HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 035_6177848%ZOm"o, von 49� �cE 245 .�T aaMANNEM assi nee undersigned Grantor %, the in considerationfofrthe Sun oftoVF-r�' srr r hai r su asaand �'=*�ra I. , for and an o-erva_U--- - -_ 1 ----- acknowled ed h e sane era- o axs ) 9 ereby cones �• reesipt of whit s era y METROPOLITAN SEATTLE, Y— and grant to the gether referred to as "MU19succIssors Arid Assigns,�t(hereinaCr XTYfter to- property: i, from te following described All that part of Henry Meader Donation Claim de$Crioed as follows: Beginning at the of south Meader Donation Claimtand the eeasttlineoofthe Government1Loto10Hin the NZ 1/4 of Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., ti westerly along said south line of Henry Meader Donation Claim to east line of Northern Pacific Railway right of w&yp thence north ,o along said right of way to south line of Bow Lake Pipe Line; thence o�► easterly and northeasterly along said south line of Bow Lake Pipe s Line to a point of intersection with a northerly extension in a u 4 straight line of the east line of Government Lot 10; thence south- erly along said straight line to point of beginning, containing 17.0 acr=s, more or less, all situated in the N 1/2 of Section 25, Town- $4.14 ship 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington; n ALSO: That portion of the Henry Meader Donation Claim No. 46, situate in Sections 24 ar? 25 A it•:, Township 23 Nor, mange 4 East, W.M., ce- Strived as follows; Beginning at a op Donation. C1 point on the Last Line of said .4 O. aim a44�09 feet South of the Northeast ,,,_ner thereof. N thence North 87 00 27' West, parallel to the North line of said Donation Claim, 924.00 feet; thence South 1*02'53" West, parallel a � o to the East line of said Donation Claim, 1231.69 feet, more or less, m V 1­44j to the Northerly line of the City of Seattle Bow Lake Pipe Line Right (0-0 of Way; thence along said Northerly line South 87*11102" East 6.64 o feet to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the left, having m , a distance of 42 a radius of 122.55 feet, feet; thence continuing .c a v along said Northerly line North 72*47123" East 725.37 feet to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the right, having a radius se tion O feet, a distance of 189.87 feet, East line of said Donation Cmore or less, to the inter - lain; thence North Pinter" East, along said East line, 926.34 feet to the point of beginning; situate in the County of King, State of Washington, (containing 22.78 aa$ i&nWRE109d 9nV over, across, along, in, a pon . and und fallowing described portion of the above -describe} property. the Of A strip of land 15 f6ct in widtt th[[, the westerly line of said Strsp 2 fee theland being a line southerly extension softhe-i�it lit northwest Westerly ynof andarallel with the southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range quar4eEast, W.M., in a straight line from the northerly boundary of the above - described property to intersection with the north line of the City of Seattle's Sow Lake Pipe Line right of way; W ult 4M Pktr246 said easement being for the operating, maintains ' Of fns �►lIi , constructing, eB, re1fY1¢. - a aeftr trunk lips ;i , -rlp. acing and using an appurtenances t a CQn'efit4ons, m4"oles r o, x With the rigJJt of ingress to and egress from said d�scribed prOPertY for the foregoing purposes. Grantor s do_ further convey and giant to the M[1HICI- PALITY a temporary atructi:on effemmt fbr a1T purposes during the construction of upon asale facilities over, across, along, in, nd under the folinwing described the right of ingress to and property, together with for the foregoing pu e9z"M from Bald described property of this instrument and tosterminate s eva:tisetcTafctualQuse the a date easement area shall terminate or upon the d 19 68, whichever shall first occur: ' A strip er land the easter50 feet in 4idth lying easterly of and adjoining ly margin of the above -des ALSO, all that portion of the cribed Permanent easement.,northerly of above -described property lying northe City of Seattle's Saw bake pipe Line right of WAY and easterly of the wes said property. ALSO, a strit margin of the existing roadway on p of land 50 feet in width southerly of the Sow Lake ripe Line right of way anCf"adjoining the easterly margin of the above -described property; The Grantor s d. hereby and the MU?, recording this eICIpALITY, by accepting anasement, mutually covenant and agree as follows: 1, MUNICIPALITY shall upon completion of any initial con- struction of any facilities described herein and before the ter- mination of the above -described temporary construction easement remove all debris and restore the surface of the above -described property as nearly as possible to the condition in which it ex- isted at the date of this agreement. 