HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA67-384 r A , , .iiiC 3 t(jeiviAtjA MI ORDINANCE Nb. 023/f 62A) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI.TY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY 656. OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (G) TO LIGHT ' INDUSTRY DISTRICT (L-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow described have heretofore been zoned as General Classification District (G); and WHEREAS a change for zone classification of said property has beenfiled with the City Clerk on or about March 3, 1967, which petition was then duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about March 22. 1967, and said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission and said request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and all parties having been heard appearing in support theres: or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following property is hereby rezoned to "Light Industry District • (L-1)"; the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to- wit: South 280' of North 330' of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W.M. , EXCEPT the East 30' thereof, County of King, State of Washington. (situated on 4th Avenue North, West of M Street) SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force andeffect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of April, 1967. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk `^" Yu ' {tg APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of April, 1967. ' "' `41:Mearif: re-6: . (1----------- Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: 1 1 IV) Gerald M. Shellan, City Attorney pate of Publication: / / 9‘7 i,w..,� .!� •� g'37 ',4 '�.,- 1 a' [rw �aI.0ai , INECNI 1. S1 ,`'c a ig -rT t,. .,PTIP a 1, jel • IV ,,,__,, .,. .m�. e�� 10'r AVE �. ' NiH '''' t,tR "' 1 R•I-���1 ��' ' r, ■AOO�Mi, If1"� ,tiC9i,00 �� :Ns an sao., �3 32 ;, , �a��mmm? mamma iioodv� n 0 omm o o , mi .�._._ ° °©EM= mo mo a •rp lam.;, _ �. . ��_m o :an- aJa m o m �46� " If ' �� �,-tt gillI oeo= ®� omo „my* 7 e�emev, PI ME P-1 5 - ���10 ,illiii,,4►° ■ ~ meof9111111l1sli,eeeePM omaAlb . v Ng WW1? a *._._.. sRse�s4 �@ a aces lei O ...I ,��. 1, 171 •o� Q, ggf nisi 84ta f4i - AV . s0�ottn 4r© so �a ��IDaD O�1I— P:Lr? j ma run gm tioam 0Wil0 ,�oAv.mm0m @���ldse'me��1 e ��*�a"mm Is IAA s , ?m���m a�S�' •as���*El a• oo�. m e • 1 o�a 0 Q — �` !pal-el ;El lairl ; 411.`i . m 0 - d�011 m 4mii .a i . � �s•�t ,��� O E G �1 • • seo� / ,,,,,, .. I J T i i l - 1 i 4 Il 0 i s G � NW OD iGS- I R - 5 B , , , ,__ ___________?_,;:,_„\,--, ,,Noo,a L- . I / , , I „ _.. ...:___ __.! SE/ i/ //DO 0 H,y H7"- r GS- 1 \ \s . 1 //:/// . t 0 LI'II 1. , i . - I \ I I P/ � //�/ ------- I I MT OLivET I / 1 01 CEMETERY I I / / /0/ �N II 1 ,/CJ// I I I I L rt I I -t, 1 i�/ RRENTON tCITY LIMITS, I ®0 I I / / I I x I/ / III m� '' I'i 11 S- i ! ; Fat, I II int I 1 1 I I I ' I I eeee, `N I I i I T 'r 1 I I = 3 1 ' I I 1 awANI B1 � _ ' I I APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No. : V- 3$4-V7 Sec. -Twp.-R. Date of Filing : 3- 3•- b7 Area Map Planning Com. Action: Kroll Page Date: Ord. No. : Receipt No. L1 b APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY Name of Applicant Be.-. 1 Dovot2v Serra Address 1M14 May Creek Roads Telephone No. A1.5-8301 T`eui,uu Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on 4t:4 venue, No. Street, t dataam: T°:c:zt of it St . Street and Street. Legal Description of Subject Property • .1:3 uth 2 O ow i�n.:North 3��.i. n.l. e Ec.e'.:rb half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter `. ^a T North, L` t+ C..'!' Section s.l� , 1_C)i':1��3wi.�'.%:.'.jA �•. !:9��.Z'1 a'., b:. ?;3,,r,�;C �x p..• .1`:� .1�.I. EXCEPT the East 30 ' thereof, County of King, State of Washington. Existing Zoning "Gt' Zoning Requested it ,„,1". What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? Bu.st+.:ness and/or Light Industrial Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be rovided on this property? Number Required cp_ideuate area for any parking NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are con- sidered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to sub_ stantiate your request may be attached to these sheets. 1. In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? Tt will permit development of the property which .s deT.Z;.ed under the existing, zoning. 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? Expanding population in t no area will roquiremore business and light industria:! development. 3. Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the 'Proposed zone than for the uses per- mitted in the present classification? Please explain. G classifIcatIon permit+ no feasible use of the property. 