HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA99-046 - Large Format"WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Office of the City Clerk Renton City Hall - 1088 South Renton, WA 9608s ee Cos ee ee ie 2 N 00°31°27” E (R) N 00°30'33" E : | Monterey Av. N.E. / N.E. 14th St. N_89°55'26" W 30’ 5 A.F.N.6660996 N_89°54'32” W (R) = — N 89°5526 W 149.96 iT 109.96’ 20’ Found rebar and cap, L.S. 5524 0.07’ South, 0.13’ East 7.597.5° 246.32’ 260.01’ N 00°30’33” E N 00°31'27” E (R) 246.32’ Address No. 1915 LOT 3 (Old Lot Line) N 89°54’32” W (R) : N 89°55'23” W ‘ 11.00° 4 aN ol (@) 2, 7 eee 15° City of Renton Utility Easement A.F.N.9007279001 City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA—97-—003—LLA NELSON’S LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR NEW LOT 1 = +70,743 S/F. SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR NEW LOT 3 = +28,439 S/F. TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SITE = +99,182 S.F. N 89°54'32” W (R) N 89°55’26” W _ Found rebar and cap, L.S. 5524 0.05’ South, 0.06’ East N LND—30—0189 LUA—99—046-—LLA LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGIN T The north 266.32 feet of Tract 267, C.D. Hillman’s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to Seattle, Division No. 4, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 82, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the east 142.30 feet thereof; EXCEPT the north 20.00 feet lying west of the east 102.30 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Renton for road purposes under King County Recording No. 6660996; (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot 3, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA—97—003, recorded under King County Recording No. 9702129004, being a portion of Lots 1 and 3 of City of Renton Short Plat No. SHPL—077-—89, recorded under King County Recording No. 9007279001). ORIGINAL LOT 1; Lot 1 of City of Rentom Short Plat No. SHPL—077-—89, recorded under King County Recording No. 9007279001, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the north 161.32 feet thereof; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 1, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA—97—003 recorded under King County Recording No. 9702129004). AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE The lots created herein fall within Zone 1 of Renton’s Aquifer Protection Area and are subject to the requirements of the City of Renton Ordinance No. 4367 and as amended by O 40 266.31’ + Re CE CE ON SU EA GU OU Gund tent Ane ee tnd sd ne eee ee ean omen sens cust ws sap Address No. 1921 LOI 2 142.30’ : . i } fs 56.06, N 89°55 26° W (New Lot Line) N 00°30°36" E N 00°31'30" E (R) Address No. 2008 LOT. 268 20 / RAG | 285.00’ q Paved Driveway TRACT 271.31' N 89°33'18" W N 89°55'23” W “eo N 89°54’32” W (R) = \.N 00°30’33” E \ 13.69 252.26 N 89°32'24” W (R) aca N.E. 12th ae : N 89°32'24” W (R dh @- = 153.30° ‘a N 00°30’33” E N 00°31'27” E (R) 17.6 — 9 See lilariiaDes ask ss Snead ats sa sot ase xisting Shed 4 WASHING TON TRACT 248 x ee SEATTLE DIVISION 286.62 TO HILLMAN LAKE OF GARDEN ADDITION C.D. Found rebar and cap, L.S. 5524 0.01’ North, _———— ordinance No. 4740. This City's sole source of drinking water is supplied from a shallow aquifer under the City surface. There is no natural barrier between the water table and 80 ground surface. Extreme care should be exercised when SCALE: 1” = 40’ handling of liquid substance other thon water to protect from contact with the ground surface. It is the owner’s responsibility to protect the City's drinking water. A DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS regarding off site improvements is filed under King County Recording No. 8908100162. APPROVALS : EXAMINED AND APPRO ms ZD_ vay or Hr | Ss oS pei 0 cise PLANNING, BUILDING & PUBLIC WORKS 194A, ap. EXAMINED ANO APPROVED THIS =</_ pay of ALK/L 19. 