HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-92-006 O¢t�,ber_l9. 1992 Renton Citv Council Minutes .. � PaQe 481 . �r✓ �' Utilities Committee Referred 10/12/92 - Utilities Committee Chairman Tanner presented a CAG: 91-113, Geo report stating the Committee recommends concurrence with the Engineers, Inc., Administration's recommendation that the Council authorize the two year Geotechnical Soils extension of annual consultant contract CAG 113-91 with Geo Engineers, Consultant Agreement Inc. for soils and geotechnical engineering services and authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute the extension letter agreement. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public works: Sewer Referred 10/5/92 - Utilities Committee Chairman Tanner presented a Connection - Jones report stating the Committee recommends that the letter from Sharon Avenue NE/Barker Barker requesting sewer connection be removed from this Committee's referral list as requested by the applicant, Sharon Barker, in a letter received October 8, 1992. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transoortation Referred 10/15/92 - Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair*�:an (Aviation) Committee Stredicke presented a report stating the Committee recommends Council CAG: 92-1 l0, Green adoption of the resolution authorizing the MaYor and Citv Clerk to enter River Valley Signal into the Green River Valley Signal Coordination Project Study. Coordination Project Study MOYED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. CARRIED. (See page 482 for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 3.43 acres of Rezone: Book/Bales, property located at 1726 Duvall Avenue NE from G-1 (General Zone) to R-91-110 R-2 (Residential Zone) and O-P (Office Park District) (Book/Bales Rezone; File No. R-110-91). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the 10/26/92 Council agenda for adoption: (See Public Safety Committee report) � Police: Traffic An ordinance was read amending Chapter 3, Arterial Highways and Stop Ordinance Streets, Chapter 7, Motorcycles, Chapter 9, Parkig Meters and Zones, and Chapter 12, Traffic Code, of Title X (Traffic) of City Code by repealing certain sections relating to traffic. Police: Pawnshop An ordinance was read amending Section 6-17-6 of Chapter 17, Ordinance Pawnbrokers, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code relating to pawnshop hearings. The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: (See Transportation Committee report) ! � � � UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT October 19, 1992 LETTER REO.UESTING SEWER CONNECTION - JONES AVENUE NE/BARKER (Referred: 10/05/92) The Utilities Committee recommends that this item be removed from this Committee's referral list as requested by the applicant, Sharon Barker, in a letter received October 8, 1992. � Jesse Tanner, Chair � I�'/ � ; ` �'� - /' ,�,,�"�,� ���: ���,:> r-� --iLi'i,/' Bob Edwards, Vice Chair � a Timothy J. ch ' zer, Member C:DOCS:92-820:MAB:ps F. , �, �� , : �tQber 12. 1992 � Renton Citv Council Minutes � PaQ 468 Correspondence was read from Dave S. Costain, Embassy Suites Sea-Tac, 15920 West Valley Highway, Tukwila., 98188, encouraging Council to act as quickly as possible to approve Boeing's development plans. Correspondence was read from Mikel C. Harrington (no return address) in opposition of the Boeing Customer Training Center. Conespondence was read from Jack Lynch and Associates, on behalf of Colleen Cole-Bowron, requesting City Departments conduct a more thorough analysis of Bceing's proposal for site plan approval, stating there are a number of important public safety and environmental issues not addressed by Boeing. Correspondence was read from Richard E. McCann, Perkins Coie, submitting the Boeing Company's notice of withdrawal of its appeal of the hearing Examiner's decision regazding the site plan with respect to the condition of imposing a fire mitigation fee issued June 29, 1992. Councilwoman ivtatthews requested that the record reflect that the Council was in receipt of all conespondence regarding the Boeing Training Center prior to the vote on the Committee of the Whole report. MOVED BY MATTHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, ALL LETTERS BE REFERRED TO THE QFFICIAL FILE, SA-006-92. CARRIED. Citizen CommenC Conespondence was read from Sharon Barker, 2414 Jones Ave. N.E., Barker - Sewer Renton, 98056, withdrawing her previous request for sewer connection on Connection Request, her property due to an unforeseen financial burden. (Referred to Jones Avenue NE Utilities Committee 10/5/92.) MOVED BY MATTHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE ITTILTTIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler introduced correspondence from Jeanne Hughes/LaCheck - & Edward Hughes, 1421 N. 28th St., and Kimberly LaCheck, 1307 N. Lot Line Adjustment, 28th Street, Renton, �8056, relative to a lot line adjustment due to N. 28th Street inheritance of property, and questioned whether the City Attorney needed to review this correspondence. Executive Assistant Jay Covington suggested Council refer the matter to Administradon for report back to the Council. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE �DMINISTRATION AND THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Citizen Comment Correspondence was entered from Keith and Beverly Thompson, 660 Thompson - Index Pl. NE, Renton, 98056, relative to the Comprehensive Land Use Comprehensive Land Plan. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY Use Plan STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. , - v"Q '�,. Referred to Utilities '' -unittee 10/5/92. , Sharon Barker � ,� Request withdrawn 10/8�. 'w+" 2414.iones Aaenue N.E. � � Renton, WA 98056 REFERRED TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE 10/12/92. �iTY�F R�NTON OCT �� � 1992 : ��� .,.