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ct_,_ 21.13-76.3 CITY OF RENTON RENTON. WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY February 19, 1963 Hon. Frank Aliment, Mayor Members of City Council City Ball Renton, Washington Re: Charlton-Gould Rezoning Gentlemen: We deem it advisable to again make some comment on the above rezoning matter, although the minutes of the Planning Commission indicate clearly our opinions expressed on several occasions during the various hearings given to these petitioners. We wish the record to show plainly that the undersigned, Chairman of the PlanningCommissionandtheCityAttorneyrespectively, have stated their opinion that a part of this rezoning, namely to Business, is Spot Zoning. These rulings, we are sure, are known to the members of the Planning Commission and the Council. Yet, it would appear, that this rule of law, for some reason or other, has been ignored by the Planning Commission. It will undoubtedly be said again that the property in question is suitable for business zoning and we certainly have noquarrelwiththeirconclusion. However it is also obvious that you cannot take one lot dr two, when all other properties for blocks are zoned non-business, and designate such a smell area as business and then pretend it is not Spot Zoning.It has been explained to the Planning Commission that a proper way, and certainlyalejalway, would be to designate a larger area, as part of the City's comprehensive plan, for business use and ouch designated business area to be defined on the City'atimapsandtobecoordinatedwiththeneedsandrequirementsoftheareaasawhole. Such planning cannot be accomplish:+ by picking one or two lots for the sole3 purpose of accos odating certain petitioners since the label of Spot Zoning will undoubtedly adhere to any such action. ESQ thought that the foregoing should again be brought to your attention so that the Council et least will bet able, if it desires, to establish proper guide lines in the future and to eliminate the somewhat unorthodox procedure that was followed in this case. We rcEnin Yours ery truly, pug/a K. Fa e , C irnan eying C i4, c' 4 Ge and M. ,hello, City Attorney S<I RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 28, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ' ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: ',Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trim, Custer, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Delbert Bennett, Assistant City Engineer, William Gordon, Assistant Librarian, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks & Recreation and Davis Jensen, Planning Director.' The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman James Phelan and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. A.L.S. Mathrie, Renton Lutheran Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 21, 1963 be approved as written. Councilman Custer called attention to his intent on the appeal of the Planning Commission decision for rezone of the Investment Exchange Corporation property, his motion being to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation automatically closing the Hearing. After dis- dus>ie.n on the matter and dissenting voice vote on the pending motion,roll call vote was requested and resulted with all Councilmen voting No with the exception of Dullahant and the motion was lost. Moved by Custer, seconded by Garrett, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of Jaauafy 21, 1963 be corrected as follows: "Moved by Custer, seconded by Dullahant,4\ to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Discussion ensued on the motion being intended for that Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of December 19, 1963 (for rezone of Lots 4, .5, 6, and 7, Block B, Akers Farms No. 6, from "G" to R-3 with provisions for a Permit to allow a clinic on a portion of Lot 7&4) The appeal was made inasmuch as a request for B-1 zoning on a portion of the property was not recommended.) Attention was called to the presence of Mr. Melvin Tennent, from the Corporation appealing the decision, who advised that he had been unable to attend the previous hearing meeting as he had been asked suddenly to drive his neighbor, who had become ill, to the hospital. After further discussion, the pending motion carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved as amended. Carried. (See subsequent action later in the meeting) HEAR?_;G: Revision of the City of Renton's Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program Original REsolution No. 1120 - adopted on December 12, 1962) This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. A communication was read from City Engineer Wilson, advising of the need to revise said program at this time in order to provide acquisition of right of way and traffic control on Burnett Street. The revision was incorporated on Page 3, III. Access Streets, Exhibit "A" amending item No. (20) Burnett Street - 3rd Avenue to 4th Avenue, Curb and Gutter Paving and Storm Sewers, $ 7,500.00 -to- (20) Burnett Street - 2nd Avenue to 4th Avenue, Curb and Gutter, Paving, Storm Sewers, Acquisition of Right-of-way and Traffic Control, $ 30,000.00. The total estimated cost for Access Streets was increased from $533, 500.00. to $556,000.00 and the Grand total estimate of costs for the Six Year Program was increased from $1,704,000.00 to $1,726,500.00. Comments were invited from the public and as none was forthcoming Mayor Aliment declared the Hearing closed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the revision and that a Resolution be dawn amending the original Resolution. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee to bring in a proper Resolution. Carried. HEARING: Charles Shane Rezone Request Waving nco Planning Commission of record and a Council Hearing having therefore been set for this date, the Hearing was declared open. In consideration of there being a revision in formation of the Planning Commission, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, that the Hearing be continued to February 18, 1963 and the matter referred to the newly organized Commission for recommendation. Carried. 1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-28-1963 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS (cont.) Councilman Pedersen called attention to action taken earlier in the meeting on the appeal of the Planning Commission decision by the Investment Exchange Corporation and also the explanation by Mr. Tennent regarding his absence from the hearing meet- ing of last week and moved that Council reconsider the appeal. The motion was seconded by Poli, however, Mr. Tennent had left the meeting following the prior action of the Council earlier in the evening. Councilman Garrett inquired whether it was the intent of the motion to re-open the hearing. Councilman Pedersen called attention to an opinion of the newly organized Planning Commission from a special meeting which was held reversing the zoning decision which had been appealed. The Mayor advised said meeting was not an official meeting and if the Council wished a % re'cnmcndation from the new Planning Commission referral thereto was now in order. After further discussion the pending motion carried, and City Attorney Shellan advised that the motion to reconsider can only be to reconsider what Council has done and not what another body has done . However, if a second appeal is to be granted a date should be set and the parties notified which action would be setting precedent. Councilman Garrett stated the appeal had been before the Council and turned down and if it were to . now be reconsidered other appeals to come before the Council might also warrant re- consideration. Councilman Reid expressed concern for the special situation of the appeal in this case and also that of the newly organized Planning Commission whom he felt should be afforded the courtesy of consultation before final action is taken. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission. Discussion followed on the action and on the revision of the Planning Commission regarding the fact that it constituted the same members of the former Com- mission except that it was fewer in number and the officers were changed. Concern was expressed by Council members as to the way the action is taken in the event of its being contested and whether the motion for reconsideration is applicable to granting or turning down the appeal. Mayor Aliment urged action upon the pending motion so that the parties may meet for further discussion. Planning Director Jensen called attention to the need for the Planning Commission services in the 701 Program and suggested that any action on further rezone or other applications be suspended for a period of time in order that full atten- tion may be devoted to the 701 activities. He then reviewed the entire progress of the appealed rezone matter from the application and first Planning Commission recommendation for. R-3 zoning with a Special Permit for a clinic and recommendation that Council grant a Conditional Permit for construction of a service station. This recommendation received concurrence by the Council however, City Attorney Shellan questioned the Council authority under the City Ordinance to grant a permanent business use in an R-3 zone . The matter was then reconsidered by the Planning Commission and an R-3 zoning on the entire property with a Permit only for the clinic on portions of Lots 7 and 4 was then recommended to the Council. This decision was appealed by Mr. Tennent inasmuch as no provision had been allowed for the service station and this brought the matter to the Hearing Meeting of last week at which no one had appeared to render verbal appeal and the Council then concurred in the Planning Commission decision for the R-3 zoning with permit for the clinic. Concern for the verbal protestors to the service station zoning was expressed, Attention was again called to establishment of a precedent by re-opening the appeal hearing and also the time element involved in other matters which had gone back and forth between the Council and the Commission. Vote was subsequently taken on the pending motion and upon dissenting voice vote, Mayor Aliment called for roll call which resulted as follows:Aye: Reid, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Dullahant, Hulse, Garrett, Trimm, Custer and Bruce. Mayor Aliment voted aye breaking the tie vote and carrying the motion. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse that the Clerk write .a letter to the person protesting the B-1 zoning advising that Council has reversed its decision and referred this matter to the Planning Commission for further consideration. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid presented a report of the Power and Light Committee which was read by the Clerk as follows: The Committee recommended that Mercury Vapor lights be installed at the following locations on Sunset Boulevard East: Second and fourth poles East from 12th and Sunset, Pole #546 at "M" Street and Sunset, Three lights past pole $547 going East, Pole #11033 at 132nd and Sunset and Install both pole and light by the fire hydrant at "K" Street and Sunset. Moneys for street lights have been appropriated in the 1963 Budget under Cumulative Fund #1184. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers 9864 through 9906 be approved as submitted. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 4- 11111" Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 1-21-63 HEARINGS: Appeal of Planning Commission decision - Investment Exchange Corp. There was protest from Mr. David Shirer who opposed additional service stations in the area or any other construction at this location which might tend to cause further congestion. None of the parties voiced opinions who had requested the Hearing. After further discussion it was moved by Reid, seconded IN by Dahlquist, to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission. Roll call vote was requested upon dissenting voice vote and resulted as follows: Aye: Reid, Dahlquist, Delaurenti No: Dullahant, Hulse, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, and Poll. Three aye votes and seven no votes lost the motion. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dullahant, that no further action be taken - on the appeal. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: An application was read from Azzola's Tavern, 233 Main Street, for license to operate a shuffleboard in said place of business. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson was read, directed to Mr. P. J. McKay, District Engineer, State Dep't. of Highways, calling attention to volumes of traffic on Benson Highway as indicated by recent traffic count. It was urged that a four-lane facility be considered instead of the two-lane structure now in the present planning. Discussion followed and other highway needs of the City were outlined. Councilman Garrett submitted a communication containing signature of Mayor Aliment and Mayors of nine additional communities petition- ing the State Department of Highways and the Bureau of Public Roads to take immediate action to establish and construct a full traffic interchange in the vicinity of 12th Avenue North in order to reduce the traffic congestion in the r City as well as to permit the passing motorists to proceed directly and expedite- iously to the freeway and points of destination. Councilman Garrett advised of a meeting scheduled for next Tuesday between Senator Durkan and the Highway Commission. Attention was also called to the progress of the freeway and con- struction work throughout the local area. A letter from City Clerk Nelson reported the need for certain loans in order that the City Departments may continue normal operations until tax moneys have been received. The loans, to be made from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to be authorized at 32% interest and to be repaid no later than December 31, 1963. From Cedar River Acquisition Fund Unto Parks - $35,000.00 From Cedar River Acquisition Fund Unto Library 17,000.00 From Cedar River Acquisition Fund Unto Depreciation Reserve Fund 7070, $20,000.00 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request and that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A Claim for Damages sustained as a result of falling into a meter box located at the Southeast corner of the sidewalk at Lot 17, Block 13, was read from William H. and Grace Bruce. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney. Carried. A letter was read from the Seattle-King County Safety Council, calling attention to an organization known as "Safety Motor Club of Washington, Inc.", and/or Fraternity of Safe Drivers", which has been soliciting memberships from local businesses and high school students. Upon report of the Better Business Bureau that this organization is implying endorsement of various local law enforcement agencies, the Auto Club of Washington and the Seattle-King County Safety Council, the Council advises that no such endorsement has been granted to their knowledge. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Custer, to refer the communication to the Police and License Committee and the Chamber of Commerce for investigation. Carried. Applications were read requesting that Nelson & Michael be granted the required licenses to operate music machines at Joe's 194 Drive-In and the Blue Ox Drive-In. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried . li 2- 1 , OFFICE OF TIC CITY CLE. t January 8,, 1963 I11VESTM NT EXCHANGE, CORPORATION" 700 Securities Building' Seattle, Washington Attention: Mr. James F. Charlton,.and/or . . Mr. Jay Gou1a. • ' ' Gentlemen: This is to advise that the Renton City Council. at its regular , meeting of January 7a ".Z963 'has set January 210 1963 as the hearing date by the City Council for •your appeal on the P1aaning Conission's decision'on the rezone matter.- Very truly yours, CITY OF B Tc Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk ; a INVESTMENT EXCHANGE CORPORATION November 14, 1962 Mr. Jensen City Planning Commission Renton, Washington Dear Sir: I left a corrected plan in your office, which I believe should satisfy any opposition to the rezoning, by arranging the access to the clinic. The access to the clinic will be from Southeast 168th and 109th Southeast. As you will note, we will put in a six inch curbing on the property where the clinic is to be located, to prevent any access from Benson Road. We recommend that a divider be placed in the center of Benson Ikoad so this will eliminate any southbound left hand turns north of 168th Southeast, which should be a safety factor which I am sure we all want. Thanking you for your many past courtesies, I remain Respectfully yours, INVESTMENT EXCHANGE CORPORATION M in . nt MGT:ed l 700 SECURITIES BUILDING • SEATTLE 1,WASHINGTON • MAIN 4-5416 y,, Decem} er= '10 ; - 196 2.. 1-lonorable Mayor Frank Alirrwnt fembers' of the City. 'Council- Gent lome r_: The -.Pia nni nK. CnmtnissiOn at .. ts 'public hearing o: -November ,28•,-;..1°:f,Z,: after. study. ,and ''deliberation - recommends to •ti City,'.Council,.that - the' 'fo11oi:in r' parcels. be :rezoned:, as`. fol];oba l . Jaya Gould-James' 'Charitoni_: Lots : 4., . 5-,:-,;6-, 8 -:7 , ..Block :3.;.',Akers FC- rms No. 6 , :,b.e rezoned;•from. .a Cto to . ,-3 with pro-'. ., vision 2-or thegranting of a .permit: to: -. a.ilo:' construct ion of a service. station •on: Lot 6 and: 'a ; ortion ,of Lot ..7, :Less' the t est: .2fl' . o. Lot 6 7-,-,-and le' s the South 10 ';`off.- Lots -•6. £,. .c8 ;s hic'ri 'port• .ions- pre to. be trans.fierred. t'o the-. City, by gt:li claim` deed for „roadway:. and utility.. purposes • I-.;'` '`The Com i sion '.further `;a'a roved.'the..:con - s•truet o'ri of a clinic on- the,.nort?ierly . : port'a.on of :Lot 7 provided the •Cou.non- concurs :•in';the • g,rantinp of....the,• rezone:. " Fliza.beth•_Foley: Recommend-'rezone -of''Lots ' 26;,-'27, 28 .23 , . •, Black 22a C. D. 1-1i1lina:n',s.•.;arlington:. : Ga;rc ens Add'. No:. .1 , ,from G6000' t o• -L'-1, . - • - with the 'provision t.'riat 'the o xrer.: ob= serve •.a "Minimum setbac om` tk `of 65 ' from the -, cer ber. ,line •-of 'South 163rd' Street. 'for 'all buildings . and.'•.structures , and :.further, that a.. 'minimum rear yard setback .be' ob- <. served of not less than 20 ° for. gal:. bui ld:i'n ?s •or, stru_ ctures . • Further' that any cr'anges;,from: the . above.'conditions' shall. - first have: the apttroval of the- :City Coun-. ci.l•,. : '.''Said• r tesricfii.ons to be, made 'binding-, 1- 2 AFFIDAVIT JAY GOULD JAMES F. CHARLTON Ifl being duly sworn declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- mitted are in all resepects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief° Subscribed and sworn to me this ter P day of 9184 Na e o wner Notary Public in and for the State 7002 aecu "ties 16.iuildingWashingtonggailing ,ddress ) - ame.City State residing at l5 y .— (o . MAIN 4 - 5416 700 Securities Building, ton Telep one o Seattle, Washington NM- 4-S4!& A rasa City) OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department gov- erning the filing, of such application° Date received yo APPLICATION FOR .C.HANCE OF ZONE ,IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE' USE- ONLY Application No. : 4q¢7 . //7 6 Sec.@Twpo-Ro Date of_ Filing: Area Map: Plane Como Action r T Kroll Page: Date : City Council° s Action: Date : Ord. Noo T ,•- APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Jay Gould and Name of Applicant_Jaxx e ,Charlton, TT_ Address7110eSex,i ribs-s__73a,.i.t.ding.,-- eattleTelephoneNo. 5A16- Property Petitioned for rezoning as situated on nortnl.eat_cor„Pr r ceti ca r.t and thc- Street:nf-IOSth-=„A=v=ea,=S,-E-,_(-B-yens=o fit1t S_EIFi$thLegalDescriptionofSubject-Property _B_AAB ess--z_aniing) 1,nts 6 and_Z, .Black Rr lci.n ount-y, W=a. h ngt-o=n xising caning Residential ' Zoning Requested B-1 and R-3 What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? Servic.. 'Stati,xa,. moci i_r a -Dent.a LauiYdLa --and Aiaa.rt. n e n+s Number of -perma.nent off-street parking spaces that will be provided of this property? Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. vidence or additional infor- mation you desire to su mit to su stantiate your request mae attar e to t ese s sets . to In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? There,is a_need for facilities of this type, - The pidiy developing suburban areas 1,,uP.._1a tl=e__existng Yledi al,t_at4_mlx,t.plc.r t-a_,,..d_the--eta.'a flit-, cG n=r_r pnGed Will_ serve an obvious need. 2. On what eels is t ere a rea nee in t is community for more zonini-FT- the type you request? This zoning would .rovide a development which could serve the needs fp *byte fox--new-.io,u-sa:ng,-.Ja ignites ,up the:_corner-an,d_i l:e-ntify r vasicorse 3o Do you consider the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses perm mitted ,in the present. classification? Please explain Y The,properyi_s Located ata-jnain int_e.rse_ction,with._a_ru-ajor vo iume. f traffic thich i rabidly increasing, Thi=s rxing=vi -g: eatty exhanr-.-e and .irnp_rr,_ve-thi_s intemsaction,. - 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding prop® erties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? I 1OCT22J 9 C' J G INVESTMENT EXCHANGE CORPORATION October l9, 1962 Mr. Jensen, Planning Director City Planning Commission Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Jensen: I phoned your secretary and made the suggestion that the Planning Commission reduce the B-1 zoning of Lot 7 to the South half (2) of Lot 7, leaving the North half (2) R-3 for the clinic. This would permit additional pumps in the service station if and when they were needed. If this is satisfactory to the Planning Commission, we would appreciate this action by the Board, which will permit the clinic to be built on R-3. Respectfully yours,. INVESTMENT EXCHANGE CORPORATION Tay Gould, President lr&vllvinTennent, Vice President -` MG T:ed 700 SECURITIES BUILDING • SEATTLE 1,WASHINGTON • MAIN 4-5416 A'3DLit D P J.. IF C. / 1 TO V2 117- ( . NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER. FILE NUM8E2 RECLASSIFICATION FROM G TO 3 3EP .~-' „, 1.96 E GO I DATE OF PUBLIC NEARING K2OL L PAGE NUMBER I)) a 4 5fi1Z345 G7200 A , s J \\ c 3J\JJj ei'S.E.I G 4 T" C.);1, IMIE r---- i 1 4 W 1 I I4 u1 3 l0 12 I \ tit W illin%)________ __ 1 9 S_ 10 I 6 1 4 b i G 200 ='' 7 R. 7 4 I WI I 6 F- 12 r_. I S.E. 16 S T2 ST. 27.2 zz i _ j I 2.1 2 '. t o r 5Co, f 19 4118S.E. 170 T" ST. 1 AREA RECLASSIFIED BY THIS ORDINANCE ei-ea__li Y ..-( --) °2%///2/Jz.-t/• e-127A- .fi r e .t-i/ •'`,vo 6v J 8Y THE CITY C®uNCiL.4/i`;/ 2 1/ELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK d GDULD J. C /ARLTON NAME OF PROPERTY OWNEZ FILE NUMBER, RECLASSIFICATION FROM G. TO R-3 £' 5- I SEPT 26, 1962 I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING KROLL PAGE NUMBER h , N.\ 4 5 i 1 Z 3 4 5 Z r I t-' f f \ r- \ G 7000 r s'J \c`\ F3 .N,1 J f S.E.I o4 Tr 5- ltii isii//'i/i/i// I I2 1 I4 . _ \ I • Z II 2 13 Ti 11111 10 3 • 12 I \ lil c'> 7h 4 9 N__ 4 7 z (o \\ j` 1 CO r?5_S 0 o 17 Q 6 7 j Q Q 7.2 4 yl illG 720® S; 1-2 Q d, s Ca 7)::X. S.E. I G8T" ST. R 72 2z 5 1 I 0 1 _-- ZO co 5 o 6.- Z2 19 4.1 tO I 18 SI .E. 170T" ST.• AREA RECLASSIFIED BY TNIS ORDINANCE PASSED ay THE CITY COUNCIL OATS J/ELM1E NELSON, CITY CLERK APPROVED 8Y TUE MAYOR A4Ts PRANK ALIMENT, MAYOR ORDINANCE NUM5EQ DATE OF PUBLICATION EXHIBIT 1A // RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTO.BER .10 , .1962 Members Present: James Denzer, Louis Peretti, Wes Busch, Jay Hc1mes,Doug Felker, Charles McGarrigle, Bob Wray, Stan Wilson. Members Absent: Mike Lotto, William Trimmo Gerald Cordell was . excused, Otheres Present: Planning Director David Jensen, Assistant Planner Merlin-- Logan, City Engineer .Jack, Wilson, . Councilman Bruce Hulse, The minutes of the previous meeting of September 12 were approved as written. HEARINGS: 1, HERBERT FISCHER, Rezone:. , Hearing opened on. the .request. of Herbert Fischer for rezone of Lot 4 , Block 1, Car Works. Addition. to .Renton, from R-2 to B,-10 Committee .and .Director°.s reports were read.:recommending approval of the rezone in that it is a natural extension of the existing B-1 zone immediately to the south and it was anticipated that the expansion of business will . be in harmony with the comprehensive plan as it is developed. . . Slides of the area and surrounding property were shown. Chairman Denzer asked if there were any proponents for the rezone. It was stated that if there were any questions regarding the rezone the ap- plicant would be glad to discuss them. Chairman Denzer then asked if there' any, objectors to the rezone, either oral or written. There being no' protests , the Cha•irman. then declared the hearing closed. • It was moved by McGarrigle,• seconded by Busch, that ,ww+ recommend to the City • Council the rezone of this property for reasons as stated in the Committee and Director's reports . Motion carried. 6 2 JAY GOULD B .JAMES F. CHARLTON -Rezone:- Hearing opened on the request of Jay Gould and James F. Charlton of property on the northeast -corner of 108th So E. (B'enson Rd) and So E. 168th, as, follows : Lots 4. 8 5 , Block 8 , Akers Farms. No. 6 from G" to R-3 and Lots 6 6 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No. '6 from "G" to B-1. Committee report was read recommending approval of the rezone to R-3 provided 50 ° setbacks are provided -on both Benson Highway and So E. 168th. The Committee recommended rejection of the request for B-4 -in that there .is sufficient existing B-1 zoning in the area for present needs and further,, that rezoning to B-1 along the highway ' would tend encourage strip, zoning, which was felt to be undesirable. Director' s report was to recommend that if the rezone were granted the following factors should be given consideration: a) That_ the west 21W• of Lots 6 & 7 be .deeded to the• City for roadway & utility purposes by quit claim deed together with the south 10 ° of Lots 5 8 6 , ' b) That structures observe a minimum setback of 70 ° from the center_ line of 108th Avenue Southeast (Benson Highway) and a minimum 1- . setback of 50 ' from the center line of Southeast 168th Street. c) Further recommended that a maximum distance beyond the property line for any sign be limited to . 