HomeMy WebLinkAboutREGULAR COUNCIL - 15 Jun 2015 - Agenda - PdfAGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 15, 2015 Monday, 7 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2.ROLL CALL 3.SPECIAL PRESENTATION a. Police Department - Employee Promotions & Recognition 4.PUBLIC HEARING a. 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan 5.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6.AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The first comment period is limited to one-half hour. The second comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and city of residence for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. NOTICE to all participants: pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 7.CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of the Council meeting minutes of 6/8/2015. Council concur. b. Community Services Department recommends approval of an addendum to CAG-13-149, Job Order Contract (JOC) with Forma Construction, to extend the term to July 15, 2016. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Police Department requests authorization to hire an Electronic Home Detention Coordinator at Step E of the Grade pn56 salary scale. Council concur. d. Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in order to accept funds in the amount of $30,482 to help fund the Domestic Violence Advocacy Assistance Program. Council concur. e. Utility Systems Division submits CAG-14-005, Maplewood WTP Access Platforms & Fall Protection Improvements project, contractor General Mechanical, Inc.; and requests acceptance of the project, approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of $8,133.66, and release of the retainage bond after 60 days, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Page 1 of 40 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers b. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan* 9.RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution: a. 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (See item 8.c.) 10.NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 11.AUDIENCE COMMENTS 12.ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS June 15, 2015 Monday, 6 p.m. 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update WSDOT Turnback of SR 900 and SR 515 Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings Page 2 of 40 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Job Order Contracting CAG-13-149 Addendum One / Third-Year Extension Meeting: REGULAR COUNCIL - 15 Jun 2015 Exhibits: A. Addendum to CAG-13-149 Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community Services Staff Contact: Michael Nolan Recommended Action: Refer to Finance Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: On July 16, 2013, the City retained Forma Construction as their on-call contractor in accordance with the state Job Order Contracting provisions. Per the RCW, the duration of the contract was for two years with an option for a third year. This addendum would exercise that third year option. Since its inception, seven different city divisions have used JOC for 57 projects valued at $1,514,903.11. The Job Order Contracting system has proven to be a huge time saver for project managers, allowing them to complete more projects in less time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the addendum with Forma Construction, authorizing a one year extension of the contract. 7b. - Community Services Department recommends approval of an addendum to Page 3 of 40 ADDENDUM #1-15 TO THE CITY OF RENTON AND FORMA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2013 JOB ORDER CONTRACT CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM TO CAG-13-149, JOB ORDER CONTRACT Between CITY OF RENTON AND FORMA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ADDENDUM #1-15 This amendment is entered into between the City of Renton and Forma Construction Company (“the Parties”). By this written amendment, the Parties mutually agree to amend the original and existing Job Order Contract (“Agreement”) entered into by the Parties on July 16, 2013 (Reference: CAG #13-149), and the previous mutually agreed written amendments of that original and existing Agreement. Amendments related to Addendum 1-15 Amendment 1: Article 1, Scope of Services and Term: Pursuant to RCW 39.10.440(2), the Parties mutually agree to extend the Agreement for an additional year. The Agreement will now expire on July 15, 2016. Amendment 2: Article 1, Scope of Services and Term: Article 1, Scope of Services and Term, of the Agreement, is hereby amended to include the following additional language: If Contractor begins performing work pursuant to a valid work order before the expiration of the Agreement, Contractor will continue performing the work until the work is complete, even if the work continues beyond the expiration of the Agreement, at Renton’s sole discretion. Amendment 3: Contractor, the company formerly known as Berschauer Phillips Construction Company is now known as Forma Construction Company. 17b. - Community Services Department recommends approval of an addendum to Page 4 of 40 ADDENDUM #1-15 TO THE CITY OF RENTON AND FORMA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2013 JOB ORDER CONTRACT All other provisions of the July 16, 2013 Agreement shall remain the same and in full force and effect. This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year written below. CONTRACTOR ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Date Printed Name and Title Forma Construction Company Business Name 1016 1st Ave S., 4th Floor Mailing Address Seattle WA 98134 City State Zip RENTON ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Date Denis Law, Mayor Printed Name and Title Attest, Signature Jason Seth, City Clerk Printed Name and Title J a s o n S e t h , C i 27b. - Community Services Department recommends approval of an addendum to Page 5 of 40 ADDENDUM #1-15 TO THE CITY OF RENTON AND FORMA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2013 JOB ORDER CONTRACT t y C l e r k 37b. - Community Services Department recommends approval of an addendum to Page 6 of 40 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Start Electronic Home Detention Coordinator at Step E wage Meeting: REGULAR COUNCIL - 15 Jun 2015 Exhibits: n/a Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Police Staff Contact: Dave Leibman, Commander, ext. 7573 Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Kenneth McMullen was hired as a Jailor for the Renton Police Department in September 1994. He was later promoted to Sergeant and, like all of our jailors, moved on to SCORE when it opened in 2011. For the past four years, Mr. McMullen has continued as a Sergeant with SCORE, working a variety of assignments. His selection as an Electronic Home Detention Coordinator was a natural fit for his more than 20 years of corrections experience. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize compensating Kenneth McMullen as an Electronic Home Detention Coordinator at Step E of Grade pn56 salary scale, effective June 16, 2015. 7c. - Police Department requests authorization to hire an Electronic Home Page 7 of 40 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2014 Local Solicitation Meeting: REGULAR COUNCIL - 15 Jun 2015 Exhibits: A. Agreement Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Police Staff Contact: Mike Luther, Commander, Ext. 7512 Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 30,482 Transfer Amendment: $N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $30,482 Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City of Renton Police Department has applied for, and been awarded, the 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant to help fund the Renton Police Department’s Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program and provide assistance to victims of sex trafficking. The grant requires no contributing funds for eligibility. The duration of the grant is for four years from approval by the Office of Justice Programs. It does require that the application, in its entirety, be made available to the Mayor and City Council for their review and comment. This is the eleventh year that the City of Renton has applied for this grant and successfully received the funding for the citizens of Renton. The grant assists with direct victim services to include emergency shelter, food, clothing, gas, travel, moving truck, emergency cell phones, and assistance with costs associated with law enforcement in locating and arresting the defendant to help ensure victim safety. The grant will also assist with costs associated with the Victim Advocate coming in after hours to assist victims, or the family of a victim, on significant calls for services such as DV homicides. Prevention/education and supplies are needed for the ongoing awareness to the citizens of Renton via community outreach and presentations. The Renton Police Department has been a leading department for training and education by sending law enforcement teams consisting of Detectives, Patrol Officers and City Prosecutors to national training conferences and co-sponsoring local trainings with the Violence Against Woman's Act (VAWA). With the assistance of this grant the police department has made a commitment to assist victims of human trafficking in collaboration with our Special Operations Unit, Domestic Violence Victim Advocate and Local Prosecution. We are attempting to hold defendants accountable and offer service to the victims of human trafficking. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2014 Local Solicitation. 