HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_CSWPPP_3-15-19 Civil Engineers ● Structural Engineers ● Landscape Architects ● Community Planners ● Land Surveyors ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention PREPARED FOR: Ronhovde Architects LLC 14900 Interurban Ave S, Suite 138 Tukwila, WA 98168 PROJECT: Compton Lumber Renton 2940, 2960, 2980, and 2990 East Valley Road Renton, WA 98057 2190112.10 PREPARED BY: Daniel Hendrickson, EIT Project Engineer REVIEWED BY: Todd C. Sawin, PE, DBIA, LEEP AP Principal DATE: March 2019 ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention PREPARED FOR: Ronhovde Architects LLC 14900 Interurban Ave S, Suite 138 Tukwila, WA 98168 PROJECT: Compton Lumber Renton 2940, 2960, 2980, and 2990 East Valley Road Renton, WA 98057 2190112.10 PREPARED BY: Daniel Hendrickson, EIT Project Engineer REVIEWED BY: Todd C. Sawin, PE, DBIA, LEEP AP Principal DATE: March 2019 I hereby state that this ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention for the Compton Lumber Renton project has been prepared by me or under my supervision, and meets the standard of care and expertise that is usual and customary in this community for professional engineers. I understand that City of Renton does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage facilities prepared by me. ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 2190112.10 Table of Contents Section Page 1.0 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Conditions of Use .......................................................................................................................... 2 3.0 Existing Site Conditions ................................................................................................................ 2 3.1 Existing Cover ..................................................................................................................... 2 3.2 Topography and Design ...................................................................................................... 2 3.3 Adjacent Areas .................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 ESC Plan Analysis and Design (Part A) ....................................................................................... 3 4.1 ESC Measures .................................................................................................................... 3 4.1.1 Clearing Limits ....................................................................................................... 3 4.1.2 Cover Measures ..................................................................................................... 3 4.1.3 Perimeter Protection .............................................................................................. 4 4.1.4 Traffic Area Stabilization ........................................................................................ 4 4.1.5 Sediment Retention ............................................................................................... 4 4.1.6 Surface Water Collection ....................................................................................... 4 4.1.7 Dewatering Control ................................................................................................ 4 4.1.8 Dust Control ........................................................................................................... 5 4.1.9 Flow Control ........................................................................................................... 5 4.1.10 Control Pollutants ................................................................................................... 5 4.1.11 Protect Existing and Proposed Flow Control BMPs ............................................... 5 4.1.12 Maintain BMPs ....................................................................................................... 5 4.1.13 Manage the Project ................................................................................................ 5 4.2 Erosion Problem Areas ....................................................................................................... 5 5.0 Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill (SWPPS) Plan Design (Part B) ............................. 6 5.1 Pollution and Spill Prevention Source Controls and BMPs................................................. 6 5.2 Responsible Personnel and Contact Information ............................................................... 8 5.3 Pollution and Spill Prevention Worksheets ......................................................................... 8 5.4 Disposal Methods ................................................................................................................ 8 6.0 ESC Performance and Compliance Provisions .......................................................................... 8 6.1 ESC Supervisor ................................................................................................................... 8 6.2 Monitoring of Discharges .................................................................................................... 9 ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 2190112.10 6.3 ESC Performance ............................................................................................................... 9 6.4 Flexible Compliance ............................................................................................................ 9 6.5 Roads and Utilities Compliance .......................................................................................... 9 6.6 Alternative and Experimental Measures ............................................................................. 9 7.0 ESC Implementation Requirements ............................................................................................. 9 7.1 Wet Season Requirements ................................................................................................. 9 7.2 Critical Areas Restriction ................................................................................................... 10 7.3 Maintenance Requirement ................................................................................................ 10 7.4 Construction Sequence ..................................................................................................... 11 7.5 Final Stabilization .............................................................................................................. 11 7.6 NPDES Requirements ...................................................................................................... 12 7.7 Forest Practice Permit Requirements ............................................................................... 12 8.0 Construction Schedule ................................................................................................................ 