HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum No. 1NE Sunset Blvd – Safe Routes to Transit ADDENDUM NO. 1 TRO04162 November 17, 2022 Page 1 of 2 Addendum No. 1 NE Sunset Blvd – Safe Routes to Transit Contract No.: CAG-22-311 Date of Issue: November 17, 2022 Bid Due Date: November 29, 2022 (No Change) Date of Bid Opening: December 1, 2022 (No Change) ATTENTION: ALL BIDDERS AND PLAN HOLDERS: The Bid Documents for the above-named project are modified as described below. Bidders shall take this Addendum into consideration when preparing and submitting their bids. Bidders shall attach this addendum to their copy of the Contract Documents, and shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Proposal Signature Page. A Proposal may be considered irregular and may be rejected if the receipt of Addenda is not acknowledged. A Proposal will be considered irregular and will be rejected if the Schedule of Prices included in this Addendum is not completed and submitted with the Proposal. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: 1. PROPOSAL - SCHEDULE OF PRICES REPLACE the Schedule of Prices in the Proposal (2 pages) with the revised Schedule of Prices (2 pages) attached to this Addendum. The Schedule of Prices was revised to reflect the following:  Item No. 10 “Clearing and Grubbing” quantity as 1 LS was added  Item No. 16 “Mountable Cement Conc. Traffic Curb” quantity as 275 LF was added.  Unit price is $5,000.00 and extension is $5,000.00 for Bid Item 3 “Resolution of Utility Conflicts” was filled in attached Schedule of Prices  Unit price is $10,000.00 and extension is $10,000.00 for Added unit price and extension for Bid Item 4 “Fuel Cost Adjustment” was filled in attached Schedule of Prices  Unit price is $10,000.00 and extension is $10,000.00 for Added unit price and extension for Bid Item 5 “Steel Cost Adjustment” was filled in attached Schedule of Prices 2. PLANS REPLACE sheet Plan Set pages DM03, CH02, and CH03 (3 pages) with the revised Plan Set pages DM03, CH02, CH03 (3 pages) attached to this addendum. The Plan Set was revised to address the following: NE Sunset Blvd – Safe Routes to Transit ADDENDUM NO. 1 TRO04162 November 17, 2022 Page 2 of 2  Required clearing and grubbing called out for the demolition and TESC plans was added.  Installation of the pre-cast mountable curb per WSDOT standard plan F-10.64 was added  The 30-foot-scale on the bottom of DM03 was modified to a 60-foot-scale 3. FUTURE ADDENDA  No future Addenda are anticipated. ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REMAIN IN EFFECT. CITY OF RENTON _______________________ Chris Barnes Transportation Operations Manager 1 Construction Survey 1-05.4(2) LS 1 2 SPCC Plan 1-07.15(1) LS 1 3 Resolution of Utility Conflicts 1-07.17 FA 1 5,000.00 5,000.00$ 4 Fuel Cost Adjustment 1-09.3 CALC 1 10,000.00 10,000.00$ 5 Steel Cost Adjustment 1-09.3 CALC 1 10,000.00 10,000.00$ 6 Mobilization 1-09.7 LS 1 7 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control 8-01 LS 1 8 Temporary Traffic Control (including flaggers)1-10 LS 1 9 Removal of Structures and Obstructions 2-02 TN 19 10 Clearing and Grubbing 2-01 LS 1 11 Sawcutting 2-02 LF 200 12 Cement Conc. Curb Ramp Type Parallel 8-14 EA 2 13 Cement Conc. Curb Ramp Type Perpendicular 8-14 EA 2 14 Cement Conc. Curb Ramp Type Single Direction 8-14 EA 1 15 Extruded curb (Doweled)8-04 LF 158 16 Mountable Cement Conc. Traffic Curb 8-04 LF 275 17 Cement Conc. Sidewalk 8-14 SY 81 SCHEDULE OF PRICES NE Sunset Blvd - Safe Routes to Transit ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID NOTE: Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid shall be shown. Enter unit prices in numerical figures only, in dollars and cents to two (2) decimal places (including whole dollar amounts). All figures must be clearly legible. Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be regarded as nonresponsive and rejected. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item, the unit price shall prevail, and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION SPEC. SECTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE* EXTENSION NE Sunset Blvd - Safe Routes to Transit TRO04162 Page 1 of 2 Schedule of Prices 2022 SCHEDULE OF PRICES NE Sunset Blvd - Safe Routes to Transit ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID NOTE: Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid shall be shown. Enter unit prices in numerical figures only, in dollars and cents to two (2) decimal places (including whole dollar amounts). All figures must be clearly legible. Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be regarded as nonresponsive and rejected. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item, the unit price shall prevail, and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION SPEC. SECTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE* EXTENSION 18 Commercial Concrete 6-02 CY 4 19 HMA CL. 1/2IN. PG 64H-22 5-04 TON 9 20 Crushed Surfacing Base Course 4-04 CY 29 21 Detectable Warning Surface 8-14 SF 80 22 Paint Line 8-22 LF 1,241.0 23 Painted Wide Lane Line 8-22 LF 157 24 Profiled Plastic Wide Lane Line 8-22 LF 124 25 Plastic Stop Line 8-22 LF 175 26 Plastic Crosswalk Line 8-22 SF 400 27 Plastic Traffic Arrow 8-22 EA 5 28 Plastic Bicycle Detection Marking 8-22 EA 2 29 Permanent Signing 8-21 LS 1 30 Tuff-Curb with Flexible Delineator (Install only)8-10 EA 32 31 RRFB System, Complete (Install only)8-20 LS 1 32 Traffic Signal System, Complete (Install only)8-20 LS 1 TOTAL BID AMOUNT: *NOTE: The Unit Prices include all taxes paid, per section 1-07.2(1) and WAC 458-20-171. NE Sunset Blvd - Safe Routes to Transit TRO04162 Page 2 of 2 Schedule of Prices 2022