HomeMy WebLinkAboutChecklist DocumentsRevised 12/16/2022 City Clerk’s Division NEW or AMENDED CONTRACT CHECKLIST (Date Stamp) Contract Number(LAG/CAG): (Assigned by Clerk Staff) IF PRE-ASSIGNED, LIST # HERE: Please return to the City Clerk’s Division ***View Policy 250-02 for more information*** SPECIFICATIONS OF CONTRACT TYPE OF DOC: Contract/Agreement Lease Permit Interlocal Agreement Grant Agreement (Note: Most GRANT Contracts Require a Resolution)Grant Manager: AMENDMENT #________ TO AGREEMENT # ______________: Addendum Change Order Work Order Contractor Name: Brief Description of this Agreement: FOR NEW CONTRACTS - ADD KEYWORDS FOR SEARCHING: EFFECTIVE DATE: EXPIRATION DATE: EXPIRATION DATE MUST MATCH DATE IN CONTRACT!! If no actual date, please provide estimate – information is required by Eden. CONTACT INFORMATION Signing Authority: Approved/Reviewed by Administrator This is the name of the person(s) signing the contract Staff Name: Department / Division: Staff Email: The name of the person(s) who will receive the completed contract FISCAL IMPACT AGREEMENT CLASS: Payable, Vendor #: Receivable Misc. (no$$) I attest this is accounted for in the budget. Receivable Month to Month (no $$) TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS AGREEMENT: Budget GL Code: FOR NEW CONTRACTS: Retainage Withheld: (if applicable) Yes 5%10%Escrow NO  Retainage Bond  Federally Funded  Under $35K (Small Wks)  N/A (Main, Prof Svcs, Supplies, Etc) ITEMS TO INCLUDE/SUBMIT FOR NEW ITEMS TO INCLUDE/SUBMIT FOR AMENDED 1 Signed Original 1 Signed Original (You will receive an electronic copy back via email)(You will receive an electronic copy back via email) Legal Review (Attach Memo) Legal Review(Attach Memo) New Insur. COI (if expired) Risk Review (Attach Memo) Insurance COI COI Review New Insurance Review FOR NEW CONTRACTS: Performance Bond Verification Memo (if applicable) Federal Excluded Parties List Verification (Fed Funded Projects Only) Date of Council Approval (if applicable) _____________________ Corresponding ORD or RES #: __________________ (Please enter LAG/CAG number at top if contract has a previously assigned number.) CAG 22-376 4 1 CAG 22-376 Graham Baba Architects Addtional services requested by city 12/6/22 6/30/23 Martin Pastucha Russ Woodruff / Anita Plater rwoodruff@rentonwa.gov / aplater@rentonwa.gov Public Works Facilities 4 4 012908 10,000.00 316.220080.015.518.30.48.000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 759DF256-2971-405A-9319-705FC1C79700 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 17, 2023 TO: Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator FROM: Jeff Minisci, Facilities Director STAFF CONTACT: Russ Woodruff, Capital Projects Coordinator SUBJECT: CAG 22-376 - Renton Pavilion Concept Design Brief Scope: The City of Renton selected Graham Baba Architects to provide concept designs for the Pavilion Building. The effort resulted in 3 concepts which were completed and fulfilled the terms of the original contract. This amendment to the agreement will add fee to allow the city to call upon the design team on an as-needed basis to provide their professional input on the ongoing evaluation of the concepts. The original agreement included an completion date of June 30, 2023 so no change in time is required. Budget with GL numbers: The amendment will add $10,000 to increase the agreement fee from $106,862.00 to $116,862.00. Cost for this work will be paid via GL 316 220080 015 518 30 48 000. DocuSign Envelope ID: 759DF256-2971-405A-9319-705FC1C79700