�r c���rc's o�ic� October 7, 1992 City of Renton City Councif 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Wa. 98055 Subject: West Kennydale Special Assessment District King County Parcel Account No. 334390-3649-02 Reference: My Letter dated September 28, 1992 Gentlemen: I spoke to Mr. Michael A. Benoit today and he answered my questions in the referenced letter as to whether 1 can have two hookups for my rathe�large lot. He was very informative and helpful and i appreciate his time and help. My plans were to"move"my small home farther north on my lot and eventually build another home on the south half of my lot. While this is still my plan, an unexpected financial burden came up, making it impossible for me to pursue my plans at this time. t expect that, bar�ing septic problems, I witl not be able to hook up to sewer for approximately one year. When I am financially able to proceed with sewer hookup, I will contact you again. Sincerely, Sharon A. Barker 255-2697 cc: Mike Benoit `' '� � GITY OF RENTON � Finance Department Ear! Clymer, Mayor Dan Clements,Director October 7, 1992 Sharon Barker 2414 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Sub ject: Request for Sewer Connection for Two-Lot SuUdivision Dear Ms. Barker: Your letter regarding the subject matter was entered into the record at the Renton City Council rneeting of October 5, 1992, and referred to the Council's Utilities Committee for review. When this topic is scheduled on an agenda of the Utilities Committee, you will be notified by the Council Secretary of the time and date. If you have questions or need assistance, please feei free to give me a call. Sincerely, Marilyn J. Pe ersen, CMC City Clerk 235-2502 cc: Mayor Earl Clymer Council President Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Mike Benoit, Utility Systems Division 1 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2558 �f i � ' Q�;tober S. 1992 � Renton Citv Council Minutes � PaQ 455 Citizen Commen� Conespondence was read from Sharon Barker, 2414 Jones Avenue N.E., Barker - Sewer Renton, 98056 requesting two sewer hook-ups for her property she wishes Connection Request, to subdivide, and assessment information. MOVED BY KEOLKER- Jones Avenue NE WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS _ CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Commen� Conespondence was read from the Powell Development Corporation, Powell Development Peter W. Powell, President, 737 Market Street, Kirkland, 98033, Corporation - Rezone conceming a proposed rezone in the vicinity of S.W. 41st Street to allow Request, SW 41st drive-through banking and restaurant facilities. MOVED BY Street KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ' REFER THLS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO RESEARCH AND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL FOR ACTION. CARRIED. Annexation: Senescu Notice of Intent to Annex was read from the King County Boundary Review Board. The notice inadvertently omitted the name of the "annexation (Senescu). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE CITY CLERK TO RESEARCH. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke questioned whether cement work had been done by Finance Committee Boeing at the Longacres site before the issuance of permits. He asked the AppeaL• Administration to look into this matter. Boeing/Longacres Customer Service Training Center, CU, SA-92-006 Public Works: East Councilman $tredicke asked when the Environmental Impact Study would Renton Sewer be presented to the Council on the East Renton Sewer Interceptor. He Interceptor also asked about a preferred alternative, when the pro ject would begin and be completed, and the impact these timelines would have on the sewer moratorium. Mayor Clymer will report back. Utility: Forte Rentals Upon inquiry from Councilman Stredicke on a letter from Forte Rentals Sewer Fee Charges regarding sewer fee charges, Eaecutive Assistant Jay Covington said that the administration was working with Forte Rentals on this issue, they had paid their fees, and were proceeding with their improvements. Communitv Services Referred 9/21/92 - Community Services Committee Chair Nelson Committee presented a report recommending Council concunence in the Mayor's Appointment appointment of Mary Redd to the Planning Commission for three-year Planning Commission term effective 7/1/92 and expiring 6/30/95. She will replace Joan Walker, whose term expired. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMTI'TEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilwoman Nelson introduced Mary Redd. Ms. Redd welcomed her appointment, and stated she has been a long time resident of Renton and looks forward to working with the Council and the citizens of Renton. �.,��✓ `� �i�O�'�U�l 7'�./�h_ _ �-�t- ��..r�-�;,, �t__ ��/�`i"_ "wrr'" �... � ';: �--� Sharon Ba er 2414 Jones Auenue N.G'. ��:�:; � � ����� Renton, WA 98056 -J���J�U�v {.i i Y ��UUiVC1L September 28, 1992 City of Renton Ciry Council 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,Wa. 9Fi055 Reference: West Kennydale Special Assessment District King County Parcel Account No.334390-3649-02 Gentlemen: In regards to the referenced sewer assessment, I respectfully submit the following request. My lot has a total of 15.360 square feet(not counting my driveway,which is 20 x 124). The lot is a nice level rectangle(120 x 128). Since I will eventually be going on sewer, it occurs to me that it would be in my best economic interests to subdivide my lot into two lots. I have received a verbal"OK"from the City of Renton as far as my square footage and zoning goes. There is currently only my small personal residence on the lot,just north of center. I could either move my current home or rebuild. I paid$45,000 for my house and lot in 1978. The vacant lots behind me are selling for approximately $71.000 each. As an added item of interest,there are three of these$71,000 lots adjoining the back of my lot. It is inevitable that my"space"and privacy will eventually be gone so why not cash in on it myself Please advise if I can have two sewer hookups and how this will affect my assessment. Thank you foryourconsideration in this matter. Sincerely, �—~ � -__�'�� Sharon B rker 255-2697. (_.(.'. . `D�%�,�,l�•L ���l�I"�,r"'�'