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding prop- erty �rsoom tfh�pdetrimental effects s Pict � oo L any o uses t�er itte n th pro s d Fir property y tg �,rou a not ►e ct.�tr_me aL t Gni6 adjoining properties in any manner. O AFFIDAVIT I► a%O-774� �/�2 � being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing .statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- mitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge. and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this / .d`4y rpfs / 196 • Notary. P41 cd.'4 :i and for the State of Wa ,j4 v7tr (0sid ng at Renton, (Name) , m<c ,"; 1a - (Name of Owner I 4 � 7//— /�` a� / 7 _/ / Gi%/l' (Address) (Maili Add ess (City State) (Telephone) (OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected- by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules,and�regulations of the Planning Department govern- ing the filing of su-'h 4ppf a tpn a 0REEEIVEo IIII MAR 15E 6�h Date received ,196 By: .o 4/A, /NG D EP P\ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING J4 • RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON • A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON MARCH 22 , 1967 , AT 8 : 00 P.,Mc TO CONSIDER MX`.MTKIX*KMXM THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS : • :EN Y MIX7aTSNEmm X'XgaiX rr ZIMIX.XIDEBEEIRX'XONX 1. Rezone from G-9600 to P-1; property situated on S. 180 St. between Valley Freeway on the west and 96 Ave. S. on the east. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that portion of the N Z of the NE 4 of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. lying northerly of the northerly • margin of S. 180 St. ; westerly of the westerly margin of Springbrook Road (Talbot Hill Road) (96 Ave. S. ) ; easterly of Primary State Highway No. 5 (East Valley Freeway) . 2. Rezone from GS-1 to R-1; property situated 792. 24 ' north of 4th Ave. N. and 150 ° west of 132 Ave. S.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of the : N 1 of the S z of the NE 4 of the SE 4 of the SE 4 of Section 9 , Town- ship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, lying easterly of the west 1. 5 acres of said subdivision, except the east 180 ' thereof; TOGETHER with an easement for ingress , egress and utilities over the south 15 ° of the west 150 ' of said east 180 ' . 3. Rezone from G-7200 to R-4 ; property situated on the southwest corner of 112 Ave. S.E. and Sunset Blvd. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8 , Harries Garden Home Tracts , according to plat recorded in volume 34 of plats, page 38 , in King County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion of the south 70° of said tract 8 lying easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the north line of said lot, 145 ° west of the northeast corner thereof; thence southerly at right angles to said north line to the south line of said lot 8. 4. Rezone from G to L-1; property situated on 4th Ave. N. west of M St. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: South 280 ' of North 330 ' of the E z of the NE 4 of the NW 4 of Section 16 , Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W.M. EXCEPT the east 30 ' thereof; County of King, State of Washington. 5. Preliminary Plat of Honeydew Lane; property situated on the NE corner of S.E. 107 St. and 132 Ave. S.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The NW 4 of the SW 4 of Section 3 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , King County, • Washington, less the N z of the N z of said NW 4 of the SW 4 and less the west 185' of the south 268 ° of the north 951. 15 ° of said NW 4 of the SW 4 and less. the west 30 ° of said NW 4 of the SW 4 for county road. 6. Preliminary Plat of Urch Subdivision; property situated in the south- west area of SE 96 St. and 108 Ave. S.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 3 and 4 , Eldon Acres, according to Vol. 11 of Plats , Page 86 , in the records of King County, Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON MARCH 22 , 1967 , AT 8 : 00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJEC. TION TO SAME. JAMES E. DENZER ,SECRETARY PUBLISHED March 9 , 1967 . RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATIO N 1 , , Hereby cc..Li• iy rhat Lhree ( 3) Copie<; of no above document weru potAeU by me jn connp i.cuc:u place:3 on Ole prop- erty described above as prescribed by J.aw. ATTEST: SIGNED /1.,etnrt _ 43, (,) kt,e) 4., PLANNING DEPARTMENT a RENTON,WASHINGTON CITY HALL, RENTON , WASHINGTON 98055 ar ' ALPINE 5 .3464 WaiNie a, 4v 4 i1 ur 1O 4 F1 March. 31, 1967 Ry CAPITRo The Honorable Donald W. Custer., Mayor Members of the City Council City. Hal] Renton, Washington 9805.5 Re: Actions ofthe Planning Commission at its Public Hearing Meeting of March. 