HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_GrantAgreement_220629_v12022 GRANT BENEFICIARY AGREEMENT WITH EVERGREEN CITY BALLET RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION GRANT PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT, dated for reference purposes only as March 29, 2022, is by and between the City of Renton (the “City”), a Washington municipal corporation, and Evergreen City Ballet Beneficiary”), a Washington nonprofit and sets forth the terms and conditions under which the City will provide a grant to Beneficiary under the Renton Municipal Arts Commission, Municipal Art Fund, Grant Program (“Program”). The Program is funded through the Renton Municipal Art Fund (RMC 2-8-7.B) (“Fund”), as authorized by the Renton City Council on November 20, 2020, pursuant to RMC 2-8-4.C and 2-8-7.B.3. The City and the Beneficiary are referred to collectively in this Agreement as the “Parties.” Once fully executed by the Parties, this Agreement is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the City of Renton recognizes and acknowledges the importance of, and benefit to the public in, providing visual art and performance in its public works and facilities, and the community as a whole; and, WHEREAS, the City created the Renton Municipal Arts Commission (“Commission”) to advise the Mayor and City Council on artistic and cultural development of the City, and to disburse money budgeted to it for cultural arts performances and other events, art-related programs and activities and support of artists and arts and cultural organizations, as resources allow through the City’s Municipal Art Fund; and, WHEREAS, the Commission established Application Criteria (Exhibit 1), issued a Call for Application (Call for Application” at Exhibit 2), reviewed Applications (“Beneficiary’s Application” at Exhibit 3), and established a list of Projects awarded from the Fund (“Projects Awarded” at Exhibit 4), each Exhibit is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2022 the Commission reviewed the Beneficiary’s Application and determined that the Beneficiary is eligible for assistance under this Program and is promoting arts and culture in Renton. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein, the CAG-22-217 PAGE 2 OF 10 Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1.Grant Amount and Disbursement. a. Amount. The total amount to be awarded to Beneficiary under the Program is up to five thousand three hundred dollars ($5,300) as a reimbursement for eligible expenses. Except as specifically provided herein, the Beneficiary shall be solely responsible for payment of any taxes imposed as a result of this Agreement. b.Award Disbursement. i.Reimbursement Request. On a monthly, or no less than quarterly basis during any quarter in which artistic and cultural support is completed, Beneficiary shall submit reimbursement request(s) in a format acceptable to the City (Exhibit 5) with supporting documentation including, but not limited to, invoices or reports demonstrating expenses for which reimbursement is sought. ii.Effect of Award. Other than as specified, Beneficiary relinquishes the right to any financial proceeds in association with City’s use or reproductions of PROJECT. iii.Payment. Payment shall be made by City within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt and approval by the appropriate City representative of the invoice. iv.No waiver. Payment for any reimbursement shall not constitute a waiver by the City of any remedies it may have for any breach of this Agreement by the Beneficiary. v.Tax implications. Grant funds may be taxable. Please consult your financial advisor/tax professional for guidance. If it is required by the IRS, a 1099 form will be issued to the Beneficiary. 2.Scope and Performance: Beneficiary agrees to create and install artwork or produce an event as specified in Exhibit 3 “Beneficiary’s Application” which is attached and incorporated herein. Such scope is hereinafter referred to as “PROJECT.” a.Prior to scheduling the installation or production, Beneficiary agrees to discuss the contents of the proposed PROJECT with designated City staff to address necessary Council approvals, coordination with affected City departments, compliance with affected City regulations such as signage or event permits, materials to be used, and/or documentation of agreements with Beneficiary partners such as private property where the PROJECT will be presented. These discussions may result in revision of the PROJECT as proposed. b.The final design will be provided to the City’s Municipal Arts Commission for review, request for further revision as needed, and final confirmation prior to installation or production of the PROJECT. PAGE 3 OF 10 c.Beneficiary will be responsible for installing the PROJECT in its approved design at the location identified in Exhibit 3. d.Beneficiary agrees to create and install PROJECT no later than December 31, 2022. 