HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-99-001 .,���R== � CITY OF RENTON �.��� � . ���� �� City Clerk Jesse Tanner,Mayor Marilyn J. Petersen , August 17, 1999 Mr. Bradley K.Hughes, General Manager Labrador Ventures, LLC P.O.Box 3344 Kirkland,WA 98083 Re: Request for Reimbursement for Sewer Main Oversizing; Clover Creek Dear Mr.Hughes: At the regular Council meeting of August 16, 1999,the Renton City Council concurred in the recommendation of the Utilities Committee to approve your request to be reimbursed far the extra cost to install a larger sewer line at the Clover Creek development at the City's request. Approval was granted subject to the following: 1. The actual reimbursement amount will be based on the actual construction cost. 2. If the oversizing amount requested upon completion of construction is equal to or less than the amount requested of$16,365.89 (including WSST), Council authorizes staff to reimburse Labrador Land Company,LLC, for that amount. 3. If the oversizing amount requested exceeds the original estimated amount,this matter will be referred back to Council for consideration of additional costs. If I can provide additional information or assistance,please feel free to call. Sincerely, . Marilyn . t sen City Clerk/Cable Manager cc: Mayar Jesse Tanner Council President King Parker Dave Christensen 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425)430-6510 / FAX(425)430-6516 �This paper conlains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer � i ,. � �1 y August 16, 1999 j�,,,�r Renton City Council Minutes `'�'� Page 288 that could be accomplished using these grant funds. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Edwards presented a report regarding the hiring of Transportation: Hiring Above new personnel in the'Transportation Division. The Transportation Systems Step C for Certain Positions Division currently has three vacancies to fill. There is a shortage of transportation professionals given the demand for these services over the next ten years due to a number of factors,including voter approved Sound Transit (RTA)programs and voter approved Referendum 49. There would be no budgetary impacts for hiring above the Civil Engineer III, Step C level or the Engineering Specialist III, Step C level due to the fact that these positions had been filled by staff at the Step E levels. However,the Program Coordinator position will have a budgetary impact that could be up to$6,000 per year due to the fact that the position was filled with staff at the Program Coordinator I, Step E level. If needed, staff requests permission to hire up to the Program Coordinator II, Step E level for this position. The Finance Committee recommended that Council authorize the Transportation Systems Division to hire vacant positions above Step C, as described, if needed. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. EDNSP: Outdoor Empire Finance Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending that Publishing Tax-Exempt Council authorize the Washington Economic Development Finance Authority Financing(New Facility at to issue tax-exempt financing to Outdoor Empire Publishing,Inc. Outdoor 1200 Monster Rd) Empire Publishing is currently located in Seattle,and has applied for tax- exempt financing to build their new facility at 1200 Monster Road,Renton, WA. T'hey are a publisher and printer of outdoor-oriented magazines and will relocate 69 employees to Renton in August of 2000. Outdoor Empire Publishing qualifies for the revenue bonds per RCW 39.84. This legislation was established for the purpose of facilitating economic development and employment opportunities in the State of Washington. The legislation requires that the city within the planning jurisdiction of the project must approve the issuance of the revenue bonds. There is no liability to the City of Renton and no public money shall be used to pay for debt service. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 289 for resolution.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Vice Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Public Works: Labrador recoxnmending concurrence in staff's recommendation that the request by Ventures Reimbursement for Labrador Land Company,LLC, for oversizing of their sewer main within the Oversizing the Sewer Main at plat of Clover Creek be approved, subject to the following: Clover Creek 1. The actual reimbursement amount will be based on actual cost of the —�}� � �d\ construction. vC���� 2. If the oversizing amount requested upon completion of construction is equal to or less than the amount requested of$16,365.89 (including WSST),Council authorized staff to reimburse Labrador Land Company,LLC, for that amount. 3. If the oversizing amount requested exceeds the original estimated amount, this matter will be refened back to Council for consideration of additional costs. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS .. -� ` ' "�'`'' � AP�r���l�� E3Y ClTlt C�U1VC8� Date g'��-9 UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT August 16,1999 REQUEST BY LABRADOR LAND COMPANY FOR OVERSIZING ON SEWER MA1N EXTENSION Referred Au ust 9, 1999 The Utilities Committee concurs in Staff's recommendation that the request by Labrador Land Company, LLC, for oversizing of their sewer main within the plat of Clover Creek be approved, subject to the following: 1. The actual reimbursement amount will be based on actual cost of the construction. 2. If the oversizing amount requested upon completion of construction is equal to or less than the amount requested of $16,365.89 (including WSST), Council authorizes staff to reimburse Labrador Land Company, LLC, for that amount. 