HomeMy WebLinkAboutReid Middleton approved calcs CA_HW - Lake Washington Blvd ImprovementP.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 ●(707)498-7193 ●KCesaretti@att.net June21,2018 HaroldHilfiker,P resident HIlfikerR etainingW alls 1902 HilfikerLane Eureka,CA 95540 R E: LakeW ashingtonBlvdImprovements-P lanCheckCommentsR esponse(180322AW ) DearHarold, AtyourrequestIhavereviewedtheS ubmittalR eview commentsoftheaforementionedprojectdatedJune18, andhaveprovidedthefollowingresponses; T heculvertsthatareshownintheP lanView andElevationView areCulvertExtensions(N ew)tobeaddedto ExistingCulverts.T heproposedculvertextensionswillbeaddedatthetimeofthewall’sconstruction.T he culvertextensionswillbeplacedatapproximatelyonthebottom liftofthewallandthewallwillbebuiltaround theextensions.N otationontheP lanS ethasbeenaddeddimensioningtheapproximateculvertlocations. T heBottom S piralnailT russT ier-W all1 (2S N (6’)-bottier)isdesignedtosupporttheupperT ierW allandhas surchargeloading,from W all2,appliedasseeninthecalculation.T heU pperS piralnailT russT ier-W all2,hasa slopingtopconditionwithouttheuppersurchargeaddition. Ifyou haveanyquestionsorconcernspleasegivemeacall. S incerely, KirkCesaretti CivilEngineer– 69828 P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 ●(707)725-CESR ●KCesaretti@att.net Lake Washington Blvd Improvement Spiralnail Walls and Welded Wire Wall SPECIFICATION, PLANS & STABILITY CALCULATIONS Prepared for: (HW 180322AW) June 21, 2018 18-029 TABLE OF CONTENTS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS……………………………………………………..…..….…3 - 10 PLANS……………………………………………………….………………….…….…………11 - 20 STABILITY CALCULATIONS WELDED WIRE WALL …………………………….………….……………………………...21 – 29 SPIRALNAIL WALL…..………………………………………………………..………………30 – 44 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS -3- Site Specific Technical Specifications Spiralnail Walls Site Specific Design Assumptions: 1) Hilfiker Spiralnails placed in material of 135 pcf, In-place Density 2) Internal Friction Angle of 34° Existing Material 3) Bond Stress is 10 psi (for Soil Nail Walls) 4) Cohesion is 50 psf in native condition (for Soil Nail Walls) Materials (Spiralnail Shoring) •Spiralnails - shall be formed with a 90 degree twist at every foot. The Spiralnail shall be made from 2” schedule 80 pipe per ASTM A53, Grade B (minimum tensile stress 60 ksi, minimum yield stress 35 ksi), conforming to the minimum requirement of ASTM A-53. Finish is HOT DIP Galvanized (2.0 oz/SF, ASTM A-123 (AASHTO M-111). •The Spiralnail Truss Wall Facing System Facing Mats - Wire mesh for facing shall be formed by a series of 30 degree bends. The reinforcing mesh shall be shop fabricated of cold drawn steel wire conforming to the minimum requirement of ASTM A-82 (AASHTO M-32) and shall be welded into the finished mesh fabric in accordance with ASTM A-185 (AASHTO M-55). The welded wire used for the Spiralnail Wall System shall be W7.0 longitudinal wire and W4.5 transverse wire that is truss designed such that the wire facing is a tensile structural member and will conform to the following coating treatment: Hot Dip Galvanized (2.0 oz/SF, ASTM A-123 (AASHTO M-111). Any damage done to the mesh galvanization prior to installation shall be repaired in an acceptable manner and in a galvanized coating comparable to that provided. Pilaster - The continuous pilaster is C4x5.4 channel iron meeting ASTM A-53. The pilaster evenly loads the lagging forces of the truss facing in turn loads the Spiralnails. ¼” Spiral Binders - W5 Wire, 6” pitch ASTM A82 / A641 galvanized Rock Facing Material – (4”-6”) Rock for filling the truss system shall be as listed: 100% passing 6”, 0-5% passing 4”. Coarse durability index AASHTO T 210: 52 min. Wall Build and Drainage Awareness: The Top-Down Temporary Shoring construction shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Hilfiker Company. At the end of each day’s operations, the Earthwork Contractor shall shape the last level of excavation so as to rapidly direct runoff away from the slope face and off reinforcing mats. In addition, the Earthwork Contractor or any other construction operations, shall not allow surface runoff from adjacent areas to enter the construction site. This includes the cut slope above shoring walls. If during construction/excavation cut slope drainage is noted the project engineer shall be notified immediately. Erection Tolerances: In Top-Down construction it is understood that a smooth even excavated surface is difficult to achieve depending upon the specific site soil conditions. Ryan Creek soils are described as poorly graded sand with varying amounts of gravel. Mats are to be installed snugly to the excavated face in accordance with these plans. Overall vertical tolerances (plumbness from top to bottom shall not exceed 1” (a 2” overhang in 20’ of vertical is acceptable, increased batter, opposite of overhang, is acceptable for temporary shoring) per 10 feet of slope height. Spiralnail Installation Driving or installation of the Spiralnails shall be in accordance with the special equipment requirements, steps and processes established by Hilfiker. The Spiralnail Installer shall coordinate the proper fitting and matching of the special equipment components, satisfactorily with the Spiralnail Engineer or Engineers representative before proceeding with driving/assembly of the soil anchor elements and setting the Spiralnail Wall system. The centerline of the Spiralnails, as shown in the contract Plans, shall not be more than 3-degrees from indicated -4- plan inclination angle and not more than 1-foot from the plan location, unless directed otherwise by the Engineer to avoid obstructions. If a Spiralnail encounters soils where it cannot be driven further (reaches refusal), the Spiralnail shall have extra length removed by sawing/cutting, etc. and the flange attachment installed as directed by the Sprialnail Engineer. Refusal is defined as the Spiralnail not being driven more than an inch in 2 minutes of hammering. When refusal occurs additional spiralnails shall be placed to mitigate this unexpected loss of design strength. It is recommended that a spiralnail of equal size, of the refused nail, be angled or splayed such to attempt to miss the object of refusal. The mitigating nail can be placed as much as one foot from the refused Spiralnail and splayed or inclined as much as 35° in any direction to avoid further potential refusal. -5- Site Specific MSE Wall Design Assumptions: 5) Welded Wire Wall (WWW) Reinforced backfill material of 135 pcf, In-place Density 6) WWW Reinforced Backfill Internal Friction Angle of 36° 7) Retained Material – 135 pcf, In-place Density 8) Retained Wall Backfill Internal Friction Angle of 34° 9) Foundation Soil – 120 pcf, In-place Density 10) Foundation Soil Internal Friction Angle of 32° This Retaining Wall Design requires a non-saturated backfill. Surface and subsurface drainage control may be required to prevent saturation of the back fill or relieve hydrostatic pressures. Drainage control shall be as specified in the project plans and specifications or as directed by the Project Engineer. Native foundation soils of strength not sufficient to support imposed bearing loads shall be removed and re- compacted or replaced with granular backfill as directed by the Project Geotechnical Engineer. Materials Material for Hilfiker Welded Wire (MSE) Wall shall be as specified by the Hilfiker Company. Facing mats and welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM-A-1064, with minimum yield strength of 65 ksi and shall be certified by a wall vendor or manufacturer. Welded wire soil reinforcing and backing mats shall have a HOT DIP Galvanized finish and the Wall Service Life of 75 years. •Welded Wire Wall mats for this design use (8”x12”) WWF / W4.5xW3.5 for the Top Prongless Mat and Cap Mat. The Standard Reinforcement use 8”x21” WWF / W4.5 xW4.0 & W7.0xW4.0. References: • Geotechnical Report – Southport Development Lake Washington Boulevard Improvement, File No. 21854-001- 04, Dated March 20, 2018. • Civil Plans – Lake Washington Boulevard Improvements, Ph 2 for Southport Development for the City of Renton by Coughlin Porter Lundeen, March 12, 2018. -6- TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR HILFIKER M. S. E. SYSTEMS Welded Wire Wall (Hot Dip Galvanized) 1.0 DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of either Welded Wire Retaining Wall (WWW)constructed in accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity with thelines, grades, design and dimensions shown on theplans or established by the Engineer. 2.0 MATERIALS The Contractor shall make his own arrangements to purchase all WWW, including wire mesh reinforcement mats, backing materials, and all necessaryincidentals from Hilfiker Retaining Walls, 1902 Hilfiker Lane, Eureka, CA 95503-5711, ph. 707/443-5093. 2.1 Wire Reinforcement and Cap Mesh Welded wire fabric for facing shall be formed by a 90-degree bend of the soil wire reinforcement mesh and will connect to the soil reinforcing mesh above. The reinforcing mesh shall be shop fabricated of cold drawn steel wire conforming to the minimum requirements of ASTM A-82 and shall be welded into the finished mesh fabric in accordance with ASTM A-185. Fabric for the WWW shall be as per project specifications, hot dip galvanized (2.0 oz./SF, ASTM A-123) (605 g/m2). Any damage done to the mesh galvanization prior to installation shall be repaired in an acceptable manner and provide a galvanized coating comparableto that provided by ASTM A-123. 