7F b = ia Z / / etx No ble (’WHaecne') {gwfirt DEPUTY, KING COUNTY ASSESSOR SEAL S23 a7 A.D. ) HERERY CERTWY THAT | AM (We al THE 2E) THE OWNER(S) IN FEE LANO IN THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. e elson is A. Nelson STATE OF WASHINGTON } se COUNTY OF KING J THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS oth pay or April 5 NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED SIGNED THE SAME AS WITNESS MY HANO ANO OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY ANO YEAR LAST ABOVE WRITTEN. FREE ANO VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. SURVEYOR’S NOTES: 1—EQUIPMENT: 5° TOTAL STATION USED (ALL PHASES) : ALL EQUIPMENT MAINTAINED IN ADJUSTMENT TO yt 19.29. ap. J Av. TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE SON(S) tTIFICATE AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. MOST RECENT DISTANCE MEASUREMENT COMPARISON /ADJUSTMENT TO NGS (SANO POINT) BASELINE MARCH ,1998. Ly = 2—PROCEDURES: = FIELD TRAVERSE METHOD MEETS OR EXCEEDS MINIMUM = S REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130. 3—MONUMENTATION: ~ On” ee se ? WAS. NEW PARCEL CORNERS TO BE STAKED WITH 5/8” REBAR AND CAP/?raseuiet’® STAMPED “L.S. 19588°, UPON RECORDING OF THIS LOT LINE “x”, 8 S. of of N.E. 12th N 186463.1572 L R) (Msd) 282.26’(R) 252.26'(Msd) E 1304865.212 N 186452 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. - 1 >? @ WwW z a! > < Monter GUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHZZ Found concrete monument with 1 1/2” Brass disk in case, 0.07’ N. § SW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC. 5, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E., W.M. 177.69'(Msd) mE a ~ 278.25 (Msd) LEGEND Visited 7-08-98 @ Found monument as noted . O Found rebar and cap as noted (R) Record Dimensions Per LUA—97—003—LLA C.P.N. Control Point Number (Msd) D.R. Strong Measured Dimensions ADJUSTMENT. Found concrete monument with 3” Brass disk and intersection St. and Edmonds Ave.N.E. Visited 7-08-98 (City of Renton C.P.N. 57) .8655 E 1306190.396 ; 321 ita a 4.01'(F he — — —@t orl yy - Found concrete monument with copper tack in lead, (Assumed to be City of Renton Control Point Number (C.P.N.) 71 Visited 7-08-98 1325.22’(City of Renton) N 89°33'18" W (Basis of Bearing) 1325.21'(Msd) = (a) Lil — \99\99090\PLOTS\BLA_2.D0WG M: SHEET 1 OF 7 SURVEYOR’S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF GREGORY STEINHAUER we __ JULY . 1998 . NICK A. YINGER 19586 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE NO. RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE NO. %7o%2/ 900 3 FLED FOR RECORD THIS2“. > DAY OF <4o7. 7 .19 2? AT.Z.57_ £4. IN BOOK? OF eee AT PAGE 7s— ar atelier Ra JOB NO. 99-090 DATE J—22—99 10804 NE 38th PLACE, SUITE 101 KIRKLAND, WA 96033 ENGINEERS e PLANNERS ¢« SURVEYORS Fax no D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers inc. (425) 827—3063 1—800—962—1402 (425) 827-2423 6a 39Vd/"WA G2 — LLA~99-O4¢6 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Office of the City Clerk Renton City Hall 1088 South Grady Way Renton, WA 86065 NELSON’S LOT LINE LUA—99-—-046-LLA ADJUSTMENT LND—30—0189 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL LOT 5: - The north 266.32 feet of Tract 267, C.D. Hillman’s Lake er Lae a eee EE a Jas SE Washington Garden of Eden Addition to Seattle, Division No. SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR NEW LOT 35 = £28,459 S.F. 4, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SITE = +99,182 S.F. Plats, page 82, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the east 142.50 feet thereof; EXCEPT the north 20.00 feet lying west of the east 102.30 —— feet thereof conveyed to the City of Renton for road N 89°54 52 W (R) purposes under King County Recording No. 6660996; N 89°55 26 W (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot 3, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment = 102.50 ~. No. LUA—97—003, recorded under King County Recording No. ee eee, 9702129004, being a portion of Lots 1 and 3 of City of iw Renton Short Plat No. SHPL—077—89, recorded under King N County Recording No. 9007279001). W [e) W [e) N 00°31'27” E (R) Ne N 00°30'33” E Monterey Av. N. 30’ N.E. 14th St. ro) N 89°55'26” W is 5 AF.N.6660996 yy go-54'39" W(R) oo — N 89°55'26" W 149.96’ SN iq\ 109.96' 20 —4 rs] | fs) oI 1 2 Found rebar and cap, L.S. 5524 Found rebar and 0.05' South, cap, L.S. 5524 E 0.06 East ORIGINAL LOT 1: Lot 1 of City of Renton Short Plat No. SHPL—077-—89, recorded under King County Recording No. 9007279001, in King County, \ Washington; } EXCEPT the north 161.32 feet thereof; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 1, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA—97—003 recorded under King County Recording No. 9702129004). AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE The lots created herein fall within Zone 1 of Renton’s Aquifer _ Protection Area and are subject to the requirements of the City of Renton Ordinance No. 4567 and as amended by , l i [ I 0.07 South, : i i i i i ordinance No. 4740. This City's sole source of drinking water é SS = is supplied from a shallow aquifer under the City surface. fr ; i I [ ! I { { I I ' 0.13’ East 7.597.5° Existing 15° City of Renton Utility Easement A.F.N.9007279001 = There is no natural barrier between the water table and 0 40 80 ground surface. Extreme care should be exercised when co = , handling of liquid substance other than water to protect from “ SCALE: 1 = 40 contact with the ground surface. it is the owner's responsibility to protect the City’s drinking water. City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA—97—003-—LLA 246.32’ 260.01’ 246.32’ A DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS regarding off site improvements is filed under King County Recording No. 8906100162. N 00°30’33” E N 00'31'27” E (R) APPROVALS Address No. 1921 EXAMINED AND APPROVED THES Zd_ ovo Kpril 1924. ao Address No. 1915 EO} LOT (Oid Lot Line) 11.00’ N 89°54’32” W (R) a EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS &/_ pay of APA/L 19.97. AD. tere we ble. Lt D gilt nS KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY, KING COUNTY ASSESSOR FS4 370.2530 - yay SE Sa 307 CERTIFICATE 1 (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT | AM (WE ARE) THE OWNER(S) IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND IN THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. (eZ Dw. nine i son lis A. son STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) as COUNTY OF KING ) THIS 1S TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS 2eth pay oF Apri! 19.97 __ ao. NDERSIG NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED els TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE s) TFICATE AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT SIGNED THE SAME AS FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR LAST ABOVE WRITTEN. SURVEYOR’S NOTES: 1—EQUIPMENT: 5” TOTAL STATION USED (ALL PHASES) ALL EQUIPMENT MAINTAINED IN ADJUSTMENT TO MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. MOST RECENT > DISTANCE MEASUREMENT COMPARISON /ADJUSTMENT SE.