3.Installation on Private Property. a.According to the Application (Exhibit 3), The PROJECT will be displayed or produced at 1300 Bronson Way N which is not owned by the City or a public entity. b.As noted in Section 2.a of this Agreement, ARTIST will provide the City with documentation of the property owner’s agreement to host the PROJECT including submission of all necessary permit applications to effectuate the PROJECT. Nothing in the Agreement is intended to, nor should be construed to, act as a guarantee that an application for a permit will be granted. c.ARTIST agrees to inform the private property owner(s) of the obligation to consult with CITY’s Community & Economic Development Administrator prior to any removal or alteration of the PROJECT. d.CITY may, at its own discretion, cooperate with the private property owner and ARTIST in the case private property owner has reason to remove or alter the PROJECT in the future, or if the PROJECT is impacted by wear, vandalism, damage, or other reason, to restore or relocate the PROJECT as necessary. 4.Beneficiary’s Grants and Representations: a.Delivery of PROJECT to City constitutes Beneficiary’s certification that: i.PROJECT is the original work of Beneficiary; ii.To the extent others contributed to the PROJECT, Beneficiary assumes all responsibility and liability for any claims of right to the PROJECT by such others; iii. Beneficiary owns all rights to PROJECT, including having obtained any rights that Beneficiary did not originally possess; and iv.if PROJECT contains recognizable images of particular persons, Beneficiary has obtained appropriate releases. b.Beneficiary acknowledges that, except for PROJECT to which section 3 of this Agreement applies, the PROJECT will be displayed on City-owned property at insert address/location] at the discretion of the City. The City retains all right to remove, maintain, restore, relocate, or otherwise alter the PROJECT in the future for any reason. c.Beneficiary grants to City a non-exclusive license to graphically and electronically reproduce PROJECT, while on display, for any and all future publicity endeavors conducted by City, provided that any such reproduction is credited to Beneficiary PAGE 4 OF 10 by name. City may use the Beneficiary’s photograph, other likeness, or biography in connection with the use of PROJECT. 5. Final Report: Together with the final reimbursement request, and in a format acceptable to the City (Exhibit 6), Beneficiary shall submit a final report detailing outcomes related to budget, activities, objectives, and attendance as first described in the Beneficiary’s application for the Grant. 6. Scope of Eligible Expenditures: Grant funds disbursed under this Agreement shall only be used to pay or reimburse eligible expenses as described in the Criteria (Exhibit 1) and in the “Program Call for Applications” (Exhibit 2) a. Reimbursement Defined. “Reimbursement” means grant disbursement to Beneficiary upon receipt by the City of invoices and documentation demonstrating eligible expenses. b. No Duplication of Payment. No grant funds may be used to pay or reimburse costs for expenditures for which Beneficiary has received any other funding, whether state, federal or private in nature, for that same expense. 7. Beneficiary Responsibilities. a. False Statement. The Beneficiary understands and acknowledges that providing false information in the Application or on any documents submitted to the City or its designees as part of the Beneficiary’s participation in the Program may constitute fraud, justify termination of this Agreement, trigger the Beneficiary’s obligation to return funds, and may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties and/or sanctions. b. No Employee Relationship. The Beneficiary understands and acknowledges that neither the Beneficiary nor any officer, employee or agent of the Beneficiary shall be considered to be an employee of the City, nor entitled to any benefits accorded City employees, by virtue of the services provided under this Agreement. The City shall not be responsible for assuming the duties of an employer with respect to the Beneficiary or any employee of the Beneficiary. c. Non-discrimination. During the performance of this Agreement, the Beneficiary shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including but not limited to, chapter 49.60 RCW, Washington’s Law Against Discrimination, and 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq., the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In the event of the Company’s noncompliance or refusal to comply with any nondiscrimination law, regulation, or policy, this Agreement may be rescinded, canceled, or terminated in whole or in part. d. Sole proprietorship or Individual. If the Beneficiary is a sole proprietorship or if this Agreement is with an individual, the Beneficiary agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Beneficiary retired under a State of PAGE 5 OF 10 Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Beneficiary’s failure to do so. 8. Insurance: Beneficiary shall secure and maintain: a. Commercial general liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 for each occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate for the Term of this Agreement. b. In the event that Work delivered pursuant to this Agreement either directly or indirectly involve or require Professional Services, Professional Liability, Errors and Omissions coverage shall be provided with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence. "Professional Services", for the purpose of this section, shall