HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_27_C_Ecology Review of the Regulatory Status of Feature G Sounders FC Center at Longacres Project Renton Project Numbers LUA22-000357 and PR22-00301From: Molstad, Neil (ECY) <NEMO461@ECY.WA.GOV> Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 8:07 AM To: Jill Ding Cc: Jeff Gray; Bill Shiels; jprater@talasaea.com Subject: Ecology Review of the Regulatory Status of Feature G Sounders FC Center at Longacres Project Renton Project Numbers LUA22-000357 and PR22- 00301 Attachments: Sounders FC Center at Longacres - Ecology Review and Follow Up Site Visit Renton Project Numbers LUA22-000357 and PR22-000301; DOE Wetland Rating Summary Area G.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hello Jill, On November 1, 2022, I emailed you to let you know that I had some questions regarding the regulatory status of the area denoted as Feature G at the Sounders FC Center at Longacres project site. I’ve included the email to you as an attachment for the benefit of those copied to this email. I was able to visit the site on November 8, 2022, to observe the conditions within and around Feature G. I’ve also reviewed most of the materials submitted to the city for the Sounders project, along with other widely available desktop resources. The following submitted materials are most relevant to my review: · Talasaea Consultants, Inc.’s Critical Areas – Existing Conditions Letter Report dated April 29, 2022 (Report) · Otak, Inc.’s Peer Review Memorandum dated June 9, 2022 (Memo) · Talasaea Consultants, Inc.’s Critical Areas Report and Conceptual Mitigation Plan dated October 7, 2022 (Mitigation Plan) · NV5’s ALTA/NSPS Survey – Boeing Longacres Property dated October 14, 2021 (Survey) · Existing Conditions Survey Map of the Longacres Property Unknown author, undated In the Report, Talasaea determines that Feature G is not a regulated wetland per Renton’s Municipal Code, and Otak concurred with this determination in the Memo. Ecology Review of the Regulatory Status of Feature G Washington State’s definition of a wetland (see RCW 90.58.030(2)(h)) is as follows: "Wetlands" means areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. intentionally created from nonwetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street, or highway. Wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland areas to mitigate the conversion of wetlands. The City of Renton’s definition of areas not considered wetland is essentially the same as the last sentence in the paragraph above (see RMC 4-3-050B). It is important to note that a feature has to be artificial in nature, intentionally created/constructed, and created in non-wetland (i.e., in upland) to not be considered a regulated wetland under state law. Feature G is artificial in nature and was created in non-wetland but was not intentionally created/constructed. Since Feature G does not meet all of the characteristics of a non-wetland area, as defined in state law, Ecology’s Shorelands and Environmental Assistance (SEA) Program considers Feature G to be a state regulated wetland. Ecology’s rationale for this determination is as follows: · Ecology is in agreement with the Report that there is no substantive evidence to indicate the presence of wetland within or in the immediate vicinity of Feature G prior to the construction activity on the Longacres properties in the late 1990’s. · Sample Point TP-G1 in the Mitigation Plan, which is located within Feature G, meets wetland criteria (vegetation, soils, and hydrology). Ecology confirmed the presence of wetland conditions within Feature G during the November 8, 2022 site visit, and Ecology assumes that both Talasaea and Otak agree that Feature G currently meets wetland criteria. If this is not the case, please let me know and we can discuss potential steps to take that might support a different conclusion. · Photo 4 in the Report is a low elevation aerial of Feature G. No stormwater inlets or outlets can be observed within or around Feature G in the photo, and the lack of any direct or designed stormwater input into Feature G was confirmed during Ecology’s November 8, 2022 site visit. As such, there is no evidence on the ground to indicate that Feature G currently serves any intentional stormwater management function. · The Report provides a detailed account of the history of the activity within and around Feature G over the past 40 years, and it cannot be disputed that a sedimentation basin was located in the same general area as the