HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX6_TR_Arborist_Report_and_Memo_221025_v2   Memorandum To: Aron Golden Company: Conner Homes From: Benjamin Mark – American Forest Management Date: 10/25/2022 Re: Planned Work Near Trees at Maple Highlands Project King County Parcels #146340‐0021, #146340‐0020 Greetings Mr. Golden, Per your request, I evaluated the proposed development near trees planned to be retained at your project known as ‘Maple Highlands’ on King County Parcels #146340-0021 and #146340- 0020. I prepared the initial arborist report for this project on February 24th, 2022. The current site plan shows Trees #11- 28 found along the north property line are to be retained, removing all other trees from the parcel as they are within proposed building footprints, or too close to remain viable in this plan. Douglas-fir trees typically demonstrate relatively good tolerance of development impacts, but construction activity is not recommended within a tree’s drip line as it may result in reduced vigor and structural instability. Trees growing in a forested environment are protected from elements and do not typically develop large anchoring root systems. The frequency of failure for trees along a new forest edge is high for the first few years after clearing. This is due to exposure to wind in combination with poorly tapered trunks, low live crown ratios and small root systems. Live crown ratio is the ratio of the length of the live crown to the height of the tree, expressed as a percent. Trees need to be maintained to the maximum extent feasible, with allowance for potential removal of specific trees if the conflicts are too great. Root Pruning Recommendations If tree roots are encountered during development activity, roots up to approximately 2-inch diameter should be cleanly exposed using hand tools then cleanly cut using a sharp implement to promote occlusion of the wound and proper root regeneration. Ripping and shattering roots with heavy equipment may cause unnecessary damage to the trees. Roots larger than three inches in diameter must be evaluated by the project arborist to determine the feasibility of retaining the associated trees. 11415 NE 128th St., Suite 110, Kirkland, WA 98034 | Phone: 425.820.3420 | Fax: 425.820.3437 | americanforestmanagement.com EXHIBIT 6 RECEIVED PLANNING DIVISION 11/01/2022 AVanGordon DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 Memo – Maple Highlands Project  American Forest Management, Inc. October 24th, 2022  If excavation will need to occur within the drip lines of the subject trees, consider using hydro or air excavation to expose tree roots at the excavation limits so they can be properly cut. Mitigation Measures to Improve the Growing Conditions of the Impacted Trees Landscaping work carried out within the drip lines of the subject trees should be performed by hand. If possible, heavy equipment should not be allowed to enter the area under the drip lines of the trees. The existing grade under the drip lines of the trees should not be significantly altered. Raising the grade can smother and suffocate roots leading to a decrease in tree vigor. Lowering the grade can remove fine roots which the trees depend on for water and nutrient uptake. Monitoring and Future Assessments The trees should be monitored for any changes in health or structural condition. Once development on the site has finished the trees should be re-assessed by a qualified arborist. If any changes in health or structure are observed have the trees re-assessed as soon as feasible. Recommendations  Adhere to City of Renton Municipal Code and obtain all necessary permits from the City of Renton before carrying out activity that may impact the preserved significant trees located on site.  Establish a Tree Protection Plan for the preserved significant trees on site.  Apply arborist chip mulch under the drip lines of the subject trees to improve growing conditions and build healthy soil structure.  Monitor the subject trees for any changes in health or structure. Have the subject trees assessed by a qualified arborist once development activity has finished. Have the trees re-assessed if any changes are observed. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 Memo – Maple Highlands Project  American Forest Management, Inc. October 24th, 2022  Limiting Conditions The frequency of failure for trees along a new forest edge is high for the first few years after clearing. This is due to exposure to wind in combination with poorly tapered trunks, low live crown ratios and small root systems. Live crown ratio (LCR) is the ratio of the length of the live crown to the height of the tree, expressed as a percent. Trees growing in a forested environment are protected from the elements and do not typically develop large anchoring root systems or high LCR’s. Trees will have a better likelihood of long-term safe life expectancy if they are retained in groups or groves. Interior trees may survive for decades protected in a forest, but their stability and vigor may become compromised if left as solitary trees. There is no warranty suggested for any of the trees subject to this report. Weather, latent tree conditions, and future human-caused activities could cause physiologic changes and deteriorating tree stability. Over time, declining tree conditions may occur and impacts