12 ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 2190112.10 Appendices Appendix A Exhibits A-1 ............. Vicinity Map A-2 ............. Existing Conditions Map A-3 ............. NRCS Soil Survey Map C1.01 ......... TESC Plan C1.02 ......... TESC Notes and Details Appendix B Select King County Source Control BMPs Appendix C Inspection and Maintenance Report Forms ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 1 2190112.10 1.0 Purpose In 1972, Congress passed the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA), also known as the Clean Water Act (CWA), to restore and maintain the quality of the nation's waterways. The ultimate goal was to ensure that rivers and streams were fishable, swimmable, and drinkable. In 1987, the Water Quality Act (WQA) added provisions to the CWA that allowed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to govern stormwater discharges from construction sites. In 1998, the EPA published the final notice for General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Constructio n Activities Disturbing 5 Acres or Greater (63 Federal Register 7898, February 14, 1998). The general permit includes provisions for development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to maximize the potential benefits of pollution prevention, and sediment and erosion control measures at construction sites. Development, implementation, and maintenance of the Construction SWPPP will provide the selected General Contractor with the framework for reducing soil erosion and minimizing pollutants in stormwater during construction. The Construction SWPPP will:  Define the characteristics of the site and the type of construction that will occur.  Describe the practices that will be implemented to control erosion, and the release of pollutants in stormwater.  Create an implementation schedule to ensure that the practices described in this Construction SWPPP are in fact implemented; and to evaluate the plan's effectiveness in reducing erosion, sediment, and pollutant levels in stormwater discharged f rom the site.  Describe the final stabilization/termination design to minimize erosion and prevent stormwater impacts after construction is complete. This Construction SWPPP includes the following:  Identification of the Construction SWPPP Coordinator with a description of this person's duties.  Identification of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team (SWPP Team) that will assist in implementation of the Construction SWPPP during construction.  Description of the existing site conditions, including existing land use for the site, soil types at the site, as well as the location of surface waters that are located on or next to the site.  Identification of the body or bodies of water that will receive runoff from the construction site, including the ultimate body of water that receives the stormwater.  Identification of drainage areas and potential stormwater contaminants.  Description of stormwater management controls and various Best Management Practices (BMPs) necessary to reduce erosion, sediment, and pollutants in stormwater discharge.  Description of the facility monitoring plan, and how controls will be coordinated with construction activities.  Description of the implementation schedule and provisions for amendment of the plan. ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 2 2190112.10 2.0 Conditions of Use This report accompanies the civil engineering plans and documents for the Compton Lumber Renton project located at 2940, 2960, 2980, and 2990 East Valley Road in the city of Renton. The site is divided into four parcels: 3023059091 (southwest), 3023059096 (north), 30 23059098 (central), and 3023059099 (south). The project proposes to consolidate three of the four parcels into a single parcel, and then develop the site with a 50,000 square foot retail/commercial building, associated parking, and a paved lumberyard. The project site is approximately 4.28 acres in size. Stormwater management is to comply with the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), as amended by the City of Renton, the 2016 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (CRSWDM). One construction access route is proposed at the location of the existing access driveway on the south side of the project site, off East Valley Road. The site will be protected with silt fence and all adjacent inlets will have inlet protections. There is a wetland on the south and east sides of the project site. Once the wetland is restored, it will be fenced off and protected from construction activities. Straw wattles or silt fence will be used to protect this wetland. 3.0 Existing Site Conditions 3.1 Existing Cover The site sits on four parcels that total 5.85 acres near the intersection of East Valley Road and SW 27th Street. The site is bordered to the west by East Valley Road, to the south by an undeveloped parcel, to the east by SR 167 and to the north by a bus iness park. East Valley Road is a three-lane HMA arterial roadway with a concrete sidewalk and no planter strip. Access is provided to East Valley Road via three driveway drops. The four parcels onsite currently house a lumber sales business, a towing business, and an excavation business. The sites are developed with extensive areas of paving and various structures. There is a Category III wetland on the eastern and southern portions of the site. The wetland is not protected, with areas of the wetland being used for parking (parts of the wetland buffer are currently paved). The portions of the wetland without development are covered in shrubs and small trees. The remainder of the site is covered in impervious pavement. 3.2 Topography and Design The site is flat with no measurable slope across the project. Runoff from the existing site either drains to the onsite storm system that connects to the municipal system located within E ast Valley Road, or it drains to the wetland onsite. The proposed project plans to collect all pollution generating impervious surface (PGIS) runoff via a system of interconnected inlets. This runoff will be treated via a series of Filterra vaults before discharging into the municipal system located within E ast Valley Road. All clean runoff collected via subsurface roof drains will be conveyed to a level spreader , where the runoff will discharge into the restored wetland. 3.3 Adjacent Areas The site is bordered to the west by East Valley Road, to the south by an undeveloped parcel, to the east by SR 167 and to the north by a business park. ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 3 2190112.10 4.0 ESC Plan Analysis and Design (Part A) 4.1 ESC Measures The purpose of this section is to describe how each of the 13 erosion and sediment control (ESC) measures has been addressed and to identify the type and location of BMPs used to satisfy the required measure. 