HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-97-001 March 24. 1997 � Renton Citv Council Minutes � Page 97 17 of the plat. Staff further recommends that Council waive the processing fee for the vacation, approve the staff appraisal, and waive compensation for the area being vacated. In response to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Boyns confirmed that this property was originally acquired by the City without compensation. Audience comment was invited. Correspondence was read from John J. White, Jr., Livengood, Carter, Tjossem, Fitzgerald & Alskog, 620 Kirkland Way, Suite 200, Kirkland, WA, 98083, representing James P. Pierre, the owner of several parcels of property abutting Maple Ave. SW and SW 13th Street. Mr. White asked that the City require reservation of private cross-reciprocal easements for ingress, egress and utilities on the vacated portion of SW 13th Street. Responding to an inquiry, Mr. Boyns explained that the handout provided for this evening's public hearing on this subject contains both the correct legal description and map of the area to be vacated as well as an incorrect legal description and map, which should be disregarded. The handout materials also refer to an expansion of the area being vacated to include the alley between SW Grady Way and SW 12th Street, which is not being sought at this time. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL GRANT THE VACATION AS REQUESTED, RETAINING AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES OVER SW 12TH AND 13TH STREETS AND SUBJECT TO A CONDITION THAT EASEMENTS BE RECEIVED FOR RECORDING TO GRANT PRIVATE INGRESS AND EGRESS TO LOTS 33 THROUGH 54 IN BLOCK 17 OF THE PLAT. COUNCIL FURTHER WAIVE THE PROCESSING FEE FOR THE VACATION, APPROVE THE STAFF APPRAISAL, AND WAIVE COMPENSATION FOR THE AREA BEING VACATED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Chris Holstrom, 1441 Queen Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, spoke regarding his Citizen Comment: request, presented to Council last week, for sewer service to three parcels Holstrom - Sewer Hook- outside the City limits in the Sierra Heights area. Mr. Holstrom noted his up Request, UC-97-001 agreement with Councilman Corman that these properties should be annexed to Renton. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND ITS REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS MATTER. CARRIED. Utilities Com�rcittee Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending that the Utility: Sewer Hook-up City of Renton offer sanitary sewer service to Chris Holstrom's property Request, UC-97-001, located on the southwest corner of SE 104th St. and 128th Ave. SE, upon Holstrom annexation. The Committee further recommended that the Council support annexation of this property. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO WORK WITH MR. HOLSTROM REGARDING March 24. 1997 � Renton Citv Council Minutes `""""� Paae 98 THE ANNEXATION OF THESE THREE PARCELS TO THE CITY OF RENTON. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Randall Schroeder, no address available, complained that although he is in Schroeder - Lack of need of a place to stay this evening, Renton's Police Department informed Emergency Housing for him that v�uchers for shelter are available to women and children only. Mr. Men in Renton Schroeder stated his intent to pursue a sex discrimination case against the City because of this incident. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Planning: Comprehensive Planning & Technical Services Division submitted proposed 1997 Plan, 1997 Amendments Comprehensive Plan amendments. The proposed amendments include twelve text amendments (one each to the Capital Facilities Element and the Environmental Element, four to the Transportation Element, and six to the Land Use Element), and two map amendments affecting 1) the Single Family Designation in the May Valley Prezone, Phase II area and 2) the evaluation of a Commcrcial Arterial designation near Martin Luther King Jr., Way. Refer to Plannin� & Develoament Committee via Plannine Commission. Public Works: East Side Utility Systems Division requested approval of the preferred alternative for Green River Watershed, the East Side Green River Watershed Project Final Plan and Environmental Final Plan & EIS Impact Statement (EIS). The project is a multi-benefit, comprehensive public improvement project that will resolve existing flooding problems, prevent future flooding problems, and restore environmental resources in the Renton portion of the Black River Basin (also known as the East Side Green River Watershed). Refer to IJtilities Committee. CAG: 96-0998, S 6th St Wastewater Utility Division submitted CAG-96-Oy8, S. 6th St. Sewer Sewer Replacement, B&L Replacement project; and recommended approval of the project, authorization Utility for final pay estimate in the amount of $9,494.55, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $12,125.31 to B&L Utility, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Utilities Committee concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Utility: Interim Water recommendation that the City continue to participate with the planning and Group minimal financial support of the Interim Water Group. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Service Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Relocation, 84th Ave S & concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Seneca Pl NW (Leaking recommendation that the City abandon the existing two-inch galvanized main, Main Abandonment) relocate the existing meters at 12832 and 12828 - 84th Ave. S. and 311 Seneca Pl. NW, and reimburse the affected homeowners for the cost of relocating their services. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works: Sale of Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Excess Water to concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Neighboring Jurisdictions, recommendation to proceed with an application to the Department of Ecology Application to DOE for a change of water rights "place of use" in order to allow temporary � � _ �. � � CITY�F RENTON '_ .,� � City Clerk Jesse Tanner,Mayor Nlarilyn J.Petersen March 27, 1997 Mr. Chris Holstrom 1441 Queen Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Re: Sewer Connection Request Dear Mr. Holstrom: At the regular Council meeting of March 24, 1997, the Renton City Council authorized connection of your property on the SE corner of 104th Street and 128th Avenue SE to the City's sanitary sewer system upon annexation of the site. As requested by the City Council, staffwill make every effort to assist you with the annexation process. If I can provide additional information regarding the Council action, please feel free to . call. For staff assistance with the annexation process, please contact Mike Kattermann,. Planning & Technical Services Director, at 277-6190. Sincerely, . Marilyn . P rsen City Clerk cc: Mayor Jesse Tanner Council President Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Michael Kattermann, Planning Director 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)23>-2>Ol �Tn,s pape���.:rta��ns 50'�o recyclad materia'.20'.��poe'cunsume, ' � ' APPRt�1�"E� C3�' � .r,r CITY COUNCIL UTILITIES COMMITTEE DBte��� COMMITTEE REPORT March 24, 1997 HOLSTROM REQUEST FOR SEWER CONNECTION Referred 3/17/97 The Utilities Committee recommends that the City of Renton offer sanitary sewer service to Chris Holstrom's property located on the southwest corner of SE 104th Street and 128th Avenue SE upon annexation. The Committee further recommends that the Council support the annexation of this property.. Dan Clawson, Chair / C�yz,G� Toni Nelson, Vice-Chair � _ � Tim Schlitzer, Member cc: Gregg Zimmerman Dave Christensen . `,�,' � i�tarch 17. 1997 _ Renton Citv Council Minutes Pase 88 Executive: Volunteer Executive Department submitted a proposed contract in the amount of $44,000 Coordination Services, for volunteer coordination services with Laurie E. Ness. Refer to Communitv Laurie Ness Services Committee. Community Event: River Executive Department requested waiver of ali permit fees for Renton River Days Fee Waivers and Days activities endorsed by the Renton River Days Steering Committee; and Banners for permission to install River Days banners on City light poles for approximately one month from July 6 to August 15, 1997. Refer to Communitv Services Committee. Rezone: Valley Medical Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with condition, of City-sponsored Center North Campus, 400 rezone of Valley Medical Center's North Campus from P-1 (Pubiic Use) to CO S 43rd, from P-1 to CO (Commercial Office); property located at 400 S. 43rd St. (R-95-130); Ietter from Planning Director recommended referral to Planning & Development Committee to discuss height issues. Refer to Plannine & Develonment Committee. Rezone: Valley Medical Hearing Examiner recommended approval of City-sponsored rezone of ValIey Center South Campus, S Medical Center's South Campus from P-1 (Public Use) to CO (Commercial 43rd & Davis, from P-1 to Office); property located at S. 43rd St. and Davis Ave. S. (R-95-121); letter CO from Planning Director recommended referral to Planning & Development Committee to discuss height issues. Refer to Plannine & Develonment Committee. Latecomer: Sound Mazda Planning & Technical Services Division reported completion of construction (Rich Snyder) for Sewer and submission of final costs for Rich Snyder (Sound Mazda) latecomer Line, SW 12th St, LA-96- agreement for a sewer line installed in SW 12th St., and requested 001 authorization