HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 053a_9311021368108' SEWER INTERCEPTOR FASERder Fox and i n ro a¢deratioof the payment set forth herein, and n the, val.sble c sidecat ton the reeipt of which is hereby acknowledged. LONGACRES PARS. INC. , a Washington corporation and wholly -awned subsidiary of The Boeing Company, ('Grantor' her et nM c.). hereby grants anveys to the INAICIPALlty OF MFTROPOLITAN 6FA3'ILE. a municipal corporation of the State of washington. ('Metro' herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth a nonexclusive perpetual easement. Over, across add under the real property (the 'Easement Area'), in King County. Washington as described on Exhibit A and depicted on Exhibit B. which such exhibits ate attached hereto and incorporated m her n by this reference Durrng the initial ....tructian M area only. the Exhibit Easterner Area shall include an additional C add deP a ctea on Ehibit D. which such exhibits are attached hereto add incorporated O herein by this reference- ~ This easement is gtested snblect to and cuaslutionet upon ~ the following terms, conditions add covenants which Metro hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform. 1 pyrRySg Metro shall have the right to construct, install . operate. m amain, repai c. remve. replace. enlarge and use a One Hundred and Eight ties) fear seamer interceptor together with all connections. manholes and appurtenances thereto for the foregoing purposes. 3 Comr,l,ance withya3_and Rules. Metro shall at all times exercise itarigbts herein in accordance with all applicable statutes, orders, rules. regulations add reguirevents (as from time to time amended) of any public authority having p,rtaairtion 3 Papheni In consideration for the grant of the easement set forth herein. Metro shall pay Grantor as follows: A. For that portion of the northern met approiiiately g rx hundred (600) lineal teat of the Easement Area (16.1E5 8 square feet), as shown on exhibit B, Metro Shall pay Greater. m for the permanent assessor Set forth herein. the and of Fifty Six Thousand Five Hundred and .1100 Dollar. (856.500) within forty five days after execution of this Agreement. Creator Y and Metro agree that no value is given to the northern meet w easement area Within the two hundred (200) foot shoreline E sachets C �p A FAGu� 144W. a xi 1OLLP 8 Pox ins v m vn9 approximately forty two hundred (4200) line a' feet of8theasement Area, a Blown on exhibit B and more part.�ulatlf Aesctib.d below. Metro shall pay Grantor not later Ilan February 15, 1999. for the permanent easement Set forth herein, the sum of Three Hundred Five Thousand Five n.Or ed shirty -nine Dollars t93n5.539), pI.. scella interest on urb amount from the date of execution of this Agreement at the rate of four percent (4t) per year (the 'SBCOnd Payment •I 1 Parcel 1 Infiniti.. area (17,325 sq. ft) { 69,300 2 Pat„el A - 67,354 sq ft $235.739 3 Parcel B - none $ 0 4 Parcel G - nominal area within wetlands j Soo provided, howwever, that Metro shall have no obligation to make the Second Payment, if or, December 31, 1998. The City Of Renton has awarded o acable construction S contracts to extend Oakesdale Avenue B.M. along any portion