2.2 Backing Materials 2.2.1 Backing Mats Where required, as shown on the plans, steel backing mat shall be W5 vertical x W2.5 horizontal (min.) (.2582" [6.6mm] x .178" [4.5mm] nom. dia.) welded wire fabric meeting ASTM A-185 and galvanized in accordance with paragraph 2.1. 2.2.3 Filter Fabric Where required,as shown on the plans,geotextile filter fabric shall be utilized to retain the soil. 3.0 SELECT GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIALS As shown on the plans,select granular backfill materials for the WWW wall structure shall be reasonably free from organic and otherwise deleterious materials and shall conform to the following gradation limits as determined by ASTM D-422: -7- Sieve Designation Percent by Weight Passing Standard Sieves (AASHTO T 27) 6 inches (152.4 mm)100 3 inches (76.2 mm)100 -75 No. 200 (75 µm)0 -25* *If the percent passing the No. 200 sieve is greater than 15 percent, the backfill shall conform to all of the following additional requirements: a.ThePlasticity Index (P.I.), as determined by ASTM D-4318 (AASHTO T 90), shall not exceed 6. b.The fraction finer than 15 microns (0.015 mm), as determined by ASTM D-422 (AASHTO T-88)shall not exceed 15 percent. In addition, backfill materials shall alsomeet the following corrosion requirements: Resistivity >3000 OHM-cm (min)WSDOT 417 pH 5.0 to 10.0 WSDOT 417 Chlorides <100 mg/kg (ppm)AASHTO T 291 Sulfates <200 mg/kg (ppm)AASHTO T 290 No testing is required for backfill where 80 percent of the material is greater than ¾ inch. If the resistivity is greater than or equal to 5,000 ohm-cm, the chlorides and sulfates requirements may be waived. The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner’s Engineer a Certificate of Compliance certifying that the select granular backfill material complies with this section of the specifications. A copy of all test results performed by the Contractor, which are necessary to assure compliance with the specifications, shall also be furnished to the Owner’s Engineer. The frequency of sampling of Select Granular Backfill necessary to assure the above-mentioned requirements shall be directed by the Owner’s Engineer. Backfill not conforming to this specification shall not be used without written consent of theEngineer. 3.1 Free Draining, Permeable Backfill If the M. S. E. will be subject to water inundation, the following permeable, free-draining backfill material shall be used within the entire soil reinforced zone: Sieve Designation Percent by Weight Passing Standard Sieves (AASHTO T 11 and T 27) 3” (76 mm)100 ¾ “(19 mm)50 -90 No. 4 (4.75 mm)20 -50 No. 200 (75 m)0 -2 Additional WSDOT Specifications (per Contract Provisions and Plans): Backfill material within the reinforced zone, except for the wall facing backfill placed immediately behind the wall face, as shown in the Plans and the structural earth wall working drawings as approved by the Engineer, shall conform to Section 9-03.14(l). -8- The coarse, granular material used for the wall facing backfill placed immediately behind the wall face, as shown in the Plans, shall conform to the following gradation requirements: 1. The minimum particle size shall be no less than the width of the minimum opening dimension in the backing mat. 2. The maximum particle size shall be no greater than six inches for welded wire reinforced walls. All material within the structural earth wall reinforced zone shall be substantially free of shale or other soft, poor durability particles, and shall not contain recycled materials, such as glass, shredded tires, portland cement concrete rubble, or asphaltic concrete rubble. The material shall meet the following aggregate durability requirements: Property Test Method Allowable Test Value Los Angeles Wear AASHTO 96 35 percent max 500 rev. Degradation WSDOT Test Method 96 15 percent min. 4.0 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Wall Excavation Wall excavation shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Project specifications and in reasonably close conformitywith thelimits and construction stages shown on the plans. All excavation cuts and slopes shall be in accordance with governing safetyregulations. 4.2 Foundation Preparation The foundation for the structure shall be graded level for a width equal to or exceeding the length of the reinforcement mat or as shown on the plans. Prior to wall construction, the foundation, if not in rock, shall be compacted, as directed by the Owner’s Engineer. Any unsuitable foundation material below the reinforced soil volume, as determined by the Owner’s Engineer, shall be excavated for the full length of mat reinforcements and to a depth as directed by the Owner’s Engineer. Excavated unsuitable material shall be replaced as directed by the Owner’s Engineer. The maximum calculated applied bearing pressure at the foundation level is as shown on the Plan Set General Notes. It is the responsibility of the Owner’s Engineer to determine that this calculated applied bearing pressure is allowable for that location. 4.3 WWW Wall Erection Wire mesh reinforcement mats, and applicable facing materials, shall be placed in successive horizontal lifts in the sequence shown on the plans as backfill placement proceeds. Vertical tolerance (plumbness) and horizontal alignment tolerance shall not exceed two (2) inches (51mm) when measured at the junction of the wire facing and soil reinforcement along a 10-foot (3 m) straight edge. The overall vertical tolerance of the wall (top and bottom) after construction of the cast-in-place concrete facing shall not exceed one (1) inch (25 mm) per ten (10) feet (3 m) of wall height, unless the wall design requires a battered facing. For battered facing structures, the overall tolerance from the theoretical battered locations shall not exceed one-half (1/2) inch (13 mm) per ten (10) feet (3 m) of battered wall height. 4.4 Backfill Placement Backfill placement shall closely follow erection of each course of reinforcement mats. Backfill shall be placed in such a manner as to avoid any damage or disturbance to the wall materials or misalignment of the facing. Any wall materials, which become damaged or disturbed during backfill placement, shall be either removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense or corrected, as directed by the Owner’s Engineer. Backfill shall be compacted to 95 percent of AASHTO T 99 method C or D, with oversize correction, at optimum moisture content. -9- The moisture content of the backfill material prior to and during compaction shall be uniformly distributed throughout each layer. Backfill material shall have a placement moisture content less than or equal to or within two percentage points of optimum moisture content (Wopt ±2%). Backfill material with placement moisture content in excess or less than Wopt ±2%. shall be removed and reworked until the moisture content is uniformly acceptable throughout the entire lift. The Contractor shall decrease the percentage of deviation from optimum moisture, if necessary, to obtain the specified density. The optimum moisture content shall be determined in accordancewith AASHTO T 99. Backfill shall be placed in complete horizontal lifts. The maximum lift thickness after compaction shall not exceed twelve (12) inches (305 mm). The Contractor shall decreasethis lift thickness, if necessary, to obtain thedesired density. Compaction within three (3) feet (1 m) of the backface of the wall facing shall be achieved by at least three (3) passes of a lightweight mechanical tamper, roller or vibratory system. Soil density tests are not generally required within this area. At the end of each day's operation, the Contractor shall slope the last level of backfill away from the wall facing to rapidly direct run-off of rainwater away from the wall face. In addition, the Contractor shall not allow surface run-off from adjacent areas to enter the wall construction. 5.0 METHOD OFMEASUREMENT 5.1 Wire Mesh Facing The unit of measurement for furnishing and fabricating all materials for the walls, including wire mesh reinforcement mats, applicable backing materials and other incidentals will be the square foot of wall surfacearea. Thequantity to be paid for shall bemeasured on the basis of wall facearea shown on theplans. Measurement and payment for excavation and backfill performed during WWW construction will be in accordance with the applicable sections of the contract specifications. 