HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_02_PN_Sounders_FC_Center_at_Longacres_Minor_Modification_Request_4.4.23Sounders FC Center at Longacres – Minor Modification Application April 4, 2023 Background: On January 12, 2023, the City of Renton Hearing Examiner approved a site plan, conditional use permit, and street modification for the Seattle Sounders FC and associated teams into the Longacres Office Park at 1901 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Renton, WA 98057. The co-applicants, Seattle Sounders and Unico Properties, submit this site plan minor modification to accommodate a four-field design with updated locations for the maintenance building and the southern landscape buffer. No other modifications are proposed. This minor modification application responds to the 10 items identified in the City of Renton’s modification checklist. 1. Pre-application meeting. The pre-application meeting occurred on November 18, 2021 under PRE21-000398. 2. Waiver Form. No waivers are required for this minor modificadtion. To avoid any confusion, the applicant will subsequently submit waivers as identified in the Hearing Examiner decision for (1) bicycle parking , (2) recycling / refuse, and (3) critical areas easement. 3. Land Use Permit Application Form. Please see the attached application form. 4. Fees. The applicant will pay the fee via credit card. Please phone Julia Reeve at 206.552.4381 for payment. 5. Project Narrative. The project narrative remains generally unchanged from the initial application and associated Hearing Examiner decision. Exhibit A provides the requested modified site plan. Three items are modified: fields, maintenance building, and landscape buffer: a. Fields. The applicant in its conditional use application and SEPA materials had indicated that the project would be 4-5 fields. The site plan was submitted for 5 fields and approved. The applicant now is revising the project from five to four fields. Field 4 is rotated 90 degrees. The location of the northern fields (fields 1-3) is unchanged. Thus, there are no changes to wetland buffer planning associated with the proposal. b. Maintenance Building. The Hearing Examiner decision approved a maintenance building, but the location of the approved maintenance building now overlaps with rotated Field 4. This minor modification proposal includes an 81’-4’’ x 46’ maintenance building located along the eastern edge of Field 4. The applicant has narrowed the location of the maintenance building to two locations, shown as Option #1 and Option #2 on the attached site plan. The Sounders request that the City approve these two (2) potential locations for its one (1) maintenance building. The Sounders cannot identify the final location of the maintenance building at this EXHIBIT 2DocuSign Envelope ID: 8C909941-9C14-4357-986E-4D1B481C2471 time due to historic real property covenants and associated programming matters. The Sounders will identify the location of the maintenance building when it submits for project-specific permits. No modification requested for the use of the maintenance shed. To avoid any confusion, the maintenance building will continue to include restrooms, storage, and other equipment accessory to the field use. c. Landscape Buffer. The vegetated buffer is modified to track the perimeter of rotated Field 4 and the maintenance building. No requested changes to the landscaping as previously reviewed and approved. 6. Justification for the Modification Request. The City of Renton Code authorizes the director to approve minor modifications to site plans unless the applicant triggers all four elements identified in RMC 4-9-200.H.2. As demonstrated below, this minor modification request may be approved by administrative determination: Minor Modifications: Minor modifications may be permitted by administrative determination. To be considered a minor modification, the amendment must not: a. Involve more than a ten percent (10%) increase or decrease in any measurable aspect of the approved plan such as, but not limited to, area, scale, building height, density, commercial area, amenities, public or private open space, landscaping, parking spaces, building materials (e.g., glazing), etc.; Response: The proposal has not increased or decreased more than 10 percent. See Exhibit B for supporting diagrams and figures. b. Have a substantially greater impact on the environment and/or public facilities than the approved plan; Response: A five field proposal was reviewed under PR22-0000301 and LUA22-000357. The revised four field site plan will not have a substantially greater impact on the environment and/or public facilities than the approved five field site plan. c. Change the boundaries of the originally approved plan; and Response: The boundaries of the Sounders’ proposal has shifted as identified in Exhibit A. The Sounders’ proposal remains within the Longacres Office Park, as identified in the Hearing Examiner decision. The boundaries of the Longacres Office Park remain the same. d. Substantially alter a key feature of the approved plan. Response: The key feature of the approved plan was the future headquarters for Sounders FC. Thus, the key feature remains the same. All project elements shown in the original site plan also remain in the modified site plan, e.g., playing fields, goalkeeper training area, maintenance building, parking, landscaping, improvements to building 25-20. DocuSign Envelope ID: 8C909941-9C14-4357-986E-4D1B481C2471 It should be noted that all criteria above must be present to prohibit the City from administratively approving a minor modification, and none of the criteria are met. 7. Revised Site Plan. Attached as Exhibit A. 8. Neighborhood Detail Map. No change. Included in initial submittal. 9. Architectural Elevations. No change. Included in initial submittal. 10. Biological Assessment / Critical Areas Study. No change. Included in initial submittal. DocuSign Envelope ID: 8C909941-9C14-4357-986E-4D1B481C2471