3. If the oversizing amount requested exceeds the original estimated amount, this matter will be referred back to Council for consideration of additional costs. (�'� - � Dan Clawson, Chair � i othy J. Schl' er ice hair — W�,�0�� Kathy K lker-Wheeler,Member ca Lys Hornsby Dave Christensen H:DIV/UTIL/W W/OVER/DMC:If __ cy �- ,� CIT��F RENTON "'LL City Clerk J e Tanner,Mayor Marilyn J. Petersen August 10, 1999 Bradley K.Hughes, General Manager Labrador Ventures, LLC P.O.Box 3344 Kirkland,WA 98083 Re: Request for Latecomer Agreement for Oversized Sewer Line—Clover Creek(Labrador Ventures); File No LA-99-003. Dear Mr. Hughes: At the regular Council meeting of August 9, 1999,the Renton City Council referred the referenced request to the Utilities Committee for review and recommendation. You will be contacted by the Council secretary with information regarding the time and date of the committee meeting. If I can provide additional information,please feel free to call. Sincerely, Marilyn J. e sen City Clerk/Cable Manager Cc: Mayor Jesse Tanner Council President King Parker David Christensen,Utility Engineering Supervisor 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425)430-6510 /FAX(425)430-6516 �This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer c S August 9, 1999 �+'' Renton City Council Minutes `� Page 278 CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Bradley K.Hughes, General Manager, Labrador Citizen Comment: Labrador Ventures,PO Box 3344,Kirkland, 98083,requesting a latecomer agreement for Ventures-Reimbursement for reimbursement of costs to oversize a sewer main at the Clover Creek Oversizing the Sewer Main at development on Lake Washington Boulevard at the City's request. MOVED Clover Creek � BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COIJNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Gary � Conespondence was read from Brian Kittleson, vice president of Gary Merlino Merlino Construction Co- Construction Co., 9125 - lOth Ave. S., Seattle, 98108, formally protesting the Downtown Park&Gateway bid submitted by A-1 Landscaping for the City's Downtown Park&Gateway Project(Bid Protest) project. Mr. Kittleson claimed that due to lack of experience with Portland cement concrete(PCC)paving,A-1 Landscaping cannot meet this project's required qualifications for high-quality concrete work. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMi1NITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (Also see page 277,consent agenda, for more information on this subject.) OLD BUSINESS Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Planning&Development recommending that Council set a public hearing on August 23, 1999 on the Committee proposed parking code amendments to Title IV modifying off-street parking Planning: Off-Street Parking regulations in the RM-N,RM-C and RM-I zones, standardizing dwelling type Changes in Multi-Family nomenclature, and providing for tandem parking. MOVED BY KEOLKER- Zones WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Vice Chair Nelson presented a report recommending Finance: Vouchers approval of Claim Vouchers 173181 - 173639 and two w'ire transfers in the total amount of$2,014,140.58; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 20655 - 20981 and 522 direct deposits in the total amount of$1,016,569.76. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the RESOLUTIONS Council meeting of 8/16/99 for second and final reading: City Clerk: City Code& An ordinance was read amending subsections 5-1-2.A and D of Chapter 1,Fee Development Regulations Fees Schedule, of Title V(Finance and Business Regulations)of City Code by increasing fees. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/16/99. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler asked that Council receive a briefing as soon Finance: MVET Initiative& as possible on the statewide initiative that will be before voters in November Possible Budget Ramifications which proposes to replace the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax with a flat$30 fee per vehicle. Suggesting that this information be given to the public so voters can consider it in making their decision on this matter, she questioned if the City should prepare dual budgets this year in the event that the initiative is approved. Replying that staff has already analyzed this matter, Mayor Tanner said the information will be made available to Council at its next meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 40 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS AND POTENTIAL LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 8:20 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:00 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ♦ T � � .�l�l�1�11�I1� �.�, q9_o-03 � �tr;te�rlll/;.s; r.r,.c: -- ��---.� July 27, 1999 � '' ' . �� , a , � . , ��: . '�4" f�'b � { :. z��';j.�'h��1 �.4 k�7 R� ; [ �� � Mayor& City Counc� ��� Cit of Renton '`��� ����� y �,�� Development Services �,,u s�.��� 1055 S. Grady Way ���' `�� �`�� � Renton, WA 98055 '�e��.�" �'' � � �� 425-430-7278 Dear Mr. Mayor and Members of the City Council, The City has contacted me to request that we install a larger sewer line at Clover Creek. A 15" sewer main, as opposed to an 8" line, will better suit the long-term demands for the City. We will agree to install the 15" service based on the terms I discussed on the phone with the City which are as follows: The City shall re-imburse to Labrador Ventures, LLC the cost difference between the original design specifications and the requested change. These costs shall include PVC pipe, ductile iron pipe and connecting T's for the new sizing. Any engineering revisions, if necessary, shall also be paid for by the City of Renton. None are foreseen at this time. Attached herewith are 2 quotes from the suppliers on the different sizing options. The lineal footages were provided by Neil Watts (#1}and by our contractars (#2). These prices do not include tax as it is presumed no tax would be charged on infrastructure that will eventually be owned by the City of Renton. If indeed, we must pay tax to the supplier, then the additional taxes incurred will also be passed along to the City. Labrador Ventures, LLC will provide the City with actual billings after the wark is complete and shall seek full repayment of the difference from the City at that time. Repayment may either come in the form of cash or by way of credit against applicable plat mitigation fees. I hereby request the Council approve oversizing costs as presented above. � ..-- Sincerely,,.%� ,6 �� �i��'�' r Bradley K Hughes, General Manager The conditions described above are acceptable to the City of Renton. By Date PO Box 3344, Kirkland, WA 98083 Toll Free(877)LAB-RADO (425)225-5585 Fax(425)228-4499 r � � � � LABRAD4R LAND COMFANY j�'::; US F - WaQD I NV I LLE WA �= WOODINVILLE SRANCfs PO SOX 1264 �-�: !�;�;;'. ;;; ACCOUNTS PAYABLE" ,�;_,; PUYALLUP, WA �; - - PO BOX 3344 � ��:-'. = - ZIPL980�3W3344 '--- ZIP 98371 (FAX COPY) ��i�::;,;�i��:;s;�isi�;::�::���s Telephone: 425-483-2724 S� _... _. .__._ .__.__,_ .__. 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