HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA-16-001 - Sunset Lane Latecomer Fileo .,_ v . .,_ - _,, _. z.xa r_ w._. . . n.. 4 z..wcww . .._ r2 j F':'+Sd w,. 4a^'u a.a-,v.> "+,- ;8 S _ .._ un:t La e 1 1E Utility r d t . . «. 4 z.. a . Cor mit ee o the W le Larry Warren, City Attorney Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner t March 28 ,2016 CITY OF 1 i .- fi 0 ^ x . I n :,.as:,,k xa..t...: ,,; .°,-'„. z :`. M a r. m w ° ' = w4r; Y. -,.. w e s*=,3;., .- ^ €.,?s.._`r,,:,a,.„ w s .,., 7+,e>. g!.;,... Authority and Process in Creating Latecomer Sunset Lane NE Latecomer J.A.".if f Purpose p T- r.n vs e •aProjectScopei Assessment Boundary/Preliminary Assessr t ia ; j, lAssessmentMethod N ext Ste ps r;- a..a._ ., Preliminary Notice n•lu,.x h` Request For Bid M4 1 11> TM A:'a t Construction Final Assessment/Ordinance o ,- A out Latecomers Street latecomers assessments and areas are authorized by Chapter 35.72 RCW. Street projects subject to reimbursement may include design, grading, paving, installation of curbs, gutters, storm drainage, sidewalks, street lighting, traffic controls and other similar improvements. RCW 35. 72.020(1)(d) Utility Projects include water or sewer facilities. RCW 35.91.020(1)(a). Water and sewer facilities include storm, sanitary or combination sewers, pumping stations and disposal plants, water mains, hydrants, reservoirs and appurtenances. RCW 35.91.015(3) The City may be the initiator and sole beneficiary of reimbursements. RCW 35. 72.050(1), RCW 35.91.060 Ste s to Create a Lateco m e rsp Area a n Assess m e nts An ordinance must be adopted that requires the project as a prerequisite to further property development. Ordinance No. 5783 was adopted on February 1, 2016. RCW 35. 72.010, RCW 35.91.060(1)(a) The administration shall prepare a preliminary determination of the latecomers boundaries and assessments. A notice of the preliminary determination of the boundaries and assessments must be sent by certified mail to each owner of record with the proposed boundaries. Within 20 days of mailing, a hearing may be requested before the City Council with notice given to all affected property owners. RCVI/ 35. 72.040(2), RCIN 35.91.060(1)(c) yr , Steps To Create a Latecomers Area and Assessments (continued): The determination of the Council is final RCW 35. 72.040(2) subject to judicial review RCW 35.91.060(1)(c). A resolution must adopt the latecomers boundaries and assessments. The construction is then completed. A final hearing is held, establishing the final assessment rate. 1 An ordinance is then adopted setting the final assessment rate. A certified copy of the ordinance is then recorded with the King County Recorder's Office. u r r a,>>.. e..iea,r,-<.n>.v ..-. .- --, _Er.m -> . ,se_x a a ` . t .. p,$,,z{g a:_ <'+ -' ,. z _. , y. ., tx?'E ' .;§: 4 . .. , ,.z . Notice Re u i rementsq l A notice of the preliminary determination of the latecomers boundaries and assessments along with a description of the property owners rights and options must be sent by certified mail to each owner of record of real property within the proposed latecomers area . RCIN 35. 72.040(2), RCW 35.91. 060(1)(c), RMC 9-5-5 1 Preliminary notice must be recorded with the King Co u nty Reco rd e r. RCW 35. 72. 040(3), RCW 35.91.060(2)(d) R Lateco m e rs Ti m e Li m its Uti I it latecomers have a 20 ea r I ife. RCWv 35. 91. 020(2), RMC 9-5-13.A Street latecomers have a 15 year life. RCW 35. 72. 020(1), RMC 9-5-13. B Su nset Terrace Su ba rea Redevelopment 1 1 r ,, 14 acres f. r p 15 000 S F Li b ra r a ' °' x, r r:? ,.':.,* 722 m u Iti-fa m i ly u n its r f ib --- v: A - A p p rox. 10,000 S F of Reta i I w y tF r c, . + y- J . fG f}^3 . 2 acre park y_ h t , r gi ,. . Ae h t ' .Q_ii .} ' G f + i Generally bounded by f° , - 1_ Sunset Lane NE Su nset La ne N E a nd the extension of N E 10th wou Id consist of a loca I access loop road, a nd have a width of 49 feet 49'PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY 8' 8 6' 20' 6' I SIDEWALK pLANTER PARKING TRAVEL LANE PARKING ; I I I 0.5'Curb, i tYP a Sunset Lane — 49' ROW Yv.,.. a r= _ l+' Benefits to Constructing Sunset Lane NE at E One Ti me Coordinate Infrastructure Improvements Economies of Scale r r Provide Park Boundar 4= t Y m Encourage Redevelopmen A' Less Disruptive w,, r i'. 'N',; w. il T",.. t k $+ .P F 1 The City can completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction . Per State Law ( RCW 35 .72 .050 a nd 35 .91 .060) Per Renton Municipal Code ( RMC} 9-5 and 9-16 v,` t : e, r_ 4`. ,. f 4 r'.. , f. r Water: i Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12"i u7ECOMER80lINDARY f i water main, 510 feet of 8" water main, fire hy drants, etc., in Sunset Lane NE, Harrington F,., f Ave NE, Glennwood Ave NE and NE 10th St z i t t-..., Sewer. Y v.,u i t i. FM^' Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12- t F i inc h sewer main, in Sunset Lane NE, Harrington uut;+ i i i Ave NE and NE 10t" St i i-- Transportation: 5, Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of i, r w, — two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, ` and 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter in Sunset i Lane NE, Harrington Ave NE, and NE 10t" St. 1 r,' i Drainage improvements, street lighting, and the relocation/undergrounding of all power, natural gas, cable TV, and telephone services are also included. V , J w . z r . Wate r: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewe r: 257.75 per front-foot for properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $311,878 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation : 1,820.45 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is $4,367,500 and the front-footage is 3,129 feet, consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and9. x.. ,._:.' „ wQ . F. , ,....s v._. .,-.:.:- a a;, x::;a.>'rn.. .._ t i .x .+. =., :..__ t`t.. w_.. Water: Development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons 1 per minute. Sewe r: A A property that is not connected to a Ci y sewer facility and that connects to the new sewer system or development/redevelopment which requires the installation of sewer facilities across its frontage as - required by Renton Municipal Code. Transportation : A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. a ''a ,,. .<z,,, a. s. a.... t »+ Expected to send notice to all parcels that may benefit from the improvements on March 29, 2016 Affected parties may request a public hearing in writing w/in 20 days Council to adopt resolution & set preliminary boundary and assessment ro I I Preliminary assessment and boundary recorded with King County Estimated Request For Bid issuance: April 2016 Estimated construction start date: May 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 2017 1 Following construction the City receives the actual (final) costs 1 Final assessment dollar amounts provided in second public notice Assessments finalized by City Ordinance F . y . . ,a a .m Utility assessments will be valid for a period of 20 unless extended Street assessments will be valid for a period of 15 years unless extended r, a, .,. M..,. . a . 4 F ...> .. a, ._ s a \ , .. <<_ ' y iz,w.,:;_" _ .`a,z,e. -_, r, v , y z.,:.'.,en_ : . . _. .. II 11! a..,w: #r+ ".r. a ++c,,,'.,3 , .. ,g:. . r.te: ., .n?M9rt . ?+^+.. . f<.°Rt: SbT -„ "^!' R :* «ee,F" `.° r a I L{IT CUMER BOUNdAf7Y i I f i i i i y F,:,: PA4'E,..r" C TAl(hCT I s 22TtOt72'. 1 lT..x cr, Ir77ru'iwti t.ut::e i r• I IHGELI• ! KT T4?:A?2- I r Y..j i1'ntit:/x FA.9CEltt_• I r u-r t f K r r w'+ IoRf:I'Lf 14 I7!Milll I SI'll%A!:7• PnP:e_re / ri:rns,l;e F% n r Y.,t_i• r TPZT!Oi305 c;,cx u:r r j f Kr.rw..w:-.-. xxxKxxx c. 4w+;Ei_2 l,yJ ri:.IAi(I:111 7[.l[7C}[.[1.%X f 1 Jif r,u n.c i K_iwxF r I icrcNn FA i'4.E7 k1U(X}aX}.lck ar 5 i wa R C'AxI f:7+ y vMfEl=G RQV:CXJQ(icl:7G(}: t KG iµA;"• r ren,u, b f * f PAiL"FI a S KC T.V:AC'a 1. t72r!C1'•'. Ph}?CE1P Kf:7AM K'T/ t q / IL%]IICXMl:RMX i'a' `a , a Za.