HomeMy WebLinkAboutModification of City Center Sign RegulationsƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭ of ϯ CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER CITY CENTER SIGN REGULATION MODIFICATION PURPOSE A ŵodifiĐatioŶ is a ŵeaŶs ďLJ ǁhiĐh aŶ appliĐaŶt ŵaLJ ƌeƋuest to ŵodifLJ a Code ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt ǁheŶ theƌe aƌe pƌaĐtiĐal diffiĐulties iŶǀolǀed iŶ ĐaƌƌLJiŶg aŶLJ of the pƌoǀisioŶs of the CitLJ CeŶteƌ SigŶ RegulatioŶs ǁheŶ a speĐial iŶdiǀidual ƌeasoŶ ŵakes the stƌiĐt letteƌ of the Code iŵpƌaĐtiĐal. FREE CONSULTATION MEETING Pƌioƌ to suďŵittiŶg aŶ appliĐatioŶ, the appliĐaŶt ŵaLJ iŶfoƌŵallLJ disĐuss the pƌoposed deǀelopŵeŶt ǁith the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ. The PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ǁill pƌoǀide assistaŶĐe aŶd detailed iŶfoƌŵatioŶ oŶ the CitLJ’s ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts aŶd staŶdaƌds. AppliĐaŶts ŵaLJ also take this oppoƌtuŶitLJ to ƌeƋuest the ǁaiǀeƌ of the CitLJ’s tLJpiĐal appliĐatioŶ suďŵittal ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts, ǁhiĐh ŵaLJ Ŷot ďe appliĐaďle to the speĐifiĐ pƌoposal. COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED IŶ oƌdeƌ to aĐĐept LJouƌ appliĐatioŶ, eaĐh of the Ŷuŵďeƌed iteŵs ŵust ďe suďŵitted at the saŵe tiŵe. If LJou haǀe ƌeĐeiǀed a pƌioƌ ǁƌitteŶ ǁaiǀeƌ of a suďŵittal iteŵ;sͿ duƌiŶg a pƌe-appliĐatioŶ ŵeetiŶg, please pƌoǀide the ǁaiǀeƌ foƌŵ iŶ lieu of aŶLJ suďŵittal iteŵ Ŷot pƌoǀided. APPLICATION SCREENING AppliĐaŶts aƌe ƌeƋuiƌed to ďƌiŶg iŶ a CD oƌ USB poƌtaďle ;flash/haƌdͿ dƌiǀe ;oƌ otheƌ deǀiĐe oƌ pathǁaLJ as appƌoǀed ďLJ LJouƌ assigŶed pƌojeĐt ŵaŶageƌͿ ǁith oŶe PDF file of the appliĐatioŶ paĐkage foƌ iŶfoƌŵal ƌeǀieǁ ďLJ staff, pƌioƌ to sĐheduliŶg aŶ iŶtake ŵeetiŶg. Please alloǁ appƌodžiŵatelLJ ϰϱ ŵiŶutes foƌ appliĐatioŶ sĐƌeeŶiŶg. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL HOURS AppliĐatioŶs should ďe suďŵitted to DeǀelopŵeŶt SeƌǀiĐes staff at the ϲth flooƌ ĐouŶteƌ of ReŶtoŶ CitLJ Hall, ϭϬϱϱ South GƌadLJ WaLJ, ďetǁeeŶ ϴ:ϬϬ A.M. aŶd ϰ:ϬϬ P.M. MoŶdaLJ thƌough FƌidaLJ. Please Đall LJouƌ assigŶed pƌojeĐt ŵaŶageƌ to sĐhedule aŶ appoiŶtŵeŶt oƌ Đall ;ϰϮϱͿ ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϬϬ to ƌeaĐh the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ. Due to the sĐƌeeŶiŶg tiŵe ƌeƋuiƌed, appliĐatioŶs deliǀeƌed ďLJ ŵesseŶgeƌ ĐaŶŶot ďe aĐĐepted. All PlaŶs aŶd AttaĐhŵeŶts aƌe suďjeĐt to EleĐtƌoŶiĐ File StaŶdaƌds. APPLICATION MATERIALS ϭ. Pƌe-AppliĐatioŶ MeetiŶg Suŵŵaƌy: If the appliĐatioŶ ǁas ƌeǀieǁed at a ͞pƌe-appliĐatioŶ ŵeetiŶg.͟ Ϯ. Waiǀeƌ Foƌŵ: If LJou ƌeĐeiǀed a ǁaiǀeƌ foƌŵ duƌiŶg oƌ afteƌ a ͞pƌe-appliĐatioŶ ŵeetiŶg.