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WOODCREEK LUA-99-144—FP LND-10-0338 PORTION OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SECTION 10, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M. DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in Fee simple of the land hereby platted. hereby declare this plot and dedicated to the use of the public Forever all streets and avenues shown thereon and the use LhereoF For all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereoF For public highway purposes: also the right to make all necessary slopes For cuts and Fills upon the lots and blocks shown on this plot in the originol reasonable grading of the streets and avenues shown hereon. IN WITNESS whereoF we hove set our hands and seals. WOODCREEK LLC ----- - ----- BY:-- - ---------------- TITLE: -&r_------ WOODCREEK LLC STATE OF WASHINGTON) )SS COUNTY OF KING 1 This is to cer-tiFy Lhot on this Joy of 1_✓d'!'al—__-__-_. 19-?-f. beFore me the undersigned. o Notary Public personally appeared of _ooDG�fF�C fit GTT __-__ --�----------------------- oGfili�irQ--- Z�.gtiZi known to be the individuol(s) who executed the within dedication, and acknowledged to me that signed and sealed the some as 1AZe-,F- Free and voluntary ocL and deed For the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on ooLH stoked that auLhcr-,Zed LC exec::te SVtd WITNESS my hand and oFFiciol seal the day end year First above writt &"'i1i110 Notary Pu. in and IvO'i1i� For the State of • ; � .�_. Washington, residing ot,���t9�✓_Q___. �+ +�vi0 ,pis ��aaaa n ►ea"�i WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS TITLE - INGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS -STATE OF WASHINGTON) )SS COUNTY OF KING ) This is to cer-tiF�J. that on this Z--- - of _/_Y%_��B:E�-____. beFore me the undersigned. a Notary Public personally appeared ,�:�1_1�✓_ELF __,6�111s_���Qr�_,f�,<Jf�'.9 _fig ela4 T-------------------- o _ �.��✓��-------- corporation, Lo me known to be the individuol(s) who executed the within dedication, and acknowledged to me signed and sealed the some as A45e Free and voluntary act and deed For the uses and purposes herein mentioned and on ooLh stated LhoL outhorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and oFFiciol seal the day and year First above written �••••, f is4 —'���� — ------------------- i�M►s �. Notary Public in and For the State of ` c� . fit ' Washington. residing atVA LEGAL DESCRIPTION South holf of west quarter of southeast quarter of northwest quarter of Section 10. Township 23 North, Range 5 East. W.M., in King County. Washington; EXCEPT the south 30 Feet conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording Number 9410101466 For NE 8th Street. EASEMENT PROVISIONS ------------------------- An eosement is hereby reserved For and gronted to PUGET SOUND ENERGY US WZr r?- A CABLE TV COMPANY AND CITY OF RENTON. and their respective successors and ossigns, under and upon the exterior 10 Feet parallel with and adjoining the street Frontage of all lots, tracts and parcels in which to install, loy, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground conduits. cables. pipe. and wires with necessary Facilities and other equipment For the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric. telephone. and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots, tracts and parcels of all Limes For the purposes herein stated. Also, each lot shall be subject to on eosement 2.5 Feet in width, parallel with and adjacent Lo all interior lot lines For purposes of utilities and droinoge. No lines or wires For the transmission or- electric current or For telephone use, CATV. Fire or police signals. of For other purposes, shall be placed or permitted to be placed upon any lot outside the building thereon unless the some shall be underground or in conduit ottoched to the building. LAND SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE ---------------------------------- I hereby certiFy that this plat of WOODCREEK is based upon actual survey and subdivision of Section 10. T wp. 23 N.. Range 5 E., W.M.. LhoL the courses and distances ore shown correctly thereon: that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners stoked correctly on the ground and that I hove Fully complied with the provisions of Eke plotting regulations. -� Rodney G. Hansen, Pro. Land Surveyor CerLiFicote No. 21464 Honsen Surveying 16710 116Lh Avenue S E.. Suite A -4 Renton. Woshingtor 96056 Phone: (425) 235 -6440 APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON --------------- Examined and approved this .912Ck- Joy of CITY RENTON ATTEST: Me City of Renton Cit PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ,/l/k/mIllinmmm -------------------------------- Examined and approved this ZV� Joy of P-Ec�Makli 19-7- l CITY OF RENTON Administro��P anning/Building/Public Works Department CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE ----------------------------------------------- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO DELINOUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THE CITY TREASURER FOR COLLECTION ON ANY PROPERTY HEREON CONTAINED DEDICATED FOR STREETS, ALLEY OR OTHER �LICSES ARE PAID IN LL THIS DAY OF - 1999_ FINANCE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY APPROVAL ------------------------- L/ T I r- ^�)I f.. r DErARi MENT _`AT TL EE 1 L EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF --------- 1999. ------------------------------ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE ----------------------------------------- I hereby certiFy that all property Loxes ore paid. that there ore no delinquent special assessments certiFied to this oFFice For collection and that all special ossessments certiFied to this oFFice For collection on any of the property herein contained. dedicated as streets. alleys of For other public use, ore paid in Full. Thisca2-6� day of kAI 1' FINANCE DIVISION ,•"L� r t,.�t. 4 17;�Menf Manager. King County Finance Deputy day Division DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS �4sF1IN---------------------------- EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS 9--8- DAY OF bet_. 1999. goWe KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR 101305 - 4009 RECORDING CERTIFICATE I� q 9 O B p g! ---------------------- Filed For Record oL the request of the City of Renton this _;J_ day of _-____. 19 %i. of 1.2 minutes post .:09- tm. and recorded in Volume _L� of Plots. Pages Records of King County, Washington. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS Manager Super intendenL of Records SHEET 1 OF 2 85 w 2 10-23-5 RENT NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP* a�r+dFiebSsxveysTheyar, atOfficial Records l a rra; i is expressed or 00 ed 31 Tj - _ iL_ 25. 13o3r - -- .R-f�lk�tS- - �----_ _ i.6a- N2K io-- it 14 iat: S.P. 03 - B 1 c . � I a.�► ' 8 A 1 , - 1 tx. O N Y T _ 597.70 j I 3® t 1• n rZ v 1 j • --- -----'-------•J-- Z, v A CONDOMINIUM __ .o I II `------- ---- U 120 UNITS - 1 1 IV ao 6S AC. 5a 1� - r t,,, s2�.23 I 6 •h I I 2 po 251.23 I' 6.53Ac. i ° ° School Dist 403 6 gIO .II 12 13 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 Big.03 IAP ', � �!•* 8 � 1 aY, 1 _ !N � - rl � `o ev .' n ='f P + '^ v ` � I ---- � o 5 't''i 9 $ N.E. I TH ST, s a "' rr , - 0.77® 2.S4�AC o a 32a.a3 130 25c.83* 1a6 83 � Ib4.42 0 7 !, J P I -aT - f I�tISP.i! ? Q ,0 `� 5� s0 s f 23D � 114. � 1 I: -1118 i 13 T CC%% `has �/yy � i24�• > 12 328.63 ---_; i + c" I 3s ,`i 4 >o Ilg/y 12Sa Q • _ _- 1 1 • 1 � law gal i 'M 1 32 w F 3 .r r r1 s i szt LwJ I t I o R3. 17 1166 { 15 �' I O I r J 1 Cl - ~� F 7P N N N ^ry «1 h T� ••� M 19 2 32a.4. tlm , �0 6 7sn S IS x fi m� e a co �r �$ N.E.10TH PL. , +1 4- '1 _ ; 5-1 d I3 la! tb Z ;,ys c 99j 8 i II 10rn w S 64 ' 6S t0 - is X4 - 4 N IV 0. 0 , Imo n 4 18 17 15 1 14 13 12 -QO 12 1 N 5 MI" ] W1 n_ " 6S tp I t 65 0 15 . I I� i; o 1 11 11 1 � o O1 1 ltJ 1 1 t; r l m tra3 I 1 la 1 \ ♦ LCLLI , < SFR1 SFR <' - r x so. 328.03 2bb o3 O 1 I ® ,6 a o2 � 4 1464.01 77 $ N.E. 10TH ST. to -of -If S.E. 116TH 0 o a 0 $ 30'30 s at 100 RIG � Z xuo t „tr ISa.3] 0Q -NO '-.. et h ��' i65,9 1 •Z7t.15 `SLtt r •f t' n Q . - 21rs se 10 U (11 >c o 12 j t, 84 r' .I. 2sAc. tl "/ NE E t - ss a� I MLK,JR. 2 Acs Ac 0.41 Act�fl I ,q a czl so MEMORIAL ® - _ I t 22 - Ac. o s in 9 os l CHURCH - 0.31 ~ t65.zt It �►-14 3/��-t 7 A� /�6 i : g ,�s x4 ANA �� Kral R 2 e rr uo 11 AC. � I as z�4 _ H r7 ` L i H � AC. t b �p '� u N ® 11 f 0. - r - 1 .D 21 C� ' SbsL • i' 8 E '-n t33s 99 Io So 02 A 1 2<% - Q 0.21 EST E$r IV Q. 1 25 .- TRACT 'A u reo. Ac. �1 5 6 1F ' 7 ' 3 50 •, ..-_ 10 I 2 to5 SL-II iR.ct r R ,�® rrt 6s° `� ♦o W I .06 - `, r • A. 61oj. - . '•-- >e! 24 °�.� sp°p _ •o r1&14 fCJ - 60 171118 19 �20 21' s s ; 4 -' l SFR `' 19 $ _ 0.99Ac. A $ M I iS,� ' 6S N 0 J' 0.40Ac. r; ` ;fry •��� �Ls - R a 5 2.57 AG. O 18 ! `E SI T R. B I Lj� ,i8 I S, a .6 7 9s� N Q w 136 66 a~ $ ps O VACANT 10 Ma-�s --T ' - , --,r - 16 N.E.'' 9TH PL. R O Z25 0.42 A C. a 4 - 6003 • I • Moos ,ou �; g FI VACANT I , s R F-•- ct 'I 0.46 Ac. - _ 15 7 lej'o9 ►67 13PC I' rr 3s " O 15 14 t3 12 It 10 9 8 'd 6s+s ® t2 Ir r01. 