5 ' . The recommendations_ were made in consideration of the increasing traffic volumes on the Benson Highway and further, in consideration of potential requirements for traffic movement as 168th Street becomes more important as an arterial link in the community area. Mr. Jensen showed slides of the area and of the plot plane During discussion question was .a.ked if there was any assurance that this property would be developed as proposed. Mr. Tennant, speaking for the applicants , stated that if..granted the rezone their intention is to develop the porperty as . proposed. City Engineer Jack Wilson was asked regarding a stop light at Benson Highway and So E. 168th Street. Mr. Wilson thought that a light and channelization at this point would be desirable. Mr. Tennant in reply to. Mr. Felker' s question if another access might be made for the proposed apartment area other than the one through the service station entrance, stated 'that they would take this 'dnder consideration. Mr. Busch commented that, since a possibility exists that the ' property can be sold, some recording should be made in the engin- eer' s office , such as a deed restriction. to insure that the property would be developed as proposed. Chairman Denzer asked if the property onwers would be willing to give a written agreement in the form of a deed restriction. Mr. Tennant stated that the owners would be willing to voluntarily furnish such an agreement. There being no written or oral protests , Mr. Denzer declared the hearing closed. The remainder of the hearing on this matter was fore the discussion and consideration of the matter by the Commission- mem- berso Mr. Wray stated that he felt that granting of the rezone to B®1 would involve the problem of strip zoning and he was not in favor of B®1 zoning on the Benson Road at this point. Mr. Denzer commented that this property is not suitable for development to single family uses , that it is too valuable for this purpose , and should be con- sidered, for its best use. Mr. McGarrigle moved, seconded by Holmes , to accept the Commit- tee and Director's report and recommend the rezones as requested provided the necessary restrictions are concurred in by the appli- cants. Mr. Felker, on the question stated that there are some objection- able factors , but that he feels that the owners cannot be denied a reasonable use of their property. In regard to the voluntary agree- ment by the owners , he felt that the matter should be continued until such agreements are worked out with the owners and the City. s'Mro Felker then amended the motion that we recommend to the CityCounciltherezoningsasheretoforestated, but that this be held . until such time as voluntary agreement has been worked out with the property owners . Motion as amended carried. 3. DAVID W. STRITMATER & WALTER Co HIGGENBOTHAM Rezones Hearing opened on the rezone request from t6G-720004 to R-3 , prop- erty on the northeast corner of Sunset Blvd. and 116:th S.E. 1 The Rezone Committee recommended approval of the rezone request 2- I stating that it is a logical zoning for this area,in that it abuts R®2 to the east and is across the highway from Business. zoning. The Planning Director recommended the rezone with approval of a permit for a nursing home by reason that the area is adjacent to an exist- ing business , is bounded on the east by an R-2 zoning and is in an area considered sutiable for multiple family residential uses . He further stated the proposed rezone appears compatible with the compre- hensive planning requirements for the community. Slides of the area and the plot plan were shown. Chairman Den- zer asked if there were any proponents for the rezone who wished to speak. Mr. Koehler, architect for the owners , stated that if there are any questions on this matter he would try to answer them. Mr. Lloyd Eustos , property owner to the north of the proposed rezone, stated that he was not in favor of multiples in this area, since it was principally a single family area with some. duplexes . Mr. Del Moss , 1023 G Street, owner of property directly behind the proposed rezone, stated that he objected to the height of the build- ings proposed and that the would like to have the rezone denied until the comprehensive plan is. completed. He was against any rezone in this area except to R-2 . Mr. Wray' s motion to hold the matter in abeyance lost because of no second. Mr. Felker stated that he believes there is a real need for a nursing home of this type in Renton and he thought that this is a good location for that use. Chairman Denzer stated as a member of the Committee in studying this area and the surrounding area the Committee felt that the prom posed location is suitable for a nursing home and that the Committee did not believe that it would be injurious to the surrounding area. Mr. Koehler explained that the design of the building, plantings and. screen.ings as planned would give ' the surrounding properties max- imum privacy,, as well as giving the patients within the grounds need- ed privacy, which will be attained by placing a buffer between the nursing home grounds and the residential properties . It was moved by Felker, seconded by McGarrigle , that we recommend to the City Council the rezoning to R 3 as requested and approva o the permit for the nursing home. Roll Call Vote resulted as `oowso Ayes" ® McGarriga.e, Wilson, Felker, Denzer, Peretti Nays" ® Wray, Busch, Holmes Motion carried with a 5 to 3 vote. 4. CAPITAL REALTY for a Variance . Hearing opened on the variance request to allow 50 ' street widths on the Plat of Brentwood No. 20 Committee and• Director's reports were read recommending the granting of variances as requested with the exception that "Q" Street be 09 right of--way- and, that an easement for roadway and utility purposes be granted to the City over the east 10 ' of the Plat, City Engineer stated that he has nobjection to the 50 ' streets except that "Q" Street,which will be a connection with 12th Avenue North as a through Street, should be 60 ' in width. In reply to Mr. Peretti' s question if the plattor agreed to a 3- i 10 ' easement, Mr. Goldsmith, engineer for the plattor, stated that they would agree to give the requested 10 ' and that "Q" Street would be 60 ° ° It was, moved bar Peretti , seconded by Holmes, that we recommend to the City ounce tt egranti4 off---tea s var anoe with provisionsasstatedintheCommitteeanirTirector's re' ort,o Motion carried: 5 ° UNION OIL COMPANY for Variance : Hearing opened on the request for Variance ,, property at Renton and Rainier Avenue , to allow reduction in 20 ' setback on Rainier Avenue. Committee and Director's report was to recommend approval subject to the following changes : a) f' That pump islands be a minimum of 12 ' from the east prop- erty line, b) That the m4ximum projection for a sign be limited to 5 ° beyond the property line in compliance with the sign ordinance° c) That some provision for low plantings in lieu cif paving be provided. within the area lying. between the sidewalk•,. and the . . property line. d) That - light standards placed near the property line not be used for . struetural support for signs. e) That the Union Oil Company agree to adjust their structures in compliance with the City°s setback requirements upon written noti- fication by. the City within a reasonable time. Mr. Jensen stated that he believed that the landscaping as he recommeded would-add to the attractiveness of the intersection and would tend to keep these areas from being used as parking areas for some types of vehicles° Mr. Peretti asked if it would not be better to grant this request on a permit basis , because a variance as such is permanent, ' so that any future requirement for a :wider street would be provided. for by the terms of the permit agreement Mr° `EdlPowell , representing the property owners , in reply to the question on this matter, stated that he had no authority to make committment on this agreement, but that he would' bonsult his main office regarding an agreement. It was then moved b Peretti , seconded by Holmes , that we grant this on the basis o a permit eit er as a s1cia or revokable permit, w lc ever, isbest or t e . ity s in erests o—I oto carried° 6, BURTON WILSON for Variance : The Commission considered the request to use a substandard lot, located in the vicinity of 108th Avenue S° E. and S° E. 108th Street, for building purposes. The existing zoning requires 7200 sq° ft° per lot. Subject property is 59Q by 117° e 6900 sq. ft. Committee and .Director°s recommendation was for approval of the re- quests in that it is the minimum variance required to allow the proper side yard for the existing residence on the other portion of the lot. Chairman Denzer asked if there were any objections to this vari= ante° There being none, it was moved by Wray, seconded by Wilson, that we recommend to the City Council the granting of t e variance as requested. Motion carried° 7 . SHELL OIL COMPANY for a Variance : The Commission members considered the request for a ..10 ° setback for pump islands. and .no setback. for. floodlights ..and signs,_ instead of the. requk-ed...209 setback .on property described as . Lots. 3 , 4 , 5 . 6 6 , Block 6 , Satorisville ..Replato .It . was stated .. in the. request that be= cause of positioning of .adjacent improvements to the subject property conformance with required 209 setback at this time would prove detri- mental to the service station potential at this location. Further stated that if .the. variances` as requested are granted . the Company would agree to conform to the required 20 ' setback at a later date when the improvements in the surrounding area have been substantially changed to justify conformance with the setback requirement. Committee and Director recommenrded granting the variances as requested subject to the following adjustments : a) That the pump islands be setback not less than 12 " from the south property line. b) That the proposed signs including overhang be within the property. c) That the Shell Oil Coitany enter into an agreement to adjust their structures in compliance with the City's setback requirements - within a reasonable time upon notification in writing from the City to so do, Chairman Denzer asked if there were any proponents for the Vari- ance. Mr. Bob Wilson, representing the Shell Oil Company, spoke em- phasizing some. of the points as mentioned in the letter from the Com- pany. There were no protests to the Variance either written or oral. It was then moved by Felker, seconded by Peretti, to deny the Variance and to grant a 'permit,' in concurrence with the recommen ations o t e Planning Director. , Motion carried. 8 . CONNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY for a Variance: Commission members considered the request for deletion of side- walks on the plat of Lake View Park. The Director recommended that sidewalks be required in compliance with the subdivision ordinance. In the discussion it 'was brought out that in considering this Plat over a year and a half .ago the Commission had at that time con- sented to the deletion of sidewalks on the Preliminary Plat of Lake View Parka Since the Plattor had not completed the Plat within the required time limit, he now has submitted it again as a Preliminary Plat and is again requesting the deletion of sidewalkt . Mr. Conner, stated that due to physical conditions and problem`s ,_` he was not able to• complete the work on the plat within the time limit, but he felt that since deletion of sidewalks . had been allow= ed on the previous submission, their deletion should now be granted on this same plat. He further stated that there are no sidewalks in the surrounding area. Mr. Jensen stated that the policy of the Commission has been not to grant a Variance on sidewalks and to adhere to the Subdivision Or® dinance on this requirement and he did not feel that this was an excep- tional case. After discussion on the matter, it was moved by Felker, seconded by Peretti , to deny the request for variance° `loTC'II—Vote resu ing in a 4 to 4 vote the motion Yost°.. It was then moved by McGarrigle, seconded by Holmes , that the Planning Director review the past actions of the Commission relative to Lake View Park Plat and report back to the Commission at the next meeting. Motion.'carried with Mr. Felker . voting- noo 9 . Chairman .Denzer. announced..some..changes_.in . the Commissio.n. Committees as followsa . ZONING: No changes . - Louis Per.etti , Chairman; Stan Wilson, James Denzero VARIANCES : Gerald Cordell , Chairman; Wes Busch SPECIAL,CONDITIONAL,. TEMPORARY PERMITS : Charles. McGarrigle, Chair- man; Jay Hones Bob Wray. SUBDXVISIONS : Doug Felker, Chairman; William Trimm; Mike Lotto: 10 . There being no further business the" meeting adjourned at. 10 :45 P.M. Doug Felker, Secretary, James Denzer, Chairman gm October 9 , 1962 REZONE REPORTS : ol, Herbert Fischer request from 'R.2 .to B-15 Lot 4 , Block 1, Car Works Addition to enton, Committee Report o Recommend approval of-.the B-1 rezone ' in that it is a reason- able' extension of the existing