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 8 of 40 Interagency Agreement Edward Byrne Memorial JusticeAssistance Grant (JAG)Program FY2014-Local Solicitation Executed by City of Seattle Department Authorized Representative:Diane Pilon 610 5*“Avenue PO Box34986 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 and City of Renton,hereinafter referred to as "Recipient” Grant Manager:Commander Paul Cline 1055 Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 INWITNESSWHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement by having their representatives affix their signatures below. CITYOF RENTON CITY OF SEATTLE Denis Law,Mayor Mike Wagers,Chief Operating Officer Date: Authorized by: Grant Program:Edward Byrne Memorial justice Assistance Grant UAG)Program FY 14JAG Interagency Agreement,Page I of 8 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 9 of 40 WHEREAS,the JusticeAssistance Grant [JAG]Program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions;and WHEREAS,the JAGProgram supports all components of the criminal justice system,from multi- jurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence programs,courts,corrections,treatment,and justice information sharing initiatives;and WHEREAS,the United States Congress authorized $685,828 in the JusticeAssistance Grant (JAG) Program for jurisdictions in King County;and WHEREAS,11 jurisdictions in KingCounty were required to apply for a JAGProgram award with a single,joint application;and WHEREAS,the City,as the identified Fiscal Agent,submitted the joint application to the Bureau ofJusticeAssistanceonJuly9,2014 to request JAGProgram funds;and WHEREAS,based on the City's successful application,the Bureau ofjustice Assistance has awarded $685,828 to the City from these JAGProgram funds;and WHEREAS,pursuant to the terms ofthe grant whereby the City,as the identified Fiscal Agent for this award,is to distribute grant funds to co-applicants,the City intends to transfer some oftheJAGfundsitreceivestothoseco-applicants;and WHEREAS,the City is not obligated to continue or maintain grant funding levels for the JAGProgramoncegrantfundshavelapsed;and WHEREAS,recipients ofJAGfunds from the City should not anticipate the City will assume 'responsibility for any program costs funded by JAGonce JAGfunds are spent; NOW THEREFORE,the parties hereto agree as follows: This Interagency Agreement contains six Articles: ARTICLE I:TERM OF AGREEMENT: The term ofthis Interagency Agreement shall be in effect from the date it is executed by the SPD Chief of Police,or designee,until September 30,2017 unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions hereof. ARTICLE II:DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The services to be performed under this Agreement shall be conducted for the stated purposes of the Byrne Memorial JusticeAssistance Grant [JAG)Program [4-2U.S.C.3751[a.)The Edward Byrne Memorial JusticeAssistance Grant (JAG)Program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions.JAGfunds support all components of the criminal justice system,from multijurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence programs,courts,corrections,treatment,and justice information sharing FY 14 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 2 of8 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 10 of 40 initiatives.JAGfunded projects may address crime through the provision ofservices directly toindividualsand/orcommunities andby improving the effectivenessand efficiency ofcriminaljusticesystems,processes,and procedures. ARTICLEIII:SPECIALCONDITIONS 0 Funds are provided by the U.S.Department ofjustice,Office ofjustice Programs,Bureau ofJusticeAssistancesolelyforthepurposeoffurtheringthestatedobjectivesoftheEdward Byrne MemorialJusticeAssistance Grant [JAG]Program.The Recipient shall use the fundstoperformtasksasdescribedintheScopeofWorkportionofthisAgreement. 0 The Recipient acknowledges that because this Agreement involves federal funding,the period ofperformance described herein will likely begin prior to the availability of appropriated federal funds.The Recipient agrees that it will not hold the Seattle PoliceDepartment,the City ofSeattle,or the Department ofjustice liable for any damages,claim for reimbursement,or any type of payment whatsoever for services performed under this Agreement prior to the distribution and availability of federal funds. 0 The Recipient shall comply with all conditions and limitations set forth in the FY2014 JusticeAssistance Grant Program Award #2014 DJBX1034. The FY2014 JusticeAssistance Grant Program Award Report #:2014-DJBX1034 is attached to and made part of this agreement,as Attachment A.Allocationand use of grantfundingmustbeinaccordancewithallspecialconditionsincludedintheAwardReport.All Recipients are assumed to have read,understood,and accepted the Award Report as binding. 0 The Recipient acknowledges that all allocations and use of funds under this agreement willbeinaccordancewiththeEdwardByrneMemorialJusticeAssistanceGrant(JAG)Formula Program:Local Solicitation.Allocation and use of grant funding must be coordinated withthegoalsandobjectivesincludedintheLocalSolicitation,All Recipients are assumed to have read,understood,and accepted the Local Solicitation as binding. 0 Recipient agrees to obtain a valid DUNSprofile and create an active registration with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR)database no later than the due date of the Recipient's first quarterly report after a subaward is made. 0 The Recipient shall comply with all applicable laws,regulations,and program guidance.Anon-exhaustive list of regulations commonly applicable to BJAgrants are listed below, includingthe guidance: (A)Administrative Requirements:OMBCircular A-102,State and Local Governments (10/7/94,amended 8/29/07)[44CFR Part 13) (B)Cost Principles:OMB Circular A—87,State and Local Governments [5/10/04] FY 14 JAG lntcragcncy Agreement,Page 3of8 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 11 of 40 (C)Audit Requirements:OMCCircular A—133,Audits of.State,LocalGovernments,and Non-Profit Organizations (6/24/97,includes revisions in the Federal Register 6/27/03) (D)The Recipient must comply with the most recent version of the Administrative Requirements,Cost Principals,andAudit Requirements. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Non—Federa]entities that expend $500,000 or more in one fiscal year in Federal awards shall have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)Circular A—133-Auditsof States,Local Governments,and non—ProfitOrganizations. Non-federal entities that spend less than $500,000 a year in federal awards are exempt from federal audit requirements for that year,except as noted in Circular No.A-133,but records must be available for review or audit by appropriate officials of the Federal agency,pass-through entity,and General Accounting Office [GAO]. Recipients required to have an audit must ensure the audit is performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards [GAAS],as found in the Government Auditing Standards [the RevisedYellow Book)developed by the Comptroller General and the OMB Compliance Supplement.The Recipient has the responsibility of notifying the Washington State Auditor's Office and requesting an audit. The Recipient shall maintain auditable records and accounts so as to facilitate the audit requirement and shall ensure that any sub—recipients also maintain auditable records. The Recipient is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its own organization or that of its subcontractors.Responses to any unresolved management findings and disallowed or questioned costs shall be included with the audit report submitted to the Seattle Police Department.The Recipient must respond to requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues or findings within 30 days ofthe date ofrequest.The City reserves the right to recover from the Recipient all disallowed costs resulting from the audit. If applicable,once any single audit has been completed,the Recipient must send a full copy of the audit to the City and a letter stating there were no findings,or if there were findings,the letter should provide a list ofthe findings.The Recipient must send the audit and the letter no later than nine months after the‘end of the Recipient's fiscal year[s)to: Diane Pilon,IAGProgram Manager Seattle Police Department 610 5th Avenue PO Box 34986 FY 14 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 4 of8 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 12 of 40 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 206-386-1996 6)In addition to sending a copy of the audit,the Recipient must include a corrective action plan for any audit findings and a copy ofthe management letter ifone was received. 7)The Recipient shall include the above audit requirements in any subcontracts. The Recipient agrees to cooperate with any assessments,national evaluation efforts,or information or data collection requirements,including,but not limited to,the provision of any information required for assessment or evaluation of activities within this agreement, and for compliance BIAreporting requirements. When implementing funded activities,the Recipient must comply with all applicable federal,state,tribal government,and local laws,regulations,and policies.The Recipient is entirely responsible for determining the Recipient's compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies,which include,but are not limited to: (A)City of Seattle regulations including,but not limited to: (1)Equal Benefits Program Rules [SMCCh.20.45:http://cityofseattle.net/contract/equalbenefits/) (2)Women and Minority Owned Affirmative Effort:Ifa Recipient intends to subcontract out any part ofa contract instead ofperforming the work itself,then the following requirement applies:Consultant shall use affirmative efforts to promote and encourage participation by women and minority businesses on subcontracting opportunities within the contract scope of work.Consultant agrees to make such efforts as a condition ofthis Agreement. a.Outreach efforts may include the use of solicitation lists,advertisements in publications directed to minority communities,breaking down total requirements into smaller tasks or quantities where economically feasible, making other useful schedule or requirements modifications that are likely to assist small or WMBEbusinesses to compete,targeted recruitment efforts,and using the services of available minority community and public organizations to perform outreach. b.Record—Keeping:The Consultant shall maintain,for at least 24-months after the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement,relevant records and information necessary to document all Consultant solicitations to subconsultants and suppliers,all subconsultant and supplier proposals received,and all subconsultants and suppliers actually utilized under this Agreement.The City shall have the right to inspect and copy such records. (3)Licenses and Similar Authorizations:The Consultant,at no expense to the City,shall secure and maintain in full force and effect during the term ofthis Agreement all FY 14 