7y F, S.E. �`'8TH �ti '7Da.t 316.38 too �bf 6 03 - . •� '9 RICE T 7. ' iE 119 ro' 153 92 °�\' 1892 t ' J� �'•' 1219.9! 48 0 75 ❑ 34 SFR 6 � J W = n7 5 s , CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE uj 78 C s R- 8 lit n Z Ij ! 1278.b5 /� 1 VACANT 1 ... 1 ...-•` u r. wrN J� Q 8 C a Sc6Y School District 403 123 Ac. 1 Z 3 ?I - r} 1 (rp �1 t5 F- "' TR '0 �� 60 127T3z �11.94 Ac. Ol� __ z • so 1 zst, Q N iRESIDENTIA.L R 14 6,3 I! I HONE D w R-8 O PLAT m �626+ 9 .o 1' 1 11 SC t .. ii roo 177 t 75 1 ii I r - 8 13 y1) ,,� '1 1 School District 403 j.62 Ac. Z - Il� 1 i f 1 30 30- -� - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - r n69 9110_A (N.E. 8TH ST.) t RCA O . zsr'. f -7* - rsri3 sz 1 0e to j 1 ^'7 ( i 1 0� 0.31 Ac 9 2, 10 B! 12 1 13 1 k 60 I. 31A�/ 0.Z5 = $ ' Iz 6 A $ 0 26 A ,. 60_e9 60 60 i a u as, if 15 16 1 17 ( is I !9 20 ! 2i 22 23 I I - - d p d 24 • M - 40 CO l� o.uAt 1a 4 7 g N.E. 7TH PL.,25 .' I / I QZ b� bob 6+ 60.94 „ , �Z e 6p $ �. ,4 r o 55 32 0.25 1.12 Ac.: 0.30Ac- 0.d! Ac= 6 ,•� ° �) a oz.sto 26 56 IS2� :a602®1 ®1l6 ; I IS ^•' cs3 sz 59 S,AS T. I�t 34 .n $a .r.4 s `� I ' . a a1 31 p -806 6ca mo+ aim ni 6 r+66 ,6r :? ee96 s` '" t1' �' ' 27 49 52 53 54 55 o tr` . 44 5 46 47 A 48 '° �0 O 1 53 .- 3"1 $ 10-35 �% 35 30 / e �a w7 m \•t' �e F e r ;\. 29 28 1 ne. xa - >= o T . H Ti N _ R V . 'A o x 50 51 2 - 51 x� +osz ^ c e 36 -$3 roz a 8 - _ I"l " .r.i J t •2 ti ,f o 52e9s - 0 n sz 's o s I? I s 57 o a2 7Tr1 ST R Q /fi'` �37�Q „ 39 40 •:'b� ss.. ni.E. ��, � ,: 77.15 q o r� 9 / , r 41 1 �_� .aa Sj St �57 b►'� c S .41 •�3 60�^ .. 36 CO SO (� �/ •, fC "+s £ rn. -- TRACT 102 S� i' o o 64 n 63 �j 62 161 160 59 / e'+>, 4p s 39 R 38 37 3S m [t' '19 � ft� • ,u ." N . E ,.g 42 a ,off 1 E 54 6004 saa 1585 LZ ss 6e 68 T1 aegis Ty �, ,y •s 3CO2; 321. >S 04 60 it 48 i UNION 6 7 0 29 -\ 30 - 31 34 >; ?3 ..� o a 4, 47 43 n CONDO M I N I Um $ 32 ik ,j� 46 45 44 1,y r . 6 UNITS t.09 AC. it `\ \ sz Si �' O $ 28 �,� _ _ a 33 g LD z 2 "6 , N E. fJK 6T H � 21 es m 6 � 60� y 4 e^i 20 21 e 9 -� o s6 Ac. - 115 _ L ,; P E ACHTREE 1 ®1 aae � �7/ a 26 25 2419 'all 0466�18355.11 265.41 �- c 30 12 13 _ 14 IS 16 11 I ' = 0.67 tC. ,: Pj SE 11 l 14 UNITS pr x N.E. 6�NQ___ N 0 0 M 1 N I U M oa __ W t a Y 6I 0.f1 AC. c 4 ,�� 6so5 a6 g A6011, V. (T1 ISO f3jib .6�p o zr ®0.3, Ac tl 9 5 6 4 3 J 2 r d 60 d8 8 7 ^ 6 i ., 5. �, o. Sy a J flu O 0.41 t a A0�. 6' TR. t01 .io 6° '� _ RCLOD ESM7. -Ac. L30 �n w1.�• ��� 1 N • ST. 30 30 6r9.6.4 $ SSI a 2 �� �! as6t 66 D 6; 06 � 3C 9 39 ® 0.89 AC. 0.81 AC _ � - II ® ` `� 55�0.53 AC. f I' 4 S 6 z >� 9 130 ® 154.41 sG' 606.E xNJE, 5TH ST. r _ 02 _ s.F lJ Z 44 J =JMlr 652.56 Si CEN. SEC.10 293 57 fcs 0-6 3 N•, .5 E. 1 9 1r CO. 10 JO 2 5' .z e'" 42 3 W / 1 ' . Y Q Qom• b x 4 .. ^ l�Irll'fT STroxet 3 _ rP-9g- �T&-7 I 0 15 . I I� i; o 1 11 11 1 � o O1 1 ltJ 1 1 t; r l m tra3 I 1 la 1 \ ♦ LCLLI , < SFR1 SFR <' - r x so. 328.03 2bb o3 O 1 I ® ,6 a o2 � 4 1464.01 77 $ N.E. 10TH ST. to -of -If S.E. 116TH 0 o a 0 $ 30'30 s at 100 RIG � Z xuo t „tr ISa.3] 0Q -NO '-.. et h ��' i65,9 1 •Z7t.15 `SLtt r •f t' n Q . - 21rs se 10 U (11 >c o 12 j t, 84 r' .I. 2sAc. tl "/ NE E t - ss a� I MLK,JR. 2 Acs Ac 0.41 Act�fl I ,q a czl so MEMORIAL ® - _ I t 22 - Ac. o s in 9 os l CHURCH - 0.31 ~ t65.zt It �►-14 3/��-t 7 A� /�6 i : g ,�s x4 ANA �� Kral R 2 e rr uo 11 AC. � I as z�4 _ H r7 ` L i H � AC. t b �p '� u N ® 11 f 0. - r - 1 .D 21 C� ' SbsL • i' 8 E '-n t33s 99 Io So 02 A 1 2<% - Q 0.21 EST E$r IV Q. 1 25 .- TRACT 'A u reo. Ac. �1 5 6 1F ' 7 ' 3 50 •, ..-_ 10 I 2 to5 SL-II iR.ct r R ,�® rrt 6s° `� ♦o W I .06 - `, r • A. 61oj. - . '•-- >e! 24 °�.� sp°p _ •o r1&14 fCJ - 60 171118 19 �20 21' s s ; 4 -' l SFR `' 19 $ _ 0.99Ac. A $ M I iS,� ' 6S N 0 J' 0.40Ac. r; ` ;fry •��� �Ls - R a 5 2.57 AG. O 18 ! `E SI T R. B I Lj� ,i8 I S, a .6 7 9s� N Q w 136 66 a~ $ ps O VACANT 10 Ma-�s --T ' - , --,r - 16 N.E.'' 9TH PL. R O Z25 0.42 A C. a 4 - 6003 • I • Moos ,ou �; g FI VACANT I , s R F-•- ct 'I 0.46 Ac. - _ 15 7 lej'o9 ►67 13PC I' rr 3s " O 15 14 t3 12 It 10 9 8 'd 6s+s ® t2 Ir r01. 7y F, S.E. �`'8TH �ti '7Da.t 316.38 too �bf 6 03 - . •� '9 RICE T 7. ' iE 119 ro' 153 92 °�\' 1892 t ' J� �'•' 1219.9! 48 0 75 ❑ 34 SFR 6 � J W = n7 5 s , CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE uj 78 C s R- 8 lit n Z Ij ! 1278.b5 /� 1 VACANT 1 ... 1 ...