HomeMy WebLinkAboutREGULAR COUNCIL - 14 Dec 2015 - Agenda - Pdf AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, December 14, 2015 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) Recognition of Chaplain Allan Folmar 4. PUBLIC HEARING a) Ballot Measure Regarding a Proposed Regional Fire Authority 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT  Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting.  Each speaker is allowed five minutes.  The first comment period is limited to 30 minutes.  The second comment period, later on the agenda, is unlimited in duration.  When recognized, please state your name & city of residence for the record. NOTICE to all participants: pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of 12/1/2015 Council meeting minutes. Council Concur b) Executive Department recommends adopting the 2016 State Legislative Priorities. Council Concur c) Fire & Emergency Services Department recommends approval of Attachment A, to the contract with Fire District #40, covering the details of the financial responsibilities of Fire District #40 and the City of Renton. (See 9.b. for resolution.) Council Concur d) Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommends approval to withdraw from WCIA (Washington Cities Insurance Authority), and that the City self-insures property and casualty losses within the approved self-insured retention limits; procures proposed excess insurance coverage; and increases the property self-insured retention level to $100,000 per occurrence. Council Concur e) Transportation Systems Division requests authorization to increase Fund 317 by $4,668,894 to include Duvall Ave. NE Project, and recommends approval to enter into the Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement with the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board for the obligation of grant funding in the amount of $3,468,289, and all subsequent agreements necessary to accomplish this project. Council Concur f) Transportation Systems Division requests authorization to transfer $40,000 from the Arterial Rehabilitation Program Fund to the Street Overlay Program Fund for expenses that have exceeded the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps contract budget. Council Concur 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. 9. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolutions: a) Ballot Measure Regarding a Proposed Regional Fire Authority (See item 3.) b) King County Fire Protection District #40 (See item 7.c.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 12 ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 7th Floor Conferencing Center December 14, 2015 Monday, 6:00 p.m. Reception for Outgoing Councilmembers Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings December 7, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  MINUTES  City Council Regular Meeting  7:00 PM ‐ Monday, December 7, 2015  Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way    CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE     Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the  Pledge of Allegiance.     ROLL CALL     Councilmembers Present:  Ed Prince, Council President  Randy Corman  Armondo Pavone  Ruth Pérez  Don Persson  Marcie Palmer  Greg Taylor                   ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT     Denis Law, Mayor  Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer  Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney   Jason Seth, City Clerk  Chip Vincent, Community & Economic Development Administrator  Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator  Angie Mathias, Senior Planner  Chief Mark Peterson, Fire & Emergency Services Department  Deputy Chief Erik Wallgren, Fire & Emergency Services Department  Commander Dave Leibman, Police Department      ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT     Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report  summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of  its business plan for 2015 and beyond. Items noted were regarding:   Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional  street closures.         AGENDA ITEM #7. a) DECEMBER 7, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES                 2    AUDIENCE COMMENT     Joleen Allen Staats, Seattle, addressed Council about her concerns regarding the presence of a  number of homeless people in Renton, and requested that the bus stop, outside of the  Walgreens store located at 275 Rainier Ave. S, be moved.     Council and Mayor Law clarified that while homelessness is a serious issue throughout the  country, it is best to avoid stereotyping all homeless people as criminals, and encouraged the  public to contact 911 if they notice criminal activity.     CONSENT AGENDA  Items listed on the consent agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. At the request  of Councilmember Persson, Consent Agenda item 7.f. was pulled for separate consideration.    a) Approval of 11/23/2015 Council meeting minutes.  Council concur.   b) City Clerk submitted the 11/3/2015 General Election certification from King County Records  and Elections. None; information only.   c) Administrative Services Department requested authorization to hire a System Analyst at Step  D of salary grade a21, effective upon start date.  Council concur.   d) Community & Economic Development Department recommended approval of a contract in  an amount not to exceed $100,000 with Reid Middleton, Inc. to review structural plans  through 12/31/2016. Council concur.   e) Community Services Department requested approval of an interlocal agreement (ILA) with  King County to extend the original ILA regarding the Soos Creek Trail for an additional five  years and to provide clarifying language. Council concur. (See below for resolution.)   g) Fire & Emergency Services Department recommended approving the joint resolution with  King County Fire District #25 regarding the submission of a proposition to qualified electors of  the City and District to form a Regional Fire Protection Service Authority effective 7/1/2016.  Council concur; set public hearing on 12/14/2015.   h) Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommended approval of actions taken  to update the City's 457(b) Plan documents including the City of Renton/TIAA‐CREF Plan  Document, Adoption Agreement, and Claims and Appeals Procedures. Council concur.   (See below for resolution.)   i) Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a Construction Agreement with Century  Link to redesign the new storm system in SW 7th St. in exchange for CenturyLink payment of  approximately $190,026 for the redesign work and additional construction materials.  Council  concur.   j) Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a grant agreement with Washington State  Department of Ecology to accept up to $50,000 between 2015‐2017 for Surface Water Utility  implementation requirements associated with the Western Washington Phase II Municipal  Stormwater Permit. Council concur.   k) Utility Systems Division requested authorization to finalize the SE 165th St. Sanitary Sewer  Extension Special Assessment District in the amount of $13,000. Refer to Utilities Committee.   MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE  CONSENT AGENDA, MINUS ITEM 7.F. CARRIED.        AGENDA ITEM #7. a) DECEMBER 7, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES                 3      ITEM 7.F. ‐ SEPERATE CONSIDERATION   f) Executive Department recommends adopting the 2016 State Legislative Priorities. This item  was pulled from the agenda. Councilmember Persson requested the item be placed on the  next agenda to provide additional time to review the recommendation.     UNFINISHED BUSINESS   a) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on December 7,  2015 claims vouchers 343127 ‐ 343470, four wire transfers and one payroll run with benefit  withholding payments totaling $5,561,234.15 and payroll vouchers including 750 direct deposits  and 47 payroll checks totaling $1,625,368.58.      MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE  COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED.   b) Transportation Committee Chair Palmer presented a report recommending concurrence in the  staff recommendation to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to CAG‐12‐008 with Coast &  Harbor Engineering for the Seaplane Base Dredging & Shoreline Mitigation Project and to amend  the Maintenance & Shoreline Mitigation CIP fund (422.725080.016.594.46.63.000) by  transferring $40,000 from the Airport ending fund balance.  The transfer will be included as part  of the 2015 carry forward budget adjustment.     MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE  RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED.   c) Transportation Committee Chair Palmer presented a report recommending concurrence in the  staff recommendation to adopt the Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute  the following agreements with the Washington State Department of Transportation to assume  ownership and responsibility of operation and maintenance of portions of rights‐of‐way,  landscaping and stormwater facilities that are related to the I‐405/I‐5 to SR 169 Stage 2 Widening  and SR 515 Interchange Project:  1. City and State Operation and Maintenance of State‐Owned and City‐Owned Luminaires.  2. General Maintenance Agreement Benson Road.  3. General Maintenance Agreement for Maintenance of SR 515 Landscape Strips and  Stormwater Facilities.  4. Turnback Agreement (Construction Completed).  The Committee further recommended adopting the related resolution.      MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE  RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED.    RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES   Resolutions:   a) Resolution No. 4268: A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into  Addendum A to the 2009 Interlocal Agreement with King County relating to processing of  clearing, grading, and associated building permit applications for the Soos Creek Trail.      MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION  AS PRESENTED.  CARRIED.         AGENDA ITEM #7. a) DECEMBER 7, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES                 4    b) Resolution No. 4269: A resolution was read amending Resolution No. 4221 regarding annual  reports of the deferred compensation 457(b) plan by the investment committee to the City  Council and adopting the TIAA‐CREF financial services company 457(b) Deferred  Compensation Plan document as amended.      MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION  AS PRESENTED.  CARRIED.     c) Resolution No. 4270: A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into  Four (4) Interlocal Agreements with WSDOT regarding the I‐405/I‐5 to SR 169 Stage 2  Widening and SR 515 Interchange Project.      MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION  AS PRESENTED.  CARRIED.   Ordinances for second and final reading:   d) Ordinance No. 5780: An ordinance was read vacating a portion of right‐of‐way in the vicinity  of 300 Rainier Avenue N. (VAC 15‐003).      MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE  AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED.   e) Ordinance No. 5781: An ordinance was read amending Section 4‐1‐220, Property Tax  Exemption For Multi‐Family Housing In Residential Targeted Areas, of Chapter 1,  Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton  Municipal Code, by extending the property tax exemption.     MOVED BY PÉREZ, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS  READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED.   f) Ordinance No. 5782: An ordinance was read amending Section 4‐1‐210, Waived Fees, of  Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the  Renton Municipal Code, by extending the waiver of certain development and mitigation fees.     MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE  AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED.    NEW BUSINESS    See attached Council committee meeting calendar.     AUDIENCE COMMENTS     Howard McOmber, Renton, thanked Council and all those who volunteer for the REACH  program and requested additional help through the winter months.       ADJOURNMENT     MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME  7:25 P.M.    Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk      Megan Gregor, Recorder  Monday, December 7, 2015    AGENDA ITEM #7. a) !"##$%&’()% AGENDA ITEM #7. a) REGULAR COUNCIL - 14 Dec 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE: 2016 Legislative Priorities RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: Preeti Shridhar, Deputy Public Affairs Administrator EXT.: 6569 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Prior to each state legislative session, the City Council considers documents that summarize the City's position on current state issues. The 2016 State Legislative Priorities and 2016 State Legislative Agenda Support/Oppose Bills serves as a guidance for City staff as it works with the legislature to achieve the city's goals. **UPDATE: This item was moved from the December 7, 2015 Agenda to allow more time for review of Exhibit A; please see Exhibit B for a redline document of proposed changes.** EXHIBITS: A. 2016 Legislative Priorities and 2016 State Legislature Agenda Support/Oppose Bills B. Redline version with proposed changes STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the 2016 Legislative Priorities as proposed. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) CITY OF RENTON 2016 Legislative Agenda Fiscal Stability/Infrastructure/Local Needs Renton urges lawmakers to protect critical “state-shared” revenues, to avoid funding cuts for public safety needs, and to provide more tools and authority to address local needs and control costs. Liquor Revolving Account. Renton will strongly support ongoing efforts by the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) and individual cities to remove statutory caps and restore growth in Liquor Revolving Account (“Liquor Profit”) revenues. Public Records. Renton will support 2016 legislation to help cities better manage the rapid growth in public records requests and enact efficiencies in the Public Records Act including options to deal with requests that are more about harassment than transparency, and cost recovery for electronic and commercial requests. Public Works Assistance Account (PWAA). Renton will strongly support 2016 initiatives to either restore funding within the PWAA or to develop a similar program to provide low-interest loans for basic infrastructure needs. Public Safety/Mental Health Renton strongly supports funding and tools that assist local efforts to provide vital public safety service to communities. Looking ahead to 2016, the city also will strongly support efforts related to mental health. Regional Fire Authorities. Renton will support efforts to change the Regional Fire Authority statutes so they align with those for Fire Districts—including a simple majority threshold for levy renewals. Mental Health. Renton supports funding and policy efforts to help local communities address growing burdens in assisting the mentally ill and homeless, including additional beds, facilities, services, and shelters. The city also will strongly support policy bills to better ensure that those with mental health challenges can get the treatment and support they need. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) CITY OF RENTON // 2016 Legislative Agenda Support/Oppose Issues Budgets, Tax-Revenue Supports sustainable funding for local revenue options, including modifying the 1 percent annual growth cap on property tax. Opposes legislation that undermines revenue or removes/ preempts local authority. Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement/ Courts/Fire-EMS Supports legislation that would make body cameras more feasible through Public Records Act definitions, including the resolution of issues related to storage and retention. The city also wants to ensure there are clear rules and guidance for when officers in the field should have body cameras turned on/off. Supports any legislative initiative that specifically ties relicensing requirements to decriminalizing of Driving While License Suspended-3rd Degree (3-DWLS). Supports an Operating Budget request being led by the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs (WASPC) and the City of Kent for gangs database funding for training and overtime. Strongly supports increased funding for additional Basic Law Enforcement Academy Classes to meet the future needs of cities/counties hiring new recruits in the future. Supports legislation that provides cities with more authority to influence liquor license renewals for establishments with bad track records. Supports legislation making a 4th DUI a felony. Opposes legislation removing local control on fireworks limits and bans (SB 5914). Economic Development/ Infrastructure Supports HB 2262 on special license plates & funding. Supports ensuring that any flood control/water supply / stormwater infrastructure funding package be equitable to all parts of the state. Supports updates and revisions that ensure the basic structure and unbiased scoring and ranking features, of the 25-year-old Washington Wildlife Recreation Program remains intact. Fiscal (includes Personnel/HR Issues) Opposes any bill that restricts our current local option authority by mandating deferred compensation programs be purchased through the state. Opposes legislation to expand “presumptive disease” assumptions for purposes of Workers’ Compensation responsibilities, if it arises. Housing, Human Services Supports a City of Seattle-promoted initiative that an 8- and 12-year multi-family housing property tax exemption program be extended to renovation of existing housing stock that is deteriorated. Supports establishment of a new “REET 3” with focus on funds toward affordable housing. Land-Use/GMA Supports ensuring current laws and best practices Upholding Urban Growth Areas are maintained. Opposes additional changes to Growth Management Act vesting laws. Local Government (including Public Records Act) Supports any effort to reinforce and clarify the recreational immunity statutes as they relate to multi-purpose trails. Transportation/Transit Supports any legislation to ensure that emergency vehicles not be required to pay tolls to use HOT lanes. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) CITY OF RENTON 2016 Legislative Agenda Fiscal Stability/Infrastructure/Local Needs Renton urges lawmakers to protect critical “state-shared” revenues, to avoid funding cuts for public safety needs, and to provide more tools and authority to address local needs and control costs. Liquor Revolving Account. Renton will strongly support ongoing efforts by the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) and individual cities to remove statutory caps and restore growth in Liquor Revolving Account (“Liquor Profit”) revenues. Public Records. Renton will support 2016 legislation to help cities better manage the rapid growth in public records requests and enact efficiencies in the Public Records Act including options to deal with requests that are more about harassment than transparency, and cost recovery for electronic and commercial requests. Public Works Assistance Account (PWAA). Renton will strongly support 2016 initiatives to either restore funding within the PWAA or to develop a similar program to provide low-interest loans for basic infrastructure needs. Public Safety/Mental Health Renton strongly supports funding and tools that assist local efforts to provide vital public safety service to communities. Looking ahead to 2016, the city also will strongly support efforts related to mental health. Regional Fire Authorities. Renton will support efforts to change the Regional Fire Authority statutes so they align with those for Fire Districts—including a simple majority threshold for levy renewals. Mental Health. Renton will support Renton supports funding and policy efforts to help local communities address growing burdens in assisting the mentally ill and homeless, including additional beds, facilities, services, and shelters. The city also will strongly support policy bills to better ensure that those with mental health challenges can get the treatment and support they need. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) CITY OF RENTON // 2016 Legislative Agenda Support/Oppose Issues Budgets, Tax-Revenue Supports sustainable funding for local revenue options, including modifying the 1 percent annual growth cap on property tax. Opposes legislation that undermines revenue or removes/ preempts local authority. Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement/ Courts/Fire-EMS Supports legislation that would make body cameras more feasible through Public Records Act definitions, including the resolution of issues related to storage and retention. The city also wants to ensure there are clear rules and guidance for when officers in the field should have body cameras turned on/off. Supports any legislative initiative that specifically ties relicensing requirements to decriminalizing of Driving While License Suspended-3rd Degree (3-DWLS). Supports an Operating Budget request being led by the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs (WASPC) and the City of Kent for gangs database funding for training and overtime. Supports ensuring that current levels of Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA) funding be preserved or enhanced. Strongly supports increased funding for additional Basic Law Enforcement Academy Classes to meet the future needs of cities/counties hiring new recruits in the future. Supports legislation that provides cities with more authority to influence liquor license renewals for establishments with bad track records. Supports legislation making a 4th DUI a felony. Opposes legislation removing local control on fireworks limits and bans (SB 5914). Economic Development/ Infrastructure Supports HB 2262 on special license plates & funding. Supports ensuring that any flood control/water supply / stormwater infrastructure funding package be equitable to all parts of the state. Supports updates and revisions that ensure the basic structure and unbiased scoring and ranking features, of the 25-year-old Washington Wildlife Recreation Program remains intact. Fiscal (includes Personnel/HR Issues) Opposes any bill that restricts our current local option authority by mandating deferred compensation programs be purchased through the state. Opposes legislation to expand “presumptive disease” assumptions for purposes of Workers’ Compensation responsibilities, if it arises. Housing, Human Services Supports a City of Seattle-promoted initiative that an 8- and 12-year multi-family housing property tax exemption program be extended to renovation of existing housing stock that is deteriorated. Supports establishment of a new “REET 3” with focus on funds toward affordable housing. Land-Use/GMA Supports ensuring current laws and best practices Upholding Urban Growth Areas are maintained. Opposes additional changes to Growth Management Act vesting laws. Local Government (including Public Records Act) Supports any effort to reinforce and clarify the recreational immunity statutes as they relate to multi-purpose trails. Transportation/Transit Supports any legislation to ensure that emergency vehicles not be required to pay tolls to use HOT lanes. NEW> AGENDA ITEM #7. b) REGULAR COUNCIL - 14 Dec 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE:City of Renton, King County Fire Protection District #40 Attachment A RECOMMENDED ACTION:Council Concur DEPARTMENT:Fire & Emergency Services STAFF CONTACT:Erik Wallgren, Deputy Chief Response Operations EXT.:7084 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required:$ N/A Transfer Amendment:$ N/A Amount Budgeted:$ N/A Revenue Generated:$ 4,900,000 Total Project Budget:$ N/A City Share Total Project:$ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City of Renton currently has a contract with Fire District #40 to provide staffing, equipment and fire and emergency services for Station #17 and in Station #17's area. The Attachment A for the agreement covers all of the details of the financial responsibilities of Fire District #40 to the City of Renton per that contract. This attachment is a revision from the previous Attachment to the contract which reflects added administrative duties. EXHIBITS: A. Attachment A of Agreement B. Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommeded the mayor and the city council approve the Attachment A of the agreement between the City of Renton and Fire District #40. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) LAttachmentACostsofServicesforFireandEmergencyServicesOperatingAgreementBetweenCityofRentonandKingCountyFireProtectionDistrict#40DirectcostsofservicesforthiscontractarebasedontheCityofRenton’scoststooperateonefirestation(Station17)withone4-personengineandone2-personaidcar,andtheproportionalcoststoprovidecommand/safetyofficerdutiesintheserviceareaofDistrict.DirectcostsofservicesarederivedbymultiplyingthenumberofstaffcontractedtoprovideservicesbytheCityofRenton’ssalaryandbenefitcostsforthatcontractyear.Thecontractyearsalaryandbenefitcostshallbecalculatedusingtheannualizedcurrentyear-to-dateactualcostforeachpositionclass(e.g.captain,lieutenant,firefighter,etc.),plusanyCostofLivingAdjustmentandbudgetedincreaseinbenefitcostforthecontractyear.Theresultingdirectservicecostisthenmultipliedbyadepartmentaloverheadandacity-wideoverheadfactor.Allthreefiguresarethenaddedtogethertoreachatotalcostofservice.TheCity,aspartoftheorganizationalstructureofthefiredepartment,staffsaSafetyandSupportServicesSection.ThissectionincludesHealthandWeilness,LogisticsandPlanning.TheTrainingDivisionisaDivisionofResponseOperations.TheCitywillalsosupplytotheDistrictallocatedAdministrativeSupportServices(Finance&Clerical)asoutlinedbelow.Thecostsofthesedivisionsandservicesshallbeincludedindepartmentand/orcity-wideoverheadfactors.TheSafetyandSupportServicesSectionandtheTrainingDivisionoverheadshallbephasedinoverfouryearsstarting2015.TheDistrictdesiresandtheCityagreestoremoveadedicatedAdminSecretarypositionandconverttoaproportionalpooledAdministrativeSupportServicemodelthroughoverheadcostfactorseffectiveOctober1,2015.Duetosomeoftheseservicesnotbeingtransferreduntil2016,thepartiesagreetheservicecostsreflectthischangetostartJanuary1,2016.Inaddition,apercentofthechiefsanddeputychiefscostsshallbepartoftheDepartmentOverheadbeingchargesandpaidforbeginningin2016.For2015,theDistrict’scostofserviceunderthisagreementtotal$4.53million.For2016,theDistrict’sannualizedcostforserviceunderthisagreementisnogreaterthan$4.90million(includingadjustedDepartmentOverheadtoreflecttheabovechanges).Therevisedcomplementofdirect/dedicatedstaffeffectiveOctober1,2015thatwillsupporttheagreementincludes:fEVfRenton1KingCountyFireProtectionDistrict#40AttachmentA;November2015AGENDA ITEM #7. c) FTEPosition18.00Firefighters2.00BattalionChiefs2.00Captains6.00Lieutenants28.00TotalFTEtosupportagreementtLTheFire&EmergencyServicesAdministratorwillproduceanoperationalservicesplanasoutlinedinSectionIII.Boftheagreement,andtheproposedservicecostcalculatedinaccordancewiththisAttachmentAinSeptemberofeachyearforreviewandapprovaloftheBoardServicemodelcostsarebasedonthecostforanon-dutystaffposition,fullyloadedwithdepartmentandcityoverheadpercentages.Theprimaryunitofcostisthenumberof24-houron-dutypositions(command,companyofficer.andfirefighter)employedtoprovidefireandemergencyservices.Onceon-dutystaffingisdetermined,abackfillfactoriscalculatedbaseduponRenton’sleave/time-offaverages.Renton’soperationsbackfillfactoris4.7peron-dutyposition(thatis,foreveryonefirefighteronduty,fourandseven-tenthsfTEsareneededtoprovide24-hourcoverage).“Departmentaloverhead”referstotheFireDepartment’scosts,whichistheproportionofcommissionedandnon-commissionedpositionsthatperformdepartmentmanagement,planning,safety,training,logistics,healthandweilness,andsimilarassigmnents/functions.Thesefunctions,theirnames/titlesmaybechangesfromtimetotime,areessentialtoandinsupportofthesuppressionpositions.TheexceptionsshallbeEmergencyManagementandCommunityRiskReductionunits,whicharenotprovidedbytheCityintheDistrictservicearea.Itshallalsoincludeproportionalcostsofsupplies,otherservicesandcharges,costsofintergovernmentalservices,capitaloutlayandinterfundpayments.“City-wideoverhead”consistsofsupportfortheFireDepartment’sshareofcity-wideFinance,HumanResources,andLegalServicecosts.OverheadcostsrelatingtotheMayor,CityCouncil,orotherinternalservicedepartmentsarenotincludedintheoverheadchargestotheDistrict.AdministrationandappealsofthebenefitchargewillbehandledbytheBoardandcontractlegalcounseltotheDistrict.TheBoardwillhavefullandfreeuseofCityofRentonmeetingspacesandDistrictfacilities.2CityofRenton,KingCountyFireProtectionDistrict*t40AttachmentA;November2015AGENDA ITEM #7. c) AdministrativeSupportServicesprovidedbytheCitytotheDistrictinclude:Finance‘‘&•PrepareandcertifyvouchersincompliancewiththeStateBARSaccountingsystem(A/P)•Provideaccountspayable/receivableservices•Assistinthedevelopmentoftheannualbudget*•PrepareandsubmitfinancialstatementstotheStateAuditor’sofficeandassistwithaudits•Prepareandsubmitquarterlyandannualfinancialreportstotheappropriateagency•PrepareandsubmitmonthlybudgetstatusreportstotheBoard•PrepareandsubmitannualbalancesheetreporttotheBoard(2015yearendreporttobepresentedinFebruary2016).•PrepareandsubmittaxlevydocumentationtoKingCounty*•Workwithconsultantstomanage,advertise,andpreparefirebenefitchargelettersforcitizensperRCW52.1$*•MeetalltimelinesforissuingcreditsregardingfirebenefitchargefeesperFD40Resolution*•Submitanyandallfirebenefitchargecredits/adjustmentstotheKingCountyTreasurer*•PreparefirebenefitchargeresolutionsforsubmissiontoKingCounty*•Adhereandcomplywithallbondindebtednessrequirementsasrequiredperbondcompliancelaws•Monitorbondactivity•Prepareanddepositmiscellaneousdepositswithin24hoursasrequiredbylaw•InvoiceandcollectLakeYoungsWatershed,KentSchoolDistrict,andothergovernmentalagencieswhopayforfireservicethroughcontractoronaper-capitabasis•Prepareandcertifycommissionerperdiemreimbursements•Prepareandsubmittherequiredpayroll,tax,benefits,retirement,insuranceandfinancialreports•ProvidepayrollservicesandfilingW-2’s,1099’sandsupportingdocuments•ManagefinancialobligationforLEOFFIretirees•ManagecontractsClerical•Assistinthedevelopmentandpostingofmeetingannouncements•Assistinthedevelopmentandpostingofthemeetingagenda•AttendBoardmeetings,recordandpreparemeetingminutes•Respondtotelephoneandemailinquiriesinatimelymanner•Open,loganddistributedailymail•MaintainandarchivedistrictfilesperWashingtonStateRecordsRetentionSchedule•Manageandrespondtopublicrecordsrequests•PrepareandsubmitfiredistrictreceiptstoKingCountytyFireProtectionDistrictIt40AttachmentA;November2015AGENDA ITEM #7. c) 41L.