HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 023_3359489I .h IF OF 0 f . 3359484 IA,SEMEN.T1; Y Ti�S. INDENTURE Dade and entered into this ?th day of Deco 1843, by and between P'RL�'D NELSEN and META. A,r� "E?I, leis w mbar, of the first part, and LILLIAN RA.ShiUSSEN, widow ife, parties part, , party of the second W,ITN-ESSETH: That 'the said parties of the first .part, for and in considers of the sum of One Dollar to them in hend paid, the receipt whereof hereby acknowledged, do hereb fis the second art a by and grant unto the said is. part, pez'�lent oasement"Por a water Party of a strip of land two feet wide runningdiagonally pipe line emend nlon� direction.from the south line to thnorth line of e'nn a (ortrossterly -promisesowned by the said Fred Nelsen of the pr'rties,of thesfithe prrt, described as follows; Tile South lest querter of the EoIrth Last of Section Twenty-four (24 l )) Township Twenty-three three (23) North, of Range Four (4) East, d- M. in the County of King,: State of deshinbton, Upon the following .conditions:- It is understood that said pipe line across tile.premises of the• said parties of the first part has already been lriid and instelled with the consent of the parties of $he first part, and 'tip t this enser,;dnt shall be and continue in• force and effect along the line r+cross said premises of the parties of the first part where said pipe is notrlaid'. The said Pipe line and pipe shall be ,:ir�intained at least fourteen inches below the surface of, the above described premises so es not to interfere with the plowing of the 'same. Tile pr,rty of the second part, her heirs, executors, adiainistretors or Assigns, shell }seep said'Water pipe line in good repFir, and for the purpose of inspeotin" said pipe line and making repairs thereto, said party of the second a. pert, her heirs, executors,administrators or assigns, jgey by herself or themselved, her or their servants, agents or employees, have the right to enter upon the above described premises at All reasonable times. Said party of the second part, her heirs,and ass19418, shall be liable .for all damages to the above described premises,: if any, reused by breakage of said pipe line, and for eny damage to growing crops. thereon which may be an by entering on said premises for tin p�,rpose of making repairs on said water pipe line. The pipe in said pipe line shall be and remain .of,tho sizes as now laid across said land, which are 1i inches in diameter in the southern inch in diameter in the remaining th Portion .thereof, and one part near the north end of said easementnwhere snidith the eXpipei�s.,3/4 ofan#. inch in diameter. The said pipe is galvvnized iron pipe. The easement hereby granted shell be and is a shall run with, the premises now owned b said ty of pant second and described as follows: Y party of the second pert Beginning at a stone monument at tile center line of Pe . Y'} rmanent Hi at a point of curve designated as Station 138-plus " 16.98 in Survey No. 1143 C. and running thence North Of beginning. and east 1753:06 feet to tiie true place r{ of beginni ttg. of this description, an iron pipe on the, line of 'an existing fence marking the easterly boundary of nort2Lwe8t gdarier of Section 24 1ownshi 23 north t Range 4'$eetI W. Met said true , P , diitaat'0o g.' ,. point of beginning being 1; 38 West 18040Eo feet from an iron monwraent marking -the existing southeert cornet n said 3 �.. 3 a� f,%'' - k�IDttsz�f. .;. '��,� .-',Y �'r�tr�� �.�► gs�Wt. ��`. .. '� ,�:9, E 0 I ember, r tiesecond ration' eof is rty of and along erly the rst the .ad eo IQerAnt said laido ourteen es not Ond p otin" nd a. rself the e times. able hereon of . ne ich one that of an nd pert ry of h, ng ' w ,•• %.TP aV�..d �, ♦-Ry dirk. _ V6L2193 FAM northwest quarter; and running thence frow the said true place of beginning south 890 34' 43" West 195o feet, more or less, to en iron pipe on the easterly margin of county road No,.8; thence along the saqid road margin northerly and northwesterly 1500 feet, more;-or.l�s to the northerly boundary of Government Lot Six,(6), in thence y; Section 13, Township 23 North, of Range 4 .13e st, 'rJ. It i thence northeasterly along the said northerly boundery and the northerly boundery of GovernniPrrt Lot Five (5) in said Section 13, end easterly end south'eesterly along the northeasterly boundary of Govnrrmtent Lot Four (4). in said Section 13 to the easterly corner of saitfl Gov. ernment Lot 4; thence westerly along the -south boundary of said Government Lot 4, 970 feet, more or less, to the southwest' corner thereof, being also- tile, noz•thef, corner of the northwestquarter of snid Section ?,4,• said corner being marked on.thp�r;round by post and i on pipe at the intersection of t:•io fences; th�ce south 0 03' . ,0" east along; the east boundary of said northwest nurrtBr, , 817.91 'feet, more or less, to th1, true piace of beri nni rig M (Th`e neridian used throughout this description is t,itr.t'of said hi ng .County s,trvey. Plc . 1143 G ) IN 'i7ITNi;SS ',!HEREOF, the parties hereto hnve "xeeuto.d tito5e nres_ ents, in duplie.^.te, the day .and yetir rst iie inbefore .•ien,•ioFied. l Z41 R-rties the first Itf•rt Warty of t,i second p;it. STATi, OF 111il.3iiINhTON ) . JJ. COUhTTY OF K I IJ G. } 7 rl�ClJ.il I� r:1O /�• , i Fla 1, <Jtl Lill:)�( J December, 1943. before .yre, ttte undersi„weld for the State of -'Washington, duly cotL,tissi.onedi nndlYworn, ipersonnlly appeared Fred Nelson and ,,;eta Nelsen, his wife, t r to be the persons described in and who' executed• the l� person7ally • haor�r, instrument, and they acknowledged to me t'Frnt. t,itey signedinndrlex�f �ut,�,dinR the same as their free and voluntary. a,ct and deed for the tins«: ; r�nd pu�'poses therein mentioned. '4,TW�Si,tgy hand and official seal f;lie PrtFt�e yeitten. dc.Y end yt,ar'in this Certifi( ui;r W'��};;'����`�C r; ot' ry Nub] is in and for the 5trte a; • Q) ,:;,;1 ; of ''dashing ton, resiclinfr tit T. "lashi.ngton q -- .NM for q'Oti . II 1W�� I Q b �M. Requmt at A. MOPA4 Auditor c ' � P u 1- ,.y • f • I: Y,