HomeMy WebLinkAboutERC_Applicant_DNSM_Re-Issuance_Ltr Enclosure cc: Western B. Northwest WA, LLC / Owner(s) Stephen Maduli-Williams-Amazon / Applicant Duwamish Tribe; WSDOT / Party(ies) of Record February 6, 2023 Paul Gierlach, CESO 175 Montrose West Ave Akron, OH 44321 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) THRESHOLD DETERMINATION PR21-000051 SWA2 Amazon / LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF Dear Mr. Gierlach: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project and have issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. Please refer to the enclosed ERC Report and Decision for more details. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on February 20, 2023. Appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub Monday through Friday. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. The appeal submitted in person may be paid on the first floor in our Finance Department. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4 -8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing date will be set and all parties notified. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425) 430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, Alex Morganroth Senior Planner CityofRenton\Department Folders\Community and Economic Development (CED)\Current Planning\Land Use Files\2021\LUA21-000233 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 6, 2023 TO: Renton Environmental Review Committee FROM: Alex Morganroth, Senior Planner SUBJECT: LUA21-000233 Amazon SWA2 Revised DNS-M On June 13, 2022, the Environmental Review Committee issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Amazon SWA2 project (attached). An appeal period concluded on June 27, 2021, with no appeals filed. The DNS-M included six (6) mitigation measures, including five (5) measures related to the traffic impacts generated by the project (identified as measures 1 through 5 in report). All five (5) measures include deadlines for the completion of various infrastructure projects intended to mitigate the anticipated traffic impacts. The applicant, Amazon, submitted a narrative (attached) dated January 31, 2023 describing the various challenges to meeting the original deadlines for three (3) specific mitigation measures, identified below. Specifically, the applicant contends that due to unforeseen construction challenges created by the recent unseasonably cold weather, supply chain issues from the COVID- 19 pandemic, and most significantly, the closure of the Lind Ave SW bridge over I -405, they will be unable to complete some of the projects by their required deadlines. Revised Mitigation Measures: 1) The applicant shall construct the following improvements at the intersection of Raymond Ave SW and SW 19th St: a. Widen the westbound approach of SW 19th St by constructing vertical curb and gutter to match alignment of the existing curb, providing a minimum of twenty feet (20’) of pavement; b. Construct ADA compliant curb ramps at the NE corner of Raymond Ave SW and SW 19th St intersection and associated companion ramps; c. Provide advanced warning signage on the westbound approach of SW 19th St and the southbound approach of Raymond Ave SW; d. Trim vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the intersection to improve sight distance. The final design of the improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager prior to implementation. The improvements shall be fully constructed prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by January 31, 2023, whichever comes first. DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 Amazon SWA2 SEPA Revision Page 2 of 3 February 6, 2023 CityofRenton\Department Folders\Community and Economic Development (CED)\Current Planning\Land Use Files\2021\LUA21-000233 Staff Comment: The applicant suggests the extension of the measure’s deadline until March 31, 2023. While work has begun, the applicant contends that due to the uncertainty of inclement weather and the inability to install concrete, asphalt, paint and other construction materials in wet or cold weather , an extension is necessary to ensure work quality standards. Staff concurs with the justification provided and recommends approval of a revised mitigation measure reflecting the new deadline. 2) The applicant shall install a traffic signal at the intersection of Lind Ave SW and SW 19 th St. The traffic signal shall be designed in a manner that accommodates the future construction of an additional 11 - foot lane on Lind Ave SW. The final design of the traffic signal infrastructure shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager. The signalization of the intersection shall be implemented and operational prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by July 31, 2023, whichever comes first. Staff Comment: According to the applicant, supply chain and material acquisition constraints related to COVID-19 have created challenges in obtaining the necessary infrastructure related to intersection signalization. The applicant suggests the extension of the measure’s deadline until September 1, 2023. The applicant intends to begin construction at the earliest possible date following material acquisition. Staff concurs with the justification and recommends approval of the revised mitigation measure reflecting the new deadline. 