mean any Work provided by a licensed professional or Work that requires a professional standard of care. c. Workers’ compensation coverage, as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington, shall also be secured. d. Commercial Automobile Liability for owned, leased, hired or non-owned, leased, hired or non-owned, with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit, if there will be any use of Beneficiary’s vehicles on the City’s Premises by or on behalf of the City, beyond normal commutes. e. Beneficiary shall name the City as an Additional Insured on its commercial general liability policy on a non-contributory primary basis. The City’s insurance policies shall not be a source for payment of any Beneficiary liability, nor shall the maintenance of any insurance required by this Agreement be construed to limit the liability of Beneficiary to the coverage provided by such insurance or otherwise limit the City’s recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. f. Subject to the City’s review and acceptance, a certificate of insurance showing the proper endorsements, shall be delivered to the City before performing the PROJECT. g. Beneficiary shall provide the City with written notice of any policy cancellation, within two (2) business days of their receipt of such notice. 9. Records: Maintenance, Access, Disclosure. a. Records Maintained. Beneficiary shall maintain all records and accounts with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement, including personnel, property, financial, and programmatic records and documents. b. Retention Period. These records shall be maintained for as long as may be required by applicable Washington State records retention laws, but in any case for a period of six (6) years after all funds have been expended or returned to the City, whichever is later, to ensure proper accounting for all funds and compliance with the Agreement. c. Litigation or Audit. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the six (6) year period provided in Section 4(b) above, the records PAGE 6 OF 10 shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. d. Right of Access. The City, or its authorized representatives, shall have the right of access to records (electronic and otherwise) of Beneficiary in order to conduct audits or other investigations. e. Subject to Disclosure. Beneficiary acknowledges that records may be subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act, Ch. 42.56 RCW. i. To the full extent the City determines necessary to comply with the Washington State Public Records Act, Beneficiary shall make a due diligent search of all records in its possession or control relating to this Agreement and the PROJECT, including, but not limited to, e-mail, correspondence, notes, saved telephone messages, recordings, photos, or drawings and provide them to the City for production. ii. In the event Beneficiary believes said records need to be protected from disclosure, it may, at Beneficiary’s own expense, seek judicial protection. Beneficiary shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City for all costs, including attorneys’ fees, attendant to any claim or litigation related to a Public Records Act request for which Beneficiary has responsive records and for which Beneficiary has withheld records or information contained therein, or not provided them to the City in a timely manner. 10. Beneficiary shall produce to the City for distribution any and all records responsive to the Public Records Act request in a timely manner, unless those records are protected by court order. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 11. Publications. Any publications produced with funds from this Agreement must display the following language: “This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by a grant from the City of Renton.” 12. Disclaimer by the City. The City expressly disclaims any and all responsibility or liability to Beneficiary or third persons for the actions of Beneficiary or third persons resulting in death, bodily injury, property damages, or any other losses resulting in any way from the performance of this Agreement or any other losses resulting in any way from the performance of the Agreement, or any subcontract thereto. This Agreement does not in any way establish an agency relationship between or among the City and/or Beneficiary. 13. Expenses Incurred in Excess of Program Award Funds. Beneficiary acknowledges that any expenses incurred in excess of Program Award Funds are the Beneficiary’s sole responsibility and will not be paid by the City. PAGE 7 OF 10 14. Repayment of Funds. If any funds provided to Beneficiary were used in a manner that is not consistent or allowable as outlined in this Agreement, Beneficiary shall return funds to City in the amount determined to be ineligible. Beneficiary further agrees that it is financially responsible for and will repay the City any and all indicated amounts following an audit exception which occurs due to Beneficiary’s failure, for any reason, to comply with the terms of this Agreement. This duty to repay the City shall not be diminished or extinguished by the termination of the Agreement. 