-•` u r. wrN J� Q 8 C a Sc6Y School District 403 123 Ac. 1 Z 3 ?I - r} 1 (rp �1 t5 F- "' TR '0 �� 60 127T3z �11.94 Ac. Ol� __ z • so 1 zst, Q N iRESIDENTIA.L R 14 6,3 I! I HONE D w R-8 O PLAT m �626+ 9 .o 1' 1 11 SC t .. ii roo 177 t 75 1 ii I r - 8 13 y1) ,,� '1 1 School District 403 j.62 Ac. Z - Il� 1 i f 1 30 30- -� - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - r n69 9110_A (N.E. 8TH ST.) t RCA O . zsr'. f -7* - rsri3 sz 1 0e to j 1 ^'7 ( i 1 0� 0.31 Ac 9 2, 10 B! 12 1 13 1 k 60 I. 31A�/ 0.Z5 = $ ' Iz 6 A $ 0 26 A ,. 60_e9 60 60 i a u as, if 15 16 1 17 ( is I !9 20 ! 2i 22 23 I I - - d p d 24 • M - 40 CO l� o.uAt 1a 4 7 g N.E. 7TH PL.,25 .' I / I QZ b� bob 6+ 60.94 „ , �Z e 6p $ �. ,4 r o 55 32 0.25 1.12 Ac.: 0.30Ac- 0.d! Ac= 6 ,•� ° �) a oz.sto 26 56 IS2� :a602®1 ®1l6 ; I IS ^•' cs3 sz 59 S,AS T. I�t 34 .n $a .r.4 s `� I ' . a a1 31 p -806 6ca mo+ aim ni 6 r+66 ,6r :? ee96 s` '" t1' �' ' 27 49 52 53 54 55 o tr` . 44 5 46 47 A 48 '° �0 O 1 53 .- 3"1 $ 10-35 �% 35 30 / e �a w7 m \•t' �e F e r ;\. 29 28 1 ne. xa - >= o T . H Ti N _ R V . 'A o x 50 51 2 - 51 x� +osz ^ c e 36 -$3 roz a 8 - _ I"l " .r.i J t •2 ti ,f o 52e9s - 0 n sz 's o s I? I s 57 o a2 7Tr1 ST R Q /fi'` �37�Q „ 39 40 •:'b� ss.. ni.E. ��, � ,: 77.15 q o r� 9 / , r 41 1 �_� .aa Sj St �57 b►'� c S .41 •�3 60�^ .. 36 CO SO (� �/ •, fC "+s £ rn. -- TRACT 102 S� i' o o 64 n 63 �j 62 161 160 59 / e'+>, 4p s 39 R 38 37 3S m [t' '19 � ft� • ,u ." N . E ,.g 42 a ,off 1 E 54 6004 saa 1585 LZ ss 6e 68 T1 aegis Ty �, ,y •s 3CO2; 321. >S 04 60 it 48 i UNION 6 7 0 29 -\ 30 - 31 34 >; ?3 ..� o a 4, 47 43 n CONDO M I N I Um $ 32 ik ,j� 46 45 44 1,y r . 6 UNITS t.09 AC. it `\ \ sz Si �' O $ 28 �,� _ _ a 33 g LD z 2 "6 , N E. fJK 6T H � 21 es m 6 � 60� y 4 e^i 20 21 e 9 -� o s6 Ac. - 115 _ L ,; P E ACHTREE 1 ®1 aae � �7/ a 26 25 2419 'all 0466�18355.11 265.41 �- c 30 12 13 _ 14 IS 16 11 I ' = 0.67 tC. ,: Pj SE 11 l 14 UNITS pr x N.E. 6�NQ___ N 0 0 M 1 N I U M oa __ W t a Y 6I 0.f1 AC. c 4 ,�� 6so5 a6 g A6011, V. (T1 ISO f3jib .6�p o zr ®0.3, Ac tl 9 5 6 4 3 J 2 r d 60 d8 8 7 ^ 6 i ., 5. �, o. Sy a J flu O 0.41 t a A0�. 6' TR. t01 .io 6° '� _ RCLOD ESM7. -Ac. L30 �n w1.�• ��� 1 N • ST. 30 30 6r9.6.4 $ SSI a 2 �� �! as6t 66 D 6; 06 � 3C 9 39 ® 0.89 AC. 0.81 AC _ � - II ® ` `� 55�0.53 AC. f I' 4 S 6 z >� 9 130 ® 154.41 sG' 606.E xNJE, 5TH ST. r _ 02 _ s.F lJ Z 44 J =JMlr 652.56 Si CEN. SEC.10 293 57 fcs 0-6 3 N•, .5 E. 1 9 1r CO. 10 JO 2 5' .z e'" 42 3 W / 1 ' . Y Q Qom• b x 4 .. ^ l�Irll'fT STroxet 3 _ rP-9g- �T&-7 I $ N.E. 10TH ST. to -of -If S.E. 116TH 0 o a 0 $ 30'30 s at 100 RIG � Z xuo t „tr ISa.3] 0Q -NO '-.. et h ��' i65,9 1 •Z7t.15 `SLtt r •f t' n Q . - 21rs se 10 U (11 >c o 12 j t, 84 r' .I. 2sAc. tl "/ NE E t - ss a� I MLK,JR. 2 Acs Ac 0.41 Act�fl I ,q a czl so MEMORIAL ® - _ I t 22 - Ac. o s in 9 os l CHURCH - 0.31 ~ t65.zt It �►-14 3/��-t 7 A� /�6 i : g ,�s x4 ANA �� Kral R 2 e rr uo 11 AC. � I as z�4 _ H r7 ` L i H � AC. t b �p '� u N ® 11 f 0. - r - 1 .D 21 C� ' SbsL • i' 8 E '-n t33s 99 Io So 02 A 1 2<% - Q 0.21 EST E$r IV Q. 1 25 .- TRACT 'A u reo. Ac. �1 5 6 1F ' 7 ' 3 50 •, ..-_ 10 I 2 to5 SL-II iR.ct r R ,�® rrt 6s° `� ♦o W I .06 - `, r • A. 61oj. - . '•-- >e! 24 °�.� sp°p _ •o r1&14 fCJ - 60 171118 19 �20 21' s s ; 4 -' l SFR `' 19 $ _ 0.99Ac. A $ M I iS,� ' 6S N 0 J' 0.40Ac. r; ` ;fry •��� �Ls - R a 5 2.57 AG. O 18 ! `E SI T R. B I Lj� ,i8 I S, a .6 7 9s� N Q w 136 66 a~ $ ps O VACANT 10 Ma-�s --T ' - , --,r - 16 N.E.'' 9TH PL. R O Z25 0.42 A C. a 4 - 6003 • I • Moos ,ou �; g FI VACANT I , s R F-•- ct 'I 0.46 Ac. - _ 15 7 lej'o9 ►67 13PC I' rr 3s " O 15 14 t3 12 It 10 9 8 'd 6s+s ® t2 Ir r01. 7y F, S.E. �`'8TH �ti '7Da.t 316.38 too �bf 6 03 - . •� '9 RICE T 7. ' iE 119 ro' 153 92 °�\' 1892 t ' J� �'•' 1219.9! 48 0 75 ❑ 34 SFR 6 � J W = n7 5 s , CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE uj 78 C s R- 8 lit n Z Ij ! 1278.b5 /� 1 VACANT 1 ... 1 ...-•` u r. wrN J� Q 8 C a Sc6Y School District 403 123 Ac. 1 Z 3 ?I - r} 1 (rp �1 t5 F- "' TR '0 �� 60 127T3z �11.94 Ac. Ol� __ z • so 1 zst, Q N iRESIDENTIA.L R 14 6,3 I! I HONE D w R-8 O PLAT m �626+ 9 .o 1' 1 11 SC t .. ii roo 177 t 75 1 ii I r - 8 13 y1) ,,� '1 1 School District 403 j.62 Ac. Z - Il� 1 i f 1 30 30- -� - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - r n69 9110_A (N.E. 8TH ST.) t RCA O . zsr'. f -7* - rsri3 sz 1 0e to j 1 ^'7 ( i 1 0� 0.31 Ac 9 2, 10 B! 12 1 13 1 k 60 I. 31A�/ 0.Z5 = $ ' Iz 6 A $ 0 26 A ,. 60_e9 60 60 i a u as, if 15 16 1 17 ( is I !9 20 ! 2i 22 23 I I - - d p d 24 • M - 40 CO l� o.uAt 1a 4 7 g N.E. 7TH PL.,25 .' I / I QZ b� bob 6+ 60.94 „ , �Z e 6p $ �. ,4 r o 55 32 0.25 1.12 Ac.: 0.30Ac- 0.d! Ac= 6 ,•� ° �) a oz.sto 26 56 IS2� :a602®1 ®1l6 ; I IS ^•' cs3 sz 59 S,AS T. I�t 34 .n $a .r.4 s `� I ' . a a1 31 p -806 6ca mo+ aim ni 6 r+66 ,6r :? ee96 s` '" t1' �' ' 27 49 52 53 54 55 o tr` . 