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 5 of8 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 13 of 40 required licenses,permits,and similar legal authorizations,and comply with all requirements thereof. (4)Use of Recycled Content Paper:Whenever practicable,Consultant shall use reusable products including recycled content paper on all documents submitted to the City. Consultant is to duplex all documents that are prepared for the City under this Contract,whether such materials are printed or copied,except when impracticable to do so due to the nature of the product being produced.Consultants are to use 100%post—consumer recycled content,chlorine—freepaper in any documents that are produced for the City,whenever practicable,and to use other paper-saving and recycling measures in performance ofthe contract with and for the City. (5)Americans with Disabilities Act:The Consultant shall comply with all applicable provisions ofthe Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended [ADA]in performing its obligations under this Agreement.Failure to comply with the provisions of the ADA shall be a material breach of,and grounds for the immediate termination of,this Agreement. (6)Fair Contracting Practices Ordinance:The Consultant shall comply with the Fair Contracting Practices Ordinance ofThe City of Seattle (Chapter 14.10 SMC),as amended. (7)Suspension and Debarment:The Recipient certifies that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred,suspended,proposed for debarment,declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from participating in transactions by any Federal department or agency.By signing and submitting this Agreement,the Recipient is providing the signed certification set out below.The certification this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. Ifit is later determined that the Recipient rendered an erroneous certification,the Federal Government and City may pursue available remedies,including termination and/ordebarment.The Recipient shall provide immediate written notice to the City if at any time the Recipient learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. The Recipient agrees by signing this Agreement that it shall not enter into any covered transaction with a person or subcontractor who is debarred,suspended, proposed for debarment,declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction,unless authorized in writing by the City. The Recipient shall include the requirement in this section in any subcontracts. (8)in the event of the Recipient's or subcontractor's noncompliance or refusal to comply with any applicable law,regulation or policy,the City may rescind,cancel,or terminate the Agreement in whole or in part.The Recipient is responsible for any FY 14JAG lntcragcncy Agreement,Page 6 of8 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 14 of 40 and all costs or liability arising from the Recipient's failure to comply with applicable law,regulation,or policy. ARTICLEIV:SCOPE OF WORK The Scope ofWork of this Agreement and the time schedule for completion of such work is as described in Attachment B:Edward Byrne Memorial JusticeAssistance (IAG)Grant Formula Program KingCounty joint Application,Project Narrative and Attachment C:IAGBudget Worksheet,as approved by B]A.Attachment B and Attachment C are attached to and made part of this agreement. The work shall,at all times,be subject to the City’s general review and approval.The Recipient shall confer with the City periodically during the progress ofthe Work,and shall prepare and present such information and materials [e.g.a detailed outline of completed work)as may be pertinent,necessary,or requested by the City or BIAto determine the adequacy of the Work or Recipient's progress. ARTICLEV:PAYMENT (A)Compensation The Recipient shall be reimbursed on an actual cost basis.Total compensation under this Agreement is $30,482. The Recipientshall incur authorized allowable expenses in accordance with the Program Narrative and Project Budget,as detailed in Attachments B and C. The Recipient may request additional reimbursement up to the amount ofinterest accrued on their portion ofthe grant award.The City will provide quarterly statements to the Recipient, once the interest balance accrued equals at least $1,000.Reimbursements will not be made for interest accrued that is less than $1,000.Reimbursements can be requested,up to the total amount ofinterest accrued,after the initial quarterly statement has been sent,to perform tasks in accordance with the Program Narrative and Project Budget,as detailed in Exhibits B and C. The Recipient shall submit invoices not more than monthly,and at least quarterly.After the first quarter,monthly submission is preferred.Invoices are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was performed. No travel or subsistence costs,including lodging and meals,reimbursed with federal funds may exceed federal maximum rates,which can be found at:http://www.gsa.go_v. (B)Manner of Payment The Recipient shall submit reimbursement requests not more than monthly,and at least quarterly.After the first quarter,monthly submission is preferred. Requests are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was performed.Reimbursement request forms are provided.Substitute forms are acceptable. FY 14 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 7 of8 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 15 of 40 With each reimbursement request,the Recipient shall submit: I Detailed spreadsheet of expenditures by task and related financial documents [timesheets, invoices) I Project status report 'These documents and invoices must be kept on ?le by the Recipient and be made available upon request by the City or to state or federal auditors Reimbursement will not be processed without accompanying documentation for the corresponding time period. Once the above conditions are met,payment shall be made by the City to the Recipient. Submit invoicing and documentation to: Diane Pilon,IAGProgram Manager Seattle Police Department 610 5th Avenue PO Box 34986 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 206-386-9885 ARTICLEVI:AMENDMENTS No modification or amendment ofthe provisions hereof shall be effective unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties hereto.The parties hereto expressly reserve the right to modify this Agreement,by mutual agreement. FY 14 JAG Inleragency Agreement,Page 8 of 8 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 16 of 40 Attachment A Departmenloflustice Of?c=of JusticePrugtams._PAGE 1 our 1 Bureau ofJust|ce Assistance Gram I.RECIPIENTNAMEANDADDRESS (Iru:IuLIIvIgZIpCode)4.AWARDNUMBER:20I4-DI»BX-I034 CityuI'ScaIIIL- R0.5|»:9474‘?5004thAvcnuc.Flaw7 5.rnomcwmuoo:mom 1o/m/1013 To 07/30/2017 Sunllla,WA9EI2447I1‘) BUDGET PERIOD;FROM mmmo:J 10 o9I3o12m7 5.AWARD DATE!ax/ns/'2aI4 7.Ac-[ION IA.GRANTEEIRSIVENDORNO.a.SUPPLEMENTNUMBER lnihnl QIGIIOIJDJ 00 9,PREVIOUSAWARD AMOUNT 5O 3-I"‘°"5‘3TTITLE nu.AMOUNT OFTHISAWARD ssum FY mm KingCmlnly Ininl JAG Pmgmm 11.TOTAL AWARD Ssnsmzn I2.SPECIALCONDITIONS THEABOVEGRANTPROJECTIS APPROVEDSUBIECTTOSUCHCONDITIONSOR LIMITATIONS ASARE SET PDRTHON THE ATTACHED PAGE(S). I].STATUTORY AUTHORITYFOILGRANT Thiswujnclissuppumd ImdcrFY14(BII\-JAG)42 USC3750,anseq. IS.METHOD OFPAYMENT GPRS AGENCYAPPROVAL ANCII I6.TVPEDNAME AND TITLEOFAPPROVINGOFFICIAL III.'I‘II‘ED NAMEANDTITLEOf AUTHOIULEIJGKANTEEOFFICIAL Denyse 0'DOMIulI Ed Murray Dimzlur May" I7.SIGNATUREOFAPPIIUVINGOFFICIAL I9.SIGNATUREOFAUTHORIZEDRECIPIENTOFFICIAL |9II.DATE 2”‘/M AGENCY USE ow-Y 20.ACCOUNTINGCLASSIFICATIONCODES ZI.NDIUGTM65 FISCALVFIJNDCBUD,A OPEL DIVJIE SUB,POMS AMOUNT EAII ODE CT.G. X B D!80 D0 00 635823 OIP FORM4000/Z(REV.5-97]PREVIOUSEDITIONSARE OBSOLETE. DIP FORM4000/2 (REV.0-88) 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 17 of 40 Attachment A~ Department of Justice Officeof Justice Programs AWARD Bureau of Jug?cg Assistance CONTINUATIONSHEET''PAGE 1 or 7 Grant 2;”/Ms PROIECTNUMBER zo|a.m.ax.1o34 AWARDone naros/zou SPECIAL CONDITIONS l.The recipientagrees to comply withthe?nancialand administrativerequirements set forth in the current edition of the Of?coof Justice Programs (01?)FinancialGuide. 2.The recipientacknowledges that failure to submitan acceptableEqual Employment OpportunityPlan (if recipient is requiredto submitone pursuant to 23 C.F.R.Section42.302),that isapprovedby the Of?ce for Civil Rights,is a violationof itsCerti?ed Assurance:andmay resultinsuspension or ten-ninationof funding,until such time as the recipientis in compliance, 3.The recipientagrees to comply withthe organizational audit requirementsot'OMB Circular A-133,Auditsof States, LocalGovernments,andNon-ProfitOrganizations,andfurther understandsand agrees thatfunds may be withheld.or other related requirements may be imposed,if outstanding audit issues(if any)from OMB CircularA-133 audits (and any other auditsof OJ?grant funds)are not satisfactorily and promptly addressed,as further described in the current editionuftheOil’FinancialGuide, 4.Recipientunderstandsand agrees that itcannot use any federal funds,either directlyor indirectly,insupport ofthe enactment,repeal,modi?cationor adoptionof any law,regulationor policy,-at any levelof government,withoutthe expressprior writtenapproval ofOJP. 5.The recipientmust promptly refer to the D0]OIG any credible evidence that aprincipal,employee,agent,contractor, subgrantee,subcontractor,or other person has either l)submitteda false claimfor grant fundsunder the False Claims Act;or2)committeda criminalor civilviolationuflaws pertainingto fraud,con?icl ofinterest,bribery,gratuity.or similarmisconductinvolving grant funds.This conditionalsoappliesto any subrecipients.Potentialfraud,waste, abuse,or misconductshould be reportedto the OK}by - mail: ‘Of?ce ofthe Inspector General US.Departmentuflustice InvestigationsDivision 950 PennsylvaniaAvenue.N.W. Room4706 Washington,DC 20530 e-mail:oig.hotline@usdoj,gov hotline:(contactinformationin EnglishandSpanish):(800)869-4499 or hotlinefax:(202)616-9381 Additionalinformation is availablefromthe D01 0lG websiteat www.usdoj.govloig. 6.Recipientunderstandsand agrees that it cannot useany federalfunds,either directlyor indirectly,insupport of any contract or subawardto eitherthe Associationof CommunityOrganizationsforReform Now (ACORN)or its subsidiaries,without the express prior writtenapprovalofoll’. 7.Therecipientagrees to comply withany additionalrequirements thatmay be imposedduringthe grant performance periodiftheagency determinesthat therecipientisa high-riskgrantee.Ct.28C.F.R.parts 66,70. Cl?FORM dllllllfl(REV.4-88) 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 18 of 40 Attachment A Department oflustice Qf?ccof Justice Programs AWARD Bureau of Justice Assistance CONTINUATIONSHEET PAGE 1 or 1 Grant ;7/% PROJECTNUMBER 2014-D]-BX-I 014 AWARD DATE 03/06/2014 SPECIALCONDITIONS . 8.Therecipientagrees to complywith applicablerequirementsregarding registration with theSystem for Award .10. 11. 15. Management (SAM)(or witha successor govcmmcnt-widesystem officially designated by OMB and OIP).The recipientalsoagrees to comply with applicablerestrictionson subziwardsto first»tier subrecipients that do not acquire andprovide a DataUniversal Numbering System (DUNS)number.The details of recipientobligations arr:postedon theOttice of Justice Programs website at http://www.ojp.govlfunding/sam.htrn(Award condition:Registrationwiththe System for Award Managementand UniversalIdenti?erRequirements),and areincorporatedbyreference here.This specialconditiondoes not applyto an awardto an individualwhoreceivedtheaward as a natural person (i.e.,unrelated to any businessor non—proi1torganizationthat he orshe may own or operate in his or hername). Pursuant to ExecutiveOrder l35l3,"Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging WhileDriving,"74 Fed.Reg. 51225 (October 1,2009),the Department encourages recipients andsub recipientsto adopt and enforcepolicies banning employees from text messagingwhile driving any vehicleduring the course ofperforrningwork funded by this grant,andto establishworkplacesafety policiesandconduct education,awareness,and other outreachto decrease crashes causedby distracteddrivers. Therecipientagrees to complywith all applicablelaws,regulations,policies,andguidance(includingspeci?c cost limits,prior approval and reportingrequirements,whereapplicable)governingthe use of federal fundsfor expenses relatedto conferences,meetings,trainings,and other events,includingtheprovisionoffood and/or beverages at such cvcnts,and costs of attendance at such events.Inforrnationon peninentlaws,regulations,policies,and guidance is availablein theOJ?FinancialGuide ConferenceCoatChapter. Therecipient understandsandagrees that any training or training materialsdeveloped or delivered withfunding providedunder this awardmust adhereto the011’Training GuidingPrinciplesfor GranteesandSubgrantees,available at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/funding/ojptrainingguiding-principlcsht-rn. Therecipient agrees thatif itcurrently hasan open awardof federal fundsor if it receives an award of federal funds other than this011’award,and those award fundshave been,are being,or are to be used,in whole or inport,for one or moreof the identical cost items for whichfundsare being provided underthis OJP award,the recipient will promptly notify,inwriting,the grant manager for this 0}?award,and,ifso requestedby 0J_P,seeka budget-modi?cation or change-of-project-scopcgrant adjustmentnotice(_GAN)to eliminateany inappropriateduplicationof ?tnding. The recipient understandsandagrees that awardfunds may not heusedto discriminateagainst or denigratethe religious or moral beliefsof studentswho participatein programs for which_?nancialassistanceis provided from those funds,orof the parents or legal guardians ofsuchstudents.‘ The recipient understandsand agrees that-(a)No award fundsmay be used to maintainorestablisha computer networkunlesssuch networkblocksthe viewing,downloading,andexchanging of pornography,and(b)Nothing in subsection(a)limitsthe use of funds necessary forany Federal,State,tribal,or local lawenforcement agency or any other entitycarrying out criminalinvestigations,prosecution,or adjudicationactivities. Therecipient agrees to comply withOJP grant monitoring guidelines,protocols,and procedures,andto cooperate with BIAand OCFOon allgrant monitoringrequests,including requests relatedto desk reviews,enhancedprogrammatic desk reviews,and/orsite visits.The recipient agrees to provide to BJA and OCFO all documentationnecessary to complete monitoring tasks,includingdocumentationrelatedto any subawardsmadeunderthisaward.Further,the recipientagrees to abideby reasonabledeadlinesset by BJA and 0CFO_forprovidingtherequesteddocuments. Failureto cooperate with BJA‘s/OC]-'O's grant monitoring activitiesmay resultinsanctionsaffecting therecipient's DOJ awards,including.but not limitedto:withholdingsand/or other restrictionson the ret‘.ipicnt‘saccess to grant funds;referral to the Ottioe ofthc inspector General foraudit review;designation ofthe recipient as a D01 High Risk grantee;or ten-ninationof an award(s). 03!‘FORM4009/2(REV,4438) 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 19 of 40 Attachment A Departmentof Justice Of?cc of Justice Programs AWARD .Bureau of Jus?ge Assis?njge CONTINUATIONSHEET PAGE 4 or 7 Grant éf/ PROJECTNUMBER ZDH-DJ—BX-IUJ4 AWARD DATE 08/06/2014 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 16.The recipientagreesto comply withapplicable requirements to report first-tiersubawardsof $25,000 or more and,in l7. l8, l9. 20. 21. 22. cenain circumstances,to repon the names and total compensation ofthe five most highly compensated executives of the recipient and ?rst—tiersubrecipicntsof award funds.Such data willbesubmittedto the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS).The details of recipientobligations,which derivefrom the Federal Funding Accountability and TransparencyAct of 2006 (FFATA),are postedon the Office of_JuaticeProgramsweb site at http://wvvw.ojp.gov/funding/ffatahlrn(Award condition:ReportingSubawardsand ExecutiveCompensation),and are incorporatedbyreference here.Thiscondition,anditsreportingrequirement,doesnot apply to grant awards madeto an individualwho received the award as a natural person (i.e.,unrelatedto any businessor non-profitorganization that he or she may own or operate in his or her name). The recipient agreesthat alliincome generated as a direct result of thisaward shallbe deemed program income.All program incomeearnedmust be accounted for andusedforthe purposes of funds providedunder this award,including such use being cunsistenl withtheconditionsof tlieaward.theeffective edition oflhe OJP Financial Guideand,as applicable,either(i)28 C.F.R.Part66 or (2)28 C.F.R Part 70 and 2 C.l-‘.R.Part 2l5 (OMB Circular A-l 10).Further, the use of’program incomemust be reported on thequanerlyFederal Financial Report,SF 425. To avoidduplicatingexisting networksor IT systems in anyini ativesfunded byBIAfor lawenforcementinfon-nation sharing systems whichinvolve interstateconnectivity betweenjurisdictions,suchsystems shall employ,to the extent possible,existingnetworksas the communicationbackbone to achieveinterstate connectivity,unless the grantee can demonstratetothe satisfaction of BIAthatthisrequirement wouldnot be cost effectiveor would impair the functionality ofan existing or proposed IT system.' in order to promote informationsharing and enable interoperabilityamong disparatesystems across thejustice and public safety community,OJP requiresthe grantee to comply with DO.l's GlobalJustice lnfcrrnationSharing Initiative (DOJ's Global)guidelinesandrecommendationsfor thisparticulargrant.Grantee shallconform to the Global Standards Package(GSP)and all constituentclements.whereapplicable,as describedat: http://www.it.ojp.gov/gsp_grantcondition.Granteeshall documentplanned approachesto information sharing and describecomplianceto theGSP andappropriate privacy policythat protects shared infonnation,or providedetailed justification forwhy an alternative approachis recommended. The recipientisrequired to establisha trust fiinrlaccount.(The tnrst fund may ormay not be an interest-bearing account.)Thefund,includingany interest,may not beusedto pay debtsor expenses incurredby otheractivitiesbeyond the scope of theEdward Byrne MemorialJustice Assistance Grant Program (JAG).The recipientalso agree:to obligate the grant fundsinthetrust fund (including any interest earned)during the periodof the grant and expendwithin90 days thereafter.Any unobligatedor unexpendedfunds,includinginterestearned,must be returnedto theOffice of JusticeProgramsat the timeofcloseout. IAG funds maybe used to purchase vests for an agency,but they may not beused as the 50%match for purposesofthe Bulletproof Vest Partnership(BVP)program. The recipientagrees to submit a signed certification that thatall law enforcement agenciesreceiving vests purchased with JAG fundshavea written“mandatory wear"policy ineffect.Fiscalagents andstate agencies must keep signed certificationsonfilefor any subrccipicntsplanningto utilizeJAG fundsfor ballistic-resistantand stab~rcsislantbody armor purchases.Thispolicy must be inplace forat leastallunifon-nedofficersbeforeany JAG funding canbeusedby theagency forbodyt.-ll"l'lIDl'.Thereare no requirementsregardingthe nature cfthc policy otherthan itbeing a mandatory wear policy for all uniformed officers whileon duty. DIP FORM 4000/2 (REV.kill!) 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 20 of 40 AttachmentA Department of Justice Ofticeoflustice Programs AWARD Bureau of Justice Assistance CONTINUATIONSHEET PAGE 5 OF 7 Grant L morecr NUMBER 20l4<DI—B7(»|D34 AWARDone 05/05/1014 >- SPECIAL CONDITIONS 23.Ballistic-rcsistonland stab-resistantbody armorpurchasedwithJAG fundsmay be purchased at any threat level,make or model,from any distributoror manufacturer,as long as the vests have been tested and foundto comply with applicableNationalinstitute oflustice ballisticorstab standardsand are listed on the NIJ CompliantBody Armor ModelList (http://nij.gov).In addition,ballistic-resistantand stab-r ‘stuntbody armor purchased mustbe American- made.The latest NI]standardinfonnation can be found here:hrtp:/Iwww.nij.gov/topics/technology/body-armor/safety- initiativehtm. 24.The grantee agrees to assistBIA in complying withtheNationalEnvironmentalPolicy Act (NEPA),the National Histurit:PreservationAct,and other relatedfederal environmentalimpactanalysesrequirementsin the use ofthese grant funds,eitherdirectlyby the grantee or by a subgrantee.Accordingly,the grantee agrees to firstdetermine ifany ofthe followingactivitieswillbefunded by the grant,prior to obligatingfundsfor any of thesepurposes.Ifit is determinedthat any of the following activitieswillbe fundedby the grant,the grantct:agrees to contact BIA. The grantee understandsthatthis special conditionapplies to its following new activitieswhetheror not they are being speci?callyfunded withthesegrant funds.That is,as long as the activity is being conductedby the grantee,a sttbgrantcc.or any thirdparty and the activity needs to be undertakenin order to use these grant funds,this special conditionmust first be met.The activitiescovered by thisspecialconditionare: a.New construction; b.Minorrenovationor remodelingofa property locatedin an environmentallyor historicallysensitivearea,including propertieslocatedwithina I00-year ?ood plaih,a wetland,or habitatfor endangered species,or aproperty listedon or eligibleforlisting on theNationalRegister of HistoricPlaces; c.A renovation,lease,or any proposeduse ofn building or facilitythatwilleither(a)resultina change inits basic prioruse or (b)signi?cantly change its size; d,Implementationofa new program involving theuse ofchcmicals other than chemicalsthat are (a)purchasedas an incidentalcomponent ofa fundedactivity and (b)traditionallyused,forexample,in office,household,recreational,or education environments;and V e.Implementationof a program relating to clandestinemethamphetaminelaboratory operations,including the identi?cation,seizure,or closure of’clandestinemethamphetaminelaboratories. Thegrantee understandsand agrees that complyingwithNEPA may requirethe preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmentalimpact Statement,as directedby BIA.The grantee further understandsand agreesto the requirements forimplementationof a MitigationPlan,asdetailedat htt-pzl/www.cjp.usdojgov/BYA/resourcelnepahtml,for programs relatingto methamphetamine laboratory operations. ApplicationofThisSpecialConditionto Grantee's Existing Programs orActivities;For any of the grantees or its snbgrantees‘cxisting programs or activitiesthat will be funded by thesegrant funds,the grantee,upon specific request 'from BIA,agrees to cooperate with But in any preparation by BIA cfa national or program environmental assessment of that fundedprogramor activity. 25.Therecipientagrees thatanyinformationtechnologysystem fundedor supportedby OJP funds willcomplywith28 C.F.R.Part 23,CriminalIntelligence Systems Operating Policies,ifOJP determinesthis regulation to be applicable. Should OJP Lletemiine28 CJRIL.Part23 to be applicable,OJPmay,at its discretion,perfonn audio ofthe system,as per the regulation,Should any violationofl?C...Part 23 occur,therecipient may be ?ned as per 42 U.S.C. 3789g(c)-(d).Recipient may not satisfy such a ?ne with federalfunds. 26.The recipientagrees to ensure that the State InformationTechnology Point of Contact receiveswritten noti?cation regardingany informationtechnology project funded by this grant duringthe obligation and expenditureperiod.Thisis to facilitatecommunicationamong localandstate governmentalentitiesregardingvariousinformationtechnology projectsbeing conductedwiththese grant funds.Inaddition,the recipientagrees to maintainan administrative?le documentingthemeeting ofthis requirement.Fora listofState informationTechnologyPointsofcnntact,go to imp://WWW.it.ojp.goV/dcfaulI.aspx78r:a=policyAndi’ruCtice&pttge=1046, OH’FORM 4000/Z (REV44-llli) 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 21 of 40 AttachmentA Department of Justice Office ofJusticePrograms AWARD Bureau of Justice Assistance CONTIN UATIONSHEET PAGE 6 OF 7 Grant ,/ «:7. PROJECTNUMBER20lmot-ax-10:4.AWARDone as/no/2014 SPECIALCONDITIONS 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. The grantee agrees to comply with the applicable requirementsoflli C.F,R.Part 38,the Department of Justice regulationgoverning"EqualTreatment for FaithBased Organizations"(the "Equal Treatment Regulation").The Equal Treatment Regulationprovides inpart that Department oflustice grant awards of direct funding may not be used to fund any inherently religiousactivities,such as worship,religiousinstruction,or proselytization.Recipientsof direct grants may stillengage in inherently religiousactivities,butsuch activitiesmust be separate in time or placefromthe DepartmentofJusticefundedprogram,andparticipationinsuchactivitiesby individualsreceiving servicesfromthe grantee or a sub-grantee mustbe voluntary.The EqualTreatment Regulationalso makes clear that organizations participating inprograms directly fundcdby the DepartmentofJustice are not pent-tittedto discriminate inthe provision ofservices on the basisofa bene?ciary's religion.Notwithstanding any otherspecial conditionofthis award,faith» based organizationsmay,in somecircumstances,considerreligion as a basisfor employment.Sec http://www.ojp.gov/about/oer/equal_tbo.htm. The recipientacknowledgesthat all programs fundedthroughsubawnrds,whetherat the store or locallevels,must conform to the grant program requirements as statedin BIA program guidance. Grantee agrees to comply withthe requirements of28 C.F.R.Par146 andall Office oflusticeProgramspoliciesand procedures regardingthe protection of humanresearchsubjects,including obtainment of institutional ReviewBoard approval,if appropriate,and subject informed consent. Granteeagreesto complywithall con?dentiality requirementsof42 U.S.C.section3789g and 28 C.F.R.Part 22that are applicableto collection,use,and revelationof data or information.Grantee further agrees,as a conditionofgrant approval,tosubmita Privacy Certi?cate that is in accordwithrequirementsof28 CFR.Part 22 and,inparticular, section22.23. The recipientagrees to monitorsubawardsunderthis JAG awardinaccordancewith all applicable statutes,regulations, OMB circulars,and guidelines,including the 0]?FinancialGuide,and to include theapplicable conditionsof this awardinmy subuward.The recipientisresponsiblefor oversight ofsubrecipient spendingand monitoring of speci?c outcomes andbene?tsattributableto use of JAG funds bysubrecipients,The recipient agrees to submit,upon request, documentationof its policiesand procedures for monitoring ofsubawardsunder thisaward. The recipientagrees that fundsreceivedunder thisawardwillnot be used to supplant State or localfunds,butwill be used to increase the amounts of suchfunds thatwould,inthe absence ofFederal funds,be made availablefor law enforcementactivities. Award recipientsmust submitquarterlya FederalFinancialReport (SF-425)and annual performancereports through GMS (https://grants.ojp.tISduj.gov).Consistent withthe Department'sresponsibilities underthe Government PerformanceandResultsAct (GPRA),P.L.103-62,applicantswhoreceivefunding under this solicitationmust provide datathat measure theresultsoftheirwork.Therefore.quarterlyperformance metricsreportsmust besubmitted through B.lA's PerformanceMeasurement Tool (PMT)website(www.bjaperfoi-rnaneetoolsorg).Formore detailed informationon reportingandother IAG requirements.referto theJAG reporting requirements webpage.Failureto subrnitrequiredJAG reports by establisheddeadlinesmay resultinthefreezing of grant funds and future HighRisk designation. Awardrecipientsmustverify Pointof Contact(POC),FinancialPointof Contact (FPOC),and Authorized Representativecontact informationin GMS,including telephonenumber ande-mail address.if any infomiation is incorrector haschanged,a Grant Adjustment Notice(GAN)must be submittedvia the GrantsManagement System (GMS)to document changes. OH’FORM$000/2 (REV.4-88) 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 22 of 40 AttachmentA Departmentorlustice Office of Justice Programs AWARD Bureau of Justice Assistance CONTINUATIONSHEET PAGE ‘I 0?7 Grant ' I ,_I .5//‘R PROIECTNUMBER 20l-3-Dl-BX-I634 AWARDDATE oa/oalzol-1 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 35.The grantee agrees that within120days nfawardacceptance,eachcurrent member ofa law enforcement task force 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4l. fundedwiththose funds who is a task force commander,agency executive,task force officer,or other task force memberof equivalent rank,willcomplete requiredonline(inremet~based)task force training.Additionally,all future taskforcemembersare required to completethistraining onceduring thelife ofthis award,or onceevery four years if multipleawards include this requirement.The training is provided free of charge onlincthrough B.lA's Center for Task Force integrity nnd Leadership (www.cttli.org).Thistrainingaddressestask force effectiveness as well as other key issues including privacy and civil liberties/rights,task force performance measurement,personnelselection,and task force oversight and accountability.WhenBIA ?mding supports a task force,a task force personnel roster shouldbe compiledandmaintained,along withcourse completioncerti?cates,by the grant recipient.Additionalinformationis availableregarding thisrequiredtrainingandaccess methodsvia BlA'a web site andthe Center for TaskForce integrityand Leadership (www.ctfli.org). No JAG funds may be expendedon the purchase ofunmannedaircm?,unmanned aircraitsystems or unmannedaerial vehicles(UA/UAS/UAV),unlessthe BIA Director certi?es thatextraordinaryandexigentcircumstancesexist,making themessentialto the maintenance ofpublic safety andigoodorder.Any state or localjurisdictionreceiving BIA approval to utilizeJAG funds forthis type of purchasemust certify to DOJ that itreceivedFederalAviation Administration(FAA)approvalto operate a UA/UAS/UAVandthat it is legal to operate aUA/UAS/UAV inthe proposedjurisdiction or geographic area.The recipientmust submita statement on the goals and objectives for the use of atUA/UAS/UAV,the anticipatedspeci?c uses,andpolicyregarding privacy considerations,BIA may require additionalreporting requirements that willbestipulatedpost award. BIAstronglyencourages therecipientto submitannual(ormorefrequent)JAG success stories.Tosubmita success story,signinto your My BIA accountat httpszllwww.l:ja.gov/Logimaspxto access the Success Story Submission form. if you donot yet have aMy BIA account.please register at https://www.bja,gov/prolile.aspx.Once you register,one of the available areas on your My BIA page will be "My Success Stories".Withinthis box,you will see an option to add a Success Story.Once reviewedand approvedbyBIA,all success stories willappear on the new BJA Success Story web page at https://www,bja.gov/Suct:cssSt0ryList.aspx. Recipientmay not expend or drawdownfundsuntil the BureauofJustice Assistance,Office of Justice Programs has receivedandapprovedthesignedMemorandumof Understanding(MOU)betweenthe disparatejurisdictions and has issued a Grant Adjustment Notice(GAN)releasingthis special condition. Recipientmay not expend or drawdownfunds untilthe Bureau oflustice Assistance (BIA)has receiveddocumentation demonstratingthat the state or localgoverning body reviewand public comment requirementshavebeen met and a Grant AdjustmentNotice (GAN)hasbeen approvedreleasing thisspecial condition. Recipientmay not expend,ordmwdown funds untilthe Bureau of JusticeAssistance,OfficeofJusticePrograms has reviewedand approvedthe Budget Narrativeportionofthe applicationand has issueda Grant AdjustmcntNolit:e (GAN)informing the recipientof theapproval. Withrespect to thisaward,federalfunds maynot beusedto pay cashcompensation(salary plus bonuses)to any employeeof theaward recipient at a rate thatexceedsll0%ofthe maximumannualsalarypayableto amemberof the federalgovernment's SeniorExecutiveService(SES)at an agencywith a CertifiedSES Performance AppraisalSystem forthatyear.(An awardrecipientmay compensatean employee at a higher rate,provided the amount inexcess ofthis compensation limitationis paid withnomfederal funds.) Thislimitationon compensation rates allowableunderthis awardmay be waivedon an individualbasisat the discretionofthe OJP officialindicatedintheprogramannouncementunder whichthisawardis made. Oil‘FORM 4000/1 (REV.4-S3) 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 23 of 40 AttachmentB City of Renton . Project Name:Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program &Sex Trafficking Investigation/Prevention Project Project Cost:$30,482 Project Description: Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program This is the eleventh year for the Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program within the Renton Police Department.This program is vital for the victims of Domestic Violence.We assist with and discuss our victim's safety,court processes,education, awareness,and resources available through the police department as well as other legal and community based organizations. Direct Victim Services:These services are vitally important for the victim(s)and children when they are leaving an abusive situation.Many of these services are necessary until temporary or long—termshelter is found.We provide emergency shelter [up to 7 days),gifts cards for the purchase of food,clothing,gas,travel expenses (plane,bus,taxi,&train),moving truck rental and the purchase of cell phones with additional minutes for victims.The gift cards are in the form of VISA, Safeway,Wal-Mart,McDonaldsand/orairline gift cards for victims who need to travel longer distances to get away from an abusive situation or return to King County for court proceedings.The grant will assist with the purchase ofitems or costs associated with,identifying,locating,interviewing,processing evidence/crime scenes,arresting and the prosecution of defendants to help ensure the safety of the victims.This grant will also assist our victims by providing funds for our DVVictim Advocate so she can be on call after hours to assist victims or the victim's family members on signi?cant calls for service such as DVhomicides. Supplies:Supplies are used to facilitate the needs ofthe Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program,including the victim advocate,detective,evidence technicians and sergeant.Supplies include but not limited to,the purchase ofeducational material for the victims and their family,such as brochures,videos,books, promotional items,handouts,and other items identified by the domestic violence victim advocate for the prevention and education ofthis topic.They also include necessary equipment for the DVVictim Advocateand other members of the division such as laptop computers,scanners,cameras or any other item(s)needed to investigate a domestic violence related offense. Training:Training is required for the continued knowledge and education on the topic of domestic violence.Laws and court rulings change regularly and training is very important.The training budget is to be used by the domestic violence victim advocate,detectives,supervisors,patrol officers,and prosecutors,as well as by both local Renton Prosecutors and our DVProsecutor from the King County Prosecutors Office.Yearly we send two to three people to the National Domestic Violence 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 24 of 40 Attachment B Conference.We use a team approach to strengthen our program and build on ideas from other agencies programs.We also co—sponsor training with our local VAWA (Violence Against Woman's Act)for law enforcement officer,prosecutors,and advocates. Sex Trafficking Investigation/Prevention The Renton Police Department has made a commitment to assist victims and prevent sex trafficking.Recently a program was starting,again involving the team approach.It consists ofmembers of our Special Operations Unit,Domestic Violence Victim Advocate and LocalProsecutors.Our goal is to reach out and help runaway girls before they can be victimized and to assist current victims by getting them away from the abuser and away from the trafficking life style. Program Need Domestic Violence Direct Victim Services,Supplies and Training:This program is essential in assisting victims of Domestic Violence to extract themselves from potentially dangerous home situations,be available to assist in prosecution of the offenders and to educate the victims on how to protect themselves and move forward with their lives after removing themselves from their abusers.The program provides short term shelter for the victim and their children,cell phones to provide safety and the ability to contact law enforcement and prosecutors to assist in the prosecution ofoffenders.The program purchases educational materials, brochures and other DVrelated information packets.The gift cards provide a small amount of financial support for basic needs such as,food,gas and transportation to get victim through the first couple days.The program also provides funding for equipment for the DVVictim Advocate and detectives to purchase or update computers,software,scanners and cameras used to investigate the incidents of Domestic Violence.Finally the program provides training for the advocate, prosecutors and the detectives on changes in the law and court rulings related to Domestic Violence.Since we approach this issue with a team concept it is important to include all of the above mentioned agencies and programs in the training.We currently have a Superior Court Prosecutor assigned to work with us on these issues.Funds are used to send at least two people to the National DVConference to obtain the latest investigative techniques and programs and bring that information back to our investigators.Finally,we co—sponsor training with our local (VAWA) Violence Against Women's Act group for officers,prosecutors and advocates. Sex Trafficking:The City of Renton is experiencing an increase in contacts that could be related to sex trafficking.Our goal initially is to dedicate resources towards prevention and education in an attempt to help deter new victims and help current victims of sex trafficking.We also need to emphasis education for our patrol officers on the topic of sex trafficking.We need to be able to recognize our contact as a potential victim and someone in need of services. Program Activities for 4-Year Grant Period: 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 25 of 40 Attachment B The grant will allow us to continue to provide the needed services for victims of crime,including but not limited to Domestic Violence offenses.It would also continue to allow us to provideservices and education to those victims and their families.The supplies purchased would enable us to more effectively investigate these crimes,document and preserve information,evidence,statements of offenders and also aid in the prosecution ofthe offenders.We would be able to continue training investigators,officers,advocates and prosecutors in the most recent investigative techniques,programs and court rulings as they relate to Domestic Violence issues. The grant will allow us to begin educating our officer in the topic of sex trafficking, identifying victims and getting them help instead of putting them in jail.It will also assist with direct services to victims,such as bus tickets,gift cards for emergency cash and any other costs or items the victims might need. Anticipated Coordination Efforts Involving [AG and Related justice Funds: We will continue to coordinate with ]AG personnel to ensure our programs and expenditure fall within the expectations and guidelines of the grant and that we stay within the goals ofthe process and the programs that are intended to help improve our community. Project Objectives: Objective:Maintain and or increase our level of assistance to crime victims and continue to provide quality services and investigative abilities directed at assisting victims,prosecutors and domestic violence victim advocates. To increase our level of assistance and education to victims of sex trafficking.We would also like to increase the level of knowledge our officers have in this topic so they can recognize a victim of sex trafficking and get them the proper help. Outcome:By providing the assistance to crime victims to safely move them away from abusers and educating them on their rights and options we are able to move them away from the chance ofbeing victimized again and to teach them how to protect themselves from future incidents.In addition using the equipment and training provided to better equip us to investigate and prosecute the offenders, thereby restricting their access to the victims and protecting the community as a whole. Byproviding assistance to runaways prior to them becoming victimized,we hope to prevent some young girls from entering that life style.We also hope to help removed some current victims,moving them away from that life style and get them to a stable,safe environment. Likelihood of the above outcome:While we cannot guarantee successful prosecution of all offenders we believe the likelihood of protecting and educating the victims and successful prosecution ofa large portion ofthe offenders thereby 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 26 of 40 AttachmentB protecting the community as a whole will have a high level of success.In the past we have seen success and very positive effects ofthis program. Project Identi?ers Conferences and Training,Partnerships,Court Advocacy,Education,Intervention Programs 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 27 of 40 ATTACHMENT C FY 2014 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application —Budget Worksheet &Narrative_ CITY OF SEATTLE Name/Position Computation Cost #of CrimePrevention Coordinator Salary monthlysalary months #of positions (3 positions)$6,291 10.5 3 $198,167 TOTAL:$198,167 lB.FringeBene?ts CITY OF SEATTLE Name/Position Computation Cost monthly #of A Crime Prevention Coordinator Salary bene?ts months #of positions (3 positions)$1,762 10.5 3 $55,493 TOTAL:$55,493 Seattle SubTota|:$253,660 IG.Consultants/Contracts CITY OF AUBURN: OT Rate #of Hrs Teen Late Night Program Of?cer OT $87.00 40.33 $3,509 Citizen's Police Academy Program Officer OT $87.00 35.63 $3,100 Fireworks EmphasisProgram Of?cerOT $87.00 234.48 $20,400 Auburn SubTotal:$27,009 CITY OF BELLEVUE: Item Computation Cost IP Server andHard Drive Storage for Covert Camera System $12,000 Camcorderfor live streaming videos over a static IP address $3.560 Bellevue SubTotal:$15,560 CITY OF BURIEN: Purpose Location Computation Cost Overtimefor Foot/Bicycle Patrol Program 160 hours x $75/hour $12,000 3 officersX DefenseTactical Training Registration Seattle area $300/each $900 3 officers x Gang Training Registration Seattle area $250/each $750 1 officerx Forensic Computer Training Registration TBD $1,000/each $1,000 ForensicComputerTrainingAirfare TBD 1 RoundtripAirfare $500 Page 1 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 28 of 40 ATTACHMENT‘C FY 2014 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application—Budget Worksheet&Narrative ForensicComputer Hotel/Per Diem TBD 5 days x $200/day $1,000 IACP Conference Registration TBD 1ChiefX $350/each $350 IACP Conference Travel TBD 1Roundtrip Airfare $500 IACPConferenceHotel/Per Diem TBD 5 days x $200/day $1,000 Overtimefor Trainings 20 hours X $75 $1,500 AutomatedExternal De?brillators (AED)for police cars 2 units x $1,000 each $2,000 ForensicComputer Workstation Various components $2,110 Misc.Police Equipment 31,875 Burien SubTotal:$25,485 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Item Computation Cost OCULUS recorder 16G body wire &related equipment 1 $16,185 Adobe Pro Software 8 277.34 $2,219 Taser 7 1,000 $7,000 Evidence Bar-coding,scarming,related equipment $5,291 Federal Way SubTotal:$30,695 CITY OF KENT: Item Computation Cost Patrol Of?cer OT -Hot Spot Emphasis $69.27/hour x 107 (2014-2015)_ hours $7,412.00 $71.35/hour x 105 Patrol Of?cer OT (Hot Spot Emphasis-2016)hours $7,492.00 Social Security $14,903.64 x .0765 $1,140.00 Retirement $14,903.64x .06 $894.00 GPSunits for vulnerable populations $200/unit x 16 units $3,200 Spy Alanns $3000/unit x 5 units $15,000 Facial RecognitionWorkbench 1 so?ware x $13,000 each $13,000 Graf?ti Removal Kits $100 x 50 kits $5,000 CorrectionsPrograms Work Crew Equipment 2 weedeaters it $553.50 each $1,107 3 blowers x $1,070 each $3,210 Kent SubTotal:$57,455 KING COUNTY Item Computation Cost Warrant Prevention Program: MetroCenterYMCA Alive &Free Program -WPP servicesApr-Dec2015 $106,000 University of Washington,Public BehavioralHealth &Justice Policy Division—Evaluation $10,000 District Court Data Clean-Up Program: TLT -TBD (Salary)Range 55 Step 1 estimate 1,940.25 hrs $59,378 $30,603}hour TLT -TBD (Fringe Bene?ts)est FCA,FHI,Flex Bene?ts,retirement andInd Ins $26,331 $13.57 hour est hours 1940.25 Page 2 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 29 of 40 ATTACHMENT C FY 2014 JAG City of SeattleJoint Application —Budget Worksheet &Narrative King County - SubTota1:$201,709 CITY OF RENTON: Purpose Computation Cost Direct Victim Services Assistance for victimsprotection/relocation $10,000 (Items purchasedvary depending on needs of the DV Program victim/investigation)'$7,482 DomesticViolence Training Conference Location and it of employees TBD $3,000 (Price will vary depending on location) Additional Domestic Violence Training Location and#of employees TBD $3,000 Direct Victim Services varied,depending on victim needs $5,000 Office supply‘sfor Domestic Violence program (pamphlets,brochures,educational materials,other items needed) (Items and price will vary dependingon the needs of the program) $100 per month x 20 months 32,000 Renton SubTota1:$30,482 CITY OF SEATAC: Item Computation Cost Overtime (Active Shooter Training)$100 X 141 hours $14,100.00 MiscellaneousTraining Supplies $7 SeaTac SubTotal:$14,107 CITY OF SHORELINE: Item Computation Cost 12 x WindowTint Meters $84.26 $1,011 4 x SECTORPrinter $354.78 $1,419 4 x SECTOR Scanner '$250.76 .$1,003 8 x Digital Cameras $208.04 $1,664 9 x LockoutKits $54.70 $492 60 x Rescue first aid kits .$78.73 $4,725 Shoreline SubTota1:$10,314 CITY OF TUKWILA: Items Computation Cost PA System 1 system @ $1,364 each $1,364 Generator 1 generator @ $2,566 each $2,556 Bike Gear 6 sets @ $483 each $2,898 Go-Bags 28 bags @ $233.37 each $6,534 Less Lethal System 2 units @$1,500 each $3,000 Taser Training Cartridges 120 cartridges @ $25 each $3,000 Tukwila SubT0ta|:$19,352 Page 3 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 30 of 40 ATTACHMENT C « FY 2014 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application—Budget Worksheet &Narrativ Budget Narrative A.Personnel ($198,167) A request of $198,167 is included for City of Seattle for salary costs associated with preservation of 3 Crime Prevention Coordinator Positions in the Seattle Police Department. This amount will pay for 10.5 months in 2015. B.Fringe Bene?ts ($55,493) A request of $55,493 is included for City of Seattle for fringe bene?t costs associated with preservation of 3 Crime Prevention Coordinator Positionsin the Seattle Police Department. Fringe bene?ts are City of Seattle standard fringe bene?ts for civilian personnel,and include FICA,Health Care Medicare,Life Insurance,Retirement,Workers Comp,EAP,Disability Insurance,and Death Bene?ts,and are calculated at a rate of approximately26%of base salary. G.Consultants/Contracts ($432,168) As the ?scal agent,City of Seattle will enter into lnteragency Agreements with all of the sub- agencies listed below.Sub-Agencieswill be requiredto spendtheir funds,and then request reimbursementfrom City of Seattle.Therefore,we are listing all of the costs associatedwith their programs under Consultants/Contraets: ‘ City of Auburn ($27,009) A request of $27,009 willcoverAuburn Police Officer overtime costs associated with three programs requested by City of Auburn:Teen Late Night,Citizen’s Police Academy,and FireworksEmphasis Patrols.At an average overtimerate of $87,approximately 310 hours of overtime will be worked. City of Bellevue ($15,560) A request of $15,560 will be used to purchase Video Surveillance Tools that will enhance the Police Depaitment’s ability to record,store,and view evidentiary video in a manner that is not available today.It will also allow multiple law enforcement personnel access to view video streams via their own Smart devices. City of Burien ($25,485) A request of $12,000 will cover overtime costs related to a new Foot/Bicycle Patrol program in the downtown Burien area (at an average overtime rate of $75 per hour,approximately 160 hours of overtimewill be worked;a request of $7,500 will used for police of?cer training and training associated overtime;and $5,985 will be used to purchase 2 Automated External De?brillators (AED)for police cars,and equipment to improve police of?cer safety and increase public safety. Page 4 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 31 of 40 ATTACHMENTC FY 2014 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application —Budget Worksheet&Narrative u—-.1-ju-— City of Federal Way ($30,695) A request of $30,695 is includedto support 4 projects:$16,185 is includedto purchase video andaudiorecordingfortheNarcoticsUnit;$2,219 is included to purchase Adobe Pro Software forlawenforcementpersonnelforpublicdisclosurerequests;$7,000 is includedto purchase oneTaser;and $5,291 is includedfor the purchase of bar code scanning,documentscanning,andinventoryforpoliceevidence. City of Kent ($57,455) A request of $57,455 is includedto support overtime and police programs for Kent Police Department:$16,938 is included to pay Police Officer overtime for hotspot policing (approximately212 hours of overtime will be worked during 2014,2015,and 2016);and $40,517 is includedto purchase GPS units for vulnerablepopulations,spy alarms,a facial recognition workbench,graf?ti removal kids,and work crew equipment. King County ($201,709) King County is requesting funding to support two King County Projects,including $116,000 to support a Warrant PreventionProgram,and $85,709 to support a DistrictCourt Data Clean-Up Program. City of Renton ($30,482) City of Renton is requesting $30,482:$8,000 is included for Domestic ViolenceTraining and Conferences;$17,482 is includedfor protection,relocation,and emergency needs of domestic violencevictims;and $2,000 is includedto purchase office items and supplies for the Domestic Violence Program in the Renton Police Department. City of SeaTac ($14,107) A request of 14,100 is included for 141hours of overtime for Active Shooter Training and $7 is includedfor miscellaneoustraining supplies. City of Shoreline ($10,314) A request of $10,314 is includedto purchase law enforcementequipmentfor Shoreline Police Officers:12windowtint meters,4 complete SECTOR units,8 digital cameras,9 lockout kits, and 60 rescue first aid kits. City of Tukwila ($19,352) A request of $19,352 is includedto purchase law enforcement equipment for Tukwila Police Officers:PA System,FirearmsTrailer Generator,Community Policing Team Bike Gear,Go- Bags,Less Lethal System,and Taser Training Cartridges. Page 5 7d. - Police Department recommends approval of the 2014 Edward Byrne Page 32 of 40 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Final Pay Estimate – CAG-14-005 (WTR-27-3610) Maplewood WTP Access Platforms & Fall Protection Improvements Meeting: REGULAR COUNCIL - 15 Jun 2015 Exhibits: A. Pay Estimate #4 (Final) B. Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Utility Systems Division Staff Contact: Tom Malphrus Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 8,133.66 (final pay est. only) Transfer Amendment: $N/A Amount Budgeted: $ 20,000 (final pay est. only)Revenue Generated: $N/A Total Project Budget: $ 200,000 (425.455563)City Share Total Project: $ 100% SUMMARY OF ACTION: The construction contract for the Maplewood WTP Access Platforms & Fall Protection Improvements Project was awarded to General Mechanical, Inc., on March 3, 2014. Construction started April 10, 2014, and was completed on May 22, 2015. The original contract amount was $158,556.00 and the final contract amount is $158,556.00. Two change orders were issued for time extension only. The project included the installation of fiberglass reinforced access platforms and the construction of a beam anchored, fall restraint trolley system at the City of Renton’s Maplewood Water Treatment Plant. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the project, approve the final pay estimate in the amount of $8,133.66 and release the retainage held by Bond No. 023024565, issued by Liberty Mutual Surety in the amount of 5% of the project total (pre-tax) after 60 days, subject to the receipt of all required authorizations. 7e. - Utility Systems Division submits CAG-14-005, Maplewood WTP Access Page 33 of 40 FINANCEDIRECTORFROM:PUBLICWORKSADMINISTRATORCONTRACTOR:GeneralMechanical,Inc.CONTRACTNO.CAG-14-005FO#18/0001897ESTIMATENO.4-FinalCLOSINGDATE:5/22/2015PROJECT:MaplewoodWTPAccessPlatforms&FallProtectionImprovements1.CONTRACTOREARNINGSTHISESTIMATE$7,428.002.SALESTAX@9.50%$705.663.TOTALCONTRACTAMOUNTTHISESTIMATE$8,133.664.EARNINGSPREVIOUSLYPAIDCONTRACTOR$137,372.005•*EARNINGSDUECONTRACTORTHISESTIMATE$7,428.006.SUBTOTAL-CONTRACTORPAYMENTS$144,800.007.RETAINAGEONPREVIOUSEARNINGSN/A8.**RETAINAGEONEARNINGSTHISESTIMATEN/A9.SUBTOTAL-RETAINAGE$0.0010.SALESTAXPREVIOUSLYPAID$13,050.3411.SALESTAXDUETHISESTIMATE$705.6612.SUBTOTAL-SALESTAX$13,756.00(95%xLINE1)“‘(RETAINAGE:5%)GRANDTOTAL:$158,556.00FINANCEDEPARTMENTACTION:PAYMENTTOCONTRACTOR(Lines5and11):$6,133.66ACCOUNT#425.455563.018.594.34.63.000Retainagecovetedbybond:BondNo.023024565Issuedby:LibertyMutualSuretyTOTALTHISESTIMATE:$8,133.66CHARTER116,LAWSOF1965CITYOFRENTONCERTIFICATIONI,THEUNDERSIGNEDDOHEREBYCERTIFYUNDERPENALTYOFPERJURY.THATTHEMATERIALSHAVEBEENFURNISHED.THESERVICESRENDEREDORTHELABORPERFORMEDASDESCRIBEDHEREIN,ANDTHATTHECLAIMISAJUST,DUEANDUNPAIDOBLIGATIONAGAINSTTHECITYOFRENTON,ANDTHATIAMAUTHORIZEDTOAUTHENTICATEANDCERTIFYTOSAIDCLAIMSigned:k1(LJ(VM(1Z(1?,1:PrintedOn:05/26/2015CityofRentonPublicWorksDepartmentPage17e. - Utility Systems Division submits CAG-14-005, Maplewood WTP Access Page 34 of 40 PrintedOn:05/26/2015CityofRentonPublicWorksDepartmentPage1Project:MaplewoodWTPAccessPlatforms&FallProtectionImprovementsContractNumber:CAG-14-005P.O.#18)0001897Contractor:GeneralMechanical,Inc.PayEstimate4-FinalClosingDate:05/2212015ItemDescriptionUnitEst.UnitPreviousPreviousThisThisTotalTotalNo.QuantityPriceQuantityAmountQuantityAmountQuantityAmount001.Mobilization,DemobilizationandClean-UpLumpSum1$4,025.001.00$4,025.000.00$0.001.00$4,025.00002.FurnishandInslalltheFallRestraintSystemLumpSum1$57921.001.0057,921.000.00$0.001.00557.921.00003.FurnishandInstalltheAccessPlatformsLumpSum1$82,854000.91$75,426.000.07$7,428.000.98$82,85400Subtotal$137,372.00$7,428.00$144,800.009.5%SatesTax$13,050.34$705.66$13,756.00UTotal$150,422.34$8,133.66$158,556.002/v1/1.%fL2°4;?r/’tt/if7e. - Utility Systems Division submits CAG-14-005, Maplewood WTP Access Page 35 of 40 gOriginalLIRevised#NOTICEOFCOMPLETIONOFPUBLICWORKSCONTRACTNoticeisherebygivenrelativetothecompletionofcontractorprojectdescribedbelowProjectNameContractNumberJobOrderContractingMaplewoodWTPAccessPlatforms&FallProtectionlmprovemCAG-14-005LIYesNoDescriptionofWorkDone/IncludeJobsiteAddress(es)InstalledfiberglassreinforcedplasticaccessplatformsandconstructedabeamanchoredfallrestrainttrolleysystemattheCityofRenton’sMaplewoodWaterTreatmentPlantlocatedat,4000MapleValleyHighway,Renton,WA98058LIYesgNoContractor’sNameE-mailAddressAffidavitID”GeneralMechanical,Inc.emartin@generalmechanical.578858ContractorAddressTelephone#2701SouthJStreet,Tacoma,WA98409253-627-8155IfRetainageisnotwithheld,pleaseselectoneofthefollowingandListSurety’sName&BondNumber.RetainageBondLIContract/Paymentbond(validforfederallyfundedtransportationprojects)Name:LibertyMutualSuretyIBondNumber:023024565DateContractAwardedDateWorkCommencedDateWorkCompletedDateWorkAcceptedMarch3,2014April10,2014May22,2015June15,2015WereSubcontractersusedonthisproject?Ifso,pleasecompleteAddendumA.LyesNoAffidavitID*-NoL&Ireleasewillbegranteduntilallaftidavitsarelisted.ContractAmount$144,800.00Additions(+)S0.00LiquidatedDamages$0.00Reductions(-)$0.00AmountDisbursed$158,556.00Sub-Total$144,800.00AmountRetainedS0.00AmountofSalesTax9.5(If’variousratesapply,pleasesendabreakdown)$13,756.00TOTAL$158,556.00TOTAL5158,556.00NOTE:ThesetwototalsmustbeequalComments:Note:TheDisbursingOfficermuststtbmitthiscompletednoticeimmediatelyafteracceptanceoftheworkdoneunderthiscontract.NOPAYMENTSHALLBEMADEFROMRETAtNEDFUNDStintilreceiptofallreleasecertificates.SubmittingForm:Pleasesubmitthecompletedformbyemailtoallthreeagenciesbelow.Name&MailingAddressofPublicAgencyDate:May22,2015Contractor’sUBINumber:278040974CityofRenton1055S.GradyWayRenton,WAUBINumber:177000094DepartmentUseOnlyAssignedto:DateAssigned:Federallyfundedtransportationproject?(ifyes,provideContractBondStatementbelow)EmailAddress:nwissbrod@tentonwa.govIDepartmentofRevenueCPublicWorksSection(360)704-5650PWC@dorwagovContactName:NatalieWissbrodTitle:AccountingAssistantIVOWshingionStateDepannwntofLabor&IndustriesContractRelease(855)545-8163,opbon#4ContractRelease@LNl.WA.GOVPhoneNumber:425-430-6919EmploymentSecurityDepartmentRegistration,Inquiry,Standards&Coordinationunit(360)902-9450publlcworks@esdwa.govREV310020e(4/28/14)F215-038-00004-20147e. - Utility Systems Division submits CAG-14-005, Maplewood WTP Access Page 36 of 40 1 CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON,UPDATING RENTON’S SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 2016 2021. WHEREAS,the City of Renton has adopted a Six Year Transportation Improvement Program”pursuant to RCW 35.77.010 Perpetual advanced six year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures),and the plan and program having been amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law;and WHEREAS,the City Council,after recommendation of the Public Works Department, held a public hearing on June 15,2015,after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption,modification,and amendments of the plan and program;and WHEREAS,at the public hearing held on June 15,2015,due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating the plan and program; NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON,DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I.The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II.Renton’s Six Year Transportation Improvement Program”is amended and modified,as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits A”and B”,incorporated as if fully detailed in this resolution. SECTION III.The plan and program,as evidenced by exhibits,shall be and constitute Renton’s Six Year Transportation Improvement Program”,and shall remain in full force and effect until further revised,amended,and modified as provided by law. 9a. - 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (See item 8.c.)Page 37 of 40 RESOLUTION NO. 2 SECTION IV.The Administrator of the Public Works Department and the City Clerk are authorized and directed to file this resolution,together with the exhibits,with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of 2015. Jason A.Seth,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of 2015. Denis Law,Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney RES.1672:4/29/15:scr 9a. - 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (See item 8.c.)Page 38 of 40 Hoquiam Ave NE EValleyHwy 84th Ave S N E ParkD r SW 7thSt SE 192ndSt Main Ave S S 132ndSt Ta l b o t RdS N3rd St RainierAveS 164th Ave SE S Puge tDr NE4thSt SE128th St S3rd St 68th AveS SWSunsetBlvd SW 16th St 116th Ave SE N 4thSt I n te r u r b a n A veS 124th Ave SE S 7th St SERentonIssaqu ahRd Ra i n i e r AveN Newcastle Way SW 41st St NESunsetBlvd U nion Ave NE N E 3 rdSt S180th St MapleValleyHwy 140th Ave SE S G r a d W ay EMercerWay R enton Ave S 87th Ave S SEJones R d 148th Ave SE SW 43rd St SE CarrR SE 168thSt 68th Ave S Logan Ave N 156th Ave SE Ben s o n D r S S W G ryWay PugetDrSE SW 34thSt M o n sterRdSW SEMayValleyRd SunsetBlvdN SW27th St NewcastleGolfClubRd S133rd St Williams Ave S W ells Ave S Benson R d S CoalC r e ek PkwySE 154thPlSE D uvall Ave N E Monroe Ave NE Edm onds Ave NE WestValley Hwy Park Ave N 108th Ave SE W MercerWay 140thWayS E East Valley Rd 33 9 City of Renton - 2016-2021 TIP Exhibit "A" 12 6 5 13 10 11 34 4 15 19 14 7 18 16 3 22 17 37 36 35 38 9a. - 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (See item 8.c.)Page 39 of 40 EXHIBIT ‘B’ 2 - 2 City of Renton 2016 – 2021 Amended Transportation Improvement Program Map Index TIP No. Project Title 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 6 Duvall Ave NE – NE 7th to Sunset Blvd NE 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4 - S 3rd Street to NW 3rd Place 8 Main Ave S/Downtown Circulation Project 9 Park Ave North Extension 10 116th Ave SE/Edmonds Ave SE Improvements 11 Carr Road Improvements 12 NE Sunset Blvd (SR 900) Corridor Improvements 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Road SW/68th Ave S 15 South 7th Street – Rainier Ave S to Talbot Road S 16 S Grady Way – Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 17 Houser Way N – N 8th St to S Lake Washington Blvd 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 19 Lake to Sound (L2S) Trail 20 Walkway Program 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacement 22 Maple Valley Highway – Half Bridge Attenuator 23 Bridge Inspection and Repair 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 25 Intersection Safety and Mobility 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Preservation of Traffic Operation Devices Program 28 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program 29 Barrier Free Transition Plan Implementation 30 Project Development/Predesign 31 Arterial Circulation Program 32 1% for the Arts Program 33 Lake Washington Boulevard – Park Avenue N to Coulon Park 34 Lind Avenue –SW 16th to SW 43rd 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 37 N 27th Pl Culvert Scour Repair 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements – Phase 5 9a. - 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (See item 8.c.)Page 40 of 40