HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 026_50071715=171 KASMONT f.-59-8 (P-sz TMS VWXWrVRE, esade tW �L� bat --'—------- —..._ A.D., 19 5� between• LC.. • �ati�saa a�tt�sat3w, — _ - r" hereinafter called the Grantors—, party. -of the first part, PUGET SOUND POWER k LIGHT COMPANY, a Massachusetts car attaa. hereinafter called the Grantee, party of the second part. and B. /r/ ,Cff.4/e !Y�G11E Nif �iF! hereinafter called the Mortgagee, party of the third part. WITNESSETH: That the Grantor-S for and in consideration of the sum o[ '---"----�'----"--- -. --����---���—_-- ---- .—Dollars and other�raluable considerations, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby convey and granter--- to the Grantee, its successors and assigns the right, privilege and authority to con- struct, ereet, alter, improve, repair, operate and maintain an electric transmission and distribution line, consisting of a--flJmV line of poles, with necessary braces, guys and anchors, and to place upon or suspend from such poles transmission, distribution and signal wires, insulator.,, cross -arms, transformer, and other necessary or convenient appurtenances, across, over and upon the b-11owing r' described lands and premises situated in the County of __—_. .._ State of Wa.nington, to -wit That portion of the Henry Meador Donation Claim No. 46, situated in Sec- tions 24 and 25, Township 23 North, Eange 4 Fast, Y.M., described as follows: Feginning at a point on the east line of said Donation Claim 340.00 feet south of the northeast corner thereof; thence north 87000127" west parallel to the north line of said Donation Claim, 924.00 feet; thence south 1002'51" west, parallel to the east lane of said Donation Claim, 1,231.69 feet, more o- less, to the northerly line of the City of Seattle Pow Lake Pipeline Fight -of -Way; thence along said northerly line south 87011102" east 6.6h feet to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the left, having a radius of 122.55 feet, a distance of 42.82 feet; thence continl.ing along said northerly line north 72047'23" east 725.37 feet to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 915.Q0 feet, a distance of 189.87 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the east line of said Donation Claim; thence north 1002'53" east, along said east line, 926.14 feet to the point of beginning; situated in the County of Ring, State of Washington. (Containing 22.78 acres, more or less). !s� Taw essaw and as muses: 7[ soon ft at a "M MlaM no of us . t , thes" a mdk 10045 rest proeitai fa 'm aril Oor EM. ge theses thNt SPIll'OZe to the Ntt the St blew Together with the melt d bV0-;s b and 06mis frs "M lands scsaas "J"ent Ina" of the Grantor - - for the purpose of constrticlfa{. raceastrW"& repaitier. reaswing. altering, changing. patrolling ead operates add line. and the right at OW the to nirw mad psias. wires and appurtenances from said lands. Also the right at all times to cut all brush and timber, and trim all trees standing or grow` ig upon said lands which, in the opinion of the Grantee. constitute a menace or danger to said line. The Grantors.-, AVU heirs. successors or assigns, covenant —and agree— not to do any blasting or discharge any explosives within a distance of three hundred ;'90)feet of said line without giving reasonable notice in writing to the Grantee, its successors or assigns, ! intention so to do. TLe rights, privileges and authority hereby graded shall continue and be in force until such time as the Grantee, its suceesso-s or assigns, shell permanently remove said poles, wires and appurte- nances from said lands, or shall otherwise permanently abandon said line, at which time all such rights, privileges and autbority hereby granted shall terminate. Any mort •ye on said land held by the Mortgagee is hereby subordinated to the rights herein granted to the Grantee, but in all other respects the said mortgage shall remain unimpaired. IN ..'ITNESS WHEREOF. this instrument has been executed the day and year first above written. STATE OF WASH310070#1. COUNTY OF ryL 1. as do ae IYa. - of 9404'4L. 19 IT Nrswllyappeared before ana X i7iL6 ands-�---- T 41a odb. W me known to be the individual Ldesesibed in and who etcdcuted the within instrument, lodged that.WX mh' signed the sae as#A [nee and voluntary art and deed. f .r the a0". noses therein mentioned. t(1-4wi}pdor my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate above written. l pyr��Cn:e ,_ in - "'•• �, �b':y N ;r_ Public �d forte State of Washington., i�r Ia•�:`�� Residing at-� --- - STATE OF WASHINGTON, ) ss COUNTY OF \ ) I, the undersigned, a Note;y Public, do hereby certify that on this ---- dcy of - - - .19 personally appeared before me and --- ._ _ .._. .. - and his wife, tome known to be the individual-- described in and who exeeut the within instrument, and acknowledged that ---signed the sr\me as----- - --free and voluntary act and deed, for th,- a�es and purposes therein mentioned. 61%en Linder m, hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate above 'Titter.. -- <- Notar y Public in and [or tn( itat, of 'A a Ke,iding at ------ (FOR CORPOR \lF -%CKN(MI FllG\ti Nl' i f , I � OFH ASHINGTON, ` s� l.itl N I OF Q'iM6 1 ` Un thi, day of }fit-zti f.es.r!/ A. D., :4 �i�i i„:or.. r•.,, .,'r n:.al:, n; 1,•.,,r- . JDSLPy G°TfJTEiN to me known to be the Nresid,•nt, aw, ... Secset+tr•y-, of _.Cf/P°Al7.4 doff b /NC. the rurporatlon that , xeruted the within and foregoing i.strument, and ark nn,.led,, d tiatd :^emu an.,-: to b,• th,• free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the us,•, and p:rrpo„•, there r. mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument, and that seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. "'�`Q•1";N1 SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day ar.d yB4S 3�, tiTitten. .• `pU al " 'a:•: Notary Public in d for the ate of Nra shin gton, Residing at tt �'•wa� —��rt ?' 9 O R Or R G , C, .. y 9 m i v � 1 w 3 n y G a 80J�4 uap jMy� 'v ►a3eo� o f 6 � "i o � ry — �J t,it1 Y °, H i I I 'C a F o At M Jp� G s - A 3 P O r a. FILED for Record at r ' ' " �� a � �' � o pUGET SOI;MD POWER d o cl 670 GRA)Y 4!AY,'RE.M,1 , WASM---