22, 1967 Gentlemen and Mrs. Dahlguist: The Planning Commission at its Public Hearing Meeting of March 22, 1967 made the following recommendations to be forwarded to the City Council: PRELIMINARY PLAT' APPLICATIONS HONEYDEW'LANE, Appl. No.. P-3.83-,.67; property located on the northeast corner of S.E. 107th St.. and 132nd Ave. S.E. Total Area- 29. ac. , 119 lots Proposed Use- --Single-family residential Principal Access--132nd Ave.. S.E. Cc� ire ns: .ve Plan—Single-family residential Existing Zoning-—G-7200 URCH SUBDIVISION, Appl. No. P-385-67; property located in the .southwest area of S.E. 96th St. and 108th Ave. S.E. Total 'Area--1. 8 ac. , 8 lots Propose'. Use—Single-family residential Principal Access-108th Ave. S.E. C.o rehex�vve Pan—Single-family residential Exxstir�g 'Zoning--Gµ7200 The Planning .Commission recommends approval of the .abo.ve, preliminary plats., as revised. - FINAL PLAT APPLICATION ALOHA RANCH NO. 2 ,. Appi. No. FP-344-66; property located on S.E. 100th St. to the east of the existing Aloha Ranch Plat No. -1„ ' Total Areatl--4. 14 ac. , 18 lots ' :Prrosed Use'---Single-family residential Principal Access- -116th Ave. S.E. Comprehensive Plan—Single-family residential Existing Zoning-7200 The Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council March 314 .1967 ' Page 2 The preliminary plat of Aloha Ranch No. 2 was previously approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council. Problems regard- ing the aboveenoted plat have been. resolved. and the Planning Com- mission xedommends approval. REZONE APPLICATIONS RUGGLES,: HENRY T. , Appl. No. R-372-67, rezone from G to E-1; property located on the southeast corner. ofS.M. 128th St. and 132nd Ave. S.E. Total Area--app. 2.5 ac. Proposed Use--Commercial Principal Access--S.E. 128th St. Comprehensive' Plan--Commercial and multi-family residential ' Existing 'Zoning--G Property in question is approximately 374 feet in depth along 132nd Avenue S.E. ; 293 feet extending. eastward from the intersection of, S.E. 128th Street. The Planning Commission upon review of the re- zone request recommends that the business zoning be held to 300. feet and that the remaining portion of the property be zoned Re3 This revision met with the approval of the applicant and is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. • - • SKAGEN,- j.' AND LOTTO, M. ,' Appl. No. R-375-67, rezone from G-7200. to R-3 and .13-1; property located in the northwest • area of Sunset Highway and 132nd Ave- S.E. Total Area--app. . 8. 7ac. - Pre24 ,Fse--Multi-family residential and commercial Principal' Access--Sunset Highway . Comprehensive' Plan--Multi-family residential Existing 20ning--G-7200. . Property in question abuts the Sunset Highway on the south and a single-family residential area on the north. The property. is bounded on the east by a commercial zone. The proposed business, zone would include an area of approximately 600 feet by. 200 feet in. depth- . Upon review of the Comprehensive Plan it was found that .the proposed com- mercial zone would not be in accord with the Comprehensive. Plan. The Planning Commission, .therefore, recommends that the entire parcel be rezoned to R-3 and such: zoning is in agreement with the Comprehensive. Plan. The applicant indicated he would accept the R-3 'zoning for the entire parcel. Mayor Donald N. Custer Members of the City. Council March. 31, .1967 Page 3 • WROTEN, ROBERT E., Appl. No. R-381-67r rezone from. GS-1 to R1-1; property located 792.24 . north of 4th Ave. N. and 150 west of 132nd Ave, S.E. Total Area--13,726 sq.. ft. fnF5Ea-Use--Single-family residential Principal Access--132nd Ave. S.E. Coprehensive Plan—Single-family residential FIEMTTaialiTs:7- - The property in question would be used for thd construction of a single- family residence. The existing zoning requires a lot area of. 35,000 square feet which is not in' aCcord with the surrounding residential development. The Planning Commission upon review recommends that the Property in question be rezoned to SR-1 and this zoning would be in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant indicated that he would be in agreement with the proposed change in zoning. GARRISON; LOGAN-D. , Appl. No. R-382-67, rezone from G-7200 to R-4; property located. on the southwest corner of 112th Avenue .S.E. and Sunset Blvd. * Total Area-41,450 sq. ft. pt6p.aza Use--Multi-family residential Access--Sunset Blvd. ComprehenTave PIan--Multi-family residential Exiting Zoning--G-7200 The property in question is located in the vicinity of land recently . zoned R-4 (multi-family residential) . Access to the property would be. from the Sunset Highway. Upon review of. the property and dis- cilsjo-nc; by the Planning Commission, it Is recommended, that the pr.