•RegisterBoardmembersforseminars,workshopsandotheroutsideactivitiesasneeded•Prepareresolutions•Assistinthepreparationofbidspecifications•ManagetheDistrictwebsiteTheDistrictwillprovidetheCitywithaccesstoallaccountsandpasswords,neededlogininformation,accesstoDistrictofficeandmailboxandothermaterialsandinformationneededbytheCityinordertoprovidetheservices.NOTE:TheDistrictshallberesponsibleforpreparationandcompletionofthe2016budgetprocessfortheFireDistrict(includingpreparationandfilingrequiredpaperworkasidentifiedwith“*“above).Datedthis________________dayofNovember,2015.KingCountyFireProtectionDistrict#40CityofRenton,WashingtonCiJlJfliCherylNichelson,ChairDenisLaw,MayorDistrictSecretaryJasonSeth,CityClerkApprovedBy:ApprovedBy:KinnonW.Williams,DistrictAttorneyLarryWarren,CityAttorneyCityofRenton,KingCountyFireProtectionDistrict#40AttachmentA;October2015AGENDA ITEM #7. c) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. ________    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE  MAYOR AND CITY  CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AMENDED ATTACHMENT A TO  CAG‐08‐015, THE FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES OPERATING AGREEMENT  BETWEEN THE CITY OF RENTON AND KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT  #40.  WHEREAS, on March 1, 2008, King County Fire Protection District #40 (the “District”)  entered into a long‐term contractual relationship with the City of Renton, described in CAG‐08‐ 015 (the “Contract”), to provide fire and life safety services to the citizens of the District; and   WHEREAS, Attachment A to the Contract details the costs of services for the City and  the District under the Contract; and   WHEREAS, since the contract was entered into in 2008, the costs of services have  changed; and  WHEREAS, it is necessary to enter into an amended Attachment A to CAG‐08‐015 to  document the terms and conditions of the costs of services;    NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:   SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects.   SECTION II. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into an  amended Attachment A to CAG‐08‐015 with King County Fire Protection District #40.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _______________________, 2015.        ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk     AGENDA ITEM #7. c) RESOLUTION NO. _______  2    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _______________________, 2015.        ______________________________  Denis Law, Mayor            Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney    RES.1689:11/24/15:scr   AGENDA ITEM #7. c) REGULAR COUNCIL - 14 Dec 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE:Withdrawal from WCIA and Purchase of Commercial Insurance RECOMMENDED ACTION:Council Concur DEPARTMENT:Human Resources / Risk Management STAFF CONTACT:Nancy A. Carlson, Administrator EXT.:7656 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required:$ see below Transfer Amendment:$ N/A Amount Budgeted:$ N/A Revenue Generated:$ N/A Total Project Budget:$ N/A City Share Total Project:$ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: In 1999, the City of Renton made the decision to join the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA) to help stabilize its property and liability insurance costs and provide claims administration through the pooling of insurance with other Washington public entities. In the past few years, Risk Management has surveyed other methods of insuring the city's exposures in hopes of lowering the costs. Risk Management has now determined that it is in the city's best interests to withdraw from WCIA and to purchase commercial insurance. The city submitted tentative withdrawal notices to the WCIA insurance pool in 2013 and late 2014. In lieu of coverage being provided by WCIA, effective January 1, 2016, the city's property and casualty insurance claims will be self-insured and self-administered, with commercial liability excess insurance being provided for losses in excess of the currently approved $250,000 per occurrence retention limit. Commercial insurance quotes obtained by the city's Property and Casualty Insurance Broker of Record have shown that improved property and casualty coverage can be obtained with a combined overall annual savings of approximately $160,000. This annual savings is in excess of the estimated cost to contract with a Liability Claims Administrator. It is also recommended that the self-insured retention limit for property losses be increased to up to $100,000 per occurrence from the current $50,000 retention level. The retention level for auto physical damage will remain at $25,000 per occurrence. The city is already self-insured for workers' compensation with a retention level of $500,000 per claim. (See attachment.) A comprehensive self-insurance program allows the city to take advantage of insurance reserve funds, better utilize the City Attorney's services for defense or defense referral, and secures the city's final authority to settle claims that were previously fully controlled by WCIA. EXHIBITS: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA ITEM #7. d) Approve the withdrawal from WCIA, and that the City self-insures property and casualty losses within the approved self-insured retention limits; procure proposed excess insurance coverage; and increase the property self-insured retention level to $100,000 per occurrence. AGENDA ITEM #7. d)   Date Issued City of Prem COVERAGE Excess Liabi TPA Expens Property Equipment B Cyber Crime Excess Work Airport Liabil Storage Tank Total Premiu Broker Comp Liability Property Other Total Premiu IMPORTA ON JULY 2 CHANGE W AND/OR F YOU.  ANY INSURANC d: REVISED 11/2 Renton | 2016 mium Sum E lities e (estimated) Breakdown kers’ Compen ity k Pollution Lia um pensation um ANT NOTICE:   21, 2011.  ACC WHICH COUL FEES OWED O Y ADDITIONA CE SERVICES, 24/15 Alliant - 2017 Pool Al mmary ) nsation ability THE NONAD CORDINGLY, S LD RESULT IN  ON THIS PLAC AL TAXES AND INC. t Insurance Serv lternative Prese Exp WC 2015 $477 N $34 $11 Incl $1, $52 $22 $1, 908 $15 $923 MITTED & RE SURPLUS LIN AN INCREASE EMENT.  IF A D/OR FEES OW ices, Inc. | www entation and R piring CIA - 2016 7,240 N/A 1,327 ,443 uded ,246 2,695 2,774 ,859 8,584 -- -- 5,000 3,584 EINSURANCE R ES TAX RATES E OR DECREA CHANGE IS R WED MUST BE w.alliant.com | CA Renewal Propos Optio WC 2016 - $491 N/A $345 $15,8 Inclu $1,3 $55,2 $22,7 $2,1 $933 -- -- $15,0 $948 REFORM ACT S AND REGUL ASE OF THE TO REQUIRED, W E PROMPTLY  A License No. 0C sal on I CIA 2017 ,171 A ,062 810 ded 339 250 774 135 ,541 - - 000 ,541 T (NRRA) WEN LATIONS ARE  OTAL SURPLU WE WILL PROM REMITTED TO C36861 P Option Alternative 2016 - 2 $260,1 $35,0 $355,3 Includ Includ $3,75 $55,2 $22,7 $2,13 $734,8 $15,0 $17,5 $15,0 $781,8 -$166,6 NT INTO EFFE SUBJECT TO  US LINES TAXE MPTLY NOTIFY O ALLIANT  Page 27  n II Program 2017 111 00 323 ed ed 50 50 74 35 843 00 00 00 843 698 CT  ES  Y  AGENDA ITEM #7. d) REGULAR COUNCIL - 14 Dec 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE:Transportation Improvement Board Grant Acceptance: Duvall Avenue NE (NE 10th Street to Sunset Blvd NE) Project RECOMMENDED ACTION:Council Concur DEPARTMENT:Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT:Juliana Fries, Program Development Coordinator EXT.:7232 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required:$ N/A Transfer Amendment:$ N/A Amount Budgeted:$ N/A Revenue Generated:$ 3,468,289 Total Project Budget:$ N/A City Share Total Project:$ 1,200,605 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Duvall Avenue NE (NE 10th Street to Sunset Blvd NE) Project was selected for a Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant in the amount of $3,468,289. Developing this project was contingent upon outside funding. The project does not have a budget allocated for 2016. With the TIB grant award, we propose a project budget of $4,668,894 ($3,468,289 from TIB and $1,200,605 from local match). The source of the local match will be the Transportation Mitigation Fund and a transfer of the 2015 ending fund balance from Fund 317. The appropriate budget amendment will be included in the 2016 carry forward/first quarter budget adjustment. This project will provide for a roadway reconstruction from NE 10th Street to NE 12th Street, bike lanes, installation of sidewalk separated from the travel lane and street lights on the west side of Duvall Avenue NE. EXHIBITS: A. Fuel Tax Grant Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Increase Fund 317 by $4,668,894 to include the Duvall Avenue NE (NE 10th Street to Sunset Blvd NE) Project, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement with the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board for the obligation of grant funding and all subsequent agreements necessary to accomplish this project. AGENDA ITEM #7. e) TIBMembersCouncilniernberBobOlson,ChairCityofKennewickCommissionerRichardStevens,ViceChaxGrantCountyJ.nAJbertOfficeofFinondalManagementPasco8aICOIiCh,PE,w5001WendyClark-Getzin,P.R.CIa11amTransitGaryEkstedt.P.E.VakimaCountyMayorJamesIrishCityofLuCenterJohnlClekatka,P.E.PortofEi,erettCommissionerRobertKochFranklinCountyColieenKuhnHumonServicesCouncilMayorPattyLentCityofBremertonMickMatheson,P.E.CityofSultanE.SusanMeyerSpokoneTransitAuthorityLauraPhilpot,P.E.CityoJSommarnisl,DavidRamsayFeetFirstAmyScartonwSD0IHeidiStammitSPublicAffairsJohnVodopichCityofBonneyLakeJayWeberCountyRoodAdministuntionBoardClayWhiteSnoI,omtshCountyWashingtonStateTransportationImprovementBoardNovember20,2015Mr.GreggZimmerman,P.E.PublicWorksAdministratorCityofRenton1055SouthGradyWayRenton,WA98057-3232DearMr.Zimmerman:Congratulations!Wearepleasedtoannouncetheselectionofyourproject,DuvallAvenueNE,NE10thSttoNESunsetBlvd(SR900),TIBprojectnumber8-1-102(037)-i.TotalTIBfundsforthisprojectare$3,468,289.Yourrequestforasidewalkdeviationfortheprojectwasapproved.Beforeanyworkisallowedonthisproject,youmust:-VerifytheinformationontheProjectFundingStatusForm,reviseifnecessary,andsign;-SubmitthesectionofyouradoptedSixYearTransportationPlanlistingthisproject;-SignbothcopiesoftheFuelTaxGrantDistributionAgreement;and-ReturntheaboveitemstoTIB.YoumayonlyincurreimbursableexpensesafteryoureceiveapprovalfromTIB.InaccordancewithRCW47.26.084,youmustcertifyfullfundingbyNovember20,2016orthegrantmaybeterminated.GrantsmayalsoberescindedduetounreasonableprojectdelayasdescribedinWAC479-05-211.Ifyouhavequestions,pleasecontactGregArmstrong,TIBProjectEngineer,at(360)586-1142ore-mailGregA(tib.wa.qov.SincerelyStevanGorcesterExecutiveDirectorEnclosuresStevanE.GorcesterExecutiveDirectorP.O.Box40901Olympia.WA98504-0901Phone:360586-1.140Fax:360-586-1165www.tib.wa.govInvestinginyourlocalcommunityAGENDA ITEM #7. e) /\WashingtonStateTransportationImprovementBoard8-1-102(037)-IFuelTaxGrantAgreementCityofRenton8-1-102(037)-iDuvallAvenueNENE10thSttoNESunsetBlvd(SR900)STATEOFWASHINGTONTRANSPORTATIONIMPROVEMENTBOARDANDCityofRentonAGREEMENTTHISGRANTAGREEMENT(hereinafter“Agreement”)fortheDuvallAvenueNE,NE10thSttoNESunsetBlvd(SR900)(hereinafter“Project”)isenteredintobytheWASHINGTONSTATETRANSPORTATIONIMPROVEMENTBOARD(hereinafter“TIB”)andCityofRenton,apoliticalsubdivisionoftheStateofWashington(hereinafter“RECIPIENT”).1.0PURPOSETIBherebygrantsfundsintheamountof$3,468,289fortheprojectspecifiedabove,pursuanttotermscontainedintheRECIPIENT’SGrantApplication,supportingdocumentation,chapter47.26RCW,title479WAC,andthetermsandconditionslistedbelow.2.0SCOPEANDBUDGETTheProjectScopeandBudgetareinitiallydescribedinRECIPIENT’sGrantApplicationandincorporatedbyreferenceintothisAgreement.ScopeandBudgetwillbefurtherdevelopedandrefined,butnotsubstantiallyalteredduringtheDesign,BidAuthorizationandConstructionPhases.AnymaterialalterationstotheoriginalProjectScopeorBudgetasinitiallydescribedintheGrantApplicationmustbeauthorizedbyTIBinadvancebywrittenamendment.3.0PROJECTDOCUMENTATIONTIBrequiresRECIPIENTtomakereasonableprogressandsubmittimelyProjectdocumentationasapplicablethroughouttheProject.UponRECIPIENT’ssubmissionofeachProjectdocumenttoTIB,thetermscontainedinthedocumentwillbeincorporatedbyreferenceintotheAgreement.Requireddocumentsinclude,butarenotlimitedtothefollowing:a)ProjectFundingStatusFormb)BidAuthorizationFormwithplansandengineersestimateC)AwardUpdatedCostEstimated)BidTabulationse)ContractCompletionUpdatedCostEstimatewithfinalsummaryofquantitiesf)ProjectAccountingHistory4.0BILLINGANDPAYMENTThelocalagencyshallsubmitprogressbillingsasprojectcostsareincurredtoenableTIBtomaintainaccuratebudgetingandfundmanagement.PaymentrequestsmaybesubmittedasoftenastheRECIPIENTdeemsnecessary,butshallbesubmittedatleastquarterlyifbillableFuelTaxAgreementPage1of5November2012AGENDA ITEM #7. e) WashingtonStateTransportationImprovementBoard8-1-102(037)-IFuelTaxGrantAgreementamountsaregreaterthan$50,000.Ifprogressbillingsarenotsubmitted,largepaymentsmaybedelayedorscheduledinapaymentplan.5.0TERMOFAGREEMENTThisAgreementshallbeeffectiveuponexecutionbyTIBandshallcontinuethroughcloseoutofthegrantoruntilterminatedasprovidedherein,butshallnotexceed10yearsunlessamendedbytheParties.6.0AMENDMENTSThisAgreementmaybeamendedbymutualagreementoftheParties.SuchamendmentsshallnotbebindingunlesstheyareinwritingandsignedbypersonsauthorizedtobindeachoftheParties.7.0ASSIGNMENTTheRECIPIENTshallnotassignortransferitsrights,benefits,orobligationsunderthisAgreementwithoutthepriorwrittenconsentofTIB.TheRECIPIENTisdeemedtoconsenttoassignmentofthisAgreementbyTIBtoasuccessorentity.SuchconsentshallnotconstituteawaiveroftheRECIPIENT’sotherrightsunderthisAgreement.8.0GOVERNANCE&VENUEThisAgreementshallbeconstruedandinterpretedinaccordancewiththelawsofthestateofWashingtonandvenueofanyactionbroughthereundershallbeintheSuperiorCourtforThurstonCounty.9.0DEFAULTANDTERMINATION9.1NON-COMPLIANCEa)IntheeventTIBdetermines,initssolediscretion,theRECIPIENThasfailedtocomplywiththetermsandconditionsofthisAgreement,TIBshallnotifytheRECIPIENT,inwriting,ofthenon-compliance.b)Inresponsetothenotice,RECIPIENTshallprovideawrittenresponsewithin10businessdaysofreceiptofTIB’snoticeofnon-compliance,whichshouldincludeeitheradetailedplantocorrectthenon-compliance,arequesttoamendtheProject,oradenialaccompaniedbysupportingdetails.c)TIBwillprovide30daysforRECIPIENTtomakereasonableprogresstowardcompliancepursuanttoitsplantocorrectorimplementitsamendmenttotheProject.d)ShouldRECIPIENTdisputenon-compliance,TIBwillinvestigatethedisputeandmaywithholdfurtherpaymentsorprohibittheRECIPIENTfromincurringadditionalreimbursablecostsduringtheinvestigation.9.2DEFAULTRECIPIENTmaybeconsideredindefaultifTIBdetermines,initssolediscretion,that:FuelTaxAgreementPage2of5November2012AGENDA ITEM #7. e) WashingtonStateTransportationImprovementBoard8-1-102(037)-IFuelTaxGrantAgreementa)RECIPIENTisnotmakingreasonableprogresstowardcorrectionandcornpliance.b)TIBdeniestheRECIPIENT’srequesttoamendtheProject.c)AfterinvestigationTIBconfirmsRECIPIENTSnon-compliance.TIBreservestherighttoorderRECIPIENTtoimmediatelystopworkontheProjectandTIBmaystopProjectpaymentsuntiltherequestedcorrectionshavebeenmadeortheAgreementhasbeenterminated.9.3TERMINATIONa)IntheeventofdefaultbytheRECIPIENTasdeterminedpursuanttoSection9.2,TIBshallserveRECIPIENTwithawrittennoticeofterminationofthisAgreement,whichshallbeservedinperson,byemailorbycertifiedletter.Uponserviceofnoticeoftermination,theRECIPIENTshallimmediatelystopworkand/ortakesuchactionasmaybedirectedbyTIB.b)Intheeventofdefaultand/orterminationbyeitherPARTY,theRECIPIENTmaybeliablefordamagesasauthorizedbylawincluding,butnotlimitedto,repaymentofgrantfunds.c)TherightsandremediesofTIBprovidedintheAGREEMENTarenotexclusiveandareinadditiontoanyotherrightsandremediesprovidedbylaw.9.4TERMINATIONFORNECESSITYTIBmay,withten(10)dayswrittennotice,terminatethisAgreement,inwholeorinpart,becausefundsarenolongeravailableforthepurposeofmeetingTIB’sobligations.IfthisAgreementissoterminated,TIBshallbeliableonlyforpaymentrequiredunderthisAgreementforperformancerenderedorcostsincurredpriortotheeffectivedateoftermination.10.0USEOFTIBGRANTFUNDSTIBgrantfundscomefromMotorVehicleFuelTaxrevenue.AnyuseofthesefundsforanythingotherthanhighwayorroadwaysystemimprovementsisprohibitedandshallsubjecttheRECIPIENTtotheterms,conditionsandremediessetforthinSection9.IfRightofWayispurchasedusingTIBfunds,andsomeoralloftheRightofWayissubsequentlysold,proceedsfromthesalemustbedepositedintotheRECIPIENT’smotorvehiclefundandusedforamotorvehiclepurpose.11.0INCREASEORDECREASEINTIBGRANTFUNDSAtBidAwardandContractCompletion,RECIPIENTmayrequestanincreaseintheTIBfundsforthespecificproject.RequestsmustbemadeinwritingandwillbeconsideredbyTIBandawardedatthesolediscretionofTIB.AllincreaserequestsmustbemadepursuanttoWAC479-05-202and/orWAC479-01-060.Ifanincreaseisdenied,therecipientshallbeliableforcostsincurredinexcessofthegrantamount.Intheeventthatfinalcostsrelatedtothespecificprojectarelessthantheinitialgrantaward,TIBfundswillbedecreasedand/orrefundedtoTIBinamannerthatmaintainstheoriginalratiobetweenTIBfundsandtotalprojectcosts.FuelTaxAgreementPage3of5November2012AGENDA ITEM #7. e) WashingtonStateTransportationImprovementBoard8-1-102(037)-IFuelTaxGrantAgreement12.0INDEPENDENTCAPACITYTheRECIPIENTshallbedeemedanindependentcontractorforallpurposesandtheemployeesoftheRECIPIENToranyofitscontractors,subcontractors,andemployeesthereofshallnotinanymannerbedeemedemployeesofTIB.13.0INDEMNIFICATIONANDHOLDHARMLESSThePARTIESagreetothefollowing:EachofthePARTIES,shallprotect,defend,indemnify,andsaveharmlesstheotherPARTY,itsofficers,officials,employees,andagents,whileactingwithinthescopeoftheiremploymentassuch,fromanyandallcosts,claims,judgment,and/orawardsofdamages,arisingoutof,orinanywayresultingfrom,thatPARTY’sownnegligentactsoromissionswhichmayariseinconnectionwithitsperformanceunderthisAgreement.NoPARTYwillberequiredtoindemnify,defend,orsaveharmlesstheotherPARTYiftheclaim,suit,oractionforinjuries,death,ordamagesiscausedbythesolenegligenceoftheotherPARTY.Wheresuchclaims,suits,oractionsresultfromtheconcurrentnegligenceofthePARTIES,theindemnityprovisionsprovidedhereinshallbevalidandenforceableonlytotheextentofaPARTY’sownnegligence.EachofthePARTIESagreesthatitsobligationsunderthissubparagraphextendtoanyclaim,demandand/orcauseofactionbroughtby,oronbehalfof,anyofitsemployeesoragents.Forthispurpose,eachofthePARTIES,bymutualnegotiation,herebywaives,withrespecttotheotherPARTYonly,anyimmunitythatwouldotherwisebeavailabletoitagainstsuchclaimsundertheIndustrialInsuranceprovisionofTitle51RCW.InanyactiontoenforcetheprovisionsoftheSection,theprevailingPARTYshallbeentitledtorecoveritsreasonableattorney’sfeesandcostsincurredfromtheotherPARTY.TheobligationsofthisSectionshallsurviveterminationofthisAgreement.14.0DISPUTERESOLUTIONa)ThePARTIESshallmakegoodfaitheffortstoquicklyandcollaborativelyresolveanydisputearisingunderorinconnectionwiththisAGREEMENT.ThedisputeresolutionprocessoutlinedinthisSectionappliestodisputesarisingunderorinconnectionwiththetermsofthisAGREEMENT.b)InformalResolution.ThePARTIESshallusetheirbesteffortstoresolvedisputespromptlyandatthelowestorganizationallevel.c)IntheeventthatthePARTIESareunabletoresolvethedispute,thePARTIESshallsubmitthemattertonon-bindingmediationfacilitatedbyamutuallyagreeduponmediator.ThePARTIESshallshareequallyinthecostofthemediator.d)EachPARTYagreestocompromisetothefullestextentpossibleinresolvingthedisputeinordertoavoiddelaysoradditionalincurredcosttotheProject.e)ThePARTIESagreethattheyshallhavenorighttoseekreliefinacourtoflawuntilandunlesstheDisputeResolutionprocesshasbeenexhausted.FuelTaxAgreementPage4of5November2012AGENDA ITEM #7. e) WashingtonStateTransportationImprovementBoard.FuelTaxGrantAgreement8-1-102(037)-I15.0ENTIREAGREEMENTThisAgreement,togetherwiththeRECIPIENT’SGrantApplication,theprovisionsofchapter47.26RevisedCodeofWashington,theprovisionsoftitle479WashingtonAdministrativeCode,andTIBPolicies,constitutestheentireagreementbetweenthePARTIESandsupersedesallpreviouswrittenororalagreementsbetweenthePARTIES.16.0RECORDSMAINTENANCETheRECIPIENTshallmaintainbooks,records,documents,dataandotherevidencerelatingtothisAgreementandperformanceoftheservicesdescribedherein,includingbutnotlimitedtoaccountingproceduresandpracticeswhichsufficientlyandproperlyreflectalldirectandindirectcostsofanynatureexpendedintheperformanceofthisAgreement.RECIPIENTshallretainsuchrecordsforaperiodofsixyearsfollowingthedateoffinalpayment.Atnoadditionalcost,theserecords,includingmaterialsgeneratedundertheAgreementshallbesubjectatallreasonabletimestoinspection,revieworauditbyTIBpersonneldulyauthorizedbyTIB,theOfficeoftheStateAuditor,andfederalandstateofficialssoauthorizedbylaw,regulationoragreement.Ifanylitigation,claimorauditisstartedbeforetheexpirationofthesix(6)yearperiod,therecordsshallberetaineduntilalllitigation,claims,orauditfindingsinvolvingtherecordshavebeenresolved.ApprovedastoFormAttorneyGeneralBy:SignatureonfileGuyBowmanAssistantAttorneyGeneralLeadAgencyChiefExecutiveOfficerDatePrintNameTransportationImprovementBoardExecutiveDirectorDatePrintNameFuelTaxAgreementPage5of5November2012AGENDA ITEM #7. e) “Transportation Improvement Board )Project Funding Status Form Agency:RENTON TlBProjectNumber:8-1-102(037)-I Project Name:Duvall Avenue NE NE 10th St to NE Sunset Blvd (SR 900) Verify the information below and revise if necessary. Return to: Transportation Improvement Board PC Box 40901 Olympia,WA 98504-090 1 ROJECT SCHEDULE ________________________________ Target Dates Construction Approval Date Contract Bid Award Contract Completion PROJECT FUNDING PARTNERS List additional funding partners and amount. Funding Partners Amount Revised Funding RENTON 1,200,605 WSDOT 0 Federal Funds 0 TOTAL LOCAL FUNDS 1,200,605 Signatures are required from two different agency officials.Return the originally signed form to the TIB office. Mayor or Public Works Director Signature Date Printed or Typed Name Title Financial Officer Signature Date Printed or Typed Name Title TIB Project Funding Status Form AGENDA ITEM #7. e) REGULAR COUNCIL - 14 Dec 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE:Project Cost Increase and Transfer of Funds: CAG-15-081, 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps RECOMMENDED ACTION:Council Concur DEPARTMENT:Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT:Jayson Grant, Lead Maintenance Services Worker EXT.:2238 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required:$ 908,800 Transfer Amendment:$ 40,000 Amount Budgeted:$ 868,800 Revenue Generated:$ N/A Total Project Budget:$ 908,800 City Share Total Project:$ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps contract was awarded on June 8, 2015. The total contract was in the amount of $870,561.31. The contract was paid by three project funds: 1.Schedule A was paid by the Overlay Program Fund. 2.Schedule B was paid by the Wastewater Utility Fund. 3.Schedule C was paid by the SW 27th Street/Strander Blvd Fund. Changes and expenses that occurred to the contract as specified in Exhibit A have exceeded the 2015 project budget. The project was completed on October 13, 2015 with the final contract amount of $1,020,492.72. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Transfer $40,000 from the Arterial Rehabilitation Program Fund (317.122186) to the Street Overlay Program Fund for expenses that have exceeded the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps contract budget. AGENDA ITEM #7. f) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:December 4, 2015 TO:Ed Prince, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Jayson Grant, Lead Maintenance Services Worker, x2238 SUBJECT:Project Cost Increase and Transfer of Funds: CAG-15-081, 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps ISSUE: Should the City approve the transfer of $40,000, within the Transportation Capital Fund 317, from the Arterial Rehabilitation Program (SW Grady Way Overlay) to the Street Overlay Program for expenses that have exceeded the 2015 project budget? RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the transfer of $40,000 from the Arterial Rehabilitation Program Fund (SW Grady Way Overlay) to the Street Overlay Program for expenses that have exceeded the 2015 project budget. BACKGROUND: On June 8, 2015, the City awarded the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps contract. The total contract was in the amount of $870,561.31, and included three (3) schedules to be paid by three (3) projects funds: Schedule Amount Project Fund A $736,352.63 Street Overlay Program (317.122108) B $93,544.00 + $8,886.68 (tax)Wastewater Utility (426.456065) C $31,778.00 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd(317.122239) Total $870,561.31 The following changes occurred to the contract: 1.Change Order 1 added pavement at the Downtown Library parking lot and was paid by the New Library Development Fund (Fund 336). The cost of the work was $39,000. AGENDA ITEM #7. f) Ed Prince, Council President Page 2 of 2 December 3, 2015 2.Change Order 2 added three (3) street sections due to deterioration. The cost of additional work was $60,977.15 paid by the Street Overlay Program Fund (317.122186). The three street sections added were: a.SE 134th Street from 162nd Avenue SE to 160th Avenue SE, b.162nd Avenue SE from SE 137th Place to SE 136th Street and c.162nd Avenue SE from 125 feet south of SE 136th Street to 136th Street 3.Change Order 3 adjusted the scope of work to grind and overlay an unanticipated existing berm. The net change of this change order was $31,343.28 paid by the Wastewater Utility Fund (426.456065). 4.Change Order 4 was a reduction in the work of Schedule C which was paid by the SW 27th Street/Strander Project Blvd Fund (317.122239). The net change of this work was ($12,398.00). 5.Change Order 5 reconciled quantities that have over- or under-run from the original bid amount. The net change of the over- and under-runs was $31,008.98. The reconciliation affected all three (3) schedules as such: a.Schedule A: $40,246.16 b.Schedule B: ($7,150.07) c.Schedule C: ($1,407.85) The work was completed on October 13, 2015. The final contract amount is $1,020,492.72. The breakdown of the expenditures is below: Schedule Amount Project Fund A $ 876,575.94 Street Overlay Program (317.122108)* B $ 125,944.63 Wastewater Utility (426.456065) C $ 17,972.15 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd (317.122239) Total $ 1,020,492.72 *Includes $39,000 from the New Library Development Fund The Street Overlay Program project budget for 2015 is $868,800. The Street Overlay Program includes Schedule A above (minus the contribution by the New Library Development Fund – Change Order 1) plus additional expenses such as City staff, materials testing and construction advertisement. Projections show that 2015 expenditures will exceed the Street Overlay Program’s budget. A budget adjustment is necessary in order to execute Change Order 2 for the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps contract (CAG-15-081). Therefore, we request approval to transfer $40,000 from the Arterial Rehabilitation Program (SW Grady Way Overlay, 317.122188) to the Street Overlay Program (317.122108). The 2016 Street Overlay Program budget will be reduced by the same amount, and the $40,000 will be transferred back to the Arterial Rehabilitation Program (SW Grady Way Overlay). Cc:Bob Hanson, Transportation Design Manager Juliana Fries, Program Development Coordinator II AGENDA ITEM #7. f)   1    CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25    CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________      A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND THE  BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO.  25, PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION TO QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY  AND THE DISTRICT, A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON APRIL 26, 2016,  PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 52.26 OF THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON, OF A  PROPOSITION THAT APPROVES A PLAN TO FORM A REGIONAL FIRE  PROTECTION SERVICE AUTHORITY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY AND  THE DISTRICT, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2016, TO BE FUNDED BY A PROPERTY TAX  LEVY AND A NEW SIX‐YEAR BENEFIT CHARGE.    WHEREAS, the ability to respond to emergency situations by fire protection and  emergency medical service agencies has not kept up or progressed with community needs and  special service demands.  Providing an effective fire protection and emergency medical service  system requires a collaborative partnership and responsibility among local and regional  governments and the private sector; and  WHEREAS, the delivery of core emergency services and timely development of  significant projects can best be achieved through stable funding options for regional fire  protection and emergency services; and  WHEREAS, the City of Renton (“the City”), through its Fire and Emergency Services  Department, and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 (“the District”) have had a  cooperative partnership, striving to provide the highest level of fire and emergency medical  services to their citizens within the confines of available resources. This cooperative partnership  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________    2  began with an interlocal agreement in 1993, when the district transferred its employees to the  City and the City started providing fire and emergency medical services in the District; and  WHEREAS, in 2014, the City and the District formed the Regional Fire Authority Planning  Committee (“Planning Committee”) to review the creation of a regional fire authority and  associated service delivery and financing plan to provide fire protection and emergency services  within the boundaries of the City and the District.  The members of the Planning Committee  include three District Commissioners, and three City of Renton Councilmembers.  Also invited  to the Planning Committee are representatives from Fire District 20, Fire District 40, and union  representatives of International Association of Firefighters Local 864. The Planning Committee  met between September 2014 and October 2015 and recommended the creation of the  “Renton Regional Fire Authority,” and the adoption of a business plan to govern and finance its  operation (the “Plan”).  The Plan was approved by the District on November 17, 2015, and the  City on November 23, 2015, and is formally adopted by each entity pursuant to this joint  resolution.  Copies of the Plan are available from the administrative offices of the City and the  District; and  WHEREAS, the City and the District are authorized to form a regional fire protection  service authority by Chapter 52.26 RCW, which requires that in the order to create a regional  fire protection service authority, the Plan must be approved by the voters of the area affected  by the Plan.  Therefore, in accordance with the Plan and state law, it is appropriate to place  before voters within the proposed service boundaries of the regional fire authority, a  proposition for approval to form the Renton Regional Fire Authority, to be funded by a new six‐ year benefit charge and existing property tax levy, and the approval of the Plan;  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________    3  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25, DO  HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. Adoption of the Plan for the Renton Regional Fire Authority.  The City  Council of the City of Renton, Washington, and the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire  Protection District No. 25 hereby formally adopt the Plan of the Renton Regional Fire Authority,  a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference.  SECTION II. Findings of City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, and the Board  of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25.  The City Council of the City of  Renton, Washington, and the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District  No. 25 hereby find that it is in the best interest of the City and the District to submit to the  qualified electors of the City and the District at a special election to be held on April 26, 2016, a  proposition to adopt the Plan creating the Renton Regional Fire Authority, which if approved  will be funded by a six‐year benefit charge not to exceed 60% of the Renton Regional Fire  Authority’s operating budget, and property tax not to exceed $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed  value during such time as the benefit charge is collected, and not to exceed $1.50 per $1,000 of  assessed value if the benefit charge is not being collected.  If approved by 60% of the voters  within the boundaries of the authority as provided in Chapter 52.26 RCW, the authority will be  called the “Renton Regional Fire Authority,” with boundaries coextensive with the boundaries  of the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25, effective July 1, 2016.  SECTION III. Submittal of Proposition for Voters.  There shall be submitted to the  qualified electors of the District and the City for their ratification or rejection, at a special  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________    4  election on April 26, 2016, the question of whether or not the Renton Regional Fire Authority  should be created in accordance with the Plan and funded with a six‐year benefit charge and  property tax levy.  The Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25  and the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, hereby request the Director of Elections  of King County, as ex‐officio supervisor of elections to call such election and to submit the  following proposition at such election, in the form of a ballot title substantially as follows:  PROPOSITION NO. 1  The City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 have adopted  a Joint Resolution approving the Renton Regional Fire Authority Plan (“Plan”) to  create the Renton Regional Fire Authority (“Authority”) with an effective date of  July 1, 2016.    If approved, this position would create the Authority, in accordance with the  Plan, to provide fire protection and emergency medical services in the City and  the District.  The Authority will be funded by a six‐year fire benefit charge (not to  exceed 60% of the operating budget) and property tax (not to exceed $1.00 per  $1,000 of assessed value).  This funding would replace the District’s existing  property tax rate of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value, and would reduce  Renton’s property tax capacity by the tax rate collected by the Authority.      Should the Plan to create a Regional Fire Protection Service Authority be  approved?    YES [  ]    NO [  ]     SECTION IV.  Authorize Continued Acts of the Regional Fire Authority Planning  Committee.  The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, and the Board of  Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25 herby authorize the Renton  Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee to continue operating on an as needed basis until  the effective date of the Authority.  The Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee shall be  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________    5  considered the governing board for the purposes of RCW 52.26.230 and shall be responsible for  conducting a public hearing on the benefit charge consistent with the requirements of RCW  52.26.230.  The Planning Committee shall function as the governing board for the purposes of  carrying out the requirements of Chapter 52.26 RCW until such time as a new governing board  is established on July 1, 2016, pursuant to the Plan.  SECTION V.  Pro and Con Committee Appointments.  The City Council of the City of  Renton, Washington, and the King County Fire Protection District No. 25 Board of  Commissioners hereby assign to the Renton Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee the  task of appointing members to a committee to advocate voters’ approval of the proposition  and to a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters’ rejection of the proposition.   SECTION VI. Severability.  If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or  phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision  shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution.  SECTION VII. Ratification.  Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the  effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed.  SECTION VIII. Effective Date.  This resolution shall take effect and be in force  immediately upon its passage.  SECTION IX. Triplicate Originals.  Three originals of this resolution are signed by the  City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25.     AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________    6    PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _____________________, 2015.               ________________________________         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk       APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _____________________, 2015.               _________________________________         Denis Law, Mayor     ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25,  King County, Washington, at a regular open public meeting of such Board on the ________ day  of _____________________, 2015, the below commissioners being present and voting.             ______________________________         COMMISSIONER             ______________________________         COMMISSIONER             ______________________________         COMMISSIONER             ______________________________         KCFPD No. 25 SECRETARY           Approved as to form:           Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney  RES.1688:12/2/15:scr      AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) Renton Regional Fire Authority Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgement....................................................................................................................................................... 2 Section 1: Background & Needs Statements .................................................................................................... 3 Section 2: Definitions ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Section 3: Formation Authority ............................................................................................................................. 6 Section 4: Jurisdictional Boundaries ................................................................................................................... 8 Section 5: Governance ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Section 6: Funding and Finance ............................................................................................................................ 11 Section 7: Organizational Structure – Personnel - Administration ........................................................ 14 Section 8: Operations and Services ...................................................................................................................... 17 APPENDICES Appendix A: Jurisdiction Boundary Map .......................................................................................................... 20 Appendix B: Fire Benefit Charge .......................................................................................................................... 21 Exhibit 1: Initial Fire Benefit Charge Formula and Preliminary Factors ............................................. 24 Appendix C: Organization Structure ................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix D: Real Property . ................................................................................................................................... 26 Appendix E: Personal Property - Vehicles and Apparatus. ....................................................................... 27 EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Recognizing the challenges and opportunities that all fire jurisdictions are facing, the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25, through a partnership of many years, agreed to explore the different governance and funding options available to provide fire protection and emergency medical services to the communities we serve. Planning Committee Ed Prince, Committee Chair, Renton City Council Ray Barilleaux, Fire District 25 Commissioner Marcie Palmer, Renton City Council Myron Meikle, Fire District 25 Commissioner Armondo Pavone, Renton City Council Kerrie Abercrombie, Fire District 25 Commissioner Steering Committee Jay Covington, Chief Admin Officer Steven Winter, Local 864 President Mark Peterson, Fire Chief Brett Bigger, Local 864 Vice President Chad Michael, Deputy Fire Chief William Aho, Local 864 Representative Erik Wallgren, Deputy Fire Chief Pat Miller, Local 2170 President Iwen Wang, FIT Administrator Corey Thomas, Local 2170 Representative Anjela St. John, Fire Marshal Jennifer Zinck, Administrative Assistant EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 3 SECTION 1 Background & Needs Statements Revision The BACKGROUND & NEEDS STATEMENTS section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. Adopted Revised A. Background and Needs: 1. The ability to respond to emergency situations by fire protection and emergency services jurisdictions has not kept up or progressed with the community’s needs and special service demands. Anticipated increase in population will likely exacerbate this problem. 2. Providing a fire protection and emergency services system requires a collaborative partnership and responsibility among local and regional governments, the private sector, and the community. 3. Delivery of core emergency services and timely development of significant projects can best be achieved through stable funding options for regional fire protection and emergency services. 4. The City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 have had a cooperative partnership, striving to provide the highest level of fire and emergency services to our community within the confines of available resources. 5. Cooperation and the partnership between the City of Renton and King County Fire District No. 25 began with an interlocal agreement in 1993, providing the legal structure for the entities to remain separate but work cooperatively together. 6. The City of Renton and King County Fire District No. 25 will be asking its citizens to consider combining all functions and services provided by the two jurisdictions into a single entity, called a Regional Fire Authority. RFA SECTION 1 PLAN REVISION: The NEEDS STATEMENT section of the Renton Regional Fire Authority (RRFA) Plan is subject to amendment by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 4 SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS Revision The DEFINITIONS section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. Adopted Revised A. DEFINITIONS 1. The definitions in this section apply throughout this RFA Plan, unless the context clearly requires otherwise. 1.1. "Board", “Governance Board” or “Governing Board” means the Governance body of a regional fire protection service authority. 1.2. “City” means the City of Renton. 1.3. “District” means King County Fire Protection District No. 25. 1.4. “Effective Date” means July 1 immediately following the approval of the RFA Plan by voters of the Participating Jurisdictions. 1.5. “Fire Benefit Charge” is a service charge determined by the required fire-flow and personnel and equipment costs associated with fighting a fire in a particular type and size of structure. The initial calculation method and formula is described in Appendix B of this plan. 1.6. “Interlocal Agreement” means the interlocal service agreement between the RFA and the City of Renton in provisioning of certain administrative and support services per the adopted Plan. 1.7. “Participating Jurisdictions” means the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25. 1.8. “RCW” means Revised Code of Washington. 1.9. “Regional Fire Protection Service Authority” or “Regional Fire Authority” or "RFA" means a regional fire protection service authority formed pursuant to chapter 52.26 RCW. An RFA is a municipal corporation, an independent taxing authority within the meaning of Article VII, Section 1 of the state Constitution, and a taxing district within the meaning of Article VII, Section 2 of the state Constitution. 1.10. "Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee" or "Planning Committee" means the committee created under RCW 52.26.030 to create and propose to the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 the Regional Fire Authority Plan. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 5 1.11. "Regional Fire Authority Plan," “RFA Plan” or "Plan" means this Regional Fire Protection Service Authority Plan, drafted and approved in accordance with chapter 52.26 RCW for the development, financing and operation of the Renton Regional Fire Authority. 1.12. “Renton Regional Fire Authority” or “RRFA” means the Regional Fire Protection Service Authority defined in this plan whose boundaries are coextensive with the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25. RFA SECTION 2 PLAN REVISION DISPOSITION: The DEFINITIONS section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment or revision only by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 6 SECTION 3 FORMATION AUTHORITY Revision The FORMATION AUTHORITY section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment or revision only by submission of a revised RFA Plan to the electorate for approval. Adopted Date Council Adopted: Date Commissioners Adopted: Revised A. REGIONAL FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE AUTHORITY. 1. Chapter 52.26 RCW provides statutory authority for the formation of a Regional Fire Authority by the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25. B. PLANNING COMMITTEE AUTHORITY. 1. RCW 52.26.030 and RCW 52.26.040 provides statutory authority to form and operate a Planning Committee. 2. The Participating Jurisdictions formed a Planning Committee consisting of three (3) members of the City Council and three (3) Commissioners of the District. 3. The Planning Committee developed and presented to the elected officials of each Participating Jurisdiction the RFA Plan. C. RFA PLAN APPROVAL AUTHORITY. 1. The legislative body of each Participating Jurisdiction reviewed and approved the RFA plan by Joint Resolution and called for an election to approve the RFA Plan. 2. The RFA Plan is being submitted to the voters of the City and the District as a single ballot measure that must be approved by a 60% majority vote. 3. The Planning Committee has authority to take all necessary actions on behalf of the Participating Jurisdictions, perform all necessary duties as required to place the RFA Plan before the voters and to comply with the public hearing requirements contained in RCW 52.26.230. 4. Should the RFA Plan be approved by 60% of the voters of the Participating Jurisdictions, the Renton Regional Fire Authority shall be formed on, July 1, 2016, in accordance with RCW 52.26.070. 5. Upon voter approval of the RFA Plan, the City and the District shall continue to exist as Washington State Municipal Corporations. The exclusive purpose of the continued existence of the District shall be to levy and collect taxes and/or other fire protection EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 7 district revenue to be transferred to the RFA until such time as the RFA collects its own revenues and to provide representation to the newly formed RFA Governance Board. If the RFA Plan is not approved by 60% of the voters, then operations relating to the services set forth herein shall remain with the City of Renton Fire & Emergency Services Department. RFA SECTION 3 PLAN REVISION DISPOSITION: The FORMATION AUTHORITY section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment or revision only by submission of a revised RFA Plan to the electorate for approval. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 8 SECTION 4 JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES Revision The JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment or revision only by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. Adopted Revised A. JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES ON DATE OF FORMATION. 1. On the Effective Date, the jurisdictional boundaries of the RFA shall be the legal boundaries of the Participating Jurisdictions. The boundaries are depicted on the map attached hereto and marked as Appendix A of this RFA Plan. 2. On the Effective Date, the RFA shall also be responsible for providing services to King County Fire Protection District No. 40 pursuant to the terms of the City’s Fire and Emergency Services Operating Agreement Dated February 8, 2008, as amended, between the City and King County Fire Protection District No. 40. The City shall assign the King County Fire District No. 40 contract to the RFA on the Effective Date. B. CHANGES IN JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES AFTER FORMATION OF THE RFA. 1. Boundary Changes that do not require an RFA Plan amendment. 1.1. City annexations of areas included within the boundaries of the District. Such annexations will not affect the RFA since the areas will already be within the RFA boundaries. Pursuant to RCW 52.26.290 there will be no required asset or employee transfers between the fire protection district and the city. 1.2. City annexations of areas not included within the District. On the effective date of such annexation, the territory annexed shall automatically be included within the boundaries of the RFA pursuant to RCW 52.26.290. The territory added to the RFA by such annexation shall be subject to the taxation, charges, and bonded indebtedness (if approved as part of the annexation process) of the RFA. Any transfer of assets or employees that occurs as a result of annexation shall be between the transferring entity and the RFA. 1.3. Annexation of a portion of the District by a City that is not a Participating Jurisdiction in the RFA. On the effective date of such annexation, the territory annexed shall automatically be removed from the boundaries of the RFA. In this situation the RFA shall not be obligated to transfer employees or assets of the RFA and the annexing city shall be restricted solely to assets and employees of the District, if any. 1.4. RFA Annexations. Pursuant to RCW 52.26.090(g), the RFA shall have the authority to conduct annexations of unincorporated territory adjacent to the RFA pursuant to the EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 9 statutory authority and procedures set forth in Chapter 52.04.001 through RCW 52.04.051. 1.5. RFA Partial Mergers. Pursuant to RCW 52.26.090(g), the RFA shall have the authority to participate in the partial merger process under the authority and pursuant to the procedures set forth in RCW 52.06.090 and .100. 2. Boundary Changes that require an RFA Plan Amendment. 2.1. Annexations of Adjacent Fire Protection Jurisdictions. The boundaries of the RFA may be expanded to include adjacent fire protection jurisdictions through the Plan Amendment and annexation procedures set forth at RCW 52.26.300. RFA SECTION 4 PLAN REVISION DISPOSITION: The JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment or revision only by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 10 SECTION 5 GOVERNANCE Revision The GOVERNANCE section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment or revision only by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. Adopted Revised A. GOVERNING BOARD STRUCTURE AND OPERATION. 1. Governing Board. As provided by RCW 52.26.080, the RFA Governing Board shall be established consistent with the terms of this Section and shall have authority as of the Effective Date. 2. Composition of Governing Board. Upon the effective date of the RFA, the Governing Board shall include six (6) voting members consisting of three (3) current seated elected officials from the City to be appointed by the City Council and three (3) current seated members of the Board of Commissioners from the District. There shall also be a nonvoting member, representing contracting agencies, if any. The nonvoting member shall be a current seated elected official from a fire district or a city that contracts with the RFA. The composition of the Governing Board can be changed in the future by following the process identified in the RFA bylaws to amend this Section of the Plan. 3. Governing Rules. The RFA Governing Board shall develop and adopt by-laws, governance policies and rules for the RFA Governing Board to conduct business in accordance with RCW 52.26.080. 4. Authority. The RFA Governing Board shall have all the power and authority granted governing boards under Washington State law, and shall include the power and authority to make any decisions appropriate for the RFA and for matters related to Title 52 RCW. 5. Compensation of Governing Board. Commissioners of the Governing Board will receive compensation in the same manner and under the same conditions as provided by law for commissioners of a fire protection district organized under Title 52 RCW. RFA SECTION 5 PLAN REVISION DISPOSITION: The GOVERNANCE section of the Plan may be amended by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 11 SECTION 6 FUNDING and FINANCE Revision The FUNDING and FINANCE section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment or revision by the Governing Board except when voter approval is required by statute. Adopted Revised A. INTERIM RFA FINANCES 1. The operation and administration of the RFA, if effective on July 1 of the year, for the remainder of the effective year shall be funded by the funds budgeted for fire department services in the budgets of each Participating Jurisdiction of the RFA for the year. B. RFA REVENUES: 1. Tax Levies. The RFA shall be authorized to levy and collect taxes in accordance with RCW 52.26.050 (1) (b) at the initial tax levy rate of $1 per thousand of assessed valuation. 2. Benefit Charge. The RFA shall be authorized to impose a benefit charge on all improved properties within the RFA service area, initially based upon the general formula and methodology provided in Appendix B in accordance RCW 52.26.050(1)(a). 3. Service Contracts. To the extent permitted by law, the RFA Governance Board shall have the authority to pursue and contract with agencies and entities exempt from property taxes in accordance with RCW 52.30.020 and related statutes. 4. Fire Impact and Mitigation Fees. The RFA shall enter into an interlocal agreement with the City of Renton prior to the Effective Date to collect such fees generated within Renton City boundaries to the RFA. Any mitigation fees collected in excess of the debt service requirement for Station 13 shall be remitted to the RFA. 5. Permit, Plan Review, and Inspection Fees. The RFA shall enter into an interlocal with the City of Renton prior to the effective date to collect and remit such fees generated within Renton. 6. Additional Revenue Options. The RFA Governing Board shall have the authority to pursue, subject to any applicable statutory voter approval requirements and the RFA Plan Amendment, if required, all additional revenue sources authorized by law including but not limited to revenue sources specifically identified in Title 52 RCW and Title 84 RCW that are not otherwise addressed in chapter 52.26 RCW. C. TRANSFER OF ASSETS. 1. District Assets. On the Effective Date, the District shall immediately transfer any remaining and future assets to the RFA. Such assets shall include all real property and personal property, including but not limited to furniture, office equipment, motor vehicles, reports, documents, surveys, books, records, files, papers, or written material owned by or in the possession of the District. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 12 1.1 Reserve Fund. On the effective Date, the District shall transfer its reserve fund to the RFA for the purposes of establishing a Capital Projects Reserve Fund. The Capital Projects Reserve Fund shall be used for capital expenditures having a cost greater than $5,000.00 and a service life greater than three years (e.g., major equipment, fire apparatus, etc.) . 2. City Assets. On the Effective Date, the City shall immediately transfer to the RFA the following assets: 2.1. The real property identified in Appendix D, and unless otherwise excluded, any building fixtures, furniture and contents thereof. 2.2. The apparatus/vehicles identified in Appendix E. 2.3. Balance in Fire Health & Wellness Fund (Fund 011) as of transfer date, and balance of the Fire small equipment replacement fund within Fund 501 on the effective date. 2.4. Unless otherwise specified herein no City funds shall be transferred to the RFA. 2.5. All reports, documents, surveys, books, records, files, papers, or written material used by the City to carry out the fire protection and emergency services powers, functions, and duties of the City that are owned by or in the possession of the City. 2.6. City water systems including fire hydrants and related appurtenances shall not be transferred and shall remain City property. All assets so transferred based on the Plan and any subsequent agreements shall be transferred on an “as is where is” condition. 3. Except as otherwise provided in this RFA Plan, whenever any question arises as to the transfer of any funds, books, documents, records, papers, files, equipment, or other tangible property used or held in the exercise of the powers and the performance of the duties and functions transferred, the governing body of the Participating Jurisdiction owning such assets shall make a determination as to the proper allocation. D. DEBT. 1. District rights and obligations under LEOFF 1 retiree medical shall be transferred to the RFA upon Effective Date, including the Long-Term Care policies with UNUM. 2. The following City Debt/Obligation shall be retained by the City: 2.1. Loan on Fire Station 13. 2.2. The cost of developing of Fire Station 15, including all costs such as survey, design, permit, construction and any associated activities required to bring the station to operational status, in an amount not to exceed $5.5 million. The cost is based on a 2015 estimate and shall be adjusted by the Seattle Area Construction Cost index as published by Engineering News Record (ENR.COM) annually thereafter until the project construction bid is awarded. 2.3. The cost of furnishing and equipping Fire Station 15 is not to exceed $1 million. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 13 2.4. Obligations and assets related to City of Renton’s Firefighter’s Pension and/or LEOFF 1 retiree medical. 3. Future District Expenses. All future costs incurred by the District on and after the Effective Date shall be the responsibility of the RFA. RFA SECTION 6 PLAN REVISION DISPOSITION: The FUNDING AND FINANCE section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment or revision by the Governing Board except when voter approval is required by statute. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 14 SECTION 7 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE - PERSONNEL - ADMINISTRATION Revision The ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE - PERSONNEL - ADMINISTRATION section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. Adopted Revised A. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE. 1. Organizational Chart. The RFA shall be organized as provided in Appendix C of the RFA Plan. B. PERSONNEL. 1. Fire Chief. On the Effective Date, the Fire Chief of Renton shall serve as the Fire Chief of the RFA. The Fire Chief shall at all times be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the Governance Board. 2. Personnel. The existing personnel of the City Fire Department shall transfer to the RFA to fulfill assigned duties as outlined in the organizational structure in Appendix C. All City Fire Department personnel shall be transferred on the Effective Date at their current rank, grade and seniority. 3. Agreements. All current employee agreements, collective bargaining unit agreements, outstanding labor issues, personal service contracts, and any other contracts or agreements pertaining to work, duties, services or employment with the City shall be transferred over with all personnel on the Effective Date. C. ADMINISTRATION. 1. Administration. All current administrative and business functions, agreements, documents, operations, and policies and procedures from the City Fire Department shall transfer over to the RFA unless otherwise noted in this plan. 2. RFA Administrative Responsibilities. On the Effective Date, the following functions of the RFA shall be the responsibility of the RFA. The RFA desires to contract with the City of Renton to perform some of the functions as described below by reimbursing the City appropriate service costs. 2.1. Recruitment and Hiring, Labor Relations and Negotiations and all administrative functions related to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Family Care Act (FCA), and all other state and federal employment and labor laws. The RFA intends to hire an HR/Finance Director immediately but will also contract all these services with Renton through the first full calendar year after the Effective Date. Unless otherwise mutually agreed by the City and the RFA, the RFA will assume all HR EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 15 related functions with its own staff starting January 1 of the second full calendar year after the Effective Date. 2.2. Health Insurance. RFA will provide its own health plan effective July 1, 2016. 2.3. Risk Management including Labor and Industries time-loss, Liability and Property Insurance. The RFA will obtain its own property, liability, auto and other insurance coverage and will obtain its own unemployment and workers compensation policy (either through the State of Washington or a self-insurance program) upon Effective Date. 2.4. Payroll Services. The RFA intends to hire an HR/Finance Director, but will also contract timecard and payroll services with Renton through the first full calendar year. Unless otherwise agreed to mutually by the City and the RFA, the RFA will assume timecard and payroll processing responsibility no later than January 1 of the second full calendar year after the Effective Date. 2.5. Legal Services. The RFA will obtain its own legal counsel upon the Effective Date. 2.6. Accounting Services. The RFA intends to hire an HR/Finance Director, but will also contract these services with Renton through the first full calendar year. Unless otherwise agreed to mutually by the City and the RFA, the RFA will have its own staff perform full accounting and financial management functions of the Authority no later than January 1 of the second full calendar year after the Effective Date. 2.7. Fleet Maintenance. The RFA intends to contract all fleet maintenance, fueling, and acquisition/setup services with Renton starting from the Effective Date and continuing for the first 3 calendar years unless mutually agreed to terminate sooner. The service agreement may be extended for an additional 3-year period upon mutual agreement. The RFA shall give at least 180 days written notice of its intention to renew or terminate. 2.8. Facilities, IT, Communication. The RFA intends to contract all facility operations including but not limited to janitorial maintenance and supply, routine maintenance, small repairs and rehab with Renton upon the Effective Date and continuing for the first 3 calendar years unless mutually agreed to terminate sooner. The service agreement may be extended for an additional 3-year period upon mutual agreement. The RFA shall give at least 180 days written notice of its intention to renew or terminate. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 16 The RFA intends to contract all IT operations including but not limited to hardware and software, GIS, internet access, phone, cell phone, wireless devices, and new software selection/implementation upon the Effective Date and continuing for the first 3 calendar years unless mutually agreed to terminate sooner. The service agreement may be extended for an additional 3-year period upon mutual agreement. The RFA shall give at least 180 days written notice of its intention to renew or terminate. The RFA will assume all communication functions upon the Effective Date. For this section, communication functions include but are not limited to Public Information Officer (PIO) responsibilities, press releases, web and social media hosting and content management, interoffice and external mailing and postage, printing and publications. 3. City Retained Administrative Service Responsibilities. The City of Renton shall continue to provide the following services: 3.1. The City of Renton LEOFF Board will continue to oversee LEOFF 1 benefits for City retirees in accordance with the City of Renton LEOFF 1 Policies and Procedures. 3.2. Civil Service Board. The RFA shall establish its own Civil Service process no later than January 1 of the second full calendar after the Effective Date. The City will continue to provide a Civil Service Board during the interim at no cost to the RFA. 3.3. Others. Unless specified herein, the RFA shall establish its own services no later than January 1 of the second full calendar after the Effective Date to perform any functions not identified in this Plan. City will provide such services during the interim and may recover any service costs from the RFA. 4. Seamless Transition. Unless otherwise noted in the RFA Plan, the transfer of authority and the administration and management of the RFA shall be seamless and shall initially model the current administrative and management components of the current City of Renton Fire Department. The ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE – PERSONNEL - ADMINISTRATION section of The RFA Plan is subject to amendment by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 17 SECTION 8 OPERATIONS AND SERVICES Revision The OPERATIONS AND SERVICES section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. Adopted Revised A. FIRE PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. 1. All current operational and service delivery aspects of the City of Renton Fire Department shall be transferred to the RFA on the Effective Date. 2. Current staffing models, standards of coverage, deployment standards, field operations, command staffing, and operational policies and procedures of the City of Renton Fire Department shall be transferred to the RFA and continued at the current level of service on the Effective Date. 3. The RFA will adopt the City of Renton Fire Department Standards of Coverage Document, which will define services, levels of service, standards of coverage, development standards and customer expectations of the RFA. 4. All current automatic aid and mutual aid agreements, and any other contractual services agreements, documents, or memorandums currently in place with the City Fire Department and the District shall be transferred to the RFA on the Effective Date to provide continuous, seamless readiness and emergency services coverage. B. FIRE PREVENTION SERVICES. 1. Existing Service Providers: 1.1. The City of Renton, through the Renton Fire Department currently provides Fire Prevention Services pursuant to RCW 19.27.050 within the boundaries of the City of Renton: 1.2. King County currently provides Fire Prevention Services within the District. 2. Fire Prevention Service Providers on Effective Date: 2.1. On the Effective Date, Fire Prevention Services within the boundaries of the RFA shall be provided as follows: a. Within the City Renton: The RFA will provide Fire Prevention Services to the City of Renton. City of Renton shall designate the RFA Chief as its Fire Chief and the RFA Fire Marshal as its Fire Marshal, and the City will provide enforcement and prosecution support when appropriate. b. Within unincorporated King County: King County shall provide Fire Prevention Services. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 18 C. FIRE INVESTIGATION SERVICES. 1. Existing Service Providers: 1.1. The City of Renton, through the Renton Fire Department currently provides Fire Investigation Services within the boundaries of the City of Renton: 1.2. King County currently provides Fire Investigation Services within the District. 2. Fire Investigation Services On Effective Date: 2.1. On the Effective Date, Fire Investigation Services within the boundaries of the RFA shall be provided as follows: a. Within the City Renton: The RFA will provide Fire Investigation Services to the City of Renton and the City of Renton shall designate the RFA Chief as its Fire Chief and the RFA Fire Marshal as its Fire Marshal. The City of Renton shall cooperate with the RFA in such investigations and provide police support and prosecute criminal acts when appropriate. b. Within unincorporated King County: King County shall provide Fire Investigation Services. D. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES. 1. Existing Service Providers: 1.1. The City of Renton, through the Renton Fire Department currently provides Emergency Management Services within the boundaries of the City of Renton: 1.2. King County currently provides Emergency Management Services within the District. 2. Emergency Management Services on Effective Date. 2.1. On the Effective Date, Emergency Management Services within the boundaries of the RFA shall be provided as follows: a. Within the City of Renton: The City of Renton shall provide Emergency Management Services within the city boundaries. b. Within unincorporated King County: King County shall remain the provider of Emergency Management Services. E. PUBLIC EDUCATION SERVICES. 1. On the Effective Date of the creation of the RFA, the RFA shall provide Public Education Services throughout the jurisdiction of the RFA. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 19 F. TRANSITION OF SERVICES. 1. In order to effectuate the transition of services identified above, the following shall occur on the Effective Date of the RFA: 1.1. The City of Renton Fire Department staff assigned to the Community Risk Reduction Section shall be transferred over to the RFA. 1.2. The RFA Community Risk Reduction Section shall be organized as provided in Appendix C. 1.3. The City of Renton agrees to designate the Chief and Fire Marshal of the RFA as the Chief and Fire Marshal of the City of Renton. 1.4. Unless otherwise noted in the RFA Plan or the Interlocal Agreement, the transfer of authority and the Community Risk Reduction Section of the RFA shall be seamless and shall initially model the current Community Risk Reduction Section of the City of Renton Fire Department. 1.5. The RFA shall enforce Fire Code within City of Renton and, except as provided in the Interlocal Agreement, the City shall provide the necessary prosecution and police support for enforcement of code enforcement issues. 1.6. The RFA shall conduct fire investigation within City of Renton and, except as provided in the Interlocal Agreement, the City shall provide the necessary prosecution and police support for enforcement of fire investigation issues. 1.7. The City of Renton will retain emergency management authority in accordance with Washington State Law within its jurisdiction. RFA SECTION 8 PLAN REVISION DISPOSITION: The OPERATIONS AND SERVICES section of the RFA Plan is subject to amendment by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) Appendix A: Jurisdiction Boundary Map EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) Appendix B: Fire Benefit Charge The Fire Benefit Charge (FBC) funding method is a voter approved, two part funding system authorized by State Law in 1987 that balances general purpose taxes with a user fee charged. Under this system, the Fire Department is funded by: a. A property tax of up to $1.00 per $1,000 assessed values of property to support day to day operations and capital needs of the fire department; and b. A Fire Benefit Charge (FBC) of up to 60% of the operating budget and can be used only for day to day operational expenses such as salaries, equipment, fuel and utilities. I. Fire Benefit Charge - (FBC) Formula FBC is only imposed on improvements to real property and personal property, and must be reasonably apportioned based on the services afforded to these properties. The primary factor of the formula is based upon the amount of “required fire flow” or water needed to extinguish a fire, the number of firefighters and equipment needed to effectively deliver the required fire flow and their associated cost for fighting a fire in the type and size of structure being assessed. As structure size or fire loading within a structure increases, the need for required fire flow, firefighters, and equipment also increases. The following formula is adopted for calculating the FBC for Renton Regional Fire Authority. The formula is based on the Insurance Services Office (ISO) required fire flow, fire risk, and firefighting effort factors. FBC = √𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 * 18 * Category Factor (CF) * Fire Flow Factor/Cost per Gallon (CPG) * Effective Response Factor (ERF) * Hazard Factor (HF) * Discount(s) A matrix showing initial values of these factors is attached herein as Exhibit 1. The initial values, factors, discounts and exemptions are subject to change as necessary to comply with the statutory requirements of RCW 52.26.180. II. Definitions: 1. √𝑨𝒓𝒆𝒂. The square root of the total gross square feet of the buildings/structures located upon the property. FBC will not be applied to parcels with a total improvement square footage less than 400 sq. ft. 2. Category Factor (CF). The category factor is based upon building use and size. This information is obtained from the King County Assessor data base for each building subject to the FBC. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 22 Building Use Categories:  Residential Use: including one and two family buildings and condominium when unit ownership information is available in the King County Assessor’s database.  Mobile Homes/Manufactured Homes: Each mobile home unit whether it is located on a single land parcel or in a mobile home park.  Apartments: other attached residential building structures.  Commercial Buildings: all other uses including storage facilities, warehouses, offices, and commercial businesses. 3. Fire Flow Factor/Cost per Gallon (CPG). The relative cost of providing the required fire flow per gallon during a fire incident. CPG is a balancing factor used as an adjustable multiplier to finely tune the FBC calculation across all properties to reach the desired target FBC amount. 4. Effective Response Force (ERF). The effective response force factor is relational to the size of force in firefighters and equipment required to deliver the required fire flow. 5. Hazard Factor (HF). The hazard factor represents the degree of risk caused by the use, processing, or storage of hazard materials with a building. The hazard factor reflects the need for larger and/or more specialized effective response forces. Hazard factors are determined from use and risk classifications found in the National Fire Protection Association (HFPA) Standard 13 (Standards for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems), and are applicable to commercial properties only. The initial extra hazard charges are as follows: a. A 30% increase when products or uses with high combustibility or high rates of heat release are present. b. A 40% increase when products or uses with high quantities of flammable, combustible or hazardous materials are present. No surcharge will be assessed on light and ordinary hazards. 