15. Termination. The City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause by giving ten (10) calendar days’ notice to the Beneficiary in writing. In the event of such termination or suspension, Beneficiary waives any right to un-distributed portions of the award. 16. Conflict of Interest. a. Beneficiary designees, agents, members, officers, employees, consultants, and any other public official who exercises or who has exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to the Program during his or her tenure, or who is in a position to participate in a decision-making process or gain inside information with regard to the Program, are barred from any interest, direct or indirect, in any grant or proceeds of the Program, or benefit there from, which is part of this Agreement at any time during or after such person's tenure. b. The City’s Code of Ethics and Washington State law prohibit City employees from soliciting, accepting, or receiving any gift, gratuity or favor from any person, firm or corporation involved in a contract or transaction. To ensure compliance with the City’s Code of Ethics and state law, the Beneficiary shall not give a gift of any kind to City employees or officials. c. Beneficiary also confirms that Beneficiary does not have a business interest or a close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in selecting the Beneficiary, negotiating or administering this Agreement, or evaluating the Beneficiary’s performance of the Work. 17. Notices: Any notice required under this Agreement will be in writing, addressed to the appropriate party at the address which appears below (as modified in writing from time to time by such party), and given personally, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, by facsimile or by nationally recognized overnight courier service. Time period for notices shall be deemed to have commenced upon the date of receipt, EXCEPT facsimile delivery will be deemed to have commenced on the first business day following transmission. Email and telephone may be used for purposes of administering the Agreement, but should not be used to give any formal notice required by the Agreement. CITY OF RENTON Jessie Kotarski BENEFICIARY Elizabeth Rogers PAGE 8 OF 10 Economic Development Manager CED/City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7271 Email: jkotarski@rentonwa.gov Evergreen City Ballet Board Member 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 228-6800 Email: parentguild@evergreencityballet.org 18. Waiver/Conflict of Terms. a. Any waiver by the Beneficiary or the City of the breach of any provision of this Agreement by the other party will not operate, or be construed, as a waiver of any subsequent breach by either party or prevent either party from thereafter enforcing any such provisions. b. In the event of any inconsistencies between Beneficiary proposals and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. Any exhibits/attachments to this Agreement are incorporated by reference only to the extent of the purpose for which they are referenced within this Agreement. To the extent a Beneficiary-prepared exhibit conflicts with the terms in the body of this Agreement or contains terms that are extraneous to the purpose for which it is referenced, the terms in the body of this Agreement shall prevail and the extraneous terms shall not be incorporated herein. 19. Modification. This Agreement may only be amended by written agreement signed by both Parties. 20. Conflicts. In the event of any inconsistencies between Beneficiary proposals or Beneficiary- prepared exhibits and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. 21. Severability. In the event any term or condition of this Agreement or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of this Agreement that can be given effect without the invalid term, condition, or application. To this end, the terms and conditions of the Agreement are declared severable. 22. Governing Laws. Any lawsuit or legal action brought by any party to enforce or interpret this Agreement or any of its terms or covenants shall be brought in the King City Superior Court for the State of Washington at the Maleng Regional Justice Center in Kent, King City, Washington, or its replacement or successor. Beneficiary hereby expressly consents to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such court even if Beneficiary is a foreign corporation not registered with the State of Washington. 23. Indemnification. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Beneficiary shall, at its cost and expense, protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its directors, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all demands, liabilities, causes of action, PAGE 9 OF 10 costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees), claims, judgments, or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the acts or omissions of Beneficiary, its directors, officers, employees, or agents, relating in any way to Beneficiary’s performance or non-performance under the Agreement. Beneficiary agrees that its obligations under this paragraph extend to any demands, liabilities, causes of action, or claims brought by, or on behalf of, any of its employees or agents. For this purpose, Beneficiary, by mutual negotiation, hereby waives, as respects the City only, any immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under any industrial insurance act, including Title 51 RCW, other Worker’s Compensation act, disability benefit act, or other employee benefit act of any jurisdiction which would otherwise be applicable in the case of such claim. These indemnification obligations shall survive the termination of the Agreement. 