<:. .`. . ::,. ., C:Y ;..C,.::: s._<. ... , . _ _ ..u : A... _. . . Colpitts Redevelopment R. r o q,, _ 5 . .... l I v 1 r; . , r 1 o I' I f , Y tt N 'r"i" T'! 1 I,_ ( I Rp; fl' J ;`''.r S . u . a„ ; 3- A i;` 6°'` r x' t l i a,.. e., `x t 's rtrt w „ `..M n„^-0 q. e` ` s-.,,„ h"wl. k p 4:' a r r p F f; V 3rtt. 4ya .m ar w z' .R s n 3 e. 4 x 4 n w Z Z i4 j e 1 w..._ _. _....... riii rrrr, 1 J' s x Y K ra'x Q" r r s ma: a,. i ,.; a , iAz z. ' r f= ' "' L W$ V . x t m' A r a_ _. o a., Sunset Park a.u :,, pEG1E0Po/JOD PA4l 4 t y"* KHA HouS FLHA HouSiny f 9 Z;.-.•_`'.` y`._ ' e. w „ O l Z s acWarr.cyp. NE fO,H ST Load/t,i ad .. Raingardtn 1 1 F Inter retive Sign 2. y Curved Be„ch Stage Area Rtstroow/ '' Raingarden pPuwi roow e2. '..., t, Pergola Notice E Potentia PerFormance Soarcts !, 1' ` Art Lota F Seating/ s." or Monui Open Spnce qrass Berrv 6 wr`''. +, m. }eicyc t f Planter,typ. 2 r ` P rgola,typ. c 1;., E. 5 1 .`w/Curved Benches G `_ . IaygroNnd . r 5, / Z' °2-5 yr'r . . L`- 3 f V O' a` V 7" o i g / .r. t vreW.,yi . r"J _ % Pr w p' ii o a; . ,. g , , Z' m 4azebo r m 4 s'F n+eu t i t'-_ i• ' Lib Playgro iri _ 'z f Park Water 7. 'S-12 r. ..-L Market Rate \ Pathway, Feature ' y 7icnic,typ. Housrng 1 typ 1 f__' _._. Market Rate j' Housing/Mixed ; , Use / i A , Z ' omplete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. igr ture item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. XPrintyournameandaddressonthereverse i, So that We Can feturn#he Card to you. Received by(Printed Name; C. Date fi D ry Attach this card to the b Gk`of the mailpiece, A, /' % or on the front if space p_ , s. r 7 l D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: S h- :: -',,-a s 8 S. 3 S Q.,. , t 3. Service Type ertified Mail Express Mail Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail a C.O.D. S,r c..,Q 5 1-)j{'( 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 2. Article Number;F. Transfer from seri/ce labe 7 11 0 4 7 0 0 2 8 8 9 4 13 2 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540; UNITED STATF,Sy ,L1S A L ERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid 9,,,,;.`.': USPS Permit No. G-10 Send''bt a e print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • O 0 O . CITY OF RENTON1' ec Q\ City Clerk Division 1055 South Grady Way, Suite 728 Q'G Renton, WA 98057 G lnlf l f'I!"illl ll l fjJ i,i ul I n{ili liii i l Ili I Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. natur item 4 if Restricted Deiivery is desired. Agent I Print your name and address on Yhe reverse X v Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Re y(Printed Nam j {' C. Date f Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, J orprrttte:froat i,pace permits. l`_' _ t D. Is delivery address different from ite 1? I 1. Article Adtlressectto' If YES,enter delivery address below: No f'.e r:e.r-a '-.`sc+' j L-A-^ 2, "3 2- 51..t 0: t`l t 22.. 3. S ice Type Q`rt'rfied Mail Express Mail i] Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. S.S.- S;.-(o--(` 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) O Yes 2. Artic e Number 7 011 4 7 0 0 0 2 8 8 9 4 1316Tiansferfromservice/abel) PS Form 3811, February, 4 Domestic Retum Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 Sender: Pleas int your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • p N G\ c.,-` ITY OF RENTON p` G'., City Clerk Division 1055 South Grad Wa Suite 728YY Renton, WA 98057 I!}i I}II{IlII I fi il t tt l lijj}{{j Ijl il llf ll E}t i.A +. r ...... . . h( Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X Agent Print your name and address on the reverse Addressee so that we can return the card to you. g, Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 1'es 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: No t' a--S, Ll.. o-n'o(.o ' 5.,el- l r. v, < <.- -t 8C` 3. Sej ice Type Certified Mail Express Mail Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. S.,a—S LG,r- S 9 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 2. ArticieNumber 7p11 470 0 2 8894 1262 fiansfer from service/abi,,,___. PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-7540; UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • CCY Of EN10N ApR 0 12 16 CITY OF RENTON CENED City Clerk Division i RKg OFF CE 1055 South Grady Way, Suite 728 Renton, WA 98057 i Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. ' natu item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Agent Print your name and address on the reverse ddress so that we can return th?Cardsto you. eceived by( ed Name) C. Date of e iveryAttachthiscardtothe; k o€the mailpiece, or on the front"if spa;p,`its. D. Is delivery ad different from item 1? Yes 1. Article Addressed tp._ '}# If YES,enter delive address below: No f.e r..-+— `\: S Gfp SS- ',- 1`- i 2 J 3.J S ice Type c_ 1 J D, I 1 Certified Mail Express Mail r[ Registered - Return Receipt for Merchandise iO Insured Mail C.O.D. 5.r„t -((p--lY 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 2. Article Number Transferfromservice/abe/) 7 1,1 o4 a 0 2 8894 1293 PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt io2sss-o2-nn-i5ao; UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 I Sender: Please print your nar e, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • I REN NTON c-.` CIT OF RE 1'q City Clerk Division 105 South Grady Way, Suite 728 cEKspF" Rer ton, WA 98057 c`, c E . x Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also comptete A. ' nature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired.Agent Print your name and address on the reverse Addressee so that we C3n retul'n the Card to you. B. eceived by(Pri ted NamE) , C. Date of Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, b, y, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed t_ C D. Is delivery address ' item 1? Yes S If YES,enter d No 1 v JP 5'I 1 e a e,, S - ` 0 l s .4` ", 55--" , 3. Service Type QS iGsrtified Mail Ex ail Registered . Retur Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. r,;r S`b - - 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 2. Artic eNumber 7p11 470 0 2 8894 1330IYansferfromseMcelabel) PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 UNITED ST/aTES POST/aL SE R IC C h, y'"'"* tF C 2f"`"` F i,,,,.•• .,ik.:: l`a:;2;4 .:(;T i. J .. 'y 9. A 4 FY'4 xY r• l\ .1 k.b G . sP 4 ) e .,hdyt..w rn m.a. e xeCy w"'°'' ` O."In.Q.wr'•, h. :'3+i,..'LX ..'y.. .:u..' : "s c:^r+ . . s... w,:++, .s• Sender: P_l print your name, address, and ZIP+4 'in this box'` ' a OF Ci Q ;a 'Y OF RENTON Q City Clerk Division C,' G RentnoWA 9805 W y Suite 728 I l,s lfi,itll,,,iii'li lll('!l Iltt",li't'i tt. Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X Agent Print your name and address on the reverse Addressee so that we can retuYn the Card to you. g. Received by(Printed IVame) C. Date of Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different ftom item 1? Yes Article Addressed ta If YES,enter delivery address below: NoP.; 1 t e--` 4- r'Cp 3.S+rvice Type Cert'rfied Mail Express Mail Y]Registered O Return Receipt for Merohandise Insure J Mail ' C.O.D. J(- -t r 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes rticle Number x.., Trdr s fer from se vl,v/abeq, , . , ;7,1; 047;D; QI:: ,894 ; 1255 E ` ;i Form 3811,'ebruary 2004 Domestic Retum Receipt o25s5 02 M-isao UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVtCE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 Sender: Please print your name, address, arrd ZIP+4 in this box • Q o Q' "o' CITY OF RENTON City Clerk Division Q.,1055 South Grady Way, 5uite 728 q. Renton, WA 98057 G°' - V i Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete ignature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X Agent i Print your name and address on the reverse Addressee so that we can retum She card to you. B. Received by(Pnnted Nam C. Date of Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different trom Rem 1? Yes i 1• Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: No 2-r 5I -` N ?1. c'' c c>; t 3. Service Type ertified Mail Express Mail Registered , Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. S,x...p-(. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 2. ArticleNumber 7011 047 0 2 8894 13 9Transferfromserv/ce IabeQ PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt o25s5-o2-M-5ao UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE A'"'.«,,,.::-' r z"""..,.;:,''...',l:;.jf; ;:w n F:i+@te , ip,.:..: itl I o i""`. :,F.r-i ,F•r`" '* I Sender: Please t your name, address, and ZIP+ inthis box • 4t QF G` ITY OF RENTON City Clerk Division15. 4..e . 1055 South Grady Way, Suite 728 Renton, WA 98057 i i i i i 1#t"i13°tt l 111 1 f'l i ir't,llllil'lt l!'It i,f,flti I Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Agent i Print your name and address on the reverse X Addressee So that we Can 1'etum the Card to you. B. Received by(P' ted Name) C. Date of eliveryAttachthiscardtothebackofthemailpiece, I or on the front if space permits. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: No i 1 c,l- '' Q W '- s 3. Service Type ertified Mail Express Mail Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. N. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) O Yes 2. Article Number rranster om serv ce aveq 7 1,1 4 7 0 2 8 8 9 4 12 31 PS Form 3811,Fe6 A Domestic Retum Receipt 102595-o2-M-i5ao; UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE pst g'e&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • R N-pN G j CITY OF RENTON Q( c`.-City Clerk Division REG aF 1G 1055 South Grady Way, Suite 728 Renton, WA 98057R Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A• Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X Agent a Print youri nd address on the reverse Addressee SO fhet.V Can tUfn th2 Card to you. B, Received by(Printed N C. Date of Delivery Attach ttiiA card to back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space p 'ts. D. Is deli address different from item 1? Yes 1: Article Addressed to: S,enter delivery address below: No f ENV t.- r 11.U 1 r,r. 3.rvice Type Certified Matt Express Maii Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. C l..', 's 4. Restricted Delivery.?(Extra Fee) Yes 2. ArticleNumber 7],, p47 [7 02 8894 1248fransferfromservlcelabel) PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 UNITED STATES fOSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage 8 Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 I Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • CITY 4F RENTON City Clerk Division 1055 South Grady Way, Suite 728 Renton, WA 98057 Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Agent Print your name and address on the reverse X Addressee so that we Can retum the Cal'd to you. B. Received b rinted Name) C. Date of Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. delivery address different ftom item 1? Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter detivery address below: No S.- - 3 vJ- 3. Se ' Type Q?Gertifi ail O Express Mail Registered Retum Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail . . c c_ 4. Restricted Deiivery?,(Extra Fee) Yes i 0 2. Article Number 7]i 1 p 4 7 a a o 2 8 8 9 4 1217Transferfromservicelabel) PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt io2595-o2-M-i5ao UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 II Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • CITY OF RENTON City Clerk Division 1055 South Crrady Way, Suite 728 Renton, WA 98057 Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Agent Print your name and address on the reverse X Addressee so that we can retur e card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery Attach this card to the b f the mailp ece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 17 Yes y _ If YES,enter delivery address below: N° It-e 1 i- CI`-N S? v us 3. Service Type Certified Mail Express Mail I Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise I Insured Mail C.O.D. VS`c-- -, 4. Restricted Delivery2(Extra Fee) Yes 2. Article Number I Transfer from service/abe/) 7 11 4 7 0 0 2 8 8 9 4 1 L PS Forrra 381,,Fe4t'ua,ry,.OQ4 Domestic.Return Receipt 102595-02-M•1540 I UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail USPS e&Fees Paid Permit No.G-10 Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • CITY OF RENTON City Clerk Division 1055 South Grady Way, Suite 728 Renton, WA 98057 ti_ d ._. W,, .. s _ . .r j f t Office of the City Cierk P''Qsr' c cy of. o F Ar z , , 1 outh Grady Way rNFY,,,,FS Rer on WA 98057-3232 2 '"' 06.9500042g552gMRR2g7011 47 02 8894 123 Mq L.EpFROMZIp ODE 2016 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED i,8057 o , JAN H VISSER APR 7 y v ;K I 1131 GLENNWOOD AVE NE „.,„.' ' s , RENTON, WA 98056 i r ;;_ _ °'; j, $ ,. ;b 1 3zc _ 3 , ?. s. -y. iu „r } r;_;._., f , ':. .. _* a." ` '.a/ Pti` A!t" : p b"" f E k , ,. t'..", • _ --.h p'@ bnJY,. . ' ". I"' E 3 "i. , .} By iT J. a 3.LdrF' j C.:...»...,. .'+_. .t;;, 1 :S , . - ,_3i i 3 , s,. I.g' E S9'1 Ix:•; c i Moya From: Iwen Wang Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 11:43 AM To: Jason Seth Cc: Cynthia Moya Subject: RE: Parcel #7, Sunset Lane SAD Thanks! Iwen Wang Administrative Services Administrator City of Renton 425} 430-6858 Iwang@rentanwa.gov From: Jason Seth Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 9:27 AM To: Iwen Wang Cc: Cynthia Moya Subject: Parcel #7, Sunset Lane SAD Iwen, I was just informed that the mailing address for Parcel#7 needs to be updated to: Greater Hilands, LLC c/o JSH Properties 20415 72"d Ave. S., Suite 180 Kent,WA 98032 We will update our file, but I believe you have the master address list. Jason lason Seth, CMC City Clerk seth@rentonwa.ov 425-430-6502 1 April 7, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF MAIIING STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING JASON A. SETH, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the7th day of April, 2016, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duty mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail to all parties of record the Preliminary Notice of Potential Assessment for the Sunset Lane NE Improvements Special Assessment District. r Jaso . Seth, Ci erk SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 7th day of April, 2016. 111I 1 G.yTHtq rrR,i ss oN,, i o O tq P f,,Op//i Vl ; e " C m; i Q 4 1= i Cynth'a . Moya i `''`a'$ 2 — Notary Public in and for the State of Washir ofi'""""`G' ` Residing in Renton t l A S HtN 11111\e 4 My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 m o- N . s `- Q" a 2 , a';; Postage $ cp cU Posta9e $ Certifled Fee N Certifled FeePostrnark postmark Retum Receipt Fee Here HereO (Endorsemertt Required) Retum Recelpt Fee p Restrided Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) Endorsement Required) Endonse R i ed) Totai Postage&Fees O Totel Postage 8 Fees ent To j(, ent Tori iL=----------_. .-----------------(----_------ ---- f5c r'") srreer,aar.ruo.; ` /p-- (-f-'.1 t TV- rv}orPOBoxNo. __._._. l_lJ_=----{---- --•----O S`treetApi.No.; lv lD ---------•- City SGafe.Z%P 4-' orPOBoxNo. I_w___!_..---•------------------------- ci"ry"sieie,ziP+4 w'J.,'/ m .. rl i. m f a s x Posta9e $ n- S ..a Gertified Fee PosteBe $ O Postmark fLl CertiTied Fee Retum Recelpt Fee Here O Endorsement Required) Postmark0RetumReceiptFee p Restdcted Delivery Fee j C O (Endoraement Required) Hera Endorsement Required) 1 i.\ p Restricted Delivery Fee V Endorsement Required) Totai Postage&Fees iJ O Totfll Postage&Fees $ nt To-- f Q S,.-1 o Q u-'1 a nr o f S`treet,fip't.N"o.; 7 't.`'Q,\ ( r 1 N` oiPOBoxNO._.___ Y.._.'l+ i•.C U..: r...= u`freet,APf-No.j- -_ t_:':^:-__---"-'-"------------------------- ----------------- e e.