5.2 Wall Erection The unit of measurement for wall erection will be the square foot of wall surface area complete and in place. The quantity to be paid for will be the actual quantity erected in place at the site. Payment shall include compensation for all labor and materials required to prepare the wall foundation, place the reinforcement mats and position the backing mats and screens as shown on the plans. End of Section  This information is proprietary to Hilfiker Retaining Walls and shall not be reproduced without written permission. Hilfiker Retaining Walls,1902 Hilfiker Lane, Eureka, CA 95502, Telephone 707/443-5093. HILFIKER RETAINING WALLS ARE COVERED BY ONE OR MORE OFTHE FOLLOWING PATENTS: 3,631,682 4,068,482 4,329,089 3,922,864 4,117,686 4,324,508 OTHER 243,697 4,051,570 4,343,572 PATENTS 243,613 4,266,890 4,391,557 PENDING 4,154,554 4,260,296 4,505,621 August 2001 Visit Our Web Site: http://www.hilfiker.com/ -10- PLANS -11- 13+0014+0013+5014+50BW26.5TW32.5BW32.5TW32.5BW20.5TW26.5BW26.5TW32.5BW20.5TW26.5BW26.5TW26.5BW32.5TW32.5STA14+41.39(59.5'RT)STA14+41.92(45.3RT)STA13+34(43.7'RT)STA13+21(44.6'RT)BW26.5TW26.5End SN Truss Wall 2 WLOL 21+14 Sta 13+21 44.6' Rt End Wall WLOL 11+32 Sta 14+46.3 Rt 32.2' Extent of Reinforcing Begin Welded Wire Wall WLOL 10+00 Sta 13+21 32.2' RT Face of Welded Wire Wall Angle Points End SN Truss Wall 1 WLOL 31+32 Sta 13+34 43.7' Rt Begin SN Truss Wall 2 WLOL 30+00 Sta 14+41.2 59.9' Rt Begin SN Truss Wall 1 WLOL 20+00 Sta 14+40.6 45.8' Rt Face of Truss Wall Wall 1 Face of Truss Wall Wall 2 Angle Point Extent of Spiralnails ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 14'L - SPIRALNAILS 39 20'L - SPIRALNAILS 46 2.5'L - PILASTERS 1 4.5'L - PILASTERS 4 6.5'L - PILASTERS 38 WELDED WIRE WALL AREA 1408 SF 4. Conflicts between the wire mesh panels and/or spiralnails and obstructions are resolved in the field by any combination of the following: a) Trimming the panel wires and or bending vertical & horizontal wires to accommodate the penetration through the facing b) Slight Re-oriention of the spiralnail angle or direction. If re-orientation of the nails is more than one foot from the planned location, confirmation of the change shall be approved by CES. c) Wire mesh can be cut & overlapped around trees and Spiralnails can be reoriented for trees. 5.The Contractor providing the construction for the project is responsible for job site drainage, safety and fall protection provisions including compliance with OSHA regulations, and the Competent Person designated for daily inspection. If actual characteristics, grades or dimensions of soil materials differ from those listed above or shown on the plans, the Spriralnail Engineer (CES) shall be notified to evaluate the need to redesign. 3. Design Procedure: Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 7 - Soil Nail Walls FHWA Report No. FHWA0-IF-03-017. 1. Design is based on the assumption that soils are consistent within the soil mass, methods of construction and quality of materials conform to the requirements of Hilfiker Retaining Walls. 2. Soil Characteristics: Unit Weight: = 135 pcf in place Density Internal Friction Angle: 34° Cohesion = 50 psf Bond Stress = 10 psi Unit Weight: = 135 pcf in place Density Internal Friction Angle: 36° Unit Weight: = 120 pcf in place Density Internal Friction Angle: 32° SCALE: 1" =20' 1 KLC KLC1902 Hilfiker Lane Eureka, CA 95503-5711 TOLL-FREE 800.762.8962 PH 707.443.5093 FAX 707.443.2891 WEB SITE www.hilfiker.com E-MAIL info@hilfiker.com 9 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD IMPROVEMENTS SPIRALNAIL & WELDED WIRE WALLS 18-029 HW 180322AW 6-1-1806-01-18 KLC Soft Copy .pdf Release SHT OF DRAWN DESIGN DATE PROJECTREV.NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone (707) 725-CESR (707) 498-7193 CesarettiEngineered.com KCesaretti@att.net 06-21-18 KLC Revised per 6-18-18 Plan Check Comments -12- 29.0010+00.0029.0011+32.0017.0010+20.00ENDWALLWLOL2+80132' OF WELDED WIRE WALL 104' 12.0' 10.0' 10.5' 8' 8.0' 10.0' 10.5' 8' 6.0' 10.0' 10.5'BEGINWALLWLOL2+00L = H = B1= B2= 8' 8.0' 10.0' 10.5' 4' 4.0' 10.0' 10.5'17.0011+16.0019.0010+16.0021.0010+12.0023.0010+04.0025.0010+00.0019.0011+20.0021.0011+24.0023.0011+28.0025.0011+32.00BOTTOM OF WALL (BOW) TOP OF WALL PROPOSED GRADE @ BOW 2' BURY LINEProposed Extensions to (Ex) Culvert, See Details Sht 719.1710+27.7719.7410+37.0019.2210+44.0019.0010+51.0019.0910+60.0019.5610+67.00Height of Wall (H) ft 12' WELDED WIRE WALL PARAMETERS Length of Cap & Prongless Mats (B1) ft 10.0' Base Length of Mats (B2) ft 10.5' Cap & Top Mats (B1) are 8x12 W4.5x3.5 WWR (Type 1) Standard Mats (B2) are: 8x21 W4.5x4.0 WWR (Type 2) 8x21 W7.0x4.0 WWR (Type 3) Finish: Hot Dip Galvanized - 75 Year Service Life 2 KLC KLC1902 Hilfiker Lane Eureka, CA 95503-5711 TOLL-FREE 800.762.8962 PH 707.443.5093 FAX 707.443.2891 WEB SITE www.hilfiker.com E-MAIL info@hilfiker.com 9SHTOF DRAWN DESIGN DATE PROJECTREV.NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone (707) 725-CESR (707) 498-7193 CesarettiEngineered.com KCesaretti@att.net LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD IMPROVEMENTS SPIRALNAIL & WELDED WIRE WALLS 18-029 HW 180322AW 6-1-1806-01-18 KLC Soft Copy .pdf Release TYPE 2 - 8x21 W4.5x4.0 MATS WALL WIRE TYPE LEGEND FINISH: HOT DIP GALVANIZED SERVICE LIFE: 75 YEARS TYPE 1 - 8X12 W4.5x3.5 MATS TYPE 3 - 8x21 W7.0x4.0 MATS SCALE: 1" =20' 06-21-18 KLC Revised per 6-18-18 Plan Check Comments -13- S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S E E B B B 114' OF SN TRUSS WALL 1BEGINSNWALL1WLOL20+006.00' H =2' 96.00'6.00'ENDSNWALL1WLOL21+14H =4' 6.00' H =4'26.5020+00.0022.5020+06.0026.5021+14.0022.5021+14.0020.5020+12.0020.5021+08.006.0' Typ ANGLEPOINT20+20.20BOTTOM OF WALL TOP OF WALL Wall Section H 6' Max WALL 1 - SPIRALNAIL LENGTH & INCLINATION ANGLE Spiralnail Quantity- Length & Inclination Angle (Top to Bottom) 1 - 14'@ 15°(5' o.c.) SCALE: 1" = 10' 3 KLC KLC1902 Hilfiker LaneEureka, CA 95503-5711 TOLL-FREE 800.762.8962 PH 707.443.5093 FAX 707.443.2891 WEB SITE www.hilfiker.com E-MAIL info@hilfiker.com 9SHTOF DRAWN DESIGN DATE PROJECTREV.NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone (707) 725-CESR (707) 498-7193 CesarettiEngineered.com KCesaretti@att.net ALL EXISING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE TO BE NOTED AND FLAGGED AHEAD OF TIME. SPIRALNAILS ARE ARRANGED ON 6' HORIZONTAL PATTERN (TYP). LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD IMPROVEMENTS SPIRALNAIL & WELDED WIRE WALLS 18-029 HW 180322AW 6-1-1806-01-18 KLC Soft Copy .pdf Release -14- S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S SB B E E 132' OF SPIRALNAIL TRUSS WALL 2BEGINSNWALL2WLOL30+006.00' H =4' 120.00'6.00'ENDSNWALL2WLOL31+32H =4'32.5030+00.0026.5030+06.0026.5031+26.0032.5031+32.006.0' Typ 28.5031+32.0028.5030+00.00ANGLEPOINT30+27.88ANGLEPOINT30+68.21BOTTOM OF WALL TOP OF WALL Wall Section H 6' Max WALL 2 - SPIRALNAIL LENGTH & INCLINATION ANGLE Spiralnail Quantity- Length & Inclination Angle (Top to Bottom) 1 - 20'@ 15°(5' o.c.) SCALE: 1" = 10' 4 KLC KLC1902 Hilfiker Lane Eureka, CA 95503-5711 TOLL-FREE 800.762.8962 PH 707.443.5093 FAX 707.443.2891 WEB SITE www.hilfiker.com E-MAIL info@hilfiker.com 9SHTOF DRAWN DESIGN DATE PROJECTREV.NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone (707) 725-CESR (707) 498-7193 CesarettiEngineered.com KCesaretti@att.net ALL EXISING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE TO BE NOTED AND FLAGGED AHEAD OF TIME. SPIRALNAILS ARE ARRANGED ON 6' HORIZONTAL PATTERN (TYP). LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD IMPROVEMENTS SPIRALNAIL & WELDED WIRE WALLS 18-029 HW 180322AW 6-1-1806-01-18 KLC Soft Copy .pdf Release -15- 2' ±1' 14'Spiralnail@15°Inclination 14'Spiralnail@15°Inclination Quarry Spalls or Free Draining Compacted Backfill Existing Ground Truss Wall Face - 12" Min. Thickness of 3"-6" Quarry Spalls Pilaster 0.5' Embedded Into Firm Foundation Filter Fabric 6'HighWall4' 1' 14'Spiralnail@15°Inclination 14'Spiralnail@15°Inclination Quarry Spalls or Compacted Free Draining Backfill Existing Ground Truss Wall Face - 12" Min. Thickness of 3"-6" Quarry Spalls Pilaster 12' Embedded Into Firm Foundation Filter Fabric 2' ±1' 20'Spiralnail@15°Inclination 20'Spiralnail@15°Inclination Quarry Spalls or Free Draining Compacted Backfill Existing Ground Truss Wall Face - 12" Min. Thickness of 3"-6" Quarry Spalls Pilaster 0.5' Embedded Into Firm Foundation Filter Fabric 6'HighWall4' 1' 20'Spiralnail@15°Inclination 20'Spiralnail@15°Inclination Quarry Spalls or Compacted Free Draining Backfill Existing Ground Truss Wall Face - 12" Min. Thickness of 3"-6" Quarry Spalls Pilaster 12' Embedded Into Firm Foundation Filter Fabric ±1'14'Spiralnail@15°Inclination Quarry Spalls or Free Draining Compacted Backfill Existing Ground Truss Wall Face - 12" Min. Thickness of 3"-6" Quarry Spalls Pilaster 0.5' Embedded Into Firm Foundation Filter Fabric 5 KLC KLC1902 Hilfiker LaneEureka, CA 95503-5711 TOLL-FREE 800.762.8962 PH 707.443.5093 FAX 707.443.2891 WEB SITE www.hilfiker.com E-MAIL info@hilfiker.com 9SHTOF DRAWN DESIGN DATE PROJECTREV.NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone (707) 725-CESR (707) 498-7193 CesarettiEngineered.com KCesaretti@att.net UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE NOT SHOWN. CALL USA 1-800-227-2600 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION OR NAIL INSTALLATION. LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD IMPROVEMENTS SPIRALNAIL & WELDED WIRE WALLS 18-029 HW 180322AW 6-1-1806-01-18 KLC Soft Copy .pdf Release NTS NTS NTS NTS NTS -16- H=HeightofWall2.0' typ Face of Wire Wall, 1H:48V Batter Rock Face, See Detail Sht. 9 Filter Fabric Compacted Structural Backfill Prongless Mat (B1) Cap Mat (B1) 1.5' cover Min Deflect down if Rq'd TOW surface, per Project Plans Standard