44 5 46 47 A 48 '° �0 O 1 53 .- 3"1 $ 10-35 �% 35 30 / e �a w7 m \•t' �e F e r ;\. 29 28 1 ne. xa - >= o T . H Ti N _ R V . 'A o x 50 51 2 - 51 x� +osz ^ c e 36 -$3 roz a 8 - _ I"l " .r.i J t •2 ti ,f o 52e9s - 0 n sz 's o s I? I s 57 o a2 7Tr1 ST R Q /fi'` �37�Q „ 39 40 •:'b� ss.. ni.E. ��, � ,: 77.15 q o r� 9 / , r 41 1 �_� .aa Sj St �57 b►'� c S .41 •�3 60�^ .. 36 CO SO (� �/ •, fC "+s £ rn. -- TRACT 102 S� i' o o 64 n 63 �j 62 161 160 59 / e'+>, 4p s 39 R 38 37 3S m [t' '19 � ft� • ,u ." N . E ,.g 42 a ,off 1 E 54 6004 saa 1585 LZ ss 6e 68 T1 aegis Ty �, ,y •s 3CO2; 321. >S 04 60 it 48 i UNION 6 7 0 29 -\ 30 - 31 34 >; ?3 ..� o a 4, 47 43 n CONDO M I N I Um $ 32 ik ,j� 46 45 44 1,y r . 6 UNITS t.09 AC. it `\ \ sz Si �' O $ 28 �,� _ _ a 33 g LD z 2 "6 , N E. fJK 6T H � 21 es m 6 � 60� y 4 e^i 20 21 e 9 -� o s6 Ac. - 115 _ L ,; P E ACHTREE 1 ®1 aae � �7/ a 26 25 2419 'all 0466�18355.11 265.41 �- c 30 12 13 _ 14 IS 16 11 I ' = 0.67 tC. ,: Pj SE 11 l 14 UNITS pr x N.E. 6�NQ___ N 0 0 M 1 N I U M oa __ W t a Y 6I 0.f1 AC. c 4 ,�� 6so5 a6 g A6011, V. (T1 ISO f3jib .6�p o zr ®0.3, Ac tl 9 5 6 4 3 J 2 r d 60 d8 8 7 ^ 6 i ., 5. �, o. Sy a J flu O 0.41 t a A0�. 6' TR. t01 .io 6° '� _ RCLOD ESM7. -Ac. L30 �n w1.�• ��� 1 N • ST. 30 30 6r9.6.4 $ SSI a 2 �� �! as6t 66 D 6; 06 � 3C 9 39 ® 0.89 AC. 0.81 AC _ � - II ® ` `� 55�0.53 AC. f I' 4 S 6 z >� 9 130 ® 154.41 sG' 606.E xNJE, 5TH ST. r _ 02 _ s.F lJ Z 44 J =JMlr 652.56 Si CEN. SEC.10 293 57 fcs 0-6 3 N•, .5 E. 1 9 1r CO. 10 JO 2 5' .z e'" 42 3 W / 1 ' . Y Q Qom• b x 4 .. ^ l�Irll'fT STroxet 3 _ rP-9g- �T&-7 I o.uAt 1a 4 7 g N.E. 7TH PL.,25 .' I / I QZ b� bob 6+ 60.94 „ , �Z e 6p $ �. ,4 r o 55 32 0.25 1.12 Ac.: 0.30Ac- 0.d! Ac= 6 ,•� ° �) a oz.sto 26 56 IS2� :a602®1 ®1l6 ; I IS ^•' cs3 sz 59 S,AS T. I�t 34 .n $a .r.4 s `� I ' . a a1 31 p -806 6ca mo+ aim ni 6 r+66 ,6r :? ee96 s` '" t1' �' ' 27 49 52 53 54 55 o tr` . 44 5 46 47 A 48 '° �0 O 1 53 .- 3"1 $ 10-35 �% 35 30 / e �a w7 m \•t' �e F e r ;\. 29 28 1 ne. xa - >= o T . H Ti N _ R V . 'A o x 50 51 2 - 51 x� +osz ^ c e 36 -$3 roz a 8 - _ I"l " .r.i J t •2 ti ,f o 52e9s - 0 n sz 's o s I? I s 57 o a2 7Tr1 ST R Q /fi'` �37�Q „ 39 40 •:'b� ss.. ni.E. ��, � ,: 77.15 q o r� 9 / , r 41 1 �_� .aa Sj St �57 b►'� c S .41 •�3 60�^ .. 36 CO SO (� �/ •, fC "+s £ rn. -- TRACT 102 S� i' o o 64 n 63 �j 62 161 160 59 / e'+>, 4p s 39 R 38 37 3S m [t' '19 � ft� • ,u ." N . E ,.g 42 a ,off 1 E 54 6004 saa 1585 LZ ss 6e 68 T1 aegis Ty �, ,y •s 3CO2; 321. >S 04 60 it 48 i UNION 6 7 0 29 -\ 30 - 31 34 >; ?3 ..� o a 4, 47 43 n CONDO M I N I Um $ 32 ik ,j� 46 45 44 1,y r . 6 UNITS t.09 AC. it `\ \ sz Si �' O $ 28 �,� _ _ a 33 g LD z 2 "6 , N E. fJK 6T H � 21 es m 6 � 60� y 4 e^i 20 21 e 9 -� o s6 Ac. - 115 _ L ,; P E ACHTREE 1 ®1 aae � �7/ a 26 25 2419 'all 0466�18355.11 265.41 �- c 30 12 13 _ 14 IS 16 11 I ' = 0.67 tC. ,: Pj SE 11 l 14 UNITS pr x N.E. 6�NQ___ N 0 0 M 1 N I U M oa __ W t a Y 6I 0.f1 AC. c 4 ,�� 6so5 a6 g A6011, V. (T1 ISO f3jib .6�p o zr ®0.3, Ac tl 9 5 6 4 3 J 2 r d 60 d8 8 7 ^ 6 i ., 5. �, o. Sy a J flu O 0.41 t a A0�. 6' TR. t01 .io 6° '� _ RCLOD ESM7. -Ac. L30 �n w1.�• ��� 1 N • ST. 30 30 6r9.6.4 $ SSI a 2 �� �! as6t 66 D 6; 06 � 3C 9 39 ® 0.89 AC. 0.81 AC _ � - II ® ` `� 55�0.53 AC. f I' 4 S 6 z >� 9 130 ® 154.41 sG' 606.E xNJE, 5TH ST. r _ 02 _ s.F lJ Z 44 J =JMlr 652.56 Si CEN. SEC.10 293 57 fcs 0-6 3 N•, .5 E. 1 9 1r CO. 10 JO 2 5' .z e'" 42 3 W / 1 ' . Y Q Qom• b x 4 .. ^ l�Irll'fT STroxet 3 _ rP-9g- �T&-7 I rP-9g- �T&-7 I FND MON IN CASE (10/99) S 88°39 01-E _ _ S 88°39"01-E 1318 53' 13t8 53 NW CORNER N 1/4 CORNER FND. MON. IN CASE 5-X 5- CONIC, MON 1 (10/6/98) I W/BRASS CAP C.O R.*159 (10/98) 3 U , N p viLn z 104 00 -0 aIM M 1'. < - i 00 I� _ S 88° 29 34 ' E m _ _ 5 88° 29 34 - E 1312 12 1312.12 - v i r` 3 3I^ O'v OIO O IN Ln oo N 88° 24 48"W a In 0 327.23 0o10 O O :e U-) r7 °p z) W 1/4 CORNER z a G v I o FND. MON IN CASE N. ( 10/6/98 ) r` 0 00 C-O.R.*1848 L o U-) o I� - - _-J _ 1305.72_ _ 326,43 z 979 29 N 88 20'00-W 2611.44 N.W QUARTER OF SECTION 10, T23N, R5E, W.M. -------------------------------------------- 1' - 600 (C.O.R. - CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENT.) PIPESTEM LOT BUILDING SETBACK NOTE ------------------------------------- THE BUILDING SETBACK LINES FOR LOT 13 SHALL BE DEFINITIVELY ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT 1' Z' �I WOODCREEK PORTION OF THE SE 1/4. NW 1/4. SECTION 10. TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M FND. MON IN CASE 0.15'N ot 0 28 E UNPLATTED I (10/99) S 88°24'48-'E 327 23, 228.t0" N.E. 9TH STREETS 99 13' O, 0 60.03' 63.03 3 64 63 oI� ---- 3 o R-20.00 L-30.82' o, � 5 7 4 8 R-20.00' o oP 0 M 0 16 210 21 ' Z L-32.02' - 18 00 17 00 o ^ o C4 0 z C8 z 5 88°24 47-E ' �.