4.1.1 Clearing Limits Clearing limits are identified on the plans. Prior to beginning land disturbing activities, clearing limits will be marked with flagging (BMP D.2.1.1) or high visibility plastic or metal fence (BMP D. 4.1.2 Cover Measures Because source control is the most important form of erosion control, construction practices must adhere to strict cover requirements. Exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized with the application of effective BMPs to prevent erosion throughout the life of the project. The specific BMPs for soil stabilization that shall be used on this project include:  Mulching (BMP D.  Temporary and Permanent Seeding (BMP D. More specifically, during the period of May 1 through September 30, the Contractor will not be allowed to leave soils unprotected for more than seven days, and immediate seeding will be required for areas brought to finish grade with no further work planned for the next 30 days. Areas to be paved may be armored with crushed rock subbase in place of other stabilizing measures. The area of clearing will be limited to the amount that can be stabilized by September 30, of that year. During the period of October 1 through April 30, all disturbed soil areas will be covered or stabilized within two days or 24 hours when a major storm even is predicted. Cover measures may include mulching, netting, plastic sheeting, erosion control blankets, or free draining mate rial. The extent of clearing shall be limited to the amount of land that can be covered or stabilized within 24 hours. Soil stockpiles shall be stabilized by plastic covering or surrounded by filter fabric fence. The Contractor has the option of providing all required material for cover measures onsite at all times, or preparing a plan of action to submit to the City of Renton. A plan of action shall contain the following:  Contractor’s name, address, phone number, and emergency phone number.  Alternate contact with above information.  Clearly defined plan of action designed to prevent offsite migration of sediments, which will be implemented in the event that a major storm is predicted or offsite erosion is observed by the Contractor, his/her employees, or the City.  Description of materials to be used for cover and means by which it will be placed. List equipment to be used or number of personnel anticipated to be used to spread material. ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 4 2190112.10  Vendor or supplier of materials used; list two alternates and inc lude phone numbers.  Means and timeframe for cleanup of any materials that escape offsite and for repairs to the natural system if damages have occurred. In order for the ESC facilities to function properly, they must be maintained and sediment removed on a regular basis. Inspection and sediment removal shall be performed on all ESC facilities, as described in the inspection schedule located in Section 7.3 of this report. 4.1.3 Perimeter Protection Perimeter protection to filter sediment from sheet wash shall be located downslope of all disturbed areas and shall be installed prior to upslope grading. Filter fabric fencing (BMP D. will be required around the south, north, and east edges of the site and around stockpile areas to prevent sediment-laden stormwater from being transported offsite. During the wet season, 50 linear feet of filter fabric fencing per acre will be required. 4.1.4 Traffic Area Stabilization A stabilized construction entrance shall be installed as the first step of clearing and grading. The stabilized construction entrance (BMP D. will be used to prevent the transport of sediment onto the adjacent paved surfaces. If sediment is transported onto the road surface, the road shall be cleaned each day by sweeping or vacuuming prior to washing. Sediment removal by washing alone will not be allowed. If sediment is tracked from the site, the City may require stabilization of internal roads and car parking areas to contain the sediment (BMP D. or require the installation of a wheel wash basin (BMP D. 4.1.5 Sediment Retention The first priority is to keep all access roads clean of sediment and keep street wash water separate from entering storm drains until treatment can be provided. Storm drain inlet protection (BMP D.3.5.3) will be implemented for all drainage inlets and culverts that could potentially be impacted by sediment-laden runoff on and near the project site, including offsite catch basins located downstream of the project site. Drop inlet protection measures will be applied on this project. Storm drain inlet sediment protection will prevent coarse sediment from entering the drainage system prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed areas. 4.1.6 Surface Water Collection Interceptor swales or dikes (BMP D. will be installed at the top of all slopes in excess of 3H:1V and greater than 20 feet of elevation change. Outlet protection (BMP D. is required at the outlets of all ponds, pipes, ditches, or other approved conveyances, and where runoff is conveyed to natural or manmade drainage features such as a stream, wetland, lake, or ditch. 4.1.7 Dewatering Control Dewatering during construction is not anticipated. The proposed combined constructed wetland/detention pond will not be utilized for infiltration, and therefor runoff generated at any potential dewatering activities may be discharged directly into the temporary sediment pond located above the proposed combined constructed wetland/detention pond. ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 5 2190112.10 4.1.8 Dust Control Dust control shall be implemented when exposed soils are dry to the point that wind transport is possible and roadways, drainage ways, or surface waters are likely to be impacted. Water shall be used on exposed soils by spraying until wet, but runoff shall not be generated by spraying. Exposed areas shall be resprayed as needed. Oil shall not be used for dust control. 4.1.9 Flow Control Stormwater flows during construction are expected to be minimal. Stormwater shall discharge through the existing inlets, and then follow the natural drainage path of the site. 4.1.10 Control Pollutants Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill (SWPPS) measures are required to prevent, reduce, or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to onsite or adjacent stormwater systems or watercourses for construction-related activities. Section 5.0 identifies these SWPPS measures. 4.1.11 Protect Existing and Proposed Flow Control BMPs Protection measures shall be applied/installed and maintained to prevent adverse impacts to areas of proposed flow control BMPs within the project site. There are no known existing flow control BMPs located on the project site. The proposed combined constructed wetland/detention pond area will not be an infiltration facility, and therefore does not need to be protected from clogging during construction. The contractor is responsible for protecting flow control BMPs. 4.1.12 Maintain BMPs Protection measures, per BMP D.2.1.11, shall be maintained to assure continued performance of their intended function and protect other disturbed areas of the project. There are no known existing flow control BMPs located on the project site. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining all temporary and permanent BMPs. 4.1.13 Manage the Project Coordination and timing of site development activities relative to ESC concerns (Section D.2.4 of the CRSWDM) and timely inspection, maintenance, and update of protective measures (Section D.2.3 of the CRSWDM) are necessary to effectively manage the project and assure the success of protective ESC and SWPPS design and implementation. The Contractor is responsible for managing the project. 4.2 Erosion Problem Areas The erosion potential of the site soils is moderate to low, as there are no known historic erosion problems within or around the project site. Refer to Appendix B for recommended King County Source Control BMPs. ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 6 2190112.10 5.0 Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill (SWPPS) Plan Design (Part B) The Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill (SWPPS) Plan includes three elements: a site plan (Sheets A-4 and A-5, provided in Appendix A), a pollution prevention report (this document), and a spill prevention and cleanup report. The spill prevention and cleanup report includes identifying the expected sources of potential pollution and spills that may occur during construction, and works to develop a plan to prevent pollution and spills. It also develops a plan to mitigate spills that may occur. The SWPPS Plan will be kept onsite at all times during construction. The General Contractor will be responsible to ensure that subcontractors are aware of the SWPPS Plan, and a form or record will be provided stating that all subcontractors have read and agree to the SWPPS Plan. An employee training worksheet is provided for the Contractor’s use (see Appendix C). A SWPPS Site Plan has been submitted with the civil engineering plans and can be found in Appendix A on Sheets A-4 (TESC Plan) and A-5 (TESC Notes and Details) (to be updated with input from the Contractor). The SWPPS Site Plan, Pollution Prevention Report, and Spill Prevention and Cleanup Report have been developed, and BMPs have been selected based on Section of the CRSWDM and the King County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual (KCSPPM). (The below plan will be updated with input from the Contractor.) 5.1 Pollution and Spill Prevention Source Controls and BMPs The sources of pollution and spills will be identified by the Contractor in the spaces provided below, and the BMPs to be used for each source for prevention of both pollution and spills will be provided by the Contractor in the spaces provided below: Liquids that will be handled or stored onsite are the following: __________. Containers will be stored as shown on Sheet __________ and include the following types and sizes: ___________. Tight-fitting lids shall be placed on all containers containing liquids. Containers shall be covered with plastic sheeting during rain events. Drip pans or absorbent materials shall be placed beneath all mounted container taps and at all potential drip and spill locations during filling and unloading of containers. Containers shall be stored such that if a container leaks or spills, the contents will not be discharged, flow, or be washed into the storm drainage system, surface water, or groundwater. Appropriate spill cleanup materials shall be stored and maintained near the container storage area. Storage area shall be swept and cleaned as needed. Area shall not be hosed down such that water drains to the storm drainage system or neighboring areas. Containers shall be checked daily for leaks and spills and replaced as necessary. All spilled liquids will be collected and disposed of properly. Spill control devices shall be routinely inspected on a weekly basis. Dry pesticides and fertilizers shall be covered with plastic sheeting or stored in a sealed container. Materials shall be stored on pallets or another raised method to prevent contact with stormwater runoff. Alternatively, the materials shall be contained in a manner such that if the container leaks or spills, the contents will not discharge, flow, or be washed into the storm drainage system, surface waters, or groundwater. Maintenance requirements are the same as liquid materials described above. Chemicals that will be handled or stored onsite are the following: __________. Containers will be stored as shown on Sheet __________ and include the following types and sizes: __________. BMPs and Maintenance requirements are the same as liquids with the addition of the following __________. Soil, sand, and other erodible materials shall be stored onsite as shown on Sheet __________. Materials shall be covered with plastic sheeting per Detail 6 on Sheet C203. ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 7 2190112.10 Perimeter controls shall be constructed as shown on the TESC plan to prevent eroded materials from leaving the project site. Fueling shall not occur onsite. If fueling does occur onsite, the Contractor shall develop a containment plan for spills and provide lighting and signage if fueling occurs at night in conformance with the KCSPPM. Maintenance and repair of vehicles shall not occur onsite. If maintenance or repair of vehicles does occur onsite, the Contractor shall develop a spill prevention plan in C onformance with the KCSPPM. Truck wheel washing shall occur at the wheel wash station as shown on Sheet __________. All other vehicle washing shall occur in a controlled manner, such that runoff is collected and disposed of in a legal manner. Washing areas must be lined with an impervious membrane to prevent contamination of groundwater. Rinsing of hand tools shall occur as located on Sheet __________. Water for washing shall be collected and disposed of in a legal manner. Contaminated soils shall be covered with plastic sheeting or contained to prevent stormwater from carrying pollutants away to surface or ground waters. Appropriate spill cleanup materials, such as brooms, dustpans, vacuum sweepers, etc., shall be stored and maintained near the storage area. Storage area shall be swept and cleaned as needed. Area shall not be hosed down such that water drains to the storm drainage system, groundwater, surface water, or neighboring areas. During concrete and asphalt construction, the Contractor shall provide the following BMPs or equivalent measures, methods or practices as required: 1. Drip pans, ground cloths, heavy cardboard or plywood wherever concrete, asphalt and asphalt emulsion chunks and drips are likely to fall unintentionally, such as beneath extraction points from mixing equipment. 2. Storm drain inlet protection is being provided as shown on Sheet C1.01. Storm drains shall be covered to prevent concrete and asphalt from entering the storm system. 