HomeMy WebLinkAboutF_FormworkDesign_20180503ALL DRAWINGS MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTIONWITH THE FOLLOWING PERI LITERATURE:QR CODE PASSWORD = Per1pa55 ISSUED BYDWG #REV #SUBJECTB001.1B001.2B001.3B001.4B001.5B001.6B001.7 bbbbbbbDRAWING INDEX, SYMBOLS, AND GENERAL NOTESOVERALL RETAINING WALL LAYOUTPOUR 1 PLAN AND SECTION 1POUR 2 PLAN AND SECTION 2ELEVATIONS A AND BMAXIMO DETAILS 1MAXIMO DETAILS 2 W. PENTTILAW. PENTTILAW. PENTTILAW. PENTTILAW. PENTTILAW. PENTTILAW. PENTTILA THE FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS ANDAPPLICABLE MATERIAL MANUALS CAN CAUSE OR CONTRIBUTETO SERIOUS INJURIES, ACCIDENTS AND/OR PROPERTYDAMAGES. DRAWING INDEX General Engineering Notes1. See other sheets for additional information. See cover sheet(s) for additional notes, safety guidelines and information.2. Any layout drawing furnished by PERI to customer is provided as a service to conceptually illustrate the assembly ofPERI products only. Because PERI does not control jobsite assembly or procedures, grade or quality of materials,ormaterial supplied by others, it is the responsibility of the customer to integrate PERI drawings into composite drawingssuitably complete for construction purposes consistent with safe practice and overall project objectives.3. These drawings are based on information furnished to PERI by the customer. The material shown on these drawingsmay be used in jurisdictions having local codes with which PERI is not familiar. Accordingly, these drawings are intendedto illustrate a proper manner of use of the goods ordered by the customer under the circumstances specified by thecustomer, but bears no responsibility for the actual erection or use of the goods by the customer or any other person, andthe customer agrees to indemnify and hold PERI harmless with respect to any claim or loss arising in connection with thenegligence of the erection, maintenance, or use of the goods by the customer or any other person during the time thatthe goods are leased to or used by the customer.4. The customer bears the sole responsibility for ensuring that any erection or use of the goods shown on these drawingsconforms to all laws, ordinances, and local codes and for checking the accuracy of field details and dimensions.5. Manuals and drawings furnished by PERI are provided to conceptually illustrate the assembly of PERI material only.Manuals and drawings are neither intended to be fully directive nor cover engineering details for PERI's material ormaterials not furnished by PERI. Drawing service does not include reshoring/backshoring calculations and/or drawings,which are Customer's sole responsibility. All PERI-supplied drawings are based upon information provided by Customerand/or others and it is Customer's responsibility to use PERI's material in accordance with safe engineering andconstruction practices and applicable law. PERI provides its material to sophisticated end users and it does not controlassembly or procedures at the project site, or the grade or the quality of materials or equipment supplied by third partiesand, therefore, it is Customer's responsibility to integrate drawings into composite drawings suitably complete forconstruction purposes. Customer shall review the drawings supplied by PERI for any discrepancies or non-conformaties,and in the event of discrepancies or non-conformaties, Customer must notify PERi within 3 working days after thesubmission of the drawings by PERI. Customer's failure to provide timely written notice shall constitute a waiver of anyand all claims, directly or indirectly, related to the delivery of drawings with discrepancies or non-conformaties and it shallbe conclusively presumed that Customer has fully inspected the drawings, the Customer deems the drawingssatisfactory and acceptable in all respects. PERI is not liable for any changes by others made to or deviations from anydrawings supplied hereunder.6. PERI does not provide all items illustrated on these drawings. Those items not supplied by PERI should be erectedaccording to drawings furnished by their manufacturer or supplier. The final responsibility for design and placement ofthese items remains with the user.7. The PERI Engineering Department must be consulted before material is erected in a manner other than as shown onthese drawings. Only the Engineering Department is authorized to make changes on these drawings.PERI is not liablefor any damages or claims arising from any deviations from the Contractor's failure to erect the material as shown on thedrawings or any failure to follow the applicable material manuals or instructions, copies of which are available uponrequest.8. All job builds, job bulkheads, and fillers are illustrations only. Contractor is responsible for the fabrication, placement, andstructural integrity of each item.9. Unless proposal states otherwise, PERI does not furnish wood for scaffolds and handrails as a part of the forming systemquotation. These items are quoted separately.10. All drawings are property of PERI. They are generated for the exclusive use of the contractor, specified in the title block.All drawings shall not be disclosed to any other party without prior written authorization of PERI.11. Any deviation in all, or in part, from these drawings and the General Notes shall release PERI from any responsibility,liability or claim for damages resulting from any such deviation.12. The contractor shall only use drawings, generated by PERI FORMWORK SYSTEMS, INC that have been finalized by theengineer and do not carry the PRELIMINARY or IN PROGRESS stamp.13. If applicable, recommended practices of the Scaffolding, Shoring and Forming Institute, Inc. should be followed.Contractor also is responsible for following all applicable OSHA requirements and standards applicable to concrete andmasonry construction and should consult any applicable OSHA publications regarding the same, including any standardsapplicable to construction loads, reinforcing steel, post tensioning, concrete buckets, working under loads, personalprotection equipment, and requirements for erecting and dismantling forms.14. All material supplied by PERI must be used in accordance with the material specifications as shown in the accompanyingmaterial literature, manuals, and/or instructions.15. The live load used in the design is 50 lbs/ft unless otherwise noted.16. The live load used in the design of walkways is 30 lbs/ft unless noted otherwise.17. The density of concrete used in the design is 150 lbs/ft.18. All shoring material is to be erected in accordance with all applicable safety standards and the general recommendationsof the C.S.A. Standard S269.1, ACI, OSHA and the SSFI.19. If sills are required, they must be designed and provided by the contractor. When on soil, the sills must be designed totransfer all loads to the ground without exceeding the allowable bearing pressure of the soil.20. All shoring systems have been designed with the assumption that the deck formwork is restrained against lateralmovement. If no such restraint exists, it is the contractor's responsibility to provide sufficient lateral support.21. Premature stripping of concrete forms may cause excessive deflection of concrete slabs and beams. All stripping andre-shoring is the responsibility of the contractor.22. All shoring and forming accessories must be properly attached and securely fastened before concrete placement.23. The contractor is to have sole responsibility for compliance with the safety requirements for formwork during erection,dismantling, and flying of forms.TIMBER AND PLYWOOD NOTES:24. Plywood design is based on American Plywood Association technical data (APA Concrete Forming Design/ConstructionGuide V345, 2012 edition, and APA Panel Design Specification D510, 2012 edition). Grain of face plies are SHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHVXSSRUWV&ODVVSO\ZRRGFRQWLQXRXVRYHUWKUHHRUPRUHVSDQV6HYHQGD\VORDGGXUDWLRQPRLVWXUHcontent <=16% , deflection limited to l/270.25. Timber calculation and design criteria are based on dressed sizes conforming to the American softwood timberstandards, voluntary product standard 20-70 United States Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards andNational Design specification (NDS) for Wood Construction, 2015 edition. Moisture content assumed <=19%. The timberIRUPZRUNGHWDLOVVKRZQDUHVXJJHVWLRQVDQGDUHEDVHGRQWKHIROORZLQJPLQLPXPGHVLJQYDOXH3URSHUWLHVDUHIRUDouglas Fir-Larch No. 1 stress g aided 1500* size classified 2" to 4" thick by 6" and wider or equivalent with a 25%increase for short duration loading.S.S.F.I Guidelines to Safe Procedures for ShoringCustomer should consult and follow the applicable guides, standards, and/or safety procedures promulgated by theScaffolding, Shoring, & Forming Institute (SSFI), including Safe Practices for Erection and Dismantling of FrameShoring, Single Post Shore Safety Rules, Flying Deck Form Safety Rules, Safety Procedures for Vertical ConcreteFormwork, and Horizontal Shoring Beam Safety Rules prepared by the SSFI.SECTION 1 - GENERAL1. All form components and /or hardware must be kept clean, and (if appropriate) lubricated to insure proper performanceand to allow for proper inspection.2. All form components must be inspected regularly for damage to excessive wear. Material found to be in these conditionsmust be replaced immediately and not reused.3. Field repair of modular formwork components (other than plywood repairs) must not be undertaken without consulting themanufacturer's qualified representative.4. The forming layout shall be prepared or approved by a person qualified to analyze the loadings and stresses, which areinduced during the construction process. The layout shall be at the jobsite.5. Forming installation and pouring procedures must comply with safe practices and with the requirements of the law andgovernmental regulations, codes and ordinances.6. The contractor is to have sole responsibility for compliance with the safety requirements for formwork during erection,dismantling, and flying of forms.7. Do not move the formwork horizontally once erected. Do not drop the formwork or components.8. Risk of falling! Mount guardrails and adhere to rules governing personal protection equipment, including tying off beforeshuttering according to regulations.9. Risk of tipping! During the shuttering process, contractor shall ensure that all members susceptible to tipping oroverturning are properly secured together and that the complete assembly (joist, stringer, & prop or any componentssupplied by