HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/2022 - MinutesMINUTES Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners Meeting Tuesday, August 8, 2022 at Renton City Hall, Room 726, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 and via Zoom.us DRAFT Minutes were distributed to Park Board members prior to the October 11, 2022 meeting, then amended with following section to reflect this text for section 6b: “He states that though the returns are better than forecast (this year's sockeye forecast was the lowest on record) this year, they are well below the 10 year average. 43,000 sockeye is better than expected, but we need 350,000 fish to sustain that run. Larry is on staff at the Seattle Aquarium and states they anticipate a relatively good year.” 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Shun Takano called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present: Cynthia Burns, Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Shun Takano, Troy Wigestrand, and Marlene Winter Members Absent: Tim Searing City Staff Present: Kelly Beymer, Parks and Recreation Administrator, Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director; Erica Schmitz, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director, Carrie Nass, Recreation Director, Jason Seth, City Clerk and Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant Larry Reymann motioned to excuse Tim Searing’s absence, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Marlene Winter motioned to approve the agenda as presented, motioned seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Al Dieckman motioned to approve the May 10, 2022, meeting minutes as presented, motioned seconded, all in favor, motion carried. The June meeting was a site tour and no city business took place and the July 2022 meeting was cancelled. No meeting minutes for these dates required approval. 5. BOARD COMMUNICATION a. Al Dieckman motioned to amend the agenda to bring back “New Business” to the agenda. Discussion included renaming agenda item “Board Communication” to “New Business” for topics board members can suggest for future meeting agendas and adding “Old Business” back to the agenda as well. Motion was seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 6. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS a. Open Public Meetings Act(OPMA) Guidelines Update for Boards and Commissions– Jason Seth described the new OPMA requirements from Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1329 signed by the Governor. Beginning June 1, 2022, boards/commissions are required to provide a physical and virtual meeting environment where board/commission members can hear and be heard. If the Parks Commission Meeting August 8, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). board/commission accepts oral public comments at public meetings, they must provide options for the public to provide oral comments telephonically/virtually. Bylaws must be established or modified to incorporate rules for virtual attendance by December 31, 2022. Details of guidelines are provided in attached presentation document. Discussion and formation of bylaw modifications will be added to the September meeting agenda. Kelly provided process for chair to call for and respond to public comments during a meeting. b. Regional Salmon Update – Larry Reymann provided statistics of the salmon population in the Cedar River and that numbers are up and retention of the population has been positive. He volunteers with the Seattle Aquarium and states they anticipate another good year. c. Recap of July 4th Event at Coulon – Carrie Nass. This year’s July 4th event was again a joint effort of many departments with a shorter schedule of events and cooler weather, resulting in few if any incidents. No financial sponsor this year, LTAC funds covered a quarter of the fireworks display costs, and staff anticipate going back out for sponsors starting next year. d. Kiwanis Park Project Status – Erica Schmitz said construction is moving along with challenge of capping the utilities but anticipate the Union Avenue access being completed by the time school starts (early September). e. Park Rules and Regulations Update – Cailín Hunsaker received the reviewed version from legal and after reviewing these changes legal provided, she will bring it to this Board at the September meeting. 7. ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT a. Department, Mayor, and Council are moving forward with the renaming of the Renton Senior Center. Confirmation of the new name is on the Monday, August 15th Council meeting agenda. RSVPs for the Renaming Celebration will be going out to the board soon. b. Recreation had as many as 60 lifeguards working the Henry Moses Aquatic Center at the peak of the summer season, and now employees about 50. c. Coulon Park swim beach is closed, as mandated by King County due to high levels of bacteria. King County tests the water weekly and issues closure/opening mandates. The city adheres to these mandates; not making the decisions themselves. d. A park maintenance staff person, doing his scheduled duties, was assaulted recently when advising park guests to leave Coulon Park at closing. Police responded. The employee sustained a concussion and returned to work after a few days off for medical evaluation and recovery. Park staff are adjusting closing procedures and Kelly is talking with police about options for park safety during closure. Just prior to adjournment Shun Takano expressed that he will not be pursuing reappointment when his term ends October 1st. He said he has enjoyed his time on the board, but with increasing demands on his time for family and ministry, he felt that the board was in good hands and would have the least impact by him leaving. 8. ADJOURNMENT Larry Reymann motioned to adjourn; motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried, adjourned at Parks Commission Meeting August 8, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). 5:46pm. Minutes approved by: _______________________________________________________ Recorder: Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant Date Roberta Graver August 8, 2022 NEXT MTG: September 13, 2022 10/11/2022