3. Concrete, concrete slurry, and rinse water shall be contained and collected and shall not be washed or allowed to discharge into storm drain, ditch, or neighboring parcels. All collected runoff shall be properly disposed of. 4. Contractor shall designate an area where application and mixing equipment cleaning will be conducted. Rinse water and slurry shall be collected, contained, and disposed of in a legal manner. 5. Routine maintenance: the pouring area shall be swept at the end of each day or more frequently if needed. Loose aggregate chunks and dust shall be collected. Areas shall not be hosed down. The Contractor may provide the following optional BMPs if the above do not provide adequate source controls: 6. Cover portable mixing equipment with an awning or plastic sheeting to prevent contact with rainfall. ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 8 2190112.10 7. Provide catch basin inserts configured for pollutant removal. Water with elevated pH levels shall not be discharged from the site. Contractor shall monitor stormwater for pH prior to discharging from the site. Contractor shall implement a pH treatment plan if pH is not within the natural range 5.2 Responsible Personnel and Contact Information [name] with [company] shall be responsible for pollution and spill prevention and cleanup and can be contacted at [phone] or [email] . Contractor shall fill out the attached Pollution Prevention Team Worksheet (see Appendix C). 5.3 Pollution and Spill Prevention Worksheets Pollution prevention, BMP implementation reports, material inventory worksheets, pollutant source identification worksheet, and spill/leak report may be found attached as Appendix C. 5.4 Disposal Methods Contractor shall dispose of contaminated soils and water in a legal manner. Options include the following: Disposal at a local landfill or at a recycling center, as allowed. 6.0 ESC Performance and Compliance Provisions 6.1 ESC Supervisor The Contractor shall appoint a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) or Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) (BMP D.4.1) for the project, and the appointee must be approved by the City. The duties of the CESCL or CPESC include:  Maintaining files onsite at all times, which include the Construction SWPPP and any associated permits and plans.  Directing BMP installation, inspection, maintenance, modification, and removal.  Keeping a log of all turbidity measurements taken onsite and making it available to the City of Renton Community & Economic Development upon request.  Updating all project drawings and the Construction SWPPP with changes made.  Keeping daily logs and inspection reports.  Facilitating, participating in, and taking corrective actions resulting from inspections performed by outside agencies or the Owner. To aid in the implementation of the Construction SWPPP, the members of the SWPP Team include the following: the Contractor, the CESCL or CPESC, the City of Renton Inspector, and Compton Lumber. The General Contractor will ensure all housekeeping and monitoring procedures are implemented, while the CESCL or CPESC will ensure the integrity of the structural BMPs. The City of Renton Inspector and AHBL will observe construction and erosion ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 9 2190112.10 control practices and recommend revisions or additions to the Construction SWPPP and drawings. 6.2 Monitoring of Discharges The ESC supervisor shall have a turbidity meter onsite and shall use it to monitor surface and stormwater discharges from the project site whenever runoff occurs from onsite activities. A log of all turbidity measurements taken onsite shall be kept and made available to the City of Renton upon request. 6.3 ESC Performance ECS measures shall be installed and maintained to prevent, to the maximum extent practicable, the transport of sediment from the project site to downstream drainage systems. Storm water turbidity shall be monitored based on Section D.4.3 of the CRSWDM. 6.4 Flexible Compliance The project site has well drained soils and multiple closed depressions. Any deviation to the Construction SWPPP will be documented and reported to the City for approval. 6.5 Roads and Utilities Compliance No alternative BMPs are used in road and utility compliance. 6.6 Alternative and Experimental Measures No alternative or experimental measures are to be used at this time. 7.0 ESC Implementation Requirements 7.1 Wet Season Requirements All of the following provisions for wet season construction are detailed in referenced sections: 1. The allowed time that a disturbed area may remain unworked without cover measures is reduced to two consecutive working days, rather than seven (D.3.2). 2. Stockpiles and steep cut and fill slopes are to be protected if unworked for more than 12 hours (D.3.2). 3. Cover materials sufficient to cover all disturbed areas shall be stockpiled onsite (D.3.2). 4. All areas that are to be unworked during the wet season shall be seeded within one week of the beginning of the wet season (D.3.2.5). 5. Mulch is required to protect all seeded areas (D.3.2.1). 6. Fifty linear feet of filter fabric fence (and the necessary stakes) per acre of disturbance must be stockpiled onsite (D.3.3.1). 7. Construction road and parking lot stabilization are required for all sites, unless the site is underlain by coarse-grained soil (D.3.4.2). ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 10 2190112.10 8. Sediment retention is required unless no offsite discharge is anticipated for the specified design flow (D.3.5). 9. Surface water controls are required, unless no offsite discharge is anticipated for the specified design flow (D.3.6). 10. Phasing and more conservative BMPs must be evaluated for construction activity near surface waters (D.5.3). 11. Any runoff generated by dewatering may be required to discharge to the sanitary sewer (with appropriate discharge authorization), portable sand filter systems, or holding tanks (D.2.1.7) 12. The frequency of maintenance review increases from monthly to weekly (D.5.4). 7.2 Critical Areas Restriction There is a Category III wetland with a 56.25-foot buffer located on the eastern and southern portions of the site. Once this wetland is restored via the instructions of the Sound View Consultants Restoration Plan, it shall be protected via silt fence and straw wattles, and all other construction activities shall not occur in either the buffer or the wetland. 