of i7 the ...aivng Basement Area. V4 N C. In addition to the payments due under paragraphs A yand B above. Metro shall pay Grantor the Amounts set forth N below, payable monthly in arrears, pet parcel. pat month o f4 fiartion thereof that said temporary construction easment area ia in actual use by Metro. The tom 'actual .' as used herein shall be construed to include only the period from the start of construction of said sewer pipeline and appurtenreconstruction PoQe d restoration of commission ofens an redement areas as provided 1 Parcel 1 - 10.055 as ft. outdid. xso. setback to Oakesdale Ave. alignment d 469/month 2 Parcel 1 - 8.094 sq. ft (remaining area) Oakeedale Ave, alignment to south a" of Parcel 1 i 178/month 3 Parcel A - 19,880 sq ft. $ 812~.th 4 Parcel B - 9,590 sq ft { 393/mdnth 5 Parcel G - nominal a 10/m.th 4, samovar and Provision of Pill Materiel. In the event that Metro encounters, or suspects that it has encountered any hazardous substances in the Bagenant Area in furtherance of its rights set forth in paragraph 1. Metro shall Cease all 2 "Aser npelatknns an,l nn[tfy Giant OS If the exurenterend Or suspected hazardous substances are not thea result of the acts of Metro Grantor shall, at Itso ezpan der cruiseio If the material is h... Adeus, as determined by applicable law If the mated al should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall at its our expense. remove. dispose. or otherwise handle such hazardous substances. as necessary, n accordance with applicable law, o oute the Easement Area if a oote i acceptable to Metro. If hazardous x substances a ved. Grantor also shall provide substitute nonhazardousmaterial to replace the removed material for Metro to usein ce its operation. if nessary. Should the encountered or suspected material prove not to be hazardous. Metro shall proceed with the operations at its own cost, with recourseno against the Grantor for the cost of schedule delaysincurred due to the delay in operation. If the encountered Or suspected hazardous substances am or may be them salt of the acts or omissions of Metro. Grantor•[ characterization of the substances involved and any removal. disposal oI that handling out. incurred In connection with the removal. disposal or handling of the hazardous substances will be at Metro's expense, and Metro shall have no recourse against Grantor for the cost of scheduled delays incurred due <D to the delay in operation Any fill maternal provided by Metro fox use in the Easement Area shall be sub)ect to Boeing s prior approval. N 5 Metro s Use and Activities. Metro shall exercise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid if N reasonably possible, interference wf th Grantor's give of the t9 easement Area as set forth in Paragraph fi, herein. A fi Ciptrtg,-, Use of the Ez, Easement t Area a Grantor resnot rsesinconsistent thatsis entik to use the Easement Area for any purpose not fnnalted to u with the rights herein grant ad. placement of but ot livited to use as o parking lot and for ed. that of an unbell butd ors irrigation supply line, building that Grantor reaan not Easement[ or vwhitain any building or other the by the a rights Area which would ..r interfere ad itio the