24. Complete Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the complete expression of the agreement between the Parties, and any oral representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. The Parties may execute this Agreement in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. Exhibits 1 – Renton Municipal Arts Commission Grant Program – Application Criteria 2 – Renton Municipal Arts Commission Grant Program – Call for Applications 3 – Renton Municipal Arts Commission Grant Program – Beneficiary’s Application 4 – Renton Municipal Arts Commission Grant Program – Projects Awarded 5 – Renton Municipal Arts Commission Grant Program – Reimbursement Request Form 6 – Renton Municipal Arts Commission Grant Program – Final Report Form IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Agreement as of the date last signed by the Parties below. SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] 06.17.2022 Approved by Patrice Kent via 5/23/2022 email PAGE 11 OF 16 EXHIBIT 1: RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION CRITERIA DEADLINES Application Due: February 16, 2022 for projects occurring March-June) May 5, 2022 for projects occurring July-December) GET HELP We are on hand to answer your questions and assist with your application. Call during regular business hours. Arts@rentonwa.gov 425.430.6581 arts@rentonwa.gov SUPPORT FOR THE ARTS IN RENTON Funding for arts, cultural and heritage projects that serve residents and visitors in Renton, Washington We encourage innovative projects by artists and communities that showcase cultural diversity, increase understanding, and inspire new forms of creative participation and opportunities for growth, particularly for under-served groups. Grant awards range from $500 to 10,000. Projects must take place during 2022 and should be completed by December 15, 2022. Art courtesy of Rick Moreno 2022 Grant Guidelines Page 2 Program Overview Purpose The Renton Municipal Arts Commission’s grant program offers grants to individuals, organizations and community groups for arts and culture projects and events that serve the general public in Renton. Public Funding = Public Benefit Projects should provide public benefit. Examples of public benefit are: Free public performances, exhibitions, workshops, screenings, or readings. Free scholarships to ongoing, fee-based arts educational or training programs. Accommodating services that expand access and inclusion to individuals with limited physical or English-speaking abilities. Funds May Be Used To: Produce one-time performances, exhibits, special events or programs that bring arts or cultural experiences to Renton residents. Provide opportunities for independent artists to develop and present new work in all mediums. Improve arts and cultural opportunities for artists and audiences from diverse communities. Participatory and educational opportunities for youth, multicultural, seniors, and special populations. Increase access to arts and cultural events by providing discount tickets and/or free educational programs. Projects that are not: located in Renton; primarily benefit Renton residents; or are not offered free of charge, or at reduced rates to the extent possible; Projects that are not open to the public; Projects that have already been completed; Projects that support or oppose a specific interest such as a particular business, political, or religious viewpoint or organization; Capital construction projects; Projects that use the Grant funds to provide cash awards to individuals; Projects which preclude reasonable access by the general public, such as in a location not open to the general public, or for which membership is required, or admission charges cannot be reduced or waived for accessibility Funding Restrictions include: The following types of projects are NOT eligible for funding: Application Review Process The Renton Municipal Arts Commission approves all The City of Bellevue reserves the right to change this timeline. 2019 Special Projects Guidelines 2022 Art Grant Guidelines funding. Approvals are based on recommendations from the Arts Commission Grants Committee. Applications are reviewed on a competitive basis according to the overall purpose of the program and the criteria for eligible organizations. Incomplete applications submitted after the deadline may not be reviewed. 