___. Ciry,Stete,ZIP+A ._ G py or PO 6ox No. t 1 ` j S w-c: a`7 ti-----------...._....---'---•--------•--- City.Stste.Z/P+1 i. O f l ' r t ,, • , "vs :+ r 0" D Postage $ Certified FeeO Retum Receipt Fee postrnark 0 (Entlorsement Required)Here p Restrideci peGvery Fee Endorsement Required) f ' - Totai Postege&Fees $f- nt To S`treef, J'-"------'-"--'--'--"--"----'--' ----'-'-f'`- APt No J"--•----- or PO Box No.i S {,,( , 1 4' .._Ciry State.Z7P+4---------------------'---r-- -- - --- 1 ssr U w `r a wr+ SHARON A BARKER GREATER HILANDS LLC JOHN S PETERSON 15718 SE 143rd St c/o JSH Properties, Inc. 1007 N 36t" St RENTON, WA 98056 14900 Interurban Av S, #130 RENTON, WA 98056 Seattle, WA 98168 IRENEO V & SUSAN M LALANGAN ROGER W THOMAS 3328 Shorecliff Dr. NE 15454 266t" Av SE Tacoma, WA 98422 Issaquah, WA 98027 Office of the City Cterk o P P sr4, c,ry f, w -v- i".•..-u.M.. 1 r '.uv 1055SouthGradyWay N y,.Fs. M 06.95RentonWA98057-3232 C n042g552 h AR 29 20 6 701,1 470 0 2 8894 121 MAILEDFROMZIPCODE 93057 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 7' i=.. j SHARON A BARKER t a > ;; D 1063 GLENNWOOD t- j G AVE NE r1=.n s RENTON, WA 98056 P.s ;==; i l U l' 1 T }tT 3 r c 513,'F ;''? Fr T,P 1 ` ENLa F? ru es-r` d s.i ts ;n,s t ry ti. v=!iW c 't3 ^is u ts,t u S€3 i323 5 c.$—E 3 1,+%—F— ' 9 5 3 z 3 z 1 I,,,Ea gs,II E k a.._--„._. — wm.. Office of the City Clerk t.','t; :.: .', „,,,.,.>,.' ;,"""».w c ""^;, r""'"'"""" City of: tvsR w _ r r.,.,,,.'i a.,' 1055 South Grady Way J 0 2 i + ` Hr( rJ' S p Renton WA 98057-3232 Qooa285528 tw„R 2g 2n 6 11, 47 0002 8894 ? MAILEDFROMZIPCODE 9s3Q57 ADDRESS SERVI E REQUESTED i'"' `: ,;'r:f'C> r; . , x e C ROGER W THOMAS t Z,(u(0 1140 GLENNWOOD AVE NE kl =R?g tiCJ I,L, . RENTON, WA 98056 I' ` 5` A ta.: a' ,r a r - Fr c. n r-r c qq,-r r, .. n rs r {n n; t i, T C R.4tF,1?L` C: 5 '3 3255 3—@ 1 P1—9—-.. 1 T'3``t 3`2 j I 1i I, y j r } s i- I. I 'g$fijl l dortt f t3'A v i c vi tI1C LIL/ I.ICIII 1 j't r T'Q Clt'O{: O sc uiv_ y_ 1055 South Grady Way • 1 Nt y K„S 2 ,M as.95RentonWA98057-3232 000 t2 55 r i.R 29 20 s 7 11 047 0002 8894 12S MAIIEDFRONiZIPCODE 98057 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED e 9.• h Jf JOHN S PETERSON 1130 GLENNWOOD AVE NE T ` `. ` fl RENTON WA 98056 Yy/ tlNK C" v.)'.. 1'. r` ,f ,.'i fs"..T 1J!S SM PY L"s.1\ r r Q T a, _ ,r,i ra x- u ni.r r j iir i ai rr e s.r n i Ca 9 t35 ?37 3i'' 3 `? 1,-03p 1. p - i-37 i 8 Q rJ .i d ld Si 1 Fill l 3F19 I iF'F li1 9 F?fA.7Ei iktl9iS i F 7 a I I Office of the City Clerk Pt r,, o City of, v- 'i.- / s w rwunuu ev Pu u v xowr s.• 1055 South Grady Way 2 1lvi Renton WA 98057-3232 f` 000a28552a v a 29 20 s MAILED FROM ZIP CODG 98p 5 7 7011, 47 002 8894 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED C` , L.a t y t y 5 ,i 5 i t, S.rtl 9yPe~ :`4.4+ ;f,!y V.i 5 GREATER HILANDS LLC Z't L 1 G Q oQ , p 2806 NE SUNSET BLVD dL S ; RENTON, WA 98056 C t> x.,: r, _s , , :,- Q' w1 i' ' wf a_ p` y Y 6i'L i.l 3 S.a 3'Le.1\ E ar-;-nr;a -r r} Fatx`ir rnfh t•,;Si. t i t l 6 T f3 C f"t F7 3 C t'f 3 Ld. i.i V.:1! 9. ii G. 3W y. @ a i.''L{]"Y%ii 1 r'1:i•'a:. ` . 3 s 3 G 3 G'/ iii i i;'t6 FECtt il}i1Sli?499}P''F.":$i S'3yf1 I 4 1 Office of the City Clerk 5' P rq, city of;- i wtmitiN'w7u' 1'IINf Y-,;,:: 1055 South Grady Way ) 0 2 tvi os•9 Renton WA 98057-3232 i)pq g55 a MH,t g ?07 g 7011 470 002 8894 'MAILEDFRdMZfPCODE 98057 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 0` : Fs l' IRENEO V & SUSAN M j,,,r CCI r• LALANGAN 2 ZZ 1123 GLENNWOOD AVE NE 3=,7 ITY t.. a '` RENTON, WA 98056 i R Ti1R 1 T'U cT C F e-r-;w a c r r,;r 9+,;a+,r tn n i- r ct aws ar EI Q i. n v: Jc,v r r` e 7 yr" Z'Y— s'..vs.c— ,i. : ¢ 98057@3 32 I„f llll i3 lliil'l l,'I°8 1''''d l.s,i ` fi#{y.r,k!`" +R.ere avn.Ykw3Pl+.autie.m sawsmr».+cu r.uw..'wqqu' . xnu a+m sezy uwueam*.-w.nummaaneW iWpN..'pM4r¢"u'JdxuwH wrtna wW n+ma9.qkn*3&1..NAv§' . ` #.'ewm.w>.am.'.S..o-.Vak n....xH...r€nt'hra xrsy.,A::M`w r:4uv.,,w:dN!'q....uae"eN March 29, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING JASON A. SETH, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duty sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 29th day of March, 2016, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail to all parties of record the Preliminary Notice of Potential Assessment for the Sunset Lane NE Improvements Special Assessment District. f Jason A. eth, City CI SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 29th day of March, 2016. 1' q\,, R. !y i S ExA''',r ''. S.3_S A+y'j''i/. % 1 N v i =d ,. • '.. % Z i0 A ` G _ O i. Cy ia R. ya BUzz'` 2—p,u:`` ' Res d ng n Re ton d for the State of Washington %1';F.,aF wPS My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 CITY OF RENTON ENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY ,,,ROGER W THOMAS 1055 S Grady Way 2900 N.E. 10th St 1140 GLENNWOOD AVE NE Renton, WA 98057 Renton, WA 98056 RENTON, WA 98056 COLPITTS SUNSET LLC IRENEO V & SUSAN M JOHN S PETERSON 2256 38TH PL E LALANGAN 1130 GLENNWOOD AVE NE SEATTLE, WA 98112 1123 GLENNWOOD AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 RENTON, WA 98056 GREATER HILANDS LLC JAN H VISSER SHARON A BARKER 2806 NE SUNSET BLVD 1131 GLENNWOOD AVE NE 1063 GLENNWOOD AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 RENTON, WA 98056 RENTON, WA 98056 w aw s m Poemga s O Certifled Fee Retum0 (Endor ement p F equired) Postrnark O Restricted DeAvery F Here ti (Endorserne q uired) Total Posta9e 8 Fees Q r- nt o ti s`treer""t- L{ LR' l-,,,.. w 7No.:' -F----------------- - U No. S`S1:State,LP+4'-- --^ S..t`C--u r\ r' i.lJ '---------- r y CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET IANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#1 CITY OF RENTON 1055 S Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 Estimated Water Assessment: 1,265 front footage at$390,941 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 1,415 front footage at$925,357 Estimated Total Assessment:$1,316,298 King County Account Number: TO BE DETERMINED Legal Description: PARCEL 10F CITY OF RENTON SUNSET LANE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 x Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessabie front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main,fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable TV/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation: A property which is devetoped and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. Ilr" If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwoolley@ Rentonwa.gov Jason S th, City Cler Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing a1__J ' Y LATECOMER Bt)iJNOARY I I I I II n :j " rar+, io+a rm c"p ' ,_ • n IN ,:, C AFFCt ,"1fSnit7 t ,. bKp rf tu. t AL4,., . 7II C m K.1RK.. 7L'T16t70! iC AII{,T/ hY77p 7! '_ \ r tf I M 1H / Q TAI ACit sC T ) .:..` .............. +.` / ,{` t/ l nC TM KT1 1' / // A r,. o\ e 4 W K7 a°°m°n°° l« i^ 1^- PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPC?RTATION 8 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parce)#6 CITY OF RENTON 1055 S Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 Estimated Water Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 258 front footage at$519,072 Estimated Total Assessment: $519,072 King County Account Number: 7227801065 Legal Description: LOT "B" CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LUA 13-001114 RECORDING NO 20131002900011- PORTION OF BLOCK 35A CORRECTED PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS NO 2 (BEING A PORTION OF NW QTR NW QTR STR 09-23-05) State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. V Mrr Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated totaf assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main, fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10t" Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable N/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. c.x The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation latecomer Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation:A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is compieted and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwool ley@ Rentonwa.gov Y Jason Se , City Clerk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing J I IATECOMElI 80Ui ARY ( i I I ! j j i I „,, I I ll TAt ICt1 a,,,,a C .,, f f ar,.,.v t.K,. s / M. i; C T/S 1C/ MC1A[MTI 1 / ro°°°°°a/ /,.:.