°3° TO NGS (SAND POINT) BASELINE MARCH ,1998. = ee 2—PROCEDURES: = a FIELD TRAVERSE METHOD MEETS OR EXCEEDS MINIMUM Sa, Puss REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WTH WAC 332-130. Sa. 3—MONUMENTATION: Ge On eS “ WAS « NEW PARCEL CORNERS TO BE STAKED WTH 5/8" REBAR AND cab’ tren’ STAMPED “L.S. 19586", UPON RECORDING OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. CPD SND SNe SHEE Ge BETH GERD sree Oy ~ ~ N 00°30’33” E N 00°31'27” E (R) LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN N ee °55'23" W \ 142.30' yen (1, N 89°5525" W 153.304 efi k : CX N 89°54'32” W (R) e 10.4, N 89°55"26” W \N 00°30'33” E£ — (New Lot Line) \ 13.69" - Shed \ 673 SF. N 00°30'36” N 00°31'30” E (R) 4 Address No. 2008 LOT Paved Driveway SESAME SOI FSS ON 271.31 vesoy TRACT 268 TION TO ul Zz Lj Found concrete monument < with 3° Brass disk and “Xx”, 8’ S. of intersection ih Ft O = a) C.D. HILLMAN ADD NABERDEEN AVE. N.E. Found rebar and cap, L.S. 5524 0.01’ North, 4 eulcre << / N 186463.1572 52.26 (R) (MSd) ad E 1304865.212 N 89°33'18" W _N 89°32'24” W (R) 6 oO ~) of N.E. 12th St. and Edmonds Ave.N.E. Visited 7—08—98 orn ~ (City of Renton C.P.N. 57) 3 N 186452.8653 to) we E 1306190.396 E N.E. 12th St. | ~~ N_89°32'24” W (R) _252.26'(Msd) 4.071) 1321.30(R) —S 177.69’(Msd) mss ioe ~ 278.25'(Msd) St 4 Pe ° — N 8933718" W 2 Found concrete monument with 1 1/2” Brass disk LEGEND ound concrete monument 8 in case, 0.07’ N. Visited 7-08-98 ‘gir 282.26'(R) \ with copper tack in lead, (Basis of Bearing) : @ Found monument as noted . (Assumed to be City of 1325.21'(Msd) S006LGV0O0 \99\99090\PLOTS \BLA_2.D0G M: za - | : 2 © Found rebar and cap as noted wpe ene irae -22'(City of Renton) (R) Record Dimensions Per Visited 7—08-98 LUA—97—003-LLA (Msd) D.R. Strong Measured Dimensions aly! S SW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC. 5, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E., W.M. C.P.N. Control Point Number 3 ———_— SURVEYOR’ S CERTIFICATE , RECORDER’S CERTIFICATE NO. %7o0%2/ 960 3 JOB NO. 99-090 DATE 3—22—99 THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR <j UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FILED FOR RECORD THISZ~- DAY OF «40-7 + “ .19 79 OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF ? - . Z GREGORY STEINHAUER shi sets NE x . em sist heeds D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers inc. w __JULY 19 98 p _— 10804 NE S8th PLACE, SUITE 101 fORKLAND, WA 98033 (425) 827-3063 . . fr 1-800-962-1402 NICK A. YINGER 19586 tA , —e ENGINEERS e PLANNERS e SURVEYERS FAX NO: (425) 827-2423 iA 43 4 WA, 4 vA vA Y, Z 4 Z 4 Z x S N y S y » S NS x S NS NS S \ 661 SSSSS G2 30vd/"0A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE NO. LLR-97-646 NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP ZONING-R& 4 O42 [e) L] le ~ Ty gut ———---——- seam = = < iu SAV SUN | ; . f 212 yf 38 : ie mpl 4 3h 28 2% 12" 8 im ‘ pr. g 0 as {5 N°, aeeririrae Parity =p A =) —— ’ A Cal Fh % al a a a et {. : INIV 1: f oO 42 IN erm anita Js 3 x9] 7 1 ea “a a I seek afi Luge BICC CCE im dasa) [eR ; 2g | 9 1 st 1 he u 1 3° | ls oe H r) | on | are 5 <i 1 | Faz 4 Vat a’ 8 a 1b 2 I, Lay ch Shey 2 Og qt b ica" |i , a a 3 v9, ' q ! aes ‘ Sh! 2! a Pe ee q 7 i ' { ; ; o a a a mi} pM i ' t ef ro io oat i ot er oe “zt --f sees —ra nm - ! c a anaes bra hly 8 =: . {| aw jive a mre. Ro AJU3LNOW =: ’ ai LS El 8G it Ee ~- BE R 2 iS me AeA hay fee rey z w a ) 2 h Q z bog —_ r------ _ oh es ee fs Ege iy Ls -99- 046