2022 Timeline (two opportunities to apply) Round 1 (for projects/events occurring Mar through Jun) Round 2 (for projects/events occurring Jul through Dec) Application packet The application is available at rentonwa.gov/rmac, and is due according to the schedule above. Please complete the form in its entirety and submit it along with all supplemental materials online. Incomplete applications will delay funding consideration. Additional information or clarification may be requested by the Grants Committee. Jan 26 Feb 16 Feb 21 Feb 28 Mar 1 Mar Dec 16 Online application available Applications due Grants Committee Review Applicant interviews and Committee Recommendation to Commission Arts Commission review of recommended applications Presentation to City Council and Announcement of Grant Awards Post-grant report due Online application available Applications due Grants Committee Review Applicant interviews and Committee Recommendation to Commission Arts Commission review of recommended applications Presentation to City Council and Announcement of Grant Awards Post-grant report due Feb 17 May 5 May 23 May 30 Jun 7 Jun Dec 16 2022 Art Grant Guidelines Page 3 Funding Generally, the maximum award is $10,000 and the minimum award is $500. However, the Arts Commission may recommend greater or lesser amounts. Timing of Projects Projects must take place during 2022 and should be completed by December 15, 2022. Payment Payment will be made at the end of the project. Exceptions may be made, depending on circumstances and City policy. The funding recipient will turn in invoice(s) and a final report to the Arts Commission for reimbursement. Invoices and final reports are due by December 16. Checks are normally mailed within 30 days of the invoice date and receipt of completed paperwork. Eligibility Who May Apply Individuals, groups of people (all ages), neighborhood or business organizations seeking funding for an art project or cultural event Independent Artists, Arts and Cultural organizations, including professional and community-based groups IRS not-for-profit status – 501 (c)(3) – is not required. A City of Renton business license may be required. Evaluation Criteria Artistic Innovation Quality and promise of the proposed arts, cultural, and heritage project to meet the cultural needs of an audience and/or constituent group. Innovative approach to foster creative and civic participation by Renton's diverse residents and visitors, particularly underserved people and communities. Fills a gap in art, cultural, or heritage offerings and opportunities not regularly available to Renton residents and visitors. Proposed projects must take place in Renton. Proposed projects must serve and be accessible to residents of Renton. Independent artists must present new works to the public. Priority will be given to projects that involve Renton-based artists and organizations. Demonstrated experience of project leaders to accomplish the scope and scale of the project. Evidence of thoughtful planning including clearly articulated goals and process for evaluation. Realistic budget and timeline. Public Access and Benefit Project Feasibility Application Instructions Complete the application available on rentonwa.gov/ rmac, including supplemental materials Incomplete and/or inaccurate applications will result in return of application, delaying funding consideration or potential denial of funding consideration. Start the application process as far in advance as possible at least three months before your project start or event date Submit completed application to arts@rentonwa.gov You may be asked to present your proposal to the Arts Commission For additional information or clarification, please call 425)430-6581, or email arts@rentonwa.gov PAGE 12 OF 16 EXHIBIT 2: RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS GRANT PROGRAM CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-6400 | rentonwa.gov | CITY OF RENTON FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 20, 2022 City of Renton Contacts Maryjane Van Cleave, Communication & Engagement Director, 425-430-6713 Jessie Kotarski, Economic Development Manager, 425-430-6581 Renton Municipal Arts Commission accepting 2022 grant applications Deadline for application for projects occurring March through June Wednesday, February 16, 2022. RENTON, WA – Renton Municipal Arts Commission is accepting grant applications to fund 2022 arts and culture projects in Renton. Funding is available for art, cultural and heritage projects that serve residents and visitors in Renton. The program also encourages innovative projects that showcase Renton’s cultural diversity, increase our understanding of ourselves as individuals and as a society, and inspire new forms of creative participation and growth opportunities, particularly for under-served groups. The Commission is currently accepting proposals for the 2022 Arts Grant Program, which supports projects that forward the Commission’s goal to enrich and increase participation and awareness of the cultural and artist community and advocate for arts education at all levels. The RMAC grant program offers grants to individuals, organizations and community groups for arts and culture projects and events that serve the public in Renton. Awards range from $500 to $10,000 and two rounds of funding will be offered in 2022. Applications for the first round, intended to fund projects that take place between March and June 2022 are due Wednesday, February 16, 2022. Grant awards will be announced by March 15, 2022 and projects must be completed by December 15, 2022. The commission will host two virtual grant Q&A sessions via Zoom on Thursday, February 3 from 12pm to 1pm and Monday, February 7 from 7pm to 8pm. The Q&A session is an opportunity to meet members of the grants committee, ask questions, and connect with other