HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_SPR Cover Letter_230329_v1.pdf
Civil Engineers
Structural Engineers
Landscape Architects
Community Planners
Land Surveyors
2215 North 30th Street
Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98403-3350
253.383.2422 TEL
March 29, 2023
Alex Morganroth
City of Renton
Dept. of Community and Economic Development
Planning Division
1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor
Renton, WA 98057
Project: Hazen High School Portables, AHBL No. 2220980.30
Subject: Land Use Application
Dear Alex:
We are submitting the required Site Plan Review application for the addition of four portables at
Hazen High School. This letter includes a project description and responses to the Site Plan
Review criteria. See the enclosed transmittal for a list of the materials submitted with the
Project Description
The Renton School District is proposing to add four new portable classroom buildings on the
existing 33.3-acre Hazen High School grounds located at 1101 Hoquiam Avenue NE, Renton,
WA 98059. Hazen High School occupies several parcels, the project is occurring solely on
parcel number 1023059278 which is 4.10 acres. Hazen High School is composed of two main
structures, one built in 1969 the other in 2001. The proposed portables are in response to the
need for additional classroom space and smaller classroom sizes. Hazen High School and its
surroundings are zoned Residential 8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and designated Residential
Medium Density in the comprehensive plan. Neighboring uses include a church and single-
family housing.
Each portable is 64 feet long and 28 feet wide with an area of 1,792 square feet. The four
portables will occupy a total area of 7,168 square feet of the existing school parking lot not
including any associated walkways and access ramps and stairs. The portables are proposed
to be located to the north of the existing school buildings and were sited to maintain existing
trees and impervious surface, minimize earthwork, and remain in compliance with Renton
municipal code.
Combined, the portables will provide eight additional classrooms in return for the loss of 51 off-
street parking stalls in the northern parking lot. Since the portables will be placed over the
existing asphalt, there will be no change in impervious surface coverage. Construction is
anticipated to start in late Spring 2023. Renton School District is the SEPA lead agency and
the Consultation process was initiated March 16, 2023. We anticipate issuing a SEPA DNS in
April, 2023.
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March 29, 2023
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Response to Criteria of RMC 4-9-200 Master Plan and Site Plan Review (E)(3)
a. Compliance and Consistency: Conformance with plans, policies, regulations, and
approvals, including:
i. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan, its elements, goals,
objectives, and policies, especially those of the applicable land use
designation, and any applicable adopted Community Plan;
Response: The proposal aligns with the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies
for medium density zones, specifically as it is described in Policy L-15 as
supporting high quality, compact, urban infill development with access to transit
and other infrastructure. The comprehensive plan describes the Residential-8
Zone as lands where there is opportunity to re-invest in existing single-family
neighborhoods through infill or the opportunity to develop new single-family plats at
urban densities greater than four dwelling units per acre. The proposed portables
achieve this through compact infill development and investing in existing
infrastructure in a low-impact manner to fulfill the community’s need for additional
classroom space.
ii. Applicable land use regulations;
Response: The proposal is subject to the R-8 zoning district regulations of RMC
4-2-110A Development Standards for Residential Zoning Designations. Below is a
description of how these standards are being met:
Permitted Land Use: Per RMC 4-2-060 Zoning Use Table and footnote 9, up to
four new portables are permitted on properties with K-12 school use without a
hearing examiner conditional use.
Response: The proposal includes a total of four portables and is therefore within
the permitted use restrictions. The proposal is located on a 4-acre parcel and does
not require a hearing examiner hearing and decision.
Lot Dimensions and Setbacks: The required setbacks for the R-8 zone are: Front
yard: 20 feet for the primary structure; Rear yard: 25 feet; Side yards: 5 feet; and
Secondary Front yard: 15 feet.
Response: There are no changes to the existing lot proposed and the proposal
does not encroach into any of the required setbacks. The setbacks are depicted on
the site plan. A 67-foot setback is provided between the northern lot line and the
proposed portables.
Building + Impervious Surface Coverage: Maximum building coverage is 50% of
the site. The proposed portables will increase the building coverage from an
estimated 53,786 square feet, approximately 30% of the subject parcel, to 60,954
square feet, approximately 34% of the subject parcel – well within the building
coverage restrictions. Maximum impervious surface coverage is 65% of the site.
