HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/30/2022 - MinutesMinutes of Monthly RHS Board Meeting Meeting date: August 30, 2022 Page 1 RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUGUST 30, 2022 MINUTES OF MONTHLY BOARD MEETING Attending Present: Jessica Kelly, Elizabeth Stewart, Colleen Lenahansen, Daryl Delaurenti, Mike Lennox, Dan Clawson, Rhea Kimble, Amy Elizabeth Gorton, Maryann DiPasquale Absent: none Quorum: A quorum of Board Members was in attendance Guests Kelly Beymer, City of Renton Parks Director Brandy Bradford, Bookkeeper for Renton Historical Society Amy Murdoch, Public Outreach Coordinator for Renton History Museum Call to Order, Introductions, and Guest Speaker President Jessica Kelly called the Zoom meeting to order at 5:40 PM. Kelly Beymer discussed changes in the Open Public Meetings Act and answered questions. The city attorneys are considering whether RHS is covered by OPMA, and will let us know their opinion. The City is already proceeding with reviewing the MMA. Brandy Bradford talked about improvements in the processing of payments and deposits, and other changes being made to streamline procedures to provide better service to RHS. She is happy to speak with any Trustees who may have questions. News, updates, correspondence, and public comments Liz Stewart gave an operations and facility update. The Museum will be opening Tuesdays 10am to noon for mask-wearing visitors only. Staff is working toward reopening on Saturdays, which will require 8-10 greeters. When the Board is ready to resume work on the fundraiser, she will give her full support. Until then, she will join with the Board in efforts to improve communication and coordination between the Museum Director, Staff and Board Members. Review and approval of minutes Action Item May Monthly Meeting Minutes, which were not considered at the June meeting due to lack of a quorum, were reviewed and approved. June Monthly Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved. The 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved. Minutes of Monthly RHS Board Meeting Meeting date: August 30, 2022 Page 2 Work session Action Items (1) Annual Fundraiser (Colleen Lenahansen): Colleen Lenahansen – Fundraising Committee (supplement to July 15th email) Colleen explained the Committee’s recommendation to postpone the fundraising Auction indefinitely. Factors include the need for better coordination and communication among Board Members, Museum Staff, and the Museum Director, not enough Board Members, low morale, and the short timeline for preparation after a late start. The Committee (2) Committee Reports (Colleen Lenahansen): Board Development Committee (Colleen Lenahansen): A chair for the committee is needed Collections Storage Committee (Liz Stewart): Some of the items now stored at the Collections Annex on Park Street will be moved to the new facility in Tukwila soon. Some work, including shelving, needs to be completed first. The collection has been inventoried, and the goal is to complete the move by Fall. The deadline for a response on the Model A is August 10th. Search for an auctioneer is proceeding. (3) Museum Management Models (Jessica Kelly): The first discussion on possible museum management models was held. The Board voted for Option 3, in which the museum is managed in partnership by the City and RHS, with each providing for the museum as best fits each entity’s resources. The details will need further clarification and will require a second discussion/vote. (4) Committee Appointments (Jessica Kelly): Colleen will send out a list for comments and corrections (5) Updated Board Roster (Dan Clawson): an updated roster was reviewed and approved Mission & Nonprofit Moment Mission Moment (Liz Stewart): 67 visitors toured the Museum during Renton River Days. The first meeting at the Museum since the remodel went well. Greeters are needed so the Museum can be opened on Saturdays. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 pm. Minutes submitted by Dan Clawson, Secretary Next meeting: Tues., August 30, 2022 at 5:30 – 7 pm, via Zoom