6. Discounts. a. Low Income Senior and Disabled Discount: Low income senior or disabled person that qualify for property tax discount under RCW 84.36.381 through 84.36.389 will receive the same discount on FBC. If you think you qualify, please contact King County Exemption Unit at 206-296-3920 or visit their website – King County Assessor - Taxpayer Assistance. b. Sprinkler System Discount: Commercial and apartment buildings with full-coverage sprinkler system are eligible for sprinkler system discount. c. Alarm Discount: Commercial and apartment buildings with certified functioning alarm systems are eligible for alarm discount based on the type of alarm on premises. d. Agricultural Use: A discount for auxiliary structures, such as barns and/or storage sheds, used in conjunction to dairy, farming, and other agricultural operations. For the EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 23 purpose of FBC, properties used for marijuana growth, production, or processing are not considered agriculture use. 7. Exemptions to the Fire Benefit Charge. a. Religious Use: Personal property or improvements to real property owned or used by recognized religious denomination or religious organization, including sanctuary, schools and educational facilities. RCW 52.26.180(1). b. Property not Assessed. Personal Property not assessed and subject to ad valorem taxation under RCW title 84. c. Public Schools: Public schools who pay a per student stipend are exempt from the Fire Benefit Charge. d. Entities with Contract for Service: Entities who contract for service with the RFA are exempt from the Fire Benefit Charge. Non-profits, governmental entities and school districts are not automatically exempt from FBC. III. Implementation Process: The initial implementation of FBC requires 60% voter approval for a period up to six years. Every six years, voters have the opportunity to reauthorize, also with 60% voter approval, the Fire Benefit Charge. In addition, the state law requires annual public hearings prior to the next year’s rates being adopted. Hearings are held prior to November 15 each year, by the Renton Regional Fire Authority Governance Board to establish the FBC. After the FBC has been established, property owners subject to the charge will be notified of the amount of the charge. The Governing Board will form a Review Board for at least a two-week period to review written complaints from property owners. The final Benefit Charge will be added to the property tax bill. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) Exhibit 1 Initial Fire Benefit Charge Formula and Factor Matrix Square root of total square footage X 18 X Category Factor X Fire Flow Factor X Response Factor X Risk Factor X Applicable Di scount = FBC Total square footage of structure(s) Category Factors: 400 ‐ 1,799 1,800 ‐ 2,699 2,700 ‐ 3,599 3,600 ‐ 3,999 4,000 ‐ 4,999 5,000 ‐ 7,999 8,000 ‐ 9,999 10,000 ‐ 14,999 15,000 ‐ 19,999 20,000 ‐ 29,999 30,000 ‐ 49,999 50,000 ‐ 99,999 100,000 ‐ 139,999 140,000 ‐ 199,999 200,000 ‐ 299,999 300,000 ‐ 399,999 400,000-499,999 500,000-599,999 600,000-699,999 700,000-999,999 1,000,000 and > Residential 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Mobile Homes 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Apartments 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 3.25 3.25 3.25 6.70 6.70 8.60 11.10 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 Commercial 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 2.05 2.05 3.05 3.35 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.15 5.15 Fire Flow Factor (Cost Per Gallon):* 0.355124 Effective Response Factor:** Residential 1.00 1.10 1.35 1.65 1.65 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 Manufactured Homes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Apartments 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 Commercial 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.65 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.30 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 Hazard Factor:*** Light/Ordinary Hazard 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ordinary Hazard ‐ 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ordinary Hazard ‐ 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Extra Hazard ‐ 1 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 Extra Hazard ‐2 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 Discounts: Automatic Fire Sprinklers 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 Manual Local Alarm 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 Manual Central Alarm 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Automatic Local Alarm 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 Automatic Central Alarm 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 Agricultural 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 * Fire flow factor is the number needed to generate the required fire benefit charge to support the Governing Board approved service level. The number is preliminary until final property tax and property data are certified by the King County Assessor. **Response factor is based upon the number of firefighters needed to deliver the required fire flow *** Risk factors apply to commercial property, are defined by the NFPA and are assigned by inspection performed by the Fire Authority. EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271 AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 25 Appendix C Organization Structure EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271 AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) Appendix D Real Property “Used for fire service” shall mean more than 50% of the facility is used continuously for fire suppression, department support or administration. Facility Year Built Effective Yr Address Land Sf Building SF Transfer/ Lease** Auxiliary Use/Notes FS 11 1979 1985 211 Mill Ave S 28,750 21,000 L FS 12 2004 2004 1209 Kirkland Ave NE 53,255 15,800 L FS 13 2007 2007 18002 108th SE 37,956 20,521 T Emergency and Backup Fueling Facility (right to use agreement??) FS 14 1996 1996 1900 Lind 261,781 13,659 T Fire Training 1996 1996 1900 Lind (included in above) T FS 15* 334210-3245 23,766 7,500 T Assume 1/2 of the site is set-aside for water tank/reservoir with access easement from FS15 FS 16 1974 1984 12923 156th Ave SE 58,806 7,732 T * Proposed Kennydale Station: 3-bays, 7500 sf, total land area is 47,500 sf ** RFA to lease facilities at $1 a year so long as the facility is used for Fire purpose. RFA is responsible for all maintenance and operating as well as repairs/rehabs costs of all facilities. FS 17 1970 1985 14810 Petrovitsky Rd SE 54,310 6,836 NA FD40 property, part of service contract w/ FD40 EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271 AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) Appendix E Personal Property – Vehicles and Apparatus Fire Vehicles and Equipment EQ #Department ID2Maintenance ClassLicense #Model YearManufacturer IDModel ID VIN Description DepartmentDivision Total Costs Total Costs F095A POOL38 1200 48350D 2009 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU59339KA129272009 FORD ESCAPE HYBRID Fire Admin 27,184 27,184 F096A POOL38 1200 48351D 2009 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU59359KA129282009 FORD ESCAPE HYBRID Fire Admin 27,184 27,184 F098A POOL38 1200 48353D 2009 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU59339KA129302009 FORD ESCAPE HYBRID Fire Admin 27,184 27,184 F099A POOL38 1200 48354D 2009 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU59359KA129312009 FORD ESCAPE HYBRID Fire Admin 27,184 27,184 F100A POOL38 1200 48355D 2009 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU59379KA129322009 FORD ESCAPE HYBRID Fire Admin 27,184 27,184 F078 POOL39 1300 18016D 1997 FORD TAURUS 1FALP52U4VA194660TAURUS GL Fire Prevention and Investigation15,070 - F078-Rplc POOL40 1300 2014 FORD NEW Pickup Truck Fire Prevention and Investigation37,000 37,000 F062 POOL39 1300 56191D 1999 FORD TAURUS 1FAFP52U4XG152843FORD TAURUS 4 DR Fire Prevention and Investigation15,974 - F062-Rplc POOL40 1300 2015 FORD NEW Fire Suppression 22,000 22,000 F084 POOL38 1400 35609D 2003 DMCH INTREPID 2B3HD46R94H6134832003 DODGE INTREPID Fire Admin 15,761 15,761 F079 POOL40 1400 18182D 2001 FORD CROWN VICTORIA2FAFP71W91X161456CROWN VICTORIA Fire Suppression 22,567 22,567 F429 POOL52 1500 49249D 2002 FORD FOCUS 1FAHP36352W1803732002 FORD FOCUS Fire Suppression 19,500 19,500 F083 POOL38 2010 35610D 2003 CHEV BLAZER 1GNDT13X13K1669072003 CHEVROLET BLAZER Fire Admin 22,468 22,468 F086 POOL38 2010 43848D 2007 FORD ESCAPE 1FMYU93167KA600182007 FORD ESCAPE Fire Admin 20,003 20,003 F087 POOL38 2010 44111D 2008 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU93188KA303672008 FORD ESCAPE XLT Fire Admin 18,165 18,165 F104 POOL38 2010 53024D 2012 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU9C73CKA101842012 FORD ESCAPE Fire Admin 19,883 19,883 F077 POOL39 2010 18163D 2001 DMCH CHEROKEE 1J4FF48S01L530758JEEP 4X4 Fire Prevention and Investigation22,959 22,959 F089 POOL39 2010 44110D 2008 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU931X8KA303682008 FORD ESCAPE XLT Fire Prevention and Investigation18,165 18,165 F082 POOL38 2020 35098D 2003 FORD EXPEDITION 1FMPU16L83LB01702FORD EXPEDITION Fire Admin 28,948 28,948 F109 POOL38 2020 56473D 2013 CHEV TAHOE 1GNSK2E0XDR337467CHEVROLET TAHOE Fire Admin 32,497 32,497 F434 POOL52 2020 49250D 2004 CHEV TAHOE 1GNEK13Z94J2493552004 CHEVROLET TAHOE Fire Suppression 31,000 31,000 F438 POOL52 2020 49253D 2007 CHEV TAHOE 1GNFK03067R3630612007 CHEVROLET TAHOE Fire Suppression 31,000 31,000 F080 POOL40 2020 33121D 2001 FORD EXCURSION 1FMNU41S11ED29999COMMAND VEHICLE Fire Suppression 78,274 78,274 F436 POOL52 2060 49252D 2005 CHEV PU 1GCEK19V85E2321792005 SILVERADO 1500 Fire Suppression 25,000 25,000 F088 POOL39 2060 45535D 2008 FORD F250 1FTSX21518EB157022008 FORD F250 4X4 Fire Prevention and Investigation24,081 24,081 F107 POOL40 2080 55773D 1991 ISUZ FTR JALM7A1N4M3200640ISUZU TRUCK Fire Suppression - - F068 POOL46 2085 18118D 1999 FORD F550 1FDAF57F3XEE93031FORD F-550 4 X 4 Fire Dive Team 32,631 32,631 F091 POOL40 2085 45577D 2008 FORD F550 1FDAW57R78EB444652008 FORD F550 CREW CAB Fire Suppression 41,912 41,912 F044 POOL40 2300 07274D 1990 CHEV HI CUBE VAN1GCKP32K3L3311493HAZ MAT VAN Fire Suppression 31,143 - F044-Rplc POOL40 2300 2015 CHEV NEW Fire Suppression 350,000 350,000 F108 POOL38 2330 55953D 2000 CHEV ASTRO 1GNDM19WXYB219557CHEVROLET ASTRO VAN Fire Admin - - F066 POOL39 2330 18106D 1999 GMCX SAVANA 1GKFG15R3X1150096GMC SAVANA VAN Fire Prevention and Investigation20,750 - F066-Rplc POOL40 2330 2015 GMCX NEW Fire Suppression 25,000 25,000 F067 POOL38 2330 18112D 1999 GMCX SAFARI 1GKDM19W9XB536418GMC SAFARI VAN Fire Admin 22,995 - F067-Rplc POOL40 2330 2015 GMCX NEW Fire Suppression 25,000 25,000 F2514 POOL41 2385 56190D 2001 INTE 4700 1HTSLAAL31H347410INTERNATIONAL/BRAUN AID UNIT Fire Suppression 132,276 132,276 F065 POOL40 2385 18125D 1999 INTE 4700 1HTSLAAL6YH697060INTERNATIONAL/BRAUN AID TRUCK Fire Suppression 133,476 133,476 F072 POOL40 2385 18133D 2000 INTE 4700 1HTSLAAL1YH261992INTERNATIONAL/BRAUN AID TRUCK Fire Suppression 128,999 - F072-Rplc POOL40 2385 2014 NEW Fire Suppression 250,000 250,000 F110 POOL40 2385 57314D 2013 INTE 4400 3HAMRAZL1EL780395INTERNATIONAL BRAUN NW AID UNI Fire Suppression 220,725 220,725 F111 POOL40 2385 57313D 2013 INTE 4400 3HAMRAZLXEL780394INTERNATIONAL 4400 BRAUN AID U Fire Suppression 220,725 220,725 F2513 POOL41 2500 55958D 1996 EONE PUMPER 4EN3AAA82T10062101996 E-ONE PUMPER Fire Suppression 267,441 - F2513-Rplc POOL40 2500 2016 EONE NEW Fire Suppression 510,000 510,000 F2515 POOL41 2500 56189D 2003 EONE CYCLONE II 4EN3AAA84310067912003 EONE PUMPER SO# 126791 Fire Suppression 397,003 397,003 F057 POOL40 2500 17260D 1996 EONE PUMPER 4EN3AAA88T10062131996 E-ONE "CYCLONE"Fire Suppression 267,441 - F057-Rplc POOL40 2500 2014 EONE NEW Fire Suppression 510,000 510,000 F061 POOL40 2500 18052D 1998 EONE CYCLONE II 4EN3AAA82W1009144E-ONE PUMPER Fire Suppression 268,463 - F061-Rplc POOL40 2500 2015 EONE NEW Fire Suppression 510,000 510,000 F071 POOL40 2500 18132D 1999 EONE CYCLONE II 4EN3AAA84X1000687E-ONE PUMPER Fire Suppression 315,766 315,766 F073 POOL40 2500 18140D 2000 EONE CYCLONE II 4EN3AAA86X1000688E-ONE PUMPER SO#20688 Fire Suppression 312,508 312,508 F074 POOL40 2500 18141D 2000 EONE CYCLONE II 4EN3AAA88X1000689E-ONE PUMPER SO# 20689 Fire Suppression 312,508 312,508 F085 POOL40 2500 41404D 2005 EONE CYCLONE II 4EN3AAA89510091722005 EONE CYCLONE PUMPER Fire Suppression 393,592 393,592 F093 POOL40 2500 48335D 2008 EONE PUMPER 4EN3AAA88810035452008 E-ONE PUMPER - SO# 133545 Fire Suppression 494,531 494,531 F075 POOL40 2501 18134D 2000 EONE AERIAL 4EN3ABA85X100084895` AERIAL PLATFORM SO#120848 Fire Suppression 676,802 676,802 F105 POOL40 2501 54070D 2011 EONE AERIAL 4EN3ABA89B10064662011 EONE AERIAL 100` SO#136466 Fire Suppression 1,004,969 1,004,969 F101 POOL38 5060 2008 CLUB INTELTRAK SY0819-900173 2008 CLUB CAR INTELLITRAK 4X4 Fire Admin - - F070 POOL46 6425 18116D 1999 CALK TFM 1717501CXBT1714XS905296DIVE BOAT TRAILER Fire Dive Team 1,037 1,037 F430 POOL52 6425 58570C 1995 TURT WATERTANK PH0B6L6691 1995 TURTLE WATER TANK 400 GAL Fire Suppression - - F092 POOL39 6425 45540D 2007 CARG TB818TA3 5NHUTBT297T4121202007 CARGOMATE TRAILER Fire Prevention and Investigation7,572 7,572 F094 POOL39 6425 49210D 2008 EGLE UTILITY 184BU14188A0052152008 EAGLE UTILITY TRAILER Fire Prevention and Investigation- - F106 POOL40 6425 55768D 2000 FABR FOAM TRAILER16MPF1225YD0269502000 FABRIQUE FOAM TRAILER Fire Suppression - - F103 POOL38 6820 WN$263552010 PLRS SPIRIT ZYPBY24PA808 2010 POLARIS SPIRIT INFLATABLE Fire Admin 39,637 39,637 61 8,581,133$ 7,542,857$ Fire District 40 Equipment to be maintained by RFA as part of FD40 service contract F431 POOL52 2385 62992C 2002 FORD AID UNIT 1FDWE35F22HB064752002 FORD AID UNIT Fire FD40 350,000 - F439 POOL52 2385 97632C 2011 INTE 4400 1HTMRAZL6BH3754422011 INTERNATIONAL AID UNIT Fire FD40 265,964 - F432 POOL52 2500 65655C 2003 SPAR PUMPER 4S7AT40983C0432452003 SPARTAN PUMPER Fire FD40 600,000 - F437 POOL52 2500 77001C 2006 SPAR PUMPER 4S7AT2C946C0543922006 SPARTAN PUMPER Fire FD40 600,000 - Vehicles used by Emergency Management Section to remain with the City F097A POOL38 1200 48352D 2009 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU59379KA129292009 FORD ESCAPE HYBRID Fire Needham 27,184 27,184 F090 POOL40 2010 45102D 2008 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU93118KA303692008 Fire Mattson 18,165 18,165 EXHIBIT A of Resolution No. 4271AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) CITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTONRESOLUTIONNO._______ARESOLUTIONOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,AUTHORIZINGTHEMAYORANDCITYCLERKTOENTERINTOANAMENDEDATtACHMENTATOCAG-08-015,THEFIREANDEMERGENCYSERVICESOPERATINGAGREEMENTBETWEENTHECITYOFRENTONANDKINGCOUNTYFIREPROTECTIONDISTRICT#40.WHEREAS,onMarch1,200$,KingCountyFireProtectionDistrict#40(the“District”)enteredintoalong-termcontractualrelationshipwiththeCityofRenton,describedinCAG-08-015(the“Contract”),toprovidefireandlifesafetyservicestothecitizensoftheDistrict;andWHEREAS,AttachmentAtotheContractdetailsthecostsofservicesfortheCityandtheDistrictundertheContract;andWHEREAS,sincethecontractwasenteredintoin2008,thecostsofserviceshavechanged;andWHEREAS,itisnecessarytoenterintoanamendedAttachmentAtoCAG-08-015todocumentthetermsandconditionsofthecostsofservices;NOW,THEREFORE,THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,DOESRESOLVEASFOLLOWS:SECTIONI.Theaboverecitalsarefoundtobetrueandcorrectinallrespects.SECTIONII.TheMayorandCityClerkareherebyauthorizedtoenterintoanamendedAttachmentAtoCAG-08-015withKingCountyFireProtectionDistrict#40.PASSEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILthis______dayof________________________,2015.JasonA.Seth,CityClerk1AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) RESOLUTIONNO.APPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis______dayof________________________,2015.DenisLaw,MayorApprovedastoform:LawrenceJ.Warren,CityAttorneyRES.1689:11/24/15:scr2AGENDA ITEM # 9. b)