not currently visible could cause tree failure. This report or the verbal comments made at the site in no way warrant the structural stability or long-term health of any tree, but represent my opinion based on the observations made at the time. Nearly all trees in any condition standing within reach of improvements or human use areas represent hazards that could lead to damage or injury. Please call if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Benjamin Mark ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6976A Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ)   DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 11415 NE 128th St., Suite 110, Kirkland, WA 98034 | Phone: 425.820.3420 | Fax: 425.820.3437 | americanforestmanagement.com Arborist Report Conner Homes King County Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Renton, WA February 24th, 2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 2 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3  2. Description ............................................................................................................................ 3  3. Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 4  4. Observations ......................................................................................................................... 6  5. Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 18  6. Tree Protection Measures ................................................................................................... 19  7. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 19  Limiting Conditions .................................................................................................................. 20  Appendix Tree Summary Table – attached Tree Locator Map – attached Proposed Site Plan - attached DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 3 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. 1. Introduction American Forest Management was contacted by Aron Golden of Conner Homes and asked to compile an Arborist Report for a project located on King County Parcels #146340-0021 and #1463400020 in the City of Renton. The proposed project involves subdividing the parcels into twelve residential lots with associated storm tracts and rights-of-way (ROW). Our assignment is to prepare a report on the current condition of all significant trees present on the subject properties and identify their potential for retention in the proposed layout. Additionally, we will provide recommendations for tree retention and a discussion of tree protection measures. Dates of Field Examination: ...............................................February 2nd and 7th, 2022 Total Number of Trees On-site 123 Deductions Non-viable trees (#41 and #72) 2 Trees in Proposed Public Streets 65 Trees in Proposed Access Easement / Tracts 0 Trees in critical areas and buffers 0 Total Number of Excluded Trees 67 Total # of Trees Within Developable Area 56 Trees That Must Be Retained 17 2. Description The gross site area of the two parcels totals 178,372 sf (4.07 ac). The property is zoned RA-4 and King County iMap does not show any environmentally sensitive areas in the proposed development zone. A storm tract is planned for the southeast corner of the site, and 43,958 sf is set aside in a ROW Designation to align with SE 5th Pl. across 154th Ave SE, east of the property. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 4 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. 3. Methodology ‘Significant Trees’ are defined in the Renton Municipal Code 4-11-200 DEFINITIONS as “A tree with a caliper of at least six inches, or an alder or cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight inches.” ‘Landmark Trees’ are defined as "A tree with a caliper of thirty inches or greater” All ‘Significant’ and ‘Landmark Trees’ growing on the subject property as well as neighboring trees with a potential to be impacted by the proposed development were assessed. A numbered aluminum tag was attached to the lower trunk of each of the observed trees. These numbers correspond with the Tree Summary Table and their locations are shown on a copy of the attached Survey. Several trees were found to have been previously tagged with pink plastic DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 5 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. labels in an earlier survey. These tag numbers are referenced in the ‘Alternate ID #’ column of the Tree Summary Table. Tree diameters were measured by tape at 4.5 feet above grade for caliper (also known as DBH.) Each tree was visually examined for defects and vigor. The tree assessment procedure involves the examination of many factors: • The crown of the tree is examined for current vigor. This is comprised of inspecting the crown (foliage, buds and branches) for color, density, form, and annual shoot growth, limb dieback and disease. The percentage of live crown is estimated for coniferous species only and scored appropriately. • The bole or main stem of the tree is inspected for decay, which includes cavities, wounds, fruiting bodies of decay (conks or mushrooms), seams, insects, bleeding, callus development, broken or dead tops, structural defects and unnatural leans. Structural defects include crooks, forks with V-shaped crotches, multiple attachments, and excessive sweep. • The root collar and roots are inspected for the presence of decay, insects and/or damage, as well as if they have been injured, undermined or exposed, or original grade has been altered. Based on these factors a determination of condition is made. The four condition categories are described below based on the species traits assessed: Excellent – free of structural defects, no disease or pest problems, no root issues, excellent structure/form with uniform crown or canopy, foliage of normal color and density, above average vigor, it will be wind firm if isolated, suitable for its location. Good – free of significant structural defects, no disease concerns, minor pest issues, no significant root issues, good structure/form with uniform crown or canopy, foliage of normal color and density, average or normal vigor, will be wind firm if isolated or left as part of a grouping or grove of trees, suitable for its location. Fair – minor structural defects not expected to contribute to a failure in near future, no disease concerns, moderate pest issues, no significant root issues, asymmetric or unbalanced crown or canopy, average or normal vigor, foliage of normal color, moderate foliage density, will be wind firm if left as part of a grouping or grove of trees, cannot be isolated, suitable for its location. Poor – major structural defects expected to fail in near future, disease, or significant pest concerns, decline due to old age, significant root issues, asymmetric or unbalanced crown or canopy, sparse or abnormally small foliage, poor vigor, not suitable for its location. A ‘viable’ tree is a significant tree that a qualified professional has determined to be in good health, with a low risk of failure due to structural defects, is wind firm if isolated or remains as part of a grove and is a species that is suitable for its location. Trees considered ‘non-viable’ are DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 6 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. trees that are in poor condition due to disease, age related decline, have significant decay issues and/or cumulative structural defects, which exacerbate failure potential. 4. Observations One hundred twenty-three ‘Significant or Landmark Trees’ were found on the subject parcels, and 32 neighboring trees with drip-lines that extend over the property lines were observed and recorded on the Tree Summary Table and numbered on a copy of the survey. Three neighboring trees were found in the field that were not depicted on the survey. Their approximate locations are marked and noted on the attached site plan. The exact location of these trees would need to be verified by an updated survey. Trees #1 - 36 are a planted row of western red cedar (Thuja plicata) with DBH ranging from 6- 18 inches. These are all in good-fair condition and are found along the western half of the north property line of KC parcel #146340-0021. A low concrete wall is in place to the north of these trees on the property line, and an arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) hedge is planted on the property to the north. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 7 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Trees #37 and #38 are Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) with DBH of 21 and 16 inches respectively. These trees are in good condition and are located near the northeast corner of KC parcel #146340-0021. Trees #39 - 43 are planted in a row along the east fence of KC parcel #146340-0021. These are all apples (Malus sp.) in fair-poor condition as a result of excessive pruning for fruit production with the exception of #40 which is a naturally germinated western red cedar in good condition with a DBH of eight inches. 39 40 41 42 43 DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 8 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Trees #44 – 91 are a planted row of trees between the two subject parcels in the study area. This grove of trees is composed of 29 Douglas-fir and 17 western red cedar, and #83, a multi-stem flowering crab apple (Malus sp.) and tree #84, a big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum). This maple has a DBH of 51 inches which qualifies it as a ‘Landmark’ tree per RMC 4-11-200. These two deciduous trees are found to the north of the row of conifers. This border planting is within the right- of-way dedication that aligns with SE 5th Pl. and are unlikely to be retained in this proposal. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 9 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 10 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Tree #92 is a Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens) with a DBH of seven inches in fair condition located within the right-of-way dedication that aligns with SE 5th Pl. This tree is unlikely to be retained in this proposal. Tree #93 is a good condition Douglas-fir with a DBH of 34 inches. This trunk size qualifies it as a ‘Landmark’ tree per RMC 4-11-200. It is located within the right-of-way dedication that aligns with SE 5th Pl. This tree is proposed for removal. Trees #94 - 96 are fruiting apple trees located west of the existing house at 13818 152nd Ave SE. These trees are in fair condition as a result of growing in the shade of adjacent large trees and being repeatedly topped to maintain its height. These trees are proposed for removal. Trees #97 – 102 are a group of mature Douglas-firs east of the existing house with DBHs ranging 16- 38 inches. Trees #97, 100, and 101 qualify as ‘Landmark’ trees per RMC 4-11-200 with DBHs larger than 30 inches. Each of these are in good condition and have developed as a grove with a shared canopy. If retained, these trees should be kept as a group and not be individually isolated. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 11 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Trees #103 and 104 are a pair of flowering cherries with DBHs of 16 and 11 inches. Both are in fair condition with a history of excessive pruning and are growing in a raised bed east of the existing house. Trees #105 – 109 are ornamental conifers planted in a garden area south of the existing house. The species include one black spruce (Picea mariana), two grand firs (Abies grandis), and two alpine hemlocks (Tsuga mertensiana). These trees are all in good condition and have DBHs ranging between 7 and 17 inches. These trees are located within the right-of-way dedication that aligns with SE 5th Pl. and are proposed for removal. Trees #110 – 113 are grand fir (Abies grandis) located near the south property line of KC Parcel #146340-0020. These trees are in good condition with DBHs ranging from 7 – 30 inches. Tree #113 qualifies as a ‘Landmark’ tree per RMC 4-11-200. These trees are located at the edge of an area proposed to be developed as a storm water detention tract. Tree #114 is a pin oak (Quercus palustris) located west of the existing house on KC Parcel #146340- 0020. This tree is in good condition with a DBH of 19 inches and is located at the edge of an area proposed to be developed as a storm water detention tract and is unlikely to be retained. 102 97 98 DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 12 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Tree #115 is a pin oak (Quercus palustris) located west of the existing house on KC Parcel #146340- 0020. This tree is in good condition with a DBH of 19 inches and is located at the edge of an area proposed to be developed as a storm water detention tract and is unlikely to be retained. Trees #116, and 119 - 123 are big leaf maples found near the west property line of KC Parcel #146340-0020. These are in fair condition with DBHs ranging from 8 – 20 inches. All of these show signs of decline with internal decay, dead branches in their crowns, and poorly attached codominant stems. Trees #117 and 118 are western red cedars located near the west property line of KC Parcel #146340-0020. These trees are in good condition with a DBHs of 9 and 19 inches and are likely to be successfully retained if development activity remains outside of the building setback of 10 feet. 116 119 117 118 DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 13 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. NEIGHBORING TREES Tree #N101 is a Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens) in good condition with a DBH of 17 inches located east of KC Parcel #146340-0021. Its drip line extends six feet over the property line. Tree #N102 is a Douglas- fir in good condition with a DBH of 18 inches located north of KC Parcel #146340-0021. Its drip line extends 16 feet over the property line. N DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 14 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Trees #N103 and N104 are western red cedars located east of KC Parcel #146340-0020 in the ROW of 154th Ave SE. These are in fair – poor condition with wilted crowns and fill placed to the east of their trunks when the grade was raised for construction of 154th. Tree #103 has a DBH of 44 inches and was ‘topped’ resulting in multiple codominant leaders. Its lower trunk has a large column of decay. Tree #104 has a DBH of 16 inches and a crooked trunk. N103 N104 N103 DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 15 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Tree #N105 is a western red cedar in fair condition with a DBH of 15 inches. It is located at the southwest corner of a grove of conifers found west of KC parcel #146340-0021. This tree has four girdling barbed wires wrapped around its lower trunk which are likely to eventually kill it. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 16 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Trees #N106 - N125 comprise a dense grove of Douglas-fir found west of KC parcel #146340- 0021. These trees are generally in good condition with a few of them in fair condition due to being suppressed interior trees. These trees are in a row near the west property line with their branches extending an average of 16 feet over the property line. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 17 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Trees #N126 – N128 are western red cedars located in the right-of-way of 154th Ave SE., east of KC Parcel #146340-0020. A compacted road edge is within their dripline to the east, and a garage planned to be demolished is within their dripline to the west. These trees are in fair condition with thin crowns. N127 N128 N126 DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 18 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Tree #N129 is a big leaf maple located west of KC Parcel #146340-0020. Its crown extends 20 feet over the property line. Tree #N130 is a Douglas-fir in good condition located west of KC Parcel #146340-0020. Its crown extends 16 feet over the property line. 5. Discussion The extent of drip-lines (farthest reaching branches) for the subject trees can be found on the Tree Summary Table at the back of this report. These should be delineated on a copy of the site survey for on-site and neighboring trees planned to be retained. The information plotted on the attached survey plan should be transferred to a final tree retention/protection plan to meet County submittal requirements. The trees that are to be removed must be shown crossed out with an ‘X’ on the final plan. The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) definition of ‘Critical Root Zone’ (CRZ) is an area equal to a one-foot radius from the base of the tree trunk for each one-inch of tree diameter at 4.5 feet above grade (DBH). Example: A 24-inch DBH tree has a CRZ radius of 24 feet. In this example, the total CRZ including trunk, would be 50 feet in diameter. This is a good baseline for determining appropriate ‘Tree Protection Zones’ (TPZ) for retained trees, but the ‘Limit of Disturbance’ (LOD) may vary from the CRZ. The LOD measurement is the distance from the trunk face that impacts might occur without compromising health or structural stability. This measurement may be larger or smaller than the CRZ, and is based on species, age, condition, existing improvements, and the anticipated overall impact to the subject tree. Once finalized site plans have been developed and retained trees identified, LOD measurements can be provided for retained trees near proposed improvements. The LOD is the maximum limit of encroachment into the tree’s root zone. These measurements shall be referenced when determining whether a tree can be successfully retained given the necessary TPZ. b. Priority of Tree Retention Requirements: Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One i. Landmark trees; ii. Significant trees that form a continuous canopy; iii. Significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); iv. Significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and v. Significant trees over sixty feet (60') in height or greater than eighteen inches (18") caliper. Priority Two i. Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; ii. Other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and iii. Other significant non-native trees. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 19 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Priority Three i. Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. Few of the trees located on the property are suitable for retention as single trees if adjacent trees are removed. Trees will have a better likelihood of long-term safe life expectancy if they are retained in groups or groves. The presence of advanced internal decay was observed trees in some mature trees. These infected trees may survive for decades, but their stability and vigor may become further compromised as a result of damage to the roots caused by clearing and grading practices. 6. Tree Protection Measures The following guidelines are recommended to ensure that the designated space set aside for the Protected Trees on the subject property are protected and construction impacts are kept to a minimum. • Tree protection barriers shall be initially erected at the edge of the CRZ of protected trees prior to moving any heavy equipment on site. • Tree protection fencing shall only be moved where necessary to install improvements, but only as close as the CRZ or Limits of Disturbance, as indicated on the attached plan. • Excavation limits should be laid out in paint on the ground to avoid over excavating. • Excavations within the drip-lines shall be monitored by a qualified tree professional so necessary precautions can be taken to decrease impacts to tree parts. A qualified tree professional shall monitor excavations when work is required and allowed up to the Limits of Disturbance. • To establish sub grade for foundations, curbs and pavement sections near the trees, soil should be removed perpendicular to the roots and not parallel to the tree to avoid breaking and tearing roots that lead back to the trunk within the drip-line. Any roots damaged during these excavations should be exposed to sound tissue and cut cleanly with a saw. Cutting tools should be sterilized with alcohol. • Areas excavated within the CRZ of retained trees should be thoroughly irrigated weekly during dry periods. • Preparations for final landscaping shall be accomplished by hand within the drip-lines of retained trees. Plantings within the drip-lines shall be limited. Large equipment shall be kept outside of the tree protection zones at all times. 7. Recommendations  Accurately locate the trees we found in the field and added to the attached site map (Trees #102, 129, and 130). These locations were estimated in the field and their actual position in relation to the clearing limits will significantly impact their potential for retention.  Verify the ownership of all trees near property lines to determine parties responsible for tree management decisions. DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 February 25, 2022 KC Parcels #146340-0021, #146340-0020 Page 20 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC.  