� 80.82' / N 85`24'S0"W 60.00 L4 L5 80.75 J 90°00'00-E r w s 15 C > 0 90° 10 13 Ic sF N o tD 14 o� 6S°4a L8 s 9 pp° ati fo ti 0. ti h1 s 8 0 `t, o ps . 20 00 C/ N / c,j 3 5 o 9 9p° � m O 6, 0 O 96, . O� Di P 4 In .3 2 1 `0 I CV Ln (IV 56 13 c 881 'nn-P7 m F 0- ¢ 1060 z � r� o - � [o� Ln loo �o 0 o I 23' 1 21 �u-) I FND I I /2" t P O.I"N b 0.2'W. � � I _ ._J , _ 1305 . 72 ' � W. I/4 COR. N 88°20 00"W 2611 44'(TO CTR/SEC) 23- ` SEC . 10-23-5. FND MON. IN CASE (10/6/98) FND MON m4 CASE. C., TRACT "A" (PRIVATE WETLAND AND DRAINAGE TRACT) N 88°20 00-W 74.28' y s � 3 n ry � N S 88° 20'00"E 90.04' 3 0 O (V 2 0 0o 0 Oo Ln S 88°20'00-E LI z 78.04 3 0 0 1 0 o m 0 � o 58.66 z 149.38 N 88°20'00-W 326.47' 303 42" N.E. 8TH ATREET 3 m1 N IT ko U, Ln r\ S_88 _20 ' 00 E 55.03, 7 U-) I) o 19 0 00 0 o0 o 55.03' J ii oI 1 cn 0 m UNPLATTED a w 12 _ -116 27 7 = 50' 0, 5 0 * 100' K.C.A.S. MERIDIAN LEGEND: -------------------------------- 4b - STANDARD MON. IN CASE SET. 0 - FND. PROP. COR. AS NOTED. • - SET 1/2- I.R. W/CAP * 21464. SURVEY METHOD: FIELD TRAVERSE EAUIPMENT USED: 5' TOTAL STATION. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE OF SET CORNERS IS •-0.10 FOOT. CONTROL MONUMENTS FIELD TIED OC70BER 1998, CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD C 1 51°31'54" 120.00 107.93' 57.92 104,33 C 2 51°31 54- 125 00 112.42 60 34* 108,67 C 3 37°15 14- 104.00 67.62' 35,05' 66 44 C 4 14°16'40' 104,00 25.92 13.03' 25.85 C 5 09°19 27' 146.00' 23.76' 11.91' 23.73' C 6 15048'31" 146 00' 40 28' 20.27' 40.15' C 7 15°46'09 146 00 40.18' 21 22 40.06' C 8 10°37'47- 146 00 27.09 13 58 27 05- C 9 28' 48 57" 99.00' 49.79' 25 43 49-27' C 10 51°31 54- 146.00 131.31 70.47 126.93 C it 88°12'00- 20.00" 30.79' 19'38' 27.84 C 12 22'42 59- 99 00 39.25 19.89 39.00 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L I S 88° 20'00-E 12 00 L 2 N 19°56'12-E 37.00' L 3 N 54°28 20-E 2.77' L 4 N 90° 00 00 " E 10. 00 - L 5 N 90000'00"E 28.93" L 6 N 57' 33 49"E 28.47 L 7 S 40°07'58-E 44.68' L 8 N 90000 00 - E 46. 20 ' L 9 N 51°23 54-E 20.01' L 10 N 00008'00'W 14.87' L II N 00°08'00-W 12.41' L 12 N 51'23'54"E 21.52' ESTATES AT HIDDEN CREEK IPRE IMINARY PLAT) FND MON LA CASE. - �- ( 10/991," - DEVELOPMENT PLAMNING CITY OF RENTON co Hr.T °9 RECEIVE THE ORCHARDS DIVISION 11 VOL. 178. PG. 81-85. SHEET 2 OF 2 rP, 99-/5`�f DESCRIPTION South HnIF of west quarter of southeast quarter of northwest quor-ter of Section 10. Township 23 North, Range 5 East. W.M., in King County. Washington; EXCEPT ttie south 30 Feet conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording Number 9410101466 For NE 8th Street. APPROVALS Examined and approved this _____ day oF------------ 19---. CITY OF' RENTON -------------------------------- Administrator. Planning/Building/Public Works Department Examined and approved this _____ day OF ------------ 19---. CITY OF RENTON ----------------------------- Finance Director - Examined and approved this ----- day OF ----------- 19--- CITY OF RENTON ATTEST: Mayor. City of Renton City Clerk FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I hereby certiFy that oil property taxes o-e paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certiFied to this oFFice For - collection and that oil special assessments certiFied to this oFFice For collection on any of the property herein contained. dedicated as streets. alleys of For other public use. are paid in Full. This ---- day oF------------ 19--_ FINANCE DIVISION Manager. King County Finance Deputy Division WOODCREEK PORTION OF THE SE 1/4. NW 1/4, SECTION 10. TNP. 23 N.. RGE. S E., I.M. EASEMENT PROVISIONS An easement is hereby reserved For or -id gronLed to PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, US WEST DIRECT. WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS, GROUP W CABLE AND CITY OF PENTON, and their respective successors and assigns. under and upon the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street Frontage of all lots. tracts and parcels in which to install. Ioy. construct. renew. operate and maintain underground conduits. cables. pipe. and wires with necessary Facilities and other equipment For the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone, and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots. tracts and parcels nt oil Limes For the purposes herein stated. Also. each lot shall be subject to an easement 2.5 