HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_ReconAddInfoFromAppRequest_Final April 24, 2023 Phillip Ussery 1024 N 36th St Renton, WA 98056 SUBJECT: Reconsideration Request for the Ussery Variance Review Decision (LUA23-000028, V-A) Dear Mr. Ussery, The Department of Community and Economic Development received your timely request April 17, 2023, for the reconsideration of the Ussery Variance land use decision. However, clarification of your reconsideration is needed before a decision can be issued. The submitted reconsideration request appears to be limited to the following statement: “[o]ne point that I don’t believe was considered was the current setbacks for existing homes on the north side of 36th within the R-6 zone. Currently there are only 2 homes that were built 25’+ from the front of the property.” To ensure the Department can appropriately review and consider your request and that it also is compliant with procedural requirements pursuant to Renton Municipal Code 4-8-100I.3, please provide supporting information identifying the specific errors that you assert led to the variance decision being issued that was based on erroneous procedure, error of law or fact, or error in judgement. Please note that specific errors and any arguments for reconsideration are limited to the evidence in the administrative record for the above referenced variance decision. The requested information is required to be provided within 10 calendar days of the date of this letter. (RMC 4-8-100I, Reconsiderations) If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430-7286 or avangordon@rentonwa.gov. Sincerely, Andrew Van Gordon Associate Planner cc: Heather Ussery / Owner(s) Signature GCI, Attn: Kevin Singh / Applicant Jonathan Bye, Thomas Jarzynka, Joyce Segur, Daoguang Yu / Party(ies) of Record