͟ ϯ. LaŶd Use Peƌŵit Masteƌ AppliĐatioŶ Foƌŵ: The appliĐatioŶ ŵust haǀe Ŷotaƌized sigŶatuƌes of ALL ĐuƌƌeŶt pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs listed oŶ the Title Repoƌt. If the pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌ is a ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ, the authoƌized ƌepƌeseŶtatiǀe ŵust attaĐh pƌoof of sigŶiŶg authoƌitLJ oŶ ďehalf of the ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ. The legal desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌopeƌtLJ ŵust ďe attaĐhed to the appliĐatioŶ foƌŵ. ϰ. Fees: The appliĐatioŶ ŵust ďe aĐĐoŵpaŶied ďLJ the ƌeƋuiƌed appliĐatioŶ fee ;see Fee SĐheduleͿ. Please Đall ϰϮϱ- ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ to ǀeƌifLJ the edžaĐt aŵouŶt ƌeƋuiƌed. CheĐks should ďe ŵade out to the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ aŶd ĐaŶŶot ďe aĐĐepted foƌ oǀeƌ the total fee aŵouŶt. Cƌedit Đaƌds ŵaLJ also ďe used to paLJ ƌeƋuiƌed appliĐatioŶ fees. Fees aƌe paid at Cashieƌ oŶ the ϭst Flooƌ CitLJ Hall. ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page Ϯ of ϯ CITY CENTER SIGN REGULATION MODIFICATION  ϱ. PƌojeĐt Naƌƌatiǀe: Please pƌoǀide a Đleaƌ aŶd ĐoŶĐise desĐƌiptioŶ aŶd suŵŵaƌLJ of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt iŶĐludiŶg the speĐifiĐ Đode seĐtioŶs ďeiŶg ŵodified, iŶĐludiŶg the folloǁiŶg: a. BusiŶess Ŷaŵe, size, Ŷuŵďeƌ, height aŶd loĐatioŶs of pƌoposed sigŶ;sͿ; ď. Note aŶLJ edžistiŶg sigŶage to ƌeŵaiŶ  ϲ. JustifiĐatioŶ foƌ the ModifiĐatioŶ ReƋuest: Please pƌoǀide a ǁƌitteŶ justifiĐatioŶ foƌ the ŵodifiĐatioŶ ƌeƋuest. The BuƌdeŶ of pƌoof as to the appƌopƌiateŶess of the appliĐatioŶ lies ǁith the appliĐaŶt. WheŶeǀeƌ theƌe aƌe pƌaĐtiĐal diffiĐulties iŶǀolǀed iŶ ĐaƌƌLJiŶg out the pƌoǀisioŶs of this Title, the DepaƌtŵeŶt AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ ŵaLJ gƌaŶt ŵodifiĐatioŶs foƌ iŶdiǀidual Đases pƌoǀided he/she shall fiƌst fiŶd that a speĐifiĐ ƌeasoŶ ŵakes the stƌiĐt letteƌ of this Code iŵpƌaĐtiĐal, that the iŶteŶt aŶd puƌpose of the goǀeƌŶiŶg laŶd use desigŶatioŶ of the CoŵpƌeheŶsiǀe PlaŶ is ŵet aŶd that the ŵodifiĐatioŶ is iŶ ĐoŶfoƌŵitLJ ǁith the iŶteŶt aŶd puƌpose of this Code, aŶd that suĐh ŵodifiĐatioŶ. Please suďŵit a ǁƌitteŶ stateŵeŶt addƌessiŶg aŶd justifLJiŶg hoǁ the ŵodifiĐatioŶ ƌeƋuest Đoŵplies ǁith eaĐh of the folloǁiŶg issues to ďe ĐoŶsideƌed ďLJ the AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ: a. AuthoƌitLJ aŶd Puƌpose: The CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ ŵaLJ gƌaŶt a ŵodifiĐatioŶ fƌoŵ the sigŶ staŶdaƌds foƌ iŶdiǀidual sigŶs ǁhiĐh do Ŷot ŵeet the speĐifiĐ pƌoǀisioŶs of the CitLJ CeŶteƌ sigŶ staŶdaƌds ǁheŶ the pƌoposed sigŶ is iŶteŶded to aĐĐoŵplish oŶe of the folloǁiŶg puƌposes: • RespoŶd to the Ŷeeds of the puďliĐ iŶ loĐatiŶg a ďusiŶess estaďlishŵeŶt; oƌ • Assist ďusiŶess iŶ ĐoŶtƌiďutiŶg to the eĐoŶoŵiĐ ǁell-ďeiŶg of the ĐoŵŵuŶitLJ; oƌ • IŶstall a sigŶ that is ĐoŶsideƌed to ďe histoƌiĐ oƌ of histoƌiĐ ǀalue ďLJ the adǀeƌtisiŶg iŶdustƌLJ oƌ a ƌeĐogŶized histoƌiĐ pƌeseƌǀatioŶ oƌgaŶizatioŶ, pƌoǀided that suĐh eŶtitLJ ǁas Ŷot iŶǀolǀed iŶ the use, desigŶ oƌ pƌoduĐtioŶ of the pƌoposed sigŶ; oƌ • Result iŶ a ƌeduĐtioŶ of sigŶs oŶ a site; oƌ • Result iŶ a ƌeduĐtioŶ iŶ the Ŷuŵďeƌ of fƌeestaŶdiŶg oƌ gƌouŶd sigŶs otheƌǁise alloǁed; oƌ • Result iŶ a ĐooƌdiŶated sigŶ plaŶ foƌ a ŵulti-teŶaŶt ďuildiŶg oƌ ŵultiple ďuildiŶg Đoŵpledž. ď. Reǀieǁ Cƌiteƌia: If the CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ deteƌŵiŶes that the iŶteŶt of the pƌoposed sigŶ aĐĐoŵplishes oŶe of the aďoǀe puƌposes, the CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ ŵaLJ gƌaŶt a ŵodifiĐatioŶ ƌeƋuest pƌoǀided the pƌoposed sigŶ also ŵeets all of the folloǁiŶg Đƌiteƌia: • The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ǁill Ŷot Đƌeate a sigŶifiĐaŶt adǀeƌse iŵpaĐt to otheƌ pƌopeƌtLJ oƌ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts iŶ the iŵŵediate ǀiĐiŶitLJ of the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ; aŶd • The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ǁill Ŷot iŶĐƌease the Ŷuŵďeƌ of sigŶs alloǁed ďLJ this Chapteƌ; aŶd • The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ǁill Ŷot iŶĐƌease the alloǁed height oƌ aƌea of aŶLJ ǁall, pƌojeĐtiŶg, aǁŶiŶg/ĐaŶopLJ/ ŵaƌƋuee/tƌaditioŶal ŵaƌƋuee, oƌ seĐoŶdaƌLJ sigŶ ďLJ ŵoƌe thaŶ tǁeŶtLJ fiǀe peƌĐeŶt ;Ϯϱ%Ϳ; aŶd • The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ǁill Ŷot iŶĐƌease the alloǁed height oƌ aƌea of aŶLJ fƌeestaŶdiŶg oƌ gƌouŶd sigŶ; aŶd • The ŵodifiĐatioŶ does Ŷot Đƌeate a puďliĐ safetLJ hazaƌd. ;Aŵd. Oƌd. ϱϬϳϭ, ϰ-Ϯϲ-ϮϬϬϰͿ  ϳ. Neighďoƌhood Detail Map: A ŵap, dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals oŶe huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" = ϭϬϬ'Ϳ oƌ oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁo huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" = ϮϬϬ'Ϳ ;oƌ otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ DiƌeĐtoƌ oƌ desigŶeeͿ. The ŵap shall shoǁ the loĐatioŶ of the suďjeĐt site ƌelatiǀe to the pƌopeƌtLJ ďouŶdaƌies of the suƌƌouŶdiŶg paƌĐels ǁithiŶ appƌodžiŵatelLJ oŶe thousaŶd feet ;ϭ,ϬϬϬ'Ϳ oƌ appƌodžiŵatelLJ tǁo thousaŶd fiǀe huŶdƌed feet ;Ϯ,ϱϬϬ'Ϳ foƌ pƌopeƌties oǀeƌ fiǀe ;ϱͿ aĐƌes aŶd ideŶtifLJiŶg the suďjeĐt site ǁith a daƌkeƌ peƌiŵeteƌ liŶe thaŶ that of suƌƌouŶdiŶg pƌopeƌties. The ŵap shall also shoǁ the pƌopeƌtLJ’s lot liŶes, edžistiŶg laŶd uses, ďuildiŶg outliŶes, CitLJ ďouŶdaƌies of ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϯ of ϯ CITY CENTER SIGN REGULATION MODIFICATION the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ ;if appliĐaďleͿ, Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ ;oƌieŶted to the top of the plaŶ sheetͿ, gƌaphiĐ sĐale used foƌ the ŵap, aŶd CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ ;Ŷot KiŶg CouŶtLJͿ stƌeet Ŷaŵes foƌ all stƌeets shoǁŶ.  