HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_03_Compton_Lumber_DNS-M_AddendumDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON- SIGNIFICANCE (DNS-M) - MITIGATED Pursuant to WAC 197-11-600(4)(c) and WAC 197-11-625 Addendum to the BMC Renton DNS-M for Compton Lumber Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) Date of Addendum: April 1, 2019 Date of Initial Threshold Determination: February 6, 2018 Applicant: TorJan Rohhovde, Ronhovde Architects, 14900 Interurban Ave S, Suite 138, Tukwila, WA 98168 File Numbers: LUA17-000445, ECF, SA-A, MOD and LUA19- 000050 Project Name: BMC Renton and Compton Lumber Location: 2940, 2960, 2980, and 2990 East Valley Road, Renton, WA 98057 Lead Agency: City of Renton, Department of Community and Economic Development Review Process: Addendum to previously issued Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M) Proposal / Purpose of Addendum: The original SEPA threshold determination for the BMC Renton Site Plan and Modification application was issued on February 7, 2018. The original application included a proposal for a 24,000 square foot retail/office/storage building, two 4,000 square foot lumber sales buildings, an asphalt lumber yard, 55 surface parking spaces, and landscaping improvements. The project site is located within the Employment Area land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation. A Category III wetland with a standard 75-foot buffer has been identified and delineated along the east and south property boundaries. The applicant is requested a 25 percent buffer reduction with enhancement, which would reduce the buffer to 56.25 feet. BMC Renton decided not to pursue their proposal on the project site. Compton Lumber has filed a Site Plan review application (LUA19-000050) with the City for the construction of a 50,000 square foot lumber and hardware sales building with outdoor lumber sales and 99 surface parking spaces. Compton Lumber’s project is similar in scope and scale to the BMC proposal, for which the DNS-M SEPA DocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Review Page 2 of 3 April 1, 2019 threshold determination was issued. Due to the projects similarities staff has determined that the existing DNS-M would be appropriate to mitigate the impacts of the Compton Lumber proposal. The original SEPA determination included the following mitigation measures all of which should apply to the Compton Lumber project (LUA19-000050): 1. Project construction shall comply with the recommendations found in the submitted Geotechnical report prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated January 24, 2017. 2. The applicant’s geotechnical engineer shall review the project’s construction and building permit plans to verify compliance with the submitted geotechnical report. The geotechnical engineer shall submit a sealed letter stating that he/she has reviewed the construction and building permit plans and in their opinion the plans and specifications meet the intent of the report. 3. Prior to the issuance of a construction or building permit for this site, the applicant shall provide an opinion letter from either the voluntary cleanup program of the Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) or from the Washington State Pollution Liability Insurance Agency (PLIA) that states that soil cleanup and planned groundwater monitoring are likely to receive a No Further Action (NFA) or that the project progress and proposed groundwater monitoring is in Partial Sufficiency (PS) of the cleanup and is in substantive compliance with the Model Toxics Control Act. 4. Prior to any occupancy of this site and prior to the issuance of a Temporary or Final Certificate of Occupancy for this site, the applicant shall provide documentation from the Department of Ecology evidencing that the cleanup on the site has been completed (less any required ongoing monitoring) to bring the site in compliance with the Model Toxics Control Act and any other applicable cleanup law. The City’s Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the BMC Renton Site Plan and Street Modification. The DNS-M included four mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on February 6, 2018 and ended on February 23, 2018. Analysis: It has been determined that the environmental impacts of the proposal were adequately addressed under the analysis contained within the project’s issued DNS-M. Based on WAC 197-11-600(4)c, the addendum process may be used if analysis or information is added that does not substantially change the analysis of significant impacts and alternatives in the existing environmental document. This Addendum is appropriate because it contains only minor information not includ ed in the DNS-M and there are no environmental impacts related to inclusion of the new information. The proposed site plan modification