HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180398E003_Renton_ES_16_2022-09-22_FR_064 Kirkland | Tacoma | Mount Vernon 425-827-7701| www.aesgeo.com Date Mailed: Principal / PM: Bruce Guenzler, L.G., L.E.G. This document is considered a DRAFT until signed or initialed by an AESI Principal or Project Manager Page 1 of 3 v.7.20 FIELD REPORT Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 09/22/2022 Renton Elementary School 16 20180398E003 064 Location Municipality AESI Project Manager AESI Field Rep 1075 Duvall Ave NE Renton Bruce Guenzler, L.E.G. Samantha Parker Permit No. Client/Owner Attn Requested By B21004604 Renton School District No. 403 Ed Thomson Contractor Engineer/Architect General Contractor Grading Contractor Weather CPL / Hutteball + Oremus Cornerstone/Kyle Continental Dirt Contractors/ Jerry Jr. Sunny, 70’s THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: Associated Earth Sciences Inc. (AESI) was on-site in the morning and again in the afternoon for observation of Stormwater Detention Facility 2 progress, at the request of Jerry Jr. of CDC and electrical trench backfill, at the request of Jason of Sare Electric. Stormwater Detention Facility 2 While on-site, AESI observed progress on Stormwater Detention Facility 2. We noted that the placement of the lower geotextile liner, PVC liner, top geotextile liner and approximately 9” of clean crushed aggregate over the base of the facility had been completed. The placement of stormwater chambers and top 1’ of clean crushed aggregate over the chambers was still underway. AESI observed the contractor use a plate compactor to compact the top of the aggregate. The contractors were beginning to place approximately 2’ of backfill over the facility. In the areas where backfill was placed a separation geotextile liner was installed over the 1’ of aggregate, as per plan. AESI plans to return Monday to test the backfilled area. See Figure 1 for location of observed area today. Electrical Trench Backfill While onsite in the morning, AESI observed the placement and compaction of 1.5’ to 2’ of backfill in electrical trenches along the eastern edge of the site. The contractors placed a mixture of onsite soils and 2 ½ inch minus crushed rock in 2 lifts over approximately 4” to 6” of sand. The lifts were compacted with a hoepac. Upon arrival, AESI recommended the contractors recompact several areas of the lower lift. AESI used a steel soils T-probe to assess the compaction of each lift. Generally, the backfill probed less than 2”. While onsite, in the afternoon, AESI observed that another section of 2’ electrical trench backfill that had been completed. The contractors informed AESI that they had backfilled the area in 2 to 3 lifts and compacted each lift with a hoepac. The contractors had also used a single drum vibratory roller to compact the top of all the backfill completed today after some slight regrading. AESI probed the top of the completed backfill today to assess the compaction. Generally, the backfill probed less than 4”. In our opinion, based on our observations the backfilled area today appears firm and unyielding. See Figure 2 for location of observed area today. The contractors informed AESI that they had also placed backfill around three structures noted in Figure 2. AESI used a steel soils T- probe to assess the compaction of the backfill. Generally, the area probed to the handle of the 3’ probe. We recommend the contractors remove the material and compact around the structure in 1’ lifts. 16 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 09/22/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 064 Page 2 of 3 FIELD REPORT Photo 1. Facility #2 progress observed today. Figure 1. Sheet C2.0 The observed area of Stormwater Detention Facility #2. North is to the right of the figure. Facility #2 – The placement of geotextile liners, PVC liner and 9” of aggregate is complete. Facility #2 – The placement of stormwater chambers, surrounding aggregate and 1’ of top aggregate underway. Placement of separation liner over aggregate and backfill also underway. 16 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 09/22/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 064 Page 3 of 3 FIELD REPORT Figure 2. Sheet C3.0 The approximate location of observed electrical trench backfill is indicated in red. The location of backfill around the three stuctures is indicated in orange. Photo 2. Loose backfill observed around the three electrical structures.