HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum - 16DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Supplemental Agreement Number Organization and Address Phone: Original Agreement Number Project Number Execution Date Completion Date Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Description of Work The Local Agency of desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with and executed on DQGLGHQWL¿HGDV$JUHHPHQW1R $OOSURYLVLRQVLQWKHEDVLFDJUHHPHQWUHPDLQLQHႇHFWH[FHSWDVH[SUHVVO\PRGL¿HGE\WKLVVXSSOHPHQW The changes to the agreement are described as follows: I Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: II 6HFWLRQ,97,0()25%(*,11,1*$1'&203/(7,21LVDPHQGHGWRFKDQJHWKHQXPEHURIFDOHQGDUGD\V for completion of the work to read: III 6HFWLRQ93$<0(17VKDOOEHDPHQGHGDVIROORZV DVVHWIRUWKLQWKHDWWDFKHG([KLELW$DQGE\WKLVUHIHUHQFHPDGHDSDUWRIWKLVVXSSOHPHQW If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate VSDFHVEHORZDQGUHWXUQWRWKLVRႈFHIRU¿QDODFWLRQ By: By: Consultant Signature Approving Authority Signature Date City of Renton Perteet, Inc. May 1, 2017 CAG-17-082 See attached Exhibit A-16. No Change Existing funds will be reallocated to subconsultant Chudgar Engineering and Perteet as shown in Exhibit A-16. 16 CAG-17-082 Perteet, Inc. 2707 Colby Avenue, Suite 900 Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-7700 May 1, 2017 December 31, 2025 N. Park Avenue Extension-Extra Coordination and Design $1,051,835 - No Change Supplement 16 redistributes remaining design phase budget to Chudgar Engineering for design phase costs and to Perteet for early construction services. Perteet, Inc. Peter De Boldt Digitally signed by Peter De Boldt DN: C=US, E=peter.deboldt@perteet.com, O="Perteet, Inc.", CN=Peter De Boldt Date: 2023.03.23 11:11:35-07'00'                 CAG-17-082, Adden #16-23 EEXH I BI TT A -1 66 Sc o pee off Ser vi ces Park Avenue N Extension Early Construction Management Services(#16) March2023 City of Renton 801 2ND AVENUE, SUITE 302 SEATTLE, WA 98104 800.615.9900 | 206.436.0515           PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION – EARLY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES Agreement with Perteet Inc. March 2023 11 E XH IBIT A $(- Scope of Services Park Avenue N Extension – Early Construction Management Services INTRODUCTION The project will construct improvements to extend Park Avenue N from the existing intersection with Logan Avenue N northward to connect to the Southport site now under construction. The purpose of the roadway extension is to provide a connection to the Southport development and relieve congestion on Lake Washington Boulevard. GENERAL SCOPE OF SERVICES This supplement is for Perteet Inc. (CONSULTANT) to provide early construction management services primarily focused on submittal review services to the CITY of Renton (CITY) for the Park Avenue N Extension project. It will shift remaining design phase funds to provide early construction management services as a bridge to the full construction management services supplement can be approved. The CONSULTANT will endeavor to protect the CITY of Renton against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor but cannot guarantee the Contractor’s performance and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures for safety precautions, and programs in connection with the work. Services not included in this scope of services are specifically excluded from the scope of the CONSULTANT’s services. The CONSULTANT assumes no responsibility to perform any services not specifically listed in this scope of services. If agreed to in writing by the CITY and the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall provide Optional Services. Optional Services are not included as part of the Basic Scope of Services and shall be paid for by the Client in addition to payment for Basic Services, in accordance with the CONSULTANT’s prevailing fee schedule as agreed to by the CITY and the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT reserves the right to shift funds within the Contract between tasks, and between members of the CONSULTANT team during the prosecution of the work. Unexpended funds in the amount of $12,000 from the design phase will be redistributed in this supplement. No additional budget is added. This redistribution is documented in Exhibit A. The following Tasks for the project are added by this supplement. Task 16 – Early Construction Management Services OPTIONA L S ERVICES The CONSULTANT may be asked by the CITY to provide Optional Services. Optional Services that may be performed include: x Assistance with extended project duration x Assistance with other items as requested by the CITY           PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION – EARLY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES Agreement with Perteet Inc. March 2023 22 Providing Optional Services will require a supplement to this agreement. T IME FOR COMPLETION No change to the