HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 098a_5332652�_ tt FILE N, .*yk?� ` i CO�tt 3:;GLI E's THIS rNDW=x mode this day of 1461, between BROWCRES, I= „ a wash on corporation, hereinafter i. called the Grantor, and CITY OF SPA E, a-iunicipal corporation, herein- after called the Grantee, W I T N A S S E T H That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of ON& HANDRM FIFTY AND 96/100 DOLLARS ($150.00) and other valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys and grants to the Grantee, its successors and assigns, (subject to the rights of B. Pille and Nellie Pills, his wife) the right, privilege and authority.to construct, erect, alter, improve, repair, operate and maintain electric tranEmiesion and di.strinutlon lines, ronsi.fit.i.ng of the necessary towers and odes, with braces, guys and anchors, and to place upon or aaspe;;f: t•.ansmission, ciistrib_ttion and rie.7nal. wires, ins..ti , ors, crossarms, trans oi.tiicrs and other necessary or convenient appurtenances, across, over arc', upon v_.,, following described lanes and premises sittuatee. in the county ,Z Wing, :tat. a--- G7asiiirgt-on, ito wit; The westerly 15 tect of the southerly 40 feet, the southerly 15 feet, and the easterly 15 feet of tno Lullowing described property: B,nginning at the point of intersection of the south 1.3n,.! of Ha:iry !deader Donation Claim No. 46 and the east limbo o,- Government Lot 10 in the t17 1/4 of Section 25, Towns:iip 23 tiorth, Range 4 Zast, K.M.; thence westerly along =aid south line of. Henry Meader Donation claim to tac east line of the Northern Pacific :tailway Right c` �iay; u:enc nor'tk: along said right of way to the south line of tiiC Bow Lake Pipe Line; thence easterly and northeasterly along lair south line of the Boy Lake Pipe Line to a point of interrect.ion with a northerly extension in a straight li.ie of the east line of Government Lot 10; thence co,ttheriy along said straight line to the point of .beginning, all situated in the NW 1/4 of Section 25, Township 23 _1orth, Range 4 3ast, W.M. Tt is understood and agreed that the City of Seattle, Depart- Tint o- Ligi:ting., shall at all times maintain its power lines at a height of not i. .c than 30 feet above the ground. It is understood and agreed that this easement is given over 1. LOlYi"C7SVI.LFT� *so: 1w, all w ouer"Mo rofto tw fte city 02 A4attle Is slaw Ara leEion Line �taai itiM 1s9 the u►e of that certain a in 04 iq the City of isaEtle, which is known as the 4ity of 1lasttle'a *34m Line Flight of Way, Which lies within Henry Meader Agaatioh ClaLM No. 46, bounded on the west by the Northern Pacific Rai R►t Of Way and bounded on the east by the production north of the east line of government Lot 10 in Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., and it is hereby stipulated that this ease- ment shall immediately cease and all rights herein granted shall be re- voked in the event that the City of Seattle shall install Transmission and/or Distribution Line facilities upon said Pipe Line Right of Way; Provided, however, that the use of the easterly 40 feet of said Pipe Line Right of Way by the Grantee for the installation of guy wires and anchors shall be permitted without causing a cessation of the eaoe:nent i herein granted as an alternate use by Grantee of the Pipe Line Right of Way. it is understood and agreed that this easement shall like- wise cease and all rights herein granted be revoked in the event the City of Seattle acauires,by condemnation, a Transmission and Distribution Line 'light of Way over land owned in fee by the Grantor, which lies within that p.:tion of the Henry Meader Donation Claim No. 46 which is bounded on the south by the south margin of said Donation Claim; on the north by the City of Seattle's Pipe Line Right of Way; on the west by the Northern Pacific Railway Right of Way; and on the east by the northerly extension in a straight line of the east line of Government Lot 10 in the tCr7 1/4 of Section 25, Township 23 :north, Range 4 East, W. M. The rights, title, privileges and authority hereby granted shall otherwise continue and be in force until such time as the Grantee, 2. IFI(.E id0 ....-.. its successors or 4Wpt +spa, shall poraanantly remove skid tc+wrs and pales, wires and a attsnsneas fre ,said lands, or shill otherwise permanently abandon"said lines, at which time all such rights, title, privileges and authority hereby granted shall terminate. i` Together with the right at all times to the Grantee, its successors and assigns, of ingress to and egress from -said lands, across adjacent lands of the Grantor for the purpose of constructing, re- constructing, repairing, renewing, altering, changing, patrolling and operating said line upon the giving by Grantee to Grantor of reasonable advance verbal or writt'rn notice of intention so to do, and the right at any time upon the giving of such notice to remove said towers, poles and appurtenances from said lands; Provided, further, however, that upon the notice aforesaid being given by the Grantee to the Grantor, Granter shal). designate to the Grantee the precise route over which ingress tn or egress from the adjacent lands of the Grantor to the lands covered by this alternate easement shall be taken, and the rights of _.egress to and egress from shall be confined to routes. It is understood and agreed Chat the city of seattlo, tisoartment of L,uhting,(subiect to the restrictions of this easement) may grant other corporations the right and privilege to occupy and use j0111tly for other uc.lities, the overhead facili.tien of said transm169201. and Oistribution liner, tower- or poles, The City of Seattle is to be responsible, as provider by Lai.;, :or any damaile resulting to the Grantor through its negligence i-. the construction, maintenance and operation of said transmission and diF-tribition lines over and across the property of said Grantor, The Grantor, its successors or assigns, shall not place, c:n:._rust or maintain any building, or other structure, within the ooun;.iry limits of said strip of land; Provided, however, that trees, IL - COMPTRI L shrubs, flowers or landscaping placed within the boundary limits of said strip of land shall not be considered a building or r other structure; Provided, still further, that in the event Grantor permits any trees or shrubs to grow to a point where there is a lack of 10 feet clearance between the top.of said trees or shrubs and the transmission and/or distribution lines, Grantee may at its own expense,and upon reasonable advance, verbal or written notice to Grantor,trim the offending trees or shrubs so as to maintain the 10 coot clearance aforesaid. The Grantor, its successors or assigns, covenants and agrees that it will not do any blasting or discharge any explosives within a distance of three hundred (300) feet of said line without giving reasonable notice in writing to the Grantee, its successors or assigns, of intention so to do. It is +mderstood that Grantor,in granting this alternate easement, does so by way of accommodation, and the amount paid by Grantee for this easement.,is nominal and is not intruded to represent and shall not be construed to represent the fair cash market value of, said easement,and the amount so paid shall not hereafter be used by Orantae for the purpose of evidencing the fair cash market value of tna alternate casement.herein granted in any proceeding whatsoever, whether the proceeding be by way of eminent domain, or otherwise, and whether the proceeding be against Grantor or others. I_S 1IITi135S WHBRL•'OP, this instrument has been executed the, day arc' year first above written. BROAAACRBS, INC. By By - ;� .,....`... ,.�.,�..,.� FILE No.....__ s C0M PTROLLER STATE OF WAMIi1QT U j so. COUNTY OF KING ) On this -4-&_ day of s 1961, before me personally appeared t0 me known to be the _ I'll ..f..[-6 - e--_, and , to me known to be the.,-f.r, ~�, ,,_.i.:x of the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and each acknowledged t h e said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of 0aid corporation. IN WIM SS WHILREOP I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above writt• NOTARY PUBLIC in and for th� Of Washington, residing at Seattle .,n(y dUtli[CI