule 40 PVC pipe and fittings provided that the installation complies with all of the following:1. The duct is installed under a concrete slab poured on grade;2. The underfloor trench in which the duct is installed is completely backfilled with sand or gravel;3. The PVC duct extends not more than 1 inch (25 mm) above the indoor concrete floor surface;4. The PVC duct extends not more than 1 inch (25 mm) above grade outside of the building; and5. The PVC ducts are solvent cemented.3. Kitchen exhaust rates - Where domestic kitchen cooking appliances are equipped with ducted range hoods ordown-draft exhaust systems, the fans shall be sized in accordance with Section M1507.4.4. Makeup air required - Exhaust hood systems capable of exhausting in excess of 400 cubic feet per minute(0.19 m3/s) shall be provided with makeup air at a rate approximately equal to the exhaust air rate. Such makeupair systems shall be equipped with a means of closure and shall be automatically controlled to start and operatesimultaneously with the exhaust system.M1506 EXHAUST DUCTS AND EXHAUST OPENINGS1. Ducts - Where exhaust duct construction is not specified in this chapter, construction shall comply with Chapter16.2. Exhaust openings - Air exhaust openings shall terminate not less than 3 feet (914 mm) from property lines; 3feet (914 mm) from operable and non-operable openings into the building and 10 feet (3048 mm) from mechanicalair intakes except where the opening is located 3 feet (914 mm) above the air intake. Openings shall comply withSections R303.5.2 and R303.6.M1507 MECHANICAL VENTILATION1. General - Where local exhaust or whole-house mechanical ventilation is provided, the equipment shall bedesigned in accordance with this section.2. Re-circulation of air - Exhaust air from bathrooms and toilet rooms shall not be recirculated within a residenceor to another dwelling unit and shall be exhausted directly to the outdoors. Exhaust air from bathrooms and toiletrooms shall not discharge into an attic, crawl space or other areas inside the building.3. Whole-house mechanical ventilation system - Whole-house mechanical ventilation systems shall bedesigned in accordance with Sections M1507.3.1 through M1507. System design - The whole-house ventilation system shall consist of one or more supply or exhaust fans, or acombination of such, and associated ducts and controls. Local exhaust or supply fans are permitted to serve assuch a system. Outdoor air ducts connected to the return side of an air handler shall be considered to providesupply ventilation.3.2 System controls -The whole-house mechanical ventilation system shall be provided with controls that enablemanual override.3.3 Mechanical