-— ' y MK.. r. // rmn r , T.,. 0 r, 1 ru cn r"i--—r `` 'un`wn / 1 \` ti PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPQRTATION 8 UTILITY IMPRQVEMENTS IN SUNSET L.ANE NE ru '• Q- r s , a :; a s, f m Postage g fiJ 0 COrtified Fe9 Retum Receipt peEndorsementRaqufred) P e k Here O Restncted Delfvery pEndorsementRequired) Total Postage g qs $ r- nt To a.-- w Street,Apt No j-'------------- ---J_._. orPOBaarNo. 4-...-----X-4--YiUr __Clry,srete,Z/a+a : " ---_ I i_____________ ti I c a M'', s, GTY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#2 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 2900 N.E. 10th St Renton, WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 215 front footage at$66,445 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 124 front footage at$31,961 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 124 front footage at$249,473 Estimated Total Assessment:$347,879 King County Account Number: TO BE DETERMINED Legal Description: PARCEL 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SUNSET LANE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 i Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for ail properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parceis 2, 3, 4, S, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main, fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable N/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation:A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwool ley@ Rentonwa.gov y j lason Se , City Cler Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -ist Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing j Y f ( l urEco R aour r ! f t i i 4 r 'm i f ;f RLTALACf. ioc*' i' rarN+e f w ctt r e u f mne`rn R C TM Ktt i , kC TAt.It t f j r t i i( i f. i i i`i `' ti ti\ 1 '. PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATION 8 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#3 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 2900 N.E. 10th St Renton,WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 247 front footage at$76,334 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 247 front footage at$63,664 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 247 front footage at$495,772 Estimated Total Assessment:$635,770 King County Account Number: TO BE DETERMINED Legal Description: PARCEL 3 OF CITY OF RENTON SUNSET LANE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for ail properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, S, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parce) 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main, fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable N/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You wiil only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation:A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Wooiley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwoolley@Rentonwa.gov t Jason Seth, ity Clerk Sunset Nighlands LatecomerAgreement -ist Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing 1__. Y' J4. IATECOMER BOUNDIUtY ( I I I I I I aeQcr tu , .cT,,c.. lKIIIirN r t a v '¢K cn C+uwt»f .;( j I T«,t,. Mffi+ TII rif I j 4TWCKS i I c t / lf7TID 7Vy iC/4i 77 ti aS ` R YIACTI NR I. I 7i 1 7tl /7! 6 7.Vf 1C*f T f;,---— y ac w¢n `' A7 R wa00000aa c u cnd r\\\ 1 o l r' v' l PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATION 8 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#4 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 2900 N.E. 10th St Renton,WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 409 front footage at$126,399 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 298 front footage at$76,810 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 425 front footage at$854,434 Estimated Total Assessment: $1,057,643 King County Account Number: TO BE DETERMINED Legal Description: PARCEL 2 OF CITY OF RENTON SUNSET LANE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated totai assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main,fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and al) appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable TV/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation:A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. r If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov ForTransportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwool ley@ Rentonwa.gov C J, Jason Set , City Cler Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing Y r-- I LATECOMER BOUt ARY ( l I i 7 r,,,. i m i M qtKACR R7 MiM' j 71fM01171 r a I i¢runrn f W+f ? tatN ief R su cr t tr+»aa+ ' 4 ` I e // / rct w . \//` f 1 MrY 1 \ C7NtAC t r' / f i -. ++. s. c in.wcr. ` , 6+Lsi r0°°°°` h f. . K i i PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT B4UNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATION 8 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE f CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#8 RENTON HOUS NG AUTHORITY 2900 N.E. 10th St Renton,WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 180 front footage at$55,628 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 175 front footage at$45,106 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 175 front footage at$351,512 Estimated Total Assessment:$452,246 King County Account Number: 7227801785 Legal Description: LOT 2 OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJ NO 003-82 RECORDING NO 8204219003 - SD LOT DAF - POR TRACT 46B TGW ALL TRACT 46C TGW ALL BLK 40 TGW POR PUBLIC USE AREA TGW POR VAC HARRINGTON PLACE NE OF CORRECTED PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS NO 2 COMM SW COR LOT 19 BLK 46 SD PLAT TH S 03-35-47 W ALG E MGN OF HARRINGTON AVE NE 25.08 FT TO iNTSN OF C/L OF VAC ST CONVYED TO CITY OF RENTON RENTON HIGHLANDS#2 CORRECT PLAT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the J City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of S" water main, fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable N/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation: A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 5 Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) j days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a pubiic hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210} or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwoolley@ Rentonwa.gov Jason Seth, ity Clerk Sunset Highlands latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing rr Y' 1 u rEcor R sou ar { r ( i i - i i i . T,,.. i u.R, ' ; fi ¢ IT M' %, M M CQ• I 12t4RALTi M ef t ` R7NO fq aCT ItKit RCT4[R' I+ 7T10tM! JiIq D3 ` . e+ 1 7II1+1M / / I lL T.Ui iC*1 Xiav000qW r r. _.`.__ V/ t y. t / / a r K °, f /` c`wa cT r 1 1 a 1«f i r J.