HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX04_Geotechnical_Report 13705 Bel-Red Road · Bellevue, Washington 98005 Phone 425/649-8757 · Fax 425/649-8758 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang 212 – S 20th Pl Renton, Washington 98055 Phone: (208) 880-3296 Email: karenl@summitlaw.com Subject: Critical Areas Study & Geotechnical Evaluation Existing Backyard Deck 212 – S 20th Pl Renton, Washington 98055 Reference: “Lang Back Yard Deck Variances, LUA22-000145, ECF, VAR-A, RUF”, addressed to Karen Lang Crane, by Brittany Gillia, dated August 12 th, 2022. Dear Ms. Lang, At your request, GEO Group Northwest, Inc., conducted a critical areas study and geotechnical engineering evaluation for the backyard deck development at the above-subject location in Renton, Washington. The scope of our services included review of the area geologic map; assessment of subsurface soil and groundwater conditions; assessment of geologically hazardous areas present at the site; quantitative slope stability analysis; and preparation of this report of our findings, conclusions, and recommendations. SITE CONDITIONS Site Description The project site is located in central Renton, Washington, southeast of the I-405 and SR-167 interchange, as illustrated in Plate 1 – Site Location Map. The site is approximately rectangle- shaped but has a wedged taper at the southern margin; the lot totals approximately 5,011 square EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang | 212 – S 20th Pl, Renton, Washington 98055 Page 2 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. feet. An existing single-family residence lies in the central region of the property and the newly- installed, elevated deck is located at the north face of said residence. The property generally descends at gentle to moderate inclinations from the southern to northern site margins. The topography descends at steep inclinations at and past the northern property line. The highest and lowest elevations at the site are approximately 188 feet at the south property line, and 164 feet at the north property line. The gentle to moderate slope at the site is separated from the steeply sloping area by an approximately 4-foot-tall ecology block wall with rests along the crest of the steep slope. Most of the residential lot space is occupied by the developed structures, however, the site is otherwise landscaped with grass groundcover, shrubs and trees. The slope at the northern portion of the site is well-vegetated with native trees, shrubs, ivy, and forest duff. The site is accessed by South 20th Place to the southeast via a paved driveway extending from the road. Site Proximity The site is immediately surrounded by residential developed properties to the north, east, southwest, and west. The following sections in this report, based on the aerial photography and contour information from the City of Renton COR Maps, describe the natural and developed environments within 150 feet of the project site in all directions. An aerial map of the project site vicinity can be found on Plate 2 – Site Proximity Map to this report. North The immediate north-adjacent parcel (#7222000410) is currently occupied with a single-story, single-family residence, a detached garage, and a small shed. There is a concrete driveway extending from the single-family residence to the detached garage. The detached garage and driveway are approximately 20 feet beyond the northern project site property line. The lot appears to otherwise be naturally forested and well-vegetated with native foliage. The parcel moderately and steeply slopes westerly when nearing the west margin, and northerly at the northern margin. This parcel is not within the Valley Vue Estates subdivision of the project site. East Three parcels are within 150 feet of the project site to the east. The parcels are a part of the Valley Vue Estates subdivision. Each parcel (#8860500060, #8860500050, #8860500040) is occupied with a two-story, single-family residence with a daylit basement and attached garage. EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang | 212 – S 20th Pl, Renton, Washington 98055 Page 3 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. Each parcel has a paved driveway extending south to South 20 th Place. The parcels all appear to slope at gentle to moderate inclinations in the northeastern direction. West Two parcels are within 150 feet of the project site to the west. The parcels are a part of the Valley Vue Estates subdivision. Each parcel (#8860500080, #8860500090) is occupied with a two-story, single-family residence with a daylit basement and attached garage. They share a paved driveway extending southeast to South 20th Place. The parcels each appear to slope at moderate and steep inclinations in the northwestern direction. The topography continues to slope northwesterly beyond the property lines into undeveloped land. The sloping, undeveloped land appears to be naturally forested and well-vegetated with native foliage Southwest Three parcels are within 150 feet of the project site to the southwest. The parcels are a part of the Valley Vue Estates subdivision. Each parcel (#8860500100, #8860500110, #8860500120) is occupied with a two-story, single-family residence with a daylit basement and attached garage. Each parcel has a paved driveway extending east to Davis Avenue South. The parcels each appear to slope westerly at moderate and steep inclinations. The topography continues to slope beyond the property lines into undeveloped land. The sloping, undeveloped land appears to be naturally forested and well-vegetated with native foliage Southeast Five parcels are within 150 feet of the project site to the southeast. The parcels are a part of the Valley Vue Estates subdivision. Parcels #8860500300, #8860500310, and #8860500320 are occupied with two-story, single-family residences with daylit basements and attached garages. These parcels have paved driveways extending north to South 20 th Place and generally appear to slope northeasterly at moderate