antor s.re er the sights [[vain ,lasted In addition, appropriate reserves the right to plant any sLead hall reins it deuce appropriate on Other r topret Acea. Metro shall reinstate such landscaping or otter improvements. if they are oratorInalin furtherance Of let[e•a exe[Ciring its rights pursuant to Paragraph 1. Metro and Grantor shall make provisions satisfactory to both parties fox reasonable continued answer by both parties along, ever end ace re the ....at Ate. dust., periode of construction or ether activities by either or both patties. Mello and Grantor erpresaly acknowledge aoa agree that earn 0 party s access in the Easement area may from time to time be nobly restaicted o[ delayed as a ie9ult of COnstre<tton alt—hoes st"he, party saEe'ngbf tiomablehtothe other ¢asonable Party to. a"y costs o claim5 a¢ u sn let tms<agr nsirtde delays Each partypaaty ezpaess ly waives any such lis n. uiring eIn the tont Patty fatathe protec[ion of its fecil1t in 0[iotne[ persons or P..PPerry. such patty meastax such .loon YpOn such .,me unaee the notice w the ther Patty a. a es .... t� uc.ms[ances. Eachsptrs aemer9enCy P[Ovreron shall not leave party vhach eae[ctse any type of ago ipment Or t Pintent [P[t0[atobthe Ceme[9encyhe[ party in a war that was nn Matr9aL144 nd p 'ta ,: the event G[anto[ dalape of su5penda far any [ nst rvcties of it6 Ne[Pme[ Service Ta ainin9 Centel. %transhall ha Bole1PT rclatedito ott mitigation and permits ari rse from related to mtre'S of its rights and 50bligat iOOG under this E..... Agreement li evice Eacept to the extent of Grantor's na gold m d 1 gS onduct. Metro agreed tO luremcfy e r� or willful ma c m ]O es. harmless Gran`pr andx anptesentatdvesrfiomf avyeSnd all action.. e4 a9¢nt5 seavand�4nda�eclaim. 8vite. Yu69aant3. 1ten5, aMa[d6• N liabrli[ies, kind o[ Character hateaever (hereinafter O and damages of any claim fos Beat O iniurY .-1 referred to as 'Claims')5esclu neAgeae ana [aa..... e [ e4 to employees Of intro. co e M attorneysfees feesaingndirectlYGol indi[eetly E[om�on�c.om[ of. o neactiOn with NetrP s operation. mintensease and - control[ofato Easement .tine oftheforegoing obligatte ion Mich respect in all O[ anp porthe of tint permitted by such obligation b: vhelshallcePplyhtO the pumazimw ex eat a 2a 1 RCW 1 24 115. a g a ,Out Slit right. herein granted shall Continue un<il such rime a Matra ceciva Yeecse. Sedassistant fiit at ..count a period of five (5) aucc ae ent shall terminate and all r9hts hereuvder .ball [evert to Glamor id Notices Noticed required to be in writtn9 uniatethin agreement shall be personally served d[ dent fi tag to have J E. moll Aay ..tree given bT mall 6ha11 be from the been teceived when the. day. S �..it add[eaeed esefolloer; notice was deposited in the 4 nap 0 To Grantor Longacres Inc cio Boeing Comaetrial Airplane Group P O Bar 3207 - WE 75-66 Seattle. WA 98124-2207 Attu. F..... t... ... raveling Phone-- Manager of Planning B Leased Properties with a Copy to Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P O. Box 3709 - WE 76-52 Seattle. WA 98124-2207 Alto- nlvisian Counsel Phone: (206) 237-2682 To Metro Metro a21 second Avenue M.B. 122 Seattle. WA 98104 Attn: Super Right-of-way 6 Property a Ei ther nM1party may change the eaprvs to which entices only mp � he given by giving n0[ic8 as above provided. 