--, ( PROPt SED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATION UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET L.ANE NE wrr r+ CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#9 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 2900 N.E. 10th St Renton, WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 288 front footage at$89,005 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 184 front footage at$47,426 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 190 front footage at$381,561 Estimated Totai Assessment: $517,992 King County Account Number: TO BE DETERMNED Legal Description: PARCEL 5 OF CITY OF RENTON SUNSET LANE LOT IINE ADJUSTMENT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, S, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcei 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main,fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable N/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You wili only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation: A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 5 Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, piease contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwoolley@ Rentonwa.gov Jason Seth City Cierk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing J i I IATEGOMER BOVI ARY I (1 I I I ! 1 I ii m e sa , . T..,. i r,..,a. ICTAiKT f 'nnC IN a s, I6T1[Ch 7l lMiM a`xcIamIj w+ar.. c.ucKn I ML TK Cfi J7tiTL! ; s+i I 7I7w1 IH J / C 7M i V/// C TA[ICT i'" i l t( t rn f l'. l --.—I e 1M,. r.. ,,», f` a m°,°°` PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATIQN 8 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE a° wrr CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#10 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 2900 N.E. 10th St Renton, WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 106 front footage at$32,759 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Total Assessment:$32,759 King County Account Number: 7227801315 Legai Description: LOT 11, BLOCK 41 RENTON HIGHLANDS#2 CORRECT PLAT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for ali properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation:2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main, fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable N/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 1Qth Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". Il.rr You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire f ow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons pe minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation: A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice wifl be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or emaii agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318} or email kwooliey@ Rentonwa.gov Jason Se , City Clerk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing 1._ r-- 1 LATECOMER dOtINDARY ( i 1 I ` I I I !` i i ' i f r i1 t 1 L ' j#Ip yO f 70 SIMiM ` n w I T,.,.I m.,, fUw ; R w OUI[i II / rcrroum C Tiu cr, ram.se $ , +, si a++r*a / / TiJW000R_— s-.,,, '\ V%/ oo f i f/ C,wiK,. f t f/ LE000007o0Uc KiM Ctt \ -.; Mcili/ I UfJ000tlq0! rt ru,,. K pNl AC7 F PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATION 8 UTILITY lMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE o o ru '• r%" ,x:.• • I cp e PastaBe $ fl.l O enrrled Fee Retum R0 (Endorsement R pt FeeeqwreU) Postrnatk p Restric ad pe Here M1. (Endorserr nt Re9 ed) Total Posiag g F Sent To O _1 ft S`tr'eet st'p£lyo--.. . ...._. orPO Box No. ...- S P L .._. Cnl%State,Z%P+4 --' CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#5 COLPITTS SUNSET LLC 2256 38TH PL E SEATTLE,WA 98112 Estimated Water Assessment: 291 front footage at$89,932 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 182 front footage at$46,911 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 294 front footage at$590,319 Estimated Total Assessment: $727,161 King County Account Number: 7227801075 Legal Description: LOT "A" CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LUA 13-001114 RECORDING NO 20131002900011 - PORTION OF BLOCK 35 OF CORRECTED PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS NO 2 (BEING A PORTION OF NW QTR NW QTR STR 09-23-05) State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipai Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. wrr+' Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation:2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main, fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable N/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You will oniy be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation:A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. rrr v, Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years uniess extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, ,future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwoolley@ Rentonwa.gov 1 h Jason Seth City Clerk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing J i I j 1 R«,r 7 I f iC 7 1f KT1 T;fry6ty t r I ji i f .T,,. NA:b.t. rii MC t i K.. I M fl i / i7Hot7y y TN[AGT rnna we i 1 a. tiu+oowua r rj"__ r c,c+. r /+ LEGEI l K,. ti ti f T„ i i t PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT B UNDARY FOR TRANSP4RTATION 8 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE ru ti '' o' y S ,. ` : a Postage $ Certlfled FeeO Retum Receipt Fee Postmark O (Endorsement Requiredj Here p Restrided Dellvery Fee Endorsement Repuired) Total Postage S Fees Sent To o - 1 C c,- .t,J S°t eet,--t No Q------------------ f'` AP - - ----'-----""'-'-'-"'. or PQ Box No. 12j 1f.._:____.-c_____-___ 5.------r.._.. cns;srere,z,R, c CaS(o CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#7 GREATER HILANDS LLC 2806 NE SUNSET BLVD RENTON ,WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 100 front footage at$30,904 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Total Assessment: $30,904 King County Account Number: 7227801205 Lega) Description: PORTION OF BLOCK 39 RENTON HIGHLANDS # 2 CORRECT PLAT& POR VAC ST ADJ LESS SWLY 1Z5 FT OF SELY 90 FT LE55 POR DAF BEG MOST ELY COR SD BLK TH SWLY ALG NWLY MGN SUNSET BLVD 130.00 FT TH N 84-18-00 W 23.09 FT TH N 54-18-00 W 165.90 FT TH N 01-02-45 E 38.92 FT TAP ON NWLY MGN VAC 11TH PL N TH NELY ALG SD MGN 190.65 FT TO NXN/W SWLY MGN K ST TH SELY ALG SD MGN TO POB State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for ail properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main,fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and al) appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable TV/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. r wrri The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation: A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. v Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (42.5-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwool ley@ Rentonwa.gov 1 Jason Se h, City Clerk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing I ( i1__ 1 1 u co R eou ou r ` J I 1 I F I!lf iN ;+ I *.,K.. t!Y T7TR TH a TMKTtii.i : i y r.n LRIY17tl a T r Li'liiii JS'f1 a3 \ I fC TM K r,, a . --o,, j y KZNCK„ r / f/t f ti ti' SEIMER f /:.i t K,. l,`.: '+.' o\ v , V t Tm Wf L1 +....-` m'"°°` 1..r PROP4SED LATEC4MER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATIQN 8 UTILiTY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET L.ANE NE n r x" A =3, _€ n e.:.... Q' N.. a ,,, ' n`3 k Postage $ Certified Fee PostmarkRetumReceiptFeeHereO {Endorsement Requlred) p Restrided Deiivery Fee Endorsement Required) O Total Postage&Fees $ ent To p S\r1 -QJ-2-''1 rreet Mc nro.;" XNo. _ _C.__l e-- p r-- City,State,ZIR+4; 1 ` - \ T_ J r r' rr' CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#11 JOHN S PETERSON 1130 GLENNWOOD AVE NE RENTON,WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 100 front footage at$30,904 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Total Assessment:$30,904 King County Account Number: 7227801320 Legal Description: LOT 12, BLOCK 41 RENTON HIGHLANDS# 2 CORRECT PLAT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, thiat under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6°/o of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main,fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 finear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable TV/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". rr You wili only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC} 4-6-010. Transportation: A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. i rr+ If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwooiley@Rentonwa.gov Jason Seth City Clerk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing i w rr r V Y lA?EC4NIER BOUt ARY I r 1 I 1 I 1 I I I .,,.,, -{ I IICPVt4CT! ' j TIITt4'Ip L ef a,. t f t... j K.... 41'M.1R/ l 7Q1 Dt5!! :. , I l7 M M ry. ` t ` t v.. i j f t t I ( t 1 t t K ; r.ti, + l o'n B:I16KA r. .