current Feature G in the late 1990’s. The snip below is taken from the Report; it is a high resolution aerial photo from the late 1990’s that clearly shows this feature: It is also just as apparent that this sedimentation basin was intended to be temporary. The snip below is a 2000 aerial photo of Feature G and vicinity, which shows that the sedimentation basin was filled in: In the over 20 years since the area within and around Feature G was filled in, wetland characteristics have developed within Feature G. There is no evidence to indicate that this wetland was intentionally created; it appears that the wetland conditions within Feature G have developed inadvertently and naturally over time. Additional evidence to support that Feature G currently serves no stormwater management function can be found in the Survey. The snip below is the portion of the Survey around Feature G: The Survey snip above shows the wetland boundary of Feature G, presumably as delineated by NV5 in March 2021, along with the existing stormwater infrastructure in the vicinity of Feature G. There are two stormwater lines near Feature G. The line to the south collects water from areas to the south and east of Feature G and conveys it into the feature called Pond B in the Report; there is no direct connection between this line and Feature G. The line to the east and north of Feature G is denoted with the abbreviation (ABOND), which might be an abbreviation for abandoned. The structure at the end of this line has a callout that says “Per As-Built Could Not Locate”. Taking into account that neither the surveyors in 2021 nor Ecology in November 2022 were able to find any evidence of the existence of this stormwater line, it is reasonable to assume that this stormwater line was constructed to convey water into the temporary sedimentation ponds during the late 1990’s activity on the Longacres Park property and was abandoned once the sedimentation ponds were filled in. Next Steps Since Feature G is considered a state regulated wetland and will be impacted by the proposed project, the applicant will need to apply for federal and/or state permits/certifications. Please contact me with any specific questions about the state wetland permitting process; contact the U. S Army Corps of Engineers for specific questions relating to the Federal wetland permitting process. Feature G will need to be rated. I’ve attached my attempt to rate Feature G to this email; if there is general agreement that this rating is appropriate, feel free to use it. Let me know if there are any specific questions regarding my rating. I can provide the supporting figures for the rating upon request. Lastly, since the proposed project will impact Feature G, the current wetland mitigation plan for the project will need to be updated to account for and appropriately compensate for the loss of this wetland area. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this email. Regards, Neil Neil Molstad, PWS (he/him) Wetland Specialist – Northwest Regional Office Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program Washington State Department of Ecology Cell 425.389.5549 | neil.molstad@ECY.WA.GOV This communication is a public record and may be subject to disclosure per RCW 42.56. 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depres…1/12 1. Category of wetland based on FUNCTIONS         [ ] Categor y I - Total score = 23 - 27         [ ] Categor y II - Total score = 20 - 22         [X] Categor y III - Total score = 16 - 19         [ ] Categor y IV - Total score = 9 - 15 FUNCTION Improving Water Quality Hydrologic Habitat Site Potential M M L Landscape Potential L M L Value H H M Total Score Based on Ratings 6 7 4 17 Score for each function based on three ratings (order of ratings is not important) 9 = H,H,H 8 = H,H,M 7 = H,H,L 7 = H,M,M 6 = H,M,L 6 = M,M,M 5 = H,L,L 5 = M,M,L 4 = M,L,L 3 = L,L,L 2. Category based on SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS of wetland CHARACTERISTIC CATEGORY Estuarine Wetland of High Conservation Value Bog Forested Coastal Lagoon Interdunal None of the above Not Applicable Wetland name or number: Area G RATING SUMMARY - Western Washington Name of wetland (or ID#): Area G         Date of site visit: 11/08/2022 Rated By: Molstad         Trained by Ecology? Yes [X] No [ ]         Date of Training: 03/21/2019 HGM Class used for rating: Depressional Wetland has multiple HGM classes? Yes [ ] No [X] NOTE: Form is not complete without the figures requested (figures can be combined). Source