ventilation rate - The whole-house mechanical ventilation system shall provide outdoor air at acontinuous rate of not less than that determined in accordance with Table M1507.3.3(1).Exception: The whole-house mechanical ventilation system is permitted to operate intermittently wherethe system has controls that enable operation for not less than 25-percent of each 4-hour segment and theventilation rate prescribed in Table M1507.3.3(1) is multiplied by the factor determined in accordance withTable M1507.3.3(2).MILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.22A0.1BLDG CODE 11'-4"10'-5"6'-93 4" 24'14'-712"15'-434" 16'-43 4" 17'4'-214"6'-8"12'-8"14'-112"14'-812"5'3'6'-812"1'-2"5'7'-1112"1'-912"6'3'-2"6'3'-10"3'-4"3'-414"5'6'-2" 9'-1"2'3'-51 4"9'-10"3'-8"1'-5"8'-6"1'-4"8'-6"1'-1012"21'-712"20'-412"20'-6" 21'-112" 7'-4" 13'-5"8'-0" TALL8'-0" WIDEG18'-0" TALL8'-0" WIDEG1LIVING ROOMXX SFCONCRETEUTILITY ROOMXX SFCONCRETEBEDROOMXX SFCONCRETECLOSETXX SFCONCRETELAUNDRYXX SFCONCRETEBATHROOMXX SFCONCRETE2'-8"3'-8"7'-5 1/2"7'-5"2'-8"11'-6" 39'-43 4" 20'-91 2"15'-612"2'-912"2'4'-8"5'1122CCAA1A3.22A3.11A3.12A3.244BBD3A1A1STAIRS15 RISERS @ 7"14 TREADS @ 11.5"CLOSETXX SFCONCRETE6'-8"GARAGEXX SFCONCRETE12'-912"13'-31 2"8'5'6'-8"21' 6'-111 2"4'-111 4"2'-01 4"27'-312"10'-71 2"3'-3"2'-8"3'-6"2'-8"4'5'2'5'1'-3"2'-2"6'3'6'4'-7"3'-812"2'-10"14'-4"6'-2"3'-2"5'3'-4"3'-10"1'-7"2'-6"1'-8"7'-6"5'-2"5'-11 2" 12'-112" 3'11'-4"39'-4" 1'-51 2"3'2'-6"3'-2"5'3'-2"5'3'1'3'1'1'-112"1122CCAA1A3.22A3.11A3.12A3.244BBD3A1A18'-6" AFF712"3'-8"21'-114"14'-8"14'-3"21'7'-11"4'7'-412"6'-9"7'-412"29'-4"3'-3"11'-1"6'4' 6' 10'-4"3'-112"39'-4"1'-10"2'-4"3'-6"PATIOXX SFCONCRETEKITCHENXX SFVINYLLIVING300 SFWOODBEDROOMXX SFWOODBEDROOMXX SFWOODBATHROOMXX SFTILEMILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.222MAIN FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"A0.2AS BUILT1BASEMENT FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FORREFERENCEONLY 1122CCAA1A3.22A3.11A3.12A3.244BBD3A1A1MILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.221EXISTING ROOF PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"A0.3AS BUILTFORREFERENCEONLY MILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.22A0.4ENERGYENERGY CREDIT PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONHEAT PUMPNW XV19/TAM9 4-TON MULTI POSITION SPECIAL: - TRANE HEAT PUMPWATER HEATERRINNAI 199- ELECTRIC TANKLESS WATER HEATER 1122CCAA1A3.22A3.11A3.12A3.244BBD3A1A1OFFICE60 SFLVTDINING130 SFLVTLIVING ROOM280 SFLVTENTRY40 SFLVTMASTER BEDROOM150 SFLVTCLOSET12 SFLVTSTAIRS15 RISERS @ 7"14 TREADS @ 11.5"BEDROOM166 SFLVTNEWDECK379 SFTOTALWOOD12'-6"CLEAR7' 1'-7"ENLARGE OPENING TO NORTHFOR NEW SLIDER3'-512"5'2'29'-4"7' FIREPLACE & SHELVES 10' EQ 11'-41 4"26683'-4"14'-4" 4'7'-7"HALL30 SFLVT2668 DECK DEPTH6' CLRPRIVACYSCREENLINE OF ROOF ABOVE59'-93 4" 3'-3" MIN BATHROOM41 SFLVTMASTER BATHROOM45 SFLVTCLOSET30 SFLVTWATERCLOSET16 SFLVT4'-6"aprox. 