HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/2017 - Minutes H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\2017\2017 MAY\2017 05 Mtg Notes (No Quorum).doc Renton Library Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Renton City Hall, 7th floor Council Conference Room May 17, 2017 ~ 5:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Erica Richey called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. There was no quorum for this meeting, therefore the following are notes on board discussion, but no formal business was conducted. In Attendance Members: Erica Richey, Kim Unti City Staff: Kelly Beymer, Maryjane Van Cleave; Cliff Long (CED), Margie Beitner KCLS Staff: Amy Eggler Excused: Laurie Beden Absent: Lynne King II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (No Quorum) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Draft minutes from the April meeting were provided for review. No action taken. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS None. V. CITY REPORT / Kelly Beymer Kelly Beymer introduced Cliff Long from Community and Economic Development to the board members. To be respectful of his time, Kelly asked if we could reschedule his presentation for another meeting; Cliff agreed to come to a future meeting. Kelly Beymer gave a brief update on City projects. City Hall Elevator Replacement is planned for the 2017/2018 Budget with the design/engineering process in bid phase. Kelly mentioned that L & I governs everything related to elevators (not the State or F ederal). Coulon Structural Repair – fencing and beams underneath the pier are being inspected and replaced or repaired as needed. Sunset Park – The City received a grant for a portion of the Phase 1 Design and is waiting to hear back on funding from Legislature for Phase 2 Construction. Kelly met with the Mayor and Jay Covington on the easement portion; they are working on bringing that forward while waiting on the Sunset Lane completion. City of Renton Library Board Minutes May 17, 2017 Page 2 of 3 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\2017\2017 MAY\2017 05 Mtg Notes (No Quorum).doc Homeless camp at the Old Highlands Library has been posted and will be removed on Thursday, May 18. An outside contractor is used for removal due to the potential for hazardous waste. The “Cruise the Loop” Event is scheduled for August 19 (12:00 Noon – 5:00 p.m.); the same day as the Renton Highlands Library Celebration. Kelly noted that City staff will be busy setting up and working at the City event and may not be available for assisting with the library celebration. Amy Eggler stated that the KCLS team was planning on having an all-day celebration (10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.). Sort of a fun festival style all- day event; doors open – drop in for refreshments, etc. She mentioned the possibility of having the Mayor speak with the program starting at approximately 11:00 a.m.; Police Story time at 12:30 p.m. and a Mariachi Band; community booths, food trucks (1 or 2); she also has a connection with the Seahawks and was hoping to have some sort of program. Kelly asked if Fred Gurney could share his plans with her and the other city staff (Carrie Nass, Event Coordinator) in correspondence related to this event so that hopefully the City and KCLS can coordinate and make both events a success with the idea of keeping folks in the downtown area throughout the day and that the two programs may be complimentary to each other. Maryjane VanCleave mentioned the “Renton Youth Peace Festival” program scheduled for June 3 at Liberty Park. The Police are the main coordinators for this program and this event promotes the Teen Program. Kelly Beymer advised the process is moving forward with bringing Jaime Greene on as the newest Library Board Member. We have prepared a memo to the Mayor and Council and Council approval should take place at the June 5 Council Meeting. Notification will be sent to the RLAB members when placed on council agenda. Erica Richey asked if there was a chance that the August 19 date for the Library Celebration will shift to a new date. Amy Eggler said there could be a chance they will consider moving the date. There is also the possibility that there is enough difference in audience for both events to be held on the same day and allow for citizens to enjoy one or the other, or both if interested. Kim Unti advised that she will be gone and unable to attend the June 21 Meeting. Maryjane VanCleave mentioned the Summer Reading Kick Off in June and asked if anyone was planning on being there. Erica Richey talked about the Henry Moses Aquatic Center and some of the difficulties with dealing with the lines and how the pool operates especially when it involves special needs children; the possibilities of purchasing tickets on-line and not having to wait in long lines, etc. Maryjane VanCleave noted that the City realizes there are some real issues with older programs and how the services for the pool are currently being provided. Recreation managers and staff City of Renton Library Board Minutes May 17, 2017 Page 3 of 3 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\2017\2017 MAY\2017 05 Mtg Notes (No Quorum).doc are reviewing some of the processes and possible work arounds to buy tickets on-line. Maryjane asked if she could contact Erica to discuss some of the problem areas and possible solutions for accommodating the special needs population. Erica Richey expressed she would appreciate the opportunity to be heard regarding these concerns and would gladly share some ideas or suggestions with city staff. Some discussion followed on the idea of covering the pool so that it could be used year round. Maryjane mentioned that with the number of staff needed (including employees, lifeguards, and pool services) that if the city could find sponsors in the health industry it might actually help with costs and allow for year round operation. Amy Eggler also noted that swim teams from the various schools would most likely be interested too since there are not many public pools available. VI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting concluded at 6:15 p.m. _____________________________________ Signature Next Meetings: June 21, 2017 Renton City Hall Council Conference Room 7th floor ______________________________ NO MEETINGS: July and August due to Scheduled Events ______________________________ September 20, 2017 Renton City Hall Council Conference Room 7th floor SI G N - I N SH E E T O — ‘ R e n t o n 0 R e n t o n L i b r a r y A d v i s o r y B o a r d DA T E : W e d n e s d a y , Ma y 17 , 20 1 7 Do yo u wi s h N a m e A d d r e s s Ci t y / Z i p P h o n e or Em a i l to sp e a k ? P L E A S E P R I N T L A R G E & C L E A R Ye s No c . . . - - - - .,,.,,, , , . , . . . . . , á..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 4. M . Q — CA . . . . . . i a... . . . . . . . L) c L . . . ./ . . / . ,. . S — “ — “ . “ . . , . , “ — . — , “ “ . “ . , . “ . “ . “ , “ “ — , . , , , , . — . , — . — . — ,— — — . — — — i — . — — — : I —