Contractor) is tied down to a suitable fixed point. Contractor shall also ensure that no personnel be allowedaccess to any such area until the danger from tipping/overturning has been eliminated.10. Store and transport formwork and components so that no unintentional change in their position is possible. Detach liftinggear from the lowered units only if these are in a stable position and no unintentional change is possible.11. When moving, formwork and components are to be picked up and set down so that any unintentional toppling over,falling apart, slipping or rolling are avoided.12. Use only suitable load-carrying equipment to move the formwork and components as well as the designated load-bearingpoints.13. During the lifting and moving procedure, ensure all loose parts are removed or secured. During the moving procedure,always use a guide rope.14. Move formwork and components only on clean, flat and sufficiently load-bearing surfaces.15. PERI products are exclusively technical working materials which are intended for commercial use by technicallycompetent users only.16. The components are to be inspected before each use to ensure that they are in perfect condition and function correctly.17. Changes to PERI components are not permitted and represent a misapplication with associated safety risks.18. All Safety instructions and permissible loads must be observed.19. Components provided by the contractor must conform with the characteristics required in these drawings and anyinstructions as well as all valid construction guidelines and standards.20. Deviations from the standard configuration may only be carried out after a separate risk assessment has been done bythe contractor (user). On this basis, appropriate measures for the working safety and stability are to be implemented.21. All persons working with the product must be familiar with the content of these instructions and safety information.22. Persons who cannot or have difficulty in reading and understanding these instructions must inform and then be fullybriefed by the contractor.23. The contractor has to ensure that assembly, adjusting and dismantling, moving as well as correct use of the product issupervised by trained and authorized personnel.24. When erecting the formwork ensure that all load effects are safely transferred!25. Formwork must be assembled on a flat, clean and sufficiently load-bearing surface!26. Stability must be maintained at all times!27. Do not exceed any given permissible loads!28. Safe working areas are required at all times for assembly, adjusting, dismantling and moving of the formwork equipment.29. Safe access to all working areas must be in place!30. Working areas must be made secure against falling!31. Safe conditions for forming must be available at all times! Appropriate safety precautions are to be in place duringunfavorable weather conditions e.g. secure formwork against lifting!32. When striking formwork, use tools which do not damage the components! Do not pull away components with the crane!33. When striking, do not compromise the stability of shoring and formwork components!34. Only transport components with hoisting gear if suitable attaching means are available!35. The weight of the components must not exceed the permissible load capacity of the lifting gear!36. Remove lifting equipment from a lowered formwork component or unit only when it is in a stable position!37. Store and transport components and pallets in a safe and secure manner avoiding any unintentional change of position!Do not throw any components!SECTION 2 - GENERAL SHORING NOTES1. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for having knowledge in and performing the formwork construction inaccordance with ACI 318, ACI 347 and any other local, state or federal codes, ordinances and regulations pertainingshoring and forming. This includes, but is not limited to, adherence to ACI 347-R section Standards for Horizontalloads.2. See "Typical Codes and Safety Guidelines" ERECTING & DISMANTLING OF FRAME SHORING" and"RECOMMENDED FRAME SHORING ERECTION PROCEDURE" as recommended by SCAFFOLDING, SHORINGAND FORMING INSTITUTE, INC. AND SCAFFOLD INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION. These notes are intended as aguideline from the leading institute in shoring use. Please take note of all the guidelines marked by a " * ", in that thewing nut or drop latches to frames are considered "somewhat the equivalent" of PERI's MRK wedge to MULTIPROPconnection (see detail) and the shoring towers after erection would be equal as per their application to the guidelines. SECTION 3 - INSPECTION OF SHORING MATERIAL PRIOR TO ERECTIONThe three main areas of inspection are for rust, straightness of members, and welds. This applies to all components of ashoring system.1. Rust - Rusted shoring material may indicate abuse, neglect, or corrosion and, if severe, should not be used.2. Straightness of members - Mishandling, trucking, and storing may cause damage to shoring equipment. All members orparts of all shoring components should be straight and free from bends, kinks, or dents.3. Welds - Material should be checked before use for damaged welds and any piece of material showing damaged weldsor re-welding beyond the original factory weld should not be used. The factory weld reference pertains to location andquality of re-weld.While rust, straightness and welds are of primary concern, other components should be checked for damage. Any materialwith rust, bends, damaged welds, or other damage reflecting abuse, neglect, corrosion, or other damage should not be used.4. Locking devices on frames and braces shall be in good working order, and if not, must be repaired or replaced prior touse.5. Coupling pins must effectively align the frame legs.6. Pivoted cross braces must have the center pivot securely in place.SECTION 4 - SAFE BEARING LOADS FOR SOILS1. Considering that the allowable loads (bearing) on various soils and rock range from less than 1000 p.s.f. (47.9 kN/m2) tomore than 500,000 p.s.f. (2393.7 kN/m2) care should be exercised in determining the capacity of the soil for everyshoring job, realizing that weather conditions can turn an otherwise suitable ground condition into a hazardous situation.As an example, dry clay with an allowable bearing capacity of 8,000 p.s.f. (383.0 kN/m2) could become very plastic aftera rainfall and drop to less than 2,000 p.s.f. (95.8 kN/m2).2. Care should also be taken not to excessively disturb the soil. If fill is required in shored areas, a qualified engineershould be consulted as to materials and compaction.SECTION 5 - FOUNDATIONS1. The purpose of a good foundation or mud sill is to distribute the shoring load over a suitable ground area. The size of thefooting or sill is determined by the total shoring load carried over a particular ground area, and by the nature of the soilsupporting these sills.2. The total shoring load should be computed and the sills designed accordingly.3. Suitable sills should be used on a pan or grid dome, floor, or any other floor system involving voids, where a frame legcould concentrate an undesirable load on a thin concrete section.4. When shoring from earth or fill, the area should be leveled and the sills spaced in a pattern assuring adequate stabilityfor all shoring legs.SECTION 6 - SHORING SAFETY RULESAs Recommended by SCAFFOLDING, SHORING AND FORMING INSTITUTE & SCAFFOLD INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION1. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to read and comply with guidelines herein which are designed to promotesafety in the erection, dismantling and use of single post shoring. The Contractor is the sophisticated end user withexperience in formwork, shoring, and concrete construction. These guidelines are not all inclusive nor do they supplant orreplace other additional safety and precautionary measures to cover usual or unusual conditions. If these guidelinesconflict in any way with any state, provincial, local or federal statute or governmental regulation, said statute or regulationshall supersede these guidelines and it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and user to comply therewith and alsoto be knowledgeable and understand all state, local or federal statutes or government regulations pertaining to singlepost shoring.SECTION 7 - GENERAL SHORING GUIDELINES1. Post these guidelines in a conspicuous place and be sure that all persons who erect, dismantle or use shoring are awareof them.2. Follow all state, provincial, local, and federal codes, ordinances, industry standards, and, regulations pertaining toshoring. 7KHFRQWUDFWRUPXVWHQVXUHWKDWWKH3(5,DQGDOORWKHUUHTXLUHGLQVWUXFWLRQVDUHDWWKHXVHUVGLVSRVDO3. Survey the job site. A survey by a qualified person shall be made of the job site for hazards, such as untamped earthfills, ditches, debris, high tension wires, unguarded openings, and other hazardous conditions. These conditions shouldbe corrected or avoided as noted in the following sections.4. Plan shoring erection sequence in advance and obtain necessary access material to accomplish the work safely.5. Inspect all material before using. Never use any material that is structurally defective in any way. Mark it or tag it asdefective, then remove it from the job site. All formwork components are to be checked before every use for signs ofdamage. Damaged parts are to be replaced by PERI original components. The use of other products and spare partsrepresents a misapplication with associated safety risks.6. A shoring drawing prepared by a person qualified to analyze the loading intended and consistent with the manufacturer'srecommended safe working loads shall be used on the job at all times.7. Erect, dismantle, or alter shoring only under the supervision of a qualified person.8. Do not abuse or misuse the shoring equipment.9. Inspect erected shoring: (a) immediately prior to concrete placement; (b) during concrete placement and while vibratingconcrete, and (c) after concrete placement until concrete is set.10. Never take chances! If in doubt regarding the safety or use of the shoring, consult your shoring supplier.11. Use shoring material only for the purposes or in ways for which it was intended. Use proper tools when installing anddismantling the material.12. Erecting and dismantling of shoring requires good physical condition. Do not work on shoring if you feel dizzy, unsteadyin any way or are sick; impaired in any way by drugs or any other band substances.13. Do not use shoring systems for fall protection.14. Deviations from