business district on the south, Director° s RQ2orr: Recommend approval of thin rezone request from, R-.2 to 13.,1 for the following reasons , a) This is a naturalextension .of. the .existing .B-l. zone :im- mediately to the south, . b) It is anticipated .that thi$..expansion will. be in harmony.. with the comprehensive. plan. as . it is. developed, Jam. Gould and James F. Charlton re uest for R-3 on Lots. 4 8 5 tlk, 8 an on o e Carom Reports Recommend approval of the R-.3 provided that setbacks `.of 50 ' from the center: line of both...;k3e.nson Highway and Southeast 168th be provided. Recommend rejection of the 13,1 rezone request for. the follow- ing reasons : a) There is sufficient B-1 zoning now existing in the area for present needs, b) Rezoning to B-1 would tend to encourage strip zoning, 12alataEla—BIERLV It is recommended that if this rezone is granted that the fol- lowing factors be given consideration: . a) That the west 20 ' of Lots 6 6 7 be deeded to the City for roadway and Utility purposes by quit claim deed together with the south 10 ° of, Lots 5 6 6 , b) That structures observe a .minimum setback of 70 ' from the center line of 108th Avenue Southeast (Benson Highway) and a min- imum setback of S0 ' from the center line, of Southeast 168th Street, c) It is further 'r©commended that a maXimu1n distance beyond the property line for any sign be limited t1) 1 ' , The above recommendations are made in consideration of .the in- creasing traffic volumes on the Benson Highway and further, in consideration of the potential requirement for traffic movement as 168th Street becomes more important as an arterial link in the community area.. 3, David W, 'Stritmater and Walter C. Higgenbotham request from G 0 9 pr e y on a eas or r of Sunset Blvd, and , 116th S, E, 4, y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON October 10 , 1962 AT 8 : 00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR REZONING FROM "G" to R-3 (Apartments) and B-1 (Business ) : FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: To R-3 : Lots 4 and 5 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No. 6 , as recorded in Vol. 42 of Plats , Page 16 , King County, Washington. To B-1 : Lots 6 and 7, Block 8 , Akers Farms No. 6 , as recorded in Vol. .42 of Plats , Page 16 , King ' County, Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID REZONE ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON Oct. 10•,' 1962 AT 8:00 P.MO .TO. VOICE- THEIR 'PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO . SAME. DOUG FELKER SECRETARY PUBLISHED September 19 , 1962 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I , "22 AL/A1 LOc4L) hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of the above. .document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the prop- erty described above as prescribed by laws. Signed: ATTEST: NQ'TA Y PUBLI -IN N FOR THE S ATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON. RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 10 , 1962 Members -Present: James Denzer, Louis Peretti9 Wes Busch., Jay Holmes,Doug Felker, Charles McGarrigle, Bob Wray, Stan Wilson, Members Absent: Mike Lotto, William Trimmo Gerald Cordell was . excused. Otheres Present: Planning Director David Jensen, Assistant Planner Merlin.- Logan, City Engineer Jack, Wilson, Councilman Bruce Hulse° The minutes of the previous meeting of September 12 were approved as written. HEARINGS : 1. HERBERT FISCHER, Rezone: Hearing opened on the request. of Herbert Fischer for rezone of Lot 4 , Block 1 , Car Works Addition to Renton, from R-2 to B-1. Committee and Director's reports were read recommending approval of the rezone in that it is a natural extension of the existing B-1 zone immediately to the south and it was anticipated that the expansion of business will be in harmony with the comprehensive plan as it is developed. . Slides of the area and surrounding property were shown. Chairman Denzer asked if there were any proponents for the rezones It was stated that if there were any questions regarding the rezone the ap- plicant would be glad to discuss them. Chairman Denzer then asked if there any objectors to the rezone , either oral or written. There being no protests , the Chairman then declared the hearing closed. It was moved by McGarrigle , seconded by Busch, that 'we recommend to the City Council the rezone of this property for reasons as stated in the Committee and Director' s reports , Motion carried. JAY GOULD 6 JAMES F. CHARLTON Rezone : Hearing opened on the request of Jay Gould and James F. Charlton of property on the northeast corner of 108th So E. (Benson Rd) and So E. 168th, as follows : Lots 4 8 5 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No, 6 from G" to R-3 and Lots 6 & 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No. 6 from "G" to B-1. Committee report was read recommending approval of the rezone to R-3 provided 50 ° setbacks are provided -on both Benson Highway and S . E. 168th. The Committee recommended rejection of the request for B-4inthatthereissufficientexistingB-1 zoning in the area for present needs and further, -that rezoning to B-1 along the highway would tend encourage strip zoning, which was felt to be undesirable, Director's report was to recommend that if the rezone were granted the following factors should be given consideration: a) That the west 2e of Lots 6 8 7 be deeded to the City for roadway 8 utility purposes by quit claim deed together with the south l0 ° of Lots 5 8 6 , b) That structures observe a minimum setback of 70 ° from the centerline of 108th Avenue Southeast (Benson Highway) and a minimum 1- 1 setback of 50 ' from the center line of. Southeast 168th Street. c) Further recommended that a maximum .distance beyond .the property line for any sign be limited to . 5 ' The recommendations were made in consideration of the increasing traffic volumes on the Benson Highway and further, in consideration of potential requirements for traffic movement as 168th Street becomes more important as .an arterial link in the community area. Mr. Jensen showed slides of - the area and of. the plot plan. During discussion question was .a's.ked if there was any assurance that this property would be developed as proposed. Mr. Tennant, speaking for the applicants , stated .that if .granted the rezone their intention is to develop the .porperty as . proposedo . City Engineer Jack Wilson .was asked regarding a stop. light at Benson High"way.. and So Eo . 168th. .Streeta Mro ..Wilson thought that a light and channelization .at. this point would .be .desirables Mr. Tennant in reply . to. Mr.. Felker°s question if another access might be made for the proposed apartment area other than the . one through the service station entrance:, stated ' that they mould takd:th'is 'do der coneider'ationo Mr, Busch commented that. since ,a possibility, exists that the ' property can be sold, some recording should be made in the engin- eer9s office , such as a deed restricton. to insure that the property would be developed as proposed. Chairman Denzer asked. if_ the property onwers would be willing to give a written agreement in the form of a deed restriction. ' Mr. Tennant stated that the owners would be willing to voluntarily furnish such an agreement. There being 'no written or oral protests , Mr.a Denzer declared the hearing closed. The remainder of the hearing on this matter was for` the discussion and consideration of the matter by the Commission- mem- berso Mr. Wray stated that he 'felt that granting of bhe rezone to B -1 would involve the problem of strip zoning and he was not in favor of B-1 zoning on 'the Benson Road at this point. Mro l'enter commented that this property is not suitable for development to single family uses , that it is too valuable for this purpose , and should be con- sidered. for its best use. Mr. McGarrigle moved, seconded by Holmes , to accept the Commit- tee an irector s repor and recommend the rezones as requested provided the• necessary restrictions are concurred in by the appli- . can so Mr. Felker, on the question stated that there are tome objection- able factors ,. but that he feels that the owners cannot be denied a reasonable use of their property. - In regard to the voluntary agree- ment by the owners , he. felt that the - matter should be continued until such agreements are worked out with the owners and the City. Mr. Felker then amended the motion that we recommend to the City Council the rezonings as heretofore stated, but that this be held until such time as voluntary agreement has been worked out with the property owners. Motion as amended carried. C3) DAVID W. STRITMATER 8 WALTER Co HIGGENBOTHAM Rezone: Hearing opened on the rezone request from "G-7200" to R-3 , prop- erty on the northeast corner of Sunset Blvd. and llSth S .E. The Rezone Committee recommended approval of the rezone request 2- t,,,G.L 1 77. 4. (5, ,,,of_pD crj ,I, , '.i!, LTO N NAME OF PROPE R.T Y OWN EZ PILE NUMBER RECLASSIFICATION FROM ( " TO IF,-3 SEPT .:-:', , PATE OF PUBLIC NEARING KAOLL PAGE NUMBER 1) I, :, I 1 4 5 Z 3 4 5 2. 1` 1 • I G 720 0 1A ‹ 5.E.I r- - z 1 I 4 B s\ 7\•,,. 11.--•' 1 z 1 3 3 .. 10 3 t 2 t \, til ILI 0 Id a (; , •,. i4,,\ I \ 13,,, i ' L' : ' e‘i c:, Ul 4-7 i---- --____ , W20CI .1 7 R 7,2 4 1 i--" 44-T a 1 5 i-5:, a 5 2 4 ii:Mii?.:iiii 4 i::*:4:*i* / i:•i*:.*:*i.::::::::4:, : :::::i:'i] :"..' i— z 3 i L_ii!f. WAN SE !G8 TIL T. L.--- -- 1 — r ) k 72 zz I i 1 ' 21 4V I I 18 5.E. 17o-1"1, 5-1. _...., j.,.....,......, 1.1.AREA RECLASSIFIED BY TAI/S. ORD/NANCE 4_, PASSED 8Y THE ary COUNCIL DATE IIELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. ANOADINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THEC1TT OF RENTON PROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (D) TO RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R•3) AND BUSINESS DISTRICT (B•1),TOGETRER WITH A PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION . OF A MEDICAL CLINIC ON A PORTION OF SAID PROPERTIES. WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (BuildingRegulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, known as the "Code of General ,Ordinances of the City of Renton" as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hstsinbelow described has heretofore bean zoned as General Classification District M. and . WHEREAS under the aforesaid Ordinance, as amended, a petition for change of zone classification of the hereinbelow described property has .been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about August 25, 1962, which petition was thereafter referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing and various hearings having amen held thereon from time to time and the petitioners having appealed from a prior decision of the Planning Commission relative to said petition for rezoning which appeal case on for hearing before the City Council- on or about January 21, 1963, and the City Council having thereupon affirmed the prior action of the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS thereafter .upon the request of the petitioner, said petition was again referred to the Planning Commission for reconsideration and said Planning Commission having duly reconsidered and restudied said petition and having. made its recommendation to the City Council, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in . opposition thereto; NOW THEREFORE ' BE IT main BY 'TOE MAYOR AND TIE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RINTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I; The following described properties in the City of Renton are hereby rezoned as hareinbelow stated; the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the raps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence this rezoning; said properties being described as follows: . Rezone from General Classification District SO) to Residential District (R-1) Lots 4. 5 and the north half of Lot 7, Block 8, .Akers TAM Mo. 6 according to Plat recorded in Volume 42 of Plats, Page' 15, ling County, Washington, LESS the South 10 feet thereof and LESS the West 20 feet thereof. 