ϴ. Site PlaŶ: Please pƌoǀide a fullLJ-diŵeŶsioŶed plaŶ sheet dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of ϭ"=ϮϬ' ;oƌ otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶͿ. We pƌefeƌ the site plaŶ ďe dƌaǁŶ oŶ oŶe sheet of papeƌ uŶless the size of the site ƌeƋuiƌes seǀeƌal plaŶ sheets to ďe used. If LJou aƌe usiŶg ŵoƌe thaŶ a siŶgle plaŶ sheet, please iŶdiĐate ĐoŶŶeĐtiŶg poiŶts oŶ eaĐh sheet. The Site PlaŶ should shoǁ the folloǁiŶg: The Site PlaŶ should shoǁ the folloǁiŶg: a. Naŵe of pƌoposed pƌojeĐt ď. Date, sĐale, aŶd Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ ;oƌieŶted to the top of the papeƌ/plaŶ sheetͿ Đ. DƌaǁiŶg of the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ ǁith all pƌopeƌtLJ liŶes diŵeŶsioŶed aŶd Ŷaŵes of adjaĐeŶt stƌeets d. Foƌ pƌojeĐtiŶg sigŶs, loĐatioŶ of all edžistiŶg puďliĐ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to, Đuƌďs, gutteƌs, sideǁalks, ŵediaŶ islaŶds, stƌeet tƌees, fiƌe hLJdƌaŶts, utilitLJ poles, etĐ., aloŶg the full pƌopeƌtLJ fƌoŶtage e. LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of edžistiŶg ;to ƌeŵaiŶͿ aŶd pƌoposed: f. SigŶs, iŶĐludiŶg setďaĐks fƌoŵ all lot liŶes g. lot liŶes h. LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of all easeŵeŶts ƌefeƌeŶĐed iŶ the title ƌepoƌt ǁith the ƌeĐoƌdiŶg Ŷuŵďeƌ aŶd tLJpe of easeŵeŶt ;e.g. aĐĐess, seǁeƌ, etĐ.Ϳ iŶdiĐated i. Foƌ pƌojeĐts Ŷeaƌ the Cedaƌ Riǀeƌ, oƌdiŶaƌLJ high ǁateƌ ŵaƌk aŶd distaŶĐe to Đlosest aƌea of ǁoƌk foƌ aŶLJ pƌojeĐt loĐated ǁithiŶ ϮϬϬ-feet of the ƌiǀeƌ.  ϵ. AƌĐhiteĐtuƌal EleǀatioŶs: Please pƌoǀide foƌ eaĐh sigŶ faĐe ;N,S,E,WͿ, of a Ϯϰ͟ dž ϯ6͟ fullLJ-diŵeŶsioŶed aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal eleǀatioŶ plaŶ dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of ϭ/ϰ͟ = ϭ’ oƌ ϭ/8͟ = ϭ’ ;oƌ otheƌ size oƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶͿ. The plaŶs ŵust ĐleaƌlLJ iŶdiĐate the folloǁiŶg: a. IdeŶtifLJ sigŶ eleǀatioŶs ďLJ stƌeet Ŷaŵe ;ǁheŶ appliĐaďleͿ aŶd oƌieŶtatioŶ i.e. BuƌŶett Aǀe. ;ǁestͿ eleǀatioŶ ď. EdžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed gƌouŶd eleǀatioŶs Đ. EdžistiŶg aǀeƌage gƌade leǀel uŶdeƌŶeath pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌe d. Height of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes shoǁiŶg fiŶished ƌoof top eleǀatioŶs ďased upoŶ site eleǀatioŶs foƌ pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd aŶLJ edžistiŶg/aďuttiŶg stƌuĐtuƌes e. SigŶ ŵateƌials, Đoloƌs aŶd aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal desigŶ REVIEW PROCESS The AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ ǁill ƌeǀieǁ LJouƌ ƌeƋuest foƌ ŵodifiĐatioŶ aŶd issue a ǁƌitteŶ deĐisioŶ ǁithiŶ seǀeƌal ǁeeks. A puďliĐ heaƌiŶg is Ŷot ƌeƋuiƌed uŶless theƌe is aŶ appeal filed.