of base aerial photo/map: OVERALL WETLAND CATEGORY: [Category III] (based on functions [X] or special characteristics [ ]) ✔ ✔ ✔ 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depres…2/12 Wetland name or number: Area G Maps and figures required to answer questions correctly for Western Washington Depressional Wetlands Map of:To answer questions:Figure # Cowardin plant classes D 1.3, H 1.1, H 1.4 Hydroperiods D 1.4, H 1.2 Location of outlet (can be added to map of hydroperiods)D 1.1, D 4.1 Boundary of area within 150 ft of the wetland (can be added to another figure)D 2.2, D 5.2 Map of the contributing basin D 4.3, D 5.3 1km Polygon: Area that extends 1km from entire wetland edge - including polygons for accessible habitat and undisturbed habitat H 2.1, H 2.2, H 2.3 Screen capture of map of 303(d) listed waters in basin (from Ecology website)D 3.1, D 3.2 Screen capture of list of TMDLs for WRIA in which unit is found (from web)D 3.3 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depres…3/12 Wetland name or number: Area G DEPRESSIONAL AND FL ATS WETLANDS Water Quality Functions - Indicators that the site functions to improve water quality D 1.0 Does the site have the potential to improve water quality? D 1.1 What are the characteristics of surface water outflows from the wetland? Wetland has no surface water outlet.points = 3 Wetland has an intermittently flowing, or highly constricted, outlet.points = 2 Wetland has an unconstricted, or slightly constricted, surface outlet that is permanently flowing points = 1 Wetland is a flat depression whose outlet is a permanently flowing ditch.points = 1 Score:   3 D 1.2 Can the soil 2in below the surface be identified as true clay or organic soil? Mapped as true clay or organic (muck or peat)points = 4 Soil texture identified as clay or organic in field points = 4 Soil texture identified as clay or organic by laboratory test points = 4 None of the above points = 0 Score:   0 D 1.3 What are the characteristics and distribution of persistent plants? Wetland has persistent, ungrazed, plants > 95% of area points = 5 Wetland has persistent, ungrazed, plants > 50% of area points = 3 Wetland has persistent, ungrazed plants > 10% of area points = 1 Wetland has persistent, ungrazed plants < 10% of area points = 0 Score:   5 D 1.4 What are the characteristics of seasonal ponding or inundation in the wetland area? Area seasonally ponded is > 50% total area of wetland points = 4 Area seasonally ponded is > 25% total area of wetland points = 2 Area seasonally ponded is < 25% total area of wetland points = 0 Score:   0 Total for D 1:8 Rating of Site Potential [ ] 12-16 = H [X] 6-11 = M [ ] 0-5 = L Record the rating on the first page D 2.0 Does the landscape have the potential to support the water quality function of the site? D 2.1 Does the wetland unit receive stormwater discharges? Yes points = 1 No points = 0 Score:   0 D 2.2 Is >10% of the area within 150ft of the wetland in land uses that generate pollutants in surface runoff? Yes points = 1 No points = 0 Score:   0 D 2.3 Are there septic systems within 250ft of the wetland? Yes points = 1 No points = 0 Score:   0 D 2.4 Are there other sources of pollutants coming into the wetland that are not listed in questions D 2.1-D 2.3? Yes points = 1 No points = 0 Score:   0 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depres…4/12 Wetland name or number: Area G D 2.5 What are the other sources of pollutants coming into the wetland? Total for D 2:0 Rating of Landscape Potential [ ] 3-4 = H [ ] 1-2 = M [X] 0 = L Record the rating on the first page D 3.0 Is the water quality improvement provided by the site valuable to society? D 3.1 Does the wetland discharge directly (i.e., within 1 mi) to a stream, river, lake, or marine water that is on the 303(d) list? Yes points = 1 No points = 0 Score:   1 D 3.2 Is the wetland in a basin or sub-basin where an aquatic resource is on the 303(d) list? Yes points = 1 No points = 0 Score:   1 D 3.3 Has the site been identified in a watershed or local plan as important for maintaining water quality? Yes points = 2 No points = 0 Score:   2 Total for D 3:4 Rating of Value [X] 2-4 = H [ ] 1 = M [ ] 0 = L Record the rating on the first page DEPRESSIONAL AND FL ATS WETLANDS Hydrologic Functions - Indicators that the site functions to reduce flooding and stream degradtion D 4.0 Does the site have the potential to reduce flooding and erosion? D 4.1 What are the characteristics of surface water outflows from the wetland? Wetland has no surface