applicants. The Q&A session is casual with no pre- registration required. The application is available online. Any questions concerning the application the process may be directed to Jessie Kotarski at 425-430-6581 or via email at arts@rentonwa.gov. About the City of Renton The City of Renton, Washington, with a population of 105,500 (2020), is located on the southeast shore of Lake Washington, just south of Seattle. Renton's strong economic base, diverse marketplace and favorable business climate have attracted nationally recognized companies that wish to provide employees and their families an outstanding quality of life. Renton is the home of Boeing, PACCAR, IKEA, the Seattle Seahawks, and the eternal resting place of Jimi Hendrix. More information is on our website, in news releases, or on Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor. About the Renton Municipal Arts Commission 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-6400 | rentonwa.gov | Renton Municipal Arts Commission was formed over fifty years ago to act in an advisory capacity to the city government in connection with the city's artistic and cultural development and as stewards of the City of Renton art collection. The commission strives to support and connect people with arts and culture endeavors in the Renton community. For more information about the Renton Municipal Arts Commission, contact arts@rentonwa.gov or visit facebook.com/rentonarts. PAGE 13 OF 16 EXHIBIT 3: RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS GRANT PROGRAM BENEFICIARY/ARTIST’S APPLICATION 2/16/22, 9:53 PM Print Preview : 2022 RMAC Grant Application : Entry # 1267 https://visitrentonwa.com/?gf_page=print-entry&fid=9&lid=1267&notes=1 1/3 2022 RMAC Grant Application : Entry # 2022 RMAC Grant Application : Entry # 12671267 Name of your Organization Evergreen City Ballet Contact Person and Title Elizabeth Rogers, Board Member Contact person email address parentguild@evergreencityballet.org Organization Address 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 United States Map It Phone 425) 228-6800 Have you applied for a Renton arts grant award in the past? Yes Have you received funding in previous years from the Renton Arts Grant Program? Yes Please list the most recent project and the grant amount for which you have previously received funding The City of Renton provided funding for our 2021 Nutcracker, but I don't believe it was the Renton Arts Grant Program specifically. It was for $10,000 to underwrite the cost of bringing in guest artists of color. This ask is not related performances, but rather VISUAL ART we want to share with the Renton residents. Select that category best describes your project Public art support Check the one arts discipline that best describes your proposed project: Visual Arts Project or Event Title Dance for All" orginal art building mural Project Summary 2/16/22, 9:53 PM Print Preview : 2022 RMAC Grant Application : Entry # 1267 https://visitrentonwa.com/?gf_page=print-entry&fid=9&lid=1267&notes=1 2/3 2022 RMAC Grant Application : Entry # 2022 RMAC Grant Application : Entry # 12671267 Evergreen City Ballet (ECB) believes dance is universally enriching and should be accessible and inspiring to all. ECB recently relocated into the former Bryant Motors building on Bronson Way to save money and be able to provide more scholarship and outreach opportunities for Renton youth. As youknow the Bryant Motors building has sat vacant and deteriorating for a decade on a very visible high traffic corner of downtown. We want to change that! We are unable to afford to replace the broken glass along the building front (it's floor to ceiling and forms the wall of the dance studio requiring use of expensive special safety glass) so we will need to create a painted plywood frontage wall instead. We are seeking Renton Art Commission funding to underwrite the cost of a handpainted exterior mural by local South King County muralist Renee Hazen. The mural will be approximately 50 feet long and 7 feet tall spanning from the right side of the entrance, around the eastern corner the portion currently covered by boarded up broken glass). Renee's dance designs feature colorful ballerinas in a variety of poses and will be painted around the words "Dance is for All" (or similar message/theme to be determined; we are open to input from Commissioners too!) Preliminary sketches by the artist are attached and you'll notice the traditional ballet silohettes but also the male dancer, children, natural hair and curvier bodies. We hope that this colorful, original landmark will convey our belief that dance/ballet is for everyone- every body, every age, gender, race, etc. We hope it inspires and encourages the community to explore this art form and expression. Funding Amount 5300 List the beginning and ending date of your project 3/12/22 - no end date The Renton Public Arts Program is committed to broadening the scope of arts programming and connecting with underserved populations in the City of Renton and broader community. Please detail what steps you hope to take to connect with under- served populations in the community. (100 words) We hope that this colorful, original landmark will visually convey our belief that dance/ballet is for every body shape, skin