7.3 Maintenance Requirement All ESC measures shall be maintained and reviewed on a regular basis, as prescribed in the maintenance requirements for each BMP (see Appendix B). The ESC supervisor shall review the site at least twice a month during the dry season, weekly during the wet season, and within 24 hours of significant storms. The City may require that a written record of these reviews be kept onsite, with copies submitted to City of Renton Community & Economic Development within 48 hours. Documentation If DDES requires that a written record be maintained, a standard ESC Maintenance Report (D-95) may be used. A copy of all required maintenance reports shall be kept onsite throughout the duration of construction. The maintenance inspection report will be made after each inspection. Copies of the report forms to be completed by the Construction SWPPP Coordinator are included in Appendix C of this Construction SWPPP. Completed forms will be provided to the City Inspector and will also be maintained onsite during the entire construction project. If construction activities or design modifications are made to the site plan that could impact stormwater, or if the Engineer of Record determines that the measures are not adequate to prevent erosion and the discharge of sediment from the site (based on turbidity measurements), this Construction SWPPP will be amended appropriately. The amended Construction SWPPP will have a description of the new activities that contribute to the increased pollutant loading and the planned source control activities. Review Timing During the wet season, weekly reviews shall be carried out every six to eight calendar days. During the dry season, monthly reviews shall be carried out within three days of the calendar day for the last inspection. Reviews shall also take place within 24 hours of significant storms. In general, a significant storm is one with more than 0.5 inch of rain in 24 hours or less. ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 11 2190112.10 In order for the ESC facilities to function properly, they must be maintained and sediment removed on a regular basis. Inspection and sediment removal shall be p erformed on all ESC facilities, as described in the Inspection and Maintenance Report Forms included in Appendix C . 7.4 Construction Sequence 1. Hold the pre-construction meeting. 2. Post sign with name and phone number of ESC Supervisor (may be consolidated with the required notice of construction sign). 3. Flag or fence clearing limits. 4. Install inlet sediment protection. 5. Grade and install construction entrance. 6. Install perimeter protection (silt fence). 7. Grade and stabilize construction roads. 8. Maintain erosion control measures in accordance with City of Renton standards and manufacturer’s recommendations. 9. Relocate erosion control measures or install new measures so that, as site conditions change, the erosion and sediment control is always in accordance with the City of Renton erosion and sediment control standards. 10. Cover all areas that will be unworked for more than seven days during the dry season or two days during the wet season with straw, wood fiber mulch, compost, plastic sheeting, or equivalent. 11. Stabilize all areas within seven days of reaching final grade. 12. Seed, sod, stabilize, or cover any areas to remain unworked for more than 30 days. 13. Upon completion of the project, stabilize all disturbed areas and remove BMPs , if appropriate, and upon approval of the owner or engineer. 7.5 Final Stabilization Prior to obtaining final construction approval, the site shall be stabilized, the structural ESC measures such as silt fences removed, and drainage facilities cleaned. To obtain final construction approval, the following conditions must be met: 1. All disturbed areas of the site shall be vegetated or otherwise permanently stabilized. At a minimum, disturbed areas shall be seeded and mulched with a high likelihood that sufficient cover will develop shortly after final approval. Mulch without seeding is not adequate to allow final approval. 2. Structural measures, such as, but not limited to, filter fabric fences, pipe slope drains, construction entrances, and storm drain inlet protection, shall be removed from the site. Measures that will quickly decompose, such as brush barriers and organic mulches, may ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 12 2190112.10 be left in place. The City of Renton inspector must approve an applicant’s proposal to remove fencing prior to the establishment of vegetation. 3. All permanent surface water facilities, including catch basins, manholes, pipes, ditches, channels, flow control facilities, and water quality facilities, shall be cleaned. Any offsite catch basin that required protection during construction shall also be cleaned 7.6 NPDES Requirements The CRSWDM is equivalent to the EPA required NPDES permit through the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (Department of Ecology, 2012). The Department of Ecology stormwater permit application requires the filling of a Notice of Intent (NOI) at least 30 days prior to the start of construction 7.7 Forest Practice Permit Requirements The project does not clear more than 5,000 board feet of timber and does not require a Class IV Special Forest Practice permit from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. The existing low quality dogwood trees found on the project site shall be removed as part of the project improvements due to their low quality designation. Proposed site improvements include tree plantings to mitigate for this tree removal. 8.0 Construction Schedule Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2019 and be completed by November 2019. This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to or obtained by AHBL. These documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared using procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry. We conclude that this project, as proposed, will not create any new problems within the existing downstream drainage system. This project will not noticeably aggravate any existing downstream problems due to either water quality or quantity. AHBL, Inc. Daniel Hendrickson, EIT Project Engineer DJH/lsk March 2019 Q:\2019\2190112\10_CIV\NON_CAD\REPORTS\CSWPPP\20190226 Rpt (CSWPPP) 2190112.10.docx ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 2190112.10 Appendix A Exhibits A-1 .................... Vicinity Map A-2 .................... Existing Conditions Map A-3 .................... NRCS Soil Survey Map A-4 .................... TESC Plan A-5 .................... TESC Notes and Details 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 253.383.2572 FAX JOB NO: DATE: RENTON EAST VALLEY ROAD VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 1/4 MILE (1320')EX-1 2/20/17 2160915.10 SW 34TH ST SW 27TH ST SW 23RD ST LIND AVE SWSW 19TH ST 167 167OAKESDALE AVE NW515 515 515 E VALLEY RDSITE TALBOT RD SSW 29TH ST 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 TEAST VALLEY ROAD EAST VALLEY ROAD SW 27TH ST N GRAPHIC SCALE 0 40 80 1" = 40 FEET 20 DATE: February 25, 2019 FILENAME: Q:\2019\2190112\10_CIV\CAD\2190112-SH-COVER.dwg C0.02 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 1 2 3 4 TEL FAX www.ahbl.comWEBTELFAXwww.ahbl.comWEBTELFAXwww.ahbl.comWEB 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422TEL 253.383.2572FAX www.ahbl.comWEB TACOMA SEATTLE SPOKANE TRI-CITIES 12 TCSDJHDJH 02.22.2019 PERMIT SET 2190112.10 14900 INTERURBAN AVE S, SUITE 138 TUKWILA, WA 98168 CONTACT: MR. LES SEIFERT EMAIL: les@ronhovdearchitects.com RONHOVDE ARCHITECTS LLC