Mats (B2) 2.0' Min Embedment Base Length of mats, B2 Drainage if Req'd, not part of Hilfiker Scope of Work TOE BURY 2' MIN. B = BASE DEPTH OF WALL COMPACTED BACKFILL DEFLECT CAP MAT AS NEEDED FOR 18" MIN. COVER PRONGLESS MAT (TOP LIFT ONLY) STANDARD MAT, TYP. DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF REQUIRED. DESIGN AND SUPPLY OF DRAIN IS NOT WITHIN HILFIKER'S SCOPE OF WORK. FACE OFWELDED WIRE WALL FACE OF SPIRALNAIL TRUSS WALL 2 TOP TIER TRAFFIC BARRIER (BY OTHERS) FACE OF SPIRALNAIL TRUSS WALL 1 BOTTOM TIER SPIRALNAIL, TYP. 2' TYP 6 KLC KLC1902 Hilfiker LaneEureka, CA 95503-5711 TOLL-FREE 800.762.8962 PH 707.443.5093 FAX 707.443.2891 WEB SITE www.hilfiker.com E-MAIL info@hilfiker.com 9SHTOF DRAWN DESIGN DATE PROJECTREV.NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone (707) 725-CESR (707) 498-7193 CesarettiEngineered.com KCesaretti@att.net LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD IMPROVEMENTS SPIRALNAIL & WELDED WIRE WALLS 18-029 HW 180322AW 6-1-1806-01-18 KLC Soft Copy .pdf Release SCALE: 1" = 5' -17- 1/2" CARRIAGE BOLT THREAD CARRIAGE BOLT THROUGH CIRCULAR HOLE OF CAM PLATE INSERT CARRIAGE BOLT BEHIND PILASTER INTO CURVED SLOT AND THROUGH HOLE IN LOCKING RING. PILASTER C4X5.4 TRIM EXPOSED END OF SPIRALNAIL AS NEEDED. SLIDE LOCKING RINGOVER END OF SPIRALNAIL. SLIDE TOTAL ASSEMBLY AGAINST THE FACE OF THE PILASTER. ADD NUT AND TIGHTEN AS SHOWN IN THE CAM LOCKING DETAIL. FINGER TIGHTEN NUT LETTING THE CAM PLATE ROTATE COUNTER-CLOCKWISE TO LOCK AGAINST THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE PILASTER. PLACE 1/2" DRIVE IN SQUARE HOLE TO INCREASE TORQUE. TIGHTEN NUT TO 20 FT-LBSNOT TO SCALE LENGTH AS REQUIRED SPIRALNAIL SIDE VIEW2" EXTRA STONG PIPE (SCH. 80), UNIFORMLY TWISTED @ 14TURN PER FOOT LIFT AND BEND LONGITUDINAL WIRESTO FIT AGAINST ROCK OR PIPE. FOLD BACKING MAT AND SCREEN TO FIT. CUT TRANSVERSE WIRES ONLY ROCK OR PIPE, TYP. AT THE UPPER SURFACE OF THE CULVERT, CUT THE TRANSVERSE WIRES ONLY. BEND AND LIFT THE LONGITUDINAL WIRES IN THE BASE OF THE MAT TO FIT AGAINST THE SIDE OF THE CULVERT AT THE LOWER SURFACE OF THE CULVERT, CUT THE TRANSVERSE WIRES ONLY IN THE MAT FACE. BEND THE LONGITUDINAL WIRES BACK TO FIT AGAINST THE CURVE OF THE CULVERT NOTE: BACKING MATS AND FILTER FABRIC (NOT SHOWN) ARE TO BE CUT OFF FLUSH WITH THE SIDES OF THE CULVERT ANY LARGE GAP AT THE TOP OF THE CULVERT MAY BE CLOSED WITH BACKING MAT AND FILTER FABRIC, CUT TO FIT, OR USE LARGER ROCKS ORSACKED CONCRETE LONGITUDINAL FACE OF WELDED WIRE WALL CULVERT OR PIPE FOR A SMOOTHER CURVE SPLIT THE MAT BASES AND BEND THE FACES. DO NOT SPLIT MAT FACES OR CUT LONGITUDINAL WIRES OVERLAP THE BACK OF THE MATS WELDED WIRE WALL FACE 7 KLC KLC1902 Hilfiker Lane Eureka, CA 95503-5711 TOLL-FREE 800.762.8962 PH 707.443.5093 FAX 707.443.2891 WEB SITE www.hilfiker.com E-MAIL info@hilfiker.com 9SHTOF DRAWN DESIGN DATE PROJECTREV.NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone (707) 725-CESR (707) 498-7193 CesarettiEngineered.com KCesaretti@att.net LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD IMPROVEMENTS SPIRALNAIL & WELDED WIRE WALLS 18-029 HW 180322AW 6-1-1806-01-18 KLC Soft Copy .pdf Release -18- GENERIC COMPONENTS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY SPIRAL BINDER IS TO BE PLACED SO THAT IT ENCIRCLES BOTH THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL WIRESAND PASSES IN FRONT OF THE HORIZONTAL WIRE IN THE FACE OF WALL AT EACH INTERSECTION. IF PREPARED SOIL WILL SUPPORT PILASTERS, POSITION PILASTERS EVERY SIX FEET ALONG WALL LAYOUT LINE AND SET BOTTOM OF PILASTER INTO GROUND PER PROJECT PLANS. IF PILASTERS CANNOT BE PRE-POSITIONED, PLACE START/END TRUSS ON PREPARED SLOPE FIRST THEN POSITION THE PILASTER CHANNEL AGAINST THE EDGE OF THE TRUSS AND SET BOTTOM OF PILASTER INTO GROUND PER PROJECT PLANS. DRIVE SPIRALNAILS THROUGH THE PILASTER INTO THE SOIL. PLACE CAM LOCK ON EACH SPIRALNAIL AND TIGHTEN TO TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS. POSITION START/END TRUSS, ADD PILASTER IF NEEDED, DRIVE IN SPIRALNAILS AND LOCK IN PLACE WITH CAM LOCKS. SPIRAL TIE THE STIFFENERS ONTO THE STANDARD TRUSSES AT WIRE ON RIGHT SIDE OF PILASTER. IF PILASTERS HAVE NOT BEEN PRE-POSITIONED, POSITION NEXT PILASTER AND SET INTO GROUND. PLACE THE STANDARD TRUSS BEHIND PILASTER AND OVERLAP PANEL AGAINST THE START/END TRUSS USING ZIP TIES OR TIE WIRE TO SECURE TRUSS IN PLACE. DRIVE IN SPIRALNAILS AND LOCK WITH CAM LOCKS. CONTINUE ADDING STANDARD TRUSSES ALONG WALL ENDING AT FINAL PILASTER WITH A START/END TRUSS FOR CLOSURE FACING AT EACH END OF WALL, BEND FACING PANEL PER PROJECT PLANS AND INSERT END OF PANEL AGAINST PREVIOUS FACING. FIELD FIT OPPOSITE END AND TRIM AS NEEDED AGAINST SLOPE. SPIRAL FACING TO START/END TRUSS PANEL AND TO STIFFENER. SEE END OF WALL TREATMENT DETAIL, THIS SHEET. FILL AREA BEHIND WALL WITH BACKFILL PER PROJECT PLANS. COMPACT SOIL AGAINST FACE OF WALL FOR TOE BURY. TO BEGIN FACING THE WALL, CENTER EDGES OF A FACING PANEL ON TRUSS OVERLAP. SPIRAL THE ENDS OF OVERLAP AND THE STIFFENER TO FACE PANEL. INSERT PRONGS OF SUBSEQUENT FACE PANELS BEHIND FINAL TRANSVERSE WIRE ON PREVIOUS FACING AND ROTATE INTO PLACE TO FORM INTERLOCKING CONNECTION. SEE ENLARGED DETAIL. START/END TRUSSSTIFFENER FOR START/END TRUSS ONLY, CONNECT STIFFENER TO THE BACK OF THE TRUSS NEXT TO THE PILASTER WITH A SPIRAL BINDER. ROTATE STIFFENER TOWARDS END OF WALL AND TRIM AROUND SPIRALNAIL AS REQUIRED. TRIM BOTTOM EDGE OF STIFFENER TO FIT AGAINST SLOPE. SPIRAL TO NEAREST TRANSVERSE WIRE. SPIRALNAIL BEND FACING PANEL AS NEEDED AROUND EDGE OF START/END TRUSS 8 KLC KLC1902 Hilfiker LaneEureka, CA 95503-5711 TOLL-FREE 800.762.8962 PH 707.443.5093 FAX 707.443.2891 WEB SITE www.hilfiker.com E-MAIL info@hilfiker.com 9SHTOF DRAWN DESIGN DATE PROJECTREV.NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone (707) 725-CESR (707) 498-7193 CesarettiEngineered.com KCesaretti@att.net LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD IMPROVEMENTS SPIRALNAIL & WELDED WIRE WALLS 18-029 HW 180322AW 6-1-1806-01-18 KLC Soft Copy .pdf Release -19- 3"MIN. NOT TO SCALE ROCK-FACE DETAIL NON-WOVEN FILTER FABRIC (4 OZ. PER SQ. YD. MINIMUM) COMPACTED BACKFILL 4"x3" WELDED WIRE BACKING MAT 8"x21"WWF WELDED WIRE MAT, TYPICAL WIRE SIZE PER PROJECT PLANS 3"-6" ANGULAR ROCK, PARTICLE SIZE NOT LESS THAN THE WIDTH OF THE MINIMUM OPENING DIMENSION IN THE BACKING MAT. 2' MIN.6"MAX. 8"x10.5" & 8"X21" WWF STANDARD SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT 4"x3" WWF BACKING MAT, 8' WIDE FILTER FABRIC USED TO SEPARATE ROCKFACE SECTION AREA 8"x12" WWF PRONGLESS SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT, TOP LIFT ONLY 8"x12" WWF SOIL REINFORCEMENT TOP MAT (CAP) NOT TO SCALE WALL COMPONENTS PLACE THE TOP LIFT PRONGLESS MAT, BACKING MAT AND FILTER FABRIC. PLACE AND COMPACT BACKFILL AND ROCK IN THE TOP LIFT. HOOK THE CAP OVER THE MIDDLE TRANSVERSE WIRE ON THE PRONGLESS MAT, AND ROTATE INTO PLACE. PLACE AND COMPACT COVER OVER TOP MAT TO 1'-6" MINIMUM DEPTH. INSTALL THE FILTER FABRIC AS IN STEPS 2 AND 3. PLACE AND COMPACT THE BACKFILL AND ROCK TO THE BASE ELEVATION OF THE NEXT MAT. REPEAT STEPS 2 THROUGH 5 TO THE TOP LIFT. HOOK THE BOTTOM TRANSVERSE WIRE OF THE BACKING MAT OVER THE VERTICAL PRONGS ON THE LOWER MAT. ROTATE THE BACKING MAT TO VERTICAL AND CLIP THE SECOND-TO-TOP TRANSVERSE WIRE ON THE BACKING MAT TO THE TOP WIRE ON THE SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT. BRING THE FILTER FABRIC OVER THE FRONT AND TOP OF THE BACKFILL AS SHOWN. PLACE THE ROCK IN THE FACE OF THE WALL. LEAVE A VOID AS SHOWN. PLACE THE BACKING MAT AGAINST THE INSIDE FACE OF THE SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT. CLIP THE SECOND-TO-TOP TRANSVERSE WIRE ON THE BACKING MAT TO THE TOP TRANSVERSE WIRE ON THE SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT. PLACE AND COMPACT BACKFILL INSTALL CONTINUOUS FILTER FABRIC AS SHOWN TOP WIRE ON BACKING MAT SECOND COURSE SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT TOP WIRE ON BACKING MAT TOP WIRE ON BACKING MAT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION STAKE, OPTIONAL FILL THE VOID IN THELIFT BELOW TOP LIFT PRONGLESS MAT PLACE THE FIRST COURSE OF SOIL REINFORCEMENT MATS ON PREPARED FOUNDATION. PLACE RIPRAP FOR THE TOE BURY PLACE THE SECOND COURSE OF SOIL REIN- FORCEMENT MATS WITH THE BASE LONGITUDINAL WIRES RESTING ON THE TOP TRANSVERSE WIRE OF THE BACKING MAT BELOW. SLIDE THE SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT INTO ALIGNMENT. RETURN BACKING MAT AT EXPOSED END OF TOP LIFTS, TYPICALHEEL OF MAT T Y P I C A L NOT TO SCALE PICTORIAL ELEVATION 8 '-0" WWF PRONGLESS SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT AND CAP, TOP LIFTS ONLY COMPACTED WALL BACKFILL WWF STANDARD MAT, TYPICAL WWF BACKING MAT BEHIND MAT FACES FACE OF WELDED WIRE WALL 9 KLC KLC1902 Hilfiker LaneEureka, CA 95503-5711 TOLL-FREE 800.762.8962 PH 707.443.5093 FAX 707.443.2891 WEB SITE www.hilfiker.com E-MAIL info@hilfiker.com 9SHTOF DRAWN DESIGN DATE PROJECTREV.NO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone (707) 725-CESR (707) 498-7193 CesarettiEngineered.com KCesaretti@att.net LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD IMPROVEMENTS SPIRALNAIL & WELDED WIRE WALLS 18-029 HW 180322AW 6-1-1806-01-18 KLC Soft Copy .pdf Release -20- Stability Calculations –MSE WELDED WIRE Wall Corrosion Calculation W4.5 Wire Hot Dip Galvanized, 75 Year Service Life Corrosion Calculation W7.0 Wire Hot Dip Galvanized, 75 Year Service Life -21- Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls HW - Lake Washington Present Date/Time: Thu May 31 16:30:06 2018 C:\.....ects\CES 18-029 HW - Lake Washington Blvd Improvement\MSEW\HW - Lake Washington (12').BEN Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 HW - Lake Washington AASHTO 2007-2010 (LRFD) MSEW(3.0): Update # 14.94 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title:HW - Lake Washington Project Number:18 029 Client:Hilfiker Retaining Walls Designer:KLC Station Number: Description: HRW Project # 180322AW Standard Welded Wire Wall - (H=12.0') HD - 75 Yr Company's information: Name:Cesaretti Engineered Solutions Street:P.O. Box 132 Fortuna, CA 95540 Telephone #:(707)725-2377 Fax #: E-Mail:KCesaretti@att.net Original file path and name:C:\General File Folder\Project Files\CES Projects\CES 1..... .....Washington (12').BENOriginal date and time of creating this file:May 15, 2018 PROGRAM MODE:ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using METAL MATS/GRIDS as reinforcing material. Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 HW - Lake Washington Copyright © 1998-2014 ADAMA Engineering, Inc.License number MSEW-301764 Page 1 of 8 Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 -22- Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls HW - Lake Washington Present Date/Time: Thu May 31 16:30:06 2018 C:\.....ects\CES 18-029 HW - Lake Washington Blvd Improvement\MSEW\HW - Lake Washington (12').BEN Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIL Unit weight,135.0 lb/ft ³ Design value of internal angle of friction,36.0 ° RETAINED SOIL Unit weight,135.0 lb/ft ³ Design value of internal angle of friction,34.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight,equiv.120.0 lb/ft ³ Equivalent internal angle of friction,equiv.32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion, c equiv.0.0 lb/ft ² Water table is at wall base elevation LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability) = 0.2596 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Ka (external stability) = 0.2841 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise, eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 35.49 N = 30.21 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.350 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.385 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.141 => Kh = Am = 0.185 (Kh in External Stability is based on allowable displacement, d = 100 mm. using AASHTO 2007 equation) Kae ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.4025 Kae ( Kh = 0 ) = 0.2759 Kae = 0.1266 Seismic soil-metal mats friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 HW - Lake Washington Copyright © 1998-2014 ADAMA Engineering, Inc.License number MSEW-301764 Page 2 of 8 Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 -23- Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls HW - Lake Washington Present Date/Time: Thu May 31 16:30:06 2018 C:\.....ects\CES 18-029 HW - Lake Washington Blvd Improvement\MSEW\HW - Lake Washington (12').BEN Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 INPUT DATA: Metal mats/grids(Analysis) D A T A Metal mats type #1 Metal mats type #2 Metal mats type #3 Metal mats type #4 Metal mats type #5 Yield strength of steel, Fy [kips/in ²] Gross width of grid, b [in] Vertical spacing, Sv [ft] 65.0 96.0 Varies 65.0 96.0 Varies 65.0 96.0 Varies N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Design cross section area, Ac [in ²]0.32 0.32 0.56 N/A N/A Thickness of transverse element, t [in] Distance between transverse bars, St [in] 0.2 12.0 0.2 21.0 0.2 21.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Friction angle along reinforcement-soil interface, @ the top @ 19.7 ft or below Pullout resistance factor, F* @ the top @ 19.7 ft or below Scale-effect correction factor, 36.00 36.00 0.35 0.18 1.00 36.00 36.00 0.22 0.11 1.00 36.00 36.00 0.22 0.11 1.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth Z K / Ka (Note 1)K / Ka (Note 2) 0 ft 2.50 1.70 3.3 ft 2.30 1.62 6.6 ft 2.05 1.53 9.8 ft 1.85 1.45 13.1 ft 1.65 1.37 16.4 ft 1.40 1.28 19.7 ft 1.20 1.20 Note 1: Used to calculate Tmax for strength Note 2: Used to calculate Tmax for pullout 0 6.6 9.8 16.4 26.2 32.8 Z [ft] 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0K / Ka Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 HW - Lake Washington Copyright © 1998-2014 ADAMA Engineering, Inc.License number MSEW-301764 Page 3 of 8 Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 -24- Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls HW - Lake Washington Present Date/Time: Thu May 31 16:30:06 2018 C:\.....ects\CES 18-029 HW - Lake Washington Blvd Improvement\MSEW\HW - Lake Washington (12').BEN Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE) [S1] Design height, Hd 12.01 [ft]{ Embedded depth is E = 2.00 ft, and height above top of finished bottom grade is H = 10.01 ft } Batter,1.2 [deg] Backslope,12.0 [deg] Backslope rise 1.5 [ft]Broken back equivalent angle, I = 3.57° (see Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) U N I F O R M S U R C H A R G E Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 [lb/ft ²] OTHER EXTERNAL LOAD(S) [S1] Strip Load, Qv-d = 0.0 and Qv-l = 250.0 [lb/ft ²]. Footing width, b=50.0 [ft]. Distance of center of footing from wall face, d = 28.0 [ft] @ depth of 0.0 [ft] below soil surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 10 [ft] Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 HW - Lake Washington Copyright © 1998-2014 ADAMA Engineering, Inc.License number MSEW-301764 Page 4 of 8 Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 -25- Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls HW - Lake Washington Present Date/Time: Thu May 31 16:30:06 2018 C:\.....ects\CES 18-029 HW - Lake Washington Blvd Improvement\MSEW\HW - Lake Washington (12').BEN Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacity, CDR = 1.56, factored bearing load = 3195 lb/ft². Foundation Interface: Direct sliding, CDR = 1.708, Eccentricity, e/L = 0.1539, CDR-overturning = 2.90 M E T A L M A T S C O N N E C T I O N #Elevation Length Type # CDR [pullout resistance] CDR [connection break] CDR [metal mats strength] Metal mats strength CDR Pullout resistance CDR Direct sliding CDR Eccentricity e/L Product name [ft][ft] 1 0.00 10.50 2 N/A N/A N/A 1.412 5.093 1.986 0.1539 8x21-W4.5x.. 2 2.00 10.50 3 N/A N/A N/A 1.309 2.272 2.220 0.1134 8x21-W7.0x.. 3 4.00 10.50 3 N/A N/A N/A 1.448 2.001 2.514 0.0769 8x21-W7.0x.. 4 6.00 10.50 3 N/A N/A N/A 1.653 1.698 2.891 0.0438 8x21-W7.0x.. 5 8.00 10.50 2 N/A N/A N/A 1.128 1.565 3.383 0.0122 8x21-W4.5x.. 6 10.00 10.00 1 N/A N/A N/A 1.464 2.076 3.774 -0.0230 8x12-W4.5X.. 7 12.00 10.00 1 N/A N/A N/A 3.870 2.354 3.872 -0.1331 8x12-W4.5X.. ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity, CDR = 1.11, factored bearing load = 3789 lb/ft². Foundation Interface: Direct sliding, CDR = 1.208, Eccentricity, e/L = 0.2514, Fs-overturning = 1.89 M E T A L M A T S C O N N E C T I O N #Elevation Length Type # CDR [pullout resistance] CDR [connection break] CDR [metal mats strength] Metal mats strength CDR Pullout resistance CDR Direct sliding CDR Eccentricity e/L Product name [ft][ft] 1 0.00 10.50 2 N/A N/A N/A 1.403 3.901 1.405 0.2514 8x21-W4.5x.. 2 2.00 10.50 3 N/A N/A N/A 1.491 2.039 1.608 0.1803 8x21-W7.0x.. 3 4.00 10.50 3 N/A N/A N/A 1.657 1.797 1.879 0.1191 8x21-W7.0x.. 4 6.00 10.50 3 N/A N/A N/A 1.898 1.524 2.256 0.0669 8x21-W7.0x.. 5 8.00 10.50 2 N/A N/A N/A 1.272 1.363 2.806 0.0219 8x21-W4.5x.. 6 10.00 10.00 1 N/A N/A N/A 1.606 1.735 3.426 -0.0206 8x12-W4.5X.. 7 12.00 10.00 1 N/A N/A N/A 3.357 1.441 3.872 -0.1331 8x12-W4.5X.. Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 HW - Lake Washington Copyright © 1998-2014 ADAMA Engineering, Inc.License number MSEW-301764 Page 5 of 8 Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 -26- Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls HW - Lake Washington Present Date/Time: Thu May 31 16:30:06 2018 C:\.....ects\CES 18-029 HW - Lake Washington Blvd Improvement\MSEW\HW - Lake Washington (12').BEN Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 BEARING CAPACITY for GIVEN LAYOUT [S1] SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 10 [ft] STATIC SEISMIC UNITS (Water table is at wall base elevation) Factored bearing resistance, q-n 4978 4209 [lb/ft ²] Factored bearing load,V 3195.3 3789 [lb/ft ²] Eccentricity, e 0.85 1.53 [ft] Eccentricity, e/L 0.081 0.145 CDR calculated 1.56 1.11 Base length 10.50 10.50 [ft] Unfactored applied bearing pressure = (Unfactored R) / [ L - 2 * (Unfactored e) ] = Static: Unfactored R = 20269.89 [lb/ft], L = 10.50, Unfactored e = 0.74 [ft], and Sigma = 2246.18 [lb/ft ²] Seismic: Unfactored R = 20317.56 [lb/ft], L = 10.50, Unfactored e = 1.68 [ft], and Sigma = 2847.84 [lb/ft ²] Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 HW - Lake Washington Copyright © 1998-2014 ADAMA Engineering, Inc.License number MSEW-301764 Page 6 of 8 Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 -27- Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls HW - Lake Washington Present Date/Time: Thu May 31 16:30:06 2018 C:\.....ects\CES 18-029 HW - Lake Washington Blvd Improvement\MSEW\HW - Lake Washington (12').BEN Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 DIRECT SLIDING for GIVEN LAYOUT (for METAL MATS/GRIDS reinforcements) Along reinforced and foundation soils interface: CDR-static = 1.708 and CDR-seismic = 1.208 #Metal Mats Elevation [ft] Metal Mats Length [ft] CDR Static CDR Seismic Metal Mats Type #Product name 1 0.00 10.50 1.986 1.405 2 8x21-W4.5xW4 HD 75Y 2 2.00 10.50 2.220 1.608 3 8x21-W7.0xW4.0 75y.. 3 4.00 10.50 2.514 1.879 3 8x21-W7.0xW4.0 75y.. 4 6.00 10.50 2.891 2.256 3 8x21-W7.0xW4.0 75y.. 5 8.00 10.50 3.383 2.806 2 8x21-W4.5xW4 HD 75Y 6 10.00 10.00 3.774 3.426 1 8x12-W4.5X3.5 HD 75Y 7 12.00 10.00 3.872 3.872 1 8x12-W4.5X3.5 HD 75Y ECCENTRICITY for GIVEN LAYOUT (for Simplified Method) At interface with foundation: e/L static = 0.1539, e/L seismic = 0.2514; Overturning: CDR-static = 2.90, CDR-seismic = 1.89 #Metal Mats Elevation [ft] Metal Mats Length [ft] e / L Static e / L Seismic Metal Mats Type #Product name 1 0.00 10.50 0.1539 0.2514 2 8x21-W4.5xW4 HD 75Y 2 2.00 10.50 0.1134 0.1803 3 8x21-W7.0xW4.0 75y.. 3 4.00 10.50 0.0769 0.1191 3 8x21-W7.0xW4.0 75y.. 4 6.00 10.50 0.0438 0.0669 3 8x21-W7.0xW4.0 75y.. 5 8.00 10.50 0.0122 0.0219 2 8x21-W4.5xW4 HD 75Y 6 10.00 10.00 -0.0230 -0.0206 1 8x12-W4.5X3.5 HD 75Y 7 12.00 10.00 -0.1331 -0.1331 1 8x12-W4.5X3.5 HD 75Y Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 HW - Lake Washington Copyright © 1998-2014 ADAMA Engineering, Inc.License number MSEW-301764 Page 7 of 8 Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 -28- Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls HW - Lake Washington Present Date/Time: Thu May 31 16:30:06 2018 C:\.....ects\CES 18-029 HW - Lake Washington Blvd Improvement\MSEW\HW - Lake Washington (12').BEN Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 RESULTS for STRENGTH [ Note: Actual CDR = (Yield stress) / (Actual stress) ] Live Load included in calculating Tmax For Simplified Method #Metal Mats Elevation [ft] Coverage ratio, Rc=b/Sh Horizontal spacing, Sh [ft] Long-term strength Fy·Ac·Rc/b [lb/ft] Tmax [lb/ft] Tmd [lb/ft] Specified minimum CDR static Actual calculated CDR static Specified minimum CDR seismic Actual calculated CDR seismic 1 0.00 1.000 8.000 1679 1189.64 376.14 N/A 1.412 N/A 1.403 2 2.00 1.000 8.000 2936 2243.05 333.16 N/A 1.309 N/A 1.491 3 4.00 1.000 8.000 2936 2027.59 290.17 N/A 1.448 N/A 1.657 4 6.00 1.000 8.000 2936 1776.06 247.18 N/A 1.653 N/A 1.898 5 8.00 1.000 8.000 1679 1488.43 238.24 N/A 1.128 N/A 1.272 6 10.00 1.000 8.000 1679 1147.34 220.33 N/A 1.464 N/A 1.606 7 12.00 1.000 8.000 1679 433.96 220.33 N/A 3.870 N/A 3.357 RESULTS for PULLOUT Live Load included in calculating Tmax NOTE: Live load is not included in calculating the overburden pressure used to assess pullout resistance. #Metal Mats Elevation [ft] Coverage Ratio Rc=b/Sh Tmax [lb/ft] Tmd [lb/ft] Le [ft] (see NOTE) La [ft] Avail.Static Pullout, Pr [lb/ft] Specified Static CDR Actual Static CDR Avail.Seism. Pullout, Pr [lb/ft] Specified Seismic CDR Actual Seismic CDR 1 0.00 1.000 958.1 376.1 10.50 0.00 4879.1 5204.4N/A 5.093 N/A 3.901 2 2.00 1.000 1764.7 333.2 9.30 1.20 4010.3 4277.7N/A 2.272 N/A 2.039 3 4.00 1.000 1548.8 290.2 8.10 2.40 3098.8 3305.4N/A 2.001 N/A 1.797 4 6.00 1.000 1314.1 247.2 6.90 3.60 2231.2 2379.9N/A 1.698 N/A 1.524 5 8.00 1.000 1063.3 238.2 6.65 3.85 1663.7 1774.6N/A 1.565 N/A 1.363 6 10.00 1.000 797.3 220.3 6.15 3.85 1655.4 1765.8N/A 2.076 N/A 1.735 7 12.00 1.000 296.7 220.3 6.15 3.85 698.3 744.9N/A 2.354 N/A 1.441 Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 HW - Lake Washington Copyright © 1998-2014 ADAMA Engineering, Inc.License number MSEW-301764 Page 8 of 8 Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 -29- Stability Calculations –SPIRALNAIL WALLS -30- Snail Version 2.0.1 - 2SN(6')-bot tier 13:32:04 on 06/21/18 Search Limits 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Ø=1.380 inches fy=35.0 ksi Ø=1.380 inches fy=35.0 ksi 810 psf 5000 psf γ=135 pcf φ'=34.0° c'=50 psf qn=10.00 psi Top Layer 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 15095 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 70Elevation-feetDistance - feet Analysis Method:ASD Analysis Scenario:PermanentMinimum Factor of Safety:1.53 Calculated Service Load at Soil Nail Head (Empirical), To:4.5 kips Allowable Facing Resistance, F_allowable (Entered):16.0 kips F_allowable ≥ To OK -31- ====================================================================================================== Snail Version: 2.0.1 Copyright© 2015 State of California. All rights reserved. ====================================================================================================== File Information====================================================================================================== File Name: 2SN(6')-bot tier.snz Run Date: 06/21/18Run Time: 13:32:04 ====================================================================================================== Project Information ====================================================================================================== Description: Lake Washington Location: Lake Washington, WA EA: Project ID: 18-029 Wall No.: Structure No.: Station: Engineer: KLC Designer Comments: Spiralnail Truss - 180322AW ======================================================================================================Geometry ====================================================================================================== Layout: Reference Point: At: Top of Wall Distance From Origin: 100.00 feet Elevation Above Origin: 100.00 feet Wall Dimensions: Wall Height: 6.00 feet Facing Angle: 90.00 degrees Facing Batter: 0.000 :12 H:V Ground Surface: Number of lines that define the ground surface above the wall: 1 Angle Distance No. degrees feet ------------------------ 1 0 Number of lines that define the ground surface in front of the toe: 1 Angle DistanceNo. degrees feet ------------------------1 0 Soil Layers: Number of Layers: 1 Layers Below the Top Layer: Coordinates of the Top of the Layer: feet Point 1 Point 1 Point 2 Point 2 Layer Distance Elevation Distance Elevation -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground Water: 1 -32- Include Ground Water: No ====================================================================================================== Soil Nails ====================================================================================================== Dimensions and Properties: Maximum Vertical Spacing: 4.50 feetNumber of Soil Nail Rows: 2 Soil Nail Design Parameters: Varying Soil Nail Inclination Vertical Horizontal Nail Bar Nail Bar YieldLength From Horizontal Spacing Spacing Diameter Ø Strength fy No. feet degrees feet feet inches ksi-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 14.00 15 1.00 6.00 1.380 35.0 2 14.00 15 4.00 6.00 1.380 35.0 Facing Resistance: Temporary Permanent Seismic ASD Allowable Facing Resistance: 16.0 16.0 21.0 kips ====================================================================================================== Soil Properties ====================================================================================================== Unit Weight Friction Angle Cohesion γ φ' c' Layer Description pcf degrees psf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Top Layer 135 34.0 50 ====================================================================================================== Loads====================================================================================================== Applied Loads: Seismic: Horizontal Seismic Coefficient: 0.20 External Load: Apply external load: No Surcharges: Apply surcharges: Yes Distance from Top of Wall Load Load Begin End Begin End No. feet feet psf psf -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4.00 50.00 810 5000 ======================================================================================================Factors of Safety ====================================================================================================== Temporary Permanent SeismicPullout (Distal): 1.50 2.00 1.50 Pullout (Proximal): 1.50 2.00 1.50Nail Bar Yield: 1.80 1.80 1.35 ====================================================================================================== Search Options ====================================================================================================== Search Limits: Begin: 0.60 feet End: 40.00 feet Below Toe Searches (BTS): Perform below Toe Search: Yes Number of BTS Points: 5 BTS Depth: 16.00 feet 2 -33- Interface Friction Reduction Factor: 0.33 Advanced Search Options: Use Advanced Search Options: No ====================================================================================================== Results ====================================================================================================== Analysis: Method: ASDScenario: Permanent Factor of Safety: Minimum: 1.53 Found at Search Point: 3 Found at Grid Point: 28 Found at Search Level: Toe of the wall Load at Soil Nail Head: Calculated Service Load at Soil Nail