Feet in width, parallel with and adjacent to oil interior lot lines For purposes of utilities and drainage. No lines or wires For the transmission or, electric current or For telephone use. CATV. Fire or police signals. of For other purposes. shall be placed or permitted to be placed upon any lot outside the building thereon unless the some shall be underground or in conduit attached to the building. LAND SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this plat of WOODCREEK is based upon actual survey and subdivision of Section 10, Twp. 23 N., Range 5 E.. W.M that the courses and distances ore shown correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners staked correctly on the ground and that I have Fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. Rodney Hnnsen.Pro. Land Surveyor Cer-tiFicete No, 21464 Hansen Surveying 16710 116th Avenue S.E.. Suite A - 4 Renton. Washington 98058 Phone: 14251 235 - 8440 RECORDING CERTIFICATE Filed For Record nL the request of the City of Renton this ---- day of _________________, 19---. at -------- minutes past ------m. and recorded in Volume ---------- of Plots. Pages --------- Records of King County. Washington. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS -------------------------- --------- -- Manager Super inLendent- of Records DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in Fee simple of the land hereby platted. hereby declare this plot and dedicated to the use of the public Forever all streets and avenues shown thereon and the use thereof For oil public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereoF For public highway purposes: also the right to make oil necessary slopes For cuts and Fills upon the lots and blocks shown on this plot in the original reasonable grading of the streets and avenues shown hereon. N WITNESS wker-eoF we have set our hands and seals. WOODCREEK LLC BY -----------------------------------------TITLE ------------- WOODCREEK.LLC BY: ----------------------------------------- TITLE: ------------ WOODCREEK LLC STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING] SS This is to cer-tiFy that on this ---- dou_ OF ------------------. 19---. beFore me the undersigned, n Notary Public personally appeared---------------------- --------------------------- and---------------------------------------------------- of ------------------------------- a -------------------------- corporation. to me known to be the individunlfsl who executed the within dedication, and acknowledged to me that ---- signed and sealed the same as ---- Free and voluntary not and deed For the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath stated that ---- authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my pond and oFFiciol seal the day and year First above wrltten. ------------------------------------ Notary Public in and For the State of Washington, residing at --------------- DEVELOPMENT IT( OF RENT PLANNING OCT 21 1999 I-%&— SHEET I of 2 WOODCREEK S� PORTION OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SECTION 10, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E.. W.M. QV N 88'24'48-W =15'53159" R=122.74' N 72'30'49"W 16.56' 5.64' L=34.06' p-15'53�9' R-141.75' ^ ° L-39.34 UNPLATTED ONDI S ' N06 ON28AEE m ( 10/99 ) o ADDITIONAL R.O.W. DEDICATION R DEED N 88° 24 ' 48' W REC. • 233.66' - - - - - - - - - - S 88° 24 ' 48' E 327 . 23' 16.01' FND. MON IN CASE - 228.10' ( 10/99 ) Q. � N . E , 9TH STREET 3 99 . 13 , N o O I� _ S 88°39'01-E S 88°39'01-E 60.03' 63.03' 64.63' 1318.53' 1318.53' 3 OD 01O 57.48' NW CORNER N 1/4 CORNER FND. MON. IN CASE 5-X 5- CONC. MON (10/6/98) W/BRASS CAP. C.O.R.+159 3 I (10/98) I; v>10 01 v z N f z o Ln °- I 00 O Q1M OI M O M O 10 wl co z ( I cn OI I a _ S 88029'34-E m 1312.12' _ _ S 88° 29 ' 34'E I _ 1312.12- I 1. 3I ;Iu I 01 01,o . 3 NIN co N 88°24'48"W Ln o> . 327. 23 3 co) o 01� O Y ui r'>10 - o zlW. 1/4 CORNER z v r� FND- MON. IN CASE (10/6/98) 0 00 C.O.R.M1848 10 o 0 oo 1 EX. CTR/SEC. 1 305.72 - _ _ 10 326.43 z 979.29' FND-MON.IN CASE �(10/99) C.O.R.01849 N 88°20'00"W 2611.44' (2611.33'-CITY) _ N.W. QUARTER ------------------------------------------- OF SECTION 10, T23N, R5E, W.M. l- - 600' (C.O.R. - CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENT.) PIPESTEM LOT BUILDING SETBACK NOTE: - THE BUILDING SETBACKLINES FOR LOT 13 SHALL BE DEFINITIVELY ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE ------------------------- THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 04367. AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINACE NO. 