Response: Impervious surface coverage of the site will not change as a result of
this proposal. It is estimated that the site impervious surface coverage as currently
developed does not conform. Per RMC 4-10-010 Nonconforming lots may be
developed and used if the proposed use is permitted in the zone, and the
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proposed development will comply with the remaining development standards for
the zone and other land use and environmental requirements, as applicable. The
proposed portables are permitted in the R-8 zone and will be placed on top of the
existing impervious surface without changing or increasing the site coverage.
Screening: Per RMC 4-4-095, screening must be provided for all surface-mounted
and roof top utility and mechanical equipment.
Response: There will be no surface-mounted or roof top utility/mechanical
Refuse and Recycling Areas: Per RMC 4-4-090 Refuse and Recyclables
Standards, for nonresidential development, a minimum of 3 square feet per every
1,000 square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for recyclable
deposit areas and a minimum of 6 square feet per 1,000 square feet of building
gross floor area shall be provided for refuse deposit areas with a total minimum
area of 100 square feet for recycling and refuse deposit areas. Dimensions of the
refuse and recyclables deposit areas shall be of sufficient width and depth to
enclose containers for refuse and recyclables, and to allow easy access.
Response: The location and size of the Refuse and Recycling area is depicted on
the site plan.
Parking + Driveways: Per RMC 4-4-080, senior high schools are required to
provide a minimum and maximum of 1.0 parking space per employee plus 1.0
space for every 10 students enrolled.
Response: Based on these values, the City would require a minimum of 325
parking stalls (155 staff + (1,694 students ÷ 10)). There are 465 existing parking
spaces. The portables will require the removal of 51 parking spaces. The parking
supply that would remain after the portable placement is 414 stalls, which meets
the City code requirement (see the Transportation Memo for a detailed analysis).
Bicycle Parking: All non-residential development that exceeds 4,000 gross sf in
size is also required to comply with the bicycle parking requirements of RMC 4-4-
080F.11. The number of bicycle parking spaces required would be based on 10%
of the required number of off-street vehicle parking stalls. Each bicycle parking
space shall be at least two feet (2') by six feet (6'), with no less than an overhead
clearance of seven feet (7'). Bicycle parking shall be conveniently located with
respect to the street right-of-way and must be within fifty feet (50') of at least one
main building entrance, as measured along the most direct pedestrian access
route. Modification of these minimum standards requires written approval from the
Department of Community and Economic Development. An analysis
demonstrating compliance with the bicycle parking standards shall be submitted at
the time of formal land use application.
Response: Vehicular and pedestrian access to the site will not change as a result
of this proposal, all driveways and sidewalks providing access to the site will be
maintained as they are. As described above, 325 parking stalls are required;
therefore 33 bicycle parking spaces are required on the school site. The site is
currently nonconforming with approximately 20 bicycle parking spaces that are
located near the main entrance. The proposal will add an additional 18 bicycle
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parking spaces to bring the site into conformity. The new spaces are proposed to
be added in the proximity of the portables and the two main north entrances to the
Landscaping: Per RMC 4-4-070, the landscaping regulations are only applicable to
additions that increase the gross square footage of a building by greater than one-
third (1/3), other changes in the use of a property or remodel of a structure that
requires improvements equal to or greater than fifty percent (50%) of the assessed
property valuation.
Response: The proposed portables have a combined areas of 7,168 square feet,
well under 1/3 of the existing buildings, therefore does not trigger site-wide
compliance with the landscape standards. The existing landscaping will not be
altered and impacts to adjacent properties will not result from this proposal. All
portions of the development area will be covered by the proposed portables,
walkways, and existing parking and landscaping.