1. W ' Rezone .from General Classification District (C) to Business District (B-1) Lot b and the South half of Lot 7, Block 8, Akers Fares No. 6 according to plat recorded in Volume 42 of Plate, Page 15, King County, Washington, LESS the South 10 feet thereof and LESS the West 20 feet thereof Together with a especial permit to allow petitioners to construct a medical clinic on portions of Lot 7, Block 8, Akers Farms No. 6. Said rezoning to be further subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton. SECTION IIt, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect free end after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 25th day of February, 1963. Relate Net3o -C4-t 1St"i :a.,, APPROVED BY TUE MAYOR this 25th day of February, 1963. iipj - , . Mayor ear -ire.04lUlt .ke i c Appoved as to Vora: Gerard M. Shullan, City Attorney LIBLICAT10N DATE mAR 6 1963 2- Y e W A W z x KC I 1 i i4A 2a. A 8 g 6,il .H II cn 6-55 a 3 3 4111 — 7/:)-1 .zzi3g/ 3e, FORM L56 R Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTOR JAMES F. CHARLTON and ALICE CHARLTON, his wife for and in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration convey and quit claim to THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the secondclassunderthelawsandstatutesoftheStateofWashingtonthefollowingdescribedrealestate, situated in the County of King State of Washington including any interest therein which grantor may hereafter acquire: The South 10 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 8, Akers Farms No. 6, all inSection29, Township 23, Range 5 East W.M. , County of King, State ofWashington, recorded in Volume 42 of Plats, Page 15, records of King County. ALSO the West. 20 feet of Lots 6 and 7, Block 8, Akers Farms No. 6, all inSection29, Township 23, Range 5 East W.M. , County of King, State ofWashingtonrecordedinVolume42, Plat Page 15, records of King County This deed is given for road and other municipal purposes only. Dated this 1 dayof W'-L4%. ry., 1963 James F. Ch r on SEAL) STATE OF WASHINGTON Alice Charlton ss. County of King On this day personally appeared before me James F. Charlton and Alice Chariton, his wife to me known to be the individual s described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and rie,-.1 ,uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this // .day of ' &' : ri, 'I963 r_ G--i.i --y s.' • • %i J,StatePts!]l^, crz cr<;l JOT tLe t• f•- of `: 1 W U 40 sgm8ga, CY g cn E. il FORM L56 R Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTORS JAY GOULD and FRANCES GOULD, his wife for and in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration convey and quit claim to THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the secondclassunderthelawsandstatutesoftheStateofWashingtonthefollowingdescribedrealestate, situated in the County of King State of Washington including any interest therein which grantor may hereafter acquire: The South 10 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 8, Akers Farms No. 6, all inSection29, Township 23, Range 5 East W.M. , County of King, State ofWashington. Recorded in Volume 42, Plat Page 15, records of King County ALSO The West. ?0 feet of Lots 6 aid i, Block 8, Akers Farms No. 6,all in Section 29, Township 23, Range 5 East W.M.State of Washington recorded in Volume 42, Plat Page®15, recor dsgofKingCounty. This deed is given for road and other municipal purposes only. Dated this A71/ a. ydayof _. . b , 1963 i 1 -6,_,. /,-,,be SEAL} r J ou l d rances Goulc SEAL) STATE. OF WASHINGTON, ss. County of King On this day personally appeared before me Jay Gould and Frances Gould, his wifetomeknowntobetheindividualsdescribedinandwhoexecutedthewithinandforegoinginstrument. andacknowledgedthattheysignedthesameastheirfreeandvoluntaryactanddeed ' ,tieusesandpurposesthereinmentioned. 7, `GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of FF hr 1963 lr'-i ;l --r Notary Public in and for the State o; it asiiingi.4 residing at Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-25-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (cont.) Liberty Park Ballfield Lights: Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1186 as read. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Creating a special fund to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve Fund For the Payment of Electric Energy, Lamps and Other Parts Replacement, and Neces- sary Maintenance and Repair of the Lighting System at the Liberty Park Ballfield'T, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final read- ing, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 1990 as read. Carried upon roll call vote with all Councilmen voting aye. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington providing for the imposition and collection of 41i% charge against the gross revenue of the sewer, garbage and water funds to cover administrative expense and services for each such Utility Department and authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to continue to transfer a sum equal to 4z % of such gross revenues on said funds unto the Current Fund, to be retroactive to January 1, 1962 and to continue until changed or amended by the City Council. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dullahant, to adopt Resolution No. 1187 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton setting up duties of the Poundmaster pursuant to the new contract with King County, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the pro- posed Ordinance to the Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee ad- vised it wished to hold the Ordinance for further consideration at request of the City Clerk. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing zoning classification of certain properties within the city of Renton, from General Classification District (G) to Business District (B-1), which was read by the Clerk. (Charles Shane property) Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2013 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye and the motion carried. Chairman Reid declared a recess at this time . After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that absent Councilman Bruce be excused. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Residential District R-3) and Business District (B-l), together with a Permit for the construction of a medical clinic on a portion of said properties, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poll, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recom- mended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recom- mendation .of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2014 as read.111 Planning Director Jensen advised that there were Quit Claim Deeds submitted to the City relative to the subject property which needed some revision and City Attorney Shellan advised that the Deeds should be signed by the Fee owners and also that they should provide for roads or other Municipal purposes in the event there should be a need for utility installations. The pending motion received votes by roll call as follows: Aye: Reid, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Custer, Delaurenti, and Poli. No: Dullahant, Hulse, Garrett, and Trimm. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that publication be withheld on this Ordinance until such time as the Deeds have been presented with revisions as outlined. Carried. (Charlton-Gould property rezone) 4- Minutes of Renton City Council Meeting 2-25-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter signed by Douglas K. Felker, Chairman, Planning Commission, and Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney was read requesting the record to show that in their opinion the Charlton-Gould property rezone constituted spot zoning. It was pointed out that a proper and legal way would be to designate a larger area as Business zoning as part of the City's comprehensive plan and not take one lot or two when all other properties for blocks are zoned non-business. Attention was called to the foregoing for future guide lines of the Council in subsequent proceedings. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, to refer the letter to the Council as a Whole for future reference and discussion. Planning Commission Member Jerry Cordell addressed the Council advising of existing business establishments in the subject area including a builder, a real estate office, a:boat shop and a greenhouse and pointed out like zonings along the East and West Valley Highways, with the Commission's intent being to expand and develop the business potential within the City, this being deemed a place to begin such expansion. Mr. Mel Tennsnt pointed out the 7 to 1 vote of the Planning Commission for approval of the proposed zoning and expressed his opinion that this zoning is not part of a comprehensive plan and could not therefore be considered spot zoning. He outlined his labors in promoting annexation of this area to the City of Renton after experiencing opposition from competitors in the Cascade Vista area in-deal- ing with the County though he secured the names of 236 persons supporting his proposal. Action was requested to consumate the matter at this time. After further discussion the pending motion carried. A letter was read from Mr. Earle S. Bigler, Renton Municipal Airp6.rt Manager, submitting proposed Agreement between the City and the FAA for the Federal operation of the Airport Control Tower. The document had been reviewed by the City Attorneys and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement. Carried. A letter was read from the ata'e .Di$trict Engineer of Highways, P. J. McKay, advising that consideration had been given to City Engineer Wilson's requests relative to the need for a four lane structure on Benson Highway and for improve- ment of Mill Street between Third and Fourth Avenues. The Benson Highway traffic count at the present time does not justify the added two lanes, however funds have been requested in the 1963-65 biennial budget for completing a survey to determine the possible change of route of the Benson Highway coming into Renton although a future need for a four lane facility was acknowledged. Consideration is being given to the improvement request on Mill Street and approval of the State requested therefor. City acceptance of the proposed Grade resolution, and plans for the Longacressto Cedar River project was requested. The proposed Resolution was read. A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, was read regarding the grade plans & resolution. and it was recommended that the documents be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer5 afTzovirig the grades and adopting Resolution No. 1189 as read. Carried. A letter read from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendation that a Variance be granted to Mr. Cliff Wiley for the construction of a residence on property which does not abut City owned right-of- way. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter read from Street Commissioner, Joe Lynch, called attention to storm sewer projects at 3rd Avenue and Renton Street, 12th Avenue North and 6th Place North, which were in need of funding in the total sum of $6,026.07. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A letter from the Washington Bankers Association, by Lyle Sandelius, Area Representative, requested permission to display a trailer on 3rd Avenue on March 1, 1963, in connection with the centennial anniversary of Dual Banking System in U.S.A. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request with execution of a Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. 2- a-4/1/Mi. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-18-63 COMMUNICATIONS:: (cont.) A communication read from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its meeting of 2-13-63 as follows: Gould-Charlton Rezone (Investment Exchange Corporation) Recommended after reconsideration that Lots 4 and 5, together with the North half of Lot 7, Block 8, Akers Farms No. 6, be rezoned from "G" to R-3, Less the South 10' thereof and less the West 20' thereof, and recommended that the South half of Lot 7 together with Lot 6, Block 8, Akers Farms No. 6, be rezoned from "G" to B-1 less the South 10' thereof and less the West 20' . Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. After discussion regarding the action warranting spot zoning and concurrence being in accord with majority of the Planning Commission the pending motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Planning Commission following review of the proposed Duwamish Valley Planning Commission expressed agreement with the principle of the proposal and recommended that such a commission be organized at an early date . Discussinn- folloWe.d on manner of choosing two members to the Commission (whether council approval will be required) and possibility of ex-officio members. Mbved by'Bruce, seconded by'Pdli, to concur in the Commission recommendation. Carried. Resolution No. 244, adopted by the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle was read wherein February 21, 1963 was declared Lake Washington Day, on which day treatment plant effluent will be permanently diverted from the lake through the new Metro trunk lines, in concern for ending pollution and fertilization of the algae and restoring the lake to its natural purity. A letter from the Renton Downtown Retail Merchants' Assn. requested permission to hang two street banners advertising a Moonlight Sale to be held on 2-21-63. Attention was called to the fact that the request had been made verbally to Council members and Mayor Aliment,and in concern for the limited time permission had been given to hang the banners prior to this meeting with the formal letter being requested for Council information. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the action taken in the granting of the request. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan was read submitting rewritten Agree- ment between the City and Metro for Permit to Construct Sewer Line in Ripley Lane. It was suggested that the Agreement be examined and if approved the Mayor and City Clerk should be authorized to execute same. The Agreement was presented and during discussion City Attorney Shellan advised that the Metro Attorney had approved the changes and additions, after which it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the document if now in order. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant presented a proposed Ordinance, as Committee Chairman, Restricting and Regulating Parking on 8th Avenue North and along Garden Street as requested by Boeing and Pacific Railroad Company, )which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance :be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. 2012 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye. Motion carried. Councilman Dullahant submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, I1ashirigton authorizing the City Clerk and Treasurer to transfer funds from Planning Director, Acct. No. 624, Materials and Supplies, $205.00, unto: Plan- ning Director, Acct. No. 613,, Rentals, Sundry, $205.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce to adopt Resolution No. 1185 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance which had been prepared in:S.ep.tember of ]962 and which combined the City's water and sewer systems. Councilman Dullahant submitted same for first reading due to the lapse of time. Discussion followed on intent of Councilman Custer's motion to r-mbine the storm and sanitary sewer systems and inasmuch as the Councilman 2- INTER,-OFFICE MEMO Date February 28, 1963 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorne r Departmental Account No To: David Jensen, Planning Director Expenditure Account No. cc: tei tle ' ton; City Clerk Re: Quit Claim Deeds - Chatton & Gould to City of RentonMessage: Dear Dave: know This is to let you/that we have been holding the Quit Claim-Deeds for Mr. Tennent since Tuesday and have not heard from him at all. We had also called your office y esterday to so advise you but you appe.rently'were'out. We are therefore handing you the original of.,'.tha new Quit Claim deeds together with the ones previously ,issued by the Owners. If we can be of any further help, please let us know: We remain Yours very truly, IIAALI & ELL N ' GMS•nd ' Encl. Fnrm M1 - iVlavnr+a [lff-i.ra B erard M. ellen, ORDINANCE NO. •e7--6 7 ANCRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WA8HINGTO , CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THECITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT (G) TO RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-3) AND BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1),TOGETHER WITH A PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MEDICAL CLINIC OIL A PORTION OF SAID PROPERTIES. WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as General Classification District (G), and WHEREAS under the aforesaid Ordinance, as amended, a petition for change of zone classification of the hereinbelow described property has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about August 25, 1962, which petition was thereafter referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing and various hearings having been held thereon from time to time and the petitioners having appealed from a prior decision of the Planning Commission relative to said petition for rezoning which appeal came on for hearing before the City Council on or about January 21, 1963, and the City Council having thereupon affirmed the prior action of the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS thereafter upon the request of the petitioner, said petition was again referred to the Planning Commission for reconsideration and said Planning Commission having duly reconsidered and restudied said petition and having made its recommendation to the City Council, and all parties having been }ward appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND TUE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described properties in the City of Renton are hereby rezoned as hereinbelow stated; the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as amended, to evidence this rezoning; said properties being described as follows: Rezone from General Classification District (0) to Residential District (E2) Lots 4, 5 and the north half of Lot 7, Block 8, Akers Farms No. 6 according to Plat recorded in Volume 42 of Plats; Paga 15, King County, Washington, LESS the South 10 feet thereof and LESS the West 20'feet thereof. 1- ItiLstisSeses11.Slassificalxess District 1-1) Lot1„6 end the South half. of•Lot 76 Block 8,, Akers.Parsue No. 6 according to plat recorded in Voting* 42 of Plats, page 15, King County, Washington, LESS the South 10:•kuet• thereof awl LESS the West 20 feet thereof together with a s9ectai permit to allow petitioner's to construct ar aedical clinic on portions of Lot 7.: Block 8, Akers rerun; NO. 6. Said rezoning to"be further subject to the laws and Ordinances of the City of SECTION II:: - This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect frost and after its passage, approval end legal publication:• PASSO BY THE CITY COUNCIL-thi0. 25th`day of FebEuary, i Helstie Notion; Citsr:'..P143 ; V . r • APPILGOCi) BY THE MAYOR-this 25.tkr,day of februery,. 1963. 13,4-Vrik,k-44lent, 'mayor o +e vvi Appoved as to -Fortis. Gerard H. Shellan,,City Attorney ." February 1 8' 1963 . Honorable. IHavor: Frank ,Aliment - - liembenk Of • hie City Council Gent Lenten t The- Planning .ComMi.asiOn at its public he .ring 4f - February- 13;.." 1963, upon motion recommended °the fol- ' , Dewing after co:leideratleii! of matters' heretofore r.e.:- ferred to tire' Planning ,Commissibn by the City Council: a) Charles Sriarre Rezone: Recorunend' that, the application of Charles Shane . , for a.• reclassification of properties described .. : as: The South. 270' Of the North ' 300' of the West 150 ' of the East 1/0 ' of the. NW 1/14 of Section 19,`-Twp'23M, K. 5 C, J.,. 1. , in -Kin ' County, from e Grr to al-1 be rra t .c1. L3) Gould=Charitona Rezone: Reeomzxicnded aftor reconsideration of the matter tt:ha•t .Lots 4 and 5, together with the North halt of Lot 7, .Block 8', Akers Farms. Na. 6, be re- zoned from P"G" ..to r -3, L .SS the South 10 ' p.. of and less' the west 20 ".- thereof, and recommended that the south half of Lot 7 together with Lcit- 5 , lock 8, Akers. Farms No. 6, :be rezoned from: a'G" to' :i'3 1 LESS , the,:South 10' thereof and Less the . west 20 ' thereof-. e) The .Planning Commission follbwing review of the proposed Duwam sh Valley Plann i.ng 'Comrnissior+ wish to express agreement, with the principle of the proposal and recorende that, •such, a. commission be organized .at an'-early date. Concurrence of„ the. City Council is respectfully re- - queated in" the above •reconunendations: '- Yours verytruly" J. David Jensen, Planning. Director JDJ:pc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC. January 29, 1963 Mr. David Shirer 15758 - 118th Pl. S.E. Renton,, Washington Re' Investment Exchange, Inc Appeal Of Planning Commission Decision Dear Mr.. Shirerr The Renton.City Council, at its regular meeting of January 28, 1963 has reconsidered its previous action on the above-captioned appeal, referring the matter bacic to the Planning Commission for further consideration. The Planning Commission will meet on February 13, 1963 and will make its recommendation to the Council subsequent thereto. Yours very truly, CITY.OF RENTON Helmie W. .Nelson;` . ; City Clerk HWN/dm. Decembe Y,9 , 196 3'"' 7. Continued to locate fences and signs with the exception that fences proposed for construction in the right of way shall be adjusted to a line approximating the property line or in no event forward of a line which will interfere with construction or safe utilization of the sidewalks by pedestrians. It was moved by Felker, seconded by Wilson, to recommend the granting of the Conditional~Permit subaect to the conditions as state in the Directorsreport. Motion carried. 8 . The Commission reconsidered the application by Jay Gould and James Charlton for rezone of Lots 4 and 5 , 6 and 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms Plat No. 6 from G to R-3 and Bml. The Commission had previously recommended the granting of the R-3 with a permit for a clinic on Lots 4 & 5 and a portion of Lot. 7 , and had recommended that the City Council grant a Permit for the operation of a service station on Lot 6 and a portion of Lot 7 . Upon the advice of the City Attor- ney that the Council does not have authority by ordinance to grant a permanent business use in an R-3 zone, the Council has now re- ferred the matter back to the Planning Commission for clarification. Mr. Felker stated that the Commission has the alternative to either recommend a Bml or a Variance, either of which he did not think would be satisfactory, because probably not permissible under our ordinance. After discussion it was moved by Peretti, seconded by Holmes', that we recommend the granting of R®3 on the entire property and that the Commission grant a permit for the clinic on a portion of Lot 7 and Lot 4, as shown on the Plot an. Motion carried. 9 . Chairman Denzer announced that a no host dinner meeting has been set for January 2 at 6000 P.M. at Tonkins with the Citizens Advi- sory Council and the City Planning Commission to discuss the 701 Program and other matters. 10 . There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 9005 P.M. Doug Felker, Secretary James e zer, Chairman 4- P rh 4, IVYA• f!iiG"Ir0Fel the J i Transport Capital of the World i' 4 ° w.. } r at; nil :.Ule " vcr 'rank: rilinennt mbe_rY of the City Council 0ntlemen : The Planning Commission at its L.ublie meet_ ins; of ceml-e_11_l`J 962 , considered the follcwinp millers and made recommendations which are here- with submitted: 1) Recommends the approval of the Final i lat of Brentwood No. 2 1 r• .. 2 ) Recommends the u:-Troval of the Prelim- inary Plat - of honeydew Estates . 3 ) RAYMOND i-iEIKES : Recommends the reclassification of the following described property from CS-1 to R-1 : Lot 11 , block 2 , Albert i3alch' s Presi- dent Park No. 8 , as recorded in Vol . 54 , Page 27 , records of King County , Washington ; together with the west 1/2 of the north 132 ' of the South 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of Section 9 , Township 23 N . , Range 5 E . , W.M. , less the north 66 ' and less the city street . r, 4) The Commission following reconsider- ation of the application of Jay Could and James I Charlton for reclassification of Lots 4 , 5 , 6 8 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms Plat i o. 6 from C to R-3 and B-1 , recommends that all of the property be re- zoned to R-3 with a n:.rmit for the clinic on a portion of Lot 7 . The Council ' s concurrence in the foregoing recommendations is respectfully requested. In other action the Planning Commission granted a Conditional Permit to Puget Sound Pcower 1- r,• , 71.-,,1, ,,, •-.; .., ;,...., , '... ,- ...t. ''','1„,:tf, ,.',.,....,::,,,,-..,-.V,:?.!, 4.1).41.trys::—"•,?:--..",‘Yt Vt''.z-;';':;:f/A4t7V.7147-iii.''.1FPL". '_',9k:ii.'1,7:g.;:,',kri,wii-:'..,,'.',..`4'v:Ilit:.%745.4t$r 0.- x,,:, ,.,.- ,!,, i''• .-.-'...4 .,''' ':';:•.+1'''' '.. . ',''''' '''' ' e,,,,f,' ,,-i,,o,..,„'-,N.,, -- ' tli,,,,ii, i •4i7,-;'. :,g..'.,:;„•„:- . ,i, ,,:l., : 2;,P,, ..,.,• ; !,:x ',,:. .• , -(-.'.•. r.', ,,-..-44.r....-;r4;.‘,. ,....1i,-, .4'- ;" ,,,1-1,8, 7-,-, 14t-'7 .',,'. ,';:.%.ItIciri' ..N,7,k • . ..:.';, , : ' •. ,'... , , , ',,'' ';':'".:., ..Y!';: N ,741,):41eN, ' li-00.0!:,:'":•7 ' ,.'", ,...-,..,....- ...:::,-..•F, L,,,,,,-1„:,.;..,.-„::,,,e,;,„.; .,;,k ,,.,,,;*';1:.' ',,,L, *.N.:',4 .':,,,',4,?..;,•,,,,, 114,..4frAA"rj 1,,;.• ;.,':.,' ,-:...„,•,',7..1, .,At'f!4''..,..;. 11.-' -4,4, 1 /P4/6•3 r,,,,: •,,,•,•• l'i ,,p.iipv7' 1,,'X( 1/..1 N(7.1',' ('On PO 8,4 7'/0,A- ' December 28, 1962 Ti I-lo..)or able .1N1,-...yor k Renton City Council. Members P.-1,..tor„, W ab I",'..ngt on Gentlemen: We wish to appeal the decision of the Renton Planning Commission's action on the 19th of December, since we do not feet that this action is fair. We would like the opportunity of a public hearing to present our side of the case to the City Council, at which time we will present further information which we feel would justify the rezoning as requested. Our best wishes for a happy new year. Sincerely yours, INVESTMENT EXCHAN/CriE CORPORATION i____ ____,_, _./. James F. Charlton CC;; Ma,y or Frank Atirn eat is./Li , jei.V.,>C1:,, Planning Engine or N. 700 SECURITIES BUILDING • SEATTLE 1. WASHiNGTON • MAIN 4 5416 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton, Washington A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, TS, E GULAR MEETING, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY H LL. , EN9 x«ra.a• .,ra•;+.n 1a..u s.ln.er.,,.Jl; ATE 8: M. TO TAME2EaduR A PETITION FOR '. r ".