Head (Empirical), To: 4.5 kips Allowable Facing Resistance, F_allowable (Entered): 16.0 kips F_allowable ≥ To OK Nominal Pullout Resistance: Nominal Pullout Resistance Layer Description klf ---------------------------------------------- 1 Top Layer 0.942 Results by Search Level: ** Indicates Minimum Factor of Safety Search Level: At the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 4.5 kips (Clouterre)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement | | | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2.65 0.60 82.67 4.23 88.09 1.80 1 4.2 Pullout 2 4.4 Pullout 2 1.84 4.54 41.38 5.45 79.29 2.44 1 3.1 Pullout 2 4.1 Pullout ** 3 1.53 8.48 23.00 4.61 44.73 5.97 1 2.5 Pullout 2 3.9 Pullout 4 1.77 12.42 0.00 3.73 34.61 10.56 1 1.8 Pullout 2 3.2 Pullout 5 2.08 16.36 0.00 3.27 24.63 14.40 1 1.5 Pullout2 3.3 Pullout 6 2.42 20.30 0.00 6.09 22.89 15.42 1 0.8 Pullout 2 3.2 Pullout 7 2.74 24.24 0.00 9.70 22.42 15.73 1 0.1 Pullout 2 3.2 Pullout 8 3.05 28.18 0.00 14.09 23.07 15.31 1 0.0 Pullout 2 3.2 Pullout 9 3.34 32.12 0.00 16.06 20.49 17.14 1 0.0 Pullout 2 3.2 Pullout 10 3.62 36.06 0.00 21.64 22.59 15.62 1 0.0 Pullout 2 3.2 Pullout 11 3.89 40.00 0.00 24.00 20.56 17.09 1 0.0 Pullout 2 3.2 Pullout 3 -34- Search Level: 3.20 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 3.4 kips (Clouterre) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement | | | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 3.87 0.60 85.34 7.38 90.00 1.84 1 4.2 Pullout2 4.3 Pullout 2 2.09 4.54 57.61 7.63 80.66 2.80 1 3.0 Pullout 2 3.7 Pullout 3 1.55 8.48 33.06 5.06 56.64 7.71 1 2.2 Pullout2 3.0 Pullout 4 1.55 12.42 29.06 5.68 40.83 9.85 1 1.6 Pullout 2 2.8 Pullout 5 1.68 16.36 20.55 5.24 32.73 13.61 1 1.0 Pullout 2 2.4 Pullout 6 1.86 20.30 12.77 8.33 31.14 14.23 1 0.2 Pullout 2 1.7 Pullout 7 2.06 24.24 7.21 7.33 26.01 18.88 1 0.0 Pullout 2 1.5 Pullout 8 2.26 28.18 4.67 11.31 26.09 18.83 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.6 Pullout 9 2.46 32.12 0.00 9.64 22.25 24.29 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.5 Pullout 10 2.65 36.06 0.00 14.42 23.04 23.51 1 0.0 Pullout2 0.0 Pullout 11 2.84 40.00 0.00 16.00 20.97 25.70 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout Search Level: 6.40 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 2.1 kips (Clouterre) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement | | | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 N/A 0.60 0.00 0.06 87.51 12.41 1 4.2 Pullout 2 4.3 Pullout 2 N/A 4.54 0.00 0.45 71.76 13.06 1 3.1 Pullout 2 3.5 Pullout 3 3.24 8.48 0.00 5.94 78.41 12.66 1 1.9 Pullout 2 2.1 Pullout 4 1.92 12.42 37.83 14.15 71.54 3.92 1 0.9 Pullout 2 2.1 Pullout 5 1.84 16.36 33.97 17.75 56.59 2.97 1 0.5 Pullout2 1.8 Pullout 6 1.86 20.30 24.61 8.93 35.48 14.96 1 0.0 Pullout 2 1.3 Pullout 7 1.96 24.24 20.99 10.39 30.83 16.94 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.8 Pullout 8 2.08 28.18 14.79 14.57 31.64 16.55 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 9 2.21 32.12 10.93 13.09 27.24 21.68 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 10 2.35 36.06 9.76 14.64 24.63 23.80 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 11 2.49 40.00 4.43 16.05 24.94 26.47 1 0.0 Pullout 4 -35- 2 0.0 Pullout Search Level: 9.60 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 0.0 kips (Clouterre) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement | | | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 N/A 0.60 0.00 0.06 88.02 15.61 1 4.2 Pullout2 4.3 Pullout 2 N/A 4.54 0.00 0.45 75.32 16.13 1 3.1 Pullout 2 3.4 Pullout 3 6.29 8.48 0.00 7.63 86.89 15.62 1 1.7 Pullout 2 1.8 Pullout 4 3.43 12.42 0.00 8.69 76.57 16.04 1 0.7 Pullout 2 1.0 Pullout 5 2.52 16.36 19.68 13.90 73.32 11.40 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 6 2.11 20.30 30.87 21.28 66.55 5.10 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.4 Pullout 7 2.14 24.24 26.59 24.40 62.62 5.27 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 8 2.10 28.18 24.77 18.62 34.68 13.71 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 9 2.17 32.12 21.23 17.23 30.23 18.59 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 10 2.26 36.06 14.55 18.63 31.20 21.08 1 0.0 Pullout2 0.0 Pullout 11 2.35 40.00 13.17 20.54 28.63 22.79 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout Search Level: 12.80 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 0.0 kips (Clouterre) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement | | | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 N/A 0.60 0.00 0.06 88.36 18.81 1 4.2 Pullout 2 4.3 Pullout 2 N/A 4.54 0.00 0.45 77.74 19.24 1 3.1 Pullout 2 3.3 Pullout 3 N/A 8.48 0.00 0.85 67.91 20.29 1 2.0 Pullout2 2.5 Pullout 4 6.31 12.42 0.00 1.24 59.27 21.87 1 1.1 Pullout 2 1.8 Pullout 5 4.20 16.36 0.00 13.09 80.13 19.08 1 0.0 Pullout2 0.0 Pullout 6 3.35 20.30 0.00 14.21 72.05 19.76 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 7 2.67 24.24 16.22 20.20 69.78 14.02 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 8 2.29 28.18 27.42 28.57 63.45 6.30 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 9 2.32 32.12 24.48 31.76 60.34 6.49 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 10 2.27 36.06 23.48 23.59 33.09 17.22 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 5 -36- 11 2.33 40.00 21.39 25.78 30.43 18.56 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout Search Level: 16.00 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 0.0 kips (Clouterre) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement | | | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling ||Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 N/A 0.60 0.00 0.06 88.60 22.01 1 4.2 Pullout2 4.3 Pullout 2 N/A 4.54 0.00 0.45 79.48 22.38 1 3.1 Pullout 2 3.3 Pullout 3 N/A 8.48 0.00 0.85 70.87 23.29 1 2.0 Pullout 2 2.4 Pullout 4 N/A 12.42 16.45 7.77 75.92 20.41 1 0.7 Pullout 2 1.0 Pullout 5 4.68 16.36 0.00 1.64 56.21 26.47 1 0.1 Pullout 2 0.8 Pullout 6 4.30 20.30 0.00 16.24 79.55 22.37 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 7 4.05 24.24 0.00 19.39 77.57 22.53 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 8 2.81 28.18 16.32 23.49 69.90 16.40 1 0.0 Pullout2 0.0 Pullout 9 2.54 32.12 24.54 31.78 69.95 9.37 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 10 2.43 36.06 25.39 35.92 61.35 7.52 1 0.0 Pullout2 0.0 Pullout 11 2.39 40.00 26.05 40.07 47.73 5.95 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout ====================================================================================================== END OF REPORT ====================================================================================================== 6 -37- Snail Version 2.0.1 - 2SN(6')14:45:46 on 05/31/18 Search Limits 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Ø=1.380 inches fy=35.0 ksi Ø=1.380 inches fy=35.0 ksi γ=135 pcf φ'=34.0° c'=0 psf qn=10.00 psi Top Layer 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Elevation-feetDistance - feet Analysis Method:ASD Analysis Scenario:PermanentMinimum Factor of Safety:1.75 Calculated Service Load at Soil Nail Head (Empirical), To:7.2 kips Allowable Facing Resistance, F_allowable (Entered):16.0 kips F_allowable ≥ To OK -38- ====================================================================================================== Snail Version: 2.0.1 Copyright© 2015 State of California. All rights reserved. ====================================================================================================== File Information====================================================================================================== File Name: 2SN(6').snz Run Date: 05/31/18Run Time: 14:53:57 ====================================================================================================== Project Information ====================================================================================================== Description: Lake Washington Location: Lake Washington, WA EA: Project ID: 18-029 Wall No.: Structure No.: Station: Engineer: KLC Designer Comments: Spiralnail Truss - 180322AW ======================================================================================================Geometry ====================================================================================================== Layout: Reference Point: At: Top of Wall Distance From Origin: 100.00 feet Elevation Above Origin: 100.00 feet Wall Dimensions: Wall Height: 6.00 feet Facing Angle: 90.00 degrees Facing Batter: 0.000 :12 H:V Ground Surface: Number of lines that define the ground surface above the wall: 1 Angle Distance No. degrees feet ------------------------ 1 20 Number of lines that define the ground surface in front of the toe: 1 Angle DistanceNo. degrees feet ------------------------1 0 Soil Layers: Number of Layers: 1 Layers Below the Top Layer: Coordinates of the Top of the Layer: feet Point 1 Point 1 Point 2 Point 2 Layer Distance Elevation Distance Elevation -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground Water: 1 -39- Include Ground Water: No ====================================================================================================== Soil Nails ====================================================================================================== Dimensions