Parking Lot Landscaping: All parking lots shall have perimeter landscaping. Such
landscaping shall be at least ten feet (10') in width as measured from the street
right-of-way. See RMC 4-4-070H.4 for planting requirements. Surface parking lots
with 15 to 50 parking stalls must provide a minimum of 15 square feet of
landscaping per parking space. Any interior parking lot landscaping area shall be
sized to dimensions of at least eight feet (8') by twelve feet (12'), not including the
curb. There shall be no more than fifty feet (50') between parking stalls and an
interior parking lot landscape area. Per RMC 4-4-070 3. Retention of existing
landscaping and existing trees is encouraged. Where possible, existing native
trees and shrubs, rock outcroppings, and mature ornamental landscaping shall be
preserved and incorporated in the landscape layout and can be counted towards
required landscaping. Development or redevelopment of properties shall retain
existing trees when possible and minimize the impact of tree loss during
development. Landscape plans are subject to RMC 4-4-130’s requirements to
protect significant trees and vegetation with habitat value.
Response: The proposal retains all existing trees and landscaping. The proposal
has been deemed exempt from preparing an arborist report or landscape plan.
Relevant Planned Action Ordinance and Development Agreements; and
Response: The proposal is not associated with any planned action ordinances or
development agreements.
iii. Design Regulations: Intent and guidelines of the design regulations located in
RMC 4-3-100.
Response: The proposal includes new structures and is therefore subject to RMC
4-3-100 Urban Design Regulations, more specifically the R-8 or District B
standards. Below is a description of how the proposal meets each applicable
section of the design regulations:
• Location and Orientation: The proposed portables are oriented towards each
other with a pedestrian walkway between them that provides a clear
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connection to the other school buildings. The back of the portables abut
existing parking and the aides of the portables abut a pedestrian walkway that
is protected by the retained parking area landscape islands.
• Building Entries: The proposed portables each include two elevated entryways,
one for each classroom, with a landing, stairs, and ramps that connect to the
walkway. The entryways include human scale elements that meet the intent of
this section.
• Transition to Surrounding Development: The proposed portables transition to
the surrounding school grounds with stairs and ramps connected to walkways
that lead to the existing school building entrances/exits. The existing and
retained parking lot landscaping provides screening and frames the portables
and their associated walkways providing a natural transition. The portables are
a standard and familiar shape and size, proportionate to the surrounding
existing high school campus while also easily distinguishable from the other
school buildings.
• Surface Parking: No additional parking is proposed. The existing parking lot
screening will not change as a result of this proposal.
• Vehicular Access: Existing driveways will not change as a result of this
proposal. Vehicular access will remain the same.
• Pedestrian Circulation: Pedestrian walkways are included in the proposal and
any changes to the surface would be minor and in accordance with the
Surface Water Design Manual. The pedestrian walkway crossings will be
striped and traffic calming speed humps will be provided in the parking area.
• Pedestrian Amenities: The existing parking lot landscape islands will be
retained, which will provide screening for the portables and associated
pedestrian walkways. Both stairs and ramps will be provided to access the
portable entrances.
• Building Character and Massing: The portable windows and entrances provide
some building articulation, but given the building size and modular nature,
extensive articulation and modulation is not appropriate or attainable.
• Ground Level Details: The retained parking lot landscape islands will provide
human scaled landscape features along the perimeter of the portables.
• Building Materials: The portable facades will be composed of fiber cement
siding with grooves and a color scheme that matches the existing school
building (see portable elevations for more material details).
b. Off-Site Impacts: Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses, including:
i. Structures: Restricting overscale structures and overconcentration of
development on a particular portion of the site;
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Response: The portables are an appropriate scale for the site and sited within an
internal parking area to avoid any potential off-site impact.
ii. Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, streets,
walkways and adjacent properties;
Response: Transitions and linkages to off-site properties will be retained and will
not be impacted by the proposal.
iii. Utilities, Loading and Storage Areas: Locating, designing and screening storage
areas, utilities, rooftop equipment, loading areas, and refuse and recyclables to
minimize views from surrounding properties. Locate utilities underground
consistent with RMC 4-6-090;
Response: The utilities serving the portables will be located underground
consistent with RMC 4-6-090. No additional or changes to existing loading or
storage areas are proposed.
iv. Views: Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual
accessibility to attractive natural features;
Response: No views will be impacted by the proposal.
v. Landscaping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between development and
surrounding properties to reduce noise and glare, maintain privacy, and generally
enhance the appearance of the project; and
Response: Existing landscaping is retained and no impact to surrounding
properties is anticipated.
vi. Lighting: Designing and/or placing exterior lighting and glazing in order to avoid
excessive brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets.