current contract. T a s k 1 – P r oj ect M a n a g ement Add an additional month of continuous project management administration to item 11.1 Continuous Project Managem ent. T a s k 16 – Earl y Co n s truct io n M a n a g ement Se r v ice s The Consultant will provide early construction management services consisting of the following elements: x Up to two (2) meetings with City staff and Contractor for early construction coordination. Each of these meetings will be virtual Teams meetings. x One (1) pre-construction meeting to be held at Renton City Hall. Consultant team members who will attend in-person will be the Project Manager, Engineer of Record, and the Resident Engineer. The construction observer and the records manager will attend via Microsoft Teams. x Development of the Record of Materials (ROM) document for transmittal to the Contractor. x Review of up to four (4) Contractor submittals that include materials that require long lead times. Signal poles are anticipated to be the principal focus, others to be reviewed will be identified in coordination with the Contractor. x Review and response on up to four (4) Contractor Requests for Information (RFI’s) Deliverables: x Meeting agendas and notes in Word format x ROM in Excel format x Submittal review comments and response to RFI’s in PDF format           PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION – EARLY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES Agreement with Perteet Inc. March 2023 11 This supplement will redistribute $12,000 in unexpended funds from the design phase budget of the subconsultants for use during the early construction management phase of the project as follows: Basic AgreementSupplement #1*Supplement #2*Supplement #3Supplement #4Supplement #5**Supplement #6***Supplement #7Supplement #8 ****Supplement #9 *****Supplement #10 ******Supplement #11 7Supplement #128Supplement #139Supplement #1410Supplement #1511Supplement #1612TotalDirect Salary Cost46,162.00$ -$ 4,906.00$ 83,300.00$ -$ (7,306.00)$ 63,130.97$ (2,283.00)$ 6,460.00$ 748.00$ 9,817.00$ 10,843.00$ 13,203.00$ 6,976.00$ 8,333.00$ 3,020.48$ 247,310.45$ Overhead (Including Payroll Additives)84,911.00$ -$ 9,025.00$ 153,222.00$ -$ (13,439.00)$ 116,123.11$ (4,198.00)$ 11,883.00$ 1,415.00$ 18,577.00$ 20,518.00$ 24,441.00$ 12,914.00$ 15,426.00$ 5,512.97$ 456,331.08$ Direct Non-Salary Costs2,450.00$ -$ 54,176.00$ 129,211.00$ -$ 23,083.00$ 50,161.00$ 7,211.00$ 12,378.00$ 6,331.00$ 53.00$ -$ (15,550.00)$ 20,437.00$ (11,387.00)$ (9,500.00)$ 269,054.00$ Fixed Fee14,772.00$ -$ 1,570.00$ 26,656.00$ -$ (2,338.00)$ 20,201.92$ (730.00)$ 2,067.00$ 239.00$ 3,141.00$ 3,470.00$ 4,225.00$ 2,232.00$ 2,667.00$ 966.55$ 79,139.47$ Management Reserve11,360.00$ -$ 5,000.00$ 39,000.00$ (8,733.00)$ (31,588.00)$ -$ -$ (15,039.00)$ -$ Total159,655.00$ -$ 74,677.00$ 392,389.00$ -$ -$ 288,617.00$ -$ 32,788.00$ -$ -$ 34,831.00$ 26,319.00$ 42,559.00$ -$ -$ 1,051,835.00$ **** Supplement 8 reallocates labor and expense budget from Perteet to 1 Alliance for survey and basemap effort in the BNSF Trestle area.7. Supplement 11 provides budget for Final Design of Boeing access off of Logan Ave N near N 7th St. It reallocated $29,515 of previously approved survey work to the new 7th driveway area.8. Supplement 12 provides budget for additional coordination with SECO, ROW descriptions, and additional design elements requested by SECO and Boeing.9. Supplement 13 provides budget to split out the 7th St driveway for construction by Boeing, adding in vault rehab on Logan, a final 100% submittal, and additonal project coord.10. Supplement 14 provides budget for additional BNSF appraisal, and support to Boeing for construction of duct bank system.11. Supplement 15 provides budget for additional BNSF coord and extended project duration.12. Supplement 16 redistributes remaining design phase budget to Chudgar for design phase costs and to Perteet for early construction services. ****** Supplmement 10 provides budget for Abeyta to prepare appraisal for BNSF cossing permit area acquistion. It also adds scope for HWA to perform boring in the BNSF trestle (no additional budget is required)***** Supplement 9 provides budget for Final Design of Boeing Duct Bank.** Supplement 5 reallocates expense budget from Perteet to Casne Engineering*** Supplement 6 reallocates labor and expense budget from Perteet to Abeyta & Associates for ROW acquisition efforts, and the design of Boeing's driveway off of Logan at NE 7th St. This reallocation is in lieu of completing 60-percent design for the portion of the road north of the BNSF right-of-way.* Time extension onlyExhibit "A"Summary of PaymentsAuthorized thru Amendment 15Supplement #16New Total1 Alliance73,167.00$ -$ 73,167.00$ HWA GeoSciences94,306.00$ -$ 94,306.00$ Chudgar Engineering Co23,215.00$ 2,500.00$ 25,715.00$ Casne Engineering49,509.00$ (12,000.00)$ 37,509.00$ Abeyta25,848.00$ -$ 25,848.00$ Total266,045.00$ (9,500.00)$ 256,545.00$ Summary of Subconsultant Agreements