the standard configuration and/or intended use present a potential safety risk.15. All country-specific laws, standards, and other safety regulations are to be taken into account when are products areused.16. During unfavorable weather conditions, suitable precautions and measures are to be implemented in order to guaranteeworking safety and stability.17. The contractor (user) must ensure the stability throughout all phases of construction. He has to ensure and verify that allloads which occur are safely transferred.18. The contractor (user) has to provide safe working areas for site personnel which are to be reached via safe accessmeans. Areas of risk must be cordoned off and clearly marked. Hatches and openings on accessible working areas mustbe kept closed during working operations.19. For better comprehensibility, pictures showing use herein are partly incomplete. The manuals and instruction must beconsulted for the applicable formwork and components.SECTION 8 - SINGLE POST SHORE - GUIDELINES FOR ERECTION AND USE OF SHORING1. Use manufacturer's recommended safe working loads consistent with the height from supporting sill to formwork.2. Provide and maintain a solid footing to distribute maximum loads properly.3. Plumb all post shores as the erection proceeds. Check plumb of post shores just prior to pour.4. Check to see that all clamp, screws, pins, and all other components are in a closed or engaged position.5. Make certain that all base plates and shore heads are in firm contact with the footing sill and form material.6. If motorized concrete material is to be used, be sure that post shores are spaced and braced with this fact in mind.7. For stability, single post shores shall have adequate bracing provided in the longitudinal, transverse and diagonaldirections. Bracing shall be installed as the shores are being erected.8. Devices which attach the stability bracing shall be securely fastened to the single post shores.9. Do not use single post shores more than one tier high. Where greater shores heights are required consult the supplier.10. Adjustment of single post shores to raise formwork shall not be made after concrete is in place.11. Avoid eccentric loads on u-heads and top plates by centering stringers on those members.12. Use special precautions when shoring from or to sloped surfaces. WIND LOAD: Erector must analyze theforming/shoring system for additional loads imposed from wind loading and provide adequate anchorage to resist theseforces, including uplifting wind forces.13. Reshoring is one of the most critical operations in formwork; consequently, reshoring procedure must be designed by aqualified person and approved by the architect/engineer of record.14. Do not back-off or strip post shores until proper authority is given.15. Use only lumber that is in good condition.16. Lumber stresses consistent with age, type, and condition of available lumber to be used.SECTION 9 -FINAL INSPECTION OF ERECTED SHORING MATERIALThe following is a list of check points to be covered when making a final inspection of shoring material prior to the placing ofconcrete on the form. All points should be carefully checked to insure a safe and accident-free job.1. Check to see that there is a sound footing, or sill, under every leg of every frame on the job. Check also for possiblewashout due to rain.2. Check to make certain that all base plates or adjustment screws are in firm contact with the footing or sill. All adjustmentscrews should be snug against the legs of the frame.3. Obtain a copy of the shoring layout that was prepared for this specific job. Make sure that the spacing between towersand the cross brace spacing of the towers do not exceed the spacing shown on the layout. If any deviation is necessarybecause of field conditions consult with the qualified shoring designer who prepared the layout for his approval of theactual field setup.4. Frames should be checked for plumbness in both directions. The maximum allowable tolerance for a frame which is outof plumb is (1/8" in 3 feet). If the frames exceed this tolerance the base should be adjusted until the frames are within thetolerance.5. If there is a gap between the lower end of one frame and the upper end of another frame, it indicates that one adjustmentscrew must be adjusted to bring the frames in contact. If this does not help, it indicates the frame is out of square andshould be removed and reset.6. When two or more tiers of frames are used, each shall be braced to at least one adjacent frame.7. While checking the cross braces, also check the locking devices to assure that they are all in their closed position or thatthey are all tight.8. Check the upper adjustment screw or shore head to assure that it is in full contact with the formwork. If it is not incontact, it should be adjusted or shimmed until it is.9. Check to see that the obvious mistakes of omitting joists, using the wrong size ledger, or incorrectly orienting membershave not been made. Check the print to see that the lumber used is equal to that specified on the shoring layout. Checkthe general formwork scheme to make sure that follows good standard practice for formwork.10. If the shoring layout shows exterior bracing for lateral stability, check to see that this bracing is in place in the locationsspecified on the drawing. Check to make sure that the devices which attach this bracing to the material are securelyfastened to the legs of the shoring equipment. If tubing clamps are used, make sure that they have been properlytightened. If devices for holding timber require nails, check to see that sufficient nails have been used to hold the bracingsecurely to the frame legs.NOMENCLATURE1. Adjustment Screw - device composed of a threaded screw and an adjusting handle used for the vertical adjustment ofthe shoring and formwork2. Base Plate - a device used to distribute the leg load3. Coupling Pin - an insert device used to align lifts or tiers vertically4. Cross-bracing - system of members connecting frames to make a tower structure5. Extension Device - any device used to obtain vertical adjustment of shoring towers6. Factor of Safety - the ratio of ultimate load to the allowable load7. Formwork - the material used to give the required shape and support of poured concrete, consisting primarily of:Sheathing - material which is in direct contact with the concreteJoists - members which directly support sheathingStringers or ledgers - members which directly support the joists8. Frame - the principal prefabricated structural unit in a tower9. Lifts or Tiers - number of frames stacked one above each other in a vertical direction10. Locking Device - a device used to secure the cross brace to the frame11. Safe Leg Load - that load which can safely be directly imposed on the frame leg12. Shoring Layout - an engineered drawing prepared prior to erection showing arrangement of material for proper shoring.13. Sill or Mud Sill - a footing, usually wood, which distributes the vertical shoring loads to the ground or slab below14. Towers - a composite structure of frames, braces and accessories15. Ultimate Load - the maximum load which may be placed on a structure causing failure by buckling of column membersor failure of some other component S.S.F.I Guidelines for Vertical Concrete FormworkCustomer should consult and follow the applicable guides, standards, and/or safety procedures promulgated by theScaffolding, Shoring, & Forming Institute (SSFI), including Safe Practices for Erection and Dismantling of FrameShoring, Single Post Shore Safety Rules, Flying Deck Form Safety Rules, Safety Procedures for Vertical ConcreteFormwork, and Horizontal Shoring Beam Safety Rules prepared by the SSFI.SECTION 1 - GENERAL1. All form components and /or hardware must be kept clean and (if appropriate) lubricated to insure proper performanceand to allow for proper inspection.2. All form components must be inspected regularly for damage due to excessive wear. Material found to be in theseconditions must be replaced immediately and not reused.3. Field repair of modular formwork components (other than plywood repairs) must not be undertaken without consulting themanufacturer's qualified representative.4. The forming layout shall be prepared or approved by a person qualified to analyze the loadings and stresses which areinduced during the construction process. The layout shall be at the jobsite.5. Forming installation and pouring procedures must comply with safe practices and with the requirements of the law andgovernmental regulations, codes, and ordinances.SECTION 2 - ERECTION OF FORMWORK1. Do not deviate from layout drawings when erecting formwork without the approval of a qualified designer and/or engineer.2. Be certain that all wall ties are in place and secured as per manufacturer's recommendations. Do not weld, bend, orotherwise alter wall ties as it may seriously reduce their strength.3. Adequate temporary bracing must be in place while initially setting formwork. Assure that formwork is properly bracedand stabilized against wind and other external forces.4. Safe working platforms must be installed as per applicable safety standards and as stated in section 4 herein.5. When gang forming, lifting devices must be properly spaced and securely attached as per manufacturer'srecommendations. Rigging must be arranged so that any one lifting bracket is not overloaded and that lifting cables arenot at excessive angles, which will reduce allowable loads. Spreader beams with load equalizers are recommended forall but simple two point lifts. Follow manufacturer's/supplier's recommended procedures concerning capacity and use oflifting hardware and crane.6. A minimum of two tag lines must be used to control movement of crane-handled formwork. Do not allow personnel on ordirectly under any gang form while it is being moved or suspended in air.7. Do not erect gang forms when jobsite wind conditions prevent safe maneuvering of gangs. Assure that all riggingconnections are properly made in accordance with safe practices and procedures.8. Formwork should be adequately braced, re-anchored, or otherwise secured prior to releasing lifting mechanism.9. Wall forms must not be erected so as to support deck concrete loading unless the wall forms are a designed part of thedeck support system.SECTION 3 - BRACING1. Aligners (alignment devices, plumbing struts) are considered only as alignment devices with no provisions forwithstanding concrete pressure of any portion thereof. Maintain forms plumb during pouring to ensure that aligners arenot