inclinations. Parcels #8860500290 and #8860500280 are also occupied with two-story, single-family residences with daylit basements and attached garages. These parcels have paved driveways extending south to South 21 st Street and generally appear to slope northerly at gentle inclinations. EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang | 212 – S 20th Pl, Renton, Washington 98055 Page 4 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. SITE INVESTIGATION Geologic Overview According to published geologic mapping of the area 1, the site and adjacent vicinity is underlain by shallow bedrock known as the Renton Formation. The formation is composed of arkosic sandstone, mudstone, and shale, and is interpreted to be of continental origin. Subsurface Investigation On September 30, 2022, Garrett Dean, accompanied by Andrew Hoff, Staff Engineering Geologists from our firm, visited the site to perform a visual reconnaissance of the site and investigate the subsurface soil conditions. In addition to our reconnaissance, we completed two hand auger borings at the site (HA-1 & HA-2). The boring locations are illustrated on Plate 3 - Site Plan to this report. Soils encountered in boring HA-1 consisted of dark brown to brown, loose, damp to moist, silty sand to the total depth of the boring, approximately 5.8 feet below the ground surface (bgs). The maximum depth was reached when auger refusal was met in cobble/rock material. A ½-inch diameter, T-handled probing rod was driven approximately 18 inches into the base of the borehole at a depth of 5.8 feet bgs, therefore, dense to very dense soils are anticipated at approximately 7.3 feet bgs near HA-1. The loose soils encountered near HA-1 are suspected to be of native origin, but previously disturbed during the basement construction of the residence. Soils encountered in HA-2 consisted of grayish-brown, loose, silty sand to a depth of approximately 6 inches bgs, underlain with a very dense soil of the same composition to the total depth of the boring, approximately 2.0 feet bgs. We probed other regions of the site, such as in the front, side, and backyards, and were unable to probe deeper than 6 to 12 inches. Our findings are consistent with the local geologic mapping (Renton Formation) in our opinion. Groundwater was not encountered in the borings during our investigation. For information about the soils encountered, please refer to the boring logs in Appendix A. 1 Mullineaux, D.R., 1965, Geologic map of the Renton quadrangle, King County, Washington, U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-405, 1:24,000. EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang | 212 – S 20th Pl, Renton, Washington 98055 Page 5 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. SEISMICITY EVALUATION In accordance with the procedures described in the 2018 International Building Code (IBC), we conclude that the project site should be classified as Site Class C (Very Dense Soil & Soft Rock) per ASCE 7-16. Our determination is based on the soil conditions observed in the hand auger borings that were advanced on the site and our review of the geologic mapping literature for the area. Subsequently, the seismic design parameters applicable for the site (per designation as Site Class C), per the 2018 IBC, are as follows: Ss = 1.43g Sms = 1.716g Sds = 1.144g S1 = 0.487g Sm1 = 0.73g Sd1 = 0.487g The peak ground acceleration for the site, adjusted for site class effects, is 0.73g. SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS We completed an analysis of the potential slope stability impact from the backyard deck project by using topographic information from the site survey and the City of Renton COR Maps, as well as from the findings from our onsite soil explorations. The location of the slope profile used for the analysis is denoted on Plate 3 – Site Plan as ‘Profile A’. Analyses were performed on Profile A with and without the imposed loading from the deck as well as with and without seismic loading. The analysis input parameters and results are provided in Appendix B to this report. The analyses were performed using the computer analysis program Slide 7.0 published by Rocscience, Inc. This program analyzes slope stability via various methods. For this study, Bishop’s Modified Method of Slices was used to perform the analyses. The calculated stability is represented as a factor of safety (FS) against slope failure. The FS value is dimensionless and is defined as the value of the resisting forces mobilized from the soil mass divided by the driving forces toward movement of the soil. An FS value of 1.0 represents a situation where both forces are equivalent, and the potential for movement of the soil is at or near its threshold. An FS value slightly above 1.0 indicates a slope with minimal EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang | 212 – S 20th Pl, Renton, Washington 98055 Page 6 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. stability. For the purposes of this study, an FS value of at least 1.5 is considered to indicate a sufficiently stable condition for the slope under permanent, static conditions. An FS value of at least 1.2 is considered sufficiently stable for a short-term dynamic condition such as seismic loading during an earthquake. Analysis Parameters The surface and subsurface soil types encountered in our soil explorations were categorized into discrete soil units, based on soil type classification and relative density or consistency. Analysis parameters for these soil units (unit weight, cohesion, friction angle) were obtained from published correlations with standard penetration test (SPT) data or other density and consistency observations, soil grain-size properties; typical friction angle and cohesion values published in technical literature; and our experience with past stability analyses involving similar soil types. The soil parameters developed from this analysis are summarized in the following table. Soil Unit Descriptions and Parameters Unit Soil Description Unsaturated Unit Weight (pcf) Internal Cohesion (psf) Friction Angle (deg) I Disturbed, Loose BEDROCK 110 0 30 II Weathered BEDROCK 140 500 45 Analysis Results Minimum failure surfaces calculated from the analyses are illustrated in the plots provided in Appendix B to this letter. In cases where the minimum failure surface has an FS value at or above 1.5 for the static case or 1.2 for the seismic case, only the minimum surface is illustrated. For cases where failure surfaces having FS values below 1.5 for the static case or 1.2 for the seismic case are calculated, each of those surfaces is illustrated. Profile Without Deck Loads A minimum FS value of 2.63 was calculated for potential failure surfaces along Profile A during static site conditions without the potential additional loading from the backyard deck. A minimum FS value of 1.84 was calculated for potential failure surfaces during seismic conditions. The FS values for the static and seismic conditions exceed the minimum criteria of 1.5 and 1.2, respectively, for indicating acceptable stability of the slope profile. EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang | 212 – S 20th Pl, Renton, Washington 98055 Page 7 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. Profile With Deck Loads Analysis was performed on Profile A which includes six added point loads to simulate the loading from the backyard deck. A minimum FS value of 2.39 was calculated for the potential failure surface for the static case, and a minimum FS value of 1.75 was calculated for the seismic case. These FS values meet the minimum criteria for indicating acceptable stability of the slope profile. ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREAS REVIEW High Erosion Hazard We understand that the entire project site is within a designated high erosion hazard area, per City of Renton COR Maps. Per the City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-3-050G.5.c.ii, Areas with soils characterized by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (formerly U.S. Soil Conservation Service) as having severe or very severe erosion potential, and a slope more than fifteen percent (15%). The erosion hazard mapping for the site area is illustrated on Plate 4 to this report. High Landslide Hazard We understand that the entire project site is within a designated high landslide hazard area, per City of Renton COR Maps. Per the City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-3-050G.5.b.iii, areas with slopes greater than forty percent (40%), and areas with slopes between fifteen percent (15%) and forty percent (40%) and underlain by soils consisting of largely of silt and clay are identified as high landslide hazard areas. The high landslide area mapping for the site area is illustrated on Plate 5 to this report. Sensitive & Protected Slopes We also understand that slopes meeting the criteria for sensitive slope definitions are present on the project site. Per the City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-3-050G.5.a.i the following criteria define sensitive slopes - a hillside, or portion thereof, characterized by: (a) an average slope of twenty five percent (25%) to less than forty percent (40%) as identified in the City of Renton Steep Slope Atlas or in a method approved by the City; or (b) an average slope of forty percent (40%) or greater with a vertical rise of less than fifteen feet (15') as identified in the City EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang | 212 – S 20th Pl, Renton, Washington 98055 Page 8 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. of Renton Steep Slope Atlas or in a method approved by the City; (c) abutting an average slope of twenty five percent (25%) to forty percent (40%) as identified in the City of Renton Steep Slope Atlas or in a method approved by the City. This definition excludes engineered retaining walls. Furthermore, slopes meeting the criteria for protected slope definitions are present on the project site. Per the City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-3-050G.5.a.ii, protected slopes are defined as a hillside, or portion thereof, characterized by an average slope of forty percent (40%) or greater grade and having a minimum vertical rise of fifteen feet (15') as identified in the City of Renton Steep Slope Atlas or in a method approved by the City. Sensitive and protected slopes on and adjacent to the site are illustrated on Plate 6 to this report. Critical Areas Evaluation Erosion Hazard Area We understand that Beausite gravelly sandy loam (BeC, BeD) soils have been identified on 6 to 30 percent slopes within on the project site per the USDA Web Soil Survey. The soil identification and mapping are illustrated in Appendix C to this report. According to the USDA NRCS Soil Map, Beausite gravelly sandy loam soils are described as till over residuum from sandstone, with 24 to 40 inches depth to lithic bedrock. These soils have mild to moderate erosion susceptibility ratings according to USDA classification (K Factor Rating = 0.10). We observed that the soils at the project site are covered with native vegetation which include trees, shrubs, grass and other groundcover. In our opinion, the existing vegetation is a mitigating factor in regards to downslope soil erosion at the site. No additional mitigation is necessary for the project, in our opinion. Restoration or mitigation plans, if required by the governing municipality, should be prepared by a licensed landscaping specialist. Landslide Hazard Area; Sensitive & Protected Slopes Per the site survey provided by Apex Engineering and the contour mapping available on the City of Renton COR Maps, the sloping area beneath the deck is approximately 30 to 35 percent grade and has a vertical rise of approximately 7 to 9 feet. These conditions qualify the region as a sensitive slope according to the City of Renton per the RMC clause referenced above. Continuing north beyond the deck footprint, the site slopes down 18 to 19 feet at an inclination of approximately 86 percent to the adjacent parcel below, qualifying the