and Properties: Maximum Vertical Spacing: 4.50 feetNumber of Soil Nail Rows: 2 Soil Nail Design Parameters: Varying Soil Nail Inclination Vertical Horizontal Nail Bar Nail Bar YieldLength From Horizontal Spacing Spacing Diameter Ø Strength fy No. feet degrees feet feet inches ksi-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 20.00 15 1.00 6.00 1.380 35.0 2 20.00 15 4.00 6.00 1.380 35.0 Facing Resistance: Temporary Permanent Seismic ASD Allowable Facing Resistance: 16.0 16.0 21.0 kips ====================================================================================================== Soil Properties ====================================================================================================== Unit Weight Friction Angle Cohesion γ φ' c' Layer Description pcf degrees psf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Top Layer 135 34.0 0 ====================================================================================================== Loads====================================================================================================== Applied Loads: Seismic: Horizontal Seismic Coefficient: 0.20 External Load: Apply external load: No Surcharges: Apply surcharges: No ====================================================================================================== Factors of Safety ====================================================================================================== Temporary Permanent Seismic Pullout (Distal): 1.50 1.50 1.50 Pullout (Proximal): 1.50 1.50 1.50Nail Bar Yield: 1.80 1.80 1.35 ====================================================================================================== Search Options====================================================================================================== Search Limits: Begin: 2.25 feet End: 40.00 feet Below Toe Searches (BTS): Perform below Toe Search: Yes Number of BTS Points: 5 BTS Depth: 16.00 feet Interface Friction Reduction Factor: 0.33 Advanced Search Options: Use Advanced Search Options: No 2 -40- ====================================================================================================== Results ====================================================================================================== Analysis: Method: ASD Scenario: Permanent Factor of Safety: Minimum: 1.75 Found at Search Point: 11Found at Grid Point: 55 Found at Search Level: 3.20 feet below the toe of the wall Load at Soil Nail Head: Calculated Service Load at Soil Nail Head (Empirical), To: 7.2 kips Allowable Facing Resistance, F_allowable (Entered): 16.0 kips F_allowable ≥ To OK Nominal Pullout Resistance: Nominal Pullout Resistance Layer Description klf ---------------------------------------------- 1 Top Layer 0.942 Results by Search Level: ** Indicates Minimum Factor of Safety Search Level: At the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 8.9 kips (Clouterre)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement || | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | || | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance ||Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2.92 2.25 31.22 1.32 79.61 6.24 1 7.6 Pullout 2 7.9 Pullout 2 3.58 6.03 31.15 6.34 83.01 4.95 1 6.0 Pullout 2 7.9 Pullout 3 3.29 9.80 0.00 2.94 54.36 11.77 1 6.0 Pullout 2 7.1 Pullout 4 2.94 13.58 0.00 2.72 45.21 15.42 1 5.8 Pullout 2 7.1 Pullout 5 2.64 17.35 0.00 3.47 41.58 18.56 1 5.4 Pullout 2 6.9 Pullout 6 2.56 21.13 0.00 2.11 35.75 23.43 1 5.5 Pullout 2 7.3 Pullout 7 2.42 24.90 0.00 2.49 33.91 27.00 1 5.3 Pullout2 7.2 Pullout 8 2.31 28.68 0.00 2.87 32.49 30.60 1 5.1 Pullout 2 7.0 Pullout 9 2.24 32.45 0.00 3.25 31.38 34.21 1 4.9 Pullout 2 6.9 Pullout 10 2.18 36.23 0.00 3.62 30.47 37.83 1 4.8 Pullout 2 6.8 Pullout 11 2.18 40.00 20.16 29.83 40.58 15.80 1 5.0 Pullout 2 7.7 Pullout Search Level: 3.20 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 7.2 kips (Clouterre) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement | | | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | 3 -41- |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2.19 2.25 56.03 3.62 88.16 7.02 1 7.5 Pullout 2 7.5 Pullout 2 2.08 6.03 54.81 8.36 75.19 4.71 1 6.3 Pullout 2 7.3 Pullout 3 1.96 9.80 33.08 4.68 60.07 11.79 1 5.7 Pullout2 6.6 Pullout 4 1.86 13.58 34.78 4.96 49.97 14.77 1 5.4 Pullout 2 6.5 Pullout 5 1.84 17.35 33.85 8.36 46.21 15.04 1 4.8 Pullout2 6.5 Pullout 6 1.79 21.13 30.95 9.85 43.01 17.33 1 4.4 Pullout 2 6.3 Pullout 7 1.77 24.90 28.81 11.37 40.55 19.66 1 4.0 Pullout 2 6.2 Pullout 8 1.77 28.68 18.90 6.06 37.61 28.96 1 3.9 Pullout 2 5.6 Pullout 9 1.76 32.45 17.94 6.82 36.07 32.12 1 3.7 Pullout 2 5.4 Pullout 10 1.76 36.23 17.17 7.58 34.81 35.29 1 3.4 Pullout 2 5.2 Pullout ** 11 1.75 40.00 30.71 46.52 0.00 0.00 1 4.3 Pullout 2 6.3 Pullout Search Level: 6.40 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 5.3 kips (Clouterre)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement || | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | || | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 N/A 2.25 0.00 0.23 81.29 13.37 1 7.6 Pullout 2 7.8 Pullout 2 3.98 6.03 0.00 0.60 69.62 15.57 1 6.5 Pullout 2 7.1 Pullout 3 2.88 9.80 15.19 6.09 74.74 14.90 1 4.9 Pullout 2 5.4 Pullout 4 2.17 13.58 44.82 17.22 75.38 5.38 1 4.5 Pullout 2 5.9 Pullout 5 2.07 17.35 40.00 20.38 72.83 5.88 1 3.9 Pullout 2 5.5 Pullout 6 2.00 21.13 40.21 24.89 62.27 4.54 1 3.9 Pullout 2 5.5 Pullout 7 1.95 24.90 37.46 28.23 59.88 4.96 1 3.6 Pullout2 5.3 Pullout 8 1.92 28.68 34.87 27.96 50.07 8.93 1 3.3 Pullout 2 5.1 Pullout 9 1.89 32.45 33.14 31.00 48.22 9.74 1 3.0 Pullout 2 4.9 Pullout 10 1.88 36.23 31.72 34.07 46.65 10.55 1 2.8 Pullout 2 4.8 Pullout 11 1.86 40.00 30.01 32.34 41.94 16.13 1 2.5 Pullout 2 4.6 Pullout Search Level: 9.60 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 3.3 kips (Clouterre) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement | | | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| 4 -42- | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 N/A 2.25 0.00 0.23 82.97 16.54 1 7.5 Pullout 2 7.8 Pullout 2 N/A 6.03 0.00 0.60 73.05 18.60 1 6.4 Pullout 2 6.9 Pullout 3 4.58 9.80 0.00 0.98 65.29 21.10 1 5.4 Pullout2 6.1 Pullout 4 3.80 13.58 0.00 8.15 75.19 21.25 1 3.5 Pullout 2 4.0 Pullout 5 2.34 17.35 37.16 10.88 60.51 17.62 1 3.4 Pullout 2 4.3 Pullout 6 2.33 21.13 47.79 31.44 0.00 0.00 1 3.8 Pullout 2 5.0 Pullout 7 2.37 24.90 26.35 22.23 71.40 15.61 1 0.1 Pullout 2 2.4 Pullout 8 2.16 28.68 35.23 31.59 69.84 8.32 1 1.9 Pullout 2 3.7 Pullout 9 2.13 32.45 33.31 34.94 68.47 8.84 1 1.5 Pullout 2 3.4 Pullout 10 2.10 36.23 31.72 38.33 67.24 9.36 1 1.2 Pullout 2 3.2 Pullout 11 2.07 40.00 29.49 36.76 56.45 14.48 1 0.8 Pullout 2 2.9 Pullout Search Level: 12.80 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 2.1 kips (Clouterre)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement || | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 N/A 2.25 0.00 0.23 84.11 19.72 1 7.5 Pullout 2 7.7 Pullout 2 N/A 6.03 0.00 0.60 75.52 21.68 1 6.3 Pullout 2 6.7 Pullout 3 N/A 9.80 0.00 0.98 68.48 24.04 1 5.3 Pullout 2 5.9 Pullout 4 5.49 13.58 0.00 1.36 62.77 26.70 1 4.4 Pullout 2 5.2 Pullout 5 4.40 17.35 0.00 12.15 78.29 25.65 1 1.9 Pullout2 2.2 Pullout 6 4.16 21.13 0.00 14.79 76.55 27.24 1 0.6 Pullout 2 1.0 Pullout 7 3.97 24.90 0.00 17.43 74.99 28.85 1 0.0 Pullout2 0.0 Pullout 8 2.40 28.68 41.74 30.74 56.82 10.48 1 1.7 Pullout 2 3.2 Pullout 9 2.80 32.45 15.08 23.53 68.32 26.35 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 10 2.48 36.23 23.82 31.68 69.32 20.51 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 11 2.26 40.00 32.97 42.91 68.21 10.78 1 0.0 Pullout 2 1.9 Pullout Search Level: 16.00 feet below the toe of the wall Facing Design Force = 0.0 kips (Clouterre) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 -43- | | | | Failure Planes | Reinforcement | | | | |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | | Minimum | Distance | Lower | Upper | | | | | | Factor | From Toe |---------------------------------------| | | Controlling | |Search | of | of Wall | Angle | Length | Angle | Length | | Stress | Resistance | |Point | Safety | feet | degrees | feet | degrees | feet | Level | ksi | Failure Mode | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 N/A 2.25 0.00 0.23 84.93 22.91 1 7.5 Pullout 2 7.7 Pullout 2 N/A 6.03 0.00 0.60 77.37 24.79 1 6.2 Pullout 2 6.6 Pullout 3 N/A 9.80 0.00 0.98 70.97 27.05 1 5.1 Pullout2 5.7 Pullout 4 N/A 13.58 0.00 1.36 65.61 29.58 1 4.2 Pullout 2 4.9 Pullout 5 5.64 17.35 0.00 1.74 61.13 32.34 1 3.4 Pullout 2 4.2 Pullout 6 4.56 21.13 0.00 2.11 57.37 35.25 1 2.6 Pullout 2 3.6 Pullout 7 4.34 24.90 0.00 17.43 76.48 31.95 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 8 4.17 28.68 0.00 20.07 75.15 33.56 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 9 4.04 32.45 0.00 22.72 73.94 35.18 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout 10 3.56 36.23 0.00 21.74 67.62 38.05 1 0.0 Pullout2 0.0 Pullout 11 2.92 40.00 14.64 28.94 67.69 31.61 1 0.0 Pullout 2 0.0 Pullout ====================================================================================================== END OF REPORT ====================================================================================================== 6 -44-