4740. THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'$ DRINKING WATER. LOT ADDRESSING LOT NO. STREET ADDRESS 1 4520 NE 8TH ST/802 BREMERTON AVE NE 2 808 BREMERTON AVE NE 3 816 BREMERTON AVE NE 4 826 BREMERTON AVE NE 5 850 BREMERTON AVE NE 6 856 BREMERTON AVE NE 7 862 BREMERTON AVE NE 8 868 BREMERTON AVE NE 9 874 BREMERTON AVE NE 10 880 BREMERTON AVE NE II 886 BREMERTON AVE NE/4535 NE 9TH ST 12 855 BREMERTON AVE NE 13 861 BREMERTON AVE NE 14 867 BREMERTON AVE NE 15 873 BREMERTON AVE NE 16 887 BREMERTON AVE NE/4463 NE 9TH ST 17 4457 NE 9TH ST 18 4451 NE 9TH ST 19 4540 NE 8TH ST I W. 1/4 COR. SEC. 10-23-5. FND. MON. IN CASE (10/6/98) 0 o_ z D 00 R-20.00 0, L-30.82 0 "' L-2.02 0 . zlz 21' o `r co 0 16 o -_ 18 o 17 0 0 0 4935 SFco 4672 SF o r- 4615 SF 0 C4 4784 SF CS z S 88°24 47"E 1 �U 80.82 / N 85°24'50~ 60.00' L4 L5 80.75- N 90 00'00' s 15 �� C2/ c' o �0° 10 �> o 6 0' 4538 SF 4960 SF v 1 3 00 0 o 6 o s 6S° � 5637 SF o `� 14 � � o C6 /02 4737 SF �,� 2346 W L8 s �s 9 s j O, <� ro / SD 2 5 1 1 8 SF \� 12 841 yo, 4689 SF 6285 SF �� .aA �' / 6''• s�, 0 s 7 6� h 4830 SF 1n �� p� 29 Nco N , Fo 4555 SF 10 �� A / I'll , v o� N � 3 z L N rf \ v - w U) 3 w z 1n - ln J • w I- 3 5 0, 0 s 4526 SF © i C9 Fo, 0 1 �� 0� . 00 96. O� z TRACT " A " v 4 (PRIVATE WETLAND AND DRAINAGE TRACT) M 23'1 21' 4662 SF 74581 SF DRAINAGE FACILITIES AND EASEMENTS FND. 1 1/2" I.P 0.1'N & 0.2•W. �I ZI W I• > 00 0 IM o O Flo (� co in 0 Il0 I 56 13 --------- ------ ----- ----------------- THE LOTS CREATED AND THE PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY DEDICATED HEREIN HAVE THE RIGHT TO COLLECT AND DISCHARGE ALL S SURFACE WATER RUNOFF ORIGINATING FROM SAD LOTS AND PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY INTO TRACT "A-. THE OWNERSHIP. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE PRNATE SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES WITHIN TRACT -A- ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER(S) OF TRACT -A-. M THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER TRACT -A- TO INSPECT AND/OR REPAR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY N THE EVENT THE OWNER(S) IS/ARE NEGLIGENT N THE N 88° 20 ' 00 - W MANTENAW-E OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL 74 28' BE AT THE OWNER'S COST. Z � s o 0 3 J �. u 4519 SIF N S 88° 20 ' 00' E 90.04' 3 0 N 2 � o 0 0o 0 4502 SF o ° Un o 0 S 88° 20'00-E L I z 78.04 23' 1 21 ' 1u-) 0 1 4603 SF 1305.72 - N 88°20 00 W 2611.44'(TO CTR/SEC) (N 88920-11-W 2611.28`-V.188/63-64) (2611.48-V.129/15. 2611.28'-V. 188/63. 2611.40'-V.104/II & V 167/39) FND. MON IN CASE. IN 88°20 OO-W-V.178/83. V178/84. V. 167/39. V. 129/15) THE ORCHARDS DIVISION II VOL. 178. PG. 81-85. 3 0 0 0 0 o ° �o 6 z I49.38 N 88°20'00-W 326.47' 303.42' N.E. 8TH STREET s_0 55.03' 3 �n Ln rl, 0 19 0 00 0 0 5503 SF o o - z 5.03 �Zql 9 0 M UNPLATTED 7 i 9 Ll 12 VOLUME / PAGE 1 q �- ? -7 LUA-99-144-FP LND-10-0338 = 50 0, 50' 100' K.C.A.S. MERIDIAN LEGEND: - STANDARD MON. IN CASE TO BE SET BY ME. O - FND. PROP. COR. AS NOTED. 0 - SET 1/2' I.R. W/CAP is 21464. SURVEY METHOD FIELD TRAVERSE EQUIPMENT USED: 5- TOTAL STATION. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE OF SET CORNERS IS --0.10 FOOT. CONTROL MONUMENTS FIELD TIED OCTOBER 1998. SURVEY ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS REQUIREMENTS OF WAC 332-130-090. CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD C 1 51°31'54" 120.00' 107.93' 57.92' 104.33' C 2 51°31'54- 125.00' 112.42' 60.34' 108.67' C 3 37015 14" 104.00' 67.62' 35.05' 66.44' C 4 14016'40- 104.00' 25.92' 13.03' 25.85' C 5 09°19'27" 146.00' 23.76' 11.91' 23.73' C 6 15048'31- 146.00' 40.28• 20.27' 40.15' C 7 15*46"09- 146.00' 40.18' 21.22' 40.06' C 8 10*37'47- 146.00' 27.09' 13.58' 27.05' C 9 28°48'57" 99.00' 49.79 25.43' 49.27' C 10 51931'54" 146.00' 131.31' 70.47' 126 93' C II 88'12'00" 20.00' 30.79' 19.38' 27.84' C 12 22°42'59- 99.00' 39.25' 19.89' 39.00' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L I S 88020'00"E 12.00" L 2 N 19°56'12-E 37.00' L 3 N 54028'20"E 2.77' L 4 N 90000'00-E 10.00' L 5 N 90000'00"E 28.93' L 6 N 57°33'49"E 28.47' L 7 S 40°07'58"E 44.68' L 8 N 90°00'00-E 46.20' L 9 N 51°23'54-E 20.01' L 10 N 00008'00-W 14.87' L II N 00°08'00-W 12.41' L 12 N 51°23'54-E 21.52' ESTATES IAT HIDDEN CREEK VOL. 88. PISS. 63 8 64, LL] r� Q F- co FND. MON IN CASE. -" 116.27' Q _ -- ( 10/99 ) - _ IL w m SHEET 2 OF 2 J 0 DATE PREPARED: OCTOBER 1999 JOB # 98041 INDEXING DATA: SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SEC. 10, TWP. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M.