-;perty be rezoned to R-3 and such zoning would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant indicated that he would accept the change in zoning classification. • SERRA, BEN. AND DOROTHY Appl. No R-384-67 , rezone from G to L-1; property loeatd. on. 4th Ave. N. west of M Street Total area--app. 3.5 ac. Pr9osed Use--Industrial and commercial Principal AceeSs--4th Ave. N. Comprehensive Plan--Light industrial Zoning--G The property in question is located on the south Side of 4th Ave. N and to the south of the Renton Vocational School and presently in- cludes the site of an auction barn and other commercial uses. The • Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed zoning as it is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. • Mayor Donald N. Custer Members of the City Council March. 31, 1967 Page 4 . Very truly. yours, • - •:// •%/.. //, --'- /;/66rdon Y.,,,OriCksen Planning/Director / • / / hh /2 GYE • , • • • • • - • • Renton Planning Commission Meeting March 22 , 1967 Minutes Page 5 3. New Business : (continued) neighbors James Birch, Mr. Saler, Mr, Darwin and Mrs, Hill. These people cited loss of view, spot zoning, loss of privacy for single-family resi- dences and increased traffic problems as main reasons -for- their objection to" the rezone, Mr. Logan Garrison, the applicant, spoke in behalf of the rezone and stated that he had no intention of blocking anyone' s view; that he planned a two-story apartment building for the property and indicated that he would be agreeable to a lesser zoning such as R-3 for the property. There being no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke; seconded by Denzer, that the hearing be closed, Motion carried unanimously, Action: It was moved by Stredicke, seconded 'by Racanello, that the Planning Commission recommend rezone of this property to R-3 as it complies with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried unanimously. 1777 SERRA, BEN AND DOROTHY, Appl. No, R-384-67 , rezone from G to L-1; property located. on 4th Ave, west of M Street, Color slides of the property and surrounding area were shown and the Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. Mr. Ericksen noted that the property in question is loca- ted directly across from the Vocational School on 4th Ave, N. and there is presently some commercial uses on the property. He stated further that the Comprehensive Plan indicates light industrial use for this area and that the owner will be required to maintain a 20 ° setback from 4th Ave, No There were no comments from the audience on this application, It was moved by Denzer, seconded by Stredicke, that the hearing be closed, Motion carried unanimously. Action: It was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Cordell, that this application for rezone to L-1 be approved as it complies with the Comprehensive Plan and that this recommendation be forwarded 'to the City Council, Motion carried unanimously. At this point, 10 : 05 P.M. , it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Denzer, that the Planning Commission recess for five minutes, Motion carried unanimously, The Planning Commission reconvened at 10 : 10 P.M. 4. Administrative Matters: Copies of drafts entitled "Trailer and Mobile Home Parks--Staff Recom- mendations as revised March 22 , 1967" and "Trailer and Mobile Home Parks--Definitions" were distributed to Planning Commission members for their information and review, The Planning Department showed color slides depicting existing trailer parks in Renton with many code violations such as more than one trailer Renton Planning Commission Meeting March 8 , 1967 Minutes Page 3 4. New Business : (c) Continued The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. He advised the Commission of the fact that the property is presently being annexed by the City of Renton and the ordinance will be presented to the City Council at their next meeting. He stated that the City Attorney advised that it was discretionary with the Planning Commission whether or not they wished to consider this rezone application at this- time, as the property will be in the City at the time of the next Planning Commission Public Hearing. (d) SKAGEN, Jo AND LOTTO, M. ,Appl. No. - R-375-67 , rezone from G-7200 to R-3 and. B-1, property located in the northwest area of Sunset Highway and 132nd Ave. S.E. The Planning Director pointed out the location of this property on the zoning map and stated that this -property also is under annexation pro- ceedings by the City of Renton. Mr. Ericksen said that the Compre- hensive. Plan shows multiple-family residential use for this area. It was decided to view this property on the next field trip. (e) VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL, Apyl. No. R-379-67 , rezone from G-9600 to P-1, property located on S. 180th St. between Valley Freeway on the west and 96th Ave. S. on the east. . The Planning Director pointed out the location of this property on the zoning map. Stredicke stated that he did not feel the Commission would have to reinspect this property as all the Planning Commission members were familiar with the property, having viewed it on several occasions. (f) WROTEN, ROBERT E. Appl. No. R-381-67, rezone from GS-1 to R-1, property located 792. 