color, age and gender. We strive to make our programs financially accessible to all and a number of our best company members are scholarship students. We hope to convey this legacy and belief visually via a mural on a highly visible corner thereby also serving as public art and inspiration for all Renton community members. Budget mural-estimate.docx Application Certification I agree to the privacy policy. I understand the City of Renton and Washington state limitations placed on use of public funds and certify that the requested funds will be used only for the purposes described in this application or as approved by the RMAC. I understand use of funds is subject to audit by the State of Washington. I have read and understand the criteria by which our application will be evaluated and understand that if our application is selected for funding, we will be required to enter into a binding agreement with the City to ensure completion of the project Name 2/16/22, 9:53 PM Print Preview : 2022 RMAC Grant Application : Entry # 1267 https://visitrentonwa.com/?gf_page=print-entry&fid=9&lid=1267&notes=1 3/3 2022 RMAC Grant Application : Entry # 2022 RMAC Grant Application : Entry # 12671267 Elizabeth Rogers Certification I certify that my statements are true and have approval from my board/agency to apply for this grant. I have read and understand the RMAC Grant Guidelines and will provide all documentation requested by the City in support of this application. I consent to having this website store my submitted information to process this grant application. Upload any supporting documentation, including artist bios, organization overview, description of project partners or other relevant information in support of your application. received_647990489775994.jpeg received_3077738319220518.jpeg received_5140573995977312.jpeg PXL_20220207_004501908.jpg PXL_20220207_004459548.jpg PXL_20220207_004346251.jpg mural-estimate1.docx Mural Estimate Prepared for Evergreen City Ballet By Renee Hazen Designs One exterior mural at 1300 Bronson Way N Size: 42’ Bronson Ave span + 15’ side wrap (Total 57’L x 7.5’H or 428 sq ft) Artistry @ $10 per sqft = $4,280 Paints, sealers and supplies = $300 Detachable mural panels surface prepped, installed and sealed (15 sheets x $50) = $750 EVERGREEN CITY BALLET MURAL TOTAL: $5, 330 PAGE 14 OF 16 EXHIBIT 4: RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS GRANT PROGRAM PROJECTS AWARDED PAGE 15 OF 16 EXHIBIT 5: RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS GRANT PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST FORM Recipient name Mailing address Contract No. Date Invoice Description Artistic/ Administration Supplies Event Misc Total Totals $$ $ $ $ Copies of invoices, receipts, or other items that reflect project expenses Completed Final Report Attached IRS Form W9 Amount requested $ Signature Printed name Exhibit 5 RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION GRANT PROGRAM Reimbursement Request Form Attached supporting documentation for expenses to demonstrate,by date,expenses were incurred following the execution of the contract and no later than December 31,2022.Sufficient documentation includes: PAGE 16 OF 16 EXHIBIT 6: RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS GRANT PROGRAM FINAL REPORT FORM Renton Municipal Arts Commission Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057 Exhibit 6 RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION GRANT PROGRAM Final Report Form Organization Name: Mailing Address: Contact Name: Contact Phone: Contact E-mail: Reimbursement amount request: Project start date: Project end date: Briefly describe the outcome of your project including benefits to the public (e.g. free public performances, exhibitions, workshops, screenings, or readings; scholarships to ongoing, fee-based arts educational or training programs or accommodations made to expand access and inclusion to individuals with limited physical or English-speaking abilities). Estimate (or provide direct counts for ticketed events) the number of participants involved in the project: Describe promotional efforts for this project. Attach schedule of activities; reports and publications; copies of printed publicity, programs, newspaper clippings; or photos. Note: These attachments are necessary to document that the project was completed as stated in your application. A requirement of the grant contract is to show that the "credit line" for support from the Renton Municipal Arts Commission was used in publicity. Renton Municipal Arts Commission Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057 Did you achieve the goals you had set for the project? Describe. Describe any difficulties. (For example: scheduling difficulties, problems in getting people to participate, low attendance, etc.) We certify that the information contained in this report is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. I acknowledge that we’ve made a copy of this final report for our records Printed Name Authorized Signature Date Return form and report to: Renton Municipal Arts Commission, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 or arts@rentonwa.gov (email or call 425-430-6581 if you have questions) For Office Use Only: Approved By: ____________________ Account #: