HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_19_J_Street_Modification_Request_221028_v1 Street Modification Request Benson-Petrovitsky Retail (Renton) Transportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004 | Office (425) 889-6747 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 28, 2022 TO: Jill Ding City of Renton FROM: Amy Wasserman / Jeff Schramm TENW SUBJECT: Street Modification Request Benson-Petrovitsky Retail (PRE22-000218) TENW Project #2022-257 This memorandum documents the street modification request prepared for the proposed Benson-Petrovitsky Retail project located on the northeast corner of Benson Drive S (SR 515) and SE Petrovitsky Road (SE 176th St) in Renton. The purpose of this document is to present the proposed improvements to Benson Drive S and SE Petrovitsky Road as part of a formal street modification request to the City of Renton. Project Description The project site is located on three adjacent parcels (#2923059110, #2923059095, and #2923059017) on the northeast corner of the intersection of Benson Drive S (SR 515) and SE Petrovitsky Road (SE 176th Street) in Renton as shown in the Attachment A vicinity map. The proposed project would consist of up to 4,088 square feet (SF) of building area for a convenience market with gasoline pumps (8 vehicle fueling positions (VPDs)) and a 2,850 SF bank with a drive-thru ATM lane. Vehicular access to the site would be provided by two right-in right-out (RIRO) only driveways; one each on SE Petrovitsky Road and Benson Drive S. A preliminary site plan is included in Attachment B. Street Modification Justification The proposed roadway design and frontage improvements on SE Petrovitsky Road and Benson Drive S deviate from the standards outlined in the City of RentonÊs Municipal Code (RMC) 4-6-060. However, the proposed design is consistent with the planned improvements included in the City of RentonÊs 2022-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the Carr Road corridor (City TIP #31) and also identified in the preliminary (pre-30%) design plans for the intersection improvements prepared by the CityÊs Transportation Division in 2014/2015. Due to the proposed frontage design being required by the City, a street modification is required to allow a modification to the standard frontage design along both roads. Additionally, all of the conditions identified by the City of Renton as required project mitigation on the SE Petrovitsky Road and Benson Drive S frontages are being met with the design of the Benson-Petrovitsky Retail project as further described next. Street Modification Request Benson-Petrovitsky Retail (Renton) TENW October 28, 2022 Page 2 SE Petrovitsky Road (176th St SE) SE Petrovitsky Road (176th St SE) is a five lane Principal Arterial. Per Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-6- 060, minimum ROW width required on a five-lane principal arterial is 103 feet (half-street ROW=51.5 feet). Based on existing survey, the existing half street ROW width on the site frontage is approximately as follows: o 42.0 feet along parcel #2923059110 o 30.0 feet along parcel #2923059095 o 42.0 feet along parcel #2923059017 Street frontage improvements on the north side of SE Petrovitsky Road identified in the CityÊs Transportation Division preliminary plan for TIP #31 include roadway widening to provide an additional 11-foot wide right- turn only lane, 0.5-foot-wide curb, 8-foot-wide landscaped planter, 12-foot wide sidewalk, and a 2-foot clear area from back of sidewalk to the new ROW line. These street and frontage improvements identified by the City Transportation Division to be provided by the developer will require varying ROW dedication along the frontage of the 3 parcels. Subject to final survey, the ROW dedication width on the site frontage is anticipated to be as follows to provide a total future half- street public ROW of 61.5 feet along the Benson-Petrovitsky Retail project frontage: o 19.5 feet along parcel #2923059110 o 31.5 feet along parcel #2923059095 o 19.5 feet along parcel #2923059017 A street section showing and labelling the existing ROW line, centerline of ROW, ROW dedication, centerline of pavement, pavement width, showing and labelling all the street frontage elements and widths is provided in Attachment B and will be included with the land use application. Benson Drive S (108th Ave SE/ SR 515) Benson Drive S (108th Ave SE/ SR 515) is a Principal Arterial. Per Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-6-060, the minimum ROW width required on a five-lane principal arterial is 103 feet (half-street ROW = 51.5 feet). Based on existing survey, the existing half street ROW width on the Benson Drive S site frontage is approximately 45 feet. Street frontage improvements on the east side of Benson Drive S identified per RMC 4-6-060 and also included in the CityÊs Transportation Division preliminary plan for TIP #31 include roadway widening to provide an 11-foot-wide acceleration lane, 0.5-foot-wide curb, 8-foot-wide landscaped planter, 8-foot-wide sidewalk, and 2-foot clear width from the back of sidewalk to the new ROW line. The street and frontage improvements identified by the City Transportation Division to be provided by the developer will require a ROW dedication of 17.5-ft and the total future half-street public ROW would be 62.5 feet along the Benson-Petrovitsky Retail project frontage. A street section showing and labelling the existing ROW line, centerline of ROW, ROW dedication, centerline of pavement, pavement width, showing and labelling all the street frontage elements and widths is provided in Attachment B and will be included with the land use application. Street Modification Request Benson-Petrovitsky Retail (Renton) TENW