` ... a marcw cmn.mn f r t PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATION & UTILITY IMPRCJVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE ti a R .., . o- aos fle s N Certitled Fee O F'ostmark Retum Recaipt Fee Here Endorsament Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement ReqwredJ O Totai Posffige&Fees nt o S ---------------- t-.. t / v or PO 8ox No..-------•-`l`:5„!S.dd.--•----=—'- Cm;smte C%, r CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#12 ROGER W THOMAS 1140 GLENNWOOD AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 30 front footage at$9,271 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Total Assessment:$9,271 King County Account Number: 7227801325 Legal Description: LOT 13, BLOCK 41 RENTON HIGHLANDS#2 CORRECT PLAT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipa) Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Iiwr' v;,` Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessabie front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportatian: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main,fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable TV/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation:A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. r If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwool ley@ Rentonwa.gov lason Seth, ty Clerk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing J I IATECDNER BOVi/UtY ( 1 I J ( I I 7 n.n ., QTu IR. tiwr 1Zl M iiO tII Pqq ',' t I ',,' l 1 Ii ,,,w,. K.t mm, STY C 71tf0s1FS 1. 7IIq1 M / d'°` r T. r_ , t j . KMt, ` \: OOOOOoc0 0( t/ s t K!M/Cit 5 f':..., 7uffi 1 S\ t,a,.,„ i i 1.+ s...'_ 1 PROPOSED LATEGOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATION 8 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE h Q- c m Postage $ Certified Fee O Retum Rece(pt Fee Postmark Endorsement Requlred) Here O Restricted Delivery Fee r. (Endorsement Required) S Total Postage&Fees $ ent To SS-----(------._.-'------------....... L Sheet,Apt Na.; 1 i p /— orPOBoxNo.-----...,_ i-1----________________ ____1/2r V(.= Ciry,Stete,ZIP+4 C X'f'""`+ t / i •.: v CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#13 JAN H VISSER 1131 GLENNWOOD AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 98 front footage at$30,286 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Total Assessment:$30,286 King County Account Number: 7227801385 Legal Description: LOT 11, BLOCK 42 RENTON HIGHLANDS#2 CORRECT PLAT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies}. Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 c Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for ail properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,z10 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main, fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10t" Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable N/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". ri You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation: A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 5 Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. i If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or emaii agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Wooiley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwooiley@ Rentonwa.gov lason Seth, Ci Clerk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing y,r wrrr' LATECOIVlER BOU1 fARY ( I r I I I I eo u "`.` i rc ' fR I 7lHEtM TMK131f : p p.1 / 1S]TIOIX! c.u n ? n n i , tSBGFi.t! I io+u / / MC iM 10 r. h. - `// l'`i l cw cn t.` d r"\ \ i -/ x,,,,. ra •.• / PROP4SED I.ATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY FOR TRANSP RTATION 8 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET I.ANE NE rv '' a e >e: a °' ., F ,,, , Postage $ Certifled FeeO Retum Receipt Fee PO a Endorsement Required)Here p Reshicted Delhrery Fee Endorsement Required} TotalPostage&Fees nt To i - o r-`- c L-1 c p ------------------------------------------•-•------------S`fresf,A t No.; T"----l y-:a.---.._.=.._ or PO 8ox No. Clty,State.Z(P+4 ' CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#14 IRENEO V&SUSAN M LALANGAN 1123 GLENNWOOD AVE NE RENTON,WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 95 front footage at$29,359 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Total Assessment: $29,359 King County Account Number: 7227801390 Legal Description: LOT 12, BLOCK 42 RENTON HIGHLANDS#2 CORRECT PLAT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-S, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to.inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 ti Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transqortation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,129 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or egal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main, fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,00 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable N/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". r i wrr You will oniy be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer faci ity and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation: A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15) years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwoolley@Rentonwa.gov Jason Seth, ity Clerk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing wr w+" 1__J Y t J LATECBA R BOVNDXRY (I l r r I I i I I r;,. i raic.a f _ l l 4 ; ¢t t cn MGb4iACi ,+' 7tS11M116 Ianr MCT.U[.K,. iM_r,A+ 4 Ta W WI[L• / lIT 1Dm1 t,ea eri J rnnxsa y , r tJ.t! ru+a m w t* m°°'` j+ l 1 e,.. f., 1 // l /.ti w j r \ o / l PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BOUNDARY F R TRANSP RTATION 8 UTILITY lMPROVEMENTS (N SUNSET LANE NE r- l Rl ' O" r c0 a` , z ; h Y az::p" % Postage $ f11 p Certified Fee Retum REndorsement q Pt Fe0equlred} Postrnark O Eestricted petivery F Here ndorsement Reqwred} Total Postage&Feea $ r r.. ent To a_... c..'2JY1 <, --____"tti srreer,;q'pr jyo-:--• ---- , or Pp Box No. Q Citl:State,ZlP+4'--- - l ----------•"'"'-' -+2' 4 l ,"- _. i . ti h r CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON LATECOMER AGREEMENT SUNSET LANE NE IMPROVEMENTS Preliminary Notice) Mailed: March 29, 2016 Reference No: Parcel#15 SHARON A BARKER 1063 GLENNWOOD AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 Estimated Water Assessment: 103 front footage at$31,832 Estimated Sewer Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Transportation Assessment: 0 front footage at$ 0 Estimated Total Assessment:$31,832 King County Account Number: 7227801395 Legai Description: LOT 13, BLOCK 42 RENTON HIGHLANDS#2 CORRECT PLAT State Law (RCW 35.72 and 35.91) and Renton Municipal Code (RMC 9-5, and 9-16) authorize the City from time to time to finance required street and utility improvements that benefit abutting properties and receive reimbursement from such properties when they redevelop to a higher and better use enabled by such. City Ordinance 5783 requires the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including sidewalk and street lighting, as a condition of further development in the Sunset Revitalization area. Future users who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or benefit from said facility(ies) are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user's