HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180398E003_Renton_ES_16_2022-08-01_FR_044 Kirkland | Tacoma | Mount Vernon 425-827-7701| www.aesgeo.com Date Mailed: Principal / PM: Bruce Guenzler, L.G., L.E.G. This document is considered a DRAFT until signed or initialed by an AESI Principal or Project Manager Page 1 of 6 v.7.20 FIELD REPORT Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 08/01/2022 Renton Elementary School 16 20180398E003 044 Location Municipality AESI Project Manager AESI Field Rep 1075 Duvall Ave NE Renton Bruce Guenzler, L.E.G. Samantha Parker Permit No. Client/Owner Attn Requested By B21004604 Renton School District No. 403 Ed Thomson Contractor Engineer/Architect General Contractor Grading Contractor Weather CPL / Hutteball + Oremus Cornerstone/Kyle Continental Dirt Contractors/ Jerry Jr. Sunny, 80’s THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: Associated Earth Sciences Inc. (AESI) was on-site in the afternoon for observation of vapor barrier, capillary break, storm line backfill, and grease interceptor backfill. Upon arrival, AESI met with Jerry Jr. of CDC. Vapor Barrier Observation – Area B While on-site, we observed that vapor barrier had been placed in Area B, as noted in Figure 1 below. The vapor barrier was confirmed to be 15 mils and placed over 4-inches of capillary break. In our opinion, the vapor barrier completed today appeared consistent with project plans. Capillary Break Observation – Area A A section of capillary break was completed in Area A today as noted in Figure 2 below. The capillary break consisted of 4” of clean (no fines) 5/8” crushed chip rock. In our opinion, capillary break completed today in the noted areas appeared consistent with project plans and our recommendations. Remediated Area Proof-Roll While on-site, CDC informed AESI that due to a leaking water hose, an area near CB #4 and SS #3 had been pumping and yielding. Prior to our arrival, CDC had removed approximately 1.5’ of unsuitable material in the area and replaced it with 1’ of on-site soils and 0.5’ of crushed rock. CDC used a hoepac to compact the first lift of onsite soils and a large vibratory roller to compact the crushed rock. AESI observed a proof-roll with the large vibratory roller. Little to no movement was observed and we did not see any significant rutting or pumping during the proof-roll. In our opinion, we found the observed area to be firm and unyielding and suitable for support of planned paving. See Figure 3 for the location of proof roll observed today. Grease Interceptor Backfill While on-site, we observed that approximately 8’ of backfill had been placed around a grease interceptor near the eastern edge of Area A, near SS #5 (Figure 3). The backfill consisted of on-site soils, was placed in 1’ to 1.5’ lifts and compacted with a hoepac. AESI used a density gauge to test the new backfilled sections. Test results met or exceeded 95% compaction (Table 1). In our opinion, based on our observations and test results, we found the rest of the observed area of backfill, to be firm and unyielding and suitable for planned landscaping. Storm Line Backfill While on-site, we observed that approximately 4’-5’ of storm line backfill, consisting of on-site soils, had been placed between SD #23 and SD #56 (Figure 4). The backfill was placed in 1’ to 1.5’ lifts and compacted with a hoepac and vibratory roller. AESI used a density gauge to test the new backfilled sections. Test results met or exceeded 95% compaction (Table 1). In our opinion, based on our observations and test results, we found the rest of the observed area of the storm line backfill, to be firm and unyielding and suitable for support of planned paving. 16 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 08/01/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 044 Page 2 of 6 FIELD REPORT Table 1: Compaction Test Results Test No. Location Approximate Backfill Depth Relative to Existing Ground Surface (ft) Proctor (ASTM D1557) Dry Density (pcf) Moisture % Compaction % Pass/Fail Notes 1 See Figure 4 0 129.9/9.2 122.8 5.1 95 Pass 2 See Figure 3 -2 133.5/8.2 129.1 8.3 97 Pass 3 See Figure 3 -3 133.5/8.2 127.3 7.8 95 Pass 4 See Figure 3 -2 133.5/8.2 130.1 10.2 98 Pass Figure 1. Sheet S2.02 The approximate location of vapor barrier observed today in Area B is indicated in red. North is to the right of the figure. 16 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 08/01/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 044 Page 3 of 6 FIELD REPORT Figure 2. Sheet S2.01 The approximate location of capillary break observed today in Area A is indicated in red. North is to the right of the figure. 16 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 08/01/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 044 Page 4 of 6 FIELD REPORT Figure 3. Sheet C3.1 The location of grease interceptor backfill observed today is indicated in blue. The approximate location of the proof-roll observed today is incdicated in green. North is to the right of the figure. 4 3 2 16 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 08/01/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 044 Page 5 of 6 FIELD REPORT Figure 3. Sheet C2.2 The observed area of storm line backfill is indicated in blue. North is to the right of the figure. 1 16 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 08/01/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 044 Page 6 of 6 FIELD REPORT Photo 1. The proof-roll observed today.