6'-112"4'-6" CLEARSHOWER21 SFTILEHALL30 SFLVT3'-10" MIN 26682668266826683' CLEAREEF2'-51 2"2'-6" 4' CLEAR 4'-6" CLEARKITCHEN280 SFLVTWATER FALLKITCHENISLANDUPPERSHOODABOVE2'2' ALIGN ~8'-0" 4' CLEAR ALIGN FLOOR TO CEILING BUILT INSHELVES AND PANTRY3'10'-9"BUILT IN SHELVESWARDROBEVIF BASED ONREF SIZE6'EQEQ3'-6" SILLM℄1'-8" MIN ℄℄3'-6" CLEARCOAT NICHE/BENCH60 SFLVTCLOSET7.5 SFLVTBENCH2'-6"1'-6" MIN NOTE:SHADED AREA TO BE NEWROOF WITH WALLS AT 9'-0"BUILT IN DESK AND SHELVES2068A104SEE DETAIL X/AX.X3'-6" SILL3'-6" SILL10114 RISERS @ ~7.4"13 TREADS @ 10"EQ NOTE:WINDOW, SINK, KITCHENISLAND & FIREPLACE TO BEON CENTERF2'-6"GJJKM14'-8"1022A2A2A3A3.1AREA OF ADDITION600 SFAREAOF DECKADD158 SFSEE 1/A5.1 FORMORE INFORMATIONABOUT DECK. ALSOREFER TO STRUCTURALFOR ALL DECK FOOTINGFRAMING AND OTHER8'-5"8'-5"5'-2"2'10'-10"12' 2'-6" TYP FRIDGE 1'-4"2'-6"1'-4"10'-71 2"5'3'3'-43 4" 2'4'-2"4'-6"1122CCAA1A3.22A3.11A3.12A3.244BBD3A1A18'-0" TALL8'-0" WIDEG18'-0" TALL8'-0" WIDEG1LIVING ROOM300 SFTILEMUD ROOM225 SFCONCRETEBEDROOM175 SFCARPETCLOSETCARPETLAUNDRY80 SFCONCRETEBATHROOM45 SFTILE7'-5 1/2"7'-5"20'-912"STAIRS15 RISERS @ 7"14 TREADS @ 11.5"CLOSET20 SFCONCRETEREBUILT GARAGE600 SFCONCRETECLOSETCARPET7'-8"BEDROOM120 SFCARPET10'-7"11'-212"11'-334"7'-7"3'-214"DRYERWASHEROPEN UP WALLADD RAILINGSEE DETAILX/AX.XBUILT IN BENCH/STORAGECOATCLOSET8'-0" TALL8'-0" WIDEG1ABBB2AEQ1EQ1EQ2EQ2NOTE :TYPE X OR EQUIVALENTGYPSUM CEILING FOR MINIMUM1-HOUR FIRE RATING BETWEENGARAGE AND LIVING AREAS1-HOUR MIN FIRE RATEDASSEMBLYDOOR TO BE SOLID CORE STEELDOOR WITH MIN 1-HOUR FIRERATING4"2668266826682668 306850682'-6"~2'-3"3068NOTE:R-21 INSULATION MINIMUMFOR ALL EXTERIOR WALLSINCLUDING THE THE BASEMENTCONCRETE WALLSD1032ANEW WINDOWIN EXISTING R.O.6'104CONCRETEPATIO3'8'-312"VIFEQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQDECK POSTSTO SET BACK 2'-0"FROM FACE OFDECK, APROX 4'BEYOND FACE OFHOUSE3' MIN3'-6"IF WINDOWWELL IS MORETHAN 44"BELOW GRADEA LADDER ISNEEDED4'-0"7' NEW BEAM ABOVECENTER OPENING3'-414"3068 UTILITYCLOSETAREA OFADDITIONAL GARAGESMOKE DETECTOR/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR TYPAIR INTAKE VENT4 SQUARE INCHES MINCFM, 110, SWITCHEDPANASONIC WHISPERCEILING VENT FANWALL TAGWINDOW TAGPLAN KEYDOOR TAGAIR INLET#1A2.1ELEVATION/SECTIONMARKER(s)#STRUCTURAL GRID LINEDSDOWN SPOUT#NEW WALLEXISTING WALLAREA OF ADDITIONDEMO NOTES1. REMOVE EXISTING CHIMNEY2. REMOVE EXISTING EXTERIOR SITE STAIRSLEADING TO GARAGE LEVEL3. PREP FOR RELOCATING ELECTRIC BOX ANDSTRIKE4. ALL