11 Access Metro shall have the right of reasonable access e .y to the Easement Area o and across adlacent lands owned by y Grantor to enable Metro to exercise its rights hereunder, t9 provided that Metro shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Easement Area caused by the exercise of said right of 12 Tsile The right. granted herein are subject to permits. leases, licenses. and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the Easement Area. Grantor does Act warrant title to Its property and shall not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof 13 Sic and Axaions. The rights end obligations of the partie.�shall inorn to the benefit of and he binding We their respective successors and a6sigas. Effective Janus" 1. 1994. Metro will beconsolidated with King County, a home rule charter county of the state of Washington, by operation of law Thereatter. King County shall have all rights, obligations and benefits under this Easement Agreement. 14. Termination for Breach. In the event MettO BreBChes or fails to perform or observe any of the terms and conditions herein, and fail. to w ..on breach or da[ault within ninety (90) days of Grantor's giving Metro written series thereof, or. it not reasonably capable of being Cured within such I ninety (go) days. within such other period of time is may be reasonable in the circumstances. Grantor may terminate Metro's i ihts under this Agreement in addition to and not in LLmataH on of any other i.medy of Grantor at Is. Or in equity, and the fa,lure of Grantor to a c stoterminate such right at any time a hail not wa kae Grantor's right for any future b,eaoh or default '/ GAT day of U> 1993 METRO- GRANNR+ Muniry alvty of Mgt.:-�Ill.. Seat LOngaCres Park, Inc BY c` RY ' T� i Dm�hwITS STATE OF WASNINGNN) as. COUNTY OF RING _ f 1 •- l.. /I On this � day of //(X'l r—E2 . 1993, before me m the undersigns Personally ppeared J. J NELSON to me kww to be the Vace President of LONGACRES PARK, INC . the cOz por anon that exe nted the foregoing ioatru0ent. and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the se and purposes hu erein mentioned, and ON oalth star that he authorised to execute the said instrument. WP[NISS my hand a arioffi e 1 day and year first shove Written. c , at My STATE OF WASNINGNN) 66. COUNTY OF KING ) On this j day of MaLsCA 1993, before me the undersigned peryOnally appears ijLrklto me kngmn to be Fhe Via.. u/:IwelaJ of the MONICIPA l= OF METROPOLITAN'SEXTTLE. the Corporation that emanated the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on Oath stated thathe is authorized to execute the said instrument WITNESS an, hand and official seal hereto affixed ChB day and Year first above written �+L 'd9d✓ac Notary public in and for the State of Nas1�)ngton residing Ky c ssiod expire Sip-Ri FJ I PACIFIC as bo: � slid e ode,,.. nth 9aal con. Ew•bat A i METRO SANITARY SEWER � P.AST34 rr PHASE I -A An eazemar for the'..maawnana ofaataaryfeeTn syesem MFMOWI Iof MORecom.dScov, recorded m Bank M of Surveys ar Now 27-27A, Kag County records. City of Remo. Kag Comty, Webingwn. m Seam