-'rl 1' ' "'"4.' '..'A* OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY. Pros 4f t C , ioati : to 24 wi P or p rito A VA 7 a d or PA maw - e" i s) Iota * 6 rt Raw Plat Noi. 6 ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID ' ` ARE INVITED TO BE PRES AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 8:00 P.M. ON TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: CERTIFICATION I, 1lE2L/A) L©G/1 N HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY WAS POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON 1 65 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. c logi+ . s SIGNED, .77 1,- A S ': ' r r NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND. FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON., S RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 28 , 1962 Members Present : James Dnzer, Jay Holmes , Doug Felker, Stan Wilson, Mike Lotto, Gerald Cordell, Wes Busch . Members Absent : Bob Wray, Charles McGarrigle , Louis Peretti , William Trim . Mr . Trimm and 'Mr . Peretti were excused . Others Present : Planning Director David Jensen; Assistant Planner, Merlin Logan; City Engineer Jack Wilson; Counclman Avery Garrett ; Councilman Bruce Hulse . 1 . The minutes of the previous meeting of November 14 were approved as written. HEARINGS : 2 Hearing resumed on the :Jay Gould-James Charlton application for rezone of Lots 4 , 5 , 6 8 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No . 6 , from "G" to R-3 and The Committee recommended that the property be rezoned to R-3 and that a permit be granted to allow construction of a medical clinic on the property . The Director's report was read recommending that the future utili- ization of the property for any purpose related to the Benson Highway should comply with or provide for the following minimum standards : Reserve or dedicate to the City the west 20 ' of Lots 6 and 7 , to- gether with the south 10 ' of Lots 5 and 6 and further, the placement of structures along the Benson Highway should meet the City' s require- ment of a 20 ' setback with regard to Primary State Highways . In consideration of the request for rezone , it is believed that the property is entirely suitable for uses alowed in multiple residential districts . Further, some provision might possibly be made in util-' izing the property for commercial purposes if adequate safeguards can be effected which will limit or preclude further expansion beyond that justified by the prominent location of the property , Mr . Felker asked if the recommendations were intended to include a permit for the service station. Mr . Denzer stated that it was the understanding that the property be recommended for R-3 with a Special Permit for the clinic , and that the Committee would be agreeable to a permit for the service station. Mro Tennent , speaking for the property owners P stated that they are anxious to get the B-1 for the Service Station or a. permit for same, because the building of the clinic and the apartments are not feasible without the proceeds from the proposed service station site:. He ,further stated that the owners have already given to the City an 1- AN ORD/NANCE OF T CITY OFRESDN, kJ/ARINGTON: CHANGING ras ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF -CERTAIN PROPERTY•WITHIN THE CITY OP .RENTON PROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT-(0) TO RISIDENTIAL. DISTRICT (R4) TOGETHER WITH A PERMIT FOR THE IRECTION'OF. A MEDICAL:CLINIC ON PORTiON Or SAID PROPERTY ' WHEREAS...under Chapter VII, Title IV-(Building RegulatiOns ) of Ordinance No. 16214 known, as the "Cede of General 0rdinancei of theCity-of.Renton" as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has . • heretofore been zoned eel:lamina Classification Dietriet....(G), and WHEREAS under the aforesaid. Ordinance,--as amended, a proper petition for change of zone classification 'of the hereinbelow described property has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on. or about August 25, 1962, which petition wee- thereafter referred to the Planning Commission.for investigation, study and public heering and a public hearing having. been. held thereon on.October 10, 1962, which matter was than duly continued, ell' Orsuant to notice of hearing duly published and posted 42 provided by le4saidt1annings-Commission having-duly- considered and studied • said petition and Same having been'nedified and aMended by the, Petitioners, and all ' parties having been heard appearing in-oupport thereof or. in opposition thereto; NOW • THEREFORE , • BE IT ORDAINED BY'THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RENTON AS FOLLOdSt SECTIOd•I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential .District (53); the City Engineer and the ?limning Director are hereby authorized and din to chenge.the va...1ps of the zoning ordinance, as ' amended, to evidence this tezoning; eaid .pcoperty being described. ae follows: Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 8, Akeie. Perna No. 6, .acCording to " . Plat recorded in Volume. 42 of Plats, Page 15, King Connty, Washington and further granting unto 'Petitioner'a Permit to Construct a medical clinic on portions of Lot 7 thereof; LESS the west 20 feat of Lots 6 and. 7 aid LESS the South 10 feet of .Lots 6 and 8 - Said rezoning to be further subject to the laws end ordinances of the .City of Renton. • 1. SBOT/ON ?I z: Thin Oyrdinanca ebiw11',tie in, full force and,offett` rvr and after' its.-paitage,_.approval and l.;a1 •public tien PASSED .IT UM'CITY COW ICIL:this';17th day .of. Itfscesber:, 1962 Maisie Malawi,. CityClerk A?1'OVID E' 'TUB'MAYOR'thxe' 11t'h -day ;of-DAcsaber,. :1962' frank'`A1iiteat, Mayor Gerard )t.' Shc1.1tu;,City Attorney agreement specifying that the property will be used for the purposes as specified . Mr . Tennent further ;stated that the peoples in the vicinity, Cascade Vista, have indicated that they would be favorable to a service station on this corner because it would help to light upthearea . Also speaking favorably to the rezone was Mr . Dennis Horton, engineer for Cascade Vista, because of the increased lighting, and the assist in directing people into the Cascade Shopping District . Mro Jensen stated that in. regard to a permit for the service sta-tion, the Commission would have authority to grant a revokable per-mit for only two years , but the City Council could grant a ConditionalPermitforanindefiniteperiod, with certain conditions and restric-tions , which would be of more benefit to the property owner for a permanent operation of this type . Further, that the granting of aConditionalPermitinlieuofrezoningwouldpreventexpansionof further business zoning beyond this point . Mr . Tennent stated that they plan to put in curbing to prevent cars from turning into the service station except at the designated ingress and egress points and he would like to see divider strips installed with left turn channelization at this point on the Benson Highway as a further traffic safety measure . Chairman Denzer asked if there were any protests against the re- zoning either oral or written. There being none the hearing was de-clared closed . It was moved by Felker, seconded by Lotto , to recommend to the City Council the granting of R-3 on Lots 4 , 5 , 6 , 6 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No . 6 , with a Special Permit for the clinic , and that the Com- mission recommends to the city Council that a Conditional Permit be granted to allow the construction of a service station on Lot 6 and a portion of Lot 7 . Motion carried . 3 . Hearing opened on the application of Elizabeth Foley for rezone of Lots 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , Block 22, C . D. Hillman' s Earlington GardensAdditionNo . 19 from G6000 to L®l9 for the operation of a steam bathbusiness . -- The Committee recommended approval of the rezone as a logical zoning for this area since it abuts Lml zoning on the east and onthesouth . The Director recommended the rezone provided that is is agree- able to the owner to maintain certain standards heretofore accepted and agreed to by other property owners in the immediate vicinity . In keeping with these standards it is recommended that the following restrictive covenants be made binding upon the land until the year 1975 . a) That any structure erected including fences shall observe a minimum 6'5 ' setback from the center line of South 153rd Street . 2- t October 24 , 1962 2 . Continued. Further, it was noted in the Committee's report that the appli- cant has stated that after Highway acq.uistion of portions of the lots for freeway purposes the remaining parcels of Lots 4 , 55 and 6 willbecombinedinto_ one lot and tranferred_ to the applicants, John and Norma Nirk. The Planning Director recommended that if the Variance is granted that provisions as heretofore stated in. the Committee' s report be observed by the applicant. Mrs . Nirk stated that she would like to have a 10 ° setback ins stead of the 20 ° from, the front property line and that the rear yardsetbackbemore . In the discussion that followed it was pointed out that there might be some disadvantage to the applicant if Variance is granted prior to the completion of final arrangements with the State High- way. . Mrs . Nirk then asked that the Variance application be held inabeyance. The applicant was assured by the Commission that the hear- ing on this matter could be resumed at either of the Commission' s regular meetings upon request of the applicant to do so. It was moved by McGarrigle, seconded by Cordell, that this matter be held in abeyance pending further information from the applicant. Motion carried. 3. Hearing opened on the request of Alma Dravland for variance to con- struct a residence on a lot with 7500 sq. ft. with access to .Bensbn Highway over City of Seattle Transmission right of way and Puget Sound private road along the east property line. Committee and birm ector° s reports recommended the granting of the Variance, in that the granting of the Variance would be in keeping with the development of adjacent and nearby properties . During the discussion it was pointed out that the applicant owns property extending to Benson Road, so that legally she has access , but that due to the high bank she has been using the privately owned road for access . Mr. Jensen stated that he had recommended the Variance because it was his understanding that the property had been divided prior to the time it was annexed to the City. The concensus of the Commission was that they were not favorable to granting a variance on a private road. After further discussion it was moved by Peretti , seconded by Holmes , that this matter be held in abeyance until the applicant amends his application.Motion carried. 4. Hearing resumed on the request of Jay Gould and James Charlton for rezone of property located on the northeast corner of 108th S . E. Benson Road) and S . E. 168th , further described as Lots 4 and 5 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No. 6 from "G°a to R=3 and Lots 6 and 7 , Block 8 , Akers Farms No. 6 from °BG?B to B-1. 2- October 24 , 1962 4 . Continued The Planning Commission had recommended approval of this request with certain provisions at their meeting of. October 10 . However, the applicant subsequently revised his request reducing the B-1 zoning of Lot 7 to the South half of Lot 7 , leaving the north half to R-3 . A letter from the applicants was read relative to this request. Mr. Jensen drew a plot plan of. the area and explained the orig ? inal request and what was agreed upon by the .applicant and the. Plannr ing Commission and what the revision entailed. Mr. Peretti reiterated his objections to the B71 zoning, stating that he felt that it is a spot zone and that it would encourage un- A desirable strip zoning. Jensen stated that since the members have an opportunity to reconsider, the application that he would recommend, rather than im- posing the restrictive covenants , which would have accompanied the original rezone if granted, that it would be better to rezone the entire subject area to R-3 , with a Conditional Permit. Discussion followed relative to the increased traffic flow along the Benson Road. It . was then moved by Peretti „ seconded by Wilson, that we re- sein4 the previous action taken at the meeting of October 10 , and refer this matter back to the Committee for study. Mtioncarried0 Meeting was subsequently set for Saturday morning Nov-e-ibe/ 11,41at 800 A.M. at the Park Avenue Cafe with Mr. Jensen and any others who wished to be at the meeting. 5. The City Council referred to the Planning Commission the request of Richard Willard, acting for Bell & Valdez , for Conditional Permit to erect a model home on property located at S. E. 166th Street and :+ Benson Road, further described as Lot 1, Block "B" .Akers Farms No. 6 . A letter from Mr. Highton was read stating that the proposed build- ing will be constructed as a single family unit and placed temporarily on wood girders until moved to a permanent location. The Building Department has no objection to the temporary use of the Building as shown on the building plans. Commission members discussed the matter with the applicant in regard to access on the Benson Highway. It was moved by Felker seconded by Holmes , that we waive the Planning Commitsion time requirement in relation to submission of a plications and grant the conditional erafTor a period of two • years , provided t at ingress to t e propert or north-boun traffic may be provided on enson Highway and the egress be provided for exit on Southeast 166th StiFFeE0 Motion carries : 3- Implir Minutes of the Meeting of the Renton City Council 12-10-62 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter was read from Mr. John Nirk appealing the decision of the Planning Commission relative to his request for a Variance for setback less than the required 20 feet inasmuch as the new State Highway has acquisitioned a portion of the land and 10' is all that their addition print designates. An access road built for convenience of property owners, parallel with the freeway is all the frontage available. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Custer, that December 17, 1962 be set for date of Hearing and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carried. A request was read from Mrs. E. Paulon, owner' of Julie 's Tavern, for permission to allow Rainier Amusement the necessary license to install an additional pinball machine in said place of business. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A request was read from Renton High School, Foreign Exchange Club, for permission to sponsor Christmas Carols to be sung by Renton High School students at various business locations in the City on December 21 and 22, any donations to be used to assist a student to participate in the foreign exchange program. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to grant the request. Carried. A Statement on Tolerance Policy signed by eight Mayors, was read which agreed that the tolerance policy should continue in effect for the present time and expressing the wish to go on record in recommending to the State Legislature that legislation be passed to remove the ambiguity of the present situation with regard to punchboards, pin- ball machines and other trade stimulating devices, now licensed and operating in the various cities. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to endorse the policy as read. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Donald L. Dunnigan requested permission to operate a proposed recreation center on Sundays in the City of Renton, the center to be .composed of six billiard tables. Operation and proposed decor was outlined, as well as An ai.d' in re- lacing the juvdnile delinquency• bding factor. A seven day schedule was required for a successful venture. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer to refer the matter to the Park and Recreation Depar uuent and the Police and License Committee. Councilman Garrett pointed out that the Youth Guidance Committee should be made aware of the request and , Mayor Aliment advised members of the Committee were on the Police and License Committee and in the Park Department after which the motion carried. A letter was read from Mr. Paul Jassny, Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners, thanking the Mayor and Council for courtesies extended at meetings on the proposed utility tax ordinance and a copy of the Wenatchee ordinance waS attached along with an Opinion from the Attorney General's office which indicated the legality of the fuel portion of the ordinance. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter and attachments to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen requested transfer of $1,000.00 from Account No. 712, Expert Services, Unto Account, Salaries & Wages in order that payroll requirements for the balance of 1962 may be met, the employment of part time and temporary personnel in connection with the 701 program being covered by the transfer, and the transfer is within Current Fund No. 7009.1, Planning Director. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from M. H. Schroeder, Sup't. of Utilities advised of communication exchange between the Renton Engineering Corporation and the City in reference to a water line and fire hydrants which are needed at the business location, and the Council was requested to declare the project an emergency portion of the overall relocation of water mains and request that the Highway Department take immediate action to permit the City department to relocate the main and hydrants for this corporation. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the request of the Sup't. of Utilities. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recom- endations from its meeting of November 28th, which were read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Jay Gould-James Charlton - Lots 4, 5, 6, & 7, Block 8, Akers Farms No. 6, be rezoned from "G" to R-3 with provision for the granting of a permit to allow con- struction of a service station on Lot 6 and a portion of Lot 7, less the West 20' of Lots 6 & 7, and less the South 10' of Lots 5 & 6 which portions are -to be transferred to the City by Quit Claim Deed for roadway and utility purposes. Also construction of a clinic on the northerly portion of Lot 7 provided the Council grants the rezone. POW Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-10-62 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations: Discussion followed on the location of the proposed gas station relative to fa7bad corner on the hill at Benson Highway and 168th and a channelizatiori plan was utlined, after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the lanning Commission recommendations. Further inquiry was made relative to an R-3 zoning ermitting a business operation and Planning Director Jensen advised this is commonly done n some Counties and spreading of a zoning is contained by granting a permit allowing non- conforming use and not by zoning. In concern for setting a precedent, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Council As A Whole. Roll call vote was requested after dissenting voice vote and results were as follows: Aye: Dullahant, Garrett, Trimm and Bruce, No, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Custer, Delaurenti and wPoli. Four aye votes and seven no votes lost the motion. The original motion was stated ith referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 2. Rezone was recommended on Elizabeth Foley property, Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block 22, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition No. 1, from "G6000" to L-1 with provision that owner observe a minimum setback of 65' from center line of South 153rd Street for all buildings and structures, and further, that a minimum rear yard setback be observed of not less than 20' for all structures; any changes in the above conditions to first have approval of the Council and said restrictions to be binding upon the property through the year 1975. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Ordinance Committee for a proper ordinance. Carried. 3. Rezone of the Alma Dravland property from GS-1 to SR-1 with variance as to setback and 15' access lane to Benson Highway. (Previously the Maki property located South of new Freeway, off East Valley Highway. ) Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur and refer the matter to the Ordi- nance Committee. Carried. 4. Recommended the granting of a variance to John Nirk subject to the condition that a 20' setback be observed necessited'to allow reduction of the rear yard to approximately 5' and to allow construction on a property not having a desirable depth. This matter had been considered under communications and hearing set on Mr. Nirk's appeal of this decision, as he was unable to meet the 20' setback and requested reduction to 10' . 5. Tino Cugini-Variance to allow construction of a single family residence was recom- mended provided terms and conditions of an agreement heretofore authorized by Council action would remain in full force and effect relative to the development and future dis- position of the balance of the property. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Inquiry was made as to status of the aforementioned agreement if action on the variance were taken at this time and Attorney Haugan advised any such action would nullify and void the agreement. Mayor Aliment questioned validity of the original agreement inasmuch as required signatures had not been affixed on the document and Attorney Haugan advised that only certain types of contracts were required to be in writing. Mrs. Margaret Evans addressed the Mayor and Council opposing the Variance and 'any development of the property under either the present or the requested zonings. Planning Director Jensen advised that Mr. Cugini's present request was to build on the 42 acres as per Planning Commission recommendation which variance had been recommended with conditions regarding the agreement due to the Commission being aware of council action relative to such an agreement. Mr. Cugini was asked whether he would agree to sign a new agreement covering the balance of his land if this variance were allowed and he stated he had waited several years and would now like to build his home and didn't think he should be deprived the right to use his property. After suggested motion that a new agreement be executed for the balance of the property and further discussion, it was moved by Custer, sedonded -by Trimm, Mr. Cugini,the City Attorney and other parties meet for drawing of a new agreement and the matter be tabled to next Monday's meeting. Upon dissenting voice vote roll call was re- quested and resulted as follows: Ayes: Dullahant, Hulse, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, and Bruce, No: Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Delaurenti and Poli. The motion carried. 6. A Revokable permit be granted to allow 0.K. Tire Store to construct a sign with a 10' setback From the right-of-way line in lieu of the 20 ft. requirement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce,to grant the permit with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 3- INTER-OFFICE MEMO From: G r*rii 14. fthal nn C;irI, rtor:n r Re:4 i:4a1#G3+f;?1ar1,ret'1 ve!tox*i , To: David Jonse=g;' P1wm:i t NrecroP cc? City Zagtover, Jack WitsOn, Me s sage: Clarep* ral4 ;IT1tt, £ iS iYit+}..:; low 4 turd. a g Dante Wsisaci, City Clcrk Dear Laves Enclosed you will find copy'of thn proposed Ordinance of 'the`Could sx1tun rezoning. Would yoi ples4o chcalz paaio ry r cry doily since f,sew to Navel sore d6vbt As to the propriety of tizi action. Under gib,st sec ion of the rezoning ordinance are we proceeding which pro idee for ro- zoniu:4 to 23 tof4ether 41.0 a ce t . 'Duni.eaa uaa to bfi ccair:: ed by n se iTerrtta pe resit, which is not to be ,s< conaltion4 r iozelporary pert. , Please let be have your thoughts on this rmr.tter. As per your suggeeLloa s have also di rcussod the natter Q t,1i tioull, PoltAer, a. guvber of the Planning Coamiesic..7 lazv ,:a lax with try than 1hu,st in this c :ss. We are kit disputingthefactthattheCitysp4ba106the £at ovity to iid0U0 partAts for e rt: #,:s business user oven though thepar a my rtzo cILA As dcat.ial ;it,t sly su.::h Actin maqst, yy+ . pt licstoci on the torsi ; ticode. e Yannt find any y,!d'!:{li~yri,,7i•! La ow: ir4si.i ..or,Jd; S'i iJ'+),].'Q .ut'U: a. low.f3uth1 Ei pera rt to beissuedhre,., if the .City, CL t:ac11 and A.*noLai Commtetieca art d sirtous of establishing suchapolicy, this mi .n1d rot . t, _ :Or ItI,Lae4. srtr•1°ta x <k':H.: ere ',. .r:,b/:3 9,s a natter of policy and plz.oni.ng. Also Wisp in mind th6 t the Quit Claim, 4hauld W p.1 ed of .:v:emd ;.:44c. not ta their pteeant Cori.ki'ru4'1. .z:tAtiorYed on 2pfiral cYaf:i ms in t'he+ - l o,tste,c, a past. that # caul ; ref, both huzba4d and wife should evacute ate:•, dotme. i.. aye 4:1eo actie:o that your I.etc.er 4:d tbo ov* ') potato ENTE1119 filiD11,11 zo; OpIA,ozd..ptu°ttt °ktggqozd pus irrffssod Aippo..3ct uraz21,144oci pyritsts...op ? xmlu tx' 3143 ttenoTsezd pe3sotput sr s;s allay repos, , °stot ds a pax aas;aa. Alto ssetTosissq3 aviaom.24etzT alp antis sosodsud r 31T n pox .Ampviza ipasa lisysto tTrib ss 34101 sa3tau s ci '601i L D J, C ilA R L.TO N NAME OF PROPERTY _OWNER. FILE NUMBER RECLASSIFICATION FROM G TO 12—3 SEPT 26, 1562 601 PATE OF PUBLIC NEARING KROLL PAGE NUMBER ti) 1: Z 1 I Z 4 . N...\ 3 5 Z. i A I/ r--' r- 'e,\ 1 j\ z_ J, fl \\ 1-\\A\R J\J-1 Co'G 7200 1....'; S.E. 1, I 14 ' 8 7' \ 1idZIIZ13 0 1\\\ fk N144itil3lo3a It 61 t fr. e4,L. 7- 1 1 r0 5 a a s 0 7 541-IIIIII 4 4, 9 ill i i'., G 20 0 "; 7 R. Z 2 I YI, d ' I 5_ 25 ?.4 ::.::::i:]:0:::i''°•::i:i:4::::::::::::', S.E. IB Ti 5T. i I 1112722.2. I 1 1 1 Z. r 4 10 21 i,: ::. :" :% 1 20 Col 5 e 2- z 21 19 14J 18 5.E. 1701-w 5T. 1 AREA RECLASSIFIED BY THIS ORDINANCE PASSED 8Y TAT CITY COUNCIL. DATE WELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK APPROVED 81/ TIIE MAYOR oirE PRANK ALIMENT, MAYOR ORDINANCE NUM8E12. DATE OF PUBLICATION EX171115/T A ' J. COULD g J. ,F. CPARLTON R- I I 7- 6.2 NAME OF PROPERTY OWAIEZ FILE NUMBER RECLASSIFICAriON FROM G To g-3 4-PT 26, 1362 GO 1 DATE OF PUBLIC - WEARING KROLL PAGE NUMBER i) 1=:.. 4 5 v, i,,, I Z 3 4 5 a 2 A i< r_ii RI:---5 \\G 7200 1--. ,5.E. 1 1Z 1 I 4 8 7' \ e 1 iii z 1 2 1 3 — III di i 2 I \ U.1 Le ILl in 4 .; 7q49 Vi N . 7. 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K 72 22 i 21 1 a 4 10 • 20 = FeaT2 5 19 co 18 S.E. 170 T" T. 1 AREA RECLASSIFIED BY THIS ORDINANCE, PASSED ey THE d ry COUNCIL DATE