Avoid changing the grade within the CRZ of retained trees. If this is unavoidable, follow all tree protection measures outlined above. It is possible to work within the CRZ, up to the LOD with written provisions specific to the site.  Obtain all necessary permits from the City of Renton prior to carrying out work that may impact the site trees.  Have retained trees re-assessed for health and structure once development work has been completed.  Adhere to tree protection measures outlined in this report for all retained trees.  Any disturbance within the drip-lines of retained trees should be monitored by the project arborist.  When excavating must occur within the drip line of retained trees, a hand shovel should be used when roots larger than 1-inch are encountered. Only use mechanical or power tools for digging where encountering roots is not anticipated. Mechanical excavation equipment could rip and shatter roots causing unnecessary damage. Cutting roots greater than 2 to 3 inches in diameter can potentially increase the likelihood of tree failure. If root cuts are required, roots should be exposed by hand then cleanly cut with a sharp tool to promote occlusion of the wound and encourage re-growth. Any root cuts three inches and greater should be monitored and assessed by a qualified arborist. Limiting Conditions There is no warranty suggested for any of the trees subject to this report. Weather, latent tree conditions, and future human-caused activities could cause physiologic changes and deteriorating tree condition. Over time, deteriorating tree conditions may appear and there may be conditions that are not now visible which could cause tree failure. This report or the verbal comments made at the site in no way warrant the structural stability or long-term condition of any tree, but represent my opinion based on the observations made. Nearly all trees in any condition standing within reach of improvements or human use areas represent hazards that could lead to damage or injury. Please call if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Benjamin Mark ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6976A ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Conner Homes Date: 1/28/2022Chambers Inspector: Benjamin MarkRenton, WAProposed N S E W Action1 38 Western red cedar Thuja plicata810 12 8 6 GoodNW corner. Border planting extends east. Low concrete wall and arborvitae hedge north 2 39 Western red cedar Thuja plicata88108 6 Fair340 Western red cedar Thuja plicata178155 7Good4 41 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1561589 Good5 42 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1510 15 5 8 Good6 43 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1510 1665 Good744 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1811 17 9 6Good8 45 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1010 17 9 7 Fair Joined at flare with #8 to east. Thin crowns to east9 46 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1061657Fair1047 Western red cedar Thuja plicata98176 8FairJoined at flare with #10 to east11 48 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1310 14 9 9 Fair12 49 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1061389 Fair Joined at flare with #13 to east1350 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1181358Fair14 51 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1061565Fair15 52 Western red cedar Thuja plicata98169 6Fair16 53 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1181596FairTouches wall to north1754 Western red cedar Thuja plicata15, 810 1659 Good Codominant18 55 Western red cedar Thuja plicata86176 6Fair19 56 Western red cedar Thuja plicata6,992098Fair2057 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1181886Fair21 58 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1310 1858Fair22 59 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1111 18 6 4Fair2360 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1012 1796 Fair Girdling rope attached to arb to north24 61 Western red cedar Thuja plicata6,961499Fair25 62 Western red cedar Thuja plicata7,56125 8Fair26 63 Western red cedar Thuja plicata710 1469Fair2764 Western red cedar Thuja plicata6,66139 6 Fair28 65 Western red cedar Thuja plicata88138 8FairGirdling rope 29 66 Western red cedar Thuja plicata8,66155 5 Fair3067 Western red cedar Thuja plicata88166 6FairThin31 68 Western red cedar Thuja plicata8,6,68159 9Fair32 69 Western red cedar Thuja plicata8,6,410 16 9 9 Good3370 Western red cedar Thuja plicata8,86175 5Fair34 71 Western red cedar Thuja plicata109206 6Fair35 72 Western red cedar Thuja plicata98189 9 Fair36 73 Western red cedar Thuja plicata610 18 8 8Fair3774 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii2120 21 22 20GoodNE Corner 38 75 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1618 19 19 19 Good On east fenceline 39 76 AppleMalus sp.10xxx16Fair40Western red cedar Thuja plicata8xxx12GoodAdjacent apple leaning on it41 77 AppleMalus sp.8x x x 14 Poor Severe lean north, multiple leaders. 