water outlet.points = 4 Wetland has an intermittently flowing, or highly constricted, outlet.points = 2 Wetland is a flat depression whose outlet is a permanently flowing ditch.points = 1 Wetland has an unconstricted, or slightly constricted, surface outlet that is permanently flowing points = 0 Score:   4 D 4.2 What is the depth of storage during the wet periods? Marks of ponding are 3ft or more above the surface or bottom of the outlet.points = 7 Marks of ponding are between 2ft to <3ft from the surface or bottom of the outlet.points = 5 Marks of ponding are at least 0.5ft to <2ft from the surface or the bottom of the outlet.points = 3 The wetland is a "headwater" wetland.points = 3 The wetland is flat but has small depressions on the surface that trap water.points = 1 Marks of ponding are less than 0.5ft (6in).points = 0 Score:   0 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depres…5/12 Wetland name or number: Area G D 4.3 What is the contribution of the wetland to storage in the watershed? The area of the basin is less than 10 times the area of the unit points = 5 The area of the basin is 10 to 100 times the area of the unit points = 3 The area of the basin is more than 100 times the area of the unit points = 0 Entire wetland is in the Flats class points = 5 Score:   3 Total for D 4:7 Rating of Site Potential [ ] 12-16 = H [X] 6-11 = M [ ] 0-5 = L Record the rating on the first page D 5.0 Does the landscape have the potential to support hydrologic functions of the site? D 5.1 Does the wetland unit receive stormwater discharges? Yes points = 1 No points = 0 Score:   0 D 5.2 Is >10% of the area within 150 ft of the wetland in land uses that generate excess runoff? Yes points = 1 No points = 0 Score:   1 D 5.3 Is more than 25% of the contributing basin of the wetland covered with intensive human land uses? Yes points = 1 No points = 0 Score:   0 Total for D 5:1 Rating of Landscape Potential [ ] 3 = H [X] 1-2 = M [ ] 0 = L Record the rating on the first page D 6.0 Are the hydrologic functions provided by the site valuable to society? D 6.1 Is the wetland in a landscape that has flooding problems? Flooding occurs in a sub-basin that is immediately down-gradient of the wetland.points = 2 Surface flooding problems are in a sub-basin farther down-gradient.points = 1 Flooding from groundwater is an issue in the basin.points = 1 The existing or potential outflow from the wetland is so constrained that water cannot reach areas that flood.points = 0 There are no problems with flooding downstream of the wetland.points = 0 Score:   2 D 6.2 Has the site been identified as important for flood storage or flood conveyance in a regional flood control plan? Yes points = 2 No points = 0 Score:   0 Total for D 6:2 Rating of Value [X] 2-4 = H [ ] 1 = M [ ] 0 = L Record the rating on the first page 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depres…6/12 Wetland name or number: Area G HABITAT FUNCTIONS These questions apply to wetlands of all HGM classes - Indicators that the site functions to provide important habitat H 1.0 Does the wetland have the potential to provide habitat for many species? H 1.1 What is the structure of the plant community? Aquatic Bed Emergent Scrub-shrub Forested Multiple strata within the Forested class (canopy, sub-canopy, shrubs, herbaceous, moss/ground cover)   4 structures or more points = 4 3 structures points = 2 2 structures points = 1 1 structure points = 0 No structures present points = 0 Score:   0 H 1.2 What are the hydroperiods that meet the size thresholds in the wetland? Permanently flooded or inundated Seasonally flooded or inundated Occasionally flooded or inundated Saturated only Permanently flowing stream or river in, or adjacent to, the wetland Seasonally flowing stream in, or adjacent to, the wetland Lake Fringe wetland Freshwater Tidal wetland   4 or more types present points = 3 3 types present or Lake Fringe / Freshwater Tidal Fringe points = 2 2 types present points = 1 1 type present points = 0 None present points = 0 Score:   0 H 1.3 What is the richness of the plant species in the wetland?   >19 species points = 2 5-19 species points = 1 <5 species points = 0 Score:   1 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depres…7/12 Wetland name or number: Area G H 1.4 What is the interspersion of habitats?   