3) The applicant shall construct a compact roundabout at the intersection of Raymond Ave SW and SW 16th St. The final design of the roundabout shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager. The compact roundabout shall be constructed prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by January 31, 2023, whichever comes first. Staff Comment: The applicant contends that due to the unforeseen closure of Lind Ave SW following a traffic incident, higher traffic volumes at the Raymond Ave SW and SW 16th St intersection have created challenges for the necessary road closure during construction of the roundabout. The applicant suggests an extension of the measure’s deadline until October 18th, 2023 in order to allow for additional time to coordinate and plan for potentially impactful road closures that would be required. Staff concurs with the justification and recommends approval of the revised mitigation measure reflecting the new deadline. In summary, staff concurs that the various issues identified by the applicant have created significant challenges to constructing the infrastructure improvements required by the deadlines set in the original DNS-M threshold determination issued on June 13, 2022. The alternative deadlines suggested by the applicant are reasonable and will still allow for the timely mitigation of the anticipated traffic impacts. Therefore, staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Revised DNS-M that includes the mitigation measures 4, 5, and 6 as written in the original decision (attached), as well as mitigation measures 1, 2, and 3 of the original decision with the amended deadlines as included in the analysis above. DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 Amazon SWA2 SEPA Revision Page 3 of 3 February 6, 2023 SIGNATURES: Martin Pastucha, Administrator Public Works, Chair Date Anjela Barton, Fire Marshal Renton Regional Fire Authority Date Kelly Beymer, Administrator Parks and Recreation Date Chip Vincent, Administrator Date Community and Economic Development Lead Agency: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development Date of Decision: February 6, 2023 The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4- 9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on February 20, 2023. Appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub Monday through Friday. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. The appeal submitted in person may be paid on the first floor in our Finance Department. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. Attachments: Original DNS-M Determination, Applicant’s Justification Cc: Michael Sippo, Civil Engineer III Matt Herrera, Current Planning Manager DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 2/6/2023 | 3:55 PM PST 2/6/2023 | 3:31 PM PST for 2/6/2023 | 5:10 PM PST From: Andrews, Zach <zandrewz@amazon.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 9:51 PM To: Alex Morganroth Subject: Request for ERC Mitigation Extension: SWA2 Amazon (PR2100051/LUA21- 00233) Mr. Morganroth, Please find a request to extend certain items in the SEPA Environmental Threshold Determination issued by the City of Renton and the Environmental Review Committee on July 13, 2022 for the Property located at 1905 Raymond Avenue SW (SWA2, Case Nos. PR2100051/LUA21-00233) below. We respectfully request, given efforts to complete the off-site mitigation measures required for the project and continued collaboration with City staff, that the dates below in strikethrough be amended to those in bold with the context and justification for these extensions following in bold italic. Final Certification of Occupancy shall remain contingent upon completion of all measures as previously stated within the July 13, 2022 document. 1) The applicant shall construct the following improvements at the intersection of Raymond Ave SW and SW 19th St: a. Widen the westbound approach of SW 19th St by constructing vertical curb and gutter to match alignment of the existing curb, providing a minimum of twenty feet (20’) of pavement; b. Construct ADA compliant curb ramps at the NE corner of Raymond Ave SW and SW 19th St intersection and associated companion ramps; c. Provide advanced warning signage on the westbound approach of SW 19th St and the southbound approach of Raymond Ave SW; d. Trim vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the intersection to improve sight distance. The final design of the improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager prior to implementation. The improvements shall be fully constructed prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by January 31, 2023 March 31, 2023, whichever comes first. Context and Justification: Applicant completed the temporary mitigation measure (item 5, below) prior to issuance of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy in August, 2023. Applicant requests the extension of this permanent measure until March 31, 2023. While work has begun and Applicant’s agents have coordinated closely with the Development Engineering Division for the necessary permitting, the uncertainty of inclement weather and the inability to install concrete, asphalt, paint and other construction materials in wet or cold weather necessitates the extension to ensure work quality standards. 2) The applicant shall install a traffic signal at the intersection of Lind Ave SW and SW 19th St. The traffic signal shall be designed in a manner that accommodates the future construction of an additional 11 - foot lane on Lind Ave SW. The final design of the traffic signal infrastructure shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager. The signalization of the intersection shall be implemented and operational prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by July 31, 2023 September 15, 2023, whichever comes first. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 Context and Justification: Due to supply chain and material acquisition constraints related to COVID- 19, Applicant requests the extension of this measure until September 1, 2023. Applicant has diligently worked with their agents and vendors to acquire the materials necessary for the construction of this measure in a timely manner. Applicant has also worked with the Development Engineering Division to ensure all permitting approvals are acquired so construction may begin at the earliest possible date following material acquisition. 