HomeMy WebLinkAbout21El or rrgard to the adequacy of the Mortgaged Property fer the repayment of the Indebtedness, then appointment of a reccivcr of the Mortgaged proPmrty• and Grantor rrevocably consts to snch appointment. My such receiver shall have all the usual Powers and duties Of receivers in sum such cases, including the full power to rent maintain and otherwise Operate the Mortgaged property upon such terms as may, be approved by the court, and shall apply such Rents in accordance with the provisions of Section 47. (f) Other. Exercise all Other rights, remedies and recourses granted under the Loan Documents or otherwise available at law or in equity (including an action for specific performance of any covenant contained theig D¢ umen ca su, or a judgment on the Note either before, during or After anY P Deed of Trust). naratt 5alea. The Mortgaged property may be sold in Section 4.2 one or more parcels and in such manner Ywent of Default shall not tx exhausted as Trustee, L may elect; the fight of sale arising out by any one or more sales. CSection 413 IaBiveaS9llsilL['Ui-1lE1the C remedies and rece aces granted in dx Loan p Beneficiary shall have all rights, l mcu the UCc), which rights (a) shall M Documents and available at law or equity ( d� aratel successively or be cumulative and concurrent, (b) may tc pursued separately. rrently against Grantor or others obligated under the Note and the other Loam concut the Mortgaged property, or against any one Or more of them, at Documents, or agars the sole discretion of Beneficiary, (c) may be exercised as ofte n as occasion there or shall arise, and the exercise or failure to exercise any of o � unOand (d) areuea as a waiver or release thereof or of any other right. remedy Beneficiary or Trustee in the intended to be, and shall be, nonexclasrve. No action by enforcement of any rights, remedies or recourses under theLoan Documentsof or otherwise at law or equity shall be deemed to cure any Beneficiary may Section 4.4 $P poi o �,�'rt to Itaterrl. release, regardless of consideration and without the necessity for any notice to a ate lien on the Mortgaged Property. any Pan of consent by the 1 older airy subs der. in any wary rrtipatrmg affecun6 the Mortgaged property without ass tt o tee [amain subordinatuig or releasing the lien or security interests created in or evidenced by t to e Loan Documents their stature as a first and peainterest r bcn and security in an io the Mortgaged Ptoperty. For payment of the Indebtedness, Beneficiary maY any other security in such order and manner as Beneficiary My Section 4.5 dY7u4'er oCRedem:; "" N ed sn"Umblunt-of ably and ssctt. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Grantor hereby irrevoc A DI