U. Township 23 North. Rmge 4 East W Af., aid east being on, order, ova, . aloug a cry of God me sWat iw of which We rmvMd az fopowr. COMMENTINGRab=u cmommeatmWereaRrlmaof S.W 1G65hct aid mr�peaB err we eazeny wmamn of a amm shown ae'N89°3T•STB M 06'-. a eard meet, mammant and ctemse Wa shown on me Record of Survey recorded a Book fly Of Surveys a pages 27-27A, King Coirmy cords, Hence Soo°22'03'E 30 0o der a Me =duty nghfcf-way lire of S. W 1Wb Strut and tin ovMary boundary of Pure 1 ac shown on said Reardrf Sacry-lama Gnarly Wang din rordhely bmutley offset Parcel 1 from a Mean as acts N89'39•7I-E, cle, ere We of a ao,n, m the raft having a rtliue or N86-45V-E4 6fiam ounce 0reece, 0' Me auf9T0'GM dvsr of aeto MenearNrectus Of 900fee, thence ranges anther Pat@38' ' use fangthe of ofaonce Wed rent POINT 0 B radius of I8g008 fin and r ¢opal angle of 00.38'd0', an ec kngN M 2t..14 tee m t4 rM Ent OF t0 BEGINNING, = Nthaaaa� from sfd POINT OF ,,, an& G ogfoS Ug sang me K of 29 saw 6mv a e9 imgefd a et bean NBT°M4'9T•E ood FrO a antral mgle of 00'S4'IS', e. arc,cogs'1 29.6] 3. tlieva N fore Me emery brwdary of as Bar A 1. 808.110 UW ct, Afar, Marc, - Nw 6 M fees, teq p ftraoSOI-5 laving and feet M ee 33-54-12M.48.11 130,34 fat ama I-54-1 -E W fio; faG dsma H Sol`W'11-E ao00 fin, Nvrs fetch hana'48'E M fee; Marriott 114a MGM 24424 fee; Nina v-1 Sand°soul;-W 67O 06 Rf - the Ua s s of the NM 1F4 ofrhe 5.8. te4 of 0vm Salon 34.d RaMonaco fin& Sind aouth IW Ngf'26'a5'w 56 M fee m din voaNwvr mrnR of Panel B n Whereas, m yes Rxord of Survey dnae real RWewfSurve,Manor iB,S00.56`IT'Wfi9.%aemrhe rosNuese�ofPaai thatshown t real Reardofgurvey-0-E aangrbe msthltoe of sad Pawl A. Ng3.13'SF I-Wfee• Mena IamnHsfdcarreN01 an12-•03752 Sa028 tea: thin-0Ngg-ESO ft,- no,W®lWI.O Wa fear Or far, Mena F BEGINNIN33T63 fed; theca NBg'05.4g'ES %far, tbelm N01•S4`12'R` %48 2n w Me POWT OF BEGINNING EXCEPTING therefrom, sat W mn aarof lyag a thin the foe ft, btem c,_ re:Wtlrd soft Recording Numben 6113352, 6150815• Goal 6293635, King Crusty records. ITe Rum of BWuOnp far ab defaipWn 4 the BxnN of Sn2J occeft,$Burt"of Softness at pages 27 VA, KIM Count, secords. See Exhibit 8.1 Attached son mr N I 4/I ••AbH:".30 Far :rah a2: 5a�i%ann�n6•Enahnttnv6•SurvryhvH'kav9•KK1biHn•Fmironmemal Serkea 9311021368 R M 1!E IOR/ 1�lt Y m PACIFIC At MCRG 4ANrtn8Y SEWER PBYIIAMNF E.1501e4T EG 1SE li emex me W opvYionmtlnvmPa�afaYy Iaw ayMem uPuah B. G, d. B®N 01 swvri �e®atl v Pon fly or Smrya v pqa ZIS/A i�V Gmi �Cr. Cy ar R— Kme r �w.wma�msm®.lawv.]��9avwn. a�9.4em wm wim®ergs ��. �._, amN mm �r ae w.o.reawvawamamnmmnew. e� a e aee oe w< Rme a sm.<T gem m m N m SmKlmpNm n]]a-M-WE5F�®�G.Yme6m vtl WINIaF 9EMi •NIxG. 101 mN ure a mw Fm¢l B. sn•w•N•E seas rre mmx mr.mR mmmom 5R1•m•IBw suln mim uK Qom r: m roe viw B. m� oo�¢ ne rwmms wm Rm osme RiaeB, EG•wu� n is a eaa x01'mV6'E ISR Si trv, u� tgl'S6'!T¢ nx6911m� ume➢GLYTOF BEGPNMG m (n a oBEamxwciwe raamN mm orww Girm.o®mRmaasi.eammaa mma w nm��m•sswmx].nw RmRG�r �ar.w®E®mol�raF �ww4 aiwm. N ® ormesE G.a ft r+u tirtoiNa S.w WafOex£WatS%Gm SI.TAx.B1E. O wM, 91.0'Sve•E'M19Nkv. VSNe 1N•ymtean6alTl'm•fa'9/A3]Y:16v9J1'Oi'16^F H*9Ntmmdsm�ihe afuw Pven44ax¢ab{aN v6be aP¢e1 G. F/•YTNR]61] n kv uJe PGPT GF BEGQMWG Ol EC6.PrP.G > etr®, me ry®W wf ryq emm � paabm Mme B®aa rtmhi mtiv PemEtee rvmLaa 61T«t am 6iM9Bt I.m{liwirmCa Eau e! Qm�gr ri mh e�u¢®h Oa H®e o! 9mp �m4e Y Fk n a 9urpr i 94i ±r ZrA. CIV Cmm) am@ See Ftereit B ] RttaeAM ,. N yea. .