HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 029_5500257WARROW D= jLEDM10 me
in the Ater' of !lum Haste alphtsay No, is gat. m U. to PS$
mow ALL mriv Er I'BI m P TB', "M tbo tS++antor �' It is Rsastca
Am MMIMs a V"M, as her somele in em
for And to consWeratim of the ma of .... M M W/�Un (01600) .... I)OUG73,
hereby conveys and too vemV to the 9ress or WmKmcrox, the foUming described real estate
situated in Z134 ' * Cmm*, in the State of Washington, -o the
same extent and purpose es if the rights harm grmed had bees acquired under Eminent Domain statute
of the State of Washbgyhm:
All that portion of tie Mlemin isssrilad leteal sea lyin morthsrly of a lino des®
parallel with and IN feet embbo rly, Wien uaaerered at ri&t angles muter radially
from the- coatar lice of blamer hats RL&W No. 1, Jet. M No. 2 � to PSE Bo. 2 in
PARS "Los 'bat pertiam of *a idlas<isM 6aertbod property lying soatirrly
of the southerly lit of bash ltl+sr imium-mentom load, also
mar as /Ms■brf R1stm R14bmy Ae. I-&;
?hat at tbs &Mtbmwt } of us warth.aet } and of the Mortar
,lest of the Sowum ant f of Ow ion At ?ssOhip 23 1wth MOP
$ But 1Lu* deseribed as feilms
Psgimdag at the i-t - - - - tiros at the s w4harly margin of Bsmd Isar
%*4 No. ]A (Serm We. 2W) New eeab 253rd Ann ) with the Vest
bomMe ry of Co D. anu m so Rwlimlton (Vendome Addition to the City of
9eatua, KTI Ma Zo. I,,- an Per Flat row" im Oolum 17 of PIAU,
Pala 74s regards of ]din Ow"" wing themes Yestiorly$ along said
northerly margin of roads 60 JOA to rho taus point of begitraing of the
treat of Lsod herein dssoribedi• theme conunaing i OOM3i, along
said 1s Owly mar" M feat; thous at r ight eagles to sand
Xar thWly margin of meads Wortbelly n5 lest, am or loss, to the
Sonthsserterly margin of the Pant Sosad MActric Railmy right-of-imy
(Seattle -Benton Imtngmi em .right-a-"W)j. times lys along
said Southeasterly marglX, to intersect a line dramas northerly and
at right angles to the fly aargin at said Bm d Lore Road No,
lb, tAroagb the true point of beginning i-th mee Sortherly, along said
last 1 - ribed limes 716 tarts rite or .Less, to the taro point of
beginning= (ALSO In ' - As that portion of Traets 7 and 8 of Sunset
Hosea iiardeas, as nareaorded put, lying Southerly of Secondary 3tato
Highway No* lz i oitmate is this City of Renton, County of Xing,
state of Yrshin;tan.
?he Lads being conveyed herein contain an am of 25,170 at* ft., more or lass, the
specific details aonoorning all of which are to be fouod within that certain map of de-
finite location nor of record and an file in the office of the Director of Highways at
Mympda, and boarift date of approval March 6o 1962, revised to September 189 1962.
ALSO, the Orantors herein convey and Tarrant to the sate of VkoF4ngtcn all rights of
ingress nnd ogress (including all existiags future or potential easements of access, light
visa and air) to, from and betMeos+ Prsmsrr Slate Highway No. 10 Jet, OR No. 2-14 to PSH
No. 2 in Rontons and the reminder of said Pareol *A*,,
The tlrantor herein roewm the right to riaw the improvements from the ].ands herein
conveyed, asouains all liabilit, to Per &Wor Property oommate d with said r wYal,
at any tiros until Dacemher 250 1%2t hose, an said date, all improfsments yet remain-
ing, or partially remaining upon said lesde shall become the property of the State of
Washington and all ruts of the 3rWter to said iaprOTWOnts shall then cease and ter-
minsto. It is understood and apwd that the Jteto of Washington , its authorised agents
or assigns, shall have the right to enter apse the romdaing abutting lands of the
drantor, his heirs, sucoessors or asaigm# awe necessary to accomplish the re"oval.
of said iogavvemeats.
-� -r 44-•h trr* � .� fir,-,p,
It is understood a=FM
it # fit dad 6 i W and that the terms
and aW# dim bwaq bagsMWOW e* � of Wa ambas and �a�pted
snd approaed banees * 1 Oil for Im i�t 4 � of W► �
�. of Walt AppmL, ' •�:+rntq
MWW*A-WW.w Afoot
Srwim or WA mm mm,
co"�i j .. of_.....__....__..._........._.�_._
I, the umlers4psd, a meMy pub& in and for On State of Washiigton, hereby certify that on this
2W._.._..._day aj__1t ---._.---....._.._..._...-----.- app�red before me
_....__..._....__....... .... _............ _....._...._......... ._----- ___ ,..... ............... ._._.... _..........
to 'me S e ieedividLal _ descr%ed in and who executed the foregoing instalment, and
ackno ie - _. _sWWd need sealed the aanie ae_...__.Itss:'- ....-free and voluntary act and deed,
for A&I&Ii i a herein *tentiorte&
c ivN► �att�er� ana o$eiat sod the day area year ka mriften.
xu ftbWe a &aid. f 0 �vzsh ,
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_.-.._...REQUEST Of
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