to notify affected property owners and commence 20-day appeat period. Council concur. Transportation: Lk Wash Transportation Systems Division reported informal bid opening on March IZ, Blvd Landslide 1997 for the Lake Washington Blvd. emergency landslide restoration project; Restoration, R.W. Scott three bids; engineer's estimate $173,550; and recommended that the contract Const, CAG-97- be awarded to R.W. Scott Construction Co., low bidder, in the amount of $155,325. Council concur. Utility: Service Water Utility Division recommended the City abandon a two-inch Ieaking Relocation, 84th Ave S & main in the 12800 block of 84th Ave. S. (also serving 311 Seneca Pl. NW), Seneca Pl NW (Leaking relocate existing meters for the three affected homes, and reimburse the Main Abandonment) affected homeowners for the cost of relocating their services. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO ADD CORRESPONDENCE FROM VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER TO ITEMS 8.f AND 8.g. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Michael Hackman, Myron & Carol Hackman, Citizen Comment: and Al & Christy Porter thanking the Mayor for approving the planting of a Hackman - Coulon Beach Quaken Aspen tree at Gene Coulon park in memory of Pamela K. Hackman Park Cameron & Pamela and her son, Cameron Hackman. Hackman Memorial Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Chris Holstrom, 144I Queen Ave. NE, Renton, Holstrom - Sewer Hook- 98056 requesting sewer service for a single famity residence proposed for a lot up Request, UC-97-001 located on the southwest corner of NE 21 st St. and Queen Ave. NE outside ; �✓ �rri M�arch 17. 1997 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pa�e 89 the existing City limits. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. " Councilman Corman asked that the Utilities Committee consider annexing the subject property to the City. OLD BUSINESS Planning & Development Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report Plannin� & Develonment regarding the emergency amendments to the Transportation and Capital Committee Facilities Elements of the Comprehensive Plan and Emergency Six Year TIP Planning: Comprehensive Amendments. The Committee met on March 13, 1997 to review an Plan, HOV Plan Changes emergency amendment adding HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) improvements for State & Federal to the I-405/NE 44th St. interchange. This HOV project will be included in Funding the Transportation Element text and maps, and will be shown on the adopted project list. The project will also be included on the Capital Facilities Element project list. The Committee recommended approval of these amendments as shown on Exhibits A and B of the proposed ordinance. Since this amendment needs to be completed by March 31, 1997, the Committee also recommended that the ordinance be presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading. The Committee also recommended that the resolution adopting the Emergency Six Year TIP Amendments be adopted. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 90 for resolution and page 91 for ordinance.) Planning: Zoning Code Planning & Development Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report Changes for Child & recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to amend the Zoning Adult Day Cares Code regarding child and adult day care uses as follows: * Allow child day care centers in the Center Neighborhood (CN} Zone as a primary permitted use. * Eiiminate "mini-day care" in the Center Office Residential (COR} Zone. * Allow family day care as permitted primary use instead of a permitted accessory use in the Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone. * Accommodate adult day care/health uses in commercial, center, and industrial zones. * In commercial and center zones, adult day care/health programs with twelve or fewer clients would be permitted primary uses, while programs with thirteen or more clients would require administrative conditional uses. * In industrial zones, adult day care/health programs of any size would require Hearing Examiner conditional use permits. * Require adult day care/health uses to comply with similar parking requirements as child day care uses. The Committee recommended that staff prepare an ordinance, and tHat the issue remain in Committee pending completion of an ordinance, initiation of environmental review, and scheduling of a public hearing. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NOTE: �ER P�R, f:OLST;O!