Response: Lighting will not impact off-site properties.
c. On-Site Impacts: Mitigation of impacts to the site, including:
i. Structure Placement: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building
placement, spacing and orientation;
Response: The placement of the portables was thought out carefully with
consideration to noise, privacy, spacing, and orientation to arrive at the proposed
location in the existing parking lot to the north of the school. The proposed
placement is the best option for limiting the impact of the additional building
footprint while also remaining safely accessible from the existing school building.
Landscaping and walkways are also proposed to provide screening, pedestrian
access, and to integrate into the existing school campus design.
ii. Structure Scale: Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation to
natural characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities, sunlight, prevailing winds,
and pedestrian and vehicle needs;
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Response: The portables are a standard size and appropriate scale for the site.
iii. Natural Features: Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing
vegetation and soils, using topography to reduce undue cutting and filling, and
limiting and disconnecting impervious surfaces;
Response: All trees and existing landscaping will be retained.
iv. Reducing Parking Impervious Areas: Design parking areas to minimize
impervious surfaces; and
Response: No additional parking or impervious surface coverage is proposed.
Portables will be placed on top of existing parking lot asphalt and all existing
landscaping will be retained to avoid altering the impervious surface coverage.
v. Landscaping: Use of landscaping to soften the appearance of parking areas, to
provide shade and privacy where needed, to define and enhance open spaces,
and generally to enhance the appearance of the project. Landscaping also
includes the design and protection of planting areas so that they are less
susceptible to damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements. Landscaping shall
be consistent with RMC 4-4-070.
Response: All existing landscaping will be retained.
d. Access and Circulation: Safe and efficient access and circulation for all users,
including: Location and Consolidation; Internal Circulation; Loading and Delivery;
Transit and Bicycles; and Pedestrians.
Response: All existing access points to and from the site will be maintained. Internal
pedestrian walkways provide a clear and safe connection between the existing school
and the proposed portables and include striped cross walks and speed humps
throughout the parking area and separation of vehicles and pedestrians where
feasible. The proposal will not impact existing loading and delivery. The proposal will
not impact existing bike parking or bussing operations. Safe pedestrian connections
between parking areas, buildings, and public sidewalks, and adjacent properties are
maintained where they exist and extended to provide further connection to the
proposed portables.
e. Open Space: Incorporating open spaces to serve as distinctive project focal points
and to provide adequate areas for passive and active recreation by the
occupants/users of the site.
Response: No additional open space is proposed. Existing open space, including the
school play fields, will be maintained and no impact is anticipated to result from the
f. Views and Public Access: When possible, providing view corridors to shorelines and
Mt. Rainier, and incorporating public access to shorelines.
Response: No views of this nature will be impacted by the proposal.
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g. Natural Systems: Arranging project elements to protect existing natural systems
where applicable.
Response: The proposed portables are arranged to retain all existing pervious
surfaces and landscaping.
h. Services and Infrastructure: Making available public services and facilities to
accommodate the proposed use.
Response: The portables will include electricity, fire, and communications utilities, all
of which are available on site.
i. Phasing: Including a detailed sequencing plan with development phases and
estimated time frames, for phased projects. Each phase must be able to stand on its
own without reliance upon development of subsequent phases in order to meet all
development standards of this Title.
Response: The project is relatively simple and will be constructed in one development
phase. Installation is anticipated to occur over three months, beginning late spring
2023 with installation to complete by fall 2023.
j. Stormwater: Providing optimal locations of stormwater infiltrating low impact
development facilities. Avoiding placement of buildings or impervious areas on soils
with infiltration capability to the maximum extent practicable.
Response: The portables are to be placed over the existing asphalt parking lot and
have been intentionally sited to avoid increasing impervious surface coverage.
If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 383-2422.
Lisa Klein, AICP
Associate Principal
c: Mike Cato, Renton School District
Calvin Gasaway, Greene Gasaway
\\ahbl.com\data\Projects\2022\2220980\30_PLN\Working_Files\Land Use Application\Site Plan Review letter.docx