slope as protected per the EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang | 212 – S 20th Pl, Renton, Washington 98055 Page 9 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. RMC, referenced above. The majority of this slope area, however, lies beyond the project property boundary. Slopes on the site with inclinations 40 percent grade or higher qualify as high landslide hazards, per the RMC. The 4-foot-tall ecoblock retaining wall at the protected slope crest is exempted from sensitive slope designation, per RMC. The existing deck is well supported on the dense to very dense, shallow bedrock lies on top of the are approximately 63 or greater feet southeast from the top-of-slope, and approximately 28 or more feet away from the toe-of-slope. During our investigation, we probed the sensitive and protected slope areas and encountered dense soils at depths of approximately 0 to 6 inches beneath the ground surface. A hand auger boring was performed on the protected slope, which also encountered dense soil conditions. We interpret that the current slope inclinations at the site were shaped through historic grading and from earthwork necessary for the Valley Vue Estates subdivision development. The underlying soils encountered appear to be consistent with bedrock of the Renton Formation, as identified in the local geologic map. According to information provided by the WA DNR Geology Portal, there is no known landslide activity immediately adjacent to the project area. We observed the slopes at the site to be naturally forested with trees, shrubs, and native groundcover. We did not observe indications of slope, deck, or ecoblock wall instability during our site investigation. Conclusion We find the existing vegetation and the dense to very dense soil and shallow bedrock conditions present at the hazard area to be mitigating factors regarding slope stability and potential landsliding of the hazard area at the site. Slope stability analysis results provide factors of safety greater than 2.39 for rotational landsliding in static conditions, and greater than 1.74 in seismic conditions. It is for these considerations that, in our opinion, the mapped landslide hazard area and the sensitive and protected slopes are stable at this time; the risk of landsliding or other adverse effects to the site, critical areas, or adjacent properties due to the backyard deck development can be considered negligible. LIMITATIONS The findings and recommendations stated herein are based on field observations, our experience on similar projects and our professional judgment. The recommendations presented herein are our professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 October 26th, 2022 G-5204 Ms. Karen Lang | 212 – S 20th Pl, Renton, Washington 98055 Page 10 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area and within the project schedule and budget constraints. No warranty is expressed or implied. In the event that site conditions are found to differ from those described in this report, we should be notified so that the relevant recommendations in this report can be reevaluated and modified if appropriate. CLOSING We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with geotechnical engineering services for this project. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, GEO Group Northwest, Inc. Garrett Dean, G.I.T. William Chang, P.E. Staff Engineering Geologist Principal Engineer Plates and Attachment: Plate 1 – Site Location Map Plate 2 – Site Proximity Map Plate 3 – Site Plan Plate 4 – Erosion Hazard Map Plate 5 – Landslide Hazard Map Plate 6 – Regulated Slope Map Appendix A – USCS Soil Classification & Hand Auger Boring Logs Appendix B – Slope Stability Analysis Data Appendix C – USDA Soil Mapping & Classification EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Source: King County iMap SCALE NONE DATE 10/26/2022 MADE GD CHKD WC JOB NO.G-5204 PLATE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP BACKYARD DECK - RESIDENTIAL LOT 212 - S 20TH PL RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, & Environmental Scientists GEO Group Northwest, Inc. PROJECT SITE N EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Source: City of Renton COR Maps SCALE NONE DATE 10/26/2022 MADE GD CHKD WC JOB NO.G-5204 PLATE 2 SITE PROXIMITY MAP BACKYARD DECK - RESIDENTIAL LOT 212 - S 20TH PL RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, & Environmental Scientists GEO Group Northwest, Inc. N EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 This site plan adapted from Exhibit Map for Karen Lang, Prepared Apex Engineering, PLLC, Dated February 16th, 2022. SCALE 1" = 10'DATE 10/26/2022 MADE GD CHKD WC JOB NO.G-5204 PLATE 3 SITE PLAN BACKYARD DECK - RESIDENTIAL LOT 212 - S 20TH PL RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, & Environmental Scientists GEO Group Northwest, Inc. N Hand Auger Boring Number & Approximate LocationHA-# HA-1 HA-2 A A' EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 SCALE AS SHOWN DRAWN BY GD CHECKED BY WC DATE 10/26/2022 PROJECT NO.G-5204 PLATE 4 EROSION HAZARD MAP BACKYARD DECK - RESIDENTIAL LOT 212 - S 20TH PL RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, & Environmental Scientists GEO Group Northwest, Inc. EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 SCALE AS SHOWN DRAWN BY GD CHECKED BY WC DATE 10/26/2022 PROJECT NO.G-5204 PLATE 5 LANDSLIDE HAZARD MAP BACKYARD DECK - RESIDENTIAL LOT 212 - S 20TH PL RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, & Environmental Scientists GEO Group Northwest, Inc. EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 SCALE AS SHOWN DRAWN BY GD CHECKED BY WC DATE 10/26/2022 PROJECT NO.G-5204 PLATE 6 REGULATED SLOPE MAP BACKYARD DECK - RESIDENTIAL LOT 212 - S 20TH PL RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, & Environmental Scientists GEO Group Northwest, Inc. EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 APPENDIX A G-5204 USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION & SOIL BORING LOGS EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 CLEAN GRAVELS GW (little or no fines)GP DIRTY GRAVELS GM (with some fines)GC CLEAN SANDS SW (little or no fines)SP DIRTY SANDS SM (with some fines)SC Liquid Limit < 50%ML Liquid Limit > 50%MH Liquid Limit < 50%CL Liquid Limit > 50%CH Liquid Limit < 50%OL Liquid Limit > 50%OH Pt Sieve Size (mm)Sieve Size (mm) SILT / CLAY #200 0.075 SAND 0 - 4 0 -15 Very Loose < 2 < 0.25 Very soft FINE #40 0.425 #200 0.075 4 - 10 15 - 35 26 - 30 Loose 2 - 4 0.25 - 0.50 Soft MEDIUM #10 2.00 #40 0.425 10 - 30 35 - 65 28 - 35 Medium Dense 4 - 8 0.50 - 1.00 Medium Stiff COARSE #4 4.75 #10 2.00 30 - 50 65 - 85 35 - 42 Dense 8 - 15 1.00 - 2.00 Stiff GRAVEL > 50 85 - 100 38 - 46 Very Dense 15 - 30 2.00 - 4.00 Very Stiff FINE 0.75" 19 #4 4.75 > 30 > 4.00 Hard COARSE 3" 76 0.75" 19 COBBLES BOULDERS ROCK FRAGMENTS ROCK PLATE A1 COARSE- GRAINED SOILS GRAVELS (More Than Half Coarse Fraction is Larger Than No. 4 Sieve) WELL GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURE, LITTLE OR NO FINES CONTENT OF FINES BELOW 5% SOIL CLASSIFICATION & PENETRATION TEST DATA EXPLANATION UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (USCS) MAJOR DIVISION GROUP SYMBOL TYPICAL DESCRIPTION LABORATORY CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA Cu = (D60 / D10) greater than 4 Cc = (D30)2 / (D10 * D60) between 1 and 3 POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, AND GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES LITTLE OR NO FINES CLEAN GRAVELS NOT MEETING ABOVE REQUIREMENTS SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND-SILT MIXTURES CONTENT OF FINES EXCEEDS 12% GM: ATTERBERG LIMITS BELOW "A" LINE. or P.I. LESS THAN 4 CONTENT OF FINES BELOW 5% Cu = (D60 / D10) greater than 6 Cc = (D30)2 / (D10 * D60) between 1 and 3 (More Than Half Coarse Fraction is Smaller Than No. 4 Sieve) POORLY GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES CLEAN SANDS NOT MEETING ABOVE REQUIREMENTS SILTY SANDS, SAND-SILT MIXTURES CONTENT OF FINES EXCEEDS 12% ATTERBERG LIMITS BELOW "A" LINE with P.I. LESS THAN 4 CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-CLAY MIXTURES ATTERBERG LIMITS ABOVE "A" LINE with P.I. MORE THAN 7 CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTURES GC: ATTERBERG LIMITS ABOVE "A" LINE. or P.I. MORE THAN 7 INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY, SANDY, OR SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS Less Than Half by Weight Larger Than No. 200 Sieve (i.e., fines) INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS ORGANIC SILTS & CLAYS (Below A-Line on Plasticity Chart) ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY ORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY FINE-GRAINED SOILS SILTS (Below A-Line on Plasticity Chart, Negligible Organics) INORGANIC SILTS, ROCK FLOUR, SANDY SILTS OF SLIGHT PLASTICITY INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS, FINE SANDY OR SILTY SOIL CLAYS (Above A-Line on Plasticity Chart, Negligible Organics) More Than Half by Weight Larger Than No. 200 Sieve SANDS WELL GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS SOIL PARTICLE SIZE GENERAL GUIDANCE FOR ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF SOILS, BASED ON STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (SPT) DATA FRACTION U.S. STANDARD SIEVE Passing Retained SANDY SOILS SILTY & CLAYEY SOILS 76 mm to 203 mm > 203 mm > 76 mm 13705 Bel-Red Road >0.76 cubic meter in volume Phone (425) 649-8757 E-mail: info@geogrourpnw.com Description Bellevue, WA 98005 Blow Counts N Relative Density, % Friction Angle N, degrees Description Blow Counts N Unconfined Strength qu, tsf 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100PLASTICITY INDEX (%)LIQUID LIMIT (%) CL-ML CL MH or OH U-Line PLASTICITY CHART FOR SOIL PASSING NO. 40 SIEVE 7 4 CH Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, & Environmental Scientists GEO Group Northwest, Inc. ML A-Line ML or OL EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 LOGGED BY GD LOG DATE:9/30/2022 GROUND ELEV.181 feet +/- DEPTH SAMPLE Water ft. USCS SOIL DESCRIPTION No. % COMMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LOGGED BY GD LOG DATE:9/30/2022 GROUND ELEV.169 feet +/- DEPTH SAMPLE Water ft. USCS SOIL DESCRIPTION No. % COMMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JOB NO.G-5204 DATE 10/26/22 APPEND.A2 HAND-AUGER BORING: HA-1 OTHER TESTS/ HAND-AUGER BORING: HA-2 OTHER TESTS/ Total depth = 5.8 feet, auger refusal on cobbles/rocks. No groundwater encountered. Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, & Environmental Scientists GEO Group Northwest, Inc. Silty SAND, dark brown, loose, damp to moist; with trace organics (disturbed, weathered bedrock) -cobbles/rocks encountered at approx. 5.8' of depth. S1 S1 -Probe 25" at 0' BACKYARD DECK - RESIDENTIAL LOT 212 S 20TH PL RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 HAND AUGER BORING LOGS SM -Probe 1" at 0.6' -Probe 8" at 1.5' -Probe 48" at 0' -Probe 30" at 2.5' S2 Total depth = 2.5 feet No groundwater encountered. Patchy grass underlain with: SM Exposed soil surface underlain with: -Probe 0" at 2.0' -Probe 42" at 4.3' -Probe 18" at 5.8' 8.5 Silty SAND, grayish brown, loose to very dense, dry to damp; with some oxidation staining/mottling, some subrounded gravel and trace organics at surface EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 APPENDIX B G-5204 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS DATA EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 2.6272.627 2000.00 lbs/ft2 2.6272.627 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+260240220200180160140-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Analysis Description Company GEO Group Northwest, Inc.Scale 1:240Drawn By Garrett Dean File NameG-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House Loads only].slimDate10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM Project Lang Slope Stability SLIDEINTERPRET 7.038 EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Slide Analysis Information Lang Slope Stability