High points = 3 Moderate points = 2 Low points = 1 None points = 0 Score:   0 H 1.5 What are the special habitat features in the wetland? Large, downed, woody debris within the wetland (>4in diameter and 6ft long). Standing snags (dbh >4in) within the wetland Undercut banks are present for at least 6.6ft (2m) and/or overhanging plants extend at least 3.3ft (1m) over open water or a stream (or ditch) in, or contiguous with the wetland, for at least 33ft (10m) Stable steep banks of fine material that might be used by beaver or muskrat for denning (>30 degree slope) OR signs of recent beaver activity are present (cut shrubs or trees that have not yet weathered where wood is exposed) At least 0.25ac of thin-stemmed persistent plants or woody branches are present in areas that are permanently or seasonally inundated (structures for egg-laying by amphibians) Invasive plants cover less than 25% of the wetland area in every stratum of plants (see H 1.1 for list of strata)   6 habitats selected points = 6 5 habitats selected points = 5 4 habitats selected points = 4 3 habitats selected points = 3 2 habitats selected points = 2 1 habitat selected points = 1 No habitats selected points = 0 Score:   0 Total for H 1:1 Rating of Site Potential [ ] 15-18 = H [ ] 7-14 = M [X] 0-6 = L Record the rating on the first page H 2.0 Does the landscape have the potential to suppor t habitat functions of the site? H 2.1 What is the percentage of accessible habitat within 1km of the wetland?   >33% of 1km Polygon points = 3 20-33% of 1km Polygon points = 2 10-19% of 1km Polygon points = 1 <10% of 1km Polygon points = 0 Score:   0 H 2.2 What is the percentage of total habitat in a 1km polygon around the wetland?   Total habitat is >50% of the Polygon points = 3 Total habitat is 10-50% of the Polygon and in 1-3 patches points = 2 Total habitat is 10-50% of the Polygon and in >3 patches points = 1 Total habitat is <10% of the Polygon points = 0 Score:   1 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depres…8/12 Wetland name or number: Area G H 2.3 What is the land use intensity in the 1km polygon?   50% of the Polygon is high intensity land use points = -2 <50% of the Polygon is high intensity land use points = 0 Score:   -2 Total for H 2:-1 Rating of Landscape Potential [ ] 4-6 = H [ ] 1-3 = M [X] 0 = L Record the rating on the first page H 3.0 Is the habitat provided by the site valuable to society? H 3.1 Does the site provide habitat for species valued in laws, regulations, or policies? Aspen Stands Biodiversity Areas and Corridors Herbaceous Balds Old-growth/Mature Forests Oregon White Oak Riparian Westside Prarie Fresh Deepwater Instream Nearshore (Coastal, Open Coast, Puget Sound) Caves Cliffs Snags and Logs Talus The following criteria automatically score 2 points: The wetland provides habitat for Threatened or Endangered species The wetland is mapped as a location for an individual WDFW priority species The wetland is a Wetland of High Conservation Value The wetland has been categorized as an important habitat site in a local plan   The wetland has 3 or more WDFW priority habitats within 100m, or meets the criteria for societal value points = 2 The site has 1 or 2 WDFW priority habitats within 100m points = 1 The site does not meet any of the criteria for societal value points = 0 Score:   1 Total for H 3:1 Rating of Value [ ] 2 = H [X] 1 = M [ ] 0 = L Record the rating on the first page 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depres…9/12 Wetland name or number: Area G CATEGORIZATION BASED ON SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS SC 1.0 Estuarine Wetlands SC 1.1 Does the wetland meet all of the following criteria for Estuarine wetlands? The dominant water regime is tidal The wetland is vegetated The water salinity is greater than 0.5 ppt   Yes - Go to SC 1.2 No - Not an Estuarine Wetland Result: Not an Estuarine Wetland SC 1.2 Is the wetland within a National Wildlife Refuge, National Park, National Estuary Reserve, Natural Area Preserve, State Park or Educational, Environmental, or Scientific Reserve designated under WAC 332-30-151?   Yes - Category I Estuarine Wetland No - Go to SC 1.3 Result: SC 1.3 Is the wetland unit at least 1ac in size and meets at least two of the following three conditions? The wetland is relatively undisturbed (has no diking, ditching, filling, cultivation, grazing), and has less than 10% cover of non-native plant species. At least 75% of the landward edge of the wetland has a 100ft buffer of shrub, forest, or un- grazed or un-mowed grassland The wetland has at least two of the following features: tidal channels, depressions with open water, or contiguous freshwater wetlands.   