�' I�iE ��.'ILL ' � ATTENI�HE COUNC I L PiEET I NG ON � 3/17/97 TO DISCUSS THIS LET T E R , March 14, 1997 CITY OF REP�ITON Mayor Jesse Tanner, MAR 1 41997 Renton City Council 200 Mill Avenue South RECEIVED Renton,Washington 98055 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Dear Mr. Mayor and City Council Members: This is to request approval of sewer service for a single family residence proposed for a lot adjacent to the Renton City limits but outside the existing City boundary. Specifically the lot is located on the southwest corner of S.E. 104`h Street and 128`h Ave. S.E. using King County Roads or on the southwest corner of N.E. 21S`Street and Queen Ave. N.E. using City of Renton street names. The existing Renton sewer line is in the street (N.E. 21S`or S.E. 104`h) directly to the north and abutting the subject property line. The subject property is not in an area proposed for formation of a new City nor is it involved in any current annexation dispute. Also, the subject property is not in an area claimed for service by any other sewer service provider. This property is in fact a part of a peninsula surrounded by the City of Renton and represents a highly logical future annexation area. Full agreement to annex, should such a petition be circulated, would be an acceptable condition of providing sewer service to the subject property. This request is being made in anticipation of developing my personal residence on the subject property and not for commercial development purposes. Mr. Kevin Hoffman, with whom I currently have a purchase agreement for the property, has agreed to sign an agreement to annex this property and adjacent property he owns to the south of the subject lot if the City will agree to provide sewer service. As you are aware, time is the essence of any real estate transaction As such, I respectfully request a motion for approval of this request subject to any potential problems or concerns that may be raised by subsequent utilities review. I look forward to your positive response. Sincerely, �� Chris Holstrom 1441 Queen Ave. N.E. Renton, Washington 98056 � ,,. ���� r .7'��r �'�f .��f . �� 'a��*f�'.�� 'dnoA.,; � '�� :' 'rf�.l �.'r /rf�.� i,y •:♦ �'�+'�'�. � �'. N � Y ��� ...� F f£� ��f Y+��� . 'tj,�,S� ¢� i."�_�� �= � ��.\✓'' �e P fa.�3y9 ��f �.'�$�„► i. }��`��' .. �'"r,h�Y`x��.}��lyo. � i. 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XM < :�r.^:�'��"� �y�k"��`''•� jI �,`�� �§, ii s•�� �q a:y k �;,k x ::�c � �..�, v� _i � NOTE :,�ER MR , HOLSTROM HE WILL �"`` ATTENI� I HE COUNC I L MEET I NG ON 3/1 7/9 7 TO DISCUSS THIS LETTER� March 14, 1997 � CITY O�REIVTON Mayor Jesse Tanner, MAR 1 41997 Renton City Council 200 Mill Avenue South RECEIVED Renton, Washington 98055 �:;tTY CLERK'S OFFICE Dear Mr. Mayor and City Council Members: This is to request approval of sewer service for a single family residence proposed for a lot adjacent to the Renton City limits but outside the existing City boundary. Specifically the lot is located on the southwest corner of S.E. 104th Street and 128`h Ave. S.E. using King County Roads or on the southwest corner of N.E. 21S`Street and Queen Ave. N.E. using City of Renton street names. The existing Renton sewer line is in the street (N.E. 21S`or S.E. 104`h) directly to the north and abutting the subject property line. The subject property is not in an area proposed for formation of a new City nor is it involved in any current annexation dispute. Also, the subject property is not in an area claimed for service by any other sewer service provider. This property is in fact a part of a peninsula surrounded by the City of Renton and represents a highly logical future annexation area. Full agreement to annex, should such a petition be circulated, would be �"` an acceptable condition of providing sewer service to the subject property. This request is being made in anticipation of developing my personal residence on the subject property and not for commercial development purposes. Mr. Kevin Hoffman, with whom I currently have a purchase agreement for the property, has agreed to sign an agreement to annex this property and adjacent property he owns to the south of the subject lot if the City will agree to provide sewer service. As you are aware, time is the essence of any real estate transaction As such, I respectfully request a motion for approval of this request subject to any potential problems or concerns that may be raised by subsequent utilities review. I look forward to your positive response. Sincerely, ���y�� Chris Holstrom 1441 Queen Ave. N.E. Renton,Washington 98056 � � �� � 3 �" B � i c �:• �, rR.c i�+-.� +� '.%i ,J -k ' o .,r.yf -�f , �'� .'* �� �..._` A ''. �� *�r'� ti l :� _` �..�Y�' =�;y."s..��fe'�� (t } � � � ` r� �'�i{,F.'` .!t i����.���� ? �J•x} y �a ����: yt,.�f �$ t' �����✓id6A% y�� �s,04'°i���•\ f3� � �q � a '�»� �' �"�''���y"� . •'�'�,k'3`w,�7'%F�'p�� . } ����. �.:,�r� ��� ����. -,'-0k' Z• c M v '; t p o .a �7 : ; t ���� L��'tl. � �i��. � { yr.����Jy'��•� S u �'vf;^9�Wls.�`.�i.rt;;. 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