CONCRETE WALLS AND FLOORS OF THEGARAGE TO BE DEMOLISHED & REMOVEDNOTE :1. THE NAME OF THE PROPOSED SPRAY FOAMPRODUCT, ITS MANUFACTURER, AND ITS ESRREPORT NUMBER.2. A COPY OF THE ICC ESR REPORT FOR THEPRODUCT USED MUST BE PROVIDED ON THE JOBSITE FOR FIELD INSPECTOR VERIFICATION.3. THE APPLIED SPRAY FOAM MUST BE INSTALLEDBY A CERTIFIED INSTALLER.4. DESIGN PROFESSIONAL OR BUILDER SHALLCOMPLETE AND POST AN "INSULATIONCERTIFICATE FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION"WITHIN 3' OF THE ELECTRICAL PANEL PRIOR TOFINAL INSPECTIONALL ASSEMBLIES BROUGHT UP TO CURRENTWASHINGTON STATE ENERGY REQUIREMENTSWALL R21CEILING R49FLOOR ON GRADE R10MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK UNDERSEPARATE PERMITS AND PER FIELD INSPECTIONINSPECTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL WALLS MEETREQUIRED ENERGY CODE STANDARDSMECHANICAL NOTESNEW SPACE TO BE HEATED BY HEAT PUMP W/ MINISPLITS UNDER SEPARATE PERMITLED TRACK LIGHTINGLIGHTING / ELECTRICAL LEGEND2 GANG SOCKETSWITCH, LED, W/ DIMMERS2 GANG SOCKET, 220NOTE :WHF TO BE MAXIMUM 1.0 SONE, AS REQUIRED BYSRC M1507.3.4.2'S FAN NOISE SECTION220EXTERIOR MOTION SENSOR#MILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.222SECOND FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.1BLDG PLANS1BASEMENT FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1122CCAA1A3.22A3.11A3.12A3.244BBD3A1A1THIS AREA TO BE OVERFRAMEDON EXISTING ROOFSMOKE DETECTOR/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR TYPAIR INTAKE VENT4 SQUARE INCHES MINCFM, 110, SWITCHEDPANASONIC WHISPERCEILING VENT FANWALL TAGWINDOW TAGPLAN KEYDOOR TAGAIR INLET#1A2.1ELEVATION/SECTIONMARKER(s)#STRUCTURAL GRID LINEDSDOWN SPOUT#NEW WALLEXISTING WALLAREA OF ADDITIONDEMO NOTES1. REMOVE EXISTING CHIMNEY2. REMOVE EXISTING EXTERIOR SITE STAIRSLEADING TO GARAGE LEVEL3. PREP FOR RELOCATING ELECTRIC BOX ANDSTRIKE4. ALL CONCRETE WALLS AND FLOORS OF THEGARAGE TO BE DEMOLISHED & REMOVEDNOTE :1. THE NAME OF THE PROPOSED SPRAY FOAMPRODUCT, ITS MANUFACTURER, AND ITS ESRREPORT NUMBER.2. A COPY OF THE ICC ESR REPORT FOR THEPRODUCT USED MUST BE PROVIDED ON THE JOBSITE FOR FIELD INSPECTOR VERIFICATION.3. THE APPLIED SPRAY FOAM MUST BE INSTALLEDBY A CERTIFIED INSTALLER.4. DESIGN PROFESSIONAL OR BUILDER SHALLCOMPLETE AND POST AN "INSULATIONCERTIFICATE FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION"WITHIN 3' OF THE ELECTRICAL PANEL PRIOR TOFINAL INSPECTIONALL ASSEMBLIES BROUGHT UP TO CURRENTWASHINGTON STATE ENERGY REQUIREMENTSWALL R21CEILING R49FLOOR ON GRADE R10MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK UNDERSEPARATE PERMITS AND PER FIELD INSPECTIONINSPECTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL WALLS MEETREQUIRED ENERGY CODE STANDARDSMECHANICAL NOTESNEW SPACE TO BE HEATED BY HEAT PUMP W/ MINISPLITS UNDER SEPARATE PERMITLED TRACK LIGHTINGLIGHTING / ELECTRICAL LEGEND2 GANG SOCKETSWITCH, LED, W/ DIMMERS2 GANG SOCKET, 220NOTE :WHF TO BE MAXIMUM 1.0 SONE, AS REQUIRED BYSRC M1507.3.4.2'S FAN NOISE SECTION220EXTERIOR MOTION SENSOR#MILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.221ROOF PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"A1.2BLDG PLANS T.O. SLABXX'FINISHED FLOORXX'PEAKXX'8'-8"7'-8"5'-10"LEDGER 13'-6" TO 4' VIF MAX HEIGHT TOP PLATE24'-0"23'LEDGER 2EXISTING FINISHEDCEILINGCABDA1A2AA℄B8'-8"NEW CONC FIBER BOARDSIDINGWOOD SCREEN DETAILNEW EGRESS WINDOW ANDWINDOW WELL FOR BEDROOMEWOOD PLANTERNEW CONCRETE STAIRSNOTE : MATCH EXISTING ROOFPITCH, TYPTEMPEREDT.O. SLABXX'FINISHED FLOORXX'PEAKXX'8'-8"7'-8"5'-10"LEDGER 13'-6" TO4'VIF MAX HEIGHT TOP PLATE24'-0"23'LEDGER 2EXISTING FINISHEDCEILING1 2 4 3 PATCH THIS AREA TO MATCHEXISTING BRICKPATCH THIS AREA TO MATCHEXISTING BRICKAREA OF ADDITIONNOTE : MATCH EXISTING ROOFPITCH, TYPDMM103MDOG DOORMILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.221SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"A3.1ELEVATIONS2WEST ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" T.O. SLABXX'FINISHED FLOORXX'PEAKXX'8'-8"7'-8"5'-10"LEDGER 13'-6" TO 4' VIF MAX HEIGHT TOP PLATE24'-0"23'LEDGER 2EXISTING FINISHEDCEILINGCABDA1A2JNOTE : MATCH EXISTING ROOFPITCH, TYPJKT.O. SLABXX'FINISHED FLOORXX'PEAKXX'8'-8"7'-8"5'-10"LEDGER 13'-6" TO 4' VIF MAX HEIGHT TOP PLATE24'-0"23'LEDGER 2EXISTING FINISHEDCEILING1 2 4 3EF FNOTE : MATCH EXISTING ROOFPITCH, TYPEXISTING DOWNSPOUTEXISTING DOWNSPOUTEXISTING DOWNSPOUTNEW DOWNSPOUTGMILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.221NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"A3.2ELEVATIONS2EAST ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1031017'7'10'3'AFINISHED FLOORNOTES:1. FOR WINDOW DIMENSION LEAVE AT LEAST 12" SPACING FOR SHIM AT HEAD, JAMB, AND SILL. VERIFY ALL ROUGH OPENING DIMENSIONS IN FIELDAFTER EXISTING WINDOWS ARE REMOVED IF EXISTING, AND AFTER FRAMING IF NEW.2. MIN CLEARANCES FOR EGRESS WINDOWS, 44" TO SILL, 5.7SF AREA, 20" MIN WIDE, 24" MIN HEIGHT3. SEE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR FINAL DIMENSIONS, FINISHES, AND OPERABILITY4. FENESTRATION TO BE NFRC 100, LABELED AND CERTIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER5. ALL GLASS LESS THAN 24" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR MUST BE TEMPERED, SEE "T" ICON FOR DESIGNATED WINDOWS6. ALL WINDOWS TO COMPLY WITH CURRENT WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE7. ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE HAVE A MINIMUM OF 4" AT JAMBS FOR TRIM8. SEE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR FINAL DIMENSIONS, FINISHES, AND OPERABILITY9. WINDOW AND DOOR HEADERS SHALL BE INSULATED WITH A MINIMUM OF R-10 INSULATIONT = TEMPERED SAFETY GLASSBWIDTHTO FITEXISTINGOPENING3'-8"MAX 3'-8"7'-6"2'-6"5'HEADER, TYPUNOD4'-2"6'3'-4"EF4'-4"3'-2"2'-512"3'3'-2"4'-4" 4'4'3'-6"GJKM5'1041027'3'FINISHED FLOOR4'3'-6" 4'3'-6" 4'3'-6"ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS TOBE NEW AND TO MEETCURRENT WASHINGTONSTATE ENERGY CODE5'7'6'DOORS AND WINDOWS TO BEMILGARD VINYL SERIESMILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.221DOORS & WINDOWS SCHEDULESSCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"A4.1EXT DOORS ANDWINDOWS 2A1AOUTSIDEASPHALT ROOFINGWEATHER BARRIER O/PLYWOOD SHEATHING PER STRCTRL O/FRAMING PER STRUCTURALCELLULOSE INSULATION R49)GYPSUM BOARDINTERIORR-VALUE : 49PRESCRIPTIVE : 49ENSURE 1"MIN BAFFLE AIR FLOW AT EAVESOR ANY PINCH POINTSASSEMBLIES (ROOF/CEILING/FLOOR)ASSEMBLIES (WALLS EXT)1BINTERIORWOOD FINISHED FLOORPLYWOOD SHEATHING O/FRAMING PER STUCTURAL O/BATT INSULATION (R-21)58" TYPE X GYPSUM (1HOUR FIRE RATING)WHERE DESIGNATEDINTERIORPRESCRIPTIVER-21NO INSULATION NEEDED BOTH SIDESOF ASSEMBLY ARE CONDITIONED1CINSIDE4" CONCRETE MINREFER TO STRUCTURALVAPOR BARRIER6" GRAVEL MINFOOTING DRAINSEXTERIORNO ENERGY REQUIREMENT ATEXISTING SLAB3AINTERIOR58" GYPSUM2x4 WOOD STUD58" GYPSUMINTERIORNO ENERGY REQM'T512"EXTERIORBRICK VENEER/CONC FIBER BOARDRAIN SCREEN GAPWEATHER BARRIERSHEATHING PER STRUCTURAL2 BY 6 WOOD FRAMINGBATT (R-21)GYPSUM BOARDINTERIORR-VALUE : 39PRESCRIPTIVE : 21BRICK VENEER WHERE SPEC'DON ELEVATIONSEXTERIORINTERIORASSEMBLIES (WALLS INT)INTERIORCEILING/ROOFFLOOR/CEILINGSLAB ON GRADEEXT. WALLNOTE :1. THE NAME OF THE PROPOSED SPRAY FOAMPRODUCT, ITS MANUFACTURER, AND ITS ESRREPORT NUMBER.2. A COPY OF THE ICC ESR REPORT FOR THEPRODUCT USED MUST BE PROVIDED ON THE JOBSITE FOR FIELD INSPECTOR VERIFICATION.3. THE APPLIED SPRAY FOAM MUST BE INSTALLED BYA CERTIFIED INSTALLER.R-VALUES FOR MATERIALS PER INCH12#MATERIALRVALUESPRAY FOAM6.5BATT INSULATIONNOTES:1. MATERIAL R VALUES ARE AN ASSUMED AVERAGE ANDARE NOT PRODUCT SPECIFIC2. OVERALL VALUE OF ASSEMBLIES IS DEPENDENT ONQUALITY LEVEL OF APPLICATION AND CONSTRUCTION43CONCRETE 1/8- MIN. 1/2” GYPSUM WALLBOARD AT GARAGE WALLSAND 5/8” TYPE X GYPSUM BOARD CEILINGSEPARATING THE GARAGE FROM THE DWELLING.