2. MUNICIPALITY shall, if the above -described property is disturbed by the maintenance, removal, repair or replacement of the facilities specified herein, restore the surface of the above - described property as nearly as possible to the condition in which it existed at the conemencement of said maintenance, removal, re- pair or replacement. 3. MUNICIPALMY shall protect and save harmless Grantors from and against any and all claims, demands, loss, damage, ex= pense and liability of every kind and description and for any damage to or loss or destruction of property cJhatsoever suffered by Grantors , their heirs, successors and assigns, or re any persons, farms or corparations, because of the construction by and/or maintenance of said facilities. - 2 - V1%49rhrc247 4. All right, title and interest which may be used and en- joyed without interfering with the easgwent rights herein can- veyed are reserved to the Grantors The construction, install- ation or maintenance, after the da}a of this agreement, however, of structures of a permanent nature within the above -described Permanent easement area at any time or within the temporary con- struction easement area until such temporary construction ease - went shall have been terminated shall be deemed an interference with said easement rights and As to such structures the provisions Of Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply. u7 5. Payment for the temporary construction easement herein �`. granted shall be made at the rate of F EN HUNDRED AND No 100 .p per - - - -year - - - - - - - ors or fraction t ereo tat said temporary construction easement area is in actual use by MUNICIPALITY. The term "actual use" as used herein shall be con- strued to include only the period from the start Of -construction Of said sewer line in the above -described temporary construction easement area until completion thereof, including reconstxaction and restoration of improved areas. 5. MUNICIPALITY shall repave any portiar, of the roadway which is adjacent to the easterly margin of the above -described property which is destroyed or damaged by 14UNICIPALITY'S use of said roadway. 7. Work in they above -described easement area shall not be commenced until after Labor D 1267 ut m Y e enced n time after that date., provide ..ha; �i viom F all se! comnl ep gn nr i,e rOre A;lril 3C, foci, as :ereinabove provirieci. S. MUNICIPALITY shall leave a manhole With a connecting stub on the route of the sewer trunk line as describes above at A location as close as possible to the existing sewer line in Grantors' property. +ith reference to the rights reserved to the Grantors under Para rra;• - t; shall not unnecessarily interfere with the exert" '-v (,rantcrs of trit"r reserved rictus during; the temnorary eorstructl,or. easer• -it nerioti, or otk;erwise. DATED this .Z/- day of a washin ton cor r ion - 3 - t •; 48 sTAM Qr rat t I COt9 " of Y-M ) N duly to me the f + ►r', Mad MA O29iiial � hsrwto aftimd the duty OW '' a tifiaeft abmw rrri . A i! IL�Glf44.� A g;jt.' of Mom, am Abs th* StAte residing STATE OF WASHINGTON ? .s. COUNTY OP KING ) On this 2l day of November , 19 s6 hrfore at the undersigned, a Notary Public in M far the dtaj of Washir.9ton, duly commissioned and sworn, personalty appeared M. J. Alhadeff and Robert N. Hutchinson to as known to be the vice Pres. & leerdt-ary-ITrensurer respectively, of the BROADACRNS INC. the corporation that esecuted the foregoing inafty t Ut aa1UWW Us said "stru- Ment to be the free and voltaatary ace and deed of said coryaration fox the uses and 1xerBo!e9 tbW*ia Matl o d and on oath stated that they were authorised to exacute the said instruwnt and that the seal ++ffixed Is the corporate seal of said Corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hareto affixed the day and year,; 'X4,,9ertificate above written. Matemy FUEL" in aa� or the §E-R of .f �y :'�, ftsbington, residin at goo tiro ....,.. - 4 - A. A � F Jykoft' u Ai�diler 1q d f- �lt 67 1i( �.quw1 of ROM A. "Nis, Carry AriUr