Project Summary G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House Loads only]File Name: 7.038Last saved with Slide version: Lang Slope StabilityProject Title: Garrett DeanAuthor: GEO Group Northwest, Inc.Company: 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PMDate Created: General Settings Imperial UnitsUnits of Measurement: daysTime Units: inches/hourPermeability Units: Left to RightFailure Direction: StandardData Output: 20Maximum Material Properties: 20Maximum Support Properties: Analysis Options VerticalSlices Type: Analysis Methods Used Bishop simplified Janbu simplified 50Number of slices: 0.005Tolerance: 75Maximum number of iterations: YesCheck malpha < 0.2: YesCreate Interslice boundaries at intersections with water tables and piezos: 1Initial trial value of FS: YesSteffensen Iteration: Groundwater Analysis Lang Slope Stability : Page 1 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House Loads only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Water SurfacesGroundwater Method : 62.4Pore Fluid Unit Weight [lbs/ft3]: YesUse negative pore pressure cutoff: 0Maximum negative pore pressure [psf]: NoneAdvanced Groundwater Method: Random Numbers 10116Pseudo-random Seed: Park and Miller v.3Random Number Generation Method: Surface Options CircularSurface Type: Grid SearchSearch Method: 10Radius Increment: DisabledComposite Surfaces: Invalid SurfacesReverse Curvature: Not DefinedMinimum Elevation: 3Minimum Depth [ft]: Not DefinedMinimum Area: Not DefinedMinimum Weight: Seismic NoAdvanced seismic analysis: NoStaged pseudostatic analysis: Loading 1 Distributed Load present Distributed Load 1 ConstantDistribution: 2000Magnitude [psf]: VerticalOrientation: Material Properties Lang Slope Stability : Page 2 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House Loads only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 ConcreteWeathered Bedrock (Very Dense )Weathered, Disturbed BedrockProperty Color Infinite strengthMohr-CoulombMohr-CoulombStrength Type 150140110Unit Weight [lbs/ft3] 5000Cohesion [psf] 4530Friction Angle [deg] NoneNoneNoneWater Surface 000Ru Value List Of Coordinates Distributed Load YX 17630.3 17631.7888 External Boundary Lang Slope Stability : Page 3 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House Loads only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 YX 1400 140100 149100 14980.2 15079.1 15276.9 15474.6 15672.4 15870.3 16068.2 16266.5 16464.2 16662.1 16860.1 169.359.4 169.859 170.0558.5 170.358 17358 17356 171.356 17254.5 17449.7 17644.4 177.531.3 177.55230.8 17826.5 179.818 18017.4 1827.4 183.70 1810 1790 1780 175.7110 Material Boundary YX 171.356 169.90656 16956 16957.2201 16958 170.358 Material Boundary Lang Slope Stability : Page 4 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House Loads only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 YX 1810 1794.563 1777.5 172.520 175.523 17626.6 174.938.5 174.442.742 17347.488 171.751.134 17054.574 168.956 168.957.2201 168.958 168.0558.5 16860.1 Material Boundary YX 177.55230.8 17730.8 17730.3 17630.3 17631.8 17731.8 17731.3 177.531.3 Lang Slope Stability : Page 5 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House Loads only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 2.3912.391 1600.00 lbs/ft 1600.00 lbs/ft 1600.00 lbs/ft 1600.00 lbs/ft 1600.00 lbs/ft 2000.00 lbs/ft2 2.3912.391 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+260240220200180160140-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Analysis Description Company GEO Group Northwest, Inc.Scale 1:240Drawn By Garrett Dean File NameG-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House & Deck Loads].slimDate10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM Project Lang Slope Stability SLIDEINTERPRET 7.038 EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Slide Analysis Information Lang Slope Stability Project Summary G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House & Deck Loads]File Name: 7.038Last saved with Slide version: Lang Slope StabilityProject Title: Garrett DeanAuthor: GEO Group Northwest, Inc.Company: 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PMDate Created: General Settings Imperial UnitsUnits of Measurement: daysTime Units: inches/hourPermeability Units: Left to RightFailure Direction: StandardData Output: 20Maximum Material Properties: 20Maximum Support Properties: Analysis Options VerticalSlices Type: Analysis Methods Used Bishop simplified Janbu simplified 50Number of slices: 0.005Tolerance: 75Maximum number of iterations: YesCheck malpha < 0.2: YesCreate Interslice boundaries at intersections with water tables and piezos: 1Initial trial value of FS: YesSteffensen Iteration: Groundwater Analysis Lang Slope Stability : Page 1 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Water SurfacesGroundwater Method : 62.4Pore Fluid Unit Weight [lbs/ft3]: YesUse negative pore pressure cutoff: 0Maximum negative pore pressure [psf]: NoneAdvanced Groundwater Method: Random Numbers 10116Pseudo-random Seed: Park and Miller v.3Random Number Generation Method: Surface Options CircularSurface Type: Grid SearchSearch Method: 10Radius Increment: DisabledComposite Surfaces: Invalid SurfacesReverse Curvature: Not DefinedMinimum Elevation: 3Minimum Depth [ft]: Not DefinedMinimum Area: Not DefinedMinimum Weight: Seismic NoAdvanced seismic analysis: NoStaged pseudostatic analysis: Loading 1 Distributed Load present Distributed Load 1 ConstantDistribution: 2000Magnitude [psf]: VerticalOrientation: 5 Line Loads present Line Load: 1 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Line Load: 2 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Lang Slope Stability : Page 2 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Line Load: 3 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Line Load: 4 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Line Load: 5 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Material Properties Weathered, Disturbed Bedrock Property Color Mohr- CoulombStrength Type 110Unit Weight [lbs/ft3] 0Cohesion [psf] 30Friction Angle [deg] NoneWater Surface 0Ru Value List Of Coordinates Distributed Load YX 17630.3 17631.7888 External Boundary Lang Slope Stability : Page 3 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 YX 1400 140100 149100 14980.2 15079.1 15276.9 15474.6 15672.4 15870.3 16068.2 16266.5 16464.2 16662.1 16860.1 169.359.4 169.859 170.0558.5 170.358 17358 17356 171.356 17254.5 17449.7 17644.4 177.531.3 177.55230.8 17826.5 179.818 18017.4 1827.4 183.70 1810 1790 1780 175.7110 Material Boundary YX 171.356 169.90656 16956 16957.2201 16958 170.358 Material Boundary Lang Slope Stability : Page 4 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 YX 1810 1794.563 1777.5 172.520 175.523 17626.6 174.938.5 174.442.742 17347.488 171.751.134 17054.574 168.956 168.957.2201 168.958 168.0558.5 16860.1 Material Boundary YX 177.55230.8 17730.8 17730.3 17630.3 17631.8 17731.8 17731.3 177.531.3 Lang Slope Stability : Page 5 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Static [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 1.8441.844 2000.00 lbs/ft2 1.8441.844 0.24 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+260240220200180160140-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Analysis Description Company GEO Group Northwest, Inc.Scale 1:240Drawn By Garrett Dean File NameG-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House Loads Only].slimDate10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM Project Lang Slope Stability SLIDEINTERPRET 7.038 EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Slide Analysis Information Lang Slope Stability Project Summary G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House Loads Only]File Name: 7.038Last saved with Slide version: Lang Slope StabilityProject Title: Garrett DeanAuthor: GEO Group Northwest, Inc.Company: 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PMDate Created: General Settings Imperial UnitsUnits of Measurement: daysTime Units: inches/hourPermeability Units: Left to RightFailure Direction: StandardData Output: 20Maximum Material Properties: 20Maximum Support Properties: Analysis Options VerticalSlices Type: Analysis Methods Used Bishop simplified Janbu simplified 50Number of slices: 0.005Tolerance: 75Maximum number of iterations: YesCheck malpha < 0.2: YesCreate Interslice boundaries at intersections with water tables and piezos: 1Initial trial value of FS: YesSteffensen Iteration: Groundwater Analysis Lang Slope Stability : Page 1 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House Loads Only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Water SurfacesGroundwater Method : 62.4Pore Fluid Unit Weight [lbs/ft3]: YesUse negative pore pressure cutoff: 0Maximum negative pore pressure [psf]: NoneAdvanced Groundwater Method: Random Numbers 10116Pseudo-random Seed: Park and Miller v.3Random Number Generation Method: Surface Options CircularSurface Type: Grid SearchSearch Method: 10Radius Increment: DisabledComposite Surfaces: Invalid SurfacesReverse Curvature: Not DefinedMinimum Elevation: 3Minimum Depth [ft]: Not DefinedMinimum Area: Not DefinedMinimum Weight: Seismic NoAdvanced seismic analysis: NoStaged pseudostatic analysis: Loading 0.24Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 1 Distributed Load present Distributed Load 1 ConstantDistribution: 2000Magnitude [psf]: VerticalOrientation: Material Properties Lang Slope Stability : Page 2 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House Loads Only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 ConcreteWeathered Bedrock (Very Dense )Weathered, Disturbed BedrockProperty Color Infinite strengthMohr-CoulombMohr-CoulombStrength Type 150140110Unit Weight [lbs/ft3] 5000Cohesion [psf] 4530Friction Angle [deg] NoneNoneNoneWater Surface 000Ru Value List Of Coordinates Distributed Load YX 17630.3 17631.7888 External Boundary Lang Slope Stability : Page 3 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House Loads Only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 YX 1400 140100 149100 14980.2 15079.1 15276.9 15474.6 15672.4 15870.3 16068.2 16266.5 16464.2 16662.1 16860.1 169.359.4 169.859 170.0558.5 170.358 17358 17356 171.356 17254.5 17449.7 17644.4 177.531.3 177.55230.8 17826.5 179.818 18017.4 1827.4 183.70 1810 1790 1780 175.7110 Material Boundary YX 171.356 169.90656 16956 16957.2201 16958 170.358 Material Boundary Lang Slope Stability : Page 4 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House Loads Only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 YX 1810 1794.563 1777.5 172.520 175.523 17626.6 174.938.5 174.442.742 17347.488 171.751.134 17054.574 168.956 168.957.2201 168.958 168.0558.5 16860.1 Material Boundary YX 177.55230.8 17730.8 17730.3 17630.3 17631.8 17731.8 17731.3 177.531.3 Lang Slope Stability : Page 5 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House Loads Only].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 1.7481.748 1600.00 lbs/ft 1600.00 lbs/ft 1600.00 lbs/ft 1600.00 lbs/ft 1600.00 lbs/ft 2000.00 lbs/ft2 1.7481.748 0.24 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+260240220200180160140-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Analysis Description Company GEO Group Northwest, Inc.Scale 1:240Drawn By Garrett Dean File NameG-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House & Deck Loads].slimDate10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM Project Lang Slope Stability SLIDEINTERPRET 7.038 EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Slide Analysis Information Lang Slope Stability Project Summary G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House & Deck Loads]File Name: 7.038Last saved with Slide version: Lang Slope StabilityProject Title: Garrett DeanAuthor: GEO Group Northwest, Inc.Company: 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PMDate Created: General Settings Imperial UnitsUnits of Measurement: daysTime Units: inches/hourPermeability Units: Left to RightFailure Direction: StandardData Output: 20Maximum Material Properties: 20Maximum Support