October 28, 2022 Page 3 Compliance with Decision Criteria The street and frontage improvements to be constructed on SE Petrovitsky Road and Benson Drive S by the Benson-Petrovitsky Retail project would meet all of the following decision criteria outlined in Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-9-250-D-2 related to a modification request: A) Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; B) Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgement; C) Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; D) Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; E) Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended F) Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Conclusion The applicant for the proposed Benson-Petrovitsky Retail project requests the CityÊs approval of street modifications for the SE Petrovitsky Road and Benson Drive S frontage improvements associated with the Benson-Petrovitsky Retail project since the street and frontage improvements being constructed by the project on both SE Petrovitsky Road and Benson Drive S are being required by the City as part of a planned TIP project for the Carr Road corridor (TIP #31). If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this memo, please contact me at amy@tenw.com. Attachments c: Michelle Woodward, Tekin & Associates Jeff Schramm, Principal TENW Street Modification Request Benson-Petrovitsky Retail (Renton) TENW October 28, 2022 Page 4 ATTACHMENT A Site Vicinity Street Modification Request Benson-Petrovitsky Retail (Renton) Street Modification Request Benson-Petrovitsky Retail (Renton) ATTACHMENT B Site Plan with Street Sections RIGHT OF WAYDEDICATIONRIGHT OF WAYDEDICATIONPRELIMINARY1 INCH = 20 FEET (22"x34")GRAPHIC SCALE402001 INCH = 40 FEET (11"x17")PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN DESCRIPTIONREVISION DATE BY CONTACT: SHEET TITLE: CLIENT:REV.WMRTSDESIGNER:ENGINEER:DRAWN:DATE:REVISED:PROJECT:DWG NAME:SHEETOFPhone: 253-857-5454 ~ Fax: 253-509-0044 ~ info@contourpllc.com Mailing Address: P.O. Box 949, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Physical Address: 4706 97th Street NW, Suite 100, Gig Harbor, WA 98332 CIVIL ENGINEERS ~ SURVEYORS ~ LAND PLANNERS TEKIN & ASSOCIATES, LLC 2600 DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 370 FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 MICHELLE WOODWARD PHONE:(469) 458-0485 BENSON AND PETROVITSKY REDEVELOPMENTA PORTION OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.,CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTONJ. RAUSCHB. ALLENJ. RAUSCH2923N05E2022.10.2519-04519-045-CC114CALL 811 AT LEAST 48HOURS BEFORE YOU DIGVERIFICATION NOTEALL EXISTING UTILITIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA SHALL BEIDENTIFIED AND VERIFIED FOR DEPTH AND LOCATION PRIOR TO ANYCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SO TO IDENTIFY ANY POTENTIAL CONFLICTSWITH PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT PROJECT ENGINEERIMMEDIATELY IF ANY CONFLICTS ARE IDENTIFIED.PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, VERIFY EXISTINGTOPOGRAPHY IS CONSISTENT WITH WHAT IS SHOWN ON PLANS AND IFTHERE ARE ANY POTENTIAL CONFLICTS WITH PROPOSED CONSTRUCTIONACTIVITIES. CONTACT PROJECT ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF ANYCONFLICTS ARE IDENTIFIED.GENERAL SITE INFORMATIONSITE ADDRESS:17,426 BENSON DRIVE S, RENTON, WA 98005PARCEL#:2923059110, 2923059095, 2923059017ON-SITE PROJECT AREA: 73,002 SF (1.68 ACRES)TOTAL NEW+REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA:47,705 SF (1.10 ACRES)TA ACQUISITIONS LLC2600 N DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 370FRISCO, TEXAS 75034OWNER/APPLICANTJOHN GRAVES ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS3110 RUSTON WAY, SUITE DTACOMA, WA 98402PHONE: 253-272-4214ARCHITECTCONTOUR ENGINEERING LLC4706 97TH ST NW, SUITE 100GIG HARBOR, WA 98332PHONE: (253) 857-5454CIVIL ENGINEERPROPOSED 7-114,178SFPROPOSEDCHASE BANK2,860 SFDIESEL/GASOLINE TANKSFUEL PUMPSPROPOSED ATM7.5'PLANTER8.0' SIDEWALK1.5%2.0' TO ROW0.5' CURBEXISTING ROW CENTERLINE 54.0' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY45' EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY33.0'±33.0'±21.0'CBENSON CROSS SECTIONNOT TO SCALEAC1CC111.0' ACCELERATIONLANE5.5'PLANTER12.0' SIDEWALK1.5%2.0' TO ROW0.5' CURBEXISTING ROW CENTERLINE EXISTING 42.0' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY28.0'±33.0'±9.0'APETROVITSKY CROSS SECTIONNOT TO SCALE11.0' RIGHTTURN LANE2.0'EXISTING CURBTO BE REMOVED19.5' ROW DEDICATION VARIESPROPOSED ROW LINE EXISTING ROW EXISTING ROW EXISTING ROW EXISTING CURBTO BE REMOVED17.5' ROW DEDICATION2.0'MATCH EXISTINGPAVEMENT SECTIONEXISTING 42.0' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYEXISTING ROW EXISTING ROW APPROXIMATE PAVEMENT CENTER LINE ±2' APPROXIMATE PAVEMENT CENTER LINE ±2'MATCH EXISTINGPAVEMENT SECTIONLANE LINESAWCUT LINELANE LINESAWCUT LINE5.5 ±2.5 ±62.5' PROPOSED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY75' ± PROPOSED PAVEMENT WIDTH72' ± PROPOSED PAVEMENT WIDTH61.5' PROPOSED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY2.5'PLANTER0.5'PLANTER8.0'PLANTER12.0' SIDEWALK1.5%2.0' TO ROW0.5' CURBEXISTING ROW CENTERLINE EXISTING 42.0' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY28.0'±33.0'±9.0'BPETROVITSKY CROSS SECTIONNOT TO SCALE9.0' RIGHTTURN LANE2.0'EXISTING CURBTO BE REMOVED 31.5' ROW DEDICATION VARIESPROPOSED ROW LINE EXISTING ROWMATCH EXISTINGPAVEMENT SECTIONEXISTING 30.0' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYEXISTING ROW APPROXIMATE PAVEMENT CENTER LINE ±2'LANE LINESAWCUT LINE2.5 ±72' ± PROPOSED PAVEMENT WIDTH61.5' PROPOSED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYBC1AC12.0' RIGHTTURN LANE