- MIN. 1/2” GYPSUM WALLBOARD WRAPPING POSTS,BEAMS AND WALLS SUPPORTING THE DWELLINGABOVE THE GARAGE.EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE 1B:PRESCRIPTIVE COMPLIANCE IS BASED ON TABLE R402.1.1 WITH THEFOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS: VERTICAL FENESTRATION U = 0.28WALL R-21 PLUS R-4FLOOR R-38BASEMENT WALL R-21 INT PLUS R-5 CISLAB ON GRADE R-10 PERIMETER AND UNDER ENTIRE SLABBELOW GRADE SLAB R-10 PERIMETER AND UNDER ENTIRE SLABORCOMPLIANCE BASED ON SECTION R402.1.4: REDUCE THE TOTAL UABY 15%.MILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.221ASSEMBLIESSCALE: 3" = 1'-0"A4.2ASSEMBLIES 6'-0" MAXIMUM4" MAX 4x4 POST, PRESSURE TREATED38" DIA STEEL CABLE RAILING TYP2x8 RIM MINIMUM3'-0" MIN 2" MIN STAGGER FASTENERSIN 2 ROWS5.5" MIN. FOR 2x86.5" MIN F0R 2x107.5" MIN FOR 2x12LEDGER PER PLAN2"MIN5"MAX LAG SCREW OR BOLT2" MIN2" MIN 1-5/8" MIN5" MAX EXISTING SIDINGEXISTING SHEATHINGEXISTING STUD WALL54 BY 4 CEDAR DECKINGLAG SCREWS OR BOLTS ACCORDING TO R507.2DECK FRAMINGDECK FRAMINGSIMPSON STRONG TIE HU HANGER OR EQUIVALENTEXISTING FRAMING, SHEATHING, LAP SIDINGHOLD DOWN DEVICE MIN 750LB CAPACITY AT 4LOCATIONS, EVENLY DISTRIBUTED ALONGDECK AND ONE WITHIN 24" OF EACH END OFTHE LEDGER. HOLD DOWN DEVICES SHALLFULLY ENGAGE DECK JOIST PER HOLD DOWNMANUFACTURERFLASHINGA FULLY THREADED 38" DIAMETER LAG SCREWPREDRILLED W/ MIN. 3" PENETRATION TOCENTER OF TOP PLATE, STUDS, OR HEADER.4x4 POST, PRESSURE TREATEDAT HOLD DOWN/JOIST12" THREADED ROD W/ BOLTAND WASHER, MIN 2, TYP4x4 POST, PRESSURE TREATEDBTWN JOISTSSEE STRUCTURAL DETAILSFOR FURTHER INFORMATIONIF CONFLICT BETWEENSTRUCTURAL AND ARCHITECTURALDEFAULT TO STRUCTURALMILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.221RAILING MIN/MAX SPACINGSCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0"A5.1DECK DETAILS2LEDGER BOLT SPACINGSCALE: 3" = 1'-0"3LEDGER BOLT SECTIONSCALE: 3" = 1'-0"4RAILING MOUNT LOCATION PLANSCALE: 3" = 1'-0" 61 2" 2"2" 11 2"2"1 2"1 2"12"31 2"512"2"FINISHED WOOD PERSCHEDULEFRY REGLETFINISH PER SCHEDULE12" x 6.5" x 5.5 STEEL ANGLE12" SQUARE CABLE1/2" BY 2" FLAT BAR34" FINISHED FLOOR PERSCHEDULE1" BY 2" FLAT BAR1.5" BY 1.5" WOOD RAILFINISH SCREWCOUNTERSUNKNOTE :ALL WELDS TO BE 14" FILLETRAILING TO RESIST 200LBPOINT LOADMAX OPENING 4" SPHERE12" x 3" LAG BOLT3"12" BY 4" LAG BOLTPLAN3' 1" 21 2" 1"2"314"PLANELEVELEV2"21 2"2"21 4"21 4"1"212"1"MILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.22A5.2DECK DETAILS1RAILING SECTION DETAIL (OPTION) SEE STRUCTURALSCALE: 3" = 1'-0" MILLER 439 RENTON AVE SProject DataDesigned By: bwDESIGNDrawn By: bwDESIGNPHASEDateByDescriptionPHASE:BMWSHEET TITLE AND NUMBER:PERMIT1OWNER(S)NAME : RICK MILLER, SARAH GILBERTEMAIL :rick.miller82@gmail.com sarahegilbert@yahoo.comPHONE :253-508-3270SD8.27.21C Copyright 2022BRETT WIEMANN206-640-47363835 S EDMUNDS STSEATTLE WA 98118BRETT WIEMANN DESIGN LLCSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERNAME : CHRIS SHAWEMAIL : CHRISCSHAW@GMAIL.COMBMW2PD1.12.22A6.1SIDEWALK