HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROCUREMENT SOP #12 - City Clerk eContract Checklist ProcessRevision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 1 PROCUREMENT SOP #12 City Clerk Contract eChecklist Procedures 1. Applicability: Laserfiche is a global provider of intelligent content management and business process automation. Using workflows, electronic forms, document management, and analytics, Laserfiche eliminates manual processes and automates repetitive tasks, accelerating how business gets done. The city clerk division has developed an electronic version (a Laserfiche form) of the contract checklist and amended contract checklist. These two documents have been combined into one Laserfiche form called the eContract Checklist. NOTE: The form works best when using Chrome, Edge, or Firefox browsers. All document names will be changed to fit city clerk division document filing parameters. Additionally, contracts initially processed via DocuSign must be printed to PDF then uploaded per the following instructions. 2. Process: Submitting New Contracts/Agreements Navigate to the city clerk division page on SharePoint, click the Contracts & Agreements button, then click the eContract Checklist link. The eContract Checklist will open in a new tab in your web browser. You can also navigate directly to the form at https://forms.rentonwa.gov/Forms/Contractchecklist. Once there you will see the following page: Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 2 Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 3 Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 4 Selecting Contract/Agreement: Select Contract Document Type – Contract/Agreement: When entering information for a contract/agreement, click the drop-down menu and select contract/agreement. *Leases, permits, and new job order contract work order contract document types are processed similarly to contract/agreement with minor modifications to the form based on document type. Contract Type: Select the appropriate Contract Type: New Agreement, Interlocal Agreement, Grant Agreement, or Amendment. The form changes depending on the contract type selected (ex. New Agreement has been selected): Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 5 CAG Number: If the city clerk division issued a preassigned CAG number for this new agreement, select yes and then fill in the CAG Number and contractor boxes. If a preassigned CAG number was not assigned, select No and then fill in the name of the contractor in the contractor box. Agreement Description: Enter a short description for the new agreement. Be specific to ensure successful retrieval when searching in Laserfiche for this agreement in the future. Keywords: Insert several additional keywords regarding your agreement. These are generally terms used to help find the contract when searching in Laserfiche. Do not duplicate words already entered in the contractor or agreement Description boxes. Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 6 Effective Date and Expiration Date: • Effective Date: Enter the date the contract was fully signed by all parties. If the date is unknown, enter the current date. • Expiration Date: Enter the date the agreement expires. If the agreement does not have an expiration date, or contains an auto-renewal clause after the initial expiration date, then enter 12/31/2999. Contact information: • Signing Authority: Enter name of person authorized to sign the agreement. Check the approved by administrator box which indicates that the department administrator is aware the new agreement is being submitted for processing. • Staff Contact Info: Enter the email address of the primary staff contact. It will auto-populate the Staff Name box. Click the Add button to enter additional staff contacts. • Department/Division: Click the drop-down button and select department and/or division. Fiscal Impact: Click the drop-down menu in the Agreement Class box and select Payable, Receivable, or Miscellaneous. • Payable: Check the box attesting that the contract is budgeted, enter the AP vendor # (leave blank if unknown or not yet assigned), enter the total agreement amount (ex. $10,000 for 5 years = $50,000). Select yes or no for the retainage withheld question. Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 7 • Payable with Retainage Withheld: Select Yes, and then select 5%, 10%, Bond, or Escrow from the drop-down menu. If you have a retainage bond, select escrow for the purpose of this form. • Receivable: Enter total agreement amount. Check the month-to-month box if applicable. • Miscellaneous: Simply select miscellaneous from drop-down menu. Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 8 Required Attachments: • Contract: Click the upload button to upload the contract in PDF format. If you used DocuSign, print the finalized contract to PDF before uploading. • Legal Review: Click the upload button to upload the approved as to form memo or email in PDF format. • Insurance Certificate Info: Ignore this button for new contracts. • Risk Management Review Memo: Click the upload button to upload the approval memo or email from risk management with a copy of a valid Certificate of Insurance attached, combined into one PDF document. Additional Documents: • Federal Excluded Parties List Verification: Click the upload button to upload a memo indicating that the contractor is not on a federal debarment list. Some contracts may require an additional memo indicating that the contractor is not on a state debarment list. If applicable to your agreement, upload one or both of these memos in PDF format. • Performance Bond Verification Memo: Click the upload button to upload a memo indicating that the project manager verified the contractor’s performance bond (if applicable) is valid in PDF format. • Additional Documents: Click this button to upload any additional documents the project manager would like included in the contract file in PDF format. Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 9 Council Approval: Select yes or no to indicate whether city council approval was required for this new agreement. • If city council approval was not required, select No. • If city council approval was required, select Yes, fill in the council approval date, and add the ordinance or resolution number if applicable. Submit Contract/Agreement: Click the submit button when all previous steps have been completed. You will receive an email indicating that the contract/agreement has been submitted. NOTE: It may take up to five days before the contract/agreement is entered into Eden. Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 10 Submitting Amendments Review the instructions for submitting new contracts/agreements prior to submitting an amended contracts form as these instructions include changes. Navigate to the city clerk division page on SharePoint, click the Contracts & Agreements button, then click the eContract Checklist link. The eContract checklist will open in a new tab in your web browser. You can also navigate directly to the form at https://forms.rentonwa.gov/Forms/Contractchecklist. Selecting Amendment: Select contract document type – Amendment: When entering information for an amendment, click the drop-down menu and select Amendment. *Amendments for leases, permits, and new job order contract work order contract document types are processed similarly to amendments for contract/agreement with minor modifications to the form based on document type. Select Amendment – Addendum/Change Order: • Addendum: When entering information for an amendment, click the drop-down menu and select Addendum (for non-public works contracts/agreements). Enter the CAG number in the CAG, LAG, or PAG Number box, then add the addendum number. Revision March 2023 Staff Contact: City Clerk/Public Records Officer Jason Seth 11 • Change Order: When entering information for a change order, click the drop-down menu and select change order (for public works contracts). Enter the CAG number in the CAG, LAG, or PAG number box, then add the change order number. If you do not know the addendum or change order number, please contact the city clerk division before proceeding. Complete the Process: Use the instructions for submitting new contracts/agreements to finish the process.