HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 024_4404710LOW- N IAM 61swYa J%*V Ballad Liao L3#an4 r-A—, Wt-AM01 flee Brat part. riE7[} T i ND POWIM & L *ff GL3WA", a ►4aa*"ka& atta aerpwaMoa, Mr+twaiter called flee Oraafee, arty at up 4*4swi *art, MIMA— WITME-iMTH: O That the Greater for sad is coaaaseration of the rtLYrt of Dollars and other •alusale eoasideretinas. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby convoy - and grant - -- to the Grantee, its successors and assigns the right, privilege and authority to con. struct, erect, alter, improovc. repair, operate and maintain an electric tranamission and distribution line, consisting of a - s l'4YIL_ line of poles, with necessary braces, guys and snchcra. and to place upon or suspend from such poles transmission. distribution and signal wires, insulator a, cross -arms, rransforaters and other necessary, or convenient appurtenances, across, over and,,pon file Collowing described lands and premises situated in the County of State of Washington, 40V Pr rrt rrl t �,vt 1 3 s�c7�,vh �4 !'a�.r-�t sl+� 2 3 ti 0-f - k-',r n f e- 4 E s7`- M. A�r� ti P ilea- 3•¢ o That center lino of said transmission, anal distrib::tior lire to be located as follows: r v %'9t17t1 +� '� fGi2 S rn f' T'Litethcr urttn^ he rrait of :-:greys :v wn.; tror laic lards across aliacent lands of the Grantor__ far tie ;r.:rp,-use of coratru<-tir.g, rrcnrss:r.acting, repsiring, renewing, altering, changing, patrolling and operating saic fine, and the rigr,t a' and- fink• _� rer::o— maid pole, wires and appurtenances frnm :at? 'and3. - -:— the . iJnt at all Lurie, r, ,:_c ati ter.;:!; am tiwarier, and tri:r,.all trees standing u, growing upon Sant :arois uRic"h, t^ tKr Opm—.ot-, o. .'.c Grerr,L�-e, contitute a menace or danger to said lire. ae rartr'r frrtrs, cus.ors ter assigns, ro�r.r:ani and"'it f 4.-�'-_-r:ntmdaaay At. .-'',s.-it as.f rzct,�_...ex a.�i�eri�. n ttistancr of tbttt4144aIaa4-�af- oeid4itur-w+t44wt itLAQG4:,..:: «. Ll inwr-i-tsw,t 4-4"-irsrtr-,-its snrcrsser�-crrasst'grr�-�f-+s�t�wiian.-sO--to do. >.r ri$rts, .+,'.r;<s and a.:tiFariry nrreu, brar.ted continue and be ir. force until such time t+ tt,• ..ranee, ..s a..- rrsors .,. ais,Aria, haH t,ern;sncntly remove, said poles, wirr► and appurte- ..ar;.:" Erun.r sa;ct :ar.�lr,. ur sha13 otherwise perrrutnectly aban&— said line, at which tune all such r,gin'.,ar,-t s::rharit} .:errpy grar-.Lcd shall terminate AA* aye aaht�lantf..t:a:G...�.Y_.idt..SafutLg&#sx-a•- itcrc-Arr-ru�i+�Jw-r4�►a-itrefiw grws-0 r.s-sheia,-&"-*Q%*r,-epveCTV t#rr- Baia-ww«t�.{i■ _shall lsn]sill-"imjtai9,64, a4 iCTNE;53 W WREOF . Lnta 3aatr.trrwnc has been executed Lau day and year first above written �P"44040r my hand and otlleial seal the day sad year to this certificate above written. Nntary Pubiie in and for the State Was n. Reif`- ,g at .✓��f --- _.__ ._ _ STATE OF Wt'tSM;TON- ss cot;N-rY OF Y ,-.n * . '7 r3 1, the undersigned, a Notary Public. do hereby certify that on this l L� --- day o[Aloy _____,19 persons ly appeared before ttY -- -- - ------ _...—. and•--_-.-- �-`-,_.____T --c��Ar_oe fgiC� T hie-ld *. to me known to be the individual- described in and who executed the within instrument, _jam;=w ota e6 %1G caned the same as--- --free and valuntar_v a.tLnd deed, for the +l�aiAQ1►{at`yQsps therein mentioned. Oi_ue�p andrr my hard and cifit iai seal the day and year i is cer:if ate above we n. No ary Publi in r t 5tat of, Washington. at fFOR _'ORPORATE ;CKINCIw1- bT.;TF OF '•r 5ii'N :T0N. sa C( U%, -'r "CIF' "r this ua; aI A. D-: ; ' tore rn:- p.rrsonnily ai•acerrd to krow-n t:3 be .he Presidt•nt, ate -. to nm v-.e cnrporati--•^ t'=°-at exe' ".'C' :ne z^thin anti foregDing inatrumecet, +tnd acknowledged cai.i instru�rent z� .�� 9rre anL •:o;.:r:.a-'• apt ar. drtd of said cort"at:atior, cur _..e uces and purposes therein rrYc ntianrd, any .r, oath sta'c,d that n. as s_tkorize 3 to r .cut said i:t-,trurr� nt, ana that sea: aifixe4 _ WC? t rnt , mend and aiCixed mc- uriicipi srai lhv day dni Notary Public ir: ano for the bint ni Washington, hcajAingat - _ ............._ ..,...-......._..._.--._--. iC,C. i k, • ' x �' 9W z a ". -QKj csl j a { 9E i V iA