supporting or stabilizing concrete pressures.2. Braces used to withstand concrete pressure must be designed by a qualified formwork designer.3. Unless specified, wind loading and other external lateral loads are not considered in the manufacturer's layout drawings.4. The adequacy of stakes, dead-men, sills, anchor-bolts, etc., must be determined to assure safe support of the imposedbrace loads. The responsibility for adequate anchorage of braces should be assigned only to those personnel withsufficient experience to assure sound judgment.5. Before removing braces, assure that the concrete has attained sufficient strength to safely support the imposed load atsupport locations.6. Do not exceed the rated load of the braces.7. Inspect installed braces immediately after installation for correctness of spacing and proper attachment device.SECTION 4 - WALKWAY SYSTEMS1. All walkway systems must be properly positioned, spaced, and fastened as per manufacturer's specifications and allapplicable safety regulations and industry standards.2. Walkway systems must be in place along the upper level of formwork. Workers must never attempt to walk or stand ontop of forms.3. Scaffold brackets must be attached with the manufacturer's recommended connectors. Never use substitutes ormake-shift devices. Never hang brackets from wall ties after form removal.4. All walkway platforms must utilize at least two (2) planks laid side by side, and must overlap their support ledger by notless than 6 inch. Unsupported ends of scaffold planks must not project more than 12 inches past their support ledger.5. Scaffold planks must be minimum 2 inch x10 inch nominal lumber and must be scaffold grade as recognized by approvedgrading rules for the species of lumber used, or must be of materials having equivalent or greater strength. Scaffoldplanks must safely support a minimum of 25 pounds per square foot over a maximum span of 8 feet.6. When deemed appropriate by the competent person, scaffold planks must be nailed and clenched, bolted, or otherwisepositively secured against dislodgment from effects of wind, weather, gang form lifting operations, or the like. Bolt headsand nails must be driven flush with tops of planks to prevent tripping hazards.7. All scaffold bracket platforms must be equipped with gaurdrails, midrails and toeboards along all open sides and endsand be maintained secure and in good condition at all times. Gaurdrail must be of at least 2x4 nominal sized lumber,with minimum 1x6 or 2x4 nominal midrails, with toeboards at least 4 inches high, supported by 2x4 nominal lumberuprights spaced not more than 8 feet apart, or must be of other materials providing equivalent or greater strength andprotection.8. Maximum spacing between scaffold brackets is 4.5 feet. Never exceed this distance unless the walkway system hasbeen specifically designed for a greater distance. Follow manufacturer's recommendations as to loading and spacing ofscaffold brackets. Unless designed otherwise, scaffold brackets are designed to support a maximum of 30 pounds persquare foot when spaced on 4.5 foot centers. Scaffold brackets are not designed for the additional loads imposed fromstacking rebar or placing other Material on walkways.9. Always brace and/or otherwise secure forms and scaffold from overturning due to attachment and use of scaffoldbrackets.10. Never allow persons to work on one level of walkways if others are working directly below or overhead unless properprotection is provided, such as safety nets.11. It is unsafe and unlawful for persons to occupy and form walkway while the form is being moved.12. Access ladder or other suitable safe methods must be used to obtain access to walkway platforms. Do not positionladder so that their weight while being used can affect the strength or stability of the scaffold and formwork.13. Do not use form panels as a ladder.14. If using walkway systems is not practical, personnel must be protected against falls by means of personal fall arrestsystem attached to components having adequate strength to meet or exceed applicable codes or by safety nets or otherequivalent protection. Personnel protected by personal fall arrest system must exercise additional care when handlingformwork components.SECTION 5 - SPECIAL APPLICATIONS1. Fasteners for support brackets, friction collars, and other friction devices must be pre-tensioned to the manufacturer'sspecification during erection and re-checked immediately prior to placing concrete.2. Assure that anchor brackets are attached properly and with required thread engagement per manufacturer'srecommendations. The proper anchor bolts and inserts must be used and be of adequate strength for combined shearand tension loading. Assure that the concrete has attained sufficient strength to properly allow the designed use of thesedevices with the required safety factors.3. Assure that anchor brackets are installed so that they are equally loaded and are installed correctly prior to setting theformwork. Anchor bolts must be tight and brackets level.4. When erecting forms for battered walls, allowance must be provided for proper anchorage to resist resulting uplift forces.5. Layouts must be prepared by a qualified formwork designer for all one-sided and cantilevered wall forming applications.Ensure that all anchorages and bracing are installed per layout drawings. Follow manufacturer's recommendationsregarding installation and use of anchoring devices.6. For all other special applications, for example, jump form, climbing forms, etc., consult manufacturerSECTION 6 - INSPECTION1. Inspect completed formwork prior to placing concrete to assure proper placement and secure connections of ties andassociated hardware, as well as security of any lumber, inserts or contractor provided material. All threaded connectors,such as ties, inserts, anchor bolts, etc., must also be checked for proper thread engagement.2. Inspect erected form walkway systems before each use. Assure that bolts, nuts, and other connections are fastenedsecurely.3. Inspect bracing attachments and form alignment after each form cycle. Inspect installed forms and braces immediatelyprior to pour and during pour.SECTION 7 - CONCRETE PLACEMENT1. The contractor must verify prior to and during concrete placing that the method of placement and rate of pour isconsistent with formwork design. DO NOT OVERLOAD FORMWORK.2. Concrete must not be placed in any manner which imposes impact loads which exceed the rated capacity of the form.3. Instruct personnel on proper vibration. Do not use vibrator to move concrete. Do not vibrate further than one foot into theprevious lift. Avoid vibrator contact with wall ties. External vibrators must not be attached to formwork unless it wasdesigned for their use.SECTION 8 - STRIPPING FORMWORK1. Follow manufacturer's recommended field procedures - generally, reverse the order of procedures used in erection offormwork. Be certain that concrete has sufficiently set to carry its own weight and any imposed loads prior to strippingformwork.2. When gang-forming, secure the lifting mechanism prior to removal of ties, anchors, and/or bracing.3. Use extreme caution for all formwork to assure that no panel, walkway bracket, brace, or any other form component isunfastened prematurely.4. Assure that all disconnects have been made and the bond of the formwork to concrete has been broken prior to lifting ofgang form. Do NOT use a crane, lifting hook, or any materials or equipment to disconnect or loosen formwork from theconcrete. REVISION REFERENCE SYMBOLS LEGENDEXISTING CONCRETE 00X.XXX SHEET NUMBERDETAIL NUMBER SECTIONA SAFETY INSTRUCTIONVISUAL CHECKNOTEUSEFUL TIPCOLUMN LINEALLURA TIFFANY PARK, RENTON, WADRAWING INDEX AND GENERAL NOTES 1 ABBREVIATION LEGEND ‘DIAMETERB.C. BY CONTRACTOR/CUSTOMERCM CENTIMETERSCB CLIMBING BRACKETDW15‘00'<:,'$*7,(52'DW20 ‘00'<:,'$*7,(52'DW26 ‘00'<:,'$*7,(52'FB FOLDING BRACKETFBP FOLDING BEARING PLATEGF GRIDFLEXGPP GRAVITY PIVOT PLATEGT24 GT24 FORMWORK GIRDERIN INCHKIPS 1000 POUNDSKG KILOGRAMKN KILO NEWTONLBS POUNDSLF LINEAR FOOTMF MULTIFLEXM METERSMM MILIMETERSMP MULTIPROPMPB MPB24 ALUMINUM BEAMMRK MULTIPROP LEDGER FRAME O.C. ON CENTERPB PIPE BRACEPCF POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOTPSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOTPSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCHPEP STEEL PROPPRK PEP LEDGER FRAMERF RUNDFLEXSIM SIMILARSB SINGLE SIDED BRACKETSCS SINGLE SIDED CLIMBING BRACKETSD SKYDECKST SKYTABLET.O.S. TOP OF SLABT.O.W. TOP OF WALLTR TRIO PANELTT TAPER TIETYP TYPICALU.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEV.I.F VERIFY IN FIELDVP VARIO PANELVT20 VT20 FORMWORK GIRDERWPP WINGNUT PIVOT PLATE MAXIMO LiftingHook 1.5 ton Instructions Lifting Gear Combi MXInstructions for Use MAXIMOPromotional Video MAXIMO Instructions MAXIMO Shaft Corner MAXIMO BrochureMAXIMO Poster ..12-0034284-B001_a.dwg Retaining Wall Trio4-18-18 52-'0" 7'-7" 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 4' 4' 8' 8' 8' 8'8'8' 107'-7" Scale: 1/8":1'0"OVERALL WALL PLAN-..12-0034284-B001_0.dwg Retaining Wall Trio4-18-18 80' Scale: 1/4":1'0"POUR 1 PLAN-1'-4"414" BULKHEAD BY CONTRACTORUSING MAR WALER ANDBULKHEAD TIES. 3' SPACING O.C.414" 12"-16" MX TIES, TYPICAL1-AB001.5 MX18 270 X 6 0 MX18 270 X 6 0 b 30LB/FT TRG 80 SCAFFOLD BRACKET (023670)@ ~4'-6" AVERAGE SPACING (TYP)OSHA COMPLIANT PLANKING ANDHANDRAILS SUPPLIED BY CLIENT2x6 HANDRAIL (2x8 REQUIRED TOMEET THE CALIFORNIA 42" STANDARD) RSS 2 PUSH-PULL PROP (028020)@ ~9' AVERAGE SPACINGKICKER BRACE AV 210 (108135)RSS BASEPLATE (106000)ANCHOR BY CONTRACTOR~6'REACTION LOAD1900lbs2350lbsR1R2R1R2 TRIO PROP CONNECTOR (023660) T. O. FOOTINGELEV. 415'-6" T. O. POURELEV. 429'-10"1'-4"9'-1078"POUR HEIGHT 14'-4" (VARIES)FORM HEIGHT 14'-918" (VARIES)12"-16" MX TIE, TYPICAL Scale: 1/4":1'0"SECTION 11 a ..12-0034284-B001_0.dwg Retaining Wall Trio1. SEE OTHER SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.2. SEE COVER SHEET(S) FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES, SAFETY GUIDELINES AND INFORMATION.3. SEE PERI BROCHURES, POSTERS, INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE, ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS AND CATALOGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.4. ALL ITEMS AND MATERIALS NOT SUPPLIED BY PERI ARE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS.5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS.6. ANY AMENDMENT OR DEVIATION FROM CONTRACT DRAWINGS BY CONTRACTOR MUST BE REPORTED TO PERI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY. PERI ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHANGES THAT OCCURRED WITHOUT PERI'S KNOWLEDGE.7. PERI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NOT SUPPLIED BY PERI SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO: FOOTINGS, WALLS, SLABS, REBAR, ANCHORS, PLYWOOD, LUMBER, ETC.8. ALL BOXOUTS BY CONTRACTOR, U.N.O. GENERAL NOTESIT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO PLACE CONCRETE IN AN APPROPRIATE MANNERSUCH THAT THE ACTUAL CONCRETE PRESSURE DOES NOT EXCEED THE DESIGN CONCRETEPRESSURE SPECIFIED ABOVE. POUR HEIGHT, POUR RATE, TEMPERATURE, USE OFSUPERPLASTICIZERS AND RETARDING ADMIXTURES SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT CONCRETEPRESSURE. REFER TO ACI 347 AND SP-4 FOR GUIDLINES.PERI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THE FORMWORK SYSTEM IF THECONTRACTOR EXCEEDS THE DESIGN CONCRETE PRESSURE. DESIGN CONCRETE PRESSURE = PSFMAR 85 - BULKHEAD DETAIL - 1250 psfSCALE: NTS WINGNUT PIVOTPLATE DW15 (30370)TRIO BULKHEAD TIEDW15 (23640)ADDITIONAL LUMBER(IF NECESSARY)MAR 85 WALER (23550)OR WALER 85 (23551)PLYWOOD/ LUMBER BYCONTRACTOR4 1/4" MIN WALLTHICKNESS VERTICALSPACINGUP TO 1'-7"3'-0" O.C.SPACING BASED ON 1250 PSFMAR 85 WALER 4-18-18 414" 178" 118" Scale: 1/4":1'0"POUR 2 PLAN- 52-'0" 27'-7" BULKHEAD BY CONTRACTORUSING MAR WALER ANDBULKHEAD TIES. 3' SPACING O.C.1'-4"SEE DETAIL 1 FOR INTERIORFILLER DIMENSIONS SEE DETAIL 2 FOR EXTERIORFILLER DIMENSIONS BB001.5 2-EXISTING CONCRETE MX18 270 X 1 2 0 MX18 270X120b MX18 270 X 1 2 0 MX18 270 X 1 2 0 MX18 270X 1 2 0 MX18 270X 1 2 0 MX18 270X1 2 0 MX18 270X12 0 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120MX18 270X120MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120MX18 270X120MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120MX18 270X120 MX18 270X60MX18 270X60 12"-16" MX TIES, TYPICALPER MAXIMO DETAILS, NO TIESREQUIRED ON FILLERS LESS THAN 4" MX18 270 X 1 2 0 MX18 270X120MX18 270 X 1 2 0 MX18 270X120MX18 270 X 1 2 0 MX18 270X120MX18 270 X 1 2 0 MX18 270X120MX18 270 X 1 2 0 MX18 270X120MX18 270 X 1 2 0 MX18 270X12030LB/FT TRG 80 SCAFFOLD BRACKET (023670)@ ~4'-6" AVERAGE SPACING (TYP)OSHA COMPLIANT PLANKING ANDHANDRAILS SUPPLIED BY CLIENT2x6 HANDRAIL (2x8 REQUIRED TOMEET THE CALIFORNIA 42" STANDARD) T. O. FOOTINGELEV. 415'-6" 1'-4"13'-1018"POUR HEIGHT 18'-534" (VARIES)FORM HEIGHT 18'-814" (VARIES)Scale: 1/4":1'0"SECTION 22 T. O. POURELEV. 433'-11-1/2" TRIO PROP CONNECTOR (023660)RSS 3 PUSH-PULL PROP (028030)@ ~7' AVERAGE SPACINGKICKER BRACE AV 3 (028120)RSS BASEPLATE (106000)ANCHOR BY CONTRACTOR~8'REACTION LOAD1900lbs2350lbsR1R2R1R2 12"-16" MX TIE, TYPICAL a DETAIL 12"214"434"DETAIL 2 338"318"434"..12-0034284-B001_0.dwg Retaining Wall Trio1. SEE OTHER SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.2. SEE COVER SHEET(S) FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES, SAFETY GUIDELINES AND INFORMATION.3. SEE PERI BROCHURES, POSTERS, INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE, ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS AND CATALOGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.4. ALL ITEMS AND MATERIALS NOT SUPPLIED BY PERI ARE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS.5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS.6. ANY AMENDMENT OR DEVIATION FROM CONTRACT DRAWINGS BY CONTRACTOR MUST BE REPORTED TO PERI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY. PERI ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHANGES THAT OCCURRED WITHOUT PERI'S KNOWLEDGE.7. PERI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NOT SUPPLIED BY PERI SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO: FOOTINGS, WALLS, SLABS, REBAR, ANCHORS, PLYWOOD, LUMBER, ETC.8. ALL BOXOUTS BY CONTRACTOR, U.N.O. GENERAL NOTESIT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO PLACE CONCRETE IN AN APPROPRIATE MANNERSUCH THAT THE ACTUAL CONCRETE PRESSURE DOES NOT EXCEED THE DESIGN CONCRETEPRESSURE SPECIFIED ABOVE. POUR HEIGHT, POUR RATE, TEMPERATURE, USE OFSUPERPLASTICIZERS AND RETARDING ADMIXTURES SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT CONCRETEPRESSURE. REFER TO ACI 347 AND SP-4 FOR GUIDLINES.PERI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THE FORMWORK SYSTEM IF THECONTRACTOR EXCEEDS THE DESIGN CONCRETE PRESSURE. DESIGN CONCRETE PRESSURE = PSF 6" MAX PLYWOOD/LUMBER BYCONTRACTORALIGNMENTCOUPLER @ 4' O.C.PANELWOOD EXTENSION DETAILSCALE: NTS MAR 85 - BULKHEAD DETAIL - 1250 psfSCALE: NTS WINGNUT PIVOTPLATE DW15 (30370)TRIO BULKHEAD TIEDW15 (23640)ADDITIONAL LUMBER(IF NECESSARY)MAR 85 WALER (23550)OR WALER 85 (23551)PLYWOOD/ LUMBER BYCONTRACTOR4 1/4" MIN WALLTHICKNESS VERTICALSPACINGUP TO 1'-7"3'-0" O.C.SPACING BASED ON 1250 PSFMAR 85 WALER Fixing wedge Ensure wedge headdoes not sit on maincoupler body Stiffeners When using TRIO on faceted forms the BFD alignmentcoupler must not be positioned on the stiffenersPanel JointBFD couplerShaped TimberFACETED TRIO DETAIL 4-18-18 T. O. FOOTINGELEV. 415'-6" T. O. POURELEV. 432'-2-5/8" Scale: 1/4":1'0"ELEVATION BB ELEV = 432.46'ELEV = 432.70'ELEV = 432.94'ELEV = 433.14'ELEV = 433.31'ELEV = 433.47'ELEV = 433.63'ELEV = 433.80'ELEV = 433.96'16'-858"17'-858"EXISTING CONCRETE BULKHEAD BY CONTRACTORUSING MAR WALER ANDBULKHEAD TIES. 3' SPACING O.C. T. O. FOOTINGELEV. 415'-6" T. O. POURELEV. 433'-11-1/2"314"338"338"338"338"338"338"338"338"338"338"338"178"1"LUMBER BUILDUP BFD'S WILL NOT SIT ON RIBSALONG RADIUS PANELS 18'-838"b MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X60 MX18 270X60MX18 120X30MX18 120X30MX18 120X30MX18 120X30MX18 120X30MX18 120X30MX18 120X30ADD AN EXTRA ROW OF BFD'S ATANGLED FILLERS WITHOUT TIES.MAR WALERS WILL NOT WORK. MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 18'-534"T. O. FOOTINGELEV. 415'-6" T. O. POURELEV. 429'-10"ELEV = 430.06'ELEV = 430.30'ELEV = 430.54'ELEV = 430.78'ELEV = 431.02'ELEV = 431.26'ELEV = 431.50'ELEV = 431.74'ELEV = 431.98' T. O. FOOTINGELEV. 415'-6" T. O. POURELEV. 432'-2-5/8" Scale: 1/4":1'0"ELEVATION AA BULKHEAD BY CONTRACTORUSING MAR WALER ANDBULKHEAD TIES. 3' SPACING O.C.14'-918"16'-858"17'-858"MAR 85/3MAR 85/3 MAR 85/3 MAR 85/3 MAR 85/3 MX18 270X60 MX18 270X60 b 14'-4"MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120MX18 120X60MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120MX18 120X60MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120MX18 120X60MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120MX18 120X60MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 120X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 MX18 270X120 ..12-0034284-B001_0.dwg Retaining Wall Trio1. SEE OTHER SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.2. SEE COVER SHEET(S) FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES, SAFETY GUIDELINES AND INFORMATION.3. SEE PERI BROCHURES, POSTERS, INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE, ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS AND CATALOGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.4. ALL ITEMS AND MATERIALS NOT SUPPLIED BY PERI ARE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS.5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS.6. ANY AMENDMENT OR DEVIATION FROM CONTRACT DRAWINGS BY CONTRACTOR MUST BE REPORTED TO PERI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY. PERI ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHANGES THAT OCCURRED WITHOUT PERI'S KNOWLEDGE.7. PERI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NOT SUPPLIED BY PERI SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO: FOOTINGS, WALLS, SLABS, REBAR, ANCHORS, PLYWOOD, LUMBER, ETC.8. ALL BOXOUTS BY CONTRACTOR, U.N.O. GENERAL NOTESIT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO PLACE CONCRETE IN AN APPROPRIATE MANNERSUCH THAT THE ACTUAL CONCRETE PRESSURE DOES NOT EXCEED THE DESIGN CONCRETEPRESSURE SPECIFIED ABOVE. POUR HEIGHT, POUR RATE, TEMPERATURE, USE OFSUPERPLASTICIZERS AND RETARDING ADMIXTURES SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT CONCRETEPRESSURE. REFER TO ACI 347 AND SP-4 FOR GUIDLINES.PERI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THE FORMWORK SYSTEM IF THECONTRACTOR EXCEEDS THE DESIGN CONCRETE PRESSURE. DESIGN CONCRETE PRESSURE = PSF 6" MAX PLYWOOD/LUMBER BYCONTRACTORALIGNMENTCOUPLER @ 4' O.C.PANELWOOD EXTENSION DETAILSCALE: NTS MAR 85 - BULKHEAD DETAIL - 1250 psfSCALE: NTS WINGNUT PIVOTPLATE DW15 (30370)TRIO BULKHEAD TIEDW15 (23640)ADDITIONAL LUMBER(IF NECESSARY)MAR 85 WALER (23550)OR WALER 85 (23551)PLYWOOD/ LUMBER BYCONTRACTOR4 1/4" MIN WALLTHICKNESS VERTICALSPACINGUP TO 1'-7"3'-0" O.C.SPACING BASED ON 1250 PSFMAR 85 WALER Fixing wedge Ensure wedge headdoes not sit on maincoupler body Stiffeners When using TRIO on faceted forms the BFD alignmentcoupler must not be positioned on the stiffenersPanel JointBFD couplerShaped TimberFACETED TRIO DETAIL 4-18-18 39051060066045057011' MAXIMO 330 - Extension UnitsFormwork should be assembledto its full height on the ground! Compensation Waler MAR 170-3Item no. 124942 WidthHeight 240 60240 120240 3030240 120 90240240 240 90240 240 120120240240 60 upto 10'-0"12'-0"14'-0"16'-0"18'-0"20'-0"22'-0"24'-0"26'-0"28'-0"30'-0" to 34'-0"34'-0" to 39'-0"39'-0" to 47'-0" Form Height 23'-0"18'-0"16'-0"14'-0"13'-0"11'-0"10'-0"9'-0"9'-0"8'-0"7'-0"6'-0"5'-0" Max Form lengthPer Lifting Hook Based on a form weight of 14 lbsper sq. ft. Weight includeswalkways, braces and couplers.Form must fly in a vertical position. Lifting Hook MAXIMOMaximum load capacity of 3,300 lbs (1.5 mton) PD[LPXPOLIWLQJJHDUDQJOHRIƒAlways use in pairs!Follow Instructions for Use!Lifting Hook MAXIMOItem no. 115168 Instructions for UseLifting Hook MAXIMONote: Gang heights above 27' can notbe rotated from a horizontal position 1. Lubricate MX Tie and Wingnut regularly.2. Spray formwork on all sides with PERI BIO Clean or similar form release before every use.3. Spray back of formwork with water immediately after concreting. This reduces the amount ofcleaning needed.4. Always start at a corner or difficult area. Pay attention to the wall thickness.5. More information can be found in the MAXIMO Assembly Instructions.6. As an alternative to the MX Tie System, DW15 and DW20 ties can also be used. Tips for ensuring smooth construction process Push-Pull PropsMaximum widths of influence for push-pull props and kicker braces EBref 10' 10' 8'-6" 7'-0" 6'-6" 5'-6" 8'-0" 6'-5" 6'-0" 5'-0"FRS1 2,600FRS2FAV450 600 630 630 720 790 950 810 770 7001750 2,200 2,400 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,250 2,450 2,400 2,2001,300 2,100 2,000 1,9002,400 2,150 2,250 2,150 1,250 1,300172 213 268 323 350 405 577 680 782 892x = x1 ~4'-0" ~5'-0" ~6'-5" ~8'-0" ~10'-0" ~12'-0"x2y = y1 ~3'-0"y2 12.3 12.8 13.4 13.8 14.5 14.9 hy1FRS1FAVƒx1 hy1FRS1 FAV ƒx2 FRS2 ƒx1y2FAFA p Formwork Height h [ft] System 1 Formwork Height h [ft] System 2Permissible Width of Influence [ft]actual push-pull prop load [lbs]actual kicker brace load [lbs] Distance of base plate from rear edge of formwork [ft]Top connection point from top of formwork [ft] Shear force [lbs]lifting force VWind [lbs/ft] q(z=h) = qh [lbs/ft2] Standard Application *intermediate values are interpolated Formwork height hReference height zGround surface = 0cP,End cP,EndcP = 1,8LE LELStandard areaFormwork ground planBase PlateSystem 2 System 1 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,6002,5002,450 2,600 2,4002,600R1R2R3R4Tension/Compression force [lbs]Shear force [lbs]Tension/Compression force [lbs] 2,6002,40019001,400 1,800 1,900 1,900 2,000 2,100 2,2501,300 ~4'-0" ~5'-0" ~6'-0" ~6'-0" ~6'-0" ~14'-0" ~16'-0" ~17'-0" ~18'-0"~9'-0" ~10'-0"~8'-6"~8'-6"~5'-0" ~6'-10" ~8'-0"~6'-0"~14'-9" ~20'-0" ~22'-6"~18'-0"12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 p A Wind p,Endp,Endp,EndE DO NOT use any part of these walers for the purpose ofclimbing, positioning, or tieing off of personnel on forms. Extensions up to max. 26' (8.10 m) high (3 panels at 2.70 m) can be assembled Four BFD couplers are required for 8' (240) or 9' (270) wide panels for extensions up to 18' (5.40 m). Two MAR 85 compensation walers and two BFD alignment couplers are re-quired for extensions up to 26' (8.10 m.) Formwork should be assembledto its full height on the ground!Height Extensions R1R2 R1R2 R3R4 33011'33011'13'15'17'19'20'22'330 330 270 330 330330330 330 330120 120 120 60120 60 2x6 lumber (2x8 required tomeet the 42" Californiastandard)2x4 lumber2x10 min planking Lifting Hook MAXIMIO 1,5tArt.-Nr. 115168 Ausgabe 05/2007 Bedienungsanleitung 1. Fully raise wedge2. Position BFD around panelsection with jaws fully closed3. Lower wedge and firmly fixwith hammer blow4. Ensure head of wedge doesnot sit on main coupler body5. Fixing procedure complete.Fixing wedgeEnsure wedge headdoes not sit on maincoupler bodyBFD Fixing Procedure WidthHeight270 240 120 90 45 30 inside 2402702402706030240270906024027012090240270120120302402701201209060240270240120 9024027024027060or MX 330MXGIInternal9' MAXIMO 270 - Extension UnitsFormwork should be assembledto its full height on the ground!9' 8' 4' 3' 1'-6" 1'39048054045036012'33011'13'15'16'18'30010' 8' / 9'240 / 270602'60MXM Corner50/20 OutsideCorner45 240270120120603042014'60020'240 240 120270 270660120240240 6022'270 270 outsideMXGA )RUDQJOHVƒWRƒ Compensation Waler MAR 85-3Item no. 124941 240 120 90 45 30 insideMXGIInternal8' 4' 3' 1'-6" 1'602'60MXM Corner50/20 OutsideCorner45 outsideMXGA )RUDQJOHVƒWRƒ Edition 09/2010 Maximum 5 MAXIMOpanels 330 x 240 canbe transported with thelifting gear combi MX.Secure stack of panelsby means of tie rods toprevent panels movingduring lifting. 3HUPORDGRIOEV NJ ZLWKƒlifting gear angle. The pins are used to movestacks of panels located on the ground. Lifting Gear Combi MXItem no. 117321Bedienungsanleitung Lifting Gear Combi MXFollow Instructions for Use! Instructions for UseLifting Gear Combi MX Lifting Gear Combi MXItem no. 117321For lifting of MAXIMO and TRIO panels. S.S.F.I Guidelines Safe Procedures for Vertical Concrete FormworkSECTION 1 - GENERAL1. All form components and /or hardware must be kept clean, and (if appropriate) lubricated to insureproper performance and to allow for proper inspection.2. All form components must be inspected regularly for damage to excessive wear. Material found to bein these conditions must be replaced immediately and not reused.3. Field repair of modular formwork components (other than plywood repairs) must not be undertakenwithout consulting the manufacturer's qualified representative.4. The forming layout shall be prepared or approved by a person qualified to analyze the loadings andstresses which are induced during the construction process. The layout shall be at the jobsite.5. Forming installation and pouring procedures must comply with safe practices and with therequirements of the law and governmental regulations, codes and ordinances. GENERAL ENGINEERING NOTES1. Any layout drawing furnished by PERI to customer are provided as a service to conceptually illustrate theassembly of PERI products only. Because PERI does not control jobsite assembly or procedures, grade orquality of materials,or material supplied by others, it is the responsibility of the customer to integrate PERIdrawings into composite drawings suitably complete for construction purposes consistent with safe practiceand overall project objectives.2. These drawings are based on information furnished to PERI by the customer. The material shown on thesedrawings may be used in jurisdictions having local codes with which PERI is not familiar. Accordingly, thesedrawings are intended to illustrate a proper manner of use of the goods ordered by the customer under thecircumstances specified by the customer, but bears no responsibility for the actual erection or use of the goodsby the customer or any other person, and the customer agrees to indemnify and hold PERI harmless withrespect to any claim or loss arising in connection with the negligence of the erection, maintenance, or use ofthe goods by the customer or any other person during the time that the goods are leased to or used by thecustomer.3. The customer bears the sole responsibility for ensuring that any erection or use of the goods shown on thesedrawings conforms to all laws, ordinances, and local codes and for checking the accuracy of field details anddimensions.4. PERI does not provide all items illustrated on these drawings. Those items not supplied by PERI should beerected according to drawings furnished by their manufacturer or supplier. The final responsibility for designand placement of these items remains with the customer.5. The PERI Engineering Department must be consulted before material is erected in a manner other than asshown on these drawings. Only the Engineering Department is authorized to make changes on these drawings.PERI is not liable for any damages or claims arising from any deviations from the customer's failure to erect thematerial as shown on the drawings or any failure to follow the applicable material manuals or instructions,copies of which are available upon request.6. All job bulkheads and fillers are illustrations only. Contractor is responsible for the fabrication, placement, andstructural integrity of each item.7. Unless proposal states otherwise, PERI does not furnish wood for scaffolds and handrails as a part of theforming system quotation. These items are quoted separately.8. All drawings are property of PERI. They are generated for the exclusive use of the contractor, specified in thetitle block. All drawings shall not be disclosed to any other party without prior written authorization of PERI.9. Any deviation in all, or in part, from these drawings and the General Notes shall release PERI from anyresponsibility, liability or claim for damages resulting from any such deviation.10. The contractor shall only use drawings generated by PERI that have been finalized by the engineer and do notcarry the PRELIMINARY STAMP.11. If applicable, recommended practices of the SSFI should be followed. All material supplied by PERI must beused in accordance with the material specifications as shown in the accompanying literature. Customer also isresponsible for following all applicable OSHA requirements and standards applicable to concrete and masonryconstruction and should consult any applicable OSHA publications regarding the same, including anystandards applicable to construction loads, reinforcing steel, post tensioning, concrete buckets, working underloads, personal protection equipment, and requirements for erecting and dismantling forms.12. The live load used in the design of walkways is 30 lbs/ft unless otherwise noted.13. The density of concrete used in the design is 150 lbs/ft.14. All equipment material supplied by PERI must be used in accordance with the equipment materialspecifications as shown in the accompanying material literature, manuals and/or instructions.15. Manuals and drawings furnished by PERI are provided to conceptually illustrate the assembly of PERI materialonly. Manuals and drawings are neither intended to be fully directive nor cover engineering details for PERI'smaterial or materials not furnished by PERI. Drawing service does not include reshoring/backshoringcalculations and/or drawings, which are Customer's sole responsibility. All PERI-supplied drawings are basedupon information provided by Customer and/or others and it is Customer's responsibility to use PERI's materialin accordance with safe engineering and construction practices and applicable law. PERI provides its materialto sophisticated end users and it does not control assembly or procedures at the project site, or the grade orthe quality of materials or equipment supplied by third parties and, therefore, it is Customer's responsibility tointegrate drawings into composite drawings suitably complete for construction purposes. Customer shall reviewthe drawings supplied by PERI for any discrepancies or non-conformaties, and in the event of discrepancies ornon-conformaties, Customer must notify PERi within 3 working days after the submission of the drawings byPERI. Customer's failure to provide timely written notice shall constitute a waiver of any and all claims, directlyor indirectly, related to the delivery of drawings with discrepancies or non-conformaties and it shall beconclusively presumed that Customer has fully inspected the drawings, the Customer deems the drawingssatisfactory and acceptable in all respects. PERI is not liable for any changes by others made to or deviationsfrom any drawings supplied hereunder.TIMBER AND PLYWOOD NOTES:16. Plywood design is based on American Plywood Association technical data (APA Concrete FormingDesign/Construction Guide V345, 2012 edition, and APA Panel Design Specification D510, 2012 edition). Grain RIIDFHSOLHVDUHSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHVXSSRUWV&ODVVSO\ZRRGFRQWLQXRXVRYHUWKUHHRUPRUHVSDQV6HYHQdays load duration, moisture content <=16% , deflection limited to l/270.17. Timber calculation and design criteria are based on dressed sizes conforming to the American softwood timberstandards, voluntary product standard 20-70 United States Department of Commerce National Bureau ofStandards and National Design specification (NDS) for Wood Construction, 2015 edition. Moisture contentassumed <=19%. The timber falsework details shown are suggestions and are based on the following minimumGHVLJQYDOXH3URSHUWLHVDUHIRU'RXJODV)LU/DUFK1RVWUHVVJDLGHG VL]HFODVVLILHGWRWKLFNE\6" and wider or equivalent with a 25% increase for short duration loading. SECTION 2 - ERECTION OF FORMWORK1. Do not deviate from layout drawings when erecting formwork without the approval of a qualifieddesigner and/or engineer.2. Be certain that all wall ties are in place and secured as per manufacturer's recommendations. Do notweld, bend, or otherwise alter wall ties as it may seriously reduce their strength.3. Adequate temporary bracing must be in place while initially setting formwork. Assure that formwork isproperly braced and stabilized against wind and other external forces.4. Safe working platforms must be installed as per applicable safety standards and as stated in section4 herein.5. When gang forming, lifting devices must be properly spaced and securely attached as permanufacturer's recommendations. Rigging must be arranged so that any one lifting bracket is notoverloaded and that lifting cables are not at excessive angles, which will reduce allowable loads.Spreader beams with load equalizers are recommended for all but simple two point lifts. Followmanufacturer's/supplier's recommended procedures concerning capacity and use of lifting hardwareand crane.6. A minimum of two tag lines must be used to control movement of crane-handled formwork. Do notallow personnel on or directly under any gang form while it is being moved or suspended in air.7. Do not erect gang forms when jobsite wind conditions prevent safe maneuvering of gangs. Assurethat all rigging connections are properly made in accordance with safe practices and procedures.8. Formwork should be adequately braced, re-anchored, or otherwise secured prior to releasing liftingmechanism.9. Wall forms must not be erected so as to support deck concrete loading unless the wall forms are adesigned part of the deck support system.SECTION 3 - BRACING1. Aligners (alignment devices, plumbing struts) are considered only as alignment devices with noprovisions for withstanding concrete pressure of any portion thereof. Maintain forms plumb duringpouring to ensure that aligners are not supporting or stabilizing concrete pressures.2. Braces used to withstand concrete pressure must be designed by a qualified formwork designer.3. Unless specified, wind loading and other external lateral loads are not considered in themanufacturer's layout drawings.4. The adequacy of stakes, dead-men, sills, anchor-bolts, etc., must be determined to assure safesupport of the imposed brace loads. The responsibility for adequate anchorage of braces should beassigned only to those personnel with sufficient experience to assure sound judgment.5. Before removing braces, assure that the concrete has attained sufficient strength to safely supportthe imposed load at support locations.6. Do not exceed the rated load of the braces.7. Inspect installed braces immediately after installation for correctness of spacing and properattachment device.SECTION 4 - WALKWAY SYSTEMS1. All walkway systems must be properly positioned, spaced, and fastened as per manufacturer'sspecifications and all applicable safety regulations and industry standards.2. Walkway systems must be in place along the upper level of formwork. Workers must never attemptto walk or stand on top of forms.3. Scaffold brackets must be attached with the manufacturer's recommended connectors. Never usesubstitutes or make-shift devices. Never hang brackets from wall ties after form removal.4. All walkway platforms must utilize at least two (2) planks laid side by side, and must overlap theirsupport ledger by not less than 6 inch. Unsupported ends of scaffold planks must not project morethan 12 inches past their support ledger.5. Scaffold planks must be minimum 2 inch x10 inch nominal lumber and must be scaffold grade asrecognized by approved grading rules for the species of lumber used, or must be of materials havingequivalent or greater strength. Scaffold planks must safely support a minimum of 25 pounds persquare foot over a maximum span of 8 feet.6. When deemed appropriate by the competent person, scaffold planks must be nailed and clenched,bolted, or otherwise positively secured against dislodgment from effects of wind, weather, gang formlifting operations, or the like. Bolt heads and nails must be driven flush with tops of planks to preventtripping hazards.7. All scaffold brackets platforms must be equipped with gaurdrails, midrails and toeboards along allopen sides and ends and be maintained secure and in good condition at all times. Gaurdrails mustbe of at least 2x4 nominal sized lumber, with minimum 1x6 or 2x4 nominal midrails, with toeboards atleast 4 inches high, supported by 2x4 nominal lumber uprights spaced not more than 8 feet apart, ormust be of other materials providing equivalent or greater strength and protection.8. Maximum spacing between scaffold brackets is 4.5 feet. Never exceed this distance unless thewalkway system has been specifically designed for a greater distance. Follow manufacturer'srecommendations as to loading and spacing of scaffold brackets. Unless designed otherwise,scaffold brackets are designed to support a maximum of 30 pounds per square foot when spaced on4.5 foot centers. Scaffold brackets are not designed for the additional loads imposed from stackingrebar or placing other Material on walkways.9. Always brace and/or otherwise secure forms and scaffold from overturning due to attachment anduse of scaffold brackets.10. Never allow persons to work on one level of walkways if others are working directly below oroverhead unless proper protection is provided such as safety nets.11. It is unsafe and unlawful for persons to occupy and form walkway while the form is being moved.12. Access ladder or other suitable safe methods must be used to obtain access to walkway platforms.Do not position ladder so that their weight while being used can affect the strength or stability of thescaffold and formwork.13. Do not use form panels as a ladder.14. If using walkway systems is not practical, personnel must be protected against falls by means ofpersonal fall arrest system attached to components having adequate strength to meet or exceedapplicable codes or by safety nets or other equivalent protection. Personnel protected by personalfall arrest system must exercise additional care when handling formwork components.SECTION 5 - SPECIAL APPLICATIONS1. Fasteners for support brackets, friction collars and other friction devices must be pre-tensioned tothe manufacturer's specification during erection and re-checked immediately prior to placingconcrete.2. Assure that anchor brackets are attached properly and with required thread engagement permanufacturer's recommendations. The proper anchor bolts and inserts must be used and be ofadequate strength for combined shear and tension loading. Assure that the concrete as attainedsufficient strength to properly allow the designed use of these devices with the required safetyfactors.3. Assure that anchor brackets are installed so that they are equally loaded and are installed correctlyprior to setting the formwork. Anchor bolts must be tight and brackets level.4. When erecting forms for battered walls, allowance must be provided for proper anchorage to resistresulting uplift forces.5. Layouts must be prepared by a qualified formwork designer for all one-sided and cantilevered wallforming applications. Ensure that all anchorages and bracing are installed per layout drawings.Follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding installation and use of anchoring devices.6. For all other special applications, for example, jump form, climbing forms, etc., consultmanufacturer.SECTION 6 - INSPECTION1. Inspect completed formwork prior to placing concrete to assure proper placement and secureconnections of ties and associated hardware, as well as security of any lumber, inserts orcontractor provided material. All threaded connectors, such as ties, inserts, anchor bolts, etc., mustalso be checked for proper thread engagement.2. Inspect erected form walkway systems before each use. Assure that bolts, nuts, and otherconnections are fastened securely.3. Inspect bracing attachments and form alignment after each form cycle. Inspect installed forms andbraces immediately prior to pour and during pour.SECTION 7 - CONCRETE PLACMENT1. The contractor must verify prior to and during concrete placing that the method of placement andrate of pour is consistent with formwork design. DO NOT OVERLOAD FORMWORK.2. Concrete must not be placed in any manner which imposes impact loads which exceed the ratedcapacity of the form.3. Instruct personnel on proper vibration. Do not use vibrator to move concrete. Do not vibrate furtherthan one foot into the previous lift. Avoid vibrator contact with wall ties. External vibrators must notbe attached to formwork unless it was designed for their use.SECTION 8 - STRIPPING FORMWORK1. Follow manufacturer's recommended field procedures - generally, reverse the order of proceduresused in erection of formwork. Be certain that concrete has sufficiently set to carry its own weightand any imposed loads prior to stripping formwork.2. When gang-forming, secure the lifting mechanism prior to removal of ties, anchors and/or bracing.3. Use extreme caution for all formwork to assure that no panel, walkway bracket, brace or any otherform component is unfastened prematurely.4. Assure that all disconnects have been made and the bond of the formwork to concrete has beenbroken prior to lifting of gang form. Do NOT use a crane, lifting hook or any materials or equipmentto disconnect or loosen formwork from the concrete. S.S.F.I GUIDELINESCustomer should consult and follow the applicable guides, standards, and/or safety procedures promulgated by the Scaffolding, Shoring & Forming Institute (SSFI), including Safe Practices for Erection and Dismantling of Frame Shoring, Single PostShore Safety Rules, Flying Deck Form Safety Rules, Safety Procedures for Vertical Concrete Formwork, and Horizontal Shoring Beam Safety Rules prepared by the SSFI. THE FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS ANDAPPLICABLE MATERIAL MANUALS CAN CAUSE OR CONTRIBUTETO SERIOUS INJURIES, ACCIDENTS AND/OR PROPERTYDAMAGES. QR CODE LITERATURE:CONTACT LOCAL PERIREP FOR PASSWORD MAXIMO Instructions MAXIMO Brochure MAXIMO Poster ..12-0034284-B001_a.dwg Retaining Wall Maximo NOTES:1. SEE OTHER SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.2. SEE COVER SHEET(S) FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES, SAFETY GUIDELINES AND INFORMATION.3. SEE PERI BROCHURES, POSTERS, INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE, ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS AND CATALOGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.4. ALL ITEMS AND MATERIALS NOT SUPPLIED BY PERI ARE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS.5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS.6. ANY AMENDMENT OR DEVIATION FROM CONTRACT DRAWINGS BY CONTRACTOR MUST BE REPORTED TO PERI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY. PERI ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHANGES THAT OCCURRED WITHOUT PERI'S KNOWLEDGE.7. PERI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NOT SUPPLIED BY PERI SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO: FOOTINGS, WALLS, SLABS, REBAR, ANCHORS, PLYWOOD, LUMBER, ETC.8. ALL BOXOUTS BY CONTRACTOR, U.N.O. 023500 4.35 kg Alignment Coupler BFD, galv.For all panel connections of MAXIMO, TRIOand RUNDFLEX. Fillers up to 4" (100mm)Technical DataPermissible tension force 4,500 lbs (20 kN) 11 1/4"6 1/2"10 1/4" 2 3/8"max 8 5/8" 124941 14 kg Compensation Waler MAR 85-3 Technical Data Item no. Weight kg 125300 .003 kg 3OXJ0;‘PP NoteSupplied in packs of 250 pcs. 023010 2.33 kg Foundation Tie Clamp TRIO TLSFor anchoring foundation formwork in combination with the Perforated Foundation Tie. NoteSpanner size SW 14.SW 14 023020 0.68 kg Perforated Foundation Tie, 25 m rollFor use with Foundation Tie Clamp TRIO, DOMINO and HANDSET.Technical DataPermissible tension force 2900 lbs [12.9 kN] 2250 023800 4.84 kg Foundation Strap TRIOFor connecting TRIO panels with 60 mm wide edge section assembled in the "windmill" configuration. 023630 2.08 kg Top Tie Bracket-2 AH, galv.For anchoring independantly of the panel grid, particularly in case of foundations and extensions.Technical DataPermissible anchor tension force:Hole 1 = 3,375 lbs (15 kN)Hole 2 = 6,750 lbs (30 kN) ‘PP 12 117321 31 kg Lifting Gear Combi MX 117322 25 kg Lifting Gear MX 11'-5 6/8"115168 7.02 kg Lifting Hook MAXIMO 3,300 lbs (1.5 mton)For lifting of MAXIMO and TRIO panels.Safety instructionsAlways use 2 pieces per transportation unit.Follow Instruction for Use.Load-bearing capacity:Steel panels 3,300 lbs (1.5 mton)Alu panels 1,650 (750 kg) 028990 115 kg Push-Pull Prop RS 1000, galv.Extension length L = 6.40 - 10.00 m. For aligning PERI formwork systems.NotePermissible load: see PERI Design Tables. ‘PP ‘PP 102mm‘PP ‘PP103800 271 kg Push-Pull Prop RS 1400, galv.Extension length L = 6.40 - 14.00 m. For aligning PERI formwork systems.NotePermissible load: see PERI Design Tables. Chain removable by personnel on the ground. ‘PP ‘PP ‘PP Foundation Accessories Item no. Weight kg Rigging Item no. Weight kg Base Plates Item no. Weight kg 30.9 lbs .007 lbs 254 lbs 598 lbs 5.2 lbs 1.5 lbs 10.7 lbs 4.6 lbs 68.3lbs 55.1 lbs 15.5 lbs9.6 lbsWeight lbs Weight lbs 6325mm 10000mm min 20'-9" max 32'-9 3/4" 6400mm 14000mm6290mmmax 20 '-7 5/8" 3500mm11'-5 6/8"3500mm3 3/8"1 7/8" Weight lbs 5 7/8"MAXIMO tools Item no. Weight kg 030370 1.56 kg Wingnut Pivot Plate DW 15, galv.For anchoring with Tie Rod DW 15. With pivoting FDSWLYHQXW0D[LPXPDQJOHRIWLOWLQJƒ Technical DataPermissible load 20,000lbs (90 kN)4 5/8" ‘4 1/4"2 7/8" 023940 6.08 kg Alignment Coupler 38, galv. 17"6 1/2"15"max 290490 2.26 kg TRIO Frame Holder 1350/1500For anchoring TRIO panels to adjacent concrete 290491 6.12 kg TRIO Frame Holder 2For anchoring TRIO panels to adjacent concrete MX 330X120124126498 lbsMX 330X240124093899 lbs MX 330X90124217379 lbs MX 330X60124128260 lbs MX 330X45124129220 lbs MX 330X30124130175 lbs MXM 330X60124163310 lbs MXI 330X50/20124190299 lbs MXA 330X45114478423 lbs MXGI 330124202196 lbs MAXIMO Panels Working Platforms and Guardrails ‘PP ‘PP Item no. Weight kg Edition 09/2010Follow Instructions for Use Lifting Hook MAXIMIO 1,5tArt.-Nr. 115168 Ausgabe 05/2007 Bedienungsanleitung Max. 5 TRIO panels 330 x 240 can betransported with the lifting gear combi MX.Secure stack of panels by means of tie rodsto prevent panels moving during lifting. Lifting Gear Combi MXItem no. 117321 Edition 09/2010 Bedienungsanleitung Follow Instructions for Use Max. 5 TRIO panels 330 x 240 can betransported with the lifting gear combi MX.Secure stack of panels by means of tie rodsto prevent panels moving during lifting. Follow Instructions for Use PanelItem no.Weight lbs PanelItem no.Weight lbs PanelItem no.Weight lbs PanelItem no.Weight lbs 13.4 lbs For all panel connections of MAXIMO, TRIOand RUNDFLEX. Fillers up to 10 1/4" (260mm)Technical DataPermissible tension force 4,500 lbs (20 kN) 5 lbs 13.5 lbs 3.43 lbs MX 240 MX 120 MX 90 MX 45 301'-5 5/8"2'-11 1/2"3'-11 1/4"7'-10 1/2"11 3/4"11 1/2"1'-11 5/8"MX 270MX 120MX 603'-11 1/4"8'-10 1/4"MX 33010'-6 7/8"MX 330MX 270MX 120MX 60Panel Height No Panel 4 3/4" 4 3/4" 4 3/4" 4 3/4"Panel WidthNo Panel MXSE 330125284884 lbs MXGI MX 240 MX 120 MX 90 MX 60 MX 45 MX 30 MXI 50/20 MXA 45 MXGI MXGA MXI 60 MXSE 434mm 380mmmax 164mm220mm 288mm 164mm259mm 61 ‘‘PP 1 3/8"35mm 3'-10 1/8"1172mm4'-7 7/8"1343mm117mm 72mm 110mm3HUPORDGRIOEV NJ ZLWKƒlifting gear angle. The pins are used to movestacks of panels located on the ground. TRIOlifting hooks or TRIO stacking devices areattached to the load hook.For transporting MAXIMO & TRIO panel stacks 3HUPORDGRIOEV NJ ZLWKƒlifting gear angle. The pins are used to movestacks of panels located on the ground. TRIOlifting hooks or TRIO stacking devices areattached to the load hook.For transporting MAXIMO & TRIO panel stacks Lifting Gear Combi MXItem no. 117321Bedienungsanleitung For longitudinal compensation, height extensions, stopend formwork and special applications with MAXIMO MX 18. With captive connecting compo-nents.Permissible bending moment 3.9 kNm. 2'-9 1/2"4 1/2"For closing MX 18 tie holes in the concrete. 5/8" 123900 3.7 kg MX 18 WingnutCounter nut for Tie MX 18.Technical DataPermissible tension force 27kip (120 kN). 7 5/8" 127364 9.3 kg Tension and Compression Brace MX 6"-36"For use with foundation formwork up to 1.20 m high and as replacement for the top anchor of the MAXIMO 330.Complete with SF%ROW‘[JDOY1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.NoteAdjustable in 1" increments from 6" to 36"Technical DataPermissible tension and compressive force 9 kN.4' 1 3/4"6 7/8"2 3/8"115640 6,000 Bulkhead Tie MX DW20For forming wall offsets with MAXIMO in connec-tion with the Multi Panel MXM.8 1/4"10" 101633 9.79 kg Adjusting Bracket MXFor erecting PERI Panel Formwork up toh = 15' (4.50 m).Note +HLJKW$GMXVWPHQW“ FP 7 1/2"1'-2 3/8"5 5/8" ‘SW 24 124021 5.1 kg MX 18 Tie 8"-12"124024 5.5 kg MX 18 Tie 12"-16"124027 5.9 kg MX 18 Tie 16"-20"124030 6.3 kg MX 18 Tie 20"-24" 8", 9", 10", 11", 12" 12", 13", 14", 15", 16" 16", 17", 18", 19", 20" 20", 21", 22", 23", 24" 643mm743mm843mm943mm 2'-1 1/4"5'-4 1/4"2'-9 1/4"3'-1 1/8" 11.3 lbs 12.1 lbs 13.0 lbs 13.9 lbsMX18 Imperial Ties Weight lbs Wall Thickness L (metric) L (imperial) 8.2 lbs Description 6,000 20.5 lbs 21.6 lbs 1'-11 5/8"MX 60 MXM 601'-11 5/8"MXM 60 MXGA 330114607113 lbs MXI 330X60124195454 lbs 11 1/2"1'-5 5/8"1'-5 5/8"1'-7 5/8"1'-11 5/8"1'-11 5/8"1'-11 5/8"1'-11 5/8"MX 270X120124134410 lbsMX 270X240124132740 lbs MX 270X90124138297 lbs MX 270X60124135229 lbs MX 270X45124136171 lbs MX 270X30124137138 lbs MXM 270X60124188238 lbs MXI 270X50/20124191227 lbs MXA 270X45112806350 lbs MXGI 270124200153 lbs MXSE 270125286675 lbsMXGA 27011187292 lbs MXI 270X60124196344 lbs MXGA MXI 60 MXSE MX 120X120124142202 lbsMX 120X240124139366 lbs MX 270X90124138297 lbs MX 270X60124143149 lbs MX 270X45124136171 lbs MX 120X30124144113 lbs MXM 120X60124189118 lbs MXI 120X50/20125277108 lbs MXA 120X45112830168 lbs MXGI 12012420169 lbs MXSE 120125288306 lbsMXGA 12011185042 lbs MXI 120X60124197177 lbs PanelItem no.Weight lbsMX 904 3/4" MX 90X90124148108 lbsMX 90X240124147267 lbs MX 90X6012414972 lbs MX 90X4512415069 lbs MX 90X3012415149 lbs MXI 90X50/2012419281 lbs MXI 90X60124198150 lbsMX 902'-11 1/2"No PanelNo Panel No Panel No PanelNo PanelNo Panel MX 30X120124162117 lbsMX 60X240124157194 lbs MX 60X6012415863 lbs MX 60X4512416048 lbs MX 60X3012419336 lbs MXI 90X50/2012419365 lbs MXA 60X4511283794 lbs MXI 60X60124199100 lbs No PanelNo Panel 117468 22.9 kg Push-Pull Prop RS 450, galv.Extension length L = 2.80 - 4.50 m. For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast concrete elements. NotePermissible load: see PERI Design Tables. 2800 mm 4500 mm8'-9 1/8"73‘‘ ‘ ‘9117467 15.4 kg Push-Pull Prop RS 300, galv.Extension length L = 1.90 - 3.00 m. For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast concrete elements. NotePermissible load: see PERI Design Tables. 1900 mm 3000 mm1773 mm 64,5‘‘ ‘9‘ 118238 12.1 kg Push-Pull Prop RS 260, galv.Extension length L = 2.30 - 2.60 m. For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast concrete elements.NotePermissible load: see PERI Design Tables.2300 mm 2600 mm 60,6‘2178 mm‘9‘ ‘ 117466 10.6 kg Push-Pull Prop RS 210, galv.Extension length L = 1.30 - 2.10 m. For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast concrete elements. NotePermissible load: see PERI Design Tables. 1300 mm 2100 mm ‘1178 mm 60,6‘9‘ ‘ 023660 3.3 kg Brace Connector TRIO, galv.For connection of push-pull props and kickers to MAXIMO and TRIO panels. Mounting to horizontal and vertical struts.Complete withSF3LQ‘[JDOY1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.6 11/16"RS and Push-Pull Props Item no. Weight kg 7.3 lbsWeight lbs 117469 39.9 kg Push-Pull Prop RS 650, galv.Extension length L = 4.30 - 6.50 m. For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast concrete elements. NotePermissible load: see PERI Design Tables. 4300 mm 6500 mm 88,9‘13'-7"‘ ‘ ‘ min 14'-1" max 21'-4" 4140 mm 2670 mm min 9'-2 1/4" max 14'-9 1/4" min 6'-2 7/8" max 9'-10 1/8" min 7'-6 1/2" max 8'-6 3/8" min 4'-3" max 6'-10 1/2"3'-10 3/8" 7'-1 3/4" 5'-9 7/8" 50.5 lbs 33.9 lbs 26.7 lbs 23.4 lbs 97.9 lbs 850mm 115mm10 3/8"264mm 3 lbs1.36 kg Round column form623400 TRIO Bullnose AdaptorFor connecting TRIO panels to Deslaurier Steel 1 1/4"‘34mm‘18mm 5 1/8"130mm 7 7/8"198mm194mm 208mm255mm 5 1/8"130mm 1264mm 174mm61mmMAXIMO Support Bracket Item no. Weight kg 190mm 144mm 365mm11 7/8" SW 19SW 22300mm ..12-0034284-B001_a.dwg Retaining Wall Maximo