•S Fu.Se.vffr+i Flv{.Apmei•tvcyt�e}dP•6'e�ISVFv 9311021368 i El PACIFIC M PBe�... !mr®mue�wef,.mwyrvryv®mPva! MrB.�IINlmn,.vmE,l NBwk fly N Swv wMm%Ova � Fa w�M..,lm m®�otH®e.0gfmq. WiM1ml®. u9v4nL myns otv. wc. r W4 s,^9at W O, .WJva of vEvd w MmTa10 6Yox EttEPILYGO¢dnmdv]®ahwF�vCs�YabOecB�IIBtIG uue,bwYV W r �R6rmtFmlrV�rtYxe w.graRanv..emrXpe® rrar�fBrlObYYPaa l�.51'fSS6T6A r:reFA'!]' 9aab.66.=Wi va eora! r m!•!.•u•B nas,n„ m mma•vaalr: momt•!a•u•¢ wm rm maw xelvru•e vo ac o®m!'uve Ova r: re almro'a Nsw r a r.®n ramrxB warsz u.m„u s.erx:er.a�wrrBmee•axa.rm roe mMw mmolPa[C Be doeeaaMleldlS.,el:Oe4rartfi,�,;lvYtwl B. m�Eru' bm Pura �. �•.1�w�6.n�� �aiw�4 W d�MrtY`IP�lIUE�(c Gmee N!!'fl'm'W !.m 5C Duo �9lm�PB R31 I,S YDMITf'IT1I R.II it 00 MB'MW'6f LOYq ODet M1'lf13'lP A.4rOrlmPfQ®BMY. exy,rraspmmr Pmaer..P®atar:esr,.l. u tYena>eehgm Pmt LP FNmh 0.1 MWW t rmml• ' u+w•r�w.s d N Y( �J 9311021368 M E PACIFIC eu¢ws ewne,rrvew. Eeneo•E I $ ¢LLi60 iPA]PoMBY SAHRABY SE1V® (LN6'Iix1CF1ON PA�SffN! eassE E.n wn emeram ¢m de mvmuman of a Ivmry aea nElm m Paya A E. C F am G9x0a n¢ml¢ or sne.m..�mwa emlvnrsoma9a¢mnnA. m9Gdmb amaE.cy9r9aml, idly c9umr m,neeml, ms�e xaw ss. mmeron Nmm, 9ayeaFm. w ee.. aea�m mo9 w wm .n� .a.�.m a amEnrimn ue u¢nmr or.,nlm.m m m o wlo.'r. BEGINNMG L Ye mNvee PoMa afpvael B v.uwo rn ma Wm¢ 0r51Cay aS¢Y W 8'!k U ar sw.'m axa¢mnna m¢co,Imymmw:mmaa,m,.awwxoe�Nxnvc.wymemall: or,n,e ' ' E59. aRwra Ml-=m wrrul¢em avm vm=' V+ M.w5¢.Je (a, SOV S¢B•S9'SO•E SO.w E0. d�wJ'w'x0'w W.W rm Mxe• "S,l w.w b5d� 50x'w'10'W wB.99 a, Wm¢ SM'S9'S0'E JS OJ (m', tlema wl'W'1¢'8' IS.IE Evm AamtlMy Iw or m. ray 9f xma aoa wa 9¢ame n W a¢wa ar eammm q vm yam ®¢r e.mmy ny. y al]I051. Flry Caeery eemaa. w w deasagytipmelrG,lpYw S/3.4.4RYx]I.tl YI dears aa.m¢ w9 ny¢ar." 9 N9E'w'SVE Im.ra ort met/ »•wR Eow ¢.e mm rmrw'+aR N iw 9a rm4 bu. mPnly orocraea9vN A. dem LLvam¢ ®umbomsmu•sJ•6 un eem N menonEern mmt 9rvid PEt¢I h dmm amydn vlw lix oton Pavl B, 9]p•%'ITEa%mqm p 6e IOPT OF 6EGMNM0. ti `� uw6EGMNMGvdmManmamolPv¢ICaff'%n 0e0tR®iOfSm.p ayNtlmmcttl 'h 1=utr..ww C. F. 16y al'M56 wlmwtrait wa vowra9EGwxwGaaama® e' iuo nr am eaw c. F. d o. wx•@•J¢•w Jxu w ma mmw aaq au m m* a Fam rn•@•szv n a �I d� wx•@•s¢'w Ewa me m® ern•u•m-w rn... its dmv N01'@']¢'E 1@ ]8 h¢ qem 5¢'JIptR SS w @C lnmv WIW'SP81�.98vmde YYv1) me W.rJS orrat/9w1C®�fmffipIm:o[0eat SesY6w 4Y PjansdpMF�Omre]N M ¢eelr®I'd 39M Wr. wVC� Om aFy vtlmgxb of Ps¢I C NR'u`a8R39101m mrb WINE OP BEGpQ@1G IXIXPw1G da¢Tm. We i!e®m Ses¢F�atloaLpabWe �411'wIG a0¢eulEwy mem ar Yaw namoan®mearsmnsm.e9 amnmmmAnotsmgaapp nnn. nuy GaMram¢]'.0mnfiometl WwT W . Wy6mmIYa95dilaalB.SBe•35 aS'E ]¢.L fu'.IGm learnt/ eW enLdewl'OYE9'W IM.EIm6m1Y a®tlmdvMAa18 Aurs aun¢ � uM ml em Wlaarvtl PavIB. SR'M'4'IIa ]S MC dme 1A1 W'S¢R W.91 fea deny Nw•56'ErR 13269x mem ma ¢OQlI'M�IIw.'G M BW MBeamp Etdbdwghm6da8s'��4agdvymNdtl Wdaepa 9aannA. scn¢�FI®m. sd Em+me 0,2 Aenm.+ + 931102136y uaus I F