3) The applicant shall construct a compact roundabout at the intersection of Raymond Ave SW and SW 16th St. The final design of the roundabout shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager. The compact roundabout shall be constructed prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by January 31, 2023 October 18, 2023, whichever comes first. Context and Justification: Due to the unforeseen, and outside of Applicant’s control, closure of local roadways following a traffic incident and subsequent closure of the Lind Avenue SW bridge, Applicant requests an extension of this measure until October 18th, 2023. Such an extension allows the Applicant and the City of Renton the ability to further coordinate to reduce any additional impactful road closures of 16th Street that may be required for the construction of this measure. Additionally, Applicant and their agents have continued to engage with the Development Engineering Division during the permitting process to ensure that additional utility improvements associated with construction of this measure are satisfied to the City’s requests and standards. Extension of this measure until October 18th, 2023 allows the Applicant and the City to continue the collaborative permitting process as well as avoid seasonal inclement weather that would otherwise not permit construction during winter months. 4) The applicant shall submit a deposit in the amount of $100,000 per intersection ( four (4) intersections total) to implement the Adaptive Traffic Control Systems ( ATCS) Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique ( SCOOT) at the following intersections: Oakesdale Ave SW and SW Grady Way, Oakesdale Ave SW and SW 16th St, Lind Ave SW and SW Grady Way, Lind Ave SW and SW 16th St. The deposit shall be submitted prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by July 31, 2023, whichever comes first. The City will bill against the total deposit and return any unused funds to the applicant after implementation is complete. Context and Justification: No change, Applicant has coordinated with the City of Renton Development Engineering Division to ensure this measure is completed immediately upon invoice. Completion of this measure is anticipated by February 10, 2023. 5) The applicant shall construct the following temporary improvements at the intersection of Raymond Ave SW and SW 19th St until the permanent configuration can be constructed: a. Widen the westbound approach of SW 19th St, providing a minimum of twenty feet (20’) of pavement; b. Provide advanced warning signage on the westbound approach of SW 19th St and the southbound approach of Raymond Ave SW; c. Trim vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the intersection to improve sight distance. a. The temporary design of the improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager prior to implementation. The improvements shall be fully constructed prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy ( TCO). DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 Context and Justification: Complete, no change. TCO has been issued. Please contact me should you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you for your time, Zachary Andrews | Manager, Entitlements | Amazon For the latest news, check out About Amazon and sign-up for the Amazon News Newsletter Follow us on Twitter at @amazonnews and @amazon_policy Work hard. Have fun. Make history. DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425 -430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION RE-ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION DNS-M: The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has determined that the proposed action has probable significant impacts that can be mitigated through mitigation measures. This DNS-M is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period. DATE OF NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: June 13, 2022 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR21-000051 SWA2 Amazon / LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF PROJECT LOCATION: 1905 Raymond Ave SW (APN 2423049115) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Paul Gierlach, CESO / 175 Montrose West Ave / Akron, OH 44321 / paulg@cesoinc.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://cutt.ly/hn6kpBQ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Amazon, is requesting Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a Shoreline Exemption for minor site work and tenant improvements in a 126,600- sq. ft. existing industrial building at 1905 Raymond Ave SW (APN 2423049115). The building was previously occupied by DHL Global Forwarding, a shipping service. The applicant intends to use the building for its “Amazon Flex” delivery service, in which contract employees pick up packages from the site in their personal, passenger vehicles and distribute (i.e. deliver) the packages to customers in the Renton area. The proposal is subject to Environmental (SEPA) Review due to the scope including the addition of new parking stalls in an existing parking lot with over 20 stalls. In addition, the project site is encumbered by critical areas. The proposed work within the shoreline, the installation of a bicycle rack, is an exempt a ction due to the value of the work falling under the fair market value threshold as outlined in WAC 173-27-040. The applicant has proposed to retain the existing office space for use by support staff, while updating the warehouse/distribution space to bett er meet the needs of the flex delivery service. The building is located on the north half of a 6.8 acre site near the corner of SW 19th St and Raymond Ave SW. The subject site is located in the Industrial, Light (IL) zone and Employment Area Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. According to the applicant, all work would be interior except for parking lot re-striping and minor concrete work that would add a total of 26 new parking stalls as well as new ADA ramps and crosswalks. No trees or vegetation are proposed for removal as part of the project. According to COR Maps, multiple critical areas are present on the site including a high seismic hazard, sensitive slopes, a special flood hazard area (FEMA zone AE), and an unclassified wetland. In addition, the eastern portion of the site is located within Reach C of the Black River/Springbrook Creek Regulated Shoreline Area NOTICE DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR22-000002 SWA2 Amazon / LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF Name: __________________________________ Email: _______________________ Phone No. ___________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________City/State/Zip: _____________________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail and has an environmental designation of Shoreline High Intensity. According to the applicant, the project would result in a net impervious surface increase of approximately 127 sq. ft. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 27, 2022. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430 -6510. Due to the ongoing state of emergency enacted by Governor’s Proclamation 20-05, the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub only on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. PUBLIC HEARING: If the Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing will be set and all parties notified. DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) Project File Numbers: LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF Project Name: SWA2 Amazon Applicant: Paul Gierlach, CESO / 175 Montrose West Ave / Akron, OH 44321 / paulg@cesoinc.com Project Location: 1905 Raymond Ave SW (APN 2423049115) Project Description: The applicant, Amazon, is requesting Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a Shoreline Exemption for minor site work and tenant improvements in a 126,600- sq. ft. existing industrial building at 1905 Raymond Ave SW (APN 2423049115). The building was previously occupied by DHL Global Forwarding, a shipping service. The applicant intends to use the building for its “Amazon Fle x” delivery service, in which contract employees pick up packages from the site in their personal, passenger vehicles and distribute (i.e. deliver) the packages to customers in the Renton area. The proposal is subject to Environmental (SEPA) Review due to the scope including the addition of new parking stalls in an existing parking lot with over 20 stalls. In addition, the project site is encumbered by critical areas. The proposed work within the shoreline, the installation of a bicycle rack, is an exempt action due to the value of the work falling under the fair market value threshold as outlined in WAC 173 - 27-040. The applicant has proposed to retain the existing office space for use by support staff, while updating the warehouse/distribution space to better meet the needs of the flex delivery service. The building is located on the north half of a 6.8 acre site near the corner of SW 19th St and Raymond Ave SW. The subject site is located in the Industrial, Light (IL) zone and Employment Area Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. According to the applicant, all work would be interior except for parking lot re-striping and minor concrete work that would add a total of 26 new parking stalls as well as new ADA ramps and crosswalks. No trees or vegetation are proposed for removal as part of the project. According to COR Maps, multiple critical areas are present on the site including a high seismic hazard, sensitive slopes, a special flood hazard area (FEMA zone AE), and an unclassified wetland. In addition, th e eastern portion of the site is located within Reach C of the Black River/Springbrook Creek Regulated Shoreline Area and has an environmental designation of Shoreline High Intensity. According to the applicant, the project would result in a net impervious surface increase of approximately 127 sq. ft. Lead Agency: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development Date of Decision: June 13, 2022 Mitigation Measures: 1) The applicant shall construct the following improvements at the intersection of Raymond Ave SW and SW 19th St: a. Widen the westbound approach of SW 19 th St by constructing vertical curb and gutter to match alignment of the existing curb, providing a minimum of twenty feet (20’) of pavement; b. Construct ADA compliant curb ramps at the NE corner of Raymond Ave SW and SW 19 th St intersection and associated companion ramps; c. Provide advanced warning signage on the westbound approach of SW 19 th St and the southbound approach of Raymond Ave SW; d. Trim vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the intersection to improve sight distance. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2C4A6631-DC6E-4782-B5C1-C3C1FD820667DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 Environmental Review Committee Determination June 13, 2022 Page 2 of 3 SIGNATURES: Martin Pastucha, Administrator Public Works, Chair Date Anjela Barton, Fire Marshal Renton Regional Fire Authority Date Kelly Beymer, Administrator Parks and Recreation Department Date Chip Vincent, Administrator Date Community and Economic Development The final design of the improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager prior to implementation. The improvements shall be fully constructed prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by January 31, 2023, whichever comes first. 2) The applicant shall install a traffic signal at the intersection of Lind Ave SW and SW 19 th St. The traffic signal shall be designed in a manner that accommodates the future construction of an additional 11 - foot lane on Lind Ave SW. The final design of the traffic signal infrastructure shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager. The signalization of the intersection shall be implemented and operational prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by July 31, 2023, whichever comes first. 3) The applicant shall construct a compact roundabout at the intersection of Raymond Ave SW and SW 16th St. The final design of the roundabout shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager. The compact roundabout shall be constructed prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by January 31, 2023, whichever comes first. 4) The applicant shall submit a deposit in the amount of $100,000 per intersection (four (4) intersections total) to implement the Adaptive Traffic Control Systems (ATCS) Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique (SCOOT) at the following intersections: Oakesdale Ave SW and SW Grady Way, Oakesdale Ave SW and SW 16th St, Lind Ave SW and SW Grady Way, Lind Ave SW and SW 16th St. The deposit shall be submitted prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, or by July 31, 2023, whichever comes first. The City will bill against the total deposit and return any unused funds to the applicant after implementation is complete. 