42 78 Apple Malus sp.8xxx12FairMultiple leaders CommentsID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline in feetCondition Genus speciesAlt ID1DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 4379 Apple Malus sp.10xxx14FairMultiple leaders44 Western red cedar Thuja plicata18xxxx Good Easternmost of row in line with proposed ROW. 45 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii8xxxxFair46 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii10xxxxFair47Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii9xxxx Fair48 Western red cedar Thuja plicata9xxxx Fair49 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii9xxxxFair50 Western red cedar Thuja plicata21xxxxGood51Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii15x x x x Good52Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii11xxxxGood53 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii7xxxxGood54Western red cedar Thuja plicata22xxxx Good55Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii7xxxx Good56 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii7xxxxGood57Western red cedar Thuja plicata20xxxxGood58 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii7xxxx Good59 Western red cedar Thuja plicata18xxxxGood60Western red cedar Thuja plicata11xxxxGoodTwo recently fallen trees to north. 61Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii16x x x x Good Buried flare 62 Western red cedar Thuja plicata18xxxx Good63Western red cedar Thuja plicata19xxxxGood64Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii8xxxxGood65 Western red cedar Thuja plicata7xxxx Good66Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii21xxxxGood67 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii21xxxxGood68 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii20xxxx Good69Western red cedar Thuja plicata10xxxx Good70Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii20xxxxGood71 Western red cedar Thuja plicata26xxxxGood72Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii10xxxx Good73Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii22xxxxGood74 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii25xxxxGood75Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii22xxxx Good76 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii9x x x x Good77 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii22xxxxGood78Western red cedar Thuja plicata19xxxxGood79Western red cedar Thuja plicata15xxxx Good80 Western red cedar Thuja plicata16xxxxGood81Western red cedar Thuja plicata15xxxxGood82Western red cedar Thuja plicata9xxxx Good83 103-106 Flowering crab appleMalus sp.13,13,12,10xxxx Fair Multitrunk growing in raised bed 84107 Big leaf maple Acer macrophyllum51xxxxGoodWithin ROW dedication to north 85 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii8xxxxFair86Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii16x x x x Fair Constrained by wall87 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii17xxxxGood88 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii15xxxxGood89Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii12xxxx Good90Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii16xxxx Good91 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii14xxxxGood92Colorado blue sprucePicea pungens7xxxxFair93115 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii34xxxx GoodIn ROW DEDICATION 2DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 94 116 AppleMalus sp.8,6xxxxFair Topped reaching for light 95117 AppleMalus sp.8xxxxFair96 AppleMalus sp.810 9 3 14Fair97113 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii3115 20 22 x Good Some swelling on lower trunk, sweeps south. 98112 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1629 18 x xGood99 111 Douglas firPseudotsuga menziesii2623 22 x xGood100110 Douglas firPseudotsuga menziesii3823 28 x x Good101 109 Douglas firPseudotsuga menziesii3116 28 x 28GoodWoodshed in dripline 102Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii2618 33 28 28 Good Sweeps south 103120 Flowering cherryPrunus sp. 1610 12 12 10Fair104 119 Flowering cherryPrunus sp. 116556FairIn raised planter105Black sprucePicea mariana6,6,69779Good Adjacent to house in planting bed. 106 Grand firAbies grandis17x x x x Good In ROW DEDICATION 107Grand firAbies grandis17xxxxGoodIn ROW DEDICATION 108Alpine hemlockTsuga mertensiana7xxxxGoodIn ROW DEDICATION 109 125 Alpine hemlock Tsuga mertensiana7x x x x Good In ROW DEDICATION 110Grand firAbies grandis 2213 14 15 15Good111 Grand firAbies grandis78 10 12 4 Fair112Grand firAbies grandis2117 15 15 13Good113 Grand firAbies grandis3018 15 13 15GoodGood flare 114Pin oak Quercus palustris1924 24 21 21 Good Adjacent to proposed storm tract115Weeping cherryPrunus sp. 710 10 8 9 Fair Dense crown 116 Big leaf maple Acer macrophyllum18,16,1224 18 20 14FairPoorly attached Codominant stems117Western red cedar Thuja plicata915 10 12 13GoodOn fence118 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1910 15 12 13 Good119Big leaf maple Acer macrophyllum2020 20 12 13FairLarge dead limbs120 Alder Alnus rubra1614 14 18 19 Fair Decay in trunk 121Big leaf maple Acer macrophyllum106466FairTopped, Codominant 122Big leaf maple Acer macrophyllum866610Fair123 Big leaf maple Acer macrophyllum146 15 20 18 Fair NSEWN101 Colorado blue sprucePicea pungens176 GoodN102 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1816 Good Added to map. N103Western red cedar Thuja plicata4416 18FairTopped, column of decay. Multiple leaders, new road to east. N104 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1617 17 Fair Crooked trunk N105Western red cedar Thuja plicata1514Fair4 