COMPTON LUMBER RENTON A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 30, TWN. 23 N., RGE. 05 E. W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. COMPTON LUMBER RENTON Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/10/2017 Page 1 of 352558505255870525589052559105255930525595052559705255990525601052560305256050525607052560905256110525613052558705255890525591052559305255950525597052559905256010525603052560505256070525609052561105256130558920558940558960558980559000559020559040559060559080 558920 558940 558960 558980 559000 559020 559040 559060 559080 47° 27' 21'' N 122° 13' 6'' W47° 27' 21'' N122° 12' 57'' W47° 27' 12'' N 122° 13' 6'' W47° 27' 12'' N 122° 12' 57'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 10N WGS84 0 35 70 140 210 Feet 0 10 20 40 60 Meters Map Scale: 1:794 if printed on B portrait (11" x 17") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: King County Area, Washington Survey Area Data: Version 12, Sep 8, 2016 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Aug 31, 2013—Oct 6, 2013 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/10/2017 Page 2 of 3 Map Unit Legend King County Area, Washington (WA633) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Tu Tukwila muck 4.1 63.6% Ur Urban land 2.4 36.4% Totals for Area of Interest 6.5 100.0% Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/10/2017 Page 3 of 3 IP IP IP CE SF SF IP 2 3 3 1 SL SL CL CL 2 2 SL WR WR WR SP 4 5 5 WASHINGTON STATE ROUTE 167T EAST VALLEY ROADEAST VALLEY ROADSW 27TH ST(TYP) (TYP) (TYP) N GRAPHIC SCALE 0 40 80 1" = 40 FEET 20 LEGEND: INLET PROTECTION REMOVE EXISTING UTILITY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CLEARING/PROJECT LIMITS SAWCUT LINE SILT FENCE WR WETLAND RESTORATION SP STOCKPILE LOCATION IP CE CL SL SF KEY NOTES PRESERVE EXISTING UTILITY TO REMAIN. REMOVE EXISTING CATCH BASIN. CAP AND ABANDON EXISTING PIPE EXCEPT UNDER NEW BUILDING LOCATION REMOVE PIPE. REMOVE EXISTING SITE FEATURE DEMO SIDEWALK CURB AND GUTTER ABANDON EXISTING UTILITY 1 2 3 4 5 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1.CLEARLY MARK THE CLEARING LIMITS BY FLAGGING AND/OR HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE. 2.SCHEDULE AND ATTEND PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH CITY OF RENTON. 3.PROVIDE MISCELLANEOUS DEMOLITION AND CLEAR AND GRUB AREA WITHIN CLEARING LIMITS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO OR AS A FIRST STAGE OF SITE PREPARATION. 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND PROVIDE REPAIRS AS NEEDED PER THE PROJECT CSWPPP. 5.CLEAR AND GRUB THE REMAINDER OF THE SITE WITHIN CLEARING LIMITS, AND ROUGH GRADE. 6.PROVIDE COVER MEASURES, AS REQUIRED, TO INCLUDE ARMORING, MULCHING, AND HYDROSEEDING TO STABILIZE DENUDED AREAS AND PREVENT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT-LADEN STORMWATER OFFSITE. 7.PROVIDE STORM SYSTEM AND MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PROVIDE INLET PROTECTION ON ALL NEW CATCH BASINS. 8.FINE GRADE SITE AND PAVE. COORDINATE WITH CITY FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. 9.STABILIZE ALL REMAINING DISTURBED AREAS. 10.COORDINATE WITH CITY FOR FINAL INSPECTION. 11.REMOVE REMAINING TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES WHEN AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED WITH VEGETATION AND REMOVAL IS APPROVED BY THE CITY. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R WETLAND RESTORATION THE ONSITE WETLAND AND ASSOCIATED BUFFER SHALL BE RESTORED PER THE DIRECTIONS OF SOUND VIEW CONSULTANT'S WETLAND AND FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT ASSESSMENT AND RESTORATION PLAN WHICH CAN BE FOUND IN APPENDIX B OF THE TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT. THE RESTORATION ACTIONS FOR THE WETLAND AND BUFFER INCLUDE BUT MAY NOT BE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS. ·REMOVAL OF PAVED SURFACES AND TRASH AND DEBRIS WITHIN THE WETLAND BUFFER; ·PRE-TREAT INVASIVE PLANTS WITH AN HERBICIDE APPROVED BY WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, THEN GRUB TO REMOVE THE INVASIVE PLANTS, AND REPLANT ALL CLEARED AREAS WITH USING THE NATIVE SPECIES OUTLINED IN TABLE 6-8 AND APPENDIX C OF THE WETLAND REPORT. PRE-TREATMENT OF THE INVASIVE PLANTS SHOULD OCCUR A MINIMUM OF TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO REMOVAL. ·REPLANT ALL AREAS WITH NATIVE TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS LISTED IN SECTION 7.6.3, OR SUBSTITUTES APPROVED BY THE RESPONSIBLE WETLAND SCIENTIST, TO HELP RETAIN SOILS, FILTER STORMWATER, AND INCREASE BIODIVERSITY. ·AN APPROVED NATIVE SEED MIX WILL BE USED TO SEED THE DISTURBED AREAS AFTER PLANTING. ·MAINTAIN AND CONTROL INVASIVE PLANTS ANNUALLY, AT A MINIMUM, OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF NECESSARY. MAINTENANCE TO REDUCE THE GROWTH AND SPREAD OF INVASIVE PLANTS IS NOT RESTRICTED TO CHEMICAL APPLICATIONS BUT MAY INCLUDE HAND REMOVAL, IF WARRANTED. ·PROVIDE DRY-SEASON IRRIGATION AS NECESSARY TO ENSURE NATIVE PLANT SURVIVAL. ·DIRECT EXTERIOR LIGHTS AWAY FROM THE WETLANDS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. ·PLACE ALL ACTIVITIES THAT GENERATE EXCESSIVE NOISE (E.G., GENERATORS AND AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT) AWAY FROM THE WETLANDS WHERE FEASIBLE. CITY OF RENTON IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSAAANNNNNNN COMPTON LUMBER RENTON A-NNNNNNN TEL FAX www.ahbl.comWEBTELFAXwww.ahbl.comWEBTELFAXwww.ahbl.comWEB 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422TEL 253.383.2572FAX www.ahbl.comWEB TACOMA SEATTLE SPOKANE TRI-CITIES 1 C1.1 2 C1.1 3 C1.1 4 C1.1 DATE: March 14, 2019 FILENAME: Q:\2019\2190112\10_CIV\CAD\2190112-SH-TESC.dwg C1.0 3 TESC GENERAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. ON-SITE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER. ANY PROBLEMS OCCURRING BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE STORM SYSTEM BY THE MUNICIPALITY SHALL BE CORRECTED BY THE APPLICANT AND/OR THE CONTRACTOR. 2. IN CASE EROSION OR SEDIMENTATION OCCURS TO ADJACENT PROPERTY, ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT THAT WILL AGGRAVATE THE SITUATION MUST CEASE AND THE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY COMMENCE RESTORATION OR MITIGATION MEASURES. RESTORATION ACTIVITY SHALL CONTINUE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE PROBLEM IS RECTIFIED. 3. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DEVICES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO OR AS THE FIRST STAGE OF SITE PREPARATION. 4. SHOULD THE TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING NOT PROVE ADEQUATE TO CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION, THE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL FACILITIES AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTIES, SENSITIVE AREAS, NATURAL WATER COURSES, AND/OR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. 