Yes - Category I Estuarine Wetland No - Category II Estuarine Wetland Result: SC 2.0 Wetlands of High Conser vation Value SC 2.1 Is the wetland listed by Washington Natural Heritage Program WDNR as a Wetland of High Conservation Value (WHCV)?   Yes - Category I Wetland of High Conservation Value No - Go to SC 2.2 Result: Go to SC 2.2 SC 2.2 Does the wetland have a rare plant species, rare plant community, or high-quality common plant community that may qualify the site as a WHCV?   Yes - Category I Wetland of High Conservation Value No - Not a Wetland of High Conservation Value Result: Not a Wetland of High Conser vation Value 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depre…10/12 Wetland name or number: Area G SC 3.0 Bogs SC 3.1 Does an area within the wetland unit have organic soil horizons, either peats or mucks, that compose 16in or more of the first 32in of the soil profile?   Yes - Go to SC 3.3 No - Go to SC 3.2 Result: Go to SC 3.2 SC 3.2 Does an area within the wetland unit have organic soils, either peats or mucks, that are less than 16 in deep over bedrock, or an impermeable hardpan such as clay or volcanic ash, or that are floating on top of a lake or pond?   Yes - Go to SC 3.3 No - Not a Bog Wetland Result: Not a Bog Wetland SC 3.3 Does an area with peats or mucks have more than 70% cover of mosses at ground level, AND at least 30% cover of plant species listed in the table provided in the instructions?   Yes - Category I Bog Wetland No - Go to SC 3.4 Result: SC 3.4 Is an area with peats or mucks forested (>30% cover) with Sitka spruce, subalpine fir, western red cedar, western hemlock, lodgepole pine, quaking aspen, Engelmann Spruce, or western white pine AND any of the species (or combinations of species) listed in the table found in the instructions provide more than 30% of the cover under the canopy?   Yes - Category I Bog Wetland No - Not a Bog Wetland Result: SC 4.0 Forested Wetlands SC 4.1 Does the wetland have at least 1 contiguous acre of forest that meets one of the following criteria? Old-growth forests Mature forests   Yes - Category I Forested Wetland No - Not a Forested Wetland Result: Not a Forested Wetland 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depre…11/12 Wetland name or number: Area G SC 5.0 Wetlands in Coastal Lagoons SC 5.1 Coastal Lagoons: Does the wetland meet all of the following criteria of a wetland in a coastal lagoon? The wetland lies in a depression adjacent to marine waters that is wholly or partially separated from marine waters by sandbanks, gravel banks, shingle, or rocks The depression in which the wetland is located contains ponded water that is saline or brackish (>0.5 ppt) during most of the year in at least a portion of the open water area (measured near the bottom)   Yes - Go to SC 5.2 No - Not a Coastal Lagoon Wetland Result: Not a Coastal Lagoon Wetland SC 5.2 Does the wetland meet all of the following three conditions? The wetland is relatively undisturbed (has no diking, ditching, filling, cultivation, grazing), and has less than 20% cover of aggressive, opportunistic plant species (see list of species). At least 75% of the landward edge of the wetland has a 100ft buffer of shrub, forest, or un- grazed or un-mowed grassland. the wetland is larger than 0.10ac (4350 sqft)   Yes - Category I Coastal Lagoon No - Category II Coastal Lagoon Result: SC 6.0 Interdunal Wetlands SC 6.1 Is the wetland west of the 1889 line (also called the Western Boundary of Upland Ownership WBUO)?   Yes - Go to SC 6.2 No - Not an Interdunal Wetland Result: Not an Interdunal Wetland SC 6.2 Is the wetland 1ac or larger in size, or a mosaic that is 1ac or larger in size?   Wetland is larger than 1ac in size - Go to SC 6.3 Wetland is a mosaic larger than 1ac is size - Category II Interdunal Wetland No - Go to SC 6.4 Result: SC 6.3 Does the wetland score 8 or 9 points for the habitat functions?   Yes - Category I Interdunal Wetland No - Category II Interdunal Wetland Result: SC 6.4 Is the wetland unit between 0.1ac and 1ac, or in a mosaic of wetlands that is between 0.1ac and 1ac in size?   Yes - Category III Interdunal Wetland No - Category IV Interdunal Wetland Result: 12/16/22, 8:59 AM Wetland Rating Summary https://test-secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wetlandsratingtool/WATOR/WetlandSummary?WetlandId=8921&WetlandName=Area G&WetlandType=Depre…12/12 Wetland name or number: Area G Category of wetland based on Special Characteristics If you answered No for all types, enter "Not Applicable" on Summary Form Final Categor y: Not Applicable