24 ' north of 4th Ave. N. and 150 ' west of 132nd Ave. S.E. The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map and indicated that this is a situation where the whole area is zoned GS-1 and that the whole area should be rezoned to make it usable - as _none of the lots in the area had the required minimum square footage. It was decided to inspect the property on the next field trip. (g) GARRISON, LOGAN D. , Appl. No. R-382-67 , rezone from G-7200 to R-4, property located on the southwest corner of 112th Ave. S.E. and Sunset Blvd. The Planning Director pointed out the- location of the property on the zoning map and indicated that the Comprehensive Plan shows multi- - family residential use for this area. It was decided to inspect the property on the next field trip. • (h) SERRA, BEN AND DOROTHY, Appl. No, R-384-67 , rezone from G to L-1, property located on 4th Ave. N. west of M Street. i Renton Planning Commission Meeting March 8 , 1967 Minutes Page 4 4. ' New Business : (h) Continued The Planning Director indicated the property on the zoning map and stated the Comprehensive Plan shows light industrial use for this area. It was decided to inspect the property at the next field trip. Lablo 5. Vacation of S.E. 106th Avenue: The Planning Director stated that the vacation of S .E. 106th Avenue is before the City Council again with the following changes : 1. Benson Properties will provide an 8 ' wide blacktop sidewalk for the use of the- junior high school children. 2 . Benson Properties will grant an easement to the school district for the use- of the sidewalk as well as the present right-of-way for school busses to travel from Puget Drive to the north property line of the school. 3.- The sidewalk and the easement use will be granted until such time as the City of Renton extends and improves S .E. 162nd Street to Puget Drive, when these provisions will be revoked. 4 . Benson. Properties agrees to a reasonable participation in the cost of providing a future city street to connect to Puget Drive. Action: It was moved by Denzer, seconded by Stredicke, that the Planning Com- mission reaffirm to the City Council their previously-stated position on the proposed vacation of S.E. 106th Avenue. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Memo to Planning Commission from Stan Stone re: Suggested Change in Procedure, Planning Commission Hearings: The Chairman read the memo from Planning Commission member Stone sug- gesting that when the Planning Commission and the Planning Department recommend approval that opponents to the application be heard; and that when the Planning Commission and the Planning Department recom- mend denial that first the Commission hear from applicant, then from opponents. Stone stated that this was the procedure followed by King County and it tended to. reduce rebuttals and thereby shorten hearing time by lessening repetitious speeches. Some discussion of this proposal followed with nothing definite being decided. 7. Amendments to Zoning Ordinance: Letter from city Attorney: Chairman read copy of a letter from City Attorney to City Clerk re- garding amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Stredicke asked where we were on trailer parks and BM zoning. The Planning Director replied that the matter of BM zoning was referred to the Planning Committee of the City Council which had just passed a motion to refer it to the A „ ,. ,'.. , .& ..N.,”` ,• ', - , -.. :s ,r• - ,:e •:-" ,"•.-,0 0-,4,- ,•,,, ,,- .• 0",..z% .‘,.; .4.. .,,. ,), ..y . ,,, • ,. . '''''' . '' . , . ' .•.' '••,,,• , .• . -'' •',', : ''•-, • ,..e,,,-4,:•. 'k '' 3. . . c '4. • _ 0,.• ,;4; ,-..,. ''' I I ',• -e. ,.. ..•. , , . ''.4 ..:4, :1. :''.... : • . ' ..t''' ' '' : ' `• ' ' . . • , , . I. . . . • . . .• . . ... . ','4„. . . • ,'...i .;e ' . i.,1, . ',> e, ,• . ,. - • . , •,_- ' / c--- . - -i- / 1 . • 21 iv Al.E--()) l'ilit il 0 0' gi 4 i ra 7 .1' -._ 4,_'A A,..„ . ' ' :. 7'0?,4, ..',;• r 0 -, , ' ' 4 i 4/yjii Se Ipliworilits, ..,iejt..,— e• iovi4ifwa-to-eitsto," f r/ , ., , .; . 4• ,:i.. 4..-• '. 1 ' .A- .*1-'1414f , .y • 4r.iiiir F...4, Jr,f„A d ev 09 0 4 0'0.4tto " ,..1, ,t.,4 .;.t,r,-, 1,' '''''' —di ;IA*: , y. cirr litii0-0/0" '. ..(=. 4:s -,,;',, s - • ,,, .. 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