5. IN ANY AREA WHICH HAS BEEN STRIPPED OF VEGETATION OR EXPERIENCED LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND WHERE NO FURTHER WORK IS ANTICIPATED FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING THE LISTED CRITERIA, ALL DISTURBED AREAS MUST BE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH MULCHING, GRASS PLANTING, OR OTHER APPROVED EROSION CONTROL TREATMENT APPLICABLE TO THE TIME OF YEAR IN QUESTION. GRASS SEEDING ALONE WILL BE ACCEPTABLE ONLY DURING THE MONTHS OF APRIL THROUGH SEPTEMBER, INCLUSIVE. SEEDING MAY PROCEED, HOWEVER, WHENEVER IT IS IN THE INTEREST OF THE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR, BUT MUST BE AUGMENTED WITH MULCH, NETTING, OR OTHER TREATMENT. 6. THE PROJECT ENGINEER OR PROJECT SURVEYOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD LOCATING THE CLEARING LIMITS AND ESTABLISHING THOSE BOUNDARIES WITH BRIGHT COLORED FLAGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR TO THE LIMITS AS ESTABLISHED ON THIS PLAN AND AS FLAGGED IN THE FIELD. 7. THE CITY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF ALL CLEARING AND GRADE WORK AND EROSION EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES. 8. THE APPLICANT AND/OR CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY FORTY-EIGHT HOURS IN ADVANCE OF EACH REQUIRED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL INSPECTION. INSPECTION NO.1 - INSTALLATION OF EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES/PRIOR TO CLEARING INSPECTION NO.2 - COMPLETION OF CLEARING INSPECTION NO.3 - UPON COMPLETION OF EXCAVATION, FILLING, AND EARTHWORK. INSPECTION NO.4 - COMPLETION OF PROJECT INSPECTION NO.5 - AS NEEDED TO DETERMINE COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS. (DOES NOT REQUIRE ADVANCED NOTICE). 8. ALL WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE STABILIZING THE DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY'S STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR WESTERN WASHINGTON 2014. 9. ALL NECESSARY FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON SITE TO PREVENT DEBRIS, DUST, AND MUD FROM ACCUMULATING ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 1.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT ALL UTILITIES HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED PRIOR TO COMMENCING DEMOLITION. 2.DEMOLITION: IT IS THE INTENT OF THE WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT TO INCLUDE THE DEMOLITION OF ALL EXISTING BUILDINGS, PAVING, UTILITIES AND OTHER EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING THEIR UNDERGROUND COMPONENTS AS INDICATED BY THIS DRAWING AND AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FULLY REVIEW THE SITE CONDITIONS AND TO CORRELATE THESE OBSERVATIONS WITH THE PROJECT WORK AND INCLUDE ALL NECESSARY DEMOLITION, WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, AND INCLUDE ALL SUCH COSTS IN THE BASE BID. 3.CLEARING: IT IS THE INTENT OF THE WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT TO CONDUCT ALL CLEARING NECESSARY TO BE ABLE TO COMPLETE ALL THE WORK OF THIS PROJECT. 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL LEGALLY DISPOSE OF THE OWNER'S PROPERTY, ALL DEMOLISHED AND REMOVED MATERIALS, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. 5.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COMPLETELY COORDINATE UTILITY DEMOLITION WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ADEQUATE FIRE PROTECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FIRE MARSHALL REQUIREMENTS IS PROVIDED FOR THE NEW BUILDING. 6.COORDINATE POWER DEMOLITION WITH FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC UTILITIES AND ELECTRICAL PLANS. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT DEMOLITION OF LINES WILL NOT COMPROMISE POWER TO OTHER AREAS. 7.POWER AND CABLE SERVING BUILDINGS TO REMAIN RUN THROUGH THIS SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL NEW SERVICES TO BUILDINGS REMAINING PRIOR TO DEMOLISHING EXISTING LINES. 8.GAS DISCONNECTION BY PSE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WORK WITH PSE. CONTRACTOR TO DEMOLISH ABANDONED SERVICE. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT DEMOLITION OF GAS LINES WILL NOT IMPACT GAS SERVICE TO OTHER AREAS. NO DISRUPTION IN SERVICE ALLOWED. 9.ANY ABANDONED SIDE SEWER(S) SHALL BE PLUGGED OR CAPPED AT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OR PROPERTY LINE. 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DUST GENERATION ONSITE BY SPRINKLING THE SITE WITH WATER UNTIL SURFACE IS WET. SEE BMP C140. 11.SAWCUT CONCRETE SIDEWALK AT THE NEAREST JOINT. 12.ALL MONUMENTS DISTURBED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE REPLACED PER WAC 332-120 AT NOT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR PERMIT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AS NECESSARY. DEMOLITION NOTES 8' MAX. 1 1 PROVIDE SAND BAGS 10' O.C. TO HOLD PLASTIC COVERING IN PLACE STOCKPILE AREA EXISTING GRADE 1 1 NOTES: 1.STOCKPILES SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH PLASTIC COVERING OR OTHER APPROVED DEVICE. 2.SEDIMENT LEACHING FROM STOCKPILES SHALL BE PREVENTED DURING ALL SEASONS. 1.PLASTIC SHEETING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6 MILS AND SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 9-14.5(3). 2.COVERING SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED TIGHTLY IN PLACE BY USING SANDBAGS OR TIRES ON ROPES WITH A MAXIMUM 10-FOOT GRID SPACING IN ALL DIRECTIONS. ALL SEAMS SHALL BE TAPED OR WEIGHTED DOWN FULL LENGTH. SEAMS SHALL HAVE AT LEAST A 12 INCH OVERLAP. 3.CLEAR PLASTIC COVERING SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY ON AREAS SEEDED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 AND MARCH 31 AND REMAIN UNTIL VEGETATION IS FIRMLY ESTABLISHED. 4.WHEN COVERING IS USED ON UN-SEEDED SLOPES, IT SHALL BE KEPT IN PLACE UNTIL THE NEXT SEEDING PERIOD. 5.PLASTIC COVERING SHALL BE BURIED TWO FEET AT THE TOP OF SLOPES IN ORDER TO PREVENT SURFACE WATER FLOW BENEATH SHEETS. 6.PROPER MAINTENANCE OF COVERING INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT NECESSARILY LIMITED TO, REGULAR CHECKS FOR AND REPAIRS OF RIPS AND DISLODGED ENDS. PLASTIC COVERING NOTES CITY OF RENTON IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSAAANNNNNNN COMPTON LUMBER RENTON A-NNNNNNN TEL FAX www.ahbl.comWEBTELFAXwww.ahbl.comWEBTELFAXwww.ahbl.comWEB 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422TEL 253.383.2572FAX www.ahbl.comWEB TACOMA SEATTLE SPOKANE TRI-CITIES 1 NOT TO SCALE INLET PROTECTION 2 NOT TO SCALE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 3 NOT TO SCALE SILT FENCE 4 NOT TO SCALE STOCKPILE DATE: March 14, 2019 FILENAME: Q:\2019\2190112\10_CIV\CAD\2190112-SH-TESC.dwg C1.1 4 TESC NOTES AND DETAILS ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 2190112.10 Appendix B Select King County Source Control BMPs ESC Plan for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Compton Lumber Renton 2190112.10 Appendix C Inspection and Maintenance Report Forms