HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 016_1280320a a w t 1280318 Talter B.Axt011, at ux TO w.Lt Calm Deed. Statutory Form, Tne.ErontDr_':cD1LeS B. 4xtell, and Ada Axtell, of Seattle, 1n .,,- ty of icing, and 3tato of, Washington, for the coasidere:it.. of four nundred fifty and no;100 dollar., In hand paid, conc,y an,: quit -claim O.T.:ieXer al e. of the County of Xing in the State of Woshintlnn, Gil interOet in the following described real estate: Leta one (1) and two (2) Ba16on'e Shore Acres, situated In the CanLty of XtnC, St,.te of Wauhington. Mod this llth dq of February, 1919. Walter B. Axtell, (Seal) Ada Axtell, (Saul) State of 'yaehington) rS County of Xing, ) 1, X.L.Oolliez, a notary pub' do hereby certify that on this lLU-,',tlq of Poly, 1919, personally appersad vld, -,la before me '.",alter P.Axtell, and Ada Attel% his wi"e, to me known to be tun in, deaeril•ed in, and be executeC the w:tran tnnTremont, and acknowledged :na, the they signed and ...led the acne as tb,air frre and voluntaay sat and dead for veem and purposes therein mentioned. Given under W hand and official coal this alereath (llth) day of Pelt .I (H,L.C.n,tarial Seal) d.L.Cellier, the State (Cum Pat Sep 25, 1921) Notary 1ub11c in and fat!j ttle. . (f•H.84.50 attached and Cancelled) of Wash., residing at 8. Piled for record at request of Grantee Pet Ile 1919, at 19 min past 4 P.0 [,f> norman m. WOrdaii, RX Co:'.nty Auditoi. dBS 4 1280320 ICArl-P,Lrhse, at al ,{ To i,maement, 1 Chicago, MilwaukOe &'St. Paul Railway Company, Saasmont. ; -we. Know all!nen by these preeente, that �Brl P.Xruee, and his wife. Yq end land Carl 11.1eengedoht, and his wile, Rargavet Kengedont, of the County of K cute of We sh lnC ton, do Tar themeaIvee and for their hair o, age, gna and leg I, mpaoy, ,representatives, hereby convey to the Chicago ililwaakes k St. Paul Rallwq ; sum of is corporation of the State of Wiaa mein, its successors and aaafb'ne, for the twenty-five and 00/100 (925,00) dollar,, the right to erect and maintin an •real •Electric Transmission System, over, along and across the following demerdb.4 . ,property, sltusted in King County, Waoain8tor., to -wit: a lie. 40 The wait 3{ ft. of a two acre treat of lend im Hart Donation. Cis Land which said approximately two (2) acre tract of lani>)lies immediately east of ':a ,belonging to Tames Nelsen In said Hater Donation Claim no. 46. This mac®mt we (2) ,cover only the erection of poles two (2). feet want of too meat itne of eai4 sore tract of.land and tY.e over -Siang of said 3} feet by wires end tram, Orm !et least thirty (30)feet above the ground, pa, !tuilway ComPsny agree• to pay in additia'a for all damage. .to fences, c Tu11dinCe, animals, and persons by reason of ;t:a Construction, maintenance an ,falling of maid Electric Power Transmission System; l Said system on W.34 ft. coneieting of na poles and the necaamary, troll. f*neering �angtranemleelan wires, anchore and Euye, and the riant to clear tree. from an the line, being as stated above an'over-hang, f:v of Ir. mitness whereof, we have harmonic sat our horde and sash this 14th iecemb.r, 1918. a 0 LU r CO �W •.. 498 1049-498 Margaret Uengedobt, (Beal) C.H.Mengcdaht Waal) ( (Floyd 11 .'r1111 ass, poteriel Joel) May F.Kruce, State of washlnCtcn) C arl F,druoe, County of King, )' On tnia 14th day of Deeember, Jr. the year 1918, before me Floyd 9.wjlli=x, a notary public in and for 61ng County , State of wushicgton, personally appeared Carl F.F.rueo and his wife Pay Krue., and Carl H.ldengednht and his wife, Margaret lieneedcht, know: to me to be thepernone whose names are eubacribea to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the gene, witness my nand and Official Neal this fourteenth day of Deaember, 1910, (F,H.7.11eter1al Seel) Floyd H.Willlame, (Con 3 par 5, 1919) Notary Public in and for tiw Stat of Washington, residing at Ssattl waehinatou. iwiled fnr record at request of Crantee�eb 11, 191r, at 21 min peat 4 P,M. RX 'v Norman M.Wardall. �•Pa CaanLY Audltar. hiff 128032.� Janet A.Davfee,(Janet A.Baekot) at vir. . To ::'erranty Deed. The Investment Compeiy, ' Warranty Deed, The grantors, Janet A.Davieg, formerly Janet A.Becket, and Fred C.Dsvles, nor hamband, for and in consideration of one (01.00) dollarg, in hand paid. convey and warrant to The. Investment Compaq,, A Washington Corporation the grantee the r011OWlgT described r,,.l estate; LeLe twenty five (25) twenty six (26) and twouty seven (27) except the south 3g feet thereof, all in block one (1) Greenwood Park 2nd Addition to the Clay Of 9eattie; Lot four (4) block four (4) Mayfair Addition to the City of Seattle: also: Lots thtrtyene (31) thirty two (32) and thirty three (33)'black three(3) of Cloverdale Addition to the City. of Seattle, eubjeot to contracts of sale now of record covering amid Property. Situated Ih the County of King, State o1 1 waehingtnn. natad January 22nd, A,D.1919. "l tneeeee; SanaL i+. Daviea, (Seal) i Formerly Janet A.L'ecket, Fred d,Uavien (Seal) State of California ) 33 Iaway of Riverside ) ' I neroby certify that on this i 29th day of ?anuary, A.D.1919, before me a notary public Jr. and for the State of California duly comml esionotl oral qualified, personally came Janet A. Davila, � formerly Janet A•Becket and Prod C.Davlee, her husband, to no known to be ! the peraon_deocribed in and who executed the within Instrument, and acknowledged ' to me that they executed the Owe fro^ly and voluntnrlly, for the used and Purposes therein mentioned. Given vender my hand and official goal, L.B.Soranton, (L.B,3,Natarial Seal) Lntary Public for: tine State i l.y COON-16lion expire. U0.v 13, 1020. of Californla, residing at Riverside, Cal. Wiled for record ^t request of Burwell A tldrfdrd, Fab 11, 1918, at 24 min Fast 4 1'. YI Nomnah M. Ward.11, j I'.K r County Auditor, I