5) The applicant shall construct the following temporary improvements at the intersection of Raymond Ave SW and SW 19th St until the permanent configuration can be constructed: a. Widen the westbound approach of SW 19th St, providing a minimum of twenty feet (2 0’) of pavement; b. Provide advanced warning signage on the westbound approach of SW 19th St and the southbound approach of Raymond Ave SW; c. Trim vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the intersection to improve sight distance. The temporary design of the improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Engineering Project Manager prior to implementation. The improvements shall be fully constructed prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). 6) The applicant shall sample soil for arsenic and lead following 2019 Tacoma Smelter Plume Guidance. If lead or arsenic are found at concentrations above the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) cleanup level, construction workers and employees on site shall be notified of their occurrence. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2C4A6631-DC6E-4782-B5C1-C3C1FD820667 6/13/2022 | 3:18 PM PDT 6/13/2022 | 3:18 PM PDT6/13/2022 | 3:52 PM PDT DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 Environmental Review Committee Determination June 13, 2022 Page 3 of 3 The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that probable significant environmental impacts from the proposed project can be mitigated. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Becau se other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Due to the ongoing state of emergency enacted by Governor’s Proclamation 20 -28.14 (and as amended), the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub Monday through Friday. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4 -8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2C4A6631-DC6E-4782-B5C1-C3C1FD820667DocuSign Envelope ID: 434ACBDA-F133-4058-9485-424360510115 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION RE-ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION DNS-M: The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has determined that the proposed action has probable significant impacts that can be mitigated through mitigation measures. This DNS -M is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period. DATE OF NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: February 6, 2023 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PR21-000051 SWA2 Amazon / LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF PROJECT LOCATION: 1905 Raymond Ave SW (APN 2423049115) APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Paul Gierlach, CESO / 175 Montrose West Ave / Akron, OH 44321 / paulg@cesoinc.com LOCATION WHERE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED: Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton Document Center website. See also https://cutt.ly/hn6kpBQ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Amazon, is requesting Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a Shoreline Exemption for minor site work and tenant improvements in a 126,600 sq. ft. existing industrial building at 1905 Raymond Ave SW (APN 2423049115). The building was previously occupied by DHL Global Forwarding, a shipping service. The applicant intends to use the building for its “Amazon Flex” deli very service, in which contract employees pick up packages from the site in their personal vehicles and distribute (i.e. deliver) the packages to customers in the Renton area. The applicant has proposed to retain the existing office space for use by suppor t staff, while updating the warehouse/distribution space to better meet the needs of the Flex service. The building is located on the north half of a 6.8 acre site near the corner of SW 19th St and Raymond Ave SW. The subject site is located in the Industr ial, Light (IL) zone and Employment Area Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. According to the applicant, all work would be interior except for parking lot restriping and minor concrete work that would add a total of 26 new parking stalls as well as new ADA ramps and crosswalks. No trees or vegetation are proposed for removal as part of the project. According to COR Maps, multiple critical areas are present on the site including a high seismic hazard, a special flood hazard area (FEMA zone AE), and an unclassified wetlands. In addition, the eastern portion of the site is located within Reach C of the Black River/Springbrook Creek Regulated Shoreline Area and is designated Shoreline High Intensity. According to the applicant, the project would result in a net impervious surface increase of approximately 508 sq. ft. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on February 20, 2023. Appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub Monday through Friday. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected REVISED NOTICE Anyone that would like to be informed of future actions or would like to become a party of record on this proposal must fill out our online form at https://cutt.ly/SQvBak4 or complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: PR22-000002 SWA2 Amazon / LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF Name: __________________________________ Email: _______________________ Phone No. ___________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________City/State/Zip: _____________________________________ Notice will be sent via email, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Check box to receive via US Mail at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. The appeal submitted in person may be pai d on the first floor in our Finance Department. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov PUBLIC HEARING: If the Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing will be set and all parties notified.