property to derive benefit from these facilities. This notice to inform you, that under the above referenced law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Project: Sunset Lane NE Utility and Transportation Project Estimated construction start date: May 1, 2016 Estimated construction completion date: February 28, 2017 Proposed Method of Assessment and Estimated Preliminary Assessment Water: 309.04 per front-foot for all properties within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is $1,090,000 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,527 feet. Sewer: 257.75 per front-foot for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 within the assessment area and boundary. The estimated total assessment cost is 311,877.50 and the total assessable front-footage is 1,210 feet. Transportation: 2,008.64 per front-foot for parcels 2 through 6 and parcel 9 within the assessment area and boundary, and 28.6% of the estimated street improvement cost for parcel 1. The estimated total assessment cost is 4,367,500 and the total assessable front-footage is 3,1 9 feet consist of 1,415 feet for parcel 1 and 1,714 for parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. A copy of the map of the proposed Latecomer boundary is attached. Each property within the assessment area and boundary is referenced by a parcel number, King County tax number and/or legal description. Scope of Work Water: Installation of approximately 2,280 feet of 12-inch water main, 510 feet of 8" water main,fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street, Glennwood Avenue NE, and in Harrington Avenue NE. Sewer: Installation of approximately 1,348 feet of 12-inch sewer main, and all appurtenances, in Sunset Lane NE and NE 10th Street. Transportation: Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of two-lane roadway, 2,200 linear feet of sidewalk, 3,400 linear feet of curb/gutter, together with drainage system, street lights and relocating/undergrounding power/natural gas/cable TV/telephone services in Sunset Lane NE, NE 10th Street and Harrington Avenue NE. Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Latecomers assessment is to allow the City the ability to completely construct the required Sunset Lane NE Improvements and recover the costs from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, the City is required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit from the improvements in the future. The benefit area is defined as the service area that the improvements may be able to serve. These boundaries are shown on the attached map and is labeled "Utility and Transportation Latecomer Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new improvements (or when a certain "benefit trigger" is met). Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. A property may gain benefit from the improvements during the development or redevelopment of the property with or without a connection to the improvements. Therefore the Latecomer charge may be triggered without a physical connection to the improvements. Criteria for Triggering the Latecomer Charges: Water: A property that is receiving water service from the existing water mains and the property is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property requires fire flow demand which exceeds 1,500 gallons per minute which is the water system capacity before the water main improvements. Sewer: A property that is not connected to a City sewer facility and that connects to the sewer system associated with this district or that as part of development and/or redevelopment would have been required to install sewer facilities across its frontage as required by Renton Municipal Code RMC) 4-6-010. Transportation: A property which is developed and/or redeveloped, such that the development and/or redevelopment of the property generates new weekday trips. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. Next Steps Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final} costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Latecomer boundary. And the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Property Owner Rights and Options Pursuant to RCW 35.72.040 and 35.91.060, you may request a public hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of mailing of this preliminary notice. During this preliminary stage, a public hearing will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area boundary, or the proposed method(s) of assessment. Once the project is completed and the assessments finalized by City ordinance, the utility latecomers assessments will be valid for a period of twenty (20) years unless extended by state law and the street latecomers assessments will remain valid for a period of fifteen (15} years unless extended by state law. If you have any questions regarding the latecomer agreement, construction costs, future connections to, or use of, the improvements, please contact: For Water: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7210) or email agafour@rentonwa.gov For Sewer: David Christensen, Sewer Utility Engineering Supervisor, (425-430-7212) or email dchristensen@Rentonwa.gov For Transportation: Keith Woolley, Transportation Engineer, (425-430-7318) or email kwool ley@ Rentonwa.gov Jason Seth, ity Clerk Sunset Highlands Latecomer Agreement -lst Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing s Y R,Y ` I i 1 I r_.,, ,, ,„. I i R r...,. rM _j( ¢rM cp tttre±ss C M 4C7 st.ta f71'f,rc j T'""-'-1'S3kt# ; R E . / nmeum iCtNK TS1Nw1! '. , I 7l7 / / ItC TAi eCU L OOWOOVi`— J -... .- .._._ --,j/ r y* r., s .., 1 g-MK,. y\ ej jti _ .._.,,.. , LT„4L.. M1 ` 1i7/R Ph ` / K 1 t PROPOSED LATECOMER AGREEMENT BQUNDARY FOR TRANSPORTATiON 8 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNSET LANE NE . Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Agent Print your name and address on the reverse X Addressee so that we can return the card to you. g, d by(P' Name)Date Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, d i or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes 1. Article-Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: No Q._..-. C.,I s--r ,` l`s s, C"v`' 3. Service Type l Va S-f Certified Mail Express Mail cl 1 Registered Retum Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. l--e 5,u,.S.; S'. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) Yes 2. ArticleNumber 7 11 a4 a 02 8894 1286 Transfer from service IabeQ — PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt ozsss-o2-nn-i5ao I I UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage&ees Paid USPS I Permit No.G-10 I Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4_tk i x • N o p162 CITY OF RENTON ' t ; Crty Clerk Division F C'' F 1055 South Grady Wa,U.i fe 28 Renton, WA 98057 Complete items 1,2,and 3.Aiso complete A. Sign e item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ent Print your name and address on the reverse X Addressee so that we can return the card to you. Received by(Printed Name) C. Dat of D liv Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address differerrt from item 1? Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: No Ci-v-S,r .c_ I I laa v ' Sr i i ` , a J ` 3. Service Type ertified Mail Express Mail Registered Retum Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. o . . 4. Restricted Deliveryl(Extra Fee) Yes 2. Articie Number Transfer from service/abel) 7 011 0 4 7 0 0 2 8 8 9 4 12 7 9 PS Form 3811,February 2004 omestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540;{ UNITED STATESt'"'S-AL''ERVICE First-Class Mail q R, ,:,,„•y Postage&Fees Paid USPS a;.,.i, ';:;: Permit No.G-10 Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 i n,h,pk C', ra `p16 C CITY OF RENTON S Q r City Clerk Division i° G"! 1055 South Grady Way, Suite 728 Renton, WA 98057 i{iii i 111i it iiillilli)']ii jii)}j lril!l i11 e