would not change the analysis or impacts in the initial SEPA Review, therefore an Addendum to the DNS-M may be issued pursuant to WAC 197-11-625. DocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Review Page 3 of 3 April 1, 2019 DECISION: The City of Renton is hereby issuing a SEPA Addendum pursuant to WAC 197-11-600 to addend the Weatherly Inn project to provide seven (7) additional assisted living units, three (3) additional memory care beds and associated parking. Additional Information: If you would like additional information, please contact Matt Herrera, Senior Planner, City of Renton Planning Division, Department of Community & Economic Development at (425) 430-6593. There is no comment period for this Addendum, dated April 1, 2019 issued by the City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Exhibits Exhibit 1 DNS-M Addendum Exhibit 2 BMC Renton SEPA DNS-M (LUA17-000445, SA-A, ECF, MOD), dated February 6, 2018 Exhibit 3 Compton Lumber Architectural Plan Set ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Public Works Department Date Kelly Beymer, Administrator Community Services Department Date Rick M. Marshall, Administrator Fire & Emergency Services Department Date C.E. “Chip” Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development Date DocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD 4/1/2019 | 2:54 PM PDT 4/1/2019 | 5:49 PM PDT 4/1/2019 | 4:17 PM PDT 4/1/2019 | 2:50 PM PDT C.DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITY—‘“Renton.ANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENTMEMORANDUMDATE:February6,2018TO:EnvironmentalReviewCommittee(ERC)FROM:JillDing,SeniorPlannerSUBJECT:BMCRenton(LUA17-000445)SEPARequestforReconsiderationTheEnvironmentalReviewCommittee(ERC)reviewedtheabovementionedSitePlanReviewapplicationandissuedaSEPADeterminationofNon-SignificanceMitigated(DNS-M)onJanuary8,2018withthreemitigationmeasures:1.ProjectconstructionshallcomplywiththerecommendationsfoundinthesubmittedGeotechnicalreportpreparedbyTerraAssociates,Inc.,datedJanuary24,2017.2.Theapplicant’sgeotechnicalengineershallreviewtheproject’sconstructionandbuildingpermitplanstoverifycompliancewiththesubmittedgeotechnicalreport.Thegeotechnicalengineershallsubmitasealedletterstatingthathe/shehasreviewedtheconstructionandbuildingpermitplansandintheiropiniontheplansandspecificationsmeettheintentofthereport.3.Cleanupand/orremediationofthecontaminatedsoilsonsiteshallcomplywiththerequirementsasoutlinedbytheDepartmentofEcology.TheapplicantshallberequiredtosubmitacopyofaNoFurtherActionletterorcomparablefromtheDepartmentofEcologypriortotheissuanceofanyConstructionorBuildingPermitsontheprojectsite.TheDNS-MwaspublishedonJanuary12,2018withanappealperiodthatendedonJanuary26,2018.ArequestforreconsiderationoftheSEPAdeterminationwasreceivedonJanuary25,2018fromMichaelDaDaltoofBMC.TherequestforreconsiderationrequeststhatMitigationMeasure#3bereplacedwiththefollowinglanguage:“TheapplicantwillprovideanopinionletterfromeitherthevoluntarycleanupprogramoftheWDOEorfromtheWashingtonStatePollutionLiabilityInsuranceAgency(PLIA)thatstatesthesoilcleanupandplannedgroundwatermonitoringarelikelytoreceiveanNFAorthattheprojectprogressandproposedgroundwatermonitoringisinPartialSufficiency(PS)ofthecleanupandisinsubstantivecompliancewiththeModelToxicscontrolactpriortotheissuanceofaconstructionorbuildingpermitforthissite.”TherequestforreconsiderationstatesthatduetotheexistingbacklogatDOEregardingtheEXHIBIT 2DocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD EnvironmentalReviewCommitteePage2of3February6,2018cleanupofcontaminatedsites,constructionshouldbepermittedtocommenceprovidedtheapplicantcandemonstratethattheyareworkingwiththenecessaryregulatoryagenciesregardingthecleanupofcontaminantsonthesite.StaffComment:Theapplicant’srequesttoallowpermitstobeissuedprovidedcleanupworkhasbeeninitiatedincompliancewithstaterequirementsisreasonable,howevertoensurethatthecleanupiscompletedinatimelymanner,theapplicantshouldberequiredtocompletecleanuppriortoanyoccupancyoftheproposedbuildingbeingissued.Recommendation:Inlightoftheadditionalinformationprovidedbytheapplicant,staffrecommendsthattheERCmodifyMitigationMeasure#3andaddonenewmitigationmeasuresuchthatthemitigationmeasuresreadintheirentiretyasfollows:1.ProjectconstructionshallcomplywiththerecommendationsfoundinthesubmittedGeotechnicalreportpreparedbyTerraAssociates,Inc.,datedJanuary24,2017.2.Theapplicant’sgeotechnicalengineershallreviewtheproject’sconstructionandbuildingpermitplanstoverifycompliancewiththesubmittedgeotechnicalreport.Thegeotechnicalengineershallsubmitasealedletterstatingthathe/shehasreviewedtheconstructionandbuildingpermitplansandintheiropiniontheplansandspecificationsmeettheintentofthereport.3.Priortotheissuanceofaconstructionorbuildingpermitforthissite,theapplicantshallprovideanopinionletterfromeitherthevoluntarycleanupprogramoftheWashingtonDepartmentofEcology(WDOE)orfromtheWashingtonStatePollutionLiabilityInsuranceAgency(PLIA)thatstatesthatsoilcleanupandplannedgroundwatermonitoringarelikelytoreceiveaNoFurtherAction(NFA)orthattheprojectprogressandproposedgroundwatermonitoringisinPartialSufficiency(PS)ofthecleanupandisinsubstantivecompliancewiththeModelToxicsControlAct.4.PriortoanyoccupancyofthissiteandpriortotheissuanceofaTemporaryorFinalCertificateofOccupancyforthissite,theapplicantshallprovidedocumentationfromtheDepartmentofEcologyevidencingthatthecleanuponthesitehasbeencompleted(lessanyrequiredongoingmonitoring)tobringthesiteincompliancewiththeModelToxicsControlActandanyotherapplicablecleanuplaw.Appealsoftheenvironmentaldeterminationmustbefiledinwritingonorbefore5:00p.m.onFebruary23,2018.Appealsmustbefiledinwritingtogetherwiththerequiredfeewith:HearingExaminer,CityofRenton,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.AppealstotheExamineraregovernedbyRMC4-8-110andmoreinformationmaybeobtainedfromtheRentonCityClerk’sOffice,(425)430-6510.DocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD EnvironmentalReviewCommitteePage3of3February6,2018DATEOFDECISION:SIGNATURES:FEBRUARY6,2018GreggZimmermjatorPublicWorksDdprtmentKellyBeWA(1DateCommunityServicesDepartment1RickM.Marshall,AdministratorDateDateRentonRegionalFireAuthorityYsI1—C.E.“Chip”Vincent,AdministratorDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentDateDocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD PARCEL NO. 3023059099 PARCEL NO. 3023059091 PARCEL NO. 3023059098 PARCEL NO. 3023059096 PARCEL NO. 3023059085 PARCEL NO. 30230591036,000 SFTWO STORYOFFICE SPACE11,000 SF COVERED LUMBER SALES REMOVE EXISTING ACCESS EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN. INSTALL ONE-WAY SPIKE STRIP. EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN ASPHALT LUMBER SALES AREA 15' BUILDING SETBACK 24'x12' OVERHEAD DOOR 20'x12' OVERHEAD DOOR 10,000 SF RETAIL SALES AREA DUMPSTER AND RECYCLING 423 SF (MIN)S89° 39' 04"E452.25'S9° 28' 54"E 628.23'S89° 45' 25"E321.19'S1° 49' 52"W 658.54'S89° 45' 25"E406.80'S89° 45' 25"E361.01'S89° 39' 04"E167.06'S1° 49' 52"W 108.04' S1° 49' 52"W 1216.80' S1° 49' 52"W 1216.80' EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED PARCEL BOUNDARY LINE PARCEL BOUNDARY LINE PARCEL BOUNDARY LINE PARCEL BOUNDARY LINE 71' ROW EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARY CONTRACTOR SHALL CUT AND PATCH ASPHALT WHERE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM CONNECTS TO EXISTING. NEW 6' BLACK VINYL COATED CHAINLINK FENCE. ACCESS GATE GUARD SHACK EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED 36' INSTALL NEW DRIVEWAY ACCESS MATCH EXISTING SIDEWALK 100' 40' 30' 40' 15' SETBACK EXISTING STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED 56.25' REDUCED WETLAND BUFFER 15' 100' 14' TRUCK SCALE 15' ROOF OVERHANG 15' BUILDING SETBACK 10' BUILDING SETBACK 40' 4,000 SF COVERED LUMBER SALES FFE= 19.5 4,000 SF COVERED LUMBER SALES FFE= 19.5 CONTRACTOR SHALL CUT AND PATCH ASPHALT WHERE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM CONNECTS TO EXISTING. WASHINGTON S R 1 6 7 30' 24' R20'R20' R20' R20'R5' R5' R6' R4' FLAG POLE RESTING AREA 1 2 3 4 TEL FAX www.ahbl.comWEBTELFAXwww.ahbl.comWEBTELFAXwww.ahbl.comWEB 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422TEL 253.383.2572FAX www.ahbl.comWEB TACOMA SEATTLE SPOKANE TRI-CITIES Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 3 TCSDJHDJH/LDJ 11.01.2017 PERMIT SET 2160915.10 PO BOX 817 AUBURN, WA 98071-0817 CONTACT: MR. DARRELL DONOVAN LATITUDE DEVELOPMENT, LLC BMC RENTON A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 30, TWN. 23 N., RGE. 05 E. W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BMC RENTON DATE: November 22, 2017 FILENAME: Q:\2016\2160915\10_CIV\CAD\2160915-SITE.dwg C1.0 2 SITE PLANNGRAPHIC SCALE 0 30 60 1" = 30 FEET 15 SITE ADDRESS 2940, 2960, 2980, AND 2990 EAST VALLEY ROAD RENTON, WA 98057 PARKING NOTES: MINIMUM REQUIRED: 15520 SF LARGE ITEMS SALES AREA - 20 SPACES 6,000 SF GENERAL OFFICES - 10 SPACES 10,000 SF RETAIL - 25 SPACES TOTAL: 55 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED PARKING: 57 SPACES INCLUDING 3 ADA PARKING SPACES FLAG POLE EXHIBIT 3 RECEIVED 12/07/2017 jding PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD 14900 INTERURBAN AVE SOUTHSUITE 138TUKWILA, WASHINGTON 98168(206)859-5500 | FAX (206)859-5501ronhovdearchitects.comARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGSSTACEY HOLDINGS SHOWROOM AND LUMBER YARDRENTON, WA 98168 JOB NO: 2018.60DRAWN BY: LWSCHECK'D BY:TJRDATE: 03/11/19 AR1.1EXHIBIT 4RECEIVED03/18/2019 jdingPLANNING DIVISIONDocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD DocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD DocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD DocuSign Envelope ID: E78DFD02-DC51-4714-9306-1CF3E407ACCD