Properties: Analysis Options VerticalSlices Type: Analysis Methods Used Bishop simplified Janbu simplified 50Number of slices: 0.005Tolerance: 75Maximum number of iterations: YesCheck malpha < 0.2: YesCreate Interslice boundaries at intersections with water tables and piezos: 1Initial trial value of FS: YesSteffensen Iteration: Groundwater Analysis Lang Slope Stability : Page 1 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Water SurfacesGroundwater Method : 62.4Pore Fluid Unit Weight [lbs/ft3]: YesUse negative pore pressure cutoff: 0Maximum negative pore pressure [psf]: NoneAdvanced Groundwater Method: Random Numbers 10116Pseudo-random Seed: Park and Miller v.3Random Number Generation Method: Surface Options CircularSurface Type: Grid SearchSearch Method: 10Radius Increment: DisabledComposite Surfaces: Invalid SurfacesReverse Curvature: Not DefinedMinimum Elevation: 3Minimum Depth [ft]: Not DefinedMinimum Area: Not DefinedMinimum Weight: Seismic NoAdvanced seismic analysis: NoStaged pseudostatic analysis: Loading 0.24Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 1 Distributed Load present Distributed Load 1 ConstantDistribution: 2000Magnitude [psf]: VerticalOrientation: 5 Line Loads present Line Load: 1 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Line Load: 2 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Lang Slope Stability : Page 2 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Line Load: 3 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Line Load: 4 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Line Load: 5 270Angle from horizontal [deg]: 1600Magnitude: Material Properties Weathered, Disturbed Bedrock Property Color Mohr- CoulombStrength Type 110Unit Weight [lbs/ft3] 0Cohesion [psf] 30Friction Angle [deg] NoneWater Surface 0Ru Value List Of Coordinates Distributed Load YX 17630.3 17631.7888 External Boundary Lang Slope Stability : Page 3 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 YX 1400 140100 149100 14980.2 15079.1 15276.9 15474.6 15672.4 15870.3 16068.2 16266.5 16464.2 16662.1 16860.1 169.359.4 169.859 170.0558.5 170.358 17358 17356 171.356 17254.5 17449.7 17644.4 177.531.3 177.55230.8 17826.5 179.818 18017.4 1827.4 183.70 1810 1790 1780 175.7110 Material Boundary YX 171.356 169.90656 16956 16957.2201 16958 170.358 Material Boundary Lang Slope Stability : Page 4 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 YX 1810 1794.563 1777.5 172.520 175.523 17626.6 174.938.5 174.442.742 17347.488 171.751.134 17054.574 168.956 168.957.2201 168.958 168.0558.5 16860.1 Material Boundary YX 177.55230.8 17730.8 17730.3 17630.3 17631.8 17731.8 17731.3 177.531.3 Lang Slope Stability : Page 5 of 5 SLIDE 7.038 G-5204 Lang Profile A Seismic [With House & Deck Loads].slim GEO Group Northwest, Inc. 10/14/2022, 2:27:14 PM EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 APPENDIX C G-5204 USDA SOIL MAPPING & CLASSIFICATION EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 10/24/2022 Page 1 of 352565005256550525660052566505256700525675052568005256850525690052569505256500525655052566005256650525670052567505256800525685052569005256950559080559130559180559230559280559330559380 559080 559130 559180 559230 559280 559330 559380 47° 27' 47'' N 122° 12' 58'' W47° 27' 47'' N122° 12' 42'' W47° 27' 33'' N 122° 12' 58'' W47° 27' 33'' N 122° 12' 42'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 10N WGS84 0 100 200 400 600 Feet 0 30 60 120 180 Meters Map Scale: 1:2,210 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: King County Area, Washington Survey Area Data: Version 18, Sep 8, 2022 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Jul 6, 2020—Jul 20, 2020 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 10/24/2022 Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BeC Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes 13.0 51.4% BeD Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 11.3 44.4% Pu Puget silty clay loam 1.1 4.2% Totals for Area of Interest 25.3 100.0% Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 10/24/2022 Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 King County Area, Washington BeD—Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 1hmst Elevation: 0 to 1,500 feet Mean annual precipitation: 30 to 50 inches Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 52 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 220 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Beausite and similar soils:95 percent Minor components:5 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Beausite Setting Parent material:Till over residuum from sandstone Typical profile H1 - 0 to 6 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam H2 - 6 to 19 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam H3 - 19 to 38 inches: very gravelly sandy loam H4 - 38 to 42 inches: bedrock Properties and qualities Slope:15 to 30 percent Depth to restrictive feature:More than 80 inches; 24 to 40 inches to lithic bedrock Drainage class:Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding:None Frequency of ponding:None Available water capacity:Low (about 3.5 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Forage suitability group: Droughty Soils (G002XF403WA) Other vegetative classification: Droughty Soils (G002XF403WA) Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Norma Percent of map unit:3 percent Map Unit Description: Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes---King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 8/6/2020 Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2 Landform:Depressions Hydric soil rating: Yes Seattle Percent of map unit:2 percent Landform:Depressions Hydric soil rating: Yes Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: King County Area, Washington Survey Area Data: Version 16, Jun 4, 2020 Map Unit Description: Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes---King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 8/6/2020 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9BB52EEA-073E-450F-BED8-2B13DFF227B2