girdling barbed wires. N106 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1322 GoodN107Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1021GoodN108Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1222GoodN109 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1318GoodN110Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1121GoodN111 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1018GoodN112Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii612 Fair Suppressed N113Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1119GoodN114 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1218GoodN115Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1018 GoodN116 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1517 GoodN117Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii918GoodID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline in feetConditionNEIGHBORING TREES Genus species3DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 N118Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1617GoodN119 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1316 GoodN120Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1217GoodN121 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1315 GoodN122Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii614FairSuppressedN12334 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1222FairCrooked trunk BW fence embedded. N124 36 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1118 Fair BW fence embeddedN12537 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii1516 Good Northernmost. Electrical box in dripline. N1268042 Western red cedar Thuja plicata2118 20 12 20FairBuilding in dripline N127 8041 Western red cedar Thuja plicata3110 20 14 20FairThin crown N1288040 Western red cedar Thuja plicata3210 20 15 20 Fair Compaction to east N129Big leaf maple Acer macrophyllum2420FairADDED TO MAP. fair N130 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii2016 Good ADDED TO MAP. Drip-Line and Limits of Disturbance measurements from face of trunkTrees on neighboring properties - Drip-line and Limits of Disturbance measurements from property linesSignificant trees 6”+ DBH. (Alder & Cottonwood 8” DBH) Landmark trees 30”+ DBH. TREE RETENTION STANDARDS APPLY TO DEVELOPABLE AREA OF PROPERTY. TREES ON KC WEED LIST DO NOT APPLY4DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575960616263646566676869707172737477787980828384858788899091929394959697989910010110210310410510610710810911011111211311411511611711811912012112212310110210310410510610710810911011111211311411511611711811912012112212312412512612712812913086817675582/18/2022 2:56 PMJ:\2022\22028\LANDSCAPE\PRELIMINARY\X22028 TR.DWG PROPOSED R.O.W.UNHEALTHY TREE (TYP.)ON-SITE TREE WITHIN PROPOSED PUBLICSTREETS, TO BE REMOVED (TYP.)ON-SITE TREE (TYP.);TO BE EVALUATED BASED ON GRADING AND UTILITYINFORMATIONDocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27 38038039039039040 0 410 378 378 378378 38 2 382 38 2 384384 38638638838838 8 392392 3 9 4 394 3 9 6 396 39 8 4 0 2 40440640 8 se 5th place 154th avenue se152nd avenue sese 138th place se 139th place 8 9,001± SF 10 9,018± SF 11 9,683± SF TRACT A STORM 21,540± SF 2 9,009± SF 3 9,393± SF ROW 43,958± SF 4 9,549± SF 7 9,841± SF 6 9,171± SF 9 9,001± SF 12 10,891± SF 1 9,029± SF5 9,257± SF 53'53'35'end of improvements end of improvements road transitions to gravel appx. 20' wide travel way with gravel shoulders appx. 20' wide travel way gravel shoulder on west side exis ti n g sto r m p o n d 53'60' 60'49'SITE INFORMATION JURISDICTION:city of renton PARCEL NUMBERS:1463400020 1463400021 GROSS SITE AREA:178,372 sf (4.07 ac) PUBLIC R.O.W.:43,958 sf NET SITE AREA:134,414 sf (3.09) EXISTING ZONING:R-4 (4 du/ac) allowed lots:12 lots (3.09 ac x 4 du/ac = 12.36) max net density:4 du/ac density proposed:3.88 du/ac DESIGN STANDARDS MIN LOT AREA:9,000 sf MIN LOT WIDTH:70' min width corner lot:80' MIN LOT DEPTH:100' FRONT SETBACK:30' STREET SETBACK:30' SIDE YARD SETBACK:20' combined 7.5' min REAR YARD SETBACK:25' rear if corner lot:rear can be side setback if corner lot MAX IMPERVIOUS:50% MAX LOT COVERAGE:35%DESIGNE N G I N E E R I N G P L A N N I N G S U R V E Y I N G12100 Ne 195th St, Suite 305Bothell, Washington 98011425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.79631PROJECT NUMBERSHEETOF1DATEconcept site planchamberS-bagnellCONNER HOMES0 25 50 1" = 50'20207Apr 27, 20214/27/2021 3:25 PMJ:\2020\20207B\PLANNING\EXHIBITS\SITE PLANS\CHAMBERS FATTORE - SITE PLAN 1.DWGData Note: Topography and parcel data shown herein was derived from Lidar data and shape files provided by the Puget Sound Lidar Consortium and/or appropriate jurisdictions GIS Department. It is a representation of the ground topography and lot configurations only and shall only be used for planning purposes. Core Design, Inc. does not warrant the information and recommends field topography be collected for design purposes. If shown, 40% slopes were derived from this Lidar contour mapping and are not specific to any jurisdictions regulations. NOTES ·all existing site structures to be removed ·the existing sewer main and easement running through